The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 22, 1914, Image 1

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    Stntc Historical Society1 j
4411 &$
No. 70 '
S. A. 3Iendo of tills City Among those
Indicted by the Federal (Jrand Jury
Last "Week.
S A. M,eado of this city Is Included
In the list of indictments brought
last week by the federal grand Jury
of the federal district court at Omaha
against some thlrty-nlno men charged
with using tho mails for the purpose
of defrauding. Tho case is to bo
heard Monday of next week in Omaha
and Deeler & Crosby of this city will
appear for Mr. Meade.
In the list is also included E. C.
Hodder, a prominent attorney of Oma
ha. It seems that a corporation was
organized by a number of men for the
purpose of selling a large number of
raugo horseu reputed to be located in
Arizona. After a buyer had paid his
money over ho was left to find the
horses in that state and would prob
ably find a few horses carrying tho
brand represented by the corporation,
but the horses wee so few that it was
a clear case of fraud. Tho company
also used tlyj malls for advertising
which caused their indictment for de
frauding through the United States
Just how Mr. Hodder is implicated
in tho business is not definitely known
as ho is a man of good reputation. Mr.
Meade, however, was employed by the
company and lold horses for them.
Later he was allowed to go to Ari
zona and he then discovered tho fraud
and quit the company. It is the opin
ion that he was indicted for the sake
of getting him to the trial as a wit
ness. He waB arrested by tho local of-
fleers, but is now gut on bonds.
Don Clnbuiigh In Chili.
J. F. Clabaugh receiVed a letter yes
terday from his son Don who Is now
in Chili, South America. Don, who
is in the employ of the Standard Oil
Co., sailed on a ship carrying tho Ger
man flag and ladened with oil. When
they reached a Chilian port the vessel
and its crow and passengers was de
tained by reason of the flag. The
Americans on board have taken the
matter up with ono of tho American
consulates in Chili and expected a re
lease immediately.
The greatest bargains ever offered
In Ileal Estate. If wanting a Farm.
Ranch, House or Lot, see us beforq
yon buy.
"Walter Tenlc Dies in California.
Walter Peale a former North Platte
resident and who spent his boyhood
days in this city, died September 15th
at Riverside, Cal. Ho left North
Platto for the west a number of years
ago. At tho time of his death he was
at a sanitarium suffering from mental
trouble. His wife was with him when
tho end came.
For Sale
Eight room house in North Platte.
All modern ' except heat. Will trade
for stock or lots. Phone Black 4G0.
C. E. Souser, Jr. of Overton, spent
Sunday in town visiting his parents
and othsr relatives and friends.
Tor Rent House at 20G West 6th
street. See Mrs. R. D. Thompson at
promises. tf
Making over of your old materials a
specialty at the Parlor Millinery.
Please phono for engagement. Mrs.
Ed Burke.
M'tn Florence Idlngs left ::'s
mor':ln: for Pnsylva'.ia where lm
a m ct H'l Into her s idles at ltnu
Mawr college.
For Rent Six room modern house.
Inqulro at 40G east Third. G9tf
Rev. Dr. Shumate, former superin
tendent of tho North Platto district of
tho Methodist church, has been trans
ferred to tho St. John's river confer
ence In Florida nnd will be appointed
to Scbiing, that state.
G. H. Duke was pleasantly surprised
Friday evening by a largo party of
friends who remembered that It was
his twenty-eighth birthday. Tho own
ing was devoted to cards, supplement
ed with refreshments. Mr. Duko re
ceived remembrances of tho occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Posey leavo Sat
urday on a month's vacation trip in tho
west. They will visit Portland, San
Francisco and Los Angeles. They ex
pected to make the trip a month ago,
but tho man expected to lyjllevo Mr.
Posoy failed to arrive.
Mrs. C. S. Clinton pleasantly enter
tained eighteen ladles at a kcnslngton
yesterday afternoon, complimentary to
Miss Kate Glbbs of Los Angeles. Tho
guests wore those who had been inti
mate friends of Miss Glbbs when she
was a resident of North Platte. A nice
two course lunch was served.
For Rent Five room apartment with
bath. Corner Gth and Willow. Phone
Jas. Flynn, black 370.
