The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 25, 1914, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in ndvaaco $1.2")
One Year by Carrier in udvanco $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nobraska, Post
ofllco as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY, AUG. 25, 1914.
For Congressman,
Mosos P. Klnkald
For State Scnntor,
U. M. Doutlictt.
For Representatives,
Scott Reynolds,
W. H. . Woodhurst.
For County Clork,
C. W. Yost
For County Treasurer,
A. N. Durbln.
For Sheriff,
A. J. Salisbury.
For County Superintendent,
Allccn Cantt
For County Attorney,
P. R. Hnlllgan
For County Surveyor,
Paul G. Meyer.
For County Commissioner,
1 13. ft. Springer.
For Police Magistrate,
I. L. Mlltonbcrgcr.
For County Judgo (Non-Partlsnn)
Geo. E. Kronen.
At tho primary election last Tuos
dav only throo voters in tho county
registered themselves as progressives
progressive repunllcans, wo inter.
Evidqntly tho republicans of Lincoln
county do not favor a third party and
in this conclusion thoy aro correct,
progressive legislation can bo accom
plished by a majority party, but not
by a minority party. Tho republican
party has always been a party of
progress; tho ovidenco can bo found
In Its past record.
It. II. Howell, of Omaha, who has
apparently socured tho republican
nomination for governor, may bo, as
some claim of the "silk stocking"
strlpo and somewhat of an autocrat,
but all will admit that ho has business
and exocutivo ability. Tho expendi
tures of tho state have Increased three
fold In tho last decade, and It would
seem that n check to furthor lncreaso
is needed. With Mr. Howell In tho
executive chair ho will bo In position
to call a halt on oxtravagant expend
itures. In Ids homo county, Ross Hammond
received flvo votes out of six for gov
ernor . In Nancy county, his homo,
Senator Kemp received G17 votes out
of a total C69 a remarkable tribute.
In hlB homo county of Douglas, How
ell received about twlco as many votes,
aB his combined opponents, notwith
standing a flcrco local fight ngalnst
him. Tho same results will bo found
In tho homo of nearly all candidates
for whatever ofllco. Wo still think
most of tho men nearest homo and best
known, That Bpeaks pretty well for
human nature State Journal.
In speaking of tho university foot
ball team for tho coming season, tho
Stato Journal tunlccB tho following al
lusion to a North Platto boy: "Norrls
cqmos from North Platto, Neb., whore
lio was rated as the most powerful
lino player in high school circles in
that section of tho Cornhuskor com
monwealth. IleSwns consldorablo of
n Minnf" In n?nrt ntrnlnat Hm 'vnr.
sity In last year's scrlmmngo bouts
and Is an likely a flsh-strlug candhlato
ns has appeared on Nebraska Hold In
Trobably 100 foreign built ve3sols
will apply for American registry un
der the bill Just enacted if President
Wilson decides to Buspond certain pro
visions of tho navigation laws, as ho
is authorised to do. Tho InwB Involv
ed require- watch officers to bo Ameri
can citizens and that survey-Inspection
and measurement of vessels ad
mitted to American registry must bo
mado by United States officials.
o (o (1. A. R. Reunion
Judgo Grimes, Judgo Hoagland, J.
E. Evans, J F. Sohninlzrled nnd Alon
?.o McMichnol loft on tho branch train
this morning for Bayard where thoy
will attend tho district reunion of tho
Grand Army of tho Republic. This ro
Unlon Id largoly attended by tho veter
ans of tho civil war who rcsldo in tho
westorn counties of tho atnto, nnd tho
old comrades have u very enjoyable
tlmo. Tho reunion lasts throo days.
