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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1914)
1- f 1 1 1 1 1 II H I M W II 1 1 1 1 1 CHUKCH 3IE TO ORGANIZE -si fr A k . lJ i 4r v J , w Mr FOR THE lk S FALL WEDDING W tm i & . rvi I Sparkling Cut Glass Makes a most useful and beautiful gift. We have just received a new line of attractive pieces that will make you want to buy when you 'see them. These pieces arc all deeply cjtt with the latest artistic patterns. See our Jine of Nappies, Trays, Sugar arid Cream Sets, 4 Vases, Pitchers, Berry Dishes, etc. :; When shopping do not fail to stop and see the cut glass display in our show window. DIXON, THE JEWELER. .Object It to Unionize Efforts for tlic Betterment of the City Churches. Plans aro on foot for a union meet ing of nil the church nion of the city to bo hold Borao timo next week at which it is hoped thnt somo arrangement can be made to unionize tho efforts of the church men nnd get them on a working basis for the bet terment of nil tho churches of tho city. This movement has sprung out of tho base ball ntiguo of tho churches and it has been tho general opinion that it was to be for tho ball players alone. However, it is to go decpor thnn that and is to tnko in all of the church men of tho city, who wish to becomo members. No definite plans of tho meeting have yet been made, but it is tho in tention of tho men having it in charge to mako this a permanent organiza tion, having as its aim tho betterment of tho churches and tho unionizing of efforts among men. ItAILllOAD NOTES ! DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, S Graduate Dentist. S Office over the McDonald J m State Bank. : : Tho county commissioners convened in session today and wll probably transact county business for several days. The Christian Aid sicicty will meet in the church basement Thursday af ternoon. A large attendance Is de sired. Miss Gertrude Herrod, of Columbus, arrived in tho city Saturday for a visit with tho John Herrod family and other CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Short Horn Bull, 18 months old for sale. Inquire of J. F. Schmalzried.79-5 Mrs. G. R. Smith and son, of Denver, Snvo been visiting in town for several ays. y ! W.-'t. Banks and son Roy left Surr day for St. Joe, Mo., to purchase goods for The Hub. For Sale A High Grade Hard Coal Burner. Large size, cheap. Inquire at 813 W. 4th St. 70-2 A son was born Saturday evening to Mr. and Mrs. yilllam Refior, residing threo miles south of, the city. District Judge Grimes and Court'Re porter P. J. Barren left yesterday morning jtor Gandy to hold a session of district court. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Thoelecks re turned Sunday evening from Omaha, where 't,hey. spent two weeks visiting relative's and friends. Mrs. Georgo W. Rdborts and Mrs. W. H. Plumsr and daughter Miss Alice of Maxwell were visiting friends in tho city Saturday and shopping. B. R. anil Clinton York, A. B. Hoag land and County Treasurer A. N. Dur bin left Saturday for the lake country to srnd a few days an a hunting trip. The ladies' aid societyfof the Metho dist church will m,?et Thursday after noon with Mrs. J. S. Twinem, 404 west Sixth street. A large'.attendance is desired. Mrs. Isaac Dillion and Mrs. L. W. Walker and daughter Margaret re turned Saturday from a two weeeks' visit at the Mrs. Sidney Dilllion ranch north of Keystone. iviina Tnoonhlno linrnum. dauchter of M. K. Barnum, formerly division fore man in this city, will be married at La Grange, 111., October 10th to Theodore L. Bearse. I. E. Olesen, living Bouthwest of town, returned Saturday from a visit In Holdredgo and other towns in that section. Hp says tho dry weather hit that part of the state even worse than It did Lincoln county, and that we are in better shape than they aro in that section. The barn on the premises of T. J. Adams at 702 West Second street burned about one o'clock Saturday night. The Are had mnde consider able headway before an nlarm was sent in and by tho Urns the hose truck arrived there was but little of the building to save. remtlves and friends. Frank McFadden, of Keystone, was in town Saturday enroute homo from South Omaha, where lip marketed several cars of cattle. North Platto friends of I. B. Bost wick will regret to learn that he has suffered i relapse from typhoid fever andisJt again in a serious condition. Dr. Mario Ames has filed her petl-tiott-in tho district court praying for a divorce from her husband Dr. A. J. Ames, on the ground of incompatibil ity. Th,? Musical Department of the Twentieth Century club will meet with Mrs. E. F. Seeberger Friday afternoon. All members aro requested to be present. i Mrs. O'Brien, wife of Conductor P. L. O'Brien, accompanied by their youngest son, arrived from Willow Springs, Mo.,, Saturday. They will visit here for a month. W. S. Leon has traded hlsresldence on south Dewey street to Ed Noble for a farm of 130 acres lying about a mile west of Maxwell. Mr. Leon will build a new home on a lot ho owns In the Cody addition. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Baker came down Saturday from their Arthur county honystead and remained until today, Mr. Baker having business before the county court in the probating of his father's estatj. We wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kindness and sym pathy during the sickness and death of our little daughter and for tho beau ful floral offerings Mr. and Mrs. Elmer owens anu ramyy, The latest scheme looking toward securing a site for a country club Is to purchase 240 acres north and west of Lamplugh's lake. wnue Horse Creek runs through the tract and tho topography Is such that a large lake could easily bo created. Work on the new bridge south of Sutherland Is progressing rather slow ly, so slow In factthat one of the commissioners, who went out to view It yesterday, remark-d, that the con tractors would probably have It com pleted about next July. Mrs. A. W. McKcown and mother, Mrs. Eliza J. Haines, returned Sat urday night from Denver where they spent a week visiting friends and enjoying an outing. While in that city they attended tho "Bllllo" Sunday tabernacle meetings and they report that Mr. Sunday is doing great work there. General Manager Wore passed east Sunday morning on train No. 1G. Special Agent Tom Watts, of Grand Island, spent Sunday in town visiting relatives and friends. Engineer D. C. Congdon left Satur day morning for a visit at his old homo in Connnecticut. Mrs. Congdon accompanied him as far as Chicago. Indicative of the hpavy freight tralflc now passing over the Union Pa cific, nine freight trains were sent west out of the yards Sunday after noon. C. L, Patterson, of Omaha, chief of tho Union Pacific secret service, was visiting relatives and friends nnd transacting business in the city over Sunday. Pnt Flynn. at dne timo foreman at the local coal chutes, but of- late living at Denver, submitted to an oper ation Saturday for an abscess near the Jugular vein that threatened his life. An additional freight engine crew was placed In service on tho Third district today. There aro now eight een crows In service on tho Third dis trict and nineteen on tho Second dis trict. Engineer Joe Schwalger and Con ductor Jim Dorrnm have returned from Arthur county where they went on a hunting trip last week. They were very- successful In killing pralrH chickens. With tho amount of freight traffic now going over tin road, nn official says that If there was a single track instead of double, the crews running on the Third districUwould bo twenty six or twenty-eight Instead of eighteen. Foreman McEvoy, of the car re pairers, spent several days in Den ver last week, returning homo Sunday, lie says Denver has pic appearance of a dead town, and the number of unemployed men hanging around tho labor agency is enormous. Probably ona of the most peculiar damage suits ever tried was appealed Saturday by the Missouri Pacific Railroad company to tho supremo court of Nebraska. John Hutton, walk ing on the track of the company near Julian, became tired and lay down to rest on the rock ballast nar tho trnck. An extra freight train camo along and cut off his hand nnd broke both of his arms, nnd a jury gavo a verdict for $1,500 damages against tho company. He was a trespasser on the company's right-of-way but that seemed to make no difference with tho jury. Hllmer Thompson of Chappell spent Sunday In the city visiting relatives and friends. He also visited at the home of Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Goldsmith, residing in the country. Mrs. Thompson had been visiting here for several weeks and they both returned yesterday to their home in Chappell. Having just returned from tho east, Kansas City and Omaha, I hnvo added to my parlor equipment an electric High Frequency Violet Ray Machine and am now prepared to give Electrical Treatments for the Scalp, and Facial Massage and Falling Hair, Etc. Phone 201 for appointments. 70-3 MRS. C. M. NEWTON. The number of golf enthusiasts Is In creasing weekly and ambling around tho links at tha Country Club is now a regular Sunday nftqrnoon pnstime. Jim Keefo can drive 'a ball several hundred feet with an ease and grace that creatjs envy nmong the other golfers. Misses Marie Stack and Mary Tlgho returned last evenlg from Lincoln whoiy they Bpent several days visiting relatives and friends. Miss Maude Owens will entertain tho Telllkum girls at her homo this ovelng. Mrs. Mary Gutherless left yesterday for Omaha where she will spent a few days visiting Mrs. Oscar Stiles. The Rippleton is a Wooltex coat that you should try on DO not decide on your Fall wrap until you have seen this luxurious, gracefully hanging wrap, which has heen reproduced from one of the smartest new Bernard models. It is made of rich furcttc, which ripples in sumptuous folds, giving this garment a style and character that has rarely been equalled. The semi-flare collar has long tabs that cross in front, giving a very handsome effect, while furnishing pro tection, as the collar may be closed for rough weath er wear. The coat is lined with rich peau de cygne. Price 330.00. The Rippleton is three-quarter length. " If you should desire a full length coat, you should see the Wind shield or the New Marchioness, or one of the, many other superb Wooltex wraps shown in our stocks; all at very moderate prices. PARTNENT ST0R1 THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX fc COATS SUITS SKIRTS iHj PyliiEwiW J 796 8 Ce-ytltht 1914 The II. niici Co. h ; Notice to Water Consumer. n order to get water bills ready by October 1st our moter readers will stUrt, reading meters on Monday, September 21 st. As tho discount per iod Is so short and so many of our customers forget to bring their