Rev. nnd Mrs. H. L. Young, of Hast
ings, well known In this city, returned
last week from tho wju- zone and ex
press themselves as glad to get back
to the ImUed States They were vls
1'lng in Paris when tin war started
ntn wtre unable to got away lor some
Stoves cleaned, repaired and erect
ed. Now is tho tlmo to order your
stove repairs. McGovern, Stovo Re
pairer, 511 Locust, Phono Red 2G0. G6-6
The young son of Mr and Mrs. Wes
Yenkers, residing in the Wellfleet
vicinity, was brought to the city yes
terday and taken to the North Platto
general hospital to receive treatment
for a badly broken arm which he sus
tained from a fall from a buggy. The
Htlo boy's elbow was broken in four
places. He was attended at tho hos
pital yestorday and is reported getting
along nicely.
Decides to Lcnie North Platte and Dr.
Sims Mill bo his Successor
Dr. D. T. Qulgley, who hn3 bcyin
practicing in this city for tho past clov- j
en and one-half yonrs, has sold his
practlco hero to Dr. John S. Simms,
who has been with him for tho past
few months and ho will leavo Bhortly
for a new location. Ho has not definite
ly decided where ho will locate, but
it will be either in San Francisco,
Omaha or Chicago.
Dr. Qulgley camo here over eleven
years ago to take tho practlco of Dr.
Bedell for thirty days whllo tho doc
tor was receiving medical treatment,
nnd ho intended remaining for only
that period. Ho later decided to lo
cate hero and gained a largo practice
and has ono of the best equipped of
fices for surgery in tho state. Ho now
intends going into a larger field and
does so with tho regret that ho will
havo to leavo so many good friends in
this city.
Dr. Simms, who has been with him
for tho past few months, will tnko
over all of his practice. Dr. SlmniB
is a physician of ability and is fully
capnable to tako caro of tho work. Ho
Is especially equipped to handle all of
tho surgical work and his experlenco
in this line is such that he can handle
It well. His practlco as an Interne
in the Cook county hospital In Chica
go bespeaks of his ability and experi
ence in surgery.
Dr. Qulgley, with his family will
leavo hcr,2 tho latter part of this week
and will later decide Just whore he
will locate. Ho has good opportuni
ties In each of the three places men
tioned, but as yet has not decided
which ono he will accept. He returned
only last week from an extended trip
to the coast and to points cast where
he was looking over tho propositions
Clothes with Dash-d Character
But you don't pay "over high" prices
TTTVvcrmade it our business to bring exceptional clothing values
' ' . within the reach of every man who reads this newspaper.
Our new fall and winter suits and overcoats are snappily tailored
from a wide variety of stylish and durable woolens yet we sell
them at remakably reasonable prices. Why pay twice as much,
for clothes no better, or just as much for clothes only half
as good?
Men s Suits $10.00 to $25.00
Mens Overcoats $10 to $30
Tho best Investment in the world
for the joung man or liomnn is n life
policy In tho solid Mutual LIfo Com
pany of Neil York. Let us show jou
lion near tho dividends pay premiums.
District Agents.
New Spuds $1 per Bushel
These are New, Home-Grown Potatoes
and are of the BEST.
Farewell Tarty to Mrs. Qulgley.
A farewell party for Mrs. D. T. Qulg
loy waB given last evening by the
members of tho Study Club, at the
homo of Miss Graco Mooney. It was
In tho form of a character party, each
ono representing in costume a b6ok
or noted character. Tho book Miss
Walker represented was the only one
not guessed.
An elnborato two course chafing
dish luncheon was served, the chafing
dishes lyjing presided over by Miss
Mooney and Mrs. Westfnll. Miss Smith
as toastmistress, gavo tho opening
address, and in an apt and poetical
way introduced th.e subjects wliich
were responded to In a humorous and
entertaining manner.
"Reminiscences" by Miss "Watts,
"A Phophecy of tho Future," by Mrs.
Scott and the "Last Will and Testa
ment of Mrs. Qulgley" written by
Miss Plummer. In a few apropos re
marks, Miss Laura Murray presented
Mrs. Qulgley with a sllever fork.
Either out of our State Building: nnd
Loan Association or Prlyule Money.
T. J. Baldock ofc Son
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Basement of The HUB.