(u:tto thi: c.vrsu
Jiorlh I'ladc People Are Learuliiir the
Thoro is but llttlo peace or comfort
for tho man or woman with a bad
back. v Tho distress begins in early
morning koops up throughout tho
day. It's hard to got out of bed, It's
torturo to stoop or straighten. Plas
crs and liniments may relievo, but can
not euro if tho causo is insldo tho
kidneys. Whon suffering so, uso Doun's
Kidney PIUb, the tested and proven
kldnoy remedy, used in kidney trou
bles for ovor GO years. Doan'H Kld
noy PIUb nro recommended by thous
ands for Just such cases. Proof of
thoir effectiveness In tho testimony of
this North Platto resident:
Charles F. Burroughs, 222 S. Pino
St., North Plntto, Nob., says: "Several
years ago I had occasion to uso Doan's
Kldnoy PIUb, procured from McDon
oll & Graves' Drug Storo, (now Schll
lor & Co.'h Drug Store), nnd found
them to ho a good kldnoy remedy. I
suffered from burning pains In tho
small of my back nnd my kidneys
were vory weak. Doan's Kldnoy PIUb
soon cured mo completely. 1 hnvo
not boon bothered by kldnoy trouble
since. I tako pleasure In endorsing
this remedy for tho benefit of other
kldnoy BUfferorB."
For snlo by all dealers. Price- DOc,
Foster-MUburn Co.,. .Now York, solo
agontn for tho United States,
Rcmembor tho namo--Doan'a nnd
tako no other,
A wedding thnt created some aur
prlso to the friends of the contract
ing parties was that of Carl Hrodbcck
and Miss Ethel Posoy, both of this city
which occurred In Omaha on Thursday
of last week. Miss Posoy had gone to
Kentucky to visit friends, but by
agreoment with Mr. Brodbeck re
turned to Omaha Thursday andm et
lilni In thnt city.
Mr. Hrodbcck Is a North Platte
product, a young man of sterling
qualities and Is associated with his
father In the moat market. Mrs.
Hrodbcck Is the daughter of J. H.
Posoy, nianagor of the Pacific Hotel,
and Is very popular with acquaint
ances. Itlnlock Case Dismissed
The ca80 of the city vs. W. H. Hla
lock was tried Friday before Police
Magistrate Walker andt he case
against him was dismissed. Dlalock
was charged with exceeding the Hpeed
limit and he was arrested without a
warrant by Olllcor Freiberg and was
turned over to the sheriff. Ho put up
his ten dollar appearance bond and
was released. Several witnesses testl-!
fled that he was not speeding, ono of
them testified that he was especially
watching the car as It had previously
belonged to him anil that the engine
was not working well and had been
shut off Just, before Blalock was ar
rested. O'Conncll Is Round Otcr
Tho case of tho state of Nebraska
vs. Maurice J. O'Connell was finished
up Friday In tho county court- and
O'Connoll was bound over to tho dis
trict court under bonds of $800. Tho
caso . astcd over two days and many
witnesses were called by both sides.
County Attorney Glbbs prosecuted the
enso nnd Judge J. S. Hoagland de
fended O'Conncll.
rVPnminll u'nn tr!o1 fnn nmltnwln.
ment of $00 of funds belonging to a'
corporation of which ho was a stock-j
Itnlflnr. Wllllnm l.vninn. Mm rnni-
plalnlng witness in this suit, was tho
other stockholder in tho corporation.
Tho corporation was formed in 1012
nnd lias been in operation since that
year. Tho complaining witness al
leged that tho defendant had collected
a noto duo him from H. L. Pennington
and that ho had appropriated tho
money to his own private uso and that
ho failed and refused to turn the money
over to him. The court, after hear
ing tho ovidenco ruled that O'Conncll
was, In his opinion, guilty as charged
and ho bound him over to the district
Town and County News.
Miss Edna Oilman, of Brady, arrived
in tho city Friday for a Bhort visit
witli friends hero.
Mlsq Margaret and Master Morton
Frcdrlckson havo been spending tho
past week with relatives at Keystone.
Dr. J. S. Twlnem was called to Iler
shey Saturday to attend tho llttlo
baby of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. K. Bcau
chnmp, who Is quite sick.
Miss Mason returned Friday to her
home at Horshoy after having been
confined for soveral days at tho Brown
Memorial hospital for medical treat
ment. Guy.Dolson. a former North Platte
boy wh6 Is living on homestead land
in Garden county, recently threshed
forty acres of wheat that averaged
twonty-olght bushels to tho acre.
