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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1914)
"i i ft, 1 Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publishc. .iiiimiMiiiiw ii muMiiim ii n nnrmninr 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year b) Mali In Admiicc... $1.25 One Year by Carrier in Advance. .$1.50 Entered at North Pintle, Nebraska, Postofllco as Second Class Matter. TUESDAY SEPT. 1, 19 4. BOM) BURGLAR ENTERS DK.McCABi;S HOME Turns on Nearly All Lights In the Honor, and then Rlilrs the Doctor's Clothes of Nearly Hundred Dollars. An early morning burglar of very unusual habits entered the homo of Dr". McCabo Sunday morning at about four o clock and succeeded In gottlng away with nearly a hundred dollars in money and the doctor's annual pass. Night Ofllccr Jones wns called there about four-thirty, but tho man had left no cluo to his Identity. Dr. McCabo was awakened by the light shining In his face and as ho woko up ho heard his wife caution him to remain quiet for there wns a burglar In tho house. He looked up Just In tlmo to see tho man go out of tho door of his room and descend tho Btalrs. Nearly overy light In tho house had boon turned on and tho burglar seemed to havo taken no pro- caution from making it known that he was In tho house. Tho doctor got up and started In pursuit of tho man and when ho got out in tho hall whero the light had been turned off ho discovered that the man had put a chair at tho head of the stairs and had piled clothing around, so that anyono pursuing him would fall and glvo him a chanco to got away. IJo had taken tho doctor's clothes out into tho hall and had gono through his pockotB and secured about eighty-seven dollars in monoy, a check for ten dollars and the annual pass. No cluo to tho man's Identity 1b known other thnn that Dr. McCabo saw thut ho was a man of about live feet six Inches in height and of medium build. EVENTS IN SOCIETY TulrtyBlx ladlos were pleasantly entertained at a kensington Friday afternoon by MrH, Geo. Prossor and Mrs. Fred Pcrrltt, at tho homo of tho former. An enjoyable two-course lunch wns served. ' , The Et-A-Virp clud wore pleasantly ontcrtalncd Tuesday evening by Mrs. Kennedy at a theatre party at tho Keith theatre. Following this refresh ments wore sorved nt tho North Platte Candy Kitchen. Tho club will bo enter tained noxt Friday afternoon by MrB. John Dick. Mlns Elva Day entortnlned at her homo on eaBt Fifth street Friday ovon ing at a Juvenile party. A very pleas ant and Jolly evening was roportod by all present and the costumes woro tho sourco of much merriment, Tho houso was beautifully decorated for the occasion with Japanese lanterns and looked very protty. Prizes were given on tho costumes and Miss Cath erine Hall received tho prize for the most cutely dressed girl and Robert Gantt tho prlzo for tho most slouch lly dressed boy. Forty-eight guests Avero present and tho hostess was as sisted by Mioses Esther Schwalger and Grnco Oglor. At tho close of tho evening'' entertainment dainty re freshments woro served. A sutprlso party was given at tho i homo of Mr. und Mrs. L. E. Jones Saturday in honor of Miss Dai3y Hoov er, tho occasion being Miss Hoover's Bovontbeutu birthday. Daisy admitted that tho secret had boen well kept from her nnd that she was greatly surpris ed, Tho early part oft ho ovenlng wns spent on tho lawn. Many interesting gnmc.s were phtyed. Later in tho ov enlhg a splondtd luncheon was sorved. Aftor tho lunchoon n numbor of songs woref sung, and then all departed for their homos, wishing Miss Daisy that iter future birthdays bo many and as happy aa tho present ono had been. Playgrounds Open This Week Only Tho public playgrounds will bo open this wook under tho Huporvislon of Vic. Halllgau for tho benotlt ot tho children In tho city who wish to uso tho npparaua and for thoso visiting in tho city. Playground Instructor Smith hnd expected to bo lioro yot this wook, but ho was advised somo tlmo ngo that school began a week earlier thun ho hnd anticipated and for that reason ho wno obliged to loaYQ. After this wook tho children will bo in school and tho playgrounds will bo 'closed Up for tho winter unless somo turthor provision Is made. Thoy havo been used by a great number this summor nnd will bo oven inoro popu lar another year. A full report of tho summer's work will bo given later, I'lajti lii Hard Luck, Guy Pitt, who was down from his homestead In Grant county Saturday, says ills sixty acres of corn has gone glimmering. To make matters worse, ho has a hundred head of young hogs which ho oxpoctcd to fntton on tho corn ho hoped to grow, and which when ready for market would bo worth $1400 or $1600. Now ho