The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 08, 1914, Image 3

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Port Arthur Paper Is Peeved at the
Mention of Kansas City Elevators.
rroaa tho hort Arthur (Canada) ETcnlDR Chronlcla
Kansas City gains tho attention of
tho New York Evening Post and Is
given flvo inches of space in that ad
intrablo newspaper by reason of In
creasing tho capacity of a grain elo
vator there. The Evening Post saj-3:
"When tho additions nnd alterations
to Its hugo grain elevator at Kansas
City now under way uro completed tho
Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain rail
road will havo ono of tho largest
plants of its kind In tho world."
Tho present capacity of tho Kansas
City product la ono million bushels.
When it gains Its promised staturo
I nnd becomes "ono of tho largest In
tho World" It will havo a capacity of
2,133,000 bushels.
At tho mention of grata elevators
tho twin ports at thfc head of tho lakes
prick up their ears and tako notice.
Tho namo of Lloyd-Georgo nt a Tory
garden party, or of President Wilson
nt a bankers' convention catches at
tention no quicker than tho word "ele
vator" In tho hearing of a Port Arthur
Fort William man. Toronto prides
itself on Its churchee; Pittsburgh
specializes on millionaires; Chicago
has Its pork and Boston its pork and
beans as for us, wo rise to fame on
the bins of our elevators, and ho who
says "one of the largest" about any
old two-mllllon-bushel outfit in Mis
souri muBt withdraw tho statement or
name tho place and weapons.
If tho Evening Post had said "ono
of tho largest in Missouri," or In the
general but expressivo American
phrase had said "some elevator," wo
wouldn't havo minded It so much, but
when It describes' this etunted Mis
souri receptacle as "ono of tho largest
grain elevators In the world" then it
Is tlmo to kick. Why, two-mllllon-bushel
elevators are so common here
abouts that the secretary of the board
of trado does not point them out to
distinguished visitors. Nothing could
ehow clearer than that what wo think
of two-million-bushel elevators. '
When we havo pointed to the 9,500,-000-bushel
C. N. R. elevator and the
7,800,000-bushol C. P. R. elevator and
tho C,500,000-bushel G. T. P. elevator;
then to the 3,500,000-bushel Dominion
Government elevator which Is only
tho first unit of what is to be a 30-millfon-bushel
plant, by that time tho
air is so full of millions that tho
listener would bo annoyed if we both
ered him with mention of a mero two-mllllon-bushel
affair. So wo Just lump
the balance together and descrlbo tho
grand total of 45-mlllIon-bushel capac
ity already standing at the head of
tho lakes.
Upon tho basis upon which Kansas
City got five inches of space in the
Evening Post we claim "a complimen
tary writeup of at least three columns
nnd In the article wo would state that
in ono respect wo are like Kansas
City when it is a question of big ele
vators wo also are from Missouri.
Another Pestering Contributor.
What is tho best place to get
planked shad? Hungry.
On tho seaboard, of course.
Women are always ready to kiss and
make up but they usually make up
before they kiss.
Water Is Good Medicine
Many people who hare weak kidneys full
to appreciate how much water can do for
them hut while It In pood to drink water
freely, It mint be c water. In many
Hcctlons, the lime or alkaline water Blurts
kidney trouble of itself.
Doan's Kid nry Fills are n most reliable rem
edy for weak kidneys. When backache or ur
inary disorders first nppear.tnke Doan's and
be sure to assist the kidneys by drinking
plenty of pure water. Prompt treatment will
assist the danger of gniTel, Kont, rheumatism.
Dof.n's Kidney Fills are successfully used
all over the civilized world aud publicly
recommended by thousands.
A Nebraska Case. '
F. A. Davis. Weep
ing Water. Ncbr.,
eajs: "1 had a sharp
Ipaln and burning
sensation In the
small of my back. I
could hardly
straighten arter
stooping, and morn
ings, my back was
stiff and weak. Tho
ik I d n e y secretions
passed too oucn ana
broke my rest.
Doan's Kidney Pills
rid mo of these ail
ments and I know
that they aro reli
able." Get Doan's at Any Store. GOc a Box
Tho most economical, cleansing and
germicidal of all antiseptics ia
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treating catarrh, Inflammation or
ulceration of nose, throat, and that
caused by feminine 111b It has no equal.
For ten years tho Lydia E. Plnkham
Medlcino Co.has recommondod Paxtino
In thoir private correspondence with
women, which proves its superiority.
Women who have been cured say
it Is "worth its weight in gold." At
druggists. 50c. largo bos, or by mail,
Tho Paxtoa Toilet Co., Boston, Mass.
In Cutltr1! Blscklia Pills. Low.
Western stockmen, beciuie thiy
protect where ether vaccines fall.
