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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1914)
THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. c 1 : MOTHER OF SCHOOL GIRL Tells How Lydia&Pinkham'o Vegetable Compound Re stored Her Daugh ter's Health. Plover, Iowa. "From a small child toy 13 year old daughter had femalo weakness. I spoko to throo doctors about it and thev did not help her any. Lyom IS. Finkhnm'a Vegetable Com pound had been of great benefit to me, so I decided to havo her give it a trial. She has taken fivo bottles .of the Vege table Comnourul ne- cording to directions on tho bottle and ehe is cured of this trouble. Sho was all run down when sho Btarted taking the Compound and her periods did not come right She was so poorly and weak that I often had to help her dress herself, but now sho is regular and is growing strong and healthy." Mrs. Martin Helvig, Plover, Iowa. Hundreds of Buch letters expressing gratitude for tho good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetablo Compound has accom plished arc constantly being received, proving tho reliability of this grand old remedy. If you aro ill do not drag along and continuo to suffer day in and day out but at once tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, a woman'o remedy for woman's ills. If yon trant special ndvlco Trrlto to Lydln L'.rinlihnm Mcdlcino Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter Trill be opened, read and answered by a woman and held lu strict confidence. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vefeeta' Die act surely Dut gently on the liven Stop aftei dinner distress-cure Indicestion. Improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature PARKER'S . HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Jlel to eradlcata dandruff. ForReitorins Color nnd Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair, 60o. and Sl.00 at PrureiBta. Different Meaning. One of the principal owners of a promising gold mine was expatiating on its merits to a capitalist and pros pective investor. Ho described tho vein in which tho miners were work ing, showed him specimens of tho ore, and backed up his statements with tho written opinions of experts. "Well," admitted tho capitalist, "it looks as if it might be a good Invest ment. As my old Unclo Hiram would cay, it has 'p'lnts.' " "Pints!" exclaimed tho owner, car ried away perhaps by his over-anxiety; "why, sir, we're In quartz right now!" Uncertain. The secretary of one of the college classes at Princeton, in Bending out each year a list of questions to bo an swered by members of the class, in order that tho results may bo duly tab I ulated and set forth in the university annual, Is said always to includo in his list this question: "Aro you engaged?" It would seem that one of tho mem bers was cursed with doubt in this re spect, for In tho blank space given over to tho query mentioned ho made his return as follows: "Do not know. Am awaiting letter," r Important to Wlothora Examine carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA. a safe and Buro remedy for Infants and children, and sea that it Signature of CTir In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Crj for Fletcher's Castoria In With the Trusts. "Did I understand you to say that Senator Flubb camo up from the people?" "Yes, and he's going back on them now." Manyja man who thinks ho knows it all don't oven know why a lien lays an egg instead of standing it on end. Be happy. Uf-e Red Cross Ball Blue; much better than liquid blue. Delights tho laundress. All grocers. Adv. Nothing pleases a homely woman so much as to have a man compliment her figure. Stand up for your fights If you ex pect others to tako a back seat. S -a-. Granulnfeil Eyelids, ORG Eyes inflamed by expo V a sure to Sun, Dusl and Wind IPV .r zr. rr- QuicWyrclievedbyMiirlne ntL V fcJa Eye Remedy. No Smarting, mm4 vjust Eye Comfort At Your Druggist's 50c per Hottlo. Murine Eyi She!nTube325c.ForDookolthcEyefreeask Drugpista or Murttd Eye Remedy Co., Chicago i! i!'