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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1914)
Sinlc ilMoinl Society I TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 1, 1914. No. 6l fe Mtitth mm & s EXHIBITS COMING IN WITH A RUSH rOUSTY FAIR OPENS TODAY AND INDICATIONS POINT TO A BIO DISPLAY OF PIIODUCE II Iiimiiii and Sellers Precincts arc (lie First (o Place Exhibits, I-ach Jink ing a Varied Display of Grain, Veg etables ami Grasses. This Is tho opening day of tho Lin coln county fair, and when evening comes tho floor, tho .stage and ovcry corner of tho big Lloyd opera house will bo filled with tho products of Lin coln couny farms, tho handiwork of Avomen and exhibits of the city and ru ral schools. Tho display will bo a most varied one, and after vejfring It, one must conclude that he lives In a fa vored country oven though rain does not fall as frequently as wo desire. All day yesterday Secretary Sebas tian and his assistant were kept busy receiving exhibits, and a dozen men and women weft) employed in ar ranging nnd placing them. The first collective exhibits to arrive were from Hinman precinct, Sellers precinct nnd tho state farm. These are very com prehensive and include everything tho soil produces in this latitude. Tho Hinman precinct exhibit also Includes the work of Platte Valley school pu pils. There aro many individual ex hibits, and these are being increased in numbers as tho hours pass. On the stage is the display of wom en's needle work, which is very ex tensive and thero Is a very liberal dis play of paintings and hand painted china on the west side of tho hall. In this section is also found tho work of tho pupils of the North Platte schools. Tho display of apples and other fruits have not been placed at this writing, but thoy will be on exhibi tion later in tho day. In the south end of the gallery has l)een fitted up a cozy rest room by the woman's suffrage committee. Every body is welcome to visit this depart ment as often as they wish and stay as long as they please. Up to this morning tho exhibits of live stock at the brick livery barn was light,- It is expected, however, that a number of entries will be made to day. Tho poultry exhibit is strong, near ly every strain of chickens being rep resented. Thero are also several good pens ,of ducks, geese and guinea fowl and ofto or two pens-of rabbits.- Ex'hlblts aro coming in much more rapidly today than yesterday, and It is probable that evdry available Inch of display space will be occupied. Notes Sellers precinct, where they go over 200 feet to water, has an exhibit that is exceptionally xflne. Thirty differ ent varieties of wild grasses are shown In addition to all kinds of farm pro " duce. The display of needlo work was tho attractive center for tho ladles this forenoon. Tho display Is said to bo tho most handsome ever exhibited In North Platte. Entries aro being made this forenoon for tho bettor babies contest. This will bo an important feature of tho fair. Jim Wilson, is confident that tho vis itors to tho fair will conclude after viowlng tho Hinman precinct exhibit, that they grow things n ,thnt precinct. At ono time this forouoon ten wag ons were In front of tho opera houso unloading exhibits. Tho band will give concerts at tho hall at 1:30 this afternoon and at seven this evening. " Ono of tho attractive exhibits in the poultry department nro the rare birds shown by one of tho Simon brothers. With their exhibits of fancy work, paintings, ceramic work and cookery goods, tho ladles play an important part In the fair. They have the Trib une's consent to the ballot. DUDGLARS HOD TWO STORKS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY CITY AND COUNTY NEWS.' TO OUR PATRONS If any of our Insurance Patrons who liine key rings, will call at ourtoffice, c ii III be pleased to present them with a Registered Key Ring Tag. Tag once on, keys ncicr lost. RRATT & GOODMAN. Two stores wore robbed some' time between Saturday evening nnd Mon day morning and the oillcers aro on tho lookout for the robbers. Property that can bo Identified was taken from tho North Sldo hardware store and the Louden grocery store on tho north sldo was also robbed of merchandise. Facts wouhl tend to show that tho samo robber or robbers did tho three Jobs that were dono over Sunday. All three have the appearance of being done by a man that was not an amo tcur at tho Job. The hardware store was cntored from tho rear window and was robbed of five revolvers, some ammunition, two razors) two flashlights and other small articles. The money drawer was also opened, but they failed to find very much there. A marked nickel that was In tho drawer was left by tho robber. Tracks discovered yes terday morning would tend to show that the robbery was committed Sun day night, as otherwise tho foot prints would have been washed away. Tho Louden grocery store was entered Saturday night and several articles were taken. The robbers