Write for booklet end tntlmonlsU.
lO.dou pkje. Blaeklaa PIMl $1.09
SO-doie ska. Blstklei Pills 4.00
ITaA sriT lnln tor. hut (hitter's belt
iiiiurii. iisflii. iciiauia. ui
mceu. irtutn. reusuio: prviirrsu vj
n AfWrmT
(jkj.J "Sua
PS TiUia
Jp2 Surt-
The superiority of Cutter products It due to otcr II
jure of ipectillilnf in iruclse sd urumi ssly.
Insist en Cutter's. If unobtslnetle, order dlrrct.
Tke Cutler Ussratsry, Berkeley, Csl.. er Chime, IK
Pears 'njured by (1) Plum Curcullo,
,(Dy V. J. TAimOTT nnd II. E. HOIXJ
KISS.) During some seasons, pears in Now
York nnd other Eastern states are
affectod by n diseased condition char
acterized by tho cracking open of tho
skin in small spots and the formation
of protruding granular areas. Fruits
seriously Injured nre usually much do
formed and underslzod. Investiga
tions havo demonstrated that theso In
juries aro caused by a sucking plant
bug hyguB invltus. The damage Is
idone by tho nymphs, which attack
both pear and foliage.
Tho insect has live nymphal stages.
iTho nymphs of tho first two stages aro
palo, fragile creatures which are very
actlvo and subsist largely on the juices
of tho tender foliage. In tho older
iBtages they aro more Bedentary and
,attack both leaves and fruit. Tho
habit of feeding in restricted areas is
responsible for serlouB Injuries to
young pears. Tho destructive actlvl
'.ties of tho Insects occur during tho
period coincidental with tho conclu
sion of pollination and the formation
of tho fruit.
In its attacks upon pears, this it!
jsect apparently shows a preference at
'first for the tender loaves, attacking
those that aro unrolled along the mar
gins of the fold. The tissues about
(the points of Injury turn black, and
jif tho punctures aro numorous, more
lor less extensive aroas along tho mar
gins of the leaf shrivel and become
'dry. Tho dead portion later becomes
detached from the henlthy tissues by
tho whipping of tho wind, which muy
icause the affected follago to assume a
ragged or frayed appearance.
Tho principal injury by this insect,
however, is tho piercing of tho young
ears which later become much
scarred, and misshapen. Tho young
iDo Not Let Weeds Take Posses
sion of Berry Field When
Fruiting Season Ends.
As soon as the fruiting season is
'over, do not, as most berry growers
jdo, let tho weeds take possession of
the berry field.
July, August and September, aro
'tho months that the berry fields need
,'your attention more than at any other
I time.
If you hnvo neglected to cut tho tips
of the young canes when about three
'feet tall, commenco at once and cut
them three and one-half or four feet
from the ground as they will grow
very llttlo In height when cut back
Cut out all ennes that bore fruit this
season. If the rows aro flvo feet or
more apart and tho plnnts threo or
four feet apart In tho row, leave threo
or four of tho strongest canes to a
Clean out all weeds and grass if it
tias been allowed to grow during fruit
ng time.
Cultivate until the middle of August.
This summer culture and late top
ping of tho canes will causo a rapid
growth of side branches. These should
bo cut back when about ono foot in
This method of pruning causes a
bush form of plant, which holds the
fruit up from the ground and allows
a free circulation of air through and
under tho heaviest part of tho fruit
and follago; prevents mlldow in tho
wet season and causes a moro thor
ough setting and ripening of tho fruit.
If cultivation Is stopped by tho mid
dle of August the young growth of
canes will be rrore likely to mature
and tho loss from winter killing will
not be so great.
Mulching Is a yory Important point
in tho production of choice berries.
Tho quality of tho mulch has much to
do with tho profits made by its use,
not tho quantity.
Tho material used as a mulch should
contain ns much available plantfood
at tho tlmo of its application as possi
ble, and when well rotted and plowed
under It will fill the soil with humuB.
Such a mulch as wheat, rye or oat
straw, which has been used as a bed
ding In tho homo or cow stalls and
applied when about half rotted, is ono
of tho best as tho urlno absorbed by
tho straw Is leached out by the rain
and goes at once to the roots of the
plants and maltcs them grow very
rapidly, causing them to bo able to
withstand tho attacks of the ordinary
(2) Casebearer, (3) Green Fruit Worm.
nymph thrusts its proboscis deeply
Into tho substance of tho tiny pear and
on withdrawing It, sap flows from tho
puncture. Tho sap dries leaving a
blackish spot. When tho fruits have
becomes as largo as filberts they are
conspicuously marked with hard,
granular spots of irregulnr shapes,
varying in slzo from a pln-prtck to
one-quarter of an Inch. By cutting
into the fruit one will find hard,
flinty arena which form cores In tho
llosh. Occasionally a number of tho
diseased, spots may coalesce. produc
ing n largo crack which extends deeply
Into thn pear. Severely Injured fruit,
besides being badly deformed, may bo
stunted In growth, which seriously af
fects Its market valuo. Tho Dartlott
pear, which is ono of tho most do
slrablo varieties, Is especially subject
to attack.