Just when ready to start on their
flublng trip to Endcr's lako Sunday
morning J. C. Den and party discov
ered a break in Mr, Den's car and the
trip was postponed until tomorrow.
Marjorle, daughtor of Mr. and Mrs.
Andy Lldell, Is reported quite serious
ly HI at tho North Platte general hos
pital, She was taken to .the hospital
Friday and hor condition Is consider
ed quite BcriouB.
Frank Johnson, tho Woolllcct drug
gist, drovo over In his car Saturday
and spent tho day transacting busi
ness. Mr. Johnson Bays tho oxtrcmo
dry weather has resulted In slnck
business In Wolllleet.
In the prlmnry election in Dawson
county Dan McKoe, well known in
North Plntto, was defeated for the
democratic nomination for treasurer
by llvo votes.. Mr, McKco haB been
filling tho position of treasurer for
three years.
Ben Sailor, postmaster at Elm Crook,
hns been succeeded by Ed. P. Fitz
gerald. Mr. Sailor, who Is known to
many North Platto people, has gone
to Columbus to assume management
of tho Trlbuno printing plant, which
ho rccontly purchased.
Believing that "tho bettor tho day
tho bettor the doed," a score of mem
bors of Rlvorsldo Golf club drovo out
to tho club grounds Sunday morning
and with shovel and boo, cleared a
twenty foot spaco around qiich hole,
Tho golf links1 aro now ready for
play, which will begin as soon as the
outfits ordered arrive.
Tho pooplo of North Platto, or rnth
or those who attend ball games, lift
thoir hat to V. J. Tlloy as nn umpire
Ilia work during tho tournnmont
was absolutely fair, with no tlngo
of favoritism, and lie knows tho gnme
as well as tho rules. Tho visiting
teams woro not Blow In giving Mr.
Tlloy tho crodlt ho bo well deserved.
Quite a delegation of Sidney people
v -ro In town Saturday, coming bore
io rondi'ct an Injunction case batoi"
Judge Gi lines silting in clmiuVei -..
Tho caso Is ono In which tho Sidney
Electric Co. sooka to normnnently en-
Join tho village of Sidney from letting
tho contrnct for tho erection of a mu
nicipal lighting plant for an amount
In excess of tho 22,500 bonds recently
IijBued by tho village,
Not So Strango After All
You may think it strango that bo
many people aro cured of stomach
trouble by Clinmborlnln's Tablets. You
would not, howovor, if you should glvo
them a trial Thoy strengthen nnd In
vigorate tho stomach und onublo it
to perform tho functions naturally.
Mrs. Roslo Rish, Wabash, Ind. writes,
"Nothing did mo tho least good until
I borcan using Clinmborlnln's Tablets.
I It Is docldcdly tho best medicine for
stomach troublo I havo ovor used."
For salo by all dealers,,
A Chinese) View of American Women.
"The intellect of the American wo
man is equal, If not superior, to that of
the men." says Dr. Wu Ting Fang, late
Chinese minister to the United States.
In "America Through the Spectacles of
an Oriental Diplomat." "American wo
men nro pood conversationalists, and
many of them are eloquent and en
dowed with 'the gift of gab. Ono of
tho cleverest and wittiest speeches 1
hare ever heard was from a woman
who spoko nt a public meeting on a
public question. They are also good
writers, and their work shows profound
Inglght and wide vulture. Naturally
such women cannot be expected to play
second fiddle. They exerclso great In
fluence, and when married they 'rule
the roost.' It should be mentioned that
their husbands submit willingly to their
tactful rule and gladly obey their com
mands without feeling that they are
servants. I would advlso any married
woman who complains of her husband
being unruly and unpleasant to take a
lesson from the ladies of America."
His Labor Saving Device.
The late Charles II. Brlttlng, pro
prietor of the New York actors' restau
rant known as tho "Little Hall of
Fame," took a keen Interest in popu
lar trends and movements of all kinds.
Mr. Brlttlng thought little of scientific
management and efficiency engineer
ing. He said one day of nn efficiency
"Blank Is a fool, and 1 thought he'd
go broke, but, by Jingo, the fellow has
-deceived me. Ho has discovered a labor
saving device, nnd his address will be
.Easy street from now on."
