THE 3EMI-WEEKLV TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. ACMMNE STABILIZED INOTTEDATLA5T mL i iH537T' v BBBB wnBBiHBIBBBBBBMBHMBMIliBiirirwfrit i. iB &&ffin&m2zx? wzzi mratetZR zvkdtof' sismfyiZJ&z. w? -rv LMHR 13. SPERRY or Now York city Gv liaa given aviation n now Htart, inns f"" much aa ho has nrovlded a wav to rob It of sotno of Its mont Insidious perils. Ills apparatus Is an auto matic stabilizer, which maintains tho equilibrium of tho flying machlno no matter how ficklo may bo tho condi tion or tho air aloft. Don't lot this term stabilizer puzzlo you a bit; you can Just as well substitute tho moro familiar word "baloncor." If you happen to have access to a list of aero nautical, nccidents during tho last two years, es pecially where Uig henvlor-thnn-alr flying ma chlno is concerned, you will find that tho major & lty of tho catastrophes havo been attributed to "Iobs of control." Loss of control is merely an other way of saying that tho air pilot was caught napping or taken suddonly unawares, and beforo ho could apply tho usual facilities to right his machlno tho air craft was dashing earthward and utterly beyond human arrest. Perhaps it was iv sudden gust of wind, tho bwcop of a cross cur rent, or oven nn "air holo" that started tho up netting or tipping movement, but tho rosult was disaster. Tho outcomo is not difficult to explain It one. half reallzoB the airman's problem. Tho aviator, when once afloat aloft, has a task protty much akin to that of tho slack-roufpor-former. Ills machlno can reel from sldo to sldo or tip lengthwlsp with tho utmoHt onBO, especially If tho aeroplane bo of comparatively light weight flind of tho racing typo. From tho momont tho pilot takes his sdat, it tho wind curronts bo vari able ho has to Juggle continually with his wing tips or ailerons to provent too much lateral roll ing, and, too, to a lessor degree, ho haH to manipu late tho tail-planes to check any pitching or toss ing on tho part of tho head of tho noroplano. Tho lateral control ho exorcises by shoving his body sldowlso agalnBt an enveloping yoko, and tho longitudinal correction ho applies by moans of a lover, which ho olthor pushes away from him or draws toward him, ns tho caso requires. In time, tho skilled airman docs this moro or less invol untarily, responding to tho motions ot his craft. Unhappily, however, his corroctlvo efforts nro relatively sluggish, und they aro applied only aftor tho aeroplane has obtained a considerable angle ot heel or pitch. It 1b perfectly plain that tho aviator, at boat, when dopcndlng upon his own initiative, but Ioofly Imitates tho efforts of n soaring bird, which can maintain its polso steadily oven- though tho wind bo fitful and tho chnngo of forco ex tromo. Apparently, tho bird does this without rocking violently in Its endeavor to hold itself balanced; but simply becauso tho oyo cannot traco tho sweep of Its wlng-tlps, we do not soo liow It keeps Itself poised. Mr. Sporry, by his stabilizer, has mado this secret of natural flight clear to us. Tho bird Is Bonslttvo to tho first oncoming disturbing current and Instinctively acts to offset It. Dy catching tho upsotting force In Its very beginning, only tho slightest flexing of tho wing-tips is necoBsary to meet tho con tingency, In other words, tho bird never pormltH tho wind to got tho upper hand of it It meets tho approaching monaco, so to speak, promptly and neutralizes it at once. If tho bird wore as relatively InBonsltlvo as tho aviator, tho change ful wind or guaty air curronts would mean tho snmo danger to it that thoy do to tho pilot. Mr. Sperry has substantially changed all this try his gyroscopic stabilizing apparatus, and how fiuccossfully he has nchlovou this end was provod French aviation commission. There wero 57 com petitors entered In that contest of aeroplane safe ty dovlces, and tho American victory Is ono In which wo should take a good deal of pride. By that success avlntion broadly acquires a now ele ment of practicability, and tho flying machlno will havo far wider Holds of dally usefulness open to It. Wo aro now within roach of that