!M:',.;!'",i:ii','i:';"i 2w& y IMC m W WL - i. m 68P5w?s 'i N UrU'el K3fek JLLHH P a n-rrn'e jpyp S'' ''' JpMra lPILLSa IPli IJKnoicf Great pity wpro It If this beneficence of l'rmlilonce should be marred In tho ordorliiR, so ns to Justly merit tho re flection of tho old proxerb, that thoiiRli God eemls us meat, yet the doVll sends lis cooks. WHAT TO DO WITH GRAPES. Grapo Julco canuot bo too highly recommended ns a wholesome, nutri tious and attrac tive drink. It may bo served as an in valid's drink nnd provo a most val uablo one, or as a refreshing drink for a hot day for anybody. jWSrS Wash, drain and stem tho grapes. Put them in a deep kettle, mash well with a wooden" potato masher and heat slowly, adding a very little water. Cook until tho giapes look much light er in color, then drain In a Jelly bag, made of threo thicknesses of cheese cloth. Wring tho clothes out of hot water, put into it tho hot pulp two quarts at a time, and hang up to drain. When no more of tho Juice drops, squeeze tho pulp as dry as pos sible, keeping tho cloudy portion sep arate. To a quart of tho Julco add a cupful of sugar or less, cook for twenty nvinutes, then bottlo and seal tho corks with wax. Spiced Grapes. Wash and stem tho grapes, rejecting all that aro not per fect. Remove the pulp by hand, drop ping tho pulp Into a kettle and cook until tho seeds may bo easily sepa rated In a sieve. To this sieved pulp add tho skins, then measure For four quarts add a half pint of good elder vinegar, three pounds of granulated sugar, one ounce of whole cloves, a half ounce of cassia buds and two ounceB of stick cinnamon. Tio the spices in a cloth and put Into the kottlo with tho vinegar and sfrf until tho sugar is dissolved. Add tho grape mixturo and boll until thick as mar malade. Bottlo and seal. Grape Ice. Boll together a pound of sugar and a pint of water, cool and add a pint of grapo Juice and the juice of ono lomon. Freeze as usual. Spiced grapo jelly is most delicious for an accompaniment to game. For grape ico cream use a pint of cream, a cupful of sugar or lesB, a cupful of grapo juice and a tablespoonful of cream. Freeze. Grape Marmalade. Prepare the grapes as for spiced grapes'and mix tho pulp with an equal measure of sugar, simmerNintil thick and smooth. Put up In Jars and seal. Want a strange thing Is man! And wlint a stranger Is woman! What a whirlwind Is her head, And what a whirlpool full of depth and danger Is ail the rest about her. Byron. SEASONABLE DISHES. A good dish for supper, breakfast or luncheon Is an omelet, and they may be varied with different seasonings as to make thohi constantly new. Savory Omelet. Beat the yolks of two eggs until thick, add a tea Bpoonful of fl n e 1 y chopped parsley, add seasonings of pepper, W salt and onion juice or a bit of grated onion. Put a tablespoonful of butter Into a hot omelet pan, stir in the well beaten whites and pour into the pan. Stir with a spoon until it sets. Fold and cook well dono on both sides. Cheese may be used instead of parsley for variety in flavor. An omelet pan is best kept for that purpose exclusively as It must bo smooth In order to have a good look ing omelet when turned out. Bombay Toast. Boat well four eggs, add ono half tablespoonful of salt, ono tablespoonful of chopped capers, a dash of cayenne. Put two tablespoon fuls of butter in a saucepan and when hot stir In a tablespoonful of anchovy paste and tho egg mixturo. When It thickens tako from tho flro and spread on thin slices of buttered toast and servo at once, Cucumber Fritters. Peel and grato a number of large cucumbers, press out all the Juice from tho pulp and measure. To each pint allow one tablespoonful of molted butter, threo tablcspoonfuls of cream, two eggs, salt and pepper to taste, and one-half cup ful of sifted flour with a tcaspoonful of baking powder added. Beat well and drop by spoonfuls Into smoking hot fat. Drain on paper and servo hot. Tomatoes a la Indian. Cut rounds of bread and Haute in butter until brown on both sides. Cut firm to matoos in thick slices, two for each How to Detect a Noise. It something happens that an ab normal noise is heard from tho mech anism of a motor car or other ma cblno and that ft is difficult to find just what part of it Is responsible. In sur.h cases many skJUed mechanics proceed as follows, and there is no bettor way: They take a flat pleco of metal, a flat file, for example, and placo one end of it between their teeth, the other end they apply to the parts of tho machlno that may bo sttspected, of course while tl Is in motion. By stopping tho ears !Pt3S slico Shapts n good Blzed grcon pep por into strips, dip in boiling water, then drop into ico water. Wlpo the tomatoes and fry In hot butter. Lay a slice of each on each sllco of bread, season well and sprlnklo with tho pop per, cover with another bIIco of to mato. Garnish with yolk of egg hard cooked and put through a rlcor, with a llttlo parsley. Man's mind a mirror Is of heavenly sights, A brief wherein all marvels summed lie. Of fairest forms nnd Hweetost shapes v tho store, Most grnceful all. yot thought may grace them more, Robert Southwell. SUMMER FOODS. Green corn Is so good in its naturnl state cooked on tho cob