will be com pelled to soil tho animals tor what ever ho can got fort hem. Othoru in Guy's neighborhood aro In tho gamo fix. r fllrl Wanted For general housowork. Small fam ilygood wages. Mrs. E. It. Goodman, 421 west FoubUi Btroot. C2-3 . A Mco Wedding Gift. When Wnltor Haythomo, tho well known young ranchman of Arthur county, wed Miss Hnzol Menter at Sioux City a couplo of wooks ago, ono ot tho presents to tho brldo was a $30, 000 Intorost in tho Figuro Four ranch, made by tho parents of tho groom, Mr. and Mrs. Harry llaythorno. Walter .Haythomo will bo remember ed as on of tho riders In tho wild west exhibition given In connection with tho Elks' stnto convention hold in this city. LOCALS TAKE THREE FROJI SCOTTS BLUFF Win Saturdays (Iniuc b) Score of Scicn to One, nnd Both (James Sun da by Scores of Tiichc loFhc and Scicn to Two. Tho North Platto team took three straight games from the Scotts Bluff team Saturday and Sunday. Tho vis itors had been heralded as a strong and winning team, but they wore out classed when pitted against tho local team. Tho locals had been strength ened somewhat by the addition of Brown, a pitcher from Butto, Mont., Plntt a now outfielder, and Hollldny who caught one game Sunday. Vance pitched Satdrday's game and held tho visitors down to threo hits land struck out eight men, while the Scotts Bluff pltchdr wns" "touched up fcl: thlrteen hits. Brown pitched tho first game Sun day and gave nlno safeties, while North PlaUo took eleven safe ones. In this gamo Scotts Bluffs was credited with ten errors. Jones pitched tho second gamo and kept tho visitors down to five hits, while North Platto took cloven. Tho attondanco at Saturday's gamo was light, but tho Sunday attendance was good. Tho North Platte line up was strong er than usual, and with the same line up ought to win both games sched uled for this week. A Bay lo BeObscncd. On August 24, 1814, the British un dor command of General Ross took possession of Washington, D. C, then a city of 9.000 and burned the cnpltol and other buildings. General Ross, with his British troops pursued tho few marines nnd volunteers toward the city of Baltimore and in tho assault on Fort McIIcnry on September 13th Gcnornl Ross was killed. Francis Scott Key, a young nttorney, was ar rested and threatened execution on an English frlgato during tho bombard ment of Ft. McIIcnry. Tho heavy guns on the English vessels continued until aftor twelve o'clock at midnight, and so long ns the cannon boomed Key know that tho fort was holding out. It was a long tlmo to wait for dawn, and straining his eyes hrough tho early morning mist he Bnw the stars and stripes still floating. Ho drew from his pocket an old letter on the back of which ho wrote what Is now our national air, "The Star Spangled Bnn nor." This was on September 14, 1814, soon to bo one hundred years ago. North Platto should make a proper observance of tho day, as will bo done In ovory largo town and city. The first object that greets tho eye on tho morning of September 14th should be a flag Hying from every pole In the city. FOR TRADE Good auto in Al condition. Owner will ' take real estate or gopd mort gage Seo O. H. THOELECKE Cl-4 , War NoNh. A French report Bays: "Our force found near Nancy on a front of three kilometers 2,500 dead Germans, and near Vltrlmont, along a front of four kllomctors 4.500. Longwy whero the garrison consisted of only ono bat talion, has capitulated after a solge of twenty-four days." Tho French and British aro gather ing every man nnd gun nvailablo in northwoBtern Franco in an nttempt to Btop tho Gorman advance on tho road to Parla. A dispatch to tho Dally Nows from Rotterdam 'says that out of GO.OOO in habitants of Mnllnes only 200 aro now left in tho town. Rofugoes state that many woro killed by tho bombard ment and practically all of tho rest fled. It Is ofllclally announced Jn Tarls. says n dispatch, that tho military gov ernor lias ordered all residents of the zone within action. of tho city's de fending forts to ovneuato and destroy their houses within four -days from today, August ao. The British and French govern ments nro calling upon all English men and Frenchmen to join In dofonso of the allied linos,' which apparently are being pushed back by tho over whelming Gorman forces on their way to Paris. A campaign has been begun In Loudon and other English cities to Induco nil ablo-bodlcd Englishmen to Join tho colors. Field Marshal Lc-id Roberts, addressing a mooting to obtain recruits for tho army, de clared tho country was In great danger and that defeat would mean "ruin, shame and slavory." Field Marshal Mcuthcn said nny eligible man refus ing to Join tho army in" tho time of his country's ncod la