state of tho nrt whore flying will bo as safe ns yatchlng; tho nlr pilot will have llttlo moro to do thnn sim ply to steer IiIb machlno to right or to loft, or up and down, as ho may desire tho stabilizer will keep blm from upsotting and will oven check him Bhould ho deliberately trespass toward tho hazard ous In some wilful movement. Now a gyroscope will ordinarily react agnlnst tho oxtornnl 'dlBturblhg forco, no matter In what direction that upsetting effort Is npplled. How then does Mr. Sperry mako use of tho gyroscopo In stabilizing tho aeroplane, and, especially, how docs ho produco harmony of action when ho utll Itzes four of those remarkable little spinning fly whuols? Tho four gyroscopes aro combined In pairs ono pnlr to reguloto tho floxlng of tho wing tips and tho other pair to prompt tho shifting of tho toll planes. Now, each pair must bo "dond" to tho forco which calls for action In tho othor, and, again, there must bo an ovon measure of con flict between tho two gyroscopes constituting a pair. That In to say", tho gyroscopes for lateral stabilizing nro opposed to each othor like two persons facing and alternately pushing nnd pull ing each other to obtain the right ot wuy. Sud donly some ono trios to clear tho patch by shov ing thorn from ono aldo, and, instinctively, to maintain thalr own bulanco, thoy unite against tho Intruder. It is JuBt in this fashion that Mr. Sperry unites by seeming opposition each pair of gyroscopes so that thoy will bo nbsorbed in their mutual struggle until aroused to sorvlce In tho designed plane or mutual action. Each gyroscopo Is not any bigger, Including Us casing, than a fair-sized fist, and don't supposo that tho porslstont tendency to hold to tholr chosen pianos Is In Itsolf capable or exerting tho forco that directly pulls tho controlling wires that work tho several stabilizing surfaces. Their mis slon Is to "feel" tho need of action nnd to call Into servlco mochnnlsm of sufficient vigor to do what tho pilot would otherwlso accompllnh by swinging his body or working a lover In tho latest form of his Btnblllzer Mr. Sperry has re course to n power apparatus which ho calls a servomotor. This sorvomotor Is driven by elec tricity, nnd is a sturdy apparatus, Instantly re sponsive to tho call of the gyroscopes. To It uro led tho control wires, and those nro oporatod Im mediately upon tho first urrlval of a tilting or tip ping gust ot wind. Without n stabilizer tho aero piano mny bo unbalanced a goodly number ot degrees beforo tho pilot is nllvo to the situation, and tho movoment acquires oven n greator ampli tude before ho can check It. With tho Sperry stublllzor, on tho othor hand, tho flying machlno 1b hold to Its equilibrium woll Inside of a zono of one degree. Havo you over lost your way In a fog? Well, U you havo, thon you mny npproclato tho variety of wuys In which an nvlntor may go nBtray when aloft. Onco above tho clouds; tho horizon dis appears, and, within somo limits, ho may not know whether ho Is going up or down or whither his machlno Is bonding. His poise, when ad vancing, is nlwnys nn angular ono, and ho may think himself going straight ahead, whllo, In fact, ho is actually descending. i " i . r -v. -" 4 2wix&q'S2?mzr sew orfflfMu&fflfc knowing tho anglo of thnt ascent, may be equally perilous. A small wind disk is associated with tho mechanism of tho stabilizer. This llttlo plato is so swung that It always "feels" the full forco of tho arriving nir curront as the aeroplane sweeps on. It Is associated with a prossuro meas uring mechanism, and this pressure corresponds to speed In miles per hour. This velocity Is Indi cated by a little dial in front of tho aviator, so that ho can know, If watchful, how fast his craft Is going and whether or not there Is lifting forco enough against the aeroplane's wings to keep tho machine safely afloat. When, ascending, tho pilot turns the nose of his muchlne upward ho offers a broader surface of his wings to the oncoming air, and what ho thus loses In movement forward he gains in rise, Just Uko the motion of a kite, when you pull tho string and square Its face moro