The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 22, 1914, Image 4

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Your eyes are your bread winners. Take care of
of them. If you would stop and think what it
would mean to be deprived of your eye-sight, how
utterly helpless you would be, you wouldn't abuse
your eyes in the least but would take the greatest
care of them always.
The moment you feel that anything is wrong, if your
sight is blurred, if you feel dizzy, if your eyes tire
easily, you should not lose a minute in having them
examined. By being prompt in attending to your
eyes at the first sign of trouble you will be able
to have the defect speedily and permanently cured.
Clinton, The Jeweler.
Noted Suffragist Secured liy Locnl Asv
Hocladon for .Siimlny, October 11th
Dr. Anna Shaw, noted the world
over as a suffragist speaker, will Bpeak
In th; city Sunday afternoon, October
11th, under the auspices of the local
suffrage association, according to ar
rangements completed Saturday even
ing. She will arrive here In the after
noon and will spend two hours In this
North Plate should feel especially
honored in having one of the note of
Dr. Shaw to speak, even though she
will be here for such a short time. The
local organization was able to secure
her for the reason. that this Is a ter
minal and she would be obliged to
stop hero for a short time and while
doing this she assented to remain over
ono train and favor the North Platte
people with an address.
Dr. Shaw Is well known the worfd
over, having representeed America on
several different occasions at confer
ences in Europe. She was the Ameri
can representative at the recent suf
frage congress.
Negotiations are on foot to secure
the Keith theatre building for her to
lectur.e In as that Is the only building
that will accommodate the crowd that
will undoubtedly turn out to hear
her. However, no definite arrange
ments for the building have yet been
mmi'i' ''.i .!
Mrs. Walter O'Connor rsturncd Sun
day from a week's visit In Lincoln and
B. Vf. Wilson, who has been quite
sick for some timo is reported slightly
Bort M. Reynolds left yesterday for
Sidney to look after some architec
tural ivork.
Mrs, Samuel Goozec went to Omaha
Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Fred Elliott.
Attorney M. E. Crosby left yestorday
morning for Oandy to attend ths term
of district court.
W. W. Burr, government Irrigation
export, l,oft yesterday for Denver to
look after somo business matters.
Miss Gladys Hall returned tho latter
nart of last weok from a three weeks'
visit with Miss Erma Robinson In Den
Dr. W. T. Prltchard left yestorday
morning up tho tho branch to look af
ter some stock shipments at different
Mrs. John L. Burke, who had boon
visiting in Seattle and other western
points, for sovcral months, returned
Saturday night.
Mrs. C. E. Peaeso, residing on north
Walnut street, Is reported very sick.
She was taken worso again yesterday
morning, but Ib reported bettor again
this morning.
R. A. Mlllor, of Ashland, Nob., arriv
ed In tho city yesterday morning for a
visit 6t some tlmo with Supt. W. P.
Snyder at tho experimental sub-station
and with other friends.
Dean J, J. Bowkor loft Sunday after
tho morning service for Ogalalla,
whore ho preached at tho afternoon
uorvlco for Rev. Henry Ives. Ho re
turned homo last .evening.
J, A, Robinson, state oxamlnor of
county olllcers, arrived In tho city yes
terday morning and will spond several
days In tlft' city checking over tho ac
counts of the County treasurer,
Stoward Sjihlth, of tho Elks' club
has BtagoaVanothcr billard tournamont
with abolit twenty-flvo playors In each
of tho two teams. Tho victors will bo
treated to a supper by tho losers.
Jerry Bowcn returned Friday after
noon from Omaha, whero h3 went last
week to consult an eyo specialist.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hlller, of Chicago,
arrived In tho city last week and visit
ed for a Bhort time with Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Donclson.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Donclson, of
Farnam, wpro visiting In the city last
week with Mr. Donelson's brother, H.
A. Donclson, and family.
Paul Hopppn, lesseo of tho Empress
theatro, went to Keearnoy Saturday to
bo present at the ro-openlng of a the
atre of which ho Ib tho owner.
Sheriff Salisbury returned Saturday
trom Deuel county whero ho went to
help thresh the wheat crop on his
farm. His tenant had out one hundred
acres and the avorage yield was twen-ty-ono
bushels to tho acre.
Tho county commissioner and John
R. Rltner left yesterday morning for
tho Sutherland vicinity to look over n
bridge which is undor construction
thero undor the supervision of Mr. Rlt
ner. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crcsslcr returned
homo last evening from a trip of eight
months through tho east. They left
January 23 and visited all through
Pennsylvania, New York, Indlann,jllll
nols, Iowa, 'Kansas and at other
Tho funeral of tho lato John Coker,
of Sutherland, was lwld at that placo
Sunday uftcrnooon In charge of tho
Masons. Thirty North Platto mem
bers drovo up In cars, and thero were
membors from Hershoy and Wallace.