"Good boy. Blank!" said an actor.
"And what labor saving device has he
1 discovered?"
"An elderly widow," Mr. Brlttlng an
swered "an elderly widow with a mil
lion who has consented to marry him."
-Now York Tribune,
Strango Race of Ancient Britons.
Among the races of human kind
which away bnck of hlstory'B records
passed like clouds over various parts
of tho earth one of the mostTpuzzlIng
to ethnologists is that of the early
bronze nge men who dwelt in Aber
deenshire, Scotland, and nre supposed
to have constructed the special forms
of stone circles whose remains are now
found there. These men differed sig
nificantly from all the prehistoric racial
types previously determined in Britain
They were remarkably broadheaded.
nnd their average stature was only flvo
feet three inches, as shown by skele
tons. The British neolithic race was
markedly long headed, and tho bronze
ago race, which built the round tumuli,
was also long headed and tall.
It Is Well.
It Is well to carefully cultivate tastes.
Ruskln says, "Tell raewhat youjlke
and I will tell you what you are-7c
It Is well to study human character.
Bodenstcdt says: "In the face of ev
ery human being his history stands
plainly written; his Innermost uutiiro
steps forth to tho light. Yet they are
tho fowest who can read and under
It Is well to "brush up against .the
world." Goethe says: "Talent forms
itself In secret, chnracter In the great
current of the world."
It is well to bo never cast down.
Ellzaboth Barrett says:.i
Lot no one till his death ?.,
Do called unhappy Mcasuro not the work
Until tho day's ouTand tho labor done.
Wingless Victory.
Aunt DInnh was a colored saint In
Charleston, who could shout above the
cntlrecongregntlon. It was the custom
during tho collection io sing "Fly
abroad, thou mighty gospel." and Aunt
Dinah always threw back her head,
shut her eyes and sang away lustily till
the plate was returned to the altar.
Deacon Alpliroulus Croen, noting
this, stopped when he reached her pew
one Smulay and said:
"Look a-heah. Dlnali! What uso you
a-slnglng Fly abroad, thou mighty
gawfipel." uf you ain't give nothln' to
mnke her llyV" New York Post.
The Twenty Year Test.
"Some twenty years ago I used
Chamhorlntn'H Colic, Cholora and Dl
arrhooa Romcdy," writes Goo,. W.
Brock, publisher or tho Enterprise,
Ahordeon, Md. "I discovered that It
wns a quick and snfo cure for diar
rhoea. Since then no ono can sell mo
anything said to bo 'Just as good.' Dur
ing all theso years I hnvo used it nnd
recommended It many times, nnd it
hns never disappointed anyone." For
snlo by all dealers.
In the County Court of Lincoln Count',
In tho Matter of the Estnto of Mary E.
Morgan, Decoasod.
To tho creditors, holrs and all oth
er persons Interested In snld estnte:
Notice Is hereby given that on Aug
ust 22, 1914, Fred Morgnn, administra
tor of said osteite, filed In said Court
n roport ot his doings ns administrator
of snld estate, together with his appli
cation for tho assignment of tho real
ostato belonging to said estnte, t6
wlt: All ot lot 7 of block 77 of tho
original city of North Plntto, Nobras
ka, Rtid tho S. of lot 10 of the Coun
ty Clerk's Subdivision of the S. Vi of
tho N. E. i, ot Section 32, Township
14, Range 30 W. Gth P. M. In Lincoln
County, Nobrnskn, and It Is horoby
ordorod that tho same stand for hear
ing on tho 15th day ot September, A.
D. 1914, boforo said Court at tho hour
of 9 o'clock A. M., at which tlmo all
persons Interested may appenr, ob
ject to and contest tho snmo.
Nottco of theso proceedings and tho
hearing thoreof is ordorcd given to
all persons Interested in said estnto
by publishing a copy of this ordor In
tho North Plntto Soml-Weokly Trlbuno,
a semi-weekly nowspapor printed in
said county for three consecutive
weokB prior to said date of hearing.