nothing but n coward. Dispatches from Austrian headquar ters to the Corrlero Delia Sorla Btatc thnt 1.000,000 men aro ongaged in tho great battle that has been proceeding tor three days on the Austro-Russlnn frontier. Tho bnttlo line oxtonds from tho Vistula river to tho Dnelster rlvor, ovor 100 miles. Tho fighting has been fully as Bovoro as that In Belgium. Tho Russians, who took the offensive, havo penetrated ovor twenty miles Into Austrian territory. For Sale Improved: 100 ncros 6 mllos north of town, sharo In phono lino, somo crop. 12 tons hill hay somo machinery, $lS00 terms. Also 320 acres -1 miles north Improved, 10.00 an aero. Phono T545 JOHN BROSE, C3-2 North Platto Neb. Sheriffs Sale J By virtue of an order of salo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered In said Court whoroln Mutual Building & Loan Asso ciation, 11 Corporation Is plaintiff, and Corda V. O'Brien, et al.. aro defend- l nntB. and to mo directed, I will on tho 3rd day or uctouor, iii4, at 2:00 o'clock P. M at tho east front door of tfio Court Houso in North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, boII at Public Auc tion to tho hlghost bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest nnd costs, tho following described property, to wlt Lot Six (6), Block One hundred fifty-one (151). Orgtnal Town of North Platto, Nebraska. Dated North Platto, Nebraska, Aug ust 31st, 1914. A. J. SALISBURY, sl-5 Sheriff, Suffrage Meeting. Tomorrow evening at oight Jo'clock nt tho high school grounds IE. Von Foroll nnd Ida Crafts wtll'dellvor ad drossos on Woman's Suffrage Both aro ready speakers who arc thorough ly oonvorsant with tho subjoct, nnd thrtlr addrosscB aro certain to prove intorosting. You nro cordially invited to attend. State Engineer Price transacted business In town Saturday, "coming here to get some data concerning the new bridge across the river cast of town. Carpenters began work yosterdny io remodel the interior qt tho A. E. Qarllsch residence. 1. J. DIENEIl & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Como and seo us for town lots In dlfforent parts of tho city. Good in vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo havo also good bar gains In farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dowoy Sts., upstairs. FOR THE PICMIC Plenty for All at Doolittle's Bakery SANDWICH BREAD BUNS ROLLS PIES CAKES COOKIES LUNCH MEATS We brake quality &oods and have a large assortment to choose from. Order of Hearing on Final Settlement. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. Int lib County Court. In tho Matter of the Estate of James is. JJaKer, Deceased. . , To tho Creditors, Heirs, Legatees, and Others Interested in tho Estaj.0 of James E. Baker: - ,, Tako Notice, That John N. Bakor and Jessie E. Hughes havo filed in the County Court, a report of their do ings as Executors of said estate, and it Is ordered that the same cand for hearing the 22nd day of September, A. 1., 1914, before tho Court at tho hou of 9 o'clock A. M., at which time any porson intorested may appear and ex cept to and contest the sanie. Notico of this proceeding' and the hearing thereof Is ordered t;iven to all persons Interested In saldt-'wa.tjter by publishing a copy oft his order In Tho North Platte Trlbuno, n legal semi-weekly nowapaper printed In said County, for 3 consecutive weeks prior to said date of hearing. Dated August 27, 1914. j JOHN GRANT, County Judge. blierlfrs Sale By virtue of an order of salo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendored In said Court wherein Nicholas McCabo is plaintiff and Frank P. Peterson et al aro de fendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 2Gth day of September, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M., at tho east front door of tho Court House In North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, sell at Pub lic Auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, the following described property to-wit: All of Section Thirty-flvo (35)'Town Bhip Sixteen (10) North of Rnngo thlr-ty-throo (33) lying east of tho main channel of Blrdwood creek; and Northeast Quarter (NEVi) section two (2) and nil of section ono (1) Township fifteen (15) North of Range Thlrty-throo (33) Woot Cth P. M. Lin coln County, Nebraska. Dated North Platto, Neb., Aug. 24th, 1911. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Ill the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Mary E. Morgan, Deceased. To tho creditors, holrs and nil oth er parsons Interested in said cstato: Notico Is hereby given that on Aug ust 22, 1914. Fred Morcan. administra tor of said estate filed In snld Court a report of his doings as administrator or said estate, togethor with his appli cation for the assignment of tho real estate uolonglng to said cstato, to wlt: All of lot 7 of block 77 of the original city of North Platto, Nebras ka, and tho S. Vj of lot 10 ot tho Coun ty Clerk's Subdivision of tho S. V6 of tho N. E. 1 of Section 32, Township 14, Rnngo 30 W. 6th P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, and it is hereby ordered that tho samo stand for hear ing on tho 15th day of September, A. D. 1914, before said Court at tho hour of 9 o'clock A. M., at which tlmo all persons lntorosted may appear, ob ject to and contest the samo. I iW L Tyi . w ln-- 1 Br5? -fes&tesviT 9r 4-651 Notico of thoso proceedings and tho hearing thereof is ordered given to all persons Interested in said cstato by publishing a copy of this ordor In tho North Platto Seml-Weokly Tribune, a semi-weekly nowBpapor printed In Bald county for threo consecutive weeks prior to said date of hearing. August 22. 191 L (SEAL) JOHN GRANT, County Judge, Dty. infield qedField. Physicians and Surgeon. WILLI3 J. nEDFIELD. Surnoou. JOB D. KEDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE; Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 2. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building. PLnoo Office 130 Phones j Ro3idenC9 116 Office phono 241. Res. phono 217 L. C. DR'OST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. NOURISHING ICE CREAM It is tho purity of our ice cream that makes it not only delicious but nourishing. We invite you to inspect our ice cream plant and see the sanitary conditions under which it is made. Everything which enters into its composition is absolutely puro and evor utensil is as clean as you would like it to be. Try our ice cream once and you will order it again. We supply ice cream for parties, banquets and clubs. Let us giv you an estimate. t f Stone Drug Co. Look at This! Anyone in need of Pianos, Organs, IUcyclcs, Clocks, Watches, Sowing Ma chines. Guns, Revolvers, Shells of nil kinds, Gns Stoves, Oil Stoves, Ranges, Ever) thing in Furniture, Come to Echellbery,--600 Locust THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN Wo want Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Pota toes, Etc., In exchange for furniture. COME IN AND SEE OUR STOCK 4.A. le Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red G3G Office 459 C H. WALTERS. Notice to Hunters. All hunters and others aro warned against trespassing on lands owned or controlled by tho undersigned. All per sons violating this notice will bo sum marily dealt with according to law, as it Is determined that trespassing on our lands shall cease. A. Bauard A. Falk Oto Roberta Dan Kunkol O. L. Watkins Martin Hanan J. A. Markee Goo. Single J. A. Kunkol Jos. Horshoy H. M. Horshey Jcsso Kunkol W. C. Masters J. K. Crow C. A. Howard C. Osgood k Joo Shaw W. Kunkol E. Doiko Fred Dlohl Will Sonnerman L. L. Lloyd A. Connor A. Kunkol Ell Kunkel Collins Bros. Elmer Daggett Gunderson Bros IT fl ill mi mi i 1 1 oumhm Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will - Stnto of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In thd County Court. August 17, 1914. " In tho mattor of the Estate of Bella Howe Fronch, Deceased. On rending and filing the petition of Geo. E. French, praying that tho Instrument, filed on tho 17th day of Aug., 1911 and purporting to bo tho last Will and Testament ot the-sald deceased, may bo proved, approved, probated, allowed and recorded as the Inut Will and Testament of the said Bella Howe Freuch, deceased, and that tho execution of said Instrument may bo committed and tho administration of said Estato may bo granted to the petitioner as Executor. Ordored, That Sept. 8. 1914, at 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said pettylon, when all persons lntor osted In said mattor may appear at a County Cotirt to bo held In nnd for said county, nnd show cnuso why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not bo granted. A copy of this ordor to bo published In Tho North Platto Trlb ijno, a legal semi-weekly newspaper qf Bald county for threo Buccesoive weeks prior to said dato of hearing. 