that it is us ually served In that manner. There are, however, many good dishes which may be preparod with It which aro both appetizing and wholesome. Green Corn Pud- dlnn. Score tho kernels of two dozen ears of sweet corn and pross out tho pulp. Add a cupful and a quarter of milk, threo eggs well beaten, two tablcspoonfuls of flour," threo table spoonfuls of butter, hnlf a tablespobn ful of sugar, and a tcaspoonful of salt, season well with peppor. Turn into a well greased baking dish and bako ono hour in a moderato oven. Jersey Pie. Lino a pie plato with a crust filled with apples, add sugar, nutmeg, bits of butter and bake; then pour over, sweetened whipped cream for tho top crust and serve. Peach Trifle Boll together for five minutes one cupful of sugar and a cup ful of water, dropping Into It the pits from a quart of ripe peaches. Skim them out and lay in tho pared peaches, stowing slowly until they aro tender. Set aside until cold, then press through a slovo. Lino a glass dish. with pieces of cako dipped In orange julco, pour over tho peach pulp nnd cover with sweetened whipped cream, flavored with almond. Breakfast Corn Cake. Cream two thirds of a cupful of butter. Beat into It ono cupful of sugar, tho yolks of threo eggs, two cupfuls of milk and two cupfuls each of corn meal and white flour, sifted with ono tcaspoon ful of soda and three of cream of tar ter" Lastly add the beaton whltos of tho eggs and bako. Egyptian Salad. Tako cold boiled corn, but from tho cob, a bit of chopped onion and red popper, a few cooked peas and bits of potato and a sprinkling of parsley, mix with French' dressing and servo on lettuce. Wo suffer from dlsenso through Ignoiance. Wo escupe through knowl edge. We make them hope and hope Is health. Sclcnco stands holding out resources, devices and remedies wa aro too stupid to uso. BITS OF INFORMATION. To keep tho kitchen rango black and clean looking, wash it off ;ach time with tho dlBh water, using n cloth kept for that purposo. Keep a largo mouthed jar near tho sink to tako all tho scraps of soap j?'ft " lu wnen mere is bui XySScS' flclent, add a llttlo boil ing water ana nave u soap Jelly which will be nice for dish washing. x When stubborn spots refuse to bo removed from tho kitchen flour, espe cially grease spots, soak newspapers In soda water and lay on the spots, wetting tho paper occasionally to keep them moist. When a candle Is too largo for tho stick, hold tho candlo In a llttlo hot water to soften then push It Into placo and it will hold firmly. Cream cheese beaton until it is al most foamy, served with plum Jelly and wafers makes a most tasty des sert. When' preparing pumpkin for pies cut up the pumpkin skin and all, Just removing the seeds. Cook until soft then put through a slovo or colander and let It slowly dry out on the stovo or In tho oven. When string comes around packages do not spend time rolling it, hang It on a nail out of sights whoro a string mny quickly bo pulled when needed. When stains got under tho nails uso an orango wood stick dipped in oxalic acid, tho nbnormal sound can bo distin guished from other noises, and with a llttlo oxperlenco tho exact point from which it comes can bo discovered A Scruple. "Did that stout and stupid prod!, gal show any qualms when his over joyed father set him down to a feast to colebrato his return?" "No; why should ho?" "I thought he might feel like a cannibal If ho were to eat the fatted calf." ill ilf0VflHI DEMAND FOR BETTER ROADS No Reason Why Portion of Tax Should Not Bs Used In Putting Highways In Better Condition. Thoro is a growing demand for moro and hotter road making during tho autumn months. In many locali ties tho roads becomo filled with deep ruts nnd tho wheol trackB so de pressed during tho summer that they collect raltiB which soon wash thorn Into gutters which soon ruin tho roads lor hoavy loads and comfortable travel Thero is no reason yhy a portion of StStf:&3K A Durable Stone Culvert. tho roud tax should not bo used for putting the highways in good condi tion for travel, says Northwestern Ag riculturist. The split log drag and other road-making Implements should bo put to work boforu tho ground freezes. Tho outsldo of tho roads should bo 'brought into the center of the track which will establish a crust that will Bhed tho water, rather than retain rains, which aro sura to occur during the late fall and early Bprlng months. Roads having a full-high ceu ter aro quite suro to remain in good-j condition during tho ruiny season of fall and spring. Steop hills, where wa ter Is apt to collect In wheel tracks, should bp provided with open gutters on each