August 22. 1914.
County Judgo.
Di edfield Infield.
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE IJ. REDFIELU. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 012.
Geo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building.
i i
I Office 130
f Residence 115
Office phone 211. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
It is the purity of our ice cream
that makes it not only dolicious
but nourishing. We invite you to
inspect our ic cream plant nnd
see the sanitary conditions under
which it "is made. Everything
which enters into its composition
is absolutely pure nnd every
utensil is as clean as you would
lik it to be. Try our ico cream
once and you will order it again.
We supply ice cream for parties,
banquets and clubs. Let us give
you an estimate.
Stone Drug Co.
Look at This!
Anyone in need of Pianos, Organs,
Bicycles, Clocks, Watches, Sewing Ma
chines, Guns, Revolvers, Shells of all
kinds, Ons Stoves, Oil Stoves, Ranges,
Everything In Furniture, Come to
Echellbery,-600 Locust
Vi'e want Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Pota
toes, Etc., In exchange for furniture.
i n
ins aim if
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red 636 Office 459
Notice to Hunters.
All hunters and others are warned
agnlnst trespassing on lands owned or
controlled by the undersigned. All per
sons violating this notice will be sum
marily dealt with according to law, as
It 13 determined that trespassing on
our lands shall cease.
A. Dnunrd
C, A. Hpward
C. Osgood
Joo Shaw
W. Kunkel
1. Delke
Fred Dlohl
Will Sonnerman
L. L. Lloyd
A. Connor
A. Kunkel
Ell Kunkel
Collins Bros.
Elmor Daggett
Gunderson Bros.
A. Falk
Oto Roberts
Dnn Kunkol
O. L. Watklns
Martin Hanan
J. A. Markee
Geo. Single
J. A. Kunkol
Jos. Hershey
II. M. Hershey
Jesse Kunkol
W. C. Masters
J. K. Crow
Order of Hearing on Original Probate
of Will
Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court.
August 17, 1914.
In tho matter of tho Estato of Bella
Howo Fronch, Deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition
of Geo. E. French, prnylng that the
Instrument, filed on tho 17th day of
Aug., 1914 nnd purporting to be tho
lust Will and Testament of tho snld
deceased, may bo proved, approved,
probated, allowed nnd recorded as tho
last Will and Testament of tho said
Bolla Howe French, deceased, and thnt
tho oxecutlon of said Instrument may
bo committed and tho administration
of snld Estato may bo granted to tho
petitioner as Executor,
Ordered, That Sept. 8. 1914, at 9
o'Qjock a.ijn.i is assigned for hearing
snld petition, when all persons inter
ested in snld matter may nppoar at
a County Court to bo held In and for
said county, and show cause why tho
prayer of tho petitioner should not bo
granted. A copy of this order to bo
published in Tho North Platto Trib
une, a legal semi-weekly newspaper
of said county for throo successive
weeks prior to said date ot hearing.
County Judge.
Drs. Quigley & Simras
Physicians and
Building and Loan Building.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention to Obstetrics
nun fjiilrlwn'o Ftiurncra
Phones, office 183, residence 283
Office in McDonnld Bnnk Building.
Worth Platte, Nebraska.
Nyal Drug Stroo
Phone 8
Bowcns Barn
Phono 101
North Platte Nebraska.
Rai. Phon Red 400.
Plenty of Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona
ble. Buchanan & Patterson.
Experltnc with soles ot all kinds.
Dates made with any bank in Lincoln County.
Cattle and Hogs
Sell your Cattle and Hogs to
Julius Mogensen, No. Platte.
Hgihest cash prices paid. Office
open day and night in North SicV.
Barn. First class horse and ao
livery in connection.
Phone No. 29.
The North Side
Feed Barn
Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa,
Hay, Good Seed Potatoes.
Goods promptly delivered.
Our terms are cash.
Notice of Sale of Lnnd Upon Execution
Notice Is herby given that by vir
tue of an execution Issued by Geo. E.
Prosser, Clerk of the District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a
Judgment rendered in the District
Court of Buffalo County, Nebraska,
which had been filed In the District
Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska.