bills we have decided to try a new method. Instead of mailing tho bills ns for merly they wll bo kept In tho olllce and In their place the meter reader will leiue a slip giving the water rnt,es and also tho last and present readings of tho meter, from which the consumer can obtain tho amount of wutor used and what the bill will be. TJils will save the water department about $10.00 In postage and savo con siderable time in tho ofilco making out duplicate bills. Bills will be mailed to business men and non-residents aB formerly so they can mall us their checks with bills. To obtain discount all checks must be mailed to reach tho water ofilco not later than the 10th of October. Our meter readdrs are Instructed and expected to be courteous and tho Water Commissioner would appreciate it if consumers will let him know of any case whero meter render is saucy or discourteous in any way. HERSHEV S. WELCH, Water Commissioner. Real Estate Bargains. CITY AXI) COUSTY NINVS "Dividends nnd Denth" will bo tho subject discussed at tho Woman's So cialist Study class which will moot Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. L. It. Duke, 820 west Fifth street. Among tho tourists In town this n om'ng wero two parties from Mich igan, ono driving a Winston six, tin other a Plorco-Arrow six. Luther Hurbank, tho agricultural wizard of California, was a passongcr on train No. 1 yesterday. Ho looks tho part of a farmer, plain and common place, but very pleasant Ho was ac companied by his sister A bad flro was narrowly avorted this morning In tho Dorryborry & Forbes hardwaro by tho prcsenco of mind of ono of tho nv?n. Tho blnzo was started In tho rear, of tho furnlturo room nmong somo excelsior nnd old boxes. Ono of tho mn was burning Ilica and dropped somo burning brands Into tho oxcclHlor and it blazed up nnd threatened tho building. Ho ran into tho licnlwaro department and nttachod tho fire hoso and had tho blazo put out befoic any great dnmago wa's done. foirilKNT Houses, Itoonih, 'n r m nnd Hay Lauds, Safe Deposit lloxea nnd Stor age Room. IlltATT & GOOIWAN. Now (built this fall) five room hous" with bath room nnd closets. Basement uiulor whole house. Nicely finished. Located on west 4th street, Just one block west of tho old Cody property. Price $2100.00. Easy terms. Five room house on W. 9th street, just 1V blocks west of th3 business section. Nice largo shade trees. Water In house and connected with sower. Prico $1500.00. Good terms. Ono of the best residences in the TJilrd ward, located on W. 4th street Just four blocks out. 12 rooms, mod ern In every respect. One of tho best homes In tho city. For prices and terms kso tho agent. Choice residence lots In all parts of tho city. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -oL- XORTII PItATTIS, NJSJSlisYSICA. Member federal Reserve Bank System. CAPITAL AIVD SUUl'LUSt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE HAVE BEEN THE FACTOHS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS BANK, AND THE SAME CAKEEUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LAltGE BALANCES. INTEREST PAID ON TINE DEPOSITS. C. F. Temple. The bans of mnrriago wero pub lished Sunday from St. Patrick's church for AVUlliam Stack nnd Miss Pearl Hollnnd. Thp wedding is to tnko place the early part of next month. Mrs Chris Paulson and daughter Matle spent. Sunday in Sutherland ns the guests of the Shoup family. Rollio Cockle, of this city, spent Sunday visiting his parents in Sutherland. The Three C's Character, Cash and Credit. The greatest of these is CHARACTER, be cause it enables you to get the other two, if you have some ability to mix with it. When the bank is acquainted with your Character and your Cash is on deposit with it you are in a position to commond Credit. Then you are in a fairway to succeed. Start across the C's today by starting a bank account with the McDonald State Bank, ' 'Oldest Bank in Lincoln County PAID UP CAPITAL $100,00.00. Buchanan & Patterson's Bargain List. Nice 6 room cottage, corner lot, shade trees, toilet in house, connected with sewer, city water, electric lights, nice porches, on West 7th street, five blocks from new round house. Price $2,250 easy terms. Good G room cottage, with bath, toilet, electric lights, city water, 920 West 6th street, a bargain at $2,500.00. Good new 12 room frame dwelling on North Side, well lo cated for boarding or rooming house, modern except heat. Worth $5000.00, our price $3500.00 easy-terms. " Fine 8 room cottage with basement, electric lights, city water, toilet, bath and heat. Convenient to new round house. Price $3700.00. Terms easy. The handsome modern two story dwelling 1110 West Fourth street. Price 34000.00. Easy terms. If you are in the market for a home let us show you our list. We can save you money and loan you money to buy with. v Buchanan & Patterson, Rooms 3 and 4 New B. & L. Building. I1B Let Electricity do some of your Work. It will do it Cheaper and Faster than you can. A single motor will run the sewing machine, polish everything thnt needs polishing and grind the knives. It will also remove cooking odor from the kitchen, ventilate the bed room, and make the furnace give more heat. It is the Wcstinghousc General Utility Motorone Motor with the simplest possible attachments for all these different duties. Current costs less than a cent an hour. North Platte Electric Co. C. R. MOREY Manager