side into which rains may be diverted with an occasional crest over which wuter cannot pass. Approaches to bridges and culverts should bo so filled with earth that vehicles of all kinds niay pass over them without serious jolts and jars. Roads aro much Improved when covered with gravel. This Is a season of tho year when such work can bo accomplished at a mini mum expense. Every township should own gravel pits from which road-making matorlal can bo cheaply obtained Concrct roads will soon become pop ular Tho ;3i(j material only should bo used in making small bridges and culverts. A good quality of sand and gravel is necessary to make service able concrete. Every farmer should have a special Interest In all roads ad joining Ills premises and leading tp market. INCREASE THE LAND VALUES Strong Argument In Favor of Good Roads Is That They Enhance Value of Bordering Farms. It takes all kinds of arguments to Interest the numerous types of men found in every community lu public Improvements. One man will sanction and work for good roads when tho is convinced that they will shorten and expedito the haul of some spcclnlcrop that he produces. Another will assist because he owns a motorcar. Ono of the most effective arguments Is that good roads will enhance the vnluo of farms bordering upon them, sayB Breeder's Gazette. Sevoral real estate dealers In Iowa havo begun to advertise land as lo cated "on tho Lincoln Highway." Ex porlenco has shown that this Is a strong "talking point." Of course tho great national road is not fin ished, but it is already famous, and since it will steadily increase in his toric interest many properties abut ting It will probably acquire an aug mented soiling valuo. Unfortunately only a small percentage of farms aro located on tho Lincoln Highway, but that thoroughfaro murks tho inaugu ration in this country of tho old-world attitudo toward convenient and pleas ant highways and byways as a meanu of socializing and upbuilding a large hearted, broad-minded citizenship. Age of Progress. Tho ngo In progressive Fifty or sixty years agq this country began to build railroads, and now wo havo more than neurly all the rest of tho world together, in place of crude Industrial facilities, wo havo tho very best on earth; yet wo aro behind other civil ized nations In tho improvement of our roads, Wo aro beginning now to do with our highways what should have beon dono long ago. Tho spirit ot good roads is hereditary. it ml $k Mm Mfi2fflmJ,&S; SfcSr'SSiJSPSSWJMxkii "Wjfes 'And feci your thirst slip '"Eflc away. You'll finish refreshed. I jyi M cooled, sat isfied. M WBjfMSfcfiy fc Drmani tie (rnulne bf tn!t n.ine & BffS'fl W?BX SKi Klckumet cocourat jubrtUulW. ,Mf srnfZZNSLlif tos. tiik nocA.noLA CO.. or RStVUHilW Sv JOF WWm ATIANTA.OA. p wJTr . . ifl iF KSSrij&SsSBl WITH TRAGEDY IN HIS .MIND Husband Dashed Home In Response to Telephone Call to Find Hie Worst Fears Were Groundless. Smlthson said n thunderstorm al ways reminded him of this absurd In cident lu IiIb early marriod llfo. Ho said it happened when their (lrst baby was only two months old, so ho might bo pardoned if his solicltudo exceed ed his sober Judgment. Ho wnB at his ofTIco ono nfternoon when a ter rific thunderstorm broko which crashed enough to frighten anyone, so when tho 'phono rang and His wife's voice - tromulously nskod "George, dear, can you come homo right away?" he said, "yes," quickly, nor paused to question, but frantic with misgivings, grabbed Ill's hnt and almost ran through town to his homo. Arriving nil broathloss, ho found Ills wlfo awaiting him on tho porch, her face tho very picture of distress. Rushing up to hof he said anxious ly: "Why, darling, what's tho mat ter?" Much to his surprlso came this re ply: "Oh, George, dear, wo havo moths!" Kansas City Star. A Good Shot. A San Franciscnn, who had been hunting in tho vicinity of Lake Tahoa without bagging any gamo, camn upon a mountaineer who was feeding a caged wildcat ho had caught tho day before. "How much will you tako for that beast?" ho askei). Tho captor suld ?5, and the money was paid over. "Now," said tho Nlmrod, "tio ono end of a strong cord to that treo and another to the cat's neck, and then open tho door of tho cago." This was finally accomplished and tho flcrco animal stood straining at its tothor. Tho sportsman, wh6 wbb watching tho exorclBCB from tho Interior of tho cabin, leveled his rlllo across tho win dow sill, took caroful aim and blazod away, Tho wildcat gave a Joyful yell and disappeared in tho forest. Tho bullet had cut tho ropo. The Pumps. Lord Mersey, head of tho Empress of Ircland-Storstnd investigation board, said to a Now York roporter tho other day: "Much is still left to bo desired, but ships aref'safor than they usod to bo." With a smilo tho veteran Jurist ndd ed: "Vo no longer hoar of skippers of fering such excuses for slow passages as the ono offered by tho skipper of tho collier, who said: " 'Well, gentlemen, no wonder wo'ro late. Wo pumped tho whole Atlantic threo times through that ship coming across. ' " The Stomach's Function. Tho teacher was examining tho class in phyfclology. "Mary, you tell us," sho usked, "what is tho function of tho stomach?" "Tho function of tho Btomach," tho llttlo girl answered, "Is to hold up tho pottlcont." '"HLKliKLIJi iT.lllL't.lLL J" .