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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1914)
THE 8EMLWEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. Backache Is a Warning Nature ntwnyn give fair wnnilnft whon rOI l ..,.. 1- i .. txxly. Whoa wnrned of kidney weakness by nn fichltjij back or disordered urination, Bivo tlie kidneys jr. nipt help nud avoid Kidney troublo Is a dnnperous thlnir, bc causo the kidneys aro the blood niters, and weak kldnejs soon upset tho healthiest system, oiunIiir rheumatic attacks, cri-Ycl, dropsy aud Brlght's disease. ' Doan's Kidney Pills is a most reliable kid ney remedy. Doan's aro used successfully all over the civilized world and publicly rec ommended by thousands of grateful people. A Nebraska Case. B5?7s5) Mrs. M. Abbott Arapahoe, N o b., says: "My back was soro and lame and I had a dull, throbbing- pain through my kidneys I tell miserable, and jny head often ached as though it would split. I had such bad dizzy spells that I staggered. Doan's Kidney Fills cured all these ailments and I have been en Jojlng good health since." Gt Doan's at Any Stors. EOc Box DOAN'S WAV FOSTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. In Demand. A Louisville man tolls of nn Incident during tho sessions held in his city of ft Sunday school convention with dele gates from all tho states. In answer to tho roll-call of tho states reports, were verbally given by tho various stato chairman. When Texas was called a big man stopped Into tho alslo nnd In stentorian tones exclaimed: "Wo represent tho Imperial stato of TexaB. Tho first white woman born In Texas Is still living sho has now n population of over threo million." Whereupon a voico from tho gallery cried out In clarion tones: "Sond that woman to Idaho wo need her." Amazing Case. "Is thoro anything special In tho case?" asked tho reporter of tho bank president whoso cashlor had stolon $17. "Yes," mused tho president, "you may say that wo did not trust him Implicitly." Might Be a New Drink. "Say, Dill, what's a mixed meta phor?" "Dat's a new ono on mo. Let's go over an ask do bartender." What is Castoria C ASTORIA is a harmless substitute- for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fevcrishness. For moro than thirty years it has been in "constant uso for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over 80 years, has bomo tho signature of Chas.H.Flotcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments, that tntle witn ana endanger tno neaitn or mtants ana -7 - Children Experience against Experiment. fj Jf-)ti Genuine Castoria always bears the signature of Wc.Sf'vO CcCcuS Good Eating. "Metchnlkoff, tho Metchnlkoff of sour milk fame, is Boon to celebrato In Paris," said a Paris correspondent on furlough In New York, "his seventieth birthday. "Since his sixtloth birthday, when ho began his sour-milk regime, Metchnl koff has not aged. On tho contrary, ho has become rejuvenated. "To tho committee that has In charge tho splendid honors of his birthday celebration Metchnlkoff gave some advice on tho benefits of frugal eating the benefits of taking no alco hol, very little meat and an abundanco' of well cooked green vegetables. And ho ended his lecture with this crystal of wisdom: " 'Good eating makes moro pessi mists than bad luck.' " The Drawback. "I see whero tho women abroad aro offering to fight at tho front, but women will never make soldiers." "And why not?" "For ono thing, each ono would stop In a hot engagement to powder her nose." votm own nnDcciisT wita. text. too Try Murine Kyo Ki-uiodjr for lied, Weak, Watery Kyca anil Granulated Kjollds: No Smarting Iast Bto Comfort, Write for Book of tho Kjo ly mall Free. Murlno lire ltemedy Co., Chicago. Never refuse to marry a girl be cause her father Is rich. It is false modesty. Red Cross Ball Dlue makes tho laundress happy, makes clothes whiter than enow. All good grocers. Adv. A man can treat the crowd in a bar room and still be a bore the morning after. It's better to offend somo people than to oblige them. Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They are Drutai, narsn, unnecessary, infm CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act gently on the uvi eliminate bite, am soothe the delicate. membrane of the, bowel. Cur Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Held. ache and Indlfestlon, is millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL-DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature ffM sa ;MJK1 wmi mur BlVCrV 4 If PILLS. 9r JtegVfc !i WOULD MAKE A POLITICIAN Little Willie's Capacity for Sticking to One Idea Singularly Liko Way of Rabid Partisan. "Tho late Adlal E. Stevenson," said a Republican leader of Dloomlngton, "hadn't, after all, much use for poli tics. Ho onco explained to mo why this was. "Ho said that party politicians be lieved their sldo to bo always right, and tho other side to be always wrong. Whatever tho other sldo advocated, it was horrible and Infernal; whatever tholr own sido advocated was holy. "He said the partisan couldn't un derstand that you might arrlvo at tho right thing by moro ways than ono and thus tho partisan was like tho ur chin whoso teacher said: " 'Willie, what does six plus four make?' " 'Eleven.' '"No. Try again.' "'Twelve.' . " 'No. " 'Thirteen.' '"No, no, no. You're just guessing. But why couldn't you have guessed that six plus four makes ten?' " 'Because -it don't mako ten, said Willie. 'Five and five makes ten I remember that.' " Making It Complete. Mr. Fred Kerr, tho actor, was play ing at Rnnelagh, and at tho Lako hole drove eight successive balls straight Into tho water. Ho had no more left in his bag, and thero was nothing moro to bo done except one tiling. Seizing his bag of clubs, ho walked dramatically to tho lako's edge. Then in a broken voice ho said: . "Old pond, have these as well," and turning, with a sigh, walked home. Tunis is reviving cultivation of the dato palm. A cat will not look at a king if thoro is a mouse in sight. BLACK S We LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED Cutttr! Btaoklsa Pills. Low- prlcrd, fresh, reliable: preferred bj Western stockmen, became they jr w protect wnere oilier vacoines tail. tu. B Write for booklet and testimonial!. n K m 10-doso pass. Olaeklea PIMt $1.00 M-lBAwJL CO-dote akge. Blackleg Pills 4 00 Use snj Injector, but Cutter! best Tbe superiority of Cutter products la due to oter IS ream of specialising In vaetlnes and serum l only. Insist en Cutter's. If unobtainable, order direct. Tk Cutter Laboratory. Berkeley, CaJ.. or Chicago, III- Oil Company Organized to develop large acreage In logical territory. Plan ap proved by stringent mate law. Great opportunity for large returns on umnll Investment Write today lor particulars Pyramid Oil Co., Tulw, Okli. '"Sa PRTVA TEMONEYXWZ on ranch worth $4,000. First tnortinitro 1AUUU, mix 3, 1 1.9119, nu, Nebraska Directory 1IL1KS & VvICl.LMAN Live Stock Commission Merchants :04-aOO ICxcluuige ltulldlup, South Oiuulin All stock consigned to us Is sold by moinbors of tbe firm, and nil employees bare been selected nnd trained (ortbe work wnlcn tber do, u KODAK FINISHING nnd supplies. Largest btiuae Id the west All Eastman goods. We pay re- turn postage on finishing. HE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., 1013 Farnam Street Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha, Neb. DISAPPEARED Coffee Alio Vanl6h Before Pootum. It seems almost too good to be true, the wny headache, nervousness, insomnia, and many other obscure troubles vanish when coffeo is dis missed and Fostum used as the regu lar table beverage. Tho reason is clear. Coffeo con tains a poisonous drug caffeine which causes tho trouble, but Postum contains only tho food elements in choice hard wheat with a littlo mo lasses. A Plilla. man grew enthusiastic and wrote as follows: "Until 18 months ago I used coffeo regularly every day and suffered from headache, bitter tasto in my mouth, and Indigestion; was gloomy and irri table, had variablo or absent appetite, loss of flesh, depressed in spirits, etc. "I attribute these things to coffee, becauBo sinco I quit it and havo drank Postum I "feel better than I had for 20 years, am less susceptible to cold, havo gained 20 lbs. and the symptoms havo disappeared vanished before Postum." Namo given by Postum Co., Dattlo Creek, Mich. Head "Tho Road to Wellville," in pkgs. PoBtum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must bo well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum 1b a soluble pow der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious never ago Instantly. 30c and 50c tins. Tho cost per cup of both kinds Is about tho same. "Thero'o a Reason" for Postum. sold by Grocers. I1 & Tho New Fable of the Man Who Was In Position to Take Advantage of a Good Thing. Onco thero was a prosperous Man ufacturer who had mado his Stako by handling nn ovcry-dny Commodity nt n small Margin (if Profit. Ono Morning the Representative of a largo Concern dealing in guaranteed Securities camo in to eoll him somo gllt-cdgcd Municipal Bonds that would net a shndo undor fivo per cent, "I'll havo to look Into tho Proposi tion very carefully," sold tho investor, as ho tilted himself back In his jointed Chair. "I must havo tho History of all previous Bond issues under the same Auspices. Also tho Report of nn Expert ne to posslblo Shrlukago of As sets. Any Investment should bo pre ceded by a systematic and thorough Investigation." Having delivered himself of this Signed Editorial ho dismissed tho Hond Salesman and went back to his Morning Mall. The next Caller wore a broad Som brero, leather Loggings and a Bill Cody Goatoe also tho Hair down over tho Collar. Ho looked fiB If ho had just escaped from a Medicine Show. After lowering tho Curtains he pro- nnd ho decided to let ono of them havo her Wish nt last. Ho hunted up ono aged 24 nnd broke tho Glad News to her nnd she told him not to rnttlo his Crutches over tho Mosaic Floor as ho wont out the Front Way. Ho Is now living nt n Club or ganized us n Homo for Men who hnvn Gono Wrong. When ho pushes tho Button tho Bcll-Hops match to seo who will be Stuck. MORAL Thoro Is an Ago Limit, oven for Men. The New Fablo of the Morning on Which Ho Should Havo Overslept. Ono Morning n Precinct Parnslto owing Allegiance to n Political Party of Progressive Principles wont around to the dingy office of a Fuel Supply Co. to pull off tho customary Fako Pilmnry. Ho was met nt tho Door by a broad faced Lady of benevolent Mien and black Ribbons on her Noso-Ulasses, who told him to uso tho Mat and not track up tho Place. "What is tho Idea?" asked tho alco holic Henchman looking vainly about for Bottlo-Noso Burley, Mike tho Plko, He Produced a Glistening Nugget. duced from a Leather Pouch a glisten ing Nugget which ho had found in u lonely Gulch near Death Valley. Tho careful Business Guy began to quiver like an Aspen nnd bought 10,000 shares at $2 a share on a Personal Guarantee that It would go to Par be fore September 1. MORAL It all depends on the Bait. The New Fable of the Dancing Man Who Wore Out His Pumps and His Rating. Onco thero wn3 a Porch Rat, who vas also a Parlor Snake and a Ham mock Hound. Ho worked tho popular Frco Lunch Routes for thirty jears beforo deciding to hook up and begin paying for his own Food and Drink. When ho started flitting from Bud to Debutante to Ingenue to Fawn to Broiler to KIddykadoo back in 1S80 ho was a famous Beau with skin-tight Trousers, a white Puff Tlo run through a Gold Ring nnd a Hat lined with Whlto Satiu, tho same as a Child's Collin. In 1890 ho was parting his Hair In tho Middle, In imitation of a good Bird Dog, and had been promotod to tho Veteran CorpB of tho iron-logged Dancing Men and tho insatlablo Diners-Out. Ho