A ffl"'1 w (Si Pn YOUR EYES vfl Your eyes are your bread winners. Take care of of them. If you would stop and think what it would mean to be deprived of your eye-sight, how utterly helpless you would be, you wouldn't abuse your eyes in the least but would take the greatest care of them always. The moment you feel that anything is wrong, if your sight is blurred, if you feel dizzy, if your eyes tire easily, you should not lose a minute in having them examined. By being prompt in attending to your eyes at the first sign of trouble you will be able to have the defect speedily and permanently cured. Clinton, The Jeweler. SOCIETY AM) CLUBS. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Thf. hltrh Rplmnl ntiidents will elv Miss Margaret Ware, or uiair, is tnc a dancing party at the Masonic hall i guest of Miss Ida Ottensteln. this evening. Mr anu- Mra Acx Meston, of Scotts Th sowing club of the Catholic Bluff, were the guests of friends In Girls' Club will meet Tuesday evoning town Wedncday while "nrouto to with Miss Hannah Kcllhor. ) Hastings to visit relatives. The lady members of the 500 club' vi'itu tiipitph. kitpimiAY. win mceei lomurruw uiiurnuuii lor uw purpose of arranging the meetings for the coming season. The Domestic Science department of the Twentieth Gontury club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. D. Red field Monday afternoon. Tho Saturday Afternoon Bridge Club will give a seven o'clock dinner com plimentary to Mrs. D. T. Qulgtey at the home of Mrs. L. W. Walker this evening. Mesdamcs II. S. White, J. S. Twlnem and O. A. Hlnman have issued invita tions for a "coffee" at tho Odd Fellows' hall Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. The ladles' auxiliary of the B. of L. F. & E. will hold a social at tho home of Mrs. E. R. Miller 215 south Maple street, Tuesday evening, September 29th. All members are Invited to come and bring a friend. One of the largest functions of the season was given Wednesday after noon when Mrs. II. C. Brock enter tained (lfty ladies at 500 at her home. The rooms were profusely decorated with autumn flowers and a nicely pre pared two-course lunch was served. Mrs. Brock will be hostess at a ken sing ton this afternoon. Mrs. John Voseipka was hostess at a pleasant and Interesting meeting of the Et-a-Virp Club Tuesday after noon. Contests were the entertaining features, Mrs. Dickey and Miss Vo seipka winning the prizes. Enjoyable refreshments were served. Guests of the club were Mrs. H. Thompson, Mrs. Cratt, of Kearney, and Miss Voseipka. Effective Sunday, train No. 11 will stop on flag nt Paxton and Brule, and train No. 14 will stop at Brule, Pax- ton, Sutherland and Hcrshcy I daughter, Mrs. M. II Douglas Al Wright, of Grand Island, spent yesterday in town visiting his mother, who Is seriously 111 at tho homo of her SEPTEMBER 20, "THE SPY." An adaption from James Fennlmore Cooper's famous novel. The story of "The Spy" Is probably the best known of Cooper's novels, and the pictures follow the original story very closely. The wealth of incident presented by the novel is faithfully portrayed on the screen and makes entertainment that is highly welcome to all readers of the b,?st Amercan literature. Following is the cast: Gen.Washlngton, William Worthlngton Harvey Birch, "The Spy" Herbert Rawllnson Katie, his Sweetheart... Edna Maison Major Dunwoodie.. Edward Alexander Henry Wharton Rex De Rosselll Francis, his Daughter Edna Hall This feature is in four parts and with it we will show tho two part Reliance "The Gunman." Six Reels. 10 Cents. FIXE BANQUET PLANS EI) FOR CHURCH MEN'S .MEETING CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Sheriff A. J. Salisbury has traded his two cars an Overland and a Ford, for a- n,9W Bulclc. The deal was made with tho J. S. Davis Auto. Co. II. Iscoonover and O. R. Robinson lult W"diufi'!ny for Keystone to spend f no tlivy I u.iinif,. Mr. Scoorover als-. wont'Up to look after somj business matters. Attorneys Albert Muldoon and Geo. N. Glbbs returned tho early part of tho week from Hayes Center where thoy had been attending th,o term of district Court. CharleB Bacon of Overton was vis iting friends and transacting business in this city tho first of tho weak. Mr. Bacon is connected with the Union Pacific company. D. F. Fclton, manager of tho Oga- lalla baseball team this season, arriv cd in the city Wednesday to spend some ttmo transacting business and visiting friends For Ront Fivo ro,om apartment with br-th. Corner Cth and Willow. Phono Jas. Flynn, black 370. County Commissioner D. B. Whlto loft Wednesday morning for Oahkosh where ho will spend a short time at tho fair and look after sonv) business affairs. Mr. White is selling steel tanks. Parents of children over nlno ycaro of ago nro urged by the librarian of tho Carnrglo library to remember tho children's story hour 10:3Q to 11:30 Saturday morning. Miss Duke will Klvelho talk. Sheriff and Mrs. Salisbury went to Kearney yostcrday, taking with tlwni tho young Fayo boy who wns sen tenced to. .tho reform school. Mr. and Mrs.