nearly, with tho wind. Now, the aeroplane must move onward at n prescribed minimum speed; this velocity differs with different machines, and below this speed the air current has not force enough to sustain the craft. Should an aeronaut, seeking to climb too faBt, halt tho speed forwnrd in order to Increase the rapidity of rise, ho Is suro to start plunging backwnrd If that velocity drop ever so llttlo below tho prescribed minimum required for support. Hero is where tho little wind gaugo plays Us vital part. Automatically, should tho aviator be heedless or unaware of his peril when within a certain limit of tho nonsustnlnlng speed, tho wind gauge, through associate mochnnlsms, turns the tall planes so that that end rises, while the head of tho machlno dips, and, Instead ot sonrlnc. starts upon an earthward volplane. In that earthward Bweep tho craft acquires Increased Bpeed, gains renewed supporting pressure, und Is onco moro under safe control. This control, however, Is taken out oftho hnnds of the pilot pro tern, until tho required safety speed has been thus obtained. This same pro vision provides ngalnst that much feared con tingency, the stopping of tho propulsive motors during flight. It was an accident of this sort that almost cost the lives of an aviator nnd his wife hero a llttlo over a week ago. Hy desperate ef forts that pilot managed to keep tho zigzag vol planing of his craft within some bounds, and by great good luck the machlno landed in tho water. In sweeping around upon a circular (light, es pecially If tho turn bo ut all short, tho ordinary aviator has a multiplicity of things to do: To must regulate his wing tips or ailerons, function tho tall plnne and, nt tho samo timo, mnnipulnto the rudder. Tho trouble Is that the rudder and tho tall piano become somewhat Intorchanceablo In their nctlonB becauso of tho heeling anglo ns- sumod by tho craft. This Is ticklish work and has caused many accidents and cost a number of Hvoh. With tho Sperry stabilizer this hazard Is romoved. Tho pilot, will have nothing to concern himself about except the path ho wishes to follow tho llttlo gyroscopes will look out for tho rest, as has been amply provod during the exacting tests In Franco when tho shifting ot tho pilot and his mechanic sot up disturbing forces that would havo meant certain destruction In an unstnblllzod neroplano. Now you know JuBt what Mr. Sperry hns done for aviation. Ho has masterod a very hard prob lem, and ho has made his mastery complete. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. fcy his winning tho $10,000 prize offered by tho Hut tho risks In climbing skyward, vithout FIREMEN. Illll Who's your friend? Jill Oh, he's a llroman. "What kind of a fireman, tho kind that wears a red shirt or the kind who hns a smutty face?" FUNNY DANCING. Patience I noticed, last night, that Goorgo has tango eyes. Patrice Why do you call them" tango cyos? "Ilecauso thoy dnnco so runny." Mrs. Thoron Nye, ono or Fromont'8 earliest ploneors, died. Tho equipment or tho volunteer tiro department at Ohlowa has been Increased. " Three negro box car robbers aro confined in tho new county Jail at Plattsmouth. Robert Wynn or Chicago addressed a mass meeting of Superior cltlzeno on the subject or water power. The Dodge county teachers' Insti tute will bo held nt Fremont this week. A strong program has been scheduled. Nebraska's npplo crop this year will reach 2,200 ncordlng to forecasts by tho department of agriculture at Washington, Material has been received at Ohlo wa for tho Installation of electric street lights. Tho work of installa tion wll start at onco. The furnlturo and equipment donat ed to tho Franklin acadomy from tho Weeping Wntor acadomy Is being pre pared for shipment. Georgo Dill of West Point, former night marshal and later In the cream nnd poultry business, has moved his family to Schuyler. Omaha's Ak-Sar-Ben fall festival will be held Soptembor 30 to October 10. Electrical parade evening of Oct 7, Fraternal rarado Oct. 8. Tho Cuming county teachers' Insti tute has closed at West Point. Tho attendance was larger than evor be foro nnd the programs