Woodland shrubB and weeds nlong
roadsides and fences afford very con
genial surroundings for this insect,
as for many others. Tho fact that
this pest breeds very abundantly on
wild grapes and to a certain oxtent on
sumach suggests tho desirability of
destroying theso plants when thoy'ox
ist in tho immediate vicinity of a pear
At the agricultural station of Now,
York, experiments havo demonstrated
that In spraying tobacco extract (40
per cent nicotine) (Black Leaf 40), in
tho proportion of a pint of tho extract
to 100 gallons of water, to which has
been added threo pounds of soap, has
given tho most satisfactory results or
any of tho various spray mixtures
which havo been tried. As thero Is
danger of burning pear follago by
drenching tho trees with lime-sulphur,
treatment with the nicotine and soap
to combat this pest is recommended
as safer and moro effective
Insect pests, and when put on heavy
enough will keep down all weeds.
Another Important point gained by
cleaning out and pruning In summer
is the destruction of many eggs of
troublesomo Insects which aro deposit
ed In tho berry stem and weed stalkB,
to bo hatched out tho following sea
son, also 'many Insects which hiber
nate In decaying vegotntlon aro de
stroyed. The Black-Cap raspberry does Its
best in a partial shade. Wo plant In
the quince and pear orchards a very
convenient method when It comes to
spraying bb wo uso bordeaux mlxturo
and scale-a-clde on berry bushes as
well as fruit trees.
Our qulnco and dwarf pears aro set
18 feet between tho rows, nnd 12
feet In the rows. Between each two
rowB of trees wo plant a row of rasp
berry bUBhes. Tho plants stand four
feet apart In tho row and this gives
plenty of room to got nlong with cul
tivator and sprayers.
Wo find the Plum Farmer to bo the
best nil round black cap berry here
in the Ohio valley. It stands the se
verest winters and comes out in tho
spring with sound tips and an abund
ance of fino fruit buds.
Tho bushos are strong and upright
In growth; not Inclined to vine, llko
.many other varietlos and It bears Its
fruit In largo clusters, making it easy
to gather rapidly. It Is of largo size
and fine quality.
Tho Kansas is also a good berry, a
close second to tho Plum Farmer, but
not quite bo hardy or productive.
A light mulch should bo placed
around the plants as soon as tho first
light freezes como. Then in tho
spring as soon as a thorough cultiva
tion has been given tho plants, a heavy
mulch is placed two feet from tho
plants on each side of 'tho row and
eight or ten lnchos deep. We then
cultivate shallow from tho edge of
the mulch to the fruit trees.
One of the finest mulches, whore
only a few bushes aro grown is rot
ten chips from an old wood yard or
rotten leaves and logs from the woods.
This kind of mulch produces a
growth of bushes and gives a lustor
to tho fruit llko tho berries that grow
wild along tho hollows, bcsldo rotten
logs and around fehady pluces.
Treating Young Treee.
Young trees will grow later 'In tho
fall than the older ones and the sap
run should bo checked as early aa
Dose for Codling Moth.
Sprayed tho trees In May? Very
good. Hut Mr. Codling Moth ought to
havo another dose this month.
Dnd Result.
Every brulss on an apple will In
time result In decay.
Your Baby's Life
It is more to you than your own. Then why try any other
remedy than
Fletcher's Castoria
f . t
Physician prescribes it?
Remember there is nothing: injurious in CASTORIA if it bears
the signature of
Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk, or otherwise;
toprotect the babies.
In This Case Examiner Required No
Pledge That Student Had Done
the Work Itself.
At a certain college custom ordulns
that at examination time each of tho
candidates shall writo tho following
pledge nt tho bottom of his papers:
"I hereby declare, on my honor, that
I havo neither given nor received ns
slBtnuco during the examination."
One student, after handing in one
of tho papers, suddenly remembered
that In his haste he had omitted to
writo tho onth. On tho following day
ho sought out ono of tho examiners
and told him that ho had forgotten
to put the required pledge on his pa
per. Tho examiner looked at him over
tho top of his glasses and dryly re
marked; "Quito unnecessary. Your paper In
Itself 1b sufficient evidence. I've, just
been correcting It!"
Some Cause for Fear.
Tho Professor's Wife Tho profes
sor te in tho laboratory conducting
some chomlcnl experiments. Tho pro
fessor expects to go down to posterity.
From tho Laboratory Br-r-r-r-rl
The Vlsitoi' I hope tho professor
hasn't gone!
A man's sins usually find him In;
his neighbors find htm out.
But It All Came Out Right.