- aUqbury will attend tho Buf falo Sounty fair whllo In Kearney. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Marovlsh wore guests of Mr, and Mrs. James TYazior" 'yoslorday enrouto to their homq, in Arthur. They wore married at Koarpoy Wednesday. Tho bride was formerly Miss Vorna FUlier, -whose homo was at Hoagland. Lost :6mowhoj3 between Blgncll and A. W. Arnett's a muffler for a 0 horso power cngtno. Finder notify A. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS James W. Elliott lpft Tuesday for Brady Island where he will visit for two weeks with his brother-in-law, Fred Tetro and family, and recuperate from his recent illness. Upon his re turn ho expects to again assume his duties in tho Rexall drug store. Mr. and Mrs. Lpvell, of the Paxton vicinity, nrrived in tho city Tuesday with two children which were taken to the Brown Memorial hospital for treatment. The two children aro both critically HI and the parents are much concerned about their' condition. Lost Pearl and sapphire crescent pin, Finder will bo liberally rewarded by returning to 502 west Fifth St. 71-2 Mr. nnd Mrs. G. F. Wink, of L03 Angeles, , Calif., arrived In the city Wednesday morning and stopped for a visit of a day with their nephew, Dr. O. II. Crcssler and family. They were enrouto to points In the east where they wll make an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Singleton, who had bepn spending several .months In Los Angeles, returned Saturday .and left yesterday for Pittsburg, Pa. They will remain there a couple of weeks and then seturn here. They have not yet decided whether they will spend this winter In North Platte. Short Horn Bull, 18 months old for salo. lnqulro of J. F. Schmalzried.79-5 O. R. Robinson, of the postolllcp force, returned tho first of tho week from an extcnued visit with relatives and fr'cnds in dlfforcnt points In Iowa. He vls'Kd his parents at Luvprno, Ia and also visited friends at Algona and )lhcr points. Ho will ro'mn to his c'mi ts at tho poatofflce today. Wanted 1 modern rooms furnished, must bo first class. Thm ofllco. 71-3 Tho flrd reported in our last issue as being In tho ' rear of Dcrryberry & Forbes hardwaro was a mistake. Tho fire was located at tho rear of their furniture room, but was In tho fur nace room of tho Green rooming house. Tho hardwaro men woro In no way responsible for It, although they as sisted In putting out tho blnzo. W. Arnctt at North Platte. FOR KENT 5 room houso, lot 5, block 137 cast Fourth street. Street No. G03. $12.00 71-1 I porm onth. Lester Walker, Agent. Jiif for if we never iru fcpfiWi m we never succeed . gr Vfe--- c5Sin,cori --fia-B m I r NEBRASKA FARMERS Thero never was a more advantag eous time for you to start your bank account with tho Platte Valley State Dank. With the disturbed conditions that prevail in Europe, the resultant prices of food-stuffs, grain and pro duce give assurance of high prictes for tho bumper 1914 crop in tills country. Tho Platte Valley State Bank is the safest place to store the proceeds from your crop, where your surplus money may earn interest. Platte Valley State Bank, "HARVEST HEADQUARTERS" All Grain Checks Cashed. NorthPIatto Nebraska. Lincoln county residents who took part in tho Indian campaigns, and there aro quite a few of them, will be given honorary medals by the govern ment upon application. Among those entitled to these medals are Major Walker, Luke Healey, P. H. McEvoy, Chas. Hendy, Jack Foster, W. C. Rit- ner and Theodore Lowe, Wanted Girl to do general house work. Call or phone Mrs. N. McCabe, 820 west Fifth street. 71tf Arthur Jackson, Frank Hall and Leo R. Sellers, of the Wellfleyst vicinity were visiting hit he city Tuesday with friends and transacting, business. They announce a farmers' institute which Is to be hold in Wcllfleet October 7th and Sth and that much Interest Is be ing tnkon in it. They have a fine pro gram for tho Institute and they are anticipating an enjoyable time. Tiger Press Drills and binding twine at Hershy's, opposite postofllce. 