The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 08, 1914, Image 5

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    New Chalmers Prices
! if
"Light Six" Touring Car
-s. v
1 ll .&J? vMSw
V t
I sell
more Big Ben
' .
alarms in a week than I
sell dollar clocks in a
month and I can sell them
with positive knowledge
that they'll live up to
all claims that I make
for. them
There's a feeling of bigness
and strength about them, a pe
culiar glow of brightness- and
cheer, that is strangely novel
about an alarm clock.
And their work doesn't end
with the morning call; they're
good, reliable timekeepers for
all day use and they're good
looking enough - for any sur
roundings. '
. ' $2.50
Graduate Denlisl.
OtPc over the McDonald
State Bank. e
f e
Druggist Frater and family moved
this week to the new house Just com
pleted by B. M. Ogier on South Dewey
Fred Warren left yesterday in his
car for Arthur county where he will
devote several days to hunting prairie
Gothenburg people offer'a reward
of $250 for the arrest and conviction
of thieves who have been depopulating
chicken houses.
Wanted A girl to 'assist with chil
dren and housework. Mrs. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. J. J Unlligan and
daughter Lucille were the guests of
friends in Otfflalla Sunday, making
the trip by auto.
Mrs. A. It' Davis, "of Bro6kings, S
'D., who had been visiting her son J.
S. Davis?left for the east the latter
part of last week.
Miss Jennie Lincoln went to Curtis
Saturday1 and yesterday began her
duties as a teacher in the public
schools at that place.
Miss Hazel Clark, who been spend
ing the summer with her sister Mrs.
Charles JVIcXamara, returned to her
home in Omaha Saturday.
Furnished rooms for rent in modern
house. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, Phone
Red 104. t
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds spent
Sunday in Kearney as the guests of
Mr. and JVlrs. Ralph Barney. They
made thtfHrip int heir car,
t. n ThnpieHcp. who came hero to
attend the funeral of his little grand
son, returned yesterday to the Thoe
lecko homestead in Arthur county.
Miss Irma Johnston of North Platte,
and Mlss'Hattle Button, of Doniphan,
and Miss .Edna Stowell, of Hastings,
were guests at the E. B. Engleman
homo. Grand Island Independent.
Miss Gertrude Baker went to
Gothenburg Saturday and yesterday
resumed work in the schools of that
town. -
Peter Peterson, one of the Janitors
at the federal building, left yester
day for a visit in Lincoln and Nuc
kles county".
Louis Thoelccke of Omaha, returned
home Sunday. He came here to at
tend tho funeral of his little' nephew,
Junior Thoelecke, , ,
For Sale-.Second hand steel range
and other pieces of furniture. Phone
Black 228, '
Misses' Lucille Wilcox. Nanine Id
dings, Myrtle Beeler and Helen Wal
temath will enter the state university
this year. They' will JeaveUfor Lin
coln next week. '
Model 26-B
titt Motor
cut a5lclt
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman ar
rived in town the latter part of last
week for a visit vvith friends.
Mrs. W. O. Lewis and children re
turned tho latter part of last week
from southern California, where they
had been visiting friends for three
Mrs. Isaac Dillon and Mrs. If. W.
Walker and daughter Margaret left
yesterday for a two weeks' visit with
Mrs. Sidney Dillon on the ranch north
of Keystone.
Tho funeral service of Junior Thoe
lecke, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. H.
Thoelecke, was held Saturday fore
noon, Rev. Harman of the Lutheran
church conducting the service.
tr i
For Sale Nearly new corn blituer
for cash, or will take calves or colts
or good disc in trade. O..L. Watkins,
section 34-12-31, P. O. address North
Platte. GG-2
F. W. RIncker goes to Omaha to
night for the purpose of meeting rep
resentatives of eastern houses who
sell holiday goods and from whom
he will purchase a stock for his store.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald and daughter
Miss Janet left yesterday for Pough
keepsle, N. Y., where Miss Janet will
enter Vassar college. Mrs. McDonald
will spend sev'eral weeks in the east.
Suit o'f Ave rooms over Huffman's
cigar store for rent. Modern.