How a Bister played a trick that
brought rosy health to a coffee fiend
is an interesting tale:
"I was a coffeo fiend a trembling,
nervous, physical wreck, yet clinging
to tho poison that stole away my
strength. I mocked at Postum and
would havo nono of it.
"Ono day my sister substituted a
cup of piping hot PoBtum for my morn
lug cup of coffee but did not tell mo
what It was. I noticed tho richness
of it and remarked that tho 'coffee'
tasted fino but my sister did not tell
mo I was drinking Postum for fear I
might not take any more.
"Sho kept tho secret and kept giv
ing mo Postum instead of coffeo until
I grew stronger, moro tireless, got n
better color in my sallow cheeks and
a clearness to my eyes, thon she told
mo of tho health-giving, norvo
strengthening life-saver sho had given
me In place of my morning coffeo.
"From that tlmo I becamo a dlBclplo
of Postum and no words oan do jus
tlco in telling tho good this cereal
drink did mo. I will not try to tell It,
for only after having used It can ono
bo convinced of Its merits."
Ten days' trlnl shows Postum's pow
er to rebuild what coffeo has destroy
ed. Namo given by Postum Co., Iiuttjo
Creek, Mich. Read "The Hoad to
Wellvllle," In pkgB.
Postum comes In two formB:
Regular Postum must bo well boil
ed. 15c nnd 25c packages.
Instant Postum is a solublo pow
der, A teaspoonful dissolves quickly
in a cup of hot water and, with cream
and sugar, makes a dtllclous beverage
Instantly. SOc and GOc tins.
Tho cost per cup of both kinds is
about the same.
"There's a Keason" for Postum.
sold by Grocers
The Centaur Company.
Rhodes and Rain.
Among tho stories in tho duchess of
Aosta's book Is one relating to tho
celebrated Btatuo of Cecil Ithodos
which stands in the main squaro of
Bulawayo. Tho emplro builder Is fig
ured In contemplation of his achieve
ment, with head bared.
Tho whole district had been griev
ously plagued by drought for over a
twelvemonth, whon tho nutlves got up
a great agitation nnd marched In enor
mous numbers to tho squaro, nnd,
thronging around tho statue of Cecil
Rhodes, Insisted that It should Im
mediately bo given a top hat.
They said that "Heaven rospects
this great creator of emplro too much
to send tho needed rntn while ho
stands there bnrtehoaded."
Maria Could.
She kept boarders for their living.
One dny, at the dinner hour, sho had
been longer than usual In waiting upon
tho table. Finally, her husband snld:
"Well, Maria, can't you elt down?"
And Maria answered: "I could tho
last tlmo I tried." National Food
Double Supply Needed.
"Maud spends an awful lot of money
for complexion powder."
"Naturally; the two-faced thing!"
When an ordinary hug develops Into
a soul clinch that is Iovo.
Rifles For All
Winchester rifles are not tho choico
intelligent eportsmen who fro to the
in quest of game. They aro designed to bandla all calibers and types of
cartridges, to meet tho requirements of all kinds of shootintr. andean always
be counted on to ohoot wherejthey
wincnosier nues ana wtncnesier
FREE: Send nami and addrttt on a poital card tor oar Urs 'llmtrattd eatalopu.
H. G. KIDD00, Manager
He took the "S" out of Skiddoo
and will do as much for you.
Unless Your
Preferred the Next Room.
Whon thrcotycnr-old Ward's parents
went away for tho night his sister
undertook to hear his prayers. After
tlila had been dono Ward remained
on his knees asking questions.
Finally ho asked: "Sister, where Is
"God la overywhoro," bIio replied.
A pause, while tho llttlo boy con
sidered this nnswer. Then ho asked:
"Is he In this room?"
"Why, certainly."
Ward Jumpod up hastily and caught
his sister's hand.
"Lot's got Into tho next room!" ho
How She Escaped.
"Algy fell In lovo with a girl at tho
glovo counter. Ho bought gloves overy
day for a wcok. To dlscourugo his at
tentions sho becamo a niaulcuro."
"Thon ho had his nails manicured
every day, I s'poso?"
"Just so However, I don't think
he'll follow her any farther."
"Why not?"
"Then bIio got employment with a
Knew the Men.
"Why has sho nover married 7"
"She doesn't llko to stay alone
nights." Houston Post.
"Faithful aro tho wounds
of a
friend" and frequent.
Kinds of Hunting.
of any ono special class, but of all
woods, the plains, or tho mountains
are pointed when the trigger la pulled.
cartridges are maae lor ono anotner.
or. D
"War Is Hell"
But who can tell
Where prices will run
Ere this fight'n is done?
While they are scrappin,
Don't be caught nappin,
In the heat of battle
Ask us about cattle;
If you have any to sell
We can do it mighty well.
Our men on hogs and sheep
Are never caught asleep.
Live Stock Commission