In favor of John W. Smith against
w.- J. Graham, full name Marlon J,
Graham, I havo levied unon tho fol
lowing described real estate as the
proporty of said Marion J. Graham,
All of Soction Five (5), in Township
Sixteen (1G) North of Range Twenty
nine (29) west of tho Gth P. M. Lincoln
County, Nebraska, and I will on tho
28th day of September, 1914, at 2
o'clock p. m. central time of said day at
tho east front door of tho court house,
in the city of North Platto, in said Lin
coln County, Nebraska, sell said real
estate subject to a mortgage of $2,000
and accrued interest thereon, at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for,
cash to satisfy said execution upon
which thoro Is due tho sum of ?G35
with 7 per cent interest from Novem
ber Gth, 1913, and $28.75 cost together
with accrued cost.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Aug
ust 20, 1914.
Probate Notice.
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska, Aug. 4th, 1914.
In tho matter of tho Estato of C. A.
Carpenter, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that tho cred
itors of said decoased will meet the
Executor with tho Will annoxed, of
said estate, before the County Judgo
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, at tho
County Court Room, In said County,
on tho Sth day of September, 1914, and
on tho Sth day of March, 1915, at 9
o'clock A. M. each day, for tho purpose
of presenting their claims for exami
nation, adjustment and allowance.
Six months aro allowed for creditors
to present their claims, and one year
for tho Executor with th Will annex
ed, to settle said estate, i,om tho 4th
day of August, 1914. A copy of his or
der to bo published In tho North Plntto
Tribune, a legal Semi-Weekly news
paper published in said county, for 4
successive weoks prior to said dato of
All-4w County Judge.
Serial No. 012
United States Land OHlce
North Platte, Nebraska. July 25. 1914.
Notice is hereby Riven that Amuel Sukraw
of SUpleton, Neb., who on July 13, 1903.
made . homestead entry No. 012 for
EK. NE SWX. B'i NW. and imI 1.
Section 18, Township 15 N. Itange 28,
W, of 6th Principal Meridan. has filed notice
of Intention to make final llvo year proof, to
establish claim to tho land above described
before tho register and receiver at North I'latte
Nebraska, on the 23rd day of September,
Claimant names as wltnesssea; Harry Mor
row and Charlie Applenrarth of Wlllard, Ncb
W. P. Lonirpre, of Maxwell, Neb., Garfield
Gutherless. of North Platte, Nebr.
J23-A J. E. Evans. Reslster.
Notice io Tnko Depositions
In the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
William Schaopler, Plaintiff, vs.
Jamos E. Lnno, mortgngeo named In
tho mortgage In tho petition herein
described; tho unknown heirs or leg
atees and devisees of said James E.
Lane, deceased: tho unknown heirs
or legatees and devisees of Joslah Har
rington, deceased, as assignee from
said James E. Lane of said mortgage;
and tho real estate covered and cloud
ed thereby, to-wit: E. N. W. V and
E. Yz S. W. Yt section 24, T. 12, N., R.
32 West Gth P. M., defendants.
Tho above named defendants will
each and all tako notice that on Tues
day, tho Gth day of October, 1914, be
tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 5 p.
m. of said day, at tho office of Dill
& Huston, real estate and insurance
agents, on 3rd street, in the city of
Grand Island, Nebraska, the said
plaintiff, William Schaeplor, will take
tho depositions of J. E. Dill, witness
in the above entitled action, to be
used as evidence on tho trial of said
cause; with authority to adjourn from
day to day between tho same hours,
until they aro completed.
Dated August 18, 1914.
By King & Blttner, his Attorneys,
al8-4 Osceola, Nebr.
Legal Notice
In the district court of Lincoln
County Nebraska.
William Schaopler, plaintiff, vs.
James E. Lane, mortgagee named in
tho mortgago in tho petition herein
described; tho unknown heirs or leg
atees and devisees of said James E.