Tho ofllco of tho county treasurer Is
a very busy place this week on account
of having to mako out tho delinquent
tax records. This Is tho last week that
delinquent tax,os can bo paid boforo
tUoy will bo advertised which necessi
tates that the list bo mado out in full.
Next Sunday will be obsorved as
Rally Day at tho Baptist church and
a fliyj program Is being prepared for
tho occasion. Tho services will be
gin nt ten o'clock In tho morning, tho
regular Sunday school hour, and will
last through the regular church sor
vlco hour. All membors aro urged to
bo present and enjoy tho benefits that
aro to bo derived from a service of
this character
"Xonrly Jlarrled" Is Funny,
"Nearly Married," which comes to
the Keith on the evening of October
1st is an awfully funny farce. Tho
story Is funny but to sec it acted Is
funnier. A man and his wife decide
that they want a divorce. When it is
about to bo granted they docide to
make up, then they start on their
second honeymoon without telling
their friendH of tho reconciliation. A
meddlesome brother, who is also tho
wife's attorney, arrives with the de
cree five minutes after tho couple have
loft for parts unknown and tho race
is to overtake tho wife who Is no
wife and tho bridegroom who can't be
on,o Is on. Talk about funny situa
tions nnd hearty laughs, "Nearly
Married" is just one roar after
another from the time the curtain
goes up on the first act until its
final fall on the third when the audlece
is in a veritable laughing panic.
Agree on War Revenue Tax.
An emergency revenue bill to pro
vide $105,000,000 taxing beor, wines,'
gasoline, sleeping and parlor car
tickets, insurance, telegraph and
tLophonc messages, amusements and
a variety of documents, was agreed
upon Saturday by tho democratic
members of tho house ways and means
Tho republicans of tho commmittee
will bo called In Tuesday to vote on It,
and tho house will begin considering It
next Thursdny.
Republicans of both house and sen
ato already have gone on record in
opposition to nny war tax measure.
The democrats hope to rush tho bill
through tho house and tho big fight
against It, It Is realized, will be in tho
I We are
Still continues and is being largely patroniz
ed. New styles are arriving daily, thus
keeping up-the stock to the maximum.
To those who have not yet made purchas
es, we suggest that they do not delay. The Vl
weather is warm, but it wijl not long cbn
tinue so, and you will need heavier wearing
No store in North Platte offers you the
assortment, the styles and the low "prices . .
that are found here.
A large and beautiful line of Shirt
Waists, in Siks and Crepes, has just
been received. These range in price
as low as $1.50. ' ""
Register for Football.
Thrco North Platte boys who aro
in tho Freshman class at the state
university this year havo registered
us cligiblcs f6r the foootball squad.
Thoy aro Clarence Day, Joo Doncgan
and Paul Ottenstcln, and all three
weno members of tho local high school
team. With Vic Halllgan as captain
and Pat Norrls a member of tho regu
lar team, and three other North Platto
boys in lino for positions on the second
team, thlB town certainly shows up
receipt of a very beautiful
line of Silks, in Roman Stripes, suitable
for Waists, and also Trimmings.
I JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor. j
;au xru .
for if we never iru
xJ U -J
we flever succeed
tomorow and every other clay, you'll
find a check account with the Platto
Valley State Dank mighty handy In
keeping an accurate record of your
money affairs.
Take note how many business
men pay you In cash? Very few for
business men cannot take chances
by carrying money about. The safe
way is the business-like way our
bank checks.
Try paying with checks..
, Platte Valley State Bank,
All Grain Checks Cathcd.
North Platte
Celebrate Gild Anniversary.
Tho sixty-third anniversary of tho
founding of tho Rebekah degree lodge
was eolobrated Friday Evening by
members of tho local order Odd
Fellows who were guests. Mrs. John
E. Evans delivered an address on
"Tho Occasion," musical selections
"Th,9 OccAsslon," muslrcal selections
woro rendered by Miss Mario Hoag-.
land, Miss Cro Dlcner, Mrs. Ora De
Ford and Prof. Klein and a reading
by Miss Ituth Elder. Following this
program refreshments were served
by a commmltteo and an hour or so
spent In a "good tlmo."
Thrown by u Dog.
Tho fifteen year old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hoatson of tho Hcr
slv?y vicinity was badly bruised In this
city Saturday ovening when a dog ran
Into her and knocked her to the side
walk. Tho accident happened at tho
corner of Sixth and Dowcy streets.
Tho girl was crossing tho street and
a largo dog attempting to got out of the
way of an automobllo ran into her. She
was taken to tho Rexall drug store
whero It was found that her Injuries
woro not of a serious natun but she
was badly bruised from tho fall.
Mail Service Information
Postmaster Davis Is getting out for
the benefit of business men and others
mimeograph circulars giving the hours
at which tho mall for tho various
trains close, the territory which Is
served by each train and qther Infor
mation relative to tho mall service.