1 JOHN GRANT, County Judgo, Drs. Quigley & Simms Physicians and Surgeons. Building and Loan Building. Dr. J. S. Twinem, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, Special Attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Phones, office 183, residence 283 Office in McDonald Bank Building. Worth Platte, "Nebraska. Nyal Drug Stroe Phone 8 Bowcns Barn Phono 101 C W- CRONBN - GRADUATE VETERINARIAN North Platto Nebraska. Ron. Phone Red 400. FARM LOANS Plenty of Money to Loan on Farms and Ranches. Rates and Terms Rasona ble.v Buclianan & Patterson. COL. DAVE LOVE SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA. AUCTIONEER. Experience with sales ol all kinds. Dates made with any bank In Llnroln County. Cattle and Hogs WANTED. Sell your Cattle and Hops to Julius Mogensen, No. Platte. Hgihest cash prices paid. Office open day and night in North Sir Barn. First class horse and a'o livery in connection. Phone No. 29., The North Side Feed Barn HAS FOR SALE GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa, Hay, Good Seed Potatoes. Goods promptly delivered. Our terms are cash. TELEPHONE No. 29 Notico of Salo of Laud Upon Execution Notico is iTBfby given that by vir tue of an execution issued by Geo. E. Prosser, Clerk ofthe District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a Judgment rendered in the District Court of Buffalo County, Nebraska, which had been filed In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, in favor of John W. Smith ngainst M. J. Graham, full name Marlon J. Graham, I have levied upon the fol lowing described real estate as the property of said Marlon J. Graham, to-wlt: All of Section Five (5), In Township Sixteen (16) North of Range Twentv nino (29) west of tho 6th. P.M. Lincoln County, Nebraska, and I will on the 2Sth day of September, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m. central time of said day at tho east front door 6f the court house, in the city of North Platte, in said Lin coln County, Nebraska, sell said real estate subject to a mortgage of $2,000 and accrued Interest thereon, at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution upon which there Is due tho sum of $035 wltli.7 por cent Interest from Novem ber Uth, 1913, and $2S.75 cost together with accrued cost. Dated North Platto, Nebraska, Aug ust 20, 1914. A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. Probate Notice. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska, Aug. 4th, 1914. In tho matter of tho Estato of C. A. Carpentor, deceased. Notico Is hereby given, that tho cred itors of said deceased will meet tho Executor with tho Will annexed, of said estato, beforo tho County Judgo of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on tho 8th day of September, 1914, and on tho 8th day of March, 1915, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for exami nation, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for tho Executor with th"1 Will annox od, to BOttlo said estate, rom tho 4th day of August, 1914. A copy of his or der to be published In tho North Platto Trlbuno, a legal Seml-Woekly news paper, published in said county, for 4 successive weeks prior to said dato of hearing. J.OHN GRANT, All-4w County Judge. NOTICE FOn PUBLICATION. Serial No. 04.' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEMOK. United States Land Ofllco North Platte. Nebraska, July 25. 1914. NotIc it hereby given that Amuel Sulcraw of SUploton. Neb., who on July 13, 190S. made homestead entry No. 042 for EM. NEW SWH. E'i NWW. and n 1. Section 18, Township IS N. Ilansre 2$, W. of Cth Principal Meridan, has filed notice of Intention to make final (He year proof, to establish cUlm to the land abovo described before the reslster and receiver at North Platte Nebraska, on the 23rd day of September, mi. Claimant names as wltncssscs: Harry Mor row and Charlie Appleirarth .of. Willard. Neb., W, 11. Lonirpre. of Maxweij. Neb.. Garfield Gutherless, of North PlatteTNebr. j2-fl J. E. EVANS- Register. Notice (o Take Depositions In the District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. William Schnepler, Plaintiff, vs. James E. Lane, mortgagee named in tho mortgage In tho petition herein described; tho unknown heirs or leg atees and devisees of said James E. Lane, deceased; the unknown heirs or legatees and devisees of Josiah Har rington, deceased, as assignee from said James E. Lano of said mortgage; and tho real estate covered and cloud ed thereby, to-wlt: E. N. W. ind E. S. W. A section 24, T. 12, N It. 32 West Cth P. M., defendants. Tho above named defendants will each and all take notice that on Tues day, tho 6th day of October, 1914, be tween tho hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. of Bald day, at tho office of Dill & Huston, real estate and insurance agents, on 3rd street, in tho city of Grand Island, Nebraska, tho said plaintiff, William Schaeplor, will tako tho depositions of J. E. Dill, witness In tho above entitled action, to bo used aB evidence on tho trial of said cause; with authority to adjourn from day to day between tho same hours, until they are completed. Dated August 18, 1914. WILLIAM SCHAEPLER, Plaintiff. By King & Bittner, his Attorneys, al8-4 Osceola, Ncbr. Legal Notico .. In the district court of Lincoln County