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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1914)
Stnto JllstoiJcjil Society I sl- mr-merlto Wfauw TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 8, 1914. No. 66 jptft mm Town and County News. Miss Hazel Mlnsbnll loft Monday for Lincoln to teach In tho city schools. Miss Made Sluart left last night for a few (leys' visit with friends In Oma lm. MIsb Marie Von Goetz left Thursday for West Point to assume her duties as principal of tho high school. Mrs. Geo. W. Finn left yesterday for a ten day visit with an uncle and aunt who reside in Indianapolis, Ind. Ball-players Johcs, Duncan and Cochran played with the Dickens team in a game against Wallace Sunday andvon by a score of eight to three. ' Regina Hats worn by Women of Style. At the HAT SHOP . .Watch for the date of our Pattern Display. McVlcker's Millinery at THE HAT SHOP. Though two fire alarms were sound ed Sunday mdrning, there was but one fire. The second alarm was blown In order to bring out more members of the, department. MONEY TO LOAN OX HEAL ESTATE BRATT & GOODXAX. Horton Munger returned this morn ing from Omaha whero ho spent Sun day and yesterday with his parents. His father, who has been sick for sev eral months, Is still in a weakened condition and will not be able to pre side at the fall term of the federal court. "The Little Store with Big Values" located at Fifth street, opposite P. V. S. Bank. The man you know. HARRY SAMUELSON, Outfitter to Good Dressers. There seeming to be some dissat isfaction among the mothers because score cards could hot be given after the Better Baby Contest, the Mothers Club wish to say that they were dis appointed in getting the duplicato score cards which they wanted, and so had none to give. TOR FIRE AND LIFE IXSURAXCE Itrntt & Goodman nrc the leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Graves arrived from tho east Saturday morning. Raymond Tigho has taken a vaca tion and Is spending It In Denver and other Colorado points. Tho county commissioners aro in session today transacting routine bus iness. Claims on file will bo audited and allowed. Miss Minnlo Bridgesreturned Sat urday from San Francisco whore sho had been visiting with her father for three months. iirau .v uuuuninu lire uuering great j bargains In houses, vacant lots and I farm lands, sec them before you buy. Briefs In tho Hahler Union Pacific injunction casevare being printed this week and will bo submitted to the su preme court next Monday. E. F. Seoberger spent Saturday and Sunday at tho Osgood ranch hunting prairie chickens and was successful In killing quite a number. Wo carry "Fiske Hats," ask to seo them at THE HAT SHOP. J. L. Beckman, employed on tho road as a fireman, and Miss Ethel Jaggacr, of Gothenburg were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. Cram yesterday. They Immediately went to housekeeping in a west Tenth street houso which tho groom had In readiness for his bride. Wanted Competent girl for general , hpusework. Mrs. G. T. Field, 502 west j Fifth street. C5-2 j John J. McCarthy, of Ogalalla, dem ocratic nominee for float representa tive from Dawson, Lincoln and Keith counties, spent yesterday in town con ferring wilh local democrat. Mr. Carthy Is Mr. W. H. C. Woodhurst's opponent, and wo are pretty well con vinced that Mr. Woodhurst will be suc cessful in the November election. The up to date Gentlemen of today wear "Tailor Made" Shirts 2000 .patterns to 'select from $1.50 to $0.00 HARRY SAMUELSON. Outfitter to Good Dressers. Miss LaVaugh Carroll has resigned her position in tho 10 cent storo and accepted one in tho Brooks' studio. Services woro resumed in several of tho churches Suday after a six weeks' vacation, tho open air services being held instead. The pastors report very good attendance Sunday. Mrs. C. R. Morey has been engaged to play tho pipe organ at tho Presby terian church and began her services Sunday.. Mrs. Morey took up plpo organ work while attending school at Oberlin, Ohio. Trains No. 1 and No 11 woro delayed nearly an hour yesterday by a de railed car ncart ho depot. Tho car was the fourth from the engine on a through freight train, and tho derail ment was duo to a brake rod drop ping from tho car ahead and falling on tho track. Fortunately tho train was moving slowly, though tho de railed car wa3 not noticed uritll It had run about two hundred yards. At the meeting of the ministerial association yesterday forenoon plans for a united charities association was discussed but no definite action was taken. It is understood that demands .for relief from the needy will be greater this winter than usual, by reason of tho increased number of un employed men, and the object of the association is to arrange some system atic plan for meeting the demands. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. .Kerr leavo to morrow for Montana on thoir annual hunt for big game. They will go via the Northern Pacific road and at Sioux Falls will bo Joined by Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Kerr of Akron, Iowa. The Doc tors Kerr and their wives made tho trip .last fall and were successful In killing several bear and other large animals, one of tho bear falling dead from a shot by Mrs. T. J. Kerr. Sho hopes to be as successful on this trip. FOR REXT Hotfs6s, 'Rooms Safe "Deposit Boxes mid Storage Room. BRATT & GOOIWAX. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burnoy ro turned Frday from a week's visit In Boulder and Denver. Will Crniglo left Sunday for Nor folk, Neb., after a week's visit with relatives and friends In town. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mooro returned tho latter pnrt of last week from a visit with friends in Sheridan, Wyoming. Tho Methodist nld society will ho entertained by Mrs. D. J. Antonldcs, 1107 west Sixth street, Wednesday af ternoon. Word received in town this week announced tho birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Ellas, of Taft. Cal., formerly of this city. ( Mrs. J. II. Doncgan and son Cyril left Sunday for a visit In Omaha and Lincoln. At tho lattor placo Cyril will enter tho stato unlvorslty. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boguo and two children aro expected homo tho lat ter part of this wcok from a month's visit with friends in Los Angeles. Stoves cleaned, repaired and erect ed. Now is the timo to order your stove repairs. McGovorn, Stovo Re pairer, 511 Locust, Phono Red 2G0. CC-G Mrs. Elln May Lanyon, of tho Bult department of tho Wilcox storo has resigned her position and left Monday ght for her homo in Kearney. A peep at our hats will convlnco you tljat hats aro not alone pretty but they are tho best values obtainable for tho money. MISS WHITTAKER, Wilcox Department Storo. Rev. A. K. Williams, of Bethany, m., Is visiting his son, Harry L. Wil liams of this city. Ho will return homo next Monday, accompanied by his son and wife- French Knrouto lo War. Ono hundred and ten Frenchmen en routo to France to enter military sor vico passed cast on a special train this morning. Tho train was started at San Francisco, and is picking up men as It passes through tho country. At Omaha a big delegation will Join and nt Chicago 800 aro awaiting tho ar rival of tho western contingent. Nearly all thoso who passed through this morning aro naturalized citizens of tho United States and can read and speak the English lnngungo, and they enter the military servlco of their own accord, though they have been re quested so to do by tho French godv orment. They sail from Now York next Saturday. Tho men wero a hap py lot of fellows, and as tho train pull ed out, ono yelled "Wo aro all coming back." BLANKETS AND QUILTS SALE AT THE LE1)ER. V Commencing Thursday, September 10, for :i days only, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, nt a cash dlscount'of 20 per cent.. Cold nights lire here. This makes everyone think of bed covering. Xow Is the time to lay In your win ter supplies. THE LEADER, JULIUS l'IZEIt. For Rent Furnished room In strict ly modem houso. 802 W. 6th. GG-2 Miss Elslo Langford has resigned hor position as stenographer In tho ofllco of Muldoon & Glbbs and accom panied by hor slstor, Allco, will leavo this webk for Pasadena, Cal. Harry Sawyer, formerly of this city, but lato of Choyenno, was mar ried last week In Pino Bluffs to Miss Sue Johnson of that place. They will mako their homo In Pino Bluffs. For Rent Suit of rooms over Huff man's cigar store. The Presbyterian aid society will moot Thursday afternoon In tho church parlors, cntortnlned by Mosdames John Knox, Fred Palno and C. M. Now ton. All membors aro requested to be present as business of Importance will bo transacted. Tho exhibit for tho stato f air, se lected ,f romt ho erhlblts at; tho' county fair, wero sent ou in a car'attUched to train No. 18 at noon Friday and reach ed Ltncoln tho following morning and later switched to tho fair grounds. Tho men who accompanied tho car thus' had an opportunity to arrange tho display Saturday evening and Sunday. Charged With Selling Mortgaged Car. C. A. Robinson has filed In Justlco Mlltonborgcr's court a complaint against