wore success ful. Glenn AVeleh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welch of Hastings, is suffering from a severe case of blood poisoning resulting from stepping on a rusty nail. Tho Germp.n-Amorlcan picnic, which wns to have been held at Seward Sep tember 1, ha? been postponed Indefi nitely, on account or the war In Eu rope. Tho Holiness camp meeting at Weeping Water, under tho auspices of tho Nebraska conference of Menonlto brethren has closed a ten day ses sion. The city council of Superior oponod a new well hlch first filled with water and then with milcksnnd. it u .thought that a now location must bo round for tho well. James McKorno. who war thrown under a car at' tho Rock Island sand pit, near Fairbury, died. His legs wer amputated and ho received fatal Internal Injuries. Garnett Hartlet, a well digger, was overcome by gns resulting from blast ing and plunged to tho bottom of a sixty-foot shnft at Plattsmouth. Ho was Instantly killed. Tho five-year-old son of f!hnrl(w Po land was drowned In a bayou of tho untie Dluo river, a mile southwest of Fairbury. The bodv was recovnrprl hut lire could not bo restored. An appenl for funds has reached D. M. Rosenburg of Hastings from his brother, who is stranded in Antwerp, Belgium. He fled from Russia when hostilities broke out. Business men at Plattsmouth aro planning to build a pontoon bridge across tho Missouri for the conven ience of farmers on tho Iowa sldo who trade In Plattsmouth. Lowney Bellnay, colored, haB been bound over to the district court on a charge of burglarizing a Rock Island .boarding car, near South Bond. Hla trial was hold at Plattsmouth. Mrs. P. E. Becker was 'seriously in jured, John Bacon sustained a frac tured collarbone, and threo others re ceived moro or less serloii3 bruises from which they will recover, wen an auto In which all were riding struck a Burlington fast train near Exeter. Dlttman's department store of Falls. Ulty was destroyed by fire. The loss la $30,000, with insurance of $18,000. Tho fire originated In a new stock stored In tho cellar. Despite a high wind flromen succeeded In confining the blaze to tho building where it originated. Tho Young & Bolton lumber yard at Hebron was destroyed by fire. Tho firo department oxertod every effort, but the flames could not bo controlled In time to Bavo tho yard and n hard fight was necessary to keep the fire from spreading to adjoining buildings. Tho loss will reach $20,000. At a meeting of the directors of tho Callaway fnlr association, It was unanimously decided to not hold a fair this fall. Tho association, bo cnuso of bad weather last fall, wont behind several hundred dollars, and owing to present circumstances It wns deemed best to not attompt to hold a fair this senson. Dr. Klein, stato veterinarian, nt. ., , . n. tended a meeting of fifty farmers six miles north of Beatrice. The object of tho meeting was to Induce farmers to take snnllary precautions agains't tho spread of hog cholera. Tho far mers have agreed to carry out meas ures advocated by the government nnd stato veterinarian and a disinfecting spray pump will be bought and used In each township. Nobrnska City has filed a suit against tho light and water company, alleging that Impure nnd dirty water is furnished patrons. Tho city asks for tho dissolution of the franchise granted the company. A special elctlon wns hold In Ra venna for tho purpose of voting on a proposition to Issue bonds to construct a bower system. Tho voto stood 115 for and .forty-eight against, thero being but a light voto cast. This prop osition was voted on nnd carried about two months ago, but legal tech nicalities mado It necessary to hold nnnther election. BUILDING , CRACKED1 NbRMAL BOARD KICKS ON CHAD RON STATE DORMITORY. PASSENGER RATE THREATENED Commission Fears Application of Ok lahoma Case to Nebraska ' Two-Cent Law. Lincoln. Tho stato normal board has taken up tho question of a defective building and a proposed de partment for tho .study of defective, childeen. J. R. Gettys, a mombes of tho board, reported that tho now dor mitory at tho Chadron normal, built' by Mr. Mulholland