would eat on his FiiendB about six Nights in each Week and repay them every Christ mas by sending a Card showing a Frozen Stream In tho Foreground and Evergreen Trees beyond. In 1900 ho was beginning to Bit out somo of the uumbers. Also, when ho got into his Evening Togs, his gen eral Contour suggested that possibly ho had just bwallowed a full-sized Watermelon without slicing it up. But ho was still Johnny-nnswer-tho-bell when It camo to Dinner Parties. In 1910 he carried a littlo Balloon under each Eyo and walked as if ho had Gravel in his Shoes. Ho was still trying to bo Gnmo, although ho had a different kind of Digestivo Tablet In each Pocket and would rather tacklo Bridge than tho Barn Dance. Tho Path was becoming Lonoly and tho whispering Treos seemed tall and forbidding. He decided to whlBtlo for a Companion, The Dear Girls had beeu dogging him for threo Decades and Smltty tho Dip, who always had been his Associates in tho sacred Task of registering tho Will of tho People. Instead of the old familiar strong arm Phalanx ho saw a Bevy of Plump Joans who wero hanging Chintz Cur tains, arranging a neat design of Sweet Peas around tho Bullot Box and getting ready to fire up u Samovar. When ho glanced Into tho Polling Booth and saw that It was draped with Dollies ho nearly had a Hemor rhage. "This Is tho Glad Day you havo heard so much about," replied Laura Chlvlngton Cadbury, displaying her Dainty Badge, which showed that sho was a Judge. "You will bo expected to wear Gray Gloves with a Morning Coat and put a Gardenia in your La pel. As tho Voters arrlvo you will softly lnquiro their Names and lead them along the Receiving Lino and mako sure that each Is given either a Macaroon or nn Olive." That evening when they sorted tho Votes and decided to throw out all that woro Soiled or folded Improperly, ho was ovor In a corner making out a list of Guests for tho waiting Re porters. MORAL Equal Suffrago will havo a demoralizing Effect on one of tho principal Sexes. JlJItaiisDnnk Jl Q)omans Drink verijhodifs jUrid France'o Birth Rate. In Franco last year births exceeded deaths by but 41,901. This Ib n bad showing, but Is far from being tho worst Franco has mado In recent years. In 1907 thero woro 19,071 moro Inntltn tlin.l ltl.l.., nn 1 .1.1.. was passed In 1901, when thero wero 742,114 births nnd 770,983 deaths. Tho vital statistics of Franco nro full of gloomy suggestions to French publi cists, whoso sentiments nro voiced by tho Temps in romnrking that tho pop ulatlon Increaso In Germany in 191. J was 20 times that of Franco. Tho significance of this comment becomes apparent when wo remember that Gormany'a army expansion forced Franco to return to tho three-year servlco system. Germany has a sur plus of recruits every year, whereas Franco Is compoljod to increaso length of service because it cunnot command nn increaso of recruit supply. Boston Transcript wen? IISC Wv v , cKhM A igorously good and keenly I g delicious. Thirst -quenching 1 and refreshing. 1 1 The national beverage 3 m and yours. II t Demand tho genuine by lull name ImjmMKSw Nicknames encourage substitution. MjBMMrjSl5 k THE COCA-COLA COMPANY WM VsaaK!. jCw'yvprTj Whenever Atlanta, Ga. aMaSS UNION MIGHT BE POSTPONED Matter-of-Fact Screlda's Two Good Reasons for Hesitating About Setting the Day. Tho Blnnks maid of nil work was n practical young woman of about twenty-seven yonrs. Ono day when her mistress was making Bomo plnns for tho futuro tho matter-of-fact Seroldn said: "I don't know, ma'am. It might bo that I won't bo with you much longer, an' then mebbo I will. I ain't sure yet." Knowing that n young man had called a good ninny times to seo So relda, her mistress said: "Aro you thinking of getting mnr rled, Sorelda?" Without tho least show of embar rassment or enthusiasm Screldn said: "Well, yes, to tell tho truth, I am. Then ngnln I don't know If I will. I've got n good place hero with good pay, nnd he's such a fool mebbo I'll stay on with you!" ERUPTION OVER CHILD'S BODY Routo No. 3, Box 67, Littlo FallB, Minn.