con fined thoir plunder at that place most ly to tobacco, although some other ar ticles were missing. Every possible search is being made for the robber and officers from all around liavo been cautioned to bo on the lookout If or men wishing to dispose of revolvers or ra zors. The robbery of tho hardware store some time ago was traced down and the man identified by means of the revolvers he had with htm. Watch Frldaj's Tribune for an nounccment of Saturday Specials. E. T. TRAMP & SON. Confronted with a deficiency of about one hundred million dollars, the democratic administration plans a five or ten por cent tax on all railroad passenger tickets, theatre tickets and base ball tickets. It is estimated that such a tax will raise from thirty to fifty million dollars a year. Such bargains In real estate as of fered by Itrntt & Goodman should pursuado you to buy. Saturday Specials at Tramp's. Watch Fridays Issue for announce ment. Mrs. John McGraw bus returned from a visit with friends at Sheridan, Wyo. F. D. Tatum and family, of tho north part of tho county, wore shopping In town Saturday. Miss Myrtle Uoolcr. who had been spending two months at Cherokee Park returned homo Sunday. Tho Baptist young peoplo will hold a poverty social this evonlng at tho Anderson residence, 224 west First street. J. C. Den, Will Dell nnd Martin Federhoof returned Jast evening from Ender's lake. Fishing was not so good as on previous visits. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Mason and son of Kansas City, aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Brandt. Mrs. Mason I and Mrs. Brandt arc sisters. Prosldont Mohler, of the Union Pa cific, and a party of friends will go up tho branch today and devote soy oral days to hunting chickens. Mrs. Talbot, of Chicago, and Mrs. Baker, of Pomona, aunt and sister re spectively of F. H. Barber, aro tho guests of tho latter and his family. Two carloads of pipes for tho gus mans wore received Sunday and wero unloaded yesterday. It Is expected that tho work of digging trenches will begin this week. Wanted Girl for second work nnd to assist with children. Apply In per son at 703 east Third street. G3-2 Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity. Unsettled tonight and Wednesday; probably local showers tonight, cooler tonight. Highest tem peraturo yesterday 87, a year ago 9G; lowest last night 55, a year ago 70. Money to loan on real estate, by Rrutt A- Goodman. George Scharman, living near tho Platto Valley school house, will har vest seventeen thousand pounds of hon ey. Had not tho summer been so dry I he says his crop would have reached .thirty thousand pounds. The Moose lodge will initiate a class of eight or ten tomorrow ovenlng, and following the ceremony lunch will be served. During tho hot weather regu lar meetings wero dispensed with, but from thlB-thne forward thero will bo a general husfo for members. The partywho took my bicycle' from tho side of tho Platto Valley Bank Saturday night Is known. If ho returns It promptly no questions will bo ask ed, if not information will be filed against him. OSCAR SANDALL. A number of attractive show win dows aro to be seen on Dowey street, those leading being the Rexnll store where trophies of Keith Neville's fish ing expeditions in Florida nro In evi dence, and tho very prettily Arranged window at the Harcourt & Jensen clothing store. FOR THE CAREFUL INVESTOR Our 7 and 8 por cent first mortgage loans, not taxable, are the. best and safest. Sec KRATT Sc GOODMAN. New Fail S Women's and Misses Suits, Coats Dresses, Skirts and Waists Represenliyg llie early Autum in 1914 styles that are are now being exhibited in the Fashion Shows of New York and Cleveland. We have just returned from a few week's visit to all the leading Style exhibits of the east and vc are now ready to offer the Ladies of North Plalte ancTvicinity the most authen tic selection of refined apparel ever shown in this section of the state. Come in and bring your friends, you will not be urged to buy, but you will be shown the new tilings which will enable you to get an idea as to what yoii may want later. New Dresses For The Children Let us call to your attention the fact that vnn c.nn lin' vrmr rliildrmis drossp.s tn flu 69 ' J " J J best advantage now. School is about to open and the sewing usually done can be eliminated by seeing our line of Dresses for the Girls at tempting prices. WM i "W! &,!$? lilt fct - jJHirvWfxA. SIHr tJiA w WfcT-. S S&?3fii? gjJllMIJIwa&CTOWJ&ttfrij 'tSjpjjJ COUNTY FAER VISITORS "The Clothing Store of Better Values" Introduces Hundreds of Clever New Suit Styles for Fall - It is a rarely interesting stock of fine clothes. Wc have been waiting to show you here in the store that's noted for good clothing. You'll be getting that new suit anyway, soon, you ought to come a little ahead of the other folks and quietly take away the choicest of the lot. Fadeless Blue Serge Suits Many suits is one, that's really what a blue serge is if you consider its correctness different wear. AN IDEAL BUS INESS SUIT, praticial and serviceable street suit-accepted as the correct attire for all occasions. 