Lane, deceased; tho-unknown heirs or
legatees and devisees of Joslah Har
rington, deceased, ns asslgnco from
said James E. Lano of said mortgage;
and the real estate covered and cloud
ed thereby, to-wit E. Yt N. W. Y and
E. Ys S. W. Vi section 24, township 12
North, range 32 West G th P. M., de
fendants. Each and all of tho defendants above
named and described, will tako notice
that William Schaeplor, plaintiff hero
in, on the 18th day of August, 1914,
filed Ills petition 'n the ofllco of the
Clerk of tho D l Court of Lincoln
Countyj Nebraska, against the de
fendants hereinbefore in tho title
named and described, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain tho de
cree of said Court to quiet In the plain
tiff tho title to said described real es
tate, to-wit: E. Ys. N. W. Yx and E. Y
S. W. Y section 24, T. 12, N., R. 32
West Gth P. M against the apparent
and unenforcible lien arising by vir
tue of the mortgage thereon, made by
Alton L. Martin to James E. Lane,
dated March 10, 1894, recorded March
24, 1894, In book 13, page 473 of the
mortgage records of said Lincoln coun
ty, which said mortgage has been fully
paid and satisfied and duo and legal
assignment of same was made
by said James E. Lano to
Joslah Harrington, now de
ceased, tho last named havlnng ex
ecuted and delivered good and suffi
cient release of said mortgage, but
both said Instruments, to-wit: said as
signment of mortgage and release
thereof, so as aforesaid duly executed,
acknowledged and delivered, have been
lost or destroyed without recording
and all without fault or laches on be
half of said plaintiff, who prays for
said decree without redeeming or of
fering to redeem therefrom, full satis
faction of same having been made,
and for equitable relief generally.
You, tho said defendants, and each
of you, are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, the 2Sth
day of September, 1914.
Dated August 18th, 1914.
King & Blttner, his Attorneys,
a!8-4 Osceola, Nebr.
Notice of Incorporation
Notice is herob'y given that wo, tho
undersigned, have Jormed a corpora
tion, tho name of winch is North Platte
Hardware and Furniture Co. Tho
principal place of transacting tho bus
iness is in the city of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska. The
amount of tho authorized capital stock
is $30,000.00, to bo divided into shares
of $100.00 each. That the paid up cap
ital stock on tho organization of said
corporation was $18,200.00. the bal
ance of said stock being unissued.
Tho general nature of the business
of said corporation is that of operat
ing a hardware and furniture store,
buying nnd selling, either at
wholesale or retail, hardware,
nnd furniture, with power to
buy and sell groceries, no
tions, dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes,
and such other and further lines of
merchandise as tho said corporation
may determine that the trade re
quires. Also to buy and soil grain
and produce and to purchase, lease,
sell and convey real estate and to sub
lot and lease any property of said cor
poration, and to do and perform such
other and further acts nnd things as
may bo necessary and incident to the
main powors and purposes of tho cor
poration. Tho timo of tho commencement of
said corporation is July 23, 1914. Tho
termination of said corporation Is
July 22, 1904. Tho highest amount of
indebtedness to which the corpora
tion shall at any tlmo subjcctvitself
shall not exceed two-thirds of tho paid
up capital stock. Tho affairs and bus
iness of tho corporation Bhall bo con
ducted by a board of three directors,
a president, a vice-president, secre
tary and treasurer.
In witness whoreof wo havo hereun
to subscribed our names this 23rd day
of July, 1914.
By virtue of nn order of snlo Issued
from the District Court of Lincoln
County Isebrnskn, upon a decreo ot
foreclosure rendered In snlil Court
wherein Nebraska Central Building &
L',OIin.,.BS09l1tlon' n corporation Is
Plaintiff, and Jnmes Jensen et n.1 arc de
fendants, nnd to me directed, I will in
the 19th day of September, 1914, at 2
o clock V. M at the east front door of
the Court House In North Platto, Lin
coln County. Nebraska, sell at Public
Auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satlafy said decree, Interest and
costs, the following described proper
ty, to-wlt; (Lot 3, Hloak 157) Lot
Three, Block Ono Hundred Fifty Seven
of the original town of North Platte,
"ated, North Platte, Neb., AugUBt 12,