The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 01, 1914, Image 4

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1 I
i .'lift'
Cut Glass
There is nothing more essential in starting house
keeping than a goodly number of pieces of cut
glass. There is nothing that both bride and groom
take more pleasure in among their wedding pres
ents. We arc exclusive representatives in the city for
Libby celebrated cut glass, world renowned for its
exquisite designs, po'pular cutting, brilliancy of
finish, and general rich appearance.
We show a pleasing display of water-jugs,
cream and sugars, salt and pepper sets, berry
bowls, bonbon dishes, tumblers, etc.
We also have a particularly fine collection of new
shapes an cut glass baskets, from the smaller size for
bonbons to the large flower baskets.
It would be difficult indeed to choose a more accept
able and highly prized gift for the bride.
Wo Want Your Repair Work,
S Graduate Dentist. t
Otfco over the McDonald J
c Stato Hunk. a
Mrs. T. II. Thompson und chldron,
of Grand iBlnnd, arc visiting friends
In town.
Z. A. Itussoll, of Whittlor, has n fine
exhibit of smull grain at the county
Mr, and Mrs. Chafllo Gambrol, of
Myrtlo, motored to this city Satur
day. Wntch Frliluj'N Tribune for an.
nouiicuiuciit of Saturday Specials.
i:. T. 'limit' & SON.
Tho meeting of the ladles' aid of tho
Presbyterian church has been post
poned until next week on account of
tho county fair and fall festival.
The ladles,' auxiliary of the Baptist
church will hold a business meeting
at tho church Friday afternoon. A ten
cwit lunch -will bo sorved and a full
nttendanco 1b desired.
Mr, and Mrs. M. II. Hosier return
ed this week -from an extended visit
wttht heir son Robert In Oklahoma.
Tlioy also visited In Kansas City and
returned home by tho way of Denver.
"Maurice Qullllaumo has resigned
his position with tho Rush Morcan-
tllo Co. and will liorenfter bo found
in tho grocery department at tho Wil
cox store.
Thp Lutheran Church picnic which
was postponed last week will bo hold
Friday afternoon and evening of this
week at tho Dllllon grovo north of
Tlgor and Suporlor disc grain drills
at Hershey'n, opposlto poatofllce.
Mrs. JE. T. Casey and daughter, Miss
QracPt returned homo last week from
an oxtonded visit with relatives and
friends In Portland, Ore., and other
points west.
MIsa Villa Whltnkor roturned homo
Friday from an oxtended trip of two
months, through tho cn8t visiting at
different points and buying millinery
stock for the fall season.
Wanted P)nco on farm by man and
wifo. W, Dunlap, 402 oat Front.
Mlas Elva Day, who hria been em
ployed for tho past sovortU weeks In
tho UrookB studio, reBlgiibd Saturday
evening to take n wcok's 'Vacation bo
foro tho beginning of school,
Mrs. Frank Hockonborgor, who hnd
been visiting In tho city fc-Y some time
with hor brother, John Day, and fami
ly, returned Saturday to hor homo In
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
Qne Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
for Wedding Gifts.
Order Restrains Mr. llnlilcr from In
terfering with Track Laying on the
Ground Claimed by U. I.
Somo tlmo ago Julius Hahjer
brought an action In tho district court
wherein ho sought to restrain the Un
ion Pacific from laying a track on
ground In tho east end of the city to
which he claims title and which tho
Union Pacific claims Is part of Its
right-of-way. The track proposed to
bo laid extends from tho signal main
tainor's ofllco cast of tho brick dwell
ing owned by Mr. Hahlor southwest
across front street to tho proposed lo
cation of tho new building of tho North
Platto Electric Co., tho track to bo
used for tho purposo of unloading coal
for tho electric company's use. Tho
Union Pacific company nppeared as
defendant In tho argument of the case
boforo Judge Grimes Snturday and ask
ed for an Injunction restraining Mr.
Hahler froni lntorforrlng with tho
laying of tho track, claiming that the
land to bo occupied by tho track be
longs to tho company. After hearing
tho arguments by tho attorneys for
Mr. Hahler and for tho company, tho
Judge granted tho Injunction as
W V. Hoagland, who represented
Mr. Hahlor, went tci Lincoln Sunday
night and yesterday appeared In tho
supreme court and asked for a tem
porary order restraining Judge Grimes
from grouting tho Injunction At this
writing It has not been learned what
action tho supremo court has taken,
but If tho restraining order Is denied,
tho case will bo prosecuted In ndiffer
cnt manner.
If tho company Is given tho right
to build this track, it probably estab
lishes tho right of tho company to
build tho full length of Front street.
It already has several hundred yards
of track on tho west end of Front
stroot, which It succeeded In securing
by laying tho tics and rails between
tho hours of twolvo o'clock midnight
and seven o'clock In tho morning.
Watch Frlilaj's Tribune for Satur
day Specials at Tramp & Sons.