0ur serges are guaranteed fast color and possess the heighth of smart style. $10 to $25. Dresden Check Suits the Rage Every season favoritism falls on some one style of suits. This fall its checks" and plaids. We anticipated the demand, the result our showing is twice as extensive as you will encounter elsewhere patterns unusally attractive shown in both English as well as the mose conservative models. $16 to 25. The Smartest Fall Hats in Town are awaiting you here I SWRk ll Our Hat section is crow.ded with the smartest new hats you will encounter anywhere. Novelties are here in endless varities, as well as an immense showing of all staple shapes. If youvant to be hatted right, be sure to come where the right hats aWsold THAT'S IIERR ' ' ' "" FALL DERBIES $2.00 to $3.00 FALL SOFT HATS $2.00 to $5.00 FALL CAPS $.50 to $ 1.50 HARCOURT & JENSEN North Platte's Modern Clothiers. I The Club Novita will bo entertained by Mrs. Henry WoJl Wedncsduy after noon. A. A. Berry, president of tbe A. A Berry Seed Co., of Clnriuda, Iowu, Is in attendance at tbo fair. Mrs. Geo. Finn will leave Monday for Indianapolis, where sho will visit relatives for two weeks. The Episcopal guild will hold a social nt tbe rectory Thursday after noon. Everybody is invited. The safo and buiie way Is to Insure jour property against Fire, Lightning, Tornado, Cyclone and Windstorm iitli Itratt & Goodman. Word was received last evening of tho death of Nelson Twembly, for a number of years a resident of tho section south of Maxwell. Found Sunday, a bunch of koys. Owner can have same by callng at this olllce and payins for this notice. ,Sale on Wall Taper. Twenty-flvo per cent off on all slock orders. Must rcduco our stock at once. C4-S DUKE & DEATS. Of course, cu'ry thoughtful man and woman is nnvlous to secure a Life I'ollcy In the .Mutual Life Insurance Co. of ?c York. You will be sur prised to sec lion nearly dhldeuds pnj premiums. RRATT & (HIOIUTAN. District Agents. Fred Owen, ono of tho two young men who aro walkng across tho con tinent, deserted IiIb companion, Joo Callniinn, last nignt. tiio two men wero sleeping in a tent in front of the Pat theatre, and about midnight Owen made a sneak and doparted on a train. FOR HUNT Houses, Itooms, Safe Deposit Doses and Storage Doom, i DDATT & fiOOIprAN. Tho number of fnrmors in town to- duy on this tho oponing day of tho county fair, speaks well for tho inter est thoy aro taking in this annual event. Tho numbor of visitors tomor row nnd Thursdny promises to bo very large. Tor Quick Sale My residence property and nil house hold furniture. . GEO. G. McKAY, 804 west Fifth St. DurglarN Arrested. Sheriff Salisbury wont to Gothen burg yesterday and returned last ev ening with two follows who aro sup posed to bo tho ones who committed tho burlarlos In tho Fourth ward Sat urday night. On their persons wjro found three revolvers, soveral razors and othor artcles which have) be&t. Identified by D. J. Antonldcs as gooaB taken from his store. , j Tho men will havo a prellmlnasy. hearing beforo Judge Grant this fore noon. -J" . gr Snturday Specials at Tramp Watch Trldaj'H Issues for nnhoiincti meat. For Trade. Good horse for good cow, or for har ness and'? buggy. Enqulro of D. E. Mnllcttc, 1410 west Third. If ' Cnnl of Thanks, v "Wo wish to extend our heartfelt thnnks to tho kind friends and neigh bors for tho sympathy and Iqvo shown us In our boreuvement. Mil. and MltS. ENOCH MATSON and FAMILY. Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the County Court, Aug, 29, 1914. In tho mattor of tho Estate of Beatrice E. Gllfoylr Deceased. On rending nnd filing tho petition of Hnrry Gilfoyl, praying that the In trument, filed on tho 20th day of Aug ust, 1914, and purporting toibe tho lust Will nnd Testament of tho said do censed, may bo proved, approved, pro bated, allowed and recorded us tho last Will and Testament of the said Beatrico E. Gilfoyl, deceased, and that tho execution of said Instrument may, bo committed and tho administration of said Estate may bo granted to him self as Executor. Ordorcd, That Sep. 22, 1914, at 9 o'clock A. M. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all pontons Inter ested in said matter muy appear at a County Court to bo held In and for said County, and show causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not be granted. A copy, of this order to be published In Tho North Platto Tribune a legal semi-weekly newspaper published In snld county for threo successive weeks prior to said dato of hearing. Best Canning Pears $2.25 PER CRATE Peaches- for Canning 85c per crate. Plums for Canning $1.75 per crate. T. J. Baldock & Son Best line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. BASEMENT THE HUB. PHONE 90. , JOHN GRANT, sl-3w County Judge.