Phone 90
Tho management of tho Empress
Theatrj offers for tonight's program,
that big four reel melo drama "A Cry.
in tho Night." This feature was billed
for Monday night, but owing to train
service it did not arrive in timo to bo
shown Monday. This feature is a guar
anteed attraction, and Is considered
to be one of the beet on the market.
"Across tho Continent," In five parts,
is the feature booked for Thursday.
1 HEHk.v
Men's Fall Fixin's
Adler's Collegian
Shirts, Ties, Shoes, Hats, Sox, clothes arc style leaders.
t x v ... j t i . r. They arc desicnctl especial-
Underwear, Knitted Jackets, htC. ly t0 meet the exact require
All our men's goods have the downright qual- menls of wrm-blooded
, , . , young men. Individuality
ity that means unusual service. We sell 0f cutandtailoring-exclu-
only lines of proved merit, made by makers sive fabrics, perfect fitting
of high reputation. Better take a squint at and graceful "hand" make
the new styles while our stock is at its fullest and best. ",am ine lueai, 01 Sooa
J dressers everywhere.
Our Boys' Clothing Can't Be Beat
If you want long, hard wear in your boy's clothes, here is the place to come. The suits and
overcoats we have brought here for the little chaps will last longer and cost you less per
day of wear than any others you can find anywhere. They'll make your younsters ,tlook
well and stylishly dressed, too.
BOYS' SUITS $3.50 to $8.50
BOYS' OVERCOATS $2.50 to $8.50 '
Suite of the rooms, modern except
heat, (cr Huffman's cigar More. In
quire t store. 70-2
Lexington Flour 31111 Rurns.
Tho largo Hour mills at Lexington
burned early yesterday morning, caus
ing a loss approximately of fifty
thousand dollars. A largo addition
had recently bpen completed. Tho
Btructuro burned to tho ground the fire
having gained considerable headway
before being discovered.
Mccly furnished room, strictly mod
ern, no children, luijiilrc 802 west
Sixth street. 70-'-
Ho,w lie ii rite Fire and oilier Insur
nuce nnd lion quickly nnd satisfactor
ily ne settle our losses.
Mrs. Pete Lloyd, residing In tho east
part of the city, Is reported quite sick
at her home.
Miss Elizabeth HInman returned
yestorday afternoon from Grand Island
ivkjsre she spent Sunday visiting
Making over of your old materials a
specialty at tho Parlor Millinery.
Pleaso phono for engagement. Mrs.
Ed Burke.
The Baptist ladles will hold their
dollar meeting Thursday evening, Sep
tember 21th, at tho church. A pro
gram will be given nnd a lunch served.
Weather forecast for North Platto
and vicinity: Fair tonight and Wed
nesday, warmer tonight maximum tem
perature yesterday 72, a year ago 70;
minimum last night 30, a year ago 38.
FOR ri:nt
5 room house, lot 5, block 137 cast
Fourth street. Street No. C03. $12.00
perm onth. Lester Walker, Agent.
Mrs. H. E. Mitchell Is oxpected to
arrive homo today from Gordon, Nob.,
where sho had been visiting for somo
timo with her mother, Mrs. II. W. All
wine Sho was expected to arrlvo last
evening but wtfs delayed at Crawford
on account of a washout. Sho tele
phoned from tlwro that sho would bo
hero today.
Tho W. R. C. social club will meet
with Mrs. G. W. Rose on cast Eighth
strcot Wednesday afternoon, Septem
ber 23rd. A cordial invitation Is ex
tended to all.
Kommcrer Coal For Sale
Sco us before you buy. Special
prices for Septembor orders. Call or
Phono 73. York Feed Store. OG-4
"'.-ti.ffu-r"if"''" VKO
?' b
m ft one oil to ask 1 Jjmmmmammmsxi
li II for I For MOTORS "
500 Titles of tho Dest Copy
right Hooks by tho Host
Authors. You can Join tho
CLUB at any time. You
pay BO cents for tho first
Book and 10c for each Book
exchanged. On Oct. 1st wo
will add to our CLUB
(These two BookB will not
bo sold for loss than $1.35
We aro going to give our
BOOK CLUB members an
opportunity to read them
at tho oxphango prlco of
10 cents each.
1 L ... , . .. -
yougeiii WmWfmmk,
;Av TMmim 99-9321
mv wMhm W$imm PERCENT