Mrs. F.W. Rincker left Saturday for
Lincoln to attend a meeting of the
grand officers of the order of Eastern
Star. Mrs. Rincker is one the grand
officers. She will be absent about a
For Rent Five room flat over Yel
low Front Shoe Store. Inquire of
T. C. Patterson.
The Gandy pioneer figures that It
would cost $14,000 to purchase a site
and remove the present court house
to Stapleton. The taxpayers of that
county nre likely to vote down a prop
osition of that nature.
Fred Fillion left Sundny morning
on a western trip, which he said would
extend as far as Ogden, but the know
ing ones say his objective point Is
Sutherlin, Oregon, where lie win vis
It the Armstrong family.
For Rent Three clean and well
furnished rooms for housekeeping. 202
So. Pine St. 05-2
The Williams ranch In Dawbon
county sold 100 yearling heifers last
week to Chas. Nelson of Seward for
$G.S0 per hundred, and seventy-flvo
two-year-old steers at $8.00 to Carl
Carstensen, of Hartley, Iowa.
Fred Welngand, of Omaha, arrived
In town Sunday to spend a day or two
with relatives and friends. He had
a strong desire to go chicken hunting
yesterday but was prohibited by rea
son of a disabled foot that has been
troubling him for some time.
For Rent House at E04 east Sixth
street. Inquire 'of Mrs. Anna Soy
ferth, 309 west Fourth street. 62tf
Roy Vernon, of Julcsburg, has 1)eeh
in town for a day or two visiting rela
tives and friends. For several years
he has been following the vocation, of
farmeriand cp ttle grower and has been
making a successv It Is his first visit
to North Platte"Mn th'reo years.
Fred Glnn left Saturday for Mooro
cratt, Wy6 where he goes to inspect
oil property in which he is interested.
Oil in paying quantities has been
found In that section, and by get
ting in on the ground floor early Mr.
Glnn succeeded in getting possession
of some good property.
For Rent Furnished room in strict
ly modern house. S02 W. Gth. 0G-2
Messrs. Carl Groucher, Frank El
lison and Jerry Flynn, of Omaha, and
E. J. Dworak and A. F. Barr, of David
City, returned home last night after
spending several days in this section
hunting chickens. The party was pi
loted by Col. John Den and they were
successful in killing many birds.
Paul Nolan, Ralph Allison, Clar
ence Day, George Weir, Jim Flynn
and Stampher Hupfer spent Sunday
at the homo of Otto Mesmer, north
west of tovn. The hoys killed four
teen chickens which Mrs. Mosmer
cooked, and these with many other
good things formed a feast for tho
hungry boys.
The tsird annual fair of Logan
county opens at Stapleton tomorrow.
' Sanford Hartman says the harvest
of honey from the Hartman & VanDor
an apiary will be less than half a crop.
Under ordinary conditions their crop
this year would have been 25,000
pounds, but they will do well if they
gqt 10,000 pounds. Mr, Hartman says
he is at a loss to know why tho crop
Is so short, but Is inclined to believe
It is due to the laziness of tho bees.
Suits and Overcoats
$15.00, S18.00 $22.50 and Up
You use good Judgment in ordering
your suit or overcoat now.
A Beautiful Range of Patterns
No Fit, No Sale.
Outfitter to Good Dressers.
Senator Hoagland has been Invited
to deliver an address at 'tho Logan
county fair at Stapleton Friday, and
also at the Garden county fair at Lcw
ellen next week. Ho has accepted
both Invitations.
Music lovers of Nebraska will ho
privileged to a treat in October for tho
United States Marino band, also known
as the preslden's band, will give two
concerts In Omaha, one on the after
noon of October 17 and tho other on
the evening of the same day. This
famous band Is making a tour of tho
United States upon tho request of sen
ators from various states.
flood Crop Year for 't'ltruskn.
Instead of having been a lean crop
year for Nebraska. It has been ono of
the best in the history of the state, tho
value of agricultural products, based
upon current prices, reaching over
$203,800,000. This estimate is mado by
Victor B. Caldwell, vlco president of
the United States National bank, who
has spent a great deal of time and
much money in securing the data.
Tho figures given out by Mr. Caldwell
are based upon the reports secured
from 700 banks, GOO olovntor stations,
carefully covering every county to
Include almost every township In the
state. Omaha Bee.