Gen. Powell Clayton, who died in
Washington, D. C, was a brothen-in-law
of Sam Delatour, a former resi
dent of this city. Mr, Dolatour hap
pened to bo In Washington on busi
ness when tho General died.
The remains of Enoch Mntson, who
was killed at Sidney last Thursday
by falling under a moving train, wore
brought to town Friday night. Funer
al services' wcro held nt tho Baptist
church Saturday aftomoon, conducted
by Rov. Barton.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maupln, of Ar
nold, Nob., wcro tho guests of Mrs.
M.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Mer
rltt, last weok. They left Friday for
Sorting, Colo., to look up n location.
We take pleasure in announcing the advdnce fall
showing of Wooltex Coats, Suits and Skirts,
J 7
C(T7tltt 1914 The II. nic!t Co.
CopyritM 1914
The II. Illack Co.
IHir Dinner Scned, Man' Contents
Held, and Crowds of Young and Old
Enjoy Dancing.
In point of attendance and general
Jollification, the second annual union
picnic of tho members of the D. of L.
B., D. of L. F. and E., 0. R. C. and B.
of R. T. tho four railroad orders
and their families, held at tho Dillon!
grove Saturday, surpassed anything
of Its nature over hold in North Platto,
During the day and evening eleven
hundred men, women and children
were present, and during the "after
noon and evening therp was not a mo
ment when there was not something
In progress that proved entertaining.
Each lady nttendlng provided sulll
clent lunch for hor family and one or
two others, and tho committee provid
ed ice cream, lemonade and coffee The
result was that each present had an
exceptionally fine dinner.
Following dinner tho contests were
held, thirteen events being scheduled.
Tho lending contests wore the tug ofj
war ueiwcen ten second district and
ten Third district men, in which the
Second district won; a ball game be
tween teams of tho two districts, which
was nlso won by the Third dtstrict; a
tug of war between teams of twelve
women, representing tho two dis
tricts, in which tho Third district
won; and a gamo of ball by women in
which those of tho Second district won.
In addition to theso there were races
for fat mon, for women, for boys and
for girls.
During tho aftomoon Senator Hoag
lttiul gave an interesting address. (
A big platform for dancing had been
erected, nnd to music furnished by a
seven-piece orchestra tho whirl of the
waltz was participated in by many. It
wns 10:30 when "Homo, Sweet Homo,"
was rondered, nnd tho attendants de
parted after a day and evening lull of
lllkiup from Ocean lu-Ocnm
Two young men named Cnllahan and
Owen, who nro walking from New York
City to San Francisco for a wagor of
G,000, arrived In town yesterday, tho
nlntloth day out from starting point.
Their routo lay through Canada, and
tholr mllengo to North Platto Is 2,503.
They earn their living by selling post
enrds nnd nppenring at picture shows.
Callahan wolghs ninety pounds nnd
cnrrlos thirty pounds of luggngo. As
they aro ISO miles ahead of their
schedule tlmo, thu boy;! concluded to
remain In town until tomorrow morn
ing. They appeared at Tho Pat last
night and will appear again this even
ing. Pulls tho String.
J. Pluvtus pulled tho strings Sun
day night and sixty-two 'hundredths
of an Inch of rain roll. This "mnkes a
total of 2.79 inches for n period of one
woek, which Is a mighty lino record
for a dry season In a seml-arld coun
try, The ground is now In fine con
dition for plowing nnd seeding fall
wheat, of which thero promises to be
a largo acreage.
C. A. Carman left this morning for
a visit with friends at Bridgeport.
The first collection of the handsome new garments for
fall, 1914, has arrived.
It is a small, but very choice and attractive assemblage of
Wooltex garments, such as will be wanted immediately-by
worpen who enjoy being first to wear the new fashions.
Stales as expressed irK Wooltex ap
parel are authoratative. The garments are
designed and tailored with exceptional
artistic skill, hringing out the completest
beauty of the season's styles in the most
charming and original fabrics.
This season there arc many features
r ' L
about Wooltex and the new fashions that
will be gratifying to women of refine
ment and good taste.
The approved lines are more graceful
and the new skirts provide more walk- '
The Store
Georgo Schatz, of Ogden, Is visiting
in town, having arrived yesterday.
Mrs. F. C. Letts left Sunday for
Cheyenne where she will visit for sov
ernl days.
Misses Eva and Jennie Lamb, of this
city, wero guests of friends In Gnndy
Inst week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Streltz, daughter
Ruth and son Ferd made a trip to CuV
tis Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartman left for
Chicago Sunday after a two weeks' vis
It with relatives.
Miss Helen Smith, of Lincoln, for
merly of this city is visiting Miss
Vivian Knox this weok.
Peto Hagadorn, of Lexlngon, was
visiting 'friends and transacting busi
ness inthis city Friday.