or South Dakota, was defective. He said thero woro cracks under tho roof nenr the eaves atftl open spaces not Intended by the nrchltcct, that the floor In the top story Is not in good condition and tho flooring is poor and the cement floor in tho basement is crumbling, and' cracked. The building was to have boon finished by June 1, yet thero aro no outside doors In tho structure. Tho board Instructed the scretary to no-, tlfy tho contractor It the building Is not fllnlshed and Jn good condition by, September 7, the board will tako tho! Job off his hands and finish it. Tho architect who designed tho structure, was asked to Inspect it. Mr. Gettys made a verbal report In favor of establishing a new depart ment in all four stato normal schools, commenolng with tho Peru school. Ho advocated a department for tho study of defective children with an expert in charge who will be able to Instruct teachers how to discover defects" lnt children and how to caro for such children. The board took no action, but asked for a written report on tho subject. May Affect 2-Cent Law. Death knells may bo sounded one of these days for the 2-cent passenger law, now effective In Nebraska. And when that time comes tho 3-cent specter, which played ghost until tho federals courts spoke, will assume form as far as travelers in this stato are concerned. This is tho conclusion reached by (the state railway commission aftor reading the recent decision of tho in terstate commerce commission in the case of the corporation commis sion or Oklahoma against tho Santa Fo and other roads of that state. In tho proceeding on which Is basod this startling announcement it was alleged that the Interstate faro of 3 centa per mile through Arkansas. Missouri and Oklahoma wa3 unreas onable and discriminatory to the ex tent that it exceeded the 2-cent faro maintained in the three states. Tho prayer was for the establishment of a 2-cent fare on all Interstate business between the threo states. In discussing the problem in tho de cision the federal regulatory body cites the United States suprmo court decision giving authority to regulate purely intrastate rates whero Inter state rates aro seriously affected thoreby. That Is whero the cloud rises on the Nebraska horizon. It menns in 'short that if the Nebraska 2-cent passenger rate is found to in terfere with a through rate, then tho Nebraska rate can be raised to meet the demands of tho occasion. It Is a grave danger, according to tho state commission, and one that threatens freight traillc as much as passenger business. Open Season for Ducks. The publication of a news item that tho open season on ducks did not be gin until October 1, has brought in a flood or letters to Game Warden Rut cnbeck asking nbout the, law. Tho game, warden has kept his stenogra pher busy trying to untanglo the mys tery aijd gives out that the open sea son for wild duck, geese, brant, cranes and game water fowls, begins Tues day, September 1 and will close Wed nesday, December 16. Assistant State Engineer Hero. Friends or "Cy" Mason, assistant' state engineer, who stopped a run away team at Fremont the other day and saved the lives or a woman and two llttlo children, will mako efforts to land a Carnegie medal for him. Tho deed Is termed, by those who saw It, as ono or the bravest they ever witnessed. Accept Craddock's Plans. Tho State Normal board at Its reg ular meeting decided to accopt the plans prepared by J. II. Craddock ot Omaha ror a now model school build ing at the Peru normal school to cost in tho neighborhood cr $80,000, bids to bo considered nt the next meeting Tot the board, October 1. Firms Rush to Exhibit. Novel and unique farm machinery exhibits will be ono of tho features of the state fair this fall. During tho last fow years, declares a machinery expert, many Improve, ments In machines havo been captur ed by companies outside the alleged tniBt. Smnll manuracturorB have rush ed In, eager to show their Improved, up-to-date models. A long list or Implement and ma chlnery flrm3 have already signed contracts wltli the Stato Board or Agriculture. Jjj 1,, r aMmm? t I