Real Estate and Insurance
Come and see us for town lots in
dlfforent parts of the city. Good In
vestments on easy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains in farms and ranches.
Cor. Front and Dewey Sts upstairs.
Local and Personal
Mrs, Elmer Baker and Mrs. J. R.
Carbush oxpect to go to Lincoln this
wcokito attend tho stnto fair.
Mrs. J, R. Carbush, nee Antoinette
Landgraf, of Ogden, Is visiting rela
tives and friends in tQwn and will
probably remain a month.
Dean Bowker, of tho Episcopal
church, who has been spending sever
al weeks at points in Montana and
Idaho, is expected home today.
Miss Elsie Ackerman, one of tho
faculty at tho North Platte School of
Music, returned Saturday from Lln
colxylwhero she had been spending the
summer vacation.
For Rent Seven room rcsldcnco on
west Front street, sower connection
and barn. Inquiro of W. V. Hoagland.
A business meeting of tho Catholic
Girls' club will be held nt the home
of the Misses Edna and Alice Sullivan
tomorrow evening. All members are
requested to attend.
The water mains for tho new waler
plant at Hershey aro now being laid,
and In a week or so the people of that
vlllage.wlll have fire protection as well
as water for domestic purposes.
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Mrs. Welch, 1203 west 4th G5-2
A game of ball between pick up nines
was played at the athletic park Sun
day afternoon, the score standing four
to four at the ned of tho soyenth ln
nlng. It was then decided to quit and
play off the tie next Sunday.
Invest your money In North Platte
property and watch It grow. I have n
seven room house barn 20x21 and
eight good lots on Tenth and Locust
streets for sale. Peter McGovcrn, 511
Locust Street, Phono Red 2G0. GG-G
Automobile tourists continue to pass
through town In goodly numbers, tho
average being nbout ten cars a day.
Tho greater number of these tourists
aro from adjoining states, though
quite frequently a car from tho far
east or tho Parlflc coast states passes
Labor Day yesterday was observed
at the railroad shops, by tho banks and
by the county offices. The postofllcey
made one delivery by carrier and kept
tho general delivery window open un
til ten o'clock. The harbor shops
closed at 11 a. m. and a number of the
artists spent the remainder of the day
7 i mff
CHILDREN. We believe in Munsing underwear, that's -why
we sell it, and the reason we believe in it is because we know
positively that it is honestly made, well finished, and reason
ably priced. Those who wear it believe in it because tljej
know it really fits the body, really wears long and well, really
feels good to the wearer, because you can "forget you have
got it on" None of the buncy, distressing feeling nbout
Munsing. None of the annoyance due to imperfect making,
and you get a real fit, even if you are longer, broader, or
flatter than ordinary people. It was not chance Or luck that
caused us to tie up with the Munsing line. It wus a decision
reached after a careful test and investigation of different
kinds of underwear, and the wish to offer our trade only the
kind which proved its worth. Ask any Munsing wearer if he
or she would wear any other kind, and then get into the great
Munsing family of satisfied wearers of the best underwear at
any price. Why experiment with the umknown when the
proven best is ready to hand? We have laid it a .fnllt line,
including your size, at the pride you feel able to pay.
.Wilcox Department Store
Exclusive Agent For North Platte. ,
aniM U Uttt mn "5-
The Misses Preston and Spies do
dressmaking In room 2 Odd Fellows
building. Prices reasonable,, Phono
Black 413,. Gtt-2
Congressman Klnknld was nominat
ed for congress in tho Big Sixth on
four tickets, as shown by the returns
He received 14,323 votes on the repub
lican ticket; 595 on tho progressive;
C 'dn the socialist and 5 on the pro
hibition ticket.
The Three C's
Character, Cash and Credit.
The greatest of these is CHARACTER, be
cause it enables you to get the other two, if
you have some ability to mix with it.
When the bank is acquainted with your
Character and your Cash is on deposit with
it you are in a position to command Credit.
Then you are in a fairway to succeed.
Start across the C's today by starting a
bank account with the
McDonald State Bank,
Oldest Bank in Lincoln County
PAID UP CAPITAL $100,00.00.