69tf Word has been receivd here an nouncing that William Adair, propri etor of the North Platte Steam Laun dry, is In theWlso Memorial hospital In Omaha In a serious condition from heart trouble. Mr. Adair has never rccovored from his automobile acci dent of last spring in which his hip was badly dislocated and this new trouble is causing much consternation among his friends. , For Rent Six room modern house. Inquire at 406 cast Third. G9tf License to wed was Issued Wednes day from the ofllco of the county judge to Ncal SchrckongoBt, 23, and Miss Mildred Shirley, IS, both of the Wcll foet vicinity. They were married In this city and left for their home in tho Wcllfleet vicinity. Tho groom Is a sou of G. A. Schreckengost who was a candldato fbr county commissioner from tho second district at tho recent primary diction. Stoves cleaned, repaired and erect ed. Now Is tho tlmo to order your stove repairs. McGovern, Stovo Re pairer, 511 Locust, Phono Red 2C0. GG-G Eight membors of tho local homo stead of American Yeomen piloted bv C. II. Lolnlnger went to Sutherland Wednesday evening where they at tended a party and dance given by the Sutherland honystcad. Thoy left hero In tho early morning and made the trip both wayB by auto, returning In tho weo sum' hours. They report a fine entertainment. The Sutherland peoplo hold a party during tho early part of tho evening and cloacd with a ilanco and supper. Tho Kearney Hub says the action of Lucfen Stebblns of this city In filing as an Independent candidate for con gress In this district sounds "like a volco from tho graji' Mr. Steb blns has not been heard much lately In this section of the country becauso a great part of tho time he has bepn In Chicago holplng to " wnko things up." For a man of his ago ho Is pretty lively tndlvldunl, politically and other wise. What fun ho would havo If he could break Into congross which Is Impossible. For Ront First houso west of the postofllce. Inquire at 122 wsst Fifth street. 71-2 A westorn sheep man going through with a shipment narrowly escaped death at tho dopot yesterday after noon. WhiV tho shoop were being fed at tho stockyards the man camo up town and became moro or loss Intox icated. While In this condition ho at tempted to climb on train No. 2 as It pulled out. Ho was thrown to the ground, but fortunately away from tho car. Not satisfied with his first at tempt, he mado a second grab, but was caught and hauled away by em ployes. Tho trainmen woro so cer tain that the man had fallen beneath tho wheels that they brought tho train to a stop. At the get-together meeting of all of tho church men of the city which is to be held Monday evening, Sep tember 28th, a fine banquet will be given by the ladies of the Baptist church. The meeting will bo held in tho basement of the Baptist church and is for every church man In the city and it is hoped that a good repre sentation will be present. There Is much of interest to come before this meeting and it is expedi ent that the church men turn out in good numbers. A toast list is being prepared and some good addresses will be given by the men of the city. Tho banquet will be served at seven o'clock and the men are asked to come right from their work to the church whero they will be served. FOR SALE Setcral -bundles of cninns, .suitable for liny men. Apply to J. C. "ISLEY, 021 E. 7th St., Xorth Platte, Neb. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Here is Your Opportunity. The World's Best Makes of Pianos at Terms to suit. Kimball, Packard, A. B. Chase, Smith & Barnes, Holland, Crown, M. P. Hail, R. S. Howard, Nelson, Price & Teeple, Wilson, Schaefler, Thompson, Willard, Gaston. Piano players all makes. Victrolas. We will sell you any of the above makes and several others at Prices to suit on Monthly Payments. See our stock at Clinton's Jewelry Store. GASTON MUSIC CO. rjpj The Royal Neighbors social club will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Johnson on east Eleventh street. Father Patrick McDald returned last evening from Elm Creek where he 8p.ont a few days on church mat ters and attending a confirmation class. J. J. Frater returned this morning to his home In David City after a visit in the city of a few days with his brother, Mr. Frater of the Rincker Book & Drug Co. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Fair tonight and Sat urday, warmer tonight. Highest tem eraturo yesterday 79, a year ago 5G; lowest last night 46, a year ago 27. We have a new line of trimmed hats, specially prlood at $4.00 and $5.00, for one day only, Saturday, September 2G, at the Wilcox Department Store. Everett Fonda leaves Monday for Chicago, where he will enter a col lege of dental surgery. For two year3 he has beerr taking the dental course at tho state university but concluded to finish tho jork In a Chicago school. Money to loan on Improved farm lands at eight per cent, no commission to pay. Address D. 18, Tribune of fice. 71-4 Baled prairie hay Is selling at $7.00 per ton on track at North Platte and baled alfalfa at $9.00. As a rule the yield of prairie hay is a llttlo heav er than last year, but for four years past It has been rather light. One tract of 900 acres cut GOO tons this year, while tho same tract ha3 cut as high as 1,100 tons. Albert Hoagland, chief construction engineer oft he C. B. & Q. Railway in Nebraska, died at his homo In Lincoln nfter a week's illness with typhoid fever. Albert was a son of Senator H. V. Hoagland of Lancaster county, and a nephew of Judgo Hoagland of this city. Ho was In charge of the Burlington survey through this city a fow years ago and many of our citi zens becamo acquainted with him at that time. Judge Hoagland and fam ily will attend tho funeral at Lincoln next Sunday. FOR RENT Xlccly furnished room, btrlctly mod ern, no children. lnqulro 802 nest Sixth street. 70-2 IIHPOUT OF TUB CONDITION OF THE McDonald State Bank, of North I'lutte, Chnrter No. C47 In the State of Nebrniika, nt the closo of. buslnt'HH Sept. 21st, 1914. HHSOimCKS I.otuis anil discounts : . $299,9S0.C2 Acute Indigestion. "I was annoyed for ovor a year by attacks of acute Indigestion, followed by constipation," writes Mrs. M. J. Gallagher, Geneva, N, Y. "I tried ev erything that was recommended to mo for this complaint but nothing did mo good until about four months ago I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and procured a bottlo of them from our druggist. I soon realized that 1 had gotten tho right thing for thoy helped mo at once. Since taking two bottles of them I can eat heartily without and bad effects." Sold by all dealers. OverilruftB llondu, securities, Judgments claims, etc UnnkliiK houso, furntturo mid nxturoH Duo from nut'l anil stnto ImnkH $S7,t)33.73 Checktr Htiil Items of exchmiKe .. 797.08 Currency 12,807.00 Golil Coin 2,705.00 Silver, nlcliloH ami cents C,40C 17 Total $141,518.27 I.IAUII.1TIES Capital Htook pnltl in $100,000.00 in lumi . -. 10,500.00 tiled profits, Net 17.633.20 42S.07 1B.500.00 15,000.00 110.60S.9S Surplus divided iir Individual Io)oh Ulii its subject to check mo.,352.44 Demand certifi cates of depos it 13.611.61 Tlmo certincates of deposit .... 109,368.16 Due to national nnd state bnnks 16,479.21 309.S11.42 Depositors' Kuarunty fund.... 3,573.65 Total $441,518.27 State of Nebrnskn, County of Lincoln, ss I, w. II. Mcdonald, cashier of the above named bank do hereby swear that tho above statement Is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State linnklnpr Hoard. W. U. MoDONALD, Cashier. Attest' C1IA8 McDONALD. Director J. U. McDONALD, Director. Subscribed und sworn to before me this 25th day of September, 1914. GUO U. FRENCH, Notary Public. PHONE 90 PHONE 90 New Spuds $1 per Bushel These are New, Home-Grown Potatoes and are of the BEST. 1 9 J Baldock & Son THE BEST IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Basement of The HUB. Phone 90 M s-afiQ-Z I'l B This is the Motor That Will Do the Work of Several Ordinary Motors. A few inexpensive attachments of the simplest nature make it a sewing machine motor, a buffing motor, a grind ing motor, a flexible shaft buffing motor, an exhaust or ventilating fan motor. All attachments are standard and may be purchased singly at any time. A good little motor to stimulate the heating system in severe weather. Re member this, you will have occasion to think of it later. North Platte Electric Co. C. It. 3E011EY, ainnnger. MHHHHHflHHHEXSHHHMMKSflHMMHMBBnitfflMHIBHBHBHrtlHMH - V . 1-jAXto 1. VftvNs v"..2 tit w fi iX 1 Hold a Policy on Your House nnd you need ncer be nfrnld of a Arc. Tlint Is, of the finnncliil loss usually suffered nfter a fire. .A policy In our Company Is a protection tlint really protects. .It costs you little, but It mny sine you thousnmls of dollnrs. I)o not delay about insuring your property against fire. Dclnys nro dniigcrous. Sec me nbout a policy nt once. C?L HPreiira ,ra ... w . v am .! ML. ' mn. WAHT REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INSURANCE ROOMS JLANP2, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. The Enjoyment of Home Is not complete to the one who Btnokei unlets he Is a user of our cigars Our hand mado cigars are made of the beBt tobacco, under sanitary conditions, and aro a local product that warrants their use. If you are not smoking our cigars, try them. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. " i