- "Our littlo boy was takon olck with a fever and aftor tho fever ho broke out with a soro oruption all ovor his body. Wo could got nothing to help him. Tho sores woro largo and red and bleeding. Thoy started with blisters as if ho wero burned and when they broke thoy would bleed nnd they Itched so that ho could not Bleop for somo time. Wo had him all tlod up with bandages and then wo had to soak them off every day. "Wo bought n enko of Cutlcura Soap nnd a box of Cutlcura Ointment which soon gave him rollof. Now ho Is as woll ae can bo for In threo weoks ho was all healed by tho Cutlcura Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Goorgo Wolters, Jan. 29, 1914. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Samplo of each frco.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. AddreBB post card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv, On the Cape. Breathless Would-Bo Passenger Station-master, when does tho half past five train leave? Station-Master Five-thirty. Passenger Woll, tho new church Is 27 minutes past, tho post office qlock is 25 minutes past, and your clock is 32 minutes past. Now, in tho name of goodness, what clock am I to go by? Station-Master You cun go by any clock you liko, but you can' t go by tho train It's gono. Pearson's Weekly. No Menace In Sanatorium. Dr. Edwnrd L. Trudeau, who built tho first tuberculosis sanatorium in tho United States in 1885, snys: "When I bought the first land on which tho Adirondack Cottago sanato rium is built, I paid $25 an aero for it, but tho prlco' was then thought nb surdly high. My Inst purchnso of flvo acres cost mo $5,000. To my knowl edge, thoro has novor been nn employo who camo to tho sanatorium In sound health who developed tuberculosis whllo thoro; nnd a sanatorium con no moro endanger the health of tho neigh borhood in which It is built, oven if th residences nro nt its very gates, than It could If it wero placed on top of a high mountain miles nway from habitation." Father's Wise. "Pa, what Is tho short and ugly word?" " 'Pay,' my son." Birmingham Ago-Herald. If you wieh beautiful, clear, whito clothes, life Red Cross Ball Blue. At all good grocers. Adv, Tho young man who has beon jilted thinks that all tho trouble in tho world wonrs petticoats. 1 1 Throw away the washboard. Use RUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAP THASOAP. Save your back save your tem persave your clothes make washday play day. "Carbo" kills germs. "Naptha" cleans. Watch results. Carbo Disinfects RUB-NO-MORE Carbo Naplha Soap RUB-NO-MORE CARBO NAPTHA SOAP is harmless to the finest fabric and makes your wash sweet and sanitary. It does nor need hot water. Nnptlia Cleans RUB-NO-MORE Washing Powder Five Cents All Grocers The Rub-No-More Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. It's a fortunate thing for some men thnt they never married. WANTKll- Ayrnta In oreir countr to soil Montana farm lands fur llio Uninl land unneni In Iboatuta. Litem! ciiminlsalons, I'lrlunWo territory. Address liumi-dluti-ljr. Muntanu Hunches Oo., Helena, Mont. WnlMiiiK.fiotnman.'WMh- Imtou.D.U. llookBfree. lllKh CM rtfereaoua. Deet naulu. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 34-1914. wmchesteA "KeJ3eater,J Smokeless Shells If you want a (jood low-priced Smokeless powder "load," Winchester Factory Loaded " Repeater" Shells will surely suit you. They are loaded with the standard brands of powder and shot, good wadding and with that same care and precision which have made the Win chester "Leader" the most popular and satisfactory high-grade shell upon the market. Somo shooters insist that Winchester " Repeaters " are better than other makers' highest grade shells. A trial will tell the tale. Don't forget the name : Winchester " Repeater," THE YELLOW SHELL WITH THE CORRUGATED HEAD. an I