This Information will be gladly re
ceived by business men, few of whom
know when the mails close and often,
to play safe, mall many of tlwlr letters
at the depot.
(frrjejTXour Account WW?
North Platte (ilrls Pledged.
Among tho 100 co-eds pledged by
ip sororities of tho stato university
laBt Saturday ovening woro four North
Platto girls, MIssps Myrtlo Ileelc, Nan
luo Iddings and Luclllo Wilcox were
pledged by tho Pi Beta Phi and Miss
Helen Waltemath by tho Alpha Phi.
Theso aro thrco of tho Oreok inter
soclotlcs reprcsontcd at tho univer
sity, and to bo pledged Is to bo rec
ommeded for membership.
Card of Thniiks.
Wp publicly express our sincere
thanks to tho friends who gavo as
sistance during tho illness and at tho
tho funeral of our daughtor Gladys,
and to tho societies for tho many beau
tiful lloral tributes. Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Perkins and Family.
Maurice Fowlor returned Sunday
from Grand Island whero ho mar
keted a car of horses. Ho will ship
anothor carload this w.eek. Thero
Is a demand for war horses for export
td Europo, but tho requirements for
theso horses aro such that only ono In
twenty-flvo of tho general run is ac
cepted. At Grand Island Sunday out
of 1200 head op Balo less than fifty
were accepted for war purposes.
Several of Mr. Fowlor's passed muster.
Tho Woman's Homo Missionary so
ciety of tho Methodist church will give
an lco cream social Friday afternoon
and evening at tho homo of Mrs. M. E.
Scott, 220 west Second street. Every
body cordially Invited.
z For Sale.
Eight room houso In North Platto.
All modern except heat. Will trade
for stock or lots. Phone Black 460.
70-2 y
Episcopalians Win Championship
In the final gamo of ball in Uvj
church league, played Friday evening,
tho Episcopalian team defeated tho
Christian team by a score of four to
two. This seven inning gamo proved
v,?ry snappy, tho score standing ono to
ono for flvo Innings. In the sixth in
ning the Episcopalians pushed over
threo runs, nnd In tho seventh the
Christians mado a score. The batteries
woro Swop.o and Munger for tho vic
tors and Husband and Clabaugh for
the vanquished. A good sized crowd
witnessed the game and the excitement
was tense throughout tho contest.
Several bundles of canvas, suitable
for hay men. Apply to J. 0. NISLEY,
021 E. 7th St., Kortli Platte, iNcU.
Xews About Former Residents
Tho Tonapah (Nov.) Bonanza of
September 9th contains a notice of the
marrlago of Miss Eva Plorcy, the
youngest daughtor of J. C. Plercy, for
merly of this city, to M. II. Hatton of
Tonapah. Tho groom Is connected
with tho Tonapah & Gold Field rail
road. Tho same pnpor In Its Issue
of September 8th tolls of a cable
mossago from Honolulu announcing
tho birth of a daughter to Mrs. C. D.
Ashor, formerly Miss Agnes Plorcy.
Have Itelnthes in the German Army
Quito a number of North Platto res
idents have relatives In tho German
army and aro naturally much dis
turbed over tho news of heavy fight
ing and loss of llfo. Mrs. Fred Walte
math has threo brothers In tho ser
vice, tho youngest of whom is eigh
teen. Tho paronts aro aged people
and tho sons were their support, but
the boys woro called and had to tako
up arms agalnBt tho few. F. C. Walte
math has two brothers and nine cou
sins In the German ranks.
Snlo on IVnll Paper.
Twenty-flvo per cent off on all stock
orders. Must rcduco our stock nt
Our Telephone Policy
To give the best telephone service that we know
how to produce.
To charge the lowest possible rates consistent
with prompt and efficient service.
To treat every patron with the utmost courtesy
and consideration.
To win and merit a reputation for- integrity,
efficiency and decency.
To instill these principles in the minds of every
one of our employees, from the oldest to the. young
est, and to have these employees proud of the Com
pany proud to serve it and its patrons, and jeal
ous of their own and the Company's good name.
"We Advertise So the People May Knozv."
:x '(.
Hold a Policy on
Your Mouse
and you need never be afraid of a
That Is, of the financial loss u'si
suffered nfter a fire. .A policy In our.i,
Company Is n protection that really;;,".
iiiiiiL-vin. ,ii cu-jiH jou nine, out it'
may save you thousands of dollars.' i
Do not delay about insuring youri
property against fire. Delays are'''
dangerous. See me about a liollcy at if!
George Huntington came down from
his ranch north of Paxton Saturday
and vtBlted his parents for a day or
two; George succeeded In raising a
good crop of corn which he will feed
to his bunch of hogs.
Tiger Press Drills and binding twine
at Hershpy's, opposite postotnee. C9tf
:i -t X? '.