(HI J. i I. .. , Summer Days Cnll for a dainty, wholesome food such as Post asees with cream. There'slittlc work, and much satisfaction in every package of these crip bits of perfectly cooked and toasted Indian Corn. Appetizing llavour, substantial nourishment and convenience of serv ing are all found in Post Toastics. Sold by Grocers nf8 le WlrntTfT 7011 tec Arrow think of Coc-Col. Corffldent an nemy Will Appear. Tho Irish pcoplo nro managing to get somo old-fashioned fun out of tho menacing situation lu Ulster. Tho Loudon Chronicle iwhich Is for homo rule) sayB that nt tho moment whoti both bands 6f volunteers woro Bwnrm lng through om Ulster town a volun teer of Borne kind, In full panoply of war, was mot in tho street by a friend. "So you aro going to fight?" said tho friond. "Yes." 'Who aro you going to fight, tho Na tionalists?" "No, wo aro not going to fight tho Nationalists." "Aro you going to fight tho police?" ""No, I do not think wo aro goluc to fight tho polico?" "Aro you going to fight tho English soldiers?" "No, I don't think Wo shall fight tho English soldiers." "Then who aro you going to fight?" "Tho Lord will provldo." ' FACE FULL OF PIMPLES 4240 So. California Ave, Chicago, I1L "About a year ago my faco waB full of pimples rend red spots. To Bleep ono night without Itching was almost imposBiblo. Somo of tho plmploa would got big nii' lod and if I touched them they would pa!n, whllo others would got whlto headB on them and when they broko opon somo matter camo out. They would burn and itch nnd I scratched thorn so that somo timco tlioy would break and blood. That always cauBod thorn to bo worso. "I bought nil kinds of salves nnd creams nnd I found out that tlioy did mo no good. I noticed tho Cuttcura Soap and Ointment advertisement and I sent for a freo bamplo. I wont to tho drug storo and bought a cako ot CUticura Soap and somo Cutlcura Ointment and I found tho pimples wcro drying out. Jn two months I waB woll." (Signed) Chns. J. Peck, May 7, 1914. Cutlcura Soap and Olntmont sold throughout tho worjd, Snmplo of each f roe.with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, Boston." Adv. A Loyal Friend. A section foreman on a southern railway hoard the following conver sation between two of hiB dusky lar borers: "J)m, you bottah come hero an' he'p ho. l's talkin' up for you." "How's dat?" , "W'y, dls hero man bay you ain't fit for do dawgs, an' Ah toie him yes you Is!" Everybody's Magazine. Ten BinilcK for n nicl.el. Always buy Red Croes Hal! llluc; liuvo beautiful clour whits clothes. Adv. Happiness Is merely getting whnt you want and forgetting what you don't. Lots of peoplo aro thoroughly Batls lied with theniBelves because thoy don't know any hotter. .6PAQES0FUBGEMAPS Statistics of all Nations Involved. Every homo should have one. m mU POSTPAID, . 25c Ft AMD, McW ALLY & CO. D3BSO. CLARK STREET, CHICAGO MINNESOTA CLOVER FARM LANDiVr pur. lHijrfriiniiwii'irn.ytii,jiiimlnlua, Inloruulloii. If 1 1 to Johubun.llXJ Touiilu Ujuh, Mluuoupullt, iliua. Nebraska Directory 1H.I8S 1VKI.1.SIAII Live Stock Commission Merchants )J3 l-U f,0 JCxrluniKu ItulMInu, South Oumlin All Moclc oinslfni-a u no Is miM bjr luoraboraof mo llrni, unci nil employee true burnt Deluded on J trained furliiowurkMiilctiUicjrilu. WrlU-piiwiUii M HOTEL vj Omaha, Nebrsika R a riinnoeAu ni am tlooiuu (row tl.00 up blnglc, 7b cents up double CAFE l'UICES KEASONABIffi WANTED SALESMEN in every country town to repreHcnt 11 h srllliii oil, keroxaue nml biihoi .10 to tho conHiumr. Cloort rummlHHlotiH pa) utile weekly PI I U. U:bS OIL COMPANY, OMAHA, NiaJKASu.A DEFIANCE STARCH is cocstautly (rowing iu favor because it Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure tho finest fabric. Fjr 1,-umdry purpose sit has no equal. 16 oz. packace 10c 1-3 more starch for same money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha. Nebraska fflEPMTO W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 35-1914.