Mrs. E. A. Garllchs returned Sat
urday from a two months' visit with
frlonds in Oakland, Cal.
Miss Vada Tannahlll, who had been
spending the summer In Ohio and oth
er states, returned Saturday.
A baby girl was born Thursday
morning to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simons,
residing on east Fifth street.
R. L. Graves who has been spending
a two weeks' vacation with friends in
town leaves today for tho east.
Will Craigio, of Norfolk, Nob., ar
rived Sunday evening for a week's
visit with relatives and friends.
Master Wayne Carter returned to
Laramlo Sunday after a two months'
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Letts.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Dcats leave
tomorrow night for a month's visit
with relatives at Wind Gap, Penn.
Miss Ruth Streltz goes to Lincoln
this week to accept a position as Kin
dergarten teacher In the city schools.
Miss Grace Plerson returned to
Denver yesterday after having visit
ed tho Mlssos Burko for several days.
Mrs. Frank Hatch roturned yester
day from her visit in Lawrence, Kan.
She was met in Denver by Mr. Hatch.
Mrs. Edward Seyferth nnd daughter
Miss Knto returned yesterday from n
Visit with relutlvos and friends In Den
ver. . Miss Gladys Hall loft Friday after
noon for Denver, where she will visit
Miss Ermn Robinson for threo or four
Russell Bedell, who had been spend
ing several months with his mother
In Rochester, N. V., nrrlved In town
Mrs. Andrew Scharmann was oper
ated upon Friday at tho Nurso Brown
Memorial hospital by Drs. Footo and
Charles Llston of Dickens was a
business visitor in tho city Saturday
and remained over Sunday for a visit
wun menus.
Dr. Marie Ames left Monday evening
tdr Chicago where Bho will visit her
mother for a couple of days, returning
homo tho last of this week.
Clarenco Carver of tho Brady vicin
ity wns visiting In tho city with friends
and transacting business at the court
Ijoubo tho latter part of last week.
ing room than women have. had during
the past few seasons.
The straight line effect is a dominating
feature, but it is made very graceful and
charming by the influence of the ripples
which are prodnced in coats, suits and
There are too many splendid features
to tell about here. We invite you to
come and view the exhibition and see in
the garments themselves, what new
beauties the fall fashions have presented.
Sells Wooltex
Skirts '
Local and Personal
The family of Dr. Engleman of
Grand Island have been visiting in
town for a few days while enroute
home from a trip to Colorado.
A. T. Geyer, a former 'North Platto
carpenter now living on a homestead
In At-thur county, has been uwarded
tho contract for building tho Arthur
county court house.
Corn binders and manure spread
ers at Hershey's, opposite the post
office. " 62-4
Tho Methodist aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. D. J.
Antonides, 1007 west-Sixth street. As
thero will bo an election of officers, a
largo attendance of members .Is de
sired. For Rent Five room flat over Yel
low Front Shoo Store. Inquire of
T. C. Patterson.
W. T. Aid en and daughter Helen re
turned yesterday from an auto trip
to DOlntS In Wvnmlntr nnrl Pnlnrnln
Thoy spent several days fishing in
me wiramic river, and one day caught
115 trout.
Electric Range to be reduced in price
$1 a day until sold. This range oper
ates on. the fireless cooker principle,
thus being extremely economical in
current consumption. This is a rare
opportunity. Keep your eye on it.
Some Fan Bargains, Too.
North Platte Electric Co.
C. R. MOREY Manager.
1 r Jv
Corvrltlit 19H
The II. Black Co.
Copyright 1914
The H. Bluk Co.
For Rent House at 504 east' Sixth
street. Inquire of Mrs. Anna Sey
ferth, 309 west Fourth street. 62tf
A letter received In town a few days
ago announced tho birth of a son" to
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grace, of Omaha.
For Rent Seven room residence on
west Front street, sewer connection
and barn. Inquire of W. V. Hoagland.
Watch Frldn)'s Tribune for an
nouncement of Saturday Specials.
Will Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Reynolds, was thrown from his
wheel yesterday aftomoon on Dewey
streetvwhen ho ran into the delivery
wagon of the Star Bottling Works,
and sustained severe bruises. Dazed
by the concussion, he was carried itto
the Rexall drug store and a physician
summoned, but ho soon recovered.
Miss Alma Waltemath left Friday
for Denver to visit for soveral days
with friends. She went out to attend,
tho wedding of Miss Roma Jones.
Try U.
Godfrey's Quick Clean Washing
Powder sure takes the dirt. You can
get it at any of the grocery stores for
ten cents per package. Try it and you
will always use it. 63-2
The Enjoyment of Home
Is not complete to the one who
smokes unless he Is a user of our cigars
Our hand made cigars aro made of the
best tobacco, under sanitary conditions,
nnd are a local product that warrants
theirluse. If you are not smoking our
cigars, try them.
h -7
.1047 Ejf