J. A. Banta charging him with soiling an automobllo upon which ho holds a mortgager. Robinson sold Banta tho car, received a partian pay ment and took a mortgago on tho car for tho balanco due. Robinson now claims that Banta has sold tho car. Henry Kosbau Stricken. A telegram received Snturday from Lincoln announced that Henry Kos bau, who has boon a resident of that city for two years, had suffored a par alytic stroke Friday and was in a ser ious condition. Mr. Kosbau. who Is tho father of Miss Tllllo Kosbau and for a number of years lived on a farm southwest of town. Tho stroke Friday was tho Becond ho has suffered within a short period of timo. and this makes his recovory improbable. Kenunerer XVjiiI For Sale. Seo us beforo you buy. Special prices for September orders. Call or Phono 73. York Feed Storo. CG-4 Aiuciidiiioiits Carry nt (he Primary. All three of tho constitutional a mendments carried at tho last primary and the nro mado tho party proposi tion of all of tho parties and will bo chtltlcd to the benefit of all sralght party ballots, so that tho voter who does not vote either way on tho propo sition or makes a cross In tho party clrclo votes for them. Amondmcnt No. 1 Is a proposition to got a more ndequato syBtem of taxa tion for Nebraska and carries by a voto of 64,697 for to 25,725 against. Tho second proposition gives a Jury tho right to return a verdict In civil cases, flve-slxths of tho Jury being only necessary, instead of tho onttro jury govornlng the verdict. Tho voto on this proposition was 53,834 for to 26, 072 against. Tho third proposition Is tho ono raising tho salaries of stato officers. Tho proposition carried at tho pri maries by a vote of 45,230 for and 20, 752 agalnBt. i jtejPiHT1 ' SKUAUKUnl IN' 1 YOUNG MEN and older ones, too, j TELL US THAT OUR NEW FALL STOCK IS A "TOP NOTCHER. 95 w - -" - r -- - j compliments paid us by our friends. u . . . 4 i When we go through our store and look over the goods we have secured for fall and winter trade, we know tha After working as hard as we have to get together a stock these compliments are sincere tjiat the styes and vaUies oflereti nave rennv earned your appreciation. TJiere's not a vm. "c" " "yo v.iuiiiinb au .u. uoBO "'7, " " n commonplace or back-number article here, hvery bit ol merchandise is new, tresli, attractive and shows taste and qual a credit to North Platte, were mighty gratiUed at the it An( we back this spiemlid aray of merchandise by offering liberal values and the helpful kind of store service that we belive you will like. In every department strictly high-class goods are offered at prices that talk. ADLER'S COLLEGIAN CLOTHES featured for Style and Wear We decided to sell these famous Milwaukee-made clothes because we couldn't find another line that for good looks, fine tailoring and all round service quite came up to their standard. They're built for real flesh-and-blood men like you-they fit right-they are finished up right in every detail and are strictly the latest things in fashions. Better step in and see how well we can suit you. FADELESS BLUE SERGES $10.00 to $25.00. DRESDEN CHECKS, FANCY ETC. $10.00 to $25.00. (MiPS?ijyi MJlltilBBBiMMiM3BEMM frtfft ct? YES! WE SELL SHOES In fact we've got the classiest line of foot wear shown in these parts. Fine leather, shapely lasts and good shoe making combine to make all our shoes unusally attractive. Put it up to us to fit you wiih shoes that will wear exceptionally well. REGALS $4, $4.50, $5. SELTZ $3, $3.50, $4. HOW ABOUT THAT HAT? Now's the time for new fall and winter hats and caps. Picking is one that will please you is an easy job here. All the new colors and shapes are waiting for you in hats that will keep their good looks through lots of hard wear. STETSONS $3.60 to $5. OTHERS $2. to $3.50 NECKWEAR- SHIRTS - SOCKS v Our furnishings have the "pep" that pleases. From dress shirts down to underwear we offer these goods at bed rock prices. Come in now and fit yonrself out for fall and winter. INTERWOVEN SOCKS 25c to 50c. MANHATTAN SHIRTS AT $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3. VINDEX SHIRTS $1, to $1.50. BRING IN YOUR BOYS We're ready for them with clothes built expressly for growing youngsters. Mighty good looking suit and overcoats that will stand hard banging. And it don't take a big stack of coin to clothe a good sized family here. BOYS SUITS $2.50 to $10. " 2 PANT SUITS $5 to $6. Harcourt Take this as a personal invitation to visit our store, post yourself on styles, and find out how for your dollars will go. Jensen, North Platte, Nebraska