Nebraska. William Schaepler, plaintiff, vs. James E. Lane, mortgageo named In the mortgage in tho petition herein described; tho unknown heirs or leg atees and devisees of said James E. Lane, deceased; tho unknown heirs or Iegateeo and "devisees of Josiah Har rington, deceased, as assignee from said James E. Lane of said mortgage; and tho real estate covered and cloud ed thereby, to-wit E. N. W. Vi and E. S. W. section 24, township 12 North, range 32 West G th P. M., de fendants. Each and all of the defendants above named and described, will take notice that William Schaepler, plaintiff here in, on the 18th day of August, 1914, filed his petition 'n the ofhco of the Clerk Of the L t Court of Lincoln County( Nrjbrnska, against tho de fendants hereinbefore in the title named and described, the object and prayer of which aro to obtain the de cree of said Court to quiet in the plaln- tnt tne title to said described real es tate, to-wit: E. N. W. and E. SW. 14 section 24, T. 12, N R. 32 West 6th P. M against the apparent and unenforclble Hen arising by vir tue of tho mortgage thereon, made by Alton L. Martin to James E. Lane, dated March 10, 1894, recorded March 24, 1894, In book 13, page 473 of the mortgage records of sald'Llncoln coun ty, which said mortgage has been fully paid and satisfied and duo and legal assignment of same was made by said James E. Lane to Josiah Harrington, now de ceased, tho Ia8tv named havlnng ex ecuted and delivered good and suffi cient release of said" mortgage, but both said Instruments, to-wit: said as signment of mortgage and release thereof, so as aforesaid duly executed, acknowledged and delivered, havo been lost or destroyed without recording and all without fault yr laches on be half of said plaintiff, who prays for said decree without redeeming or of fering to redeem therefrom, full satls- raction ot same having been made, and for equitable relief generally. You, the said defendants, and each of you, are-required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday, the 28th day of September, 1914. Dated August 18th, 1914. WILLIAM SCHAEPLER. Plaintiff. King & Bittner, his Attorneys, al8-4 Osceola, Nebr. Notice of Incorporation -Notice is hereby glveji that we, the undersigned, have formed a corpora tion, tho name of which Is North Platto Hardware and Furniture Co. The principal place of transacting the bus iness is in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, The amount of the authorized capital stock Is ?30,000.00, to be divided into shares of $100.00 each. That tho paid up cap ital stock on tho organization of said corporation was $18,200.00. the bal ance of said stock being unissued. Tho general nature of the business of said corporation is that of operat ing a nnruwaro and furniture store, buying and i selling, either at wholesale or retail, hardware, and furniture, with power to buyv and sell groceries, no tions, dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, and such other and further lines of merchandise as tho said corporation may determine that tho trade re quires. Also to buy and sell grain and produce nnd to purchase, lease, sell and convoy real estate and to sub let and lease any property of said cor poration, and to do and perform such other and further acts and things as may bo necessary and incidont to the main powers and purposes of tho cor poration. Tho time of the commencement of said corporation is July 23, 1914. The termination of said corporation Is July 22, 1964. Tho highest amount of Indebtedness to which tho corpora tion shall at nny tlmo subjoct itself shnll not exceed two-thirds of tho paid up capital stock. Tho affairs and bus iness of tho corporation shall bo con ducted by a board of threo directors, a president, a vice-president, secre tary and treasurer. In witness whoreof we havo hereun to subscribed our names this 23rd day of July, 1914. , '. B. W. FINK. A. T. YOST. T. E. FINK. J. Q. WILCOX. sin;iiirii,s s.vm: m By virtue of an order of salo Issued from tho District Court of Lincoln County Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said Court wherein Nebraska Centrnl Ilulhllng & L,01n.,sso?l,Jt,on' J1 corporation is Plaintiff, and James Jensen et ol are de fendants, nriU to me dlrocted, I will on the 19th day of September, 1914, at 2 o clock P. M., at the enst front door of tho Court House In North Platte, Lin coln County. Nebraska, sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and coats, the following described proper ty, to-wlt. (Lot 3, Block 1D7) Lot Three, Block One Hundred Fifty Seven of the original town of North Platte, Dated, North Platte, Nob., August 12, 1914 A. J, SALISBURY, Sheriff. ih ,T4kiULv. A.t.- . -V-i Uf fci-nM xMA&k.,