The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 25, 1914, Image 4

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Cut Glass for Wedding Gifts.
There is nothing more essential in starting house
keeping than a goodly number of pieces of cut
glass. There is nothing that both bride and groom
take more pleasure in among theic wedding pres
ents. We are exclusive representatives in the city for
Libby celebrated cut glass, world renowned for its
exquisite designs, popular cutting, brilliancy of
finish, and general rich appearance.
We show a pleasing display of water-jugs,
cream and sugars, salt and pepper sets, berry
bowls, bonbon dishes, tumblers, etc.
We also have a particularly fine collction of new
shapes in cut glass baskets, from the smaller size for
bonbons to the large flower baskets.
It would be difficult indeed to choose a more accept
able and highly prized gift for the bride.
We Want Your Repair Work.
Record Breaking Crowd Present mid
Excitement Kims High During Roth I
of the Games. .
Former North I'lutte CSIrl
Married In California
Miss Pearl Tagador will return this
week from a visit In Denver with rela
tives and friends.
New fall skirts! Biggest assort
ment In town- and tho newest styles,
from $3.00 up. BLOCK'S.
Earl and Guy Fear of the Wallaco
vicinity were visiting friends In this
city over Sunday.
Harold Fleming returned Sunday to
his homo In Sutherland after visiting
friends here for scvoral days.
C. E. Souscr, Jr., of Overton spent
Sunday In this city visiting his par
ents and other relatives and friends.
Mrs. W. P. flloran and son left Sun
day for Nampa, Idaho to nmko an ex
tended visit with relatives and friends,
Arthur Donegan returned from a
month's visit In California and resum
ed work nt tho Rush Mercantile Mon
day. Now Dress Goods fonschool wear at
Wllrnv Dnrinrtninnt Storn.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Souder loft
Saturday evening for Moorefleld whore
they visited over Sunday with Mr.
Soulier's parents.
Mrs. W. II. Goettsclia and daughter
arrived In the city Sunday for a visit
of some time with Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Souser and family.
Now Suits and Coats are arriving
at Wilcox Department Store.
Misses LoVaughn and Tyronne
Wlnkleman left Sunday for a visit of
two weeks with relatives and friends
at Fremont, Ilnstlngs nnd Lincoln.
J. R. White, democratic nomlneo for
County treasuror, and his family
lcavo In a fow days on a month's auto
trip In Colorado and other states.
James Craig will move his family
this week to Colorado where they will
niako their homo in tho future. Mrs.
Craig was formerly Miss Mabel Wy
man. MUocs Alvah Poyner, Carrie Wlse
millor and Elphie Kammort returned
Sunday to their homes In Sutherland
nftor visiting in tho city for sovoral
days with friends.
Fifteen young couple enjoyed a
picnic Friday evening at Dick's grovo.
Thoy drove, out In tho early evening
and spent tho evening in tho grove
with games and diversions. A nico
picnic lunch wus also served.
Now fall coats and suits arriving
dally. Call at our store and he con
vinced that thoy are tho best on tho
murket. LatOBt styles and aS good
selection to cliooso from.
C2-2 E. T. TRAMP & SON.
Arrangements aro being made for
a aeries of ball games during the coun
ty fair next week. Tho schedulo has
not been fully completed, hut it is
probablo that tho strong Ogalalla
team will ho one of tho number,
Arthur Tramp and Charley Hupfer
will attend tho Midland College at
Achlson, Kan., tho cornUE school
year. This Is a Lutheran eMueatlounl
Institution nnd a very good one. The
boys will leave tho early part of Sep
tember. In North Plntto thoro are quite a
large numbor of "born in Germany"
men, nnd though thoy havo Bworn al
Icglarico to tho United States and re
nouueed tho futherlaud, it is noticed
tunc when tho European war Is dls
ciiBRed, their sympathies aro very
strongly with Germany, and In prac
tically every instance thoy predict tho
success ot tho German nrms.
For Ront 3 room houso in tho 300
block on east Third street, noxt to
tho Parlor Millinery. Phono black
nn r.1.0
Wm. Taylor and son nnd three other
members of tho hay crew woro struck
by lightning Tuesday afternoon nnd
knocked down, but fortunately not ser
iously hurt. Mr. Taylor and tho boy
were on tho stack, and tho other three
scattered about tho field), one bolng
knocked off tho hay rake, ono off tho
sweep, and tho other knocked down
in the field, nil being nt a considerable
distancoTrbm uch other. was a
narrow escape. -Oahkosh Herald,
Cards have been received in town
announcing tho marriage of Miss
Mabol Donegan, formerly of North
Platte, but late of Denver, to Mr. Jack
LaRoso a business man of San Diego,
Calif. They were married In tho
Catholic church at San Diego on .the
17th of August. Arthur Donegan of
thlB city accompanied his alstor Mabol
to California about a month ago.
In tho double header Sunday after
noon to play off tho ties of the tourna
ment, North Platte defeated Hershey
for third place In the tournament by
a score of 7 to 5 and Ogalalla defeated
Cozad for first place by a score of 4
to 2. Both games were good and the
last game was tho best of the tourna
ment, whilo in the first game the
score went higher than It did all
through the series, and the game went
ten Innings.
In the first game the Independents
scored one in the first and the Giants
scored two on n hit and two errors.
The Giants scored again In the second
on a lift, and two errors and there was
no more scoring until tho- fifth when
caeh team scored one run. The game
was characterized by numerous er
rors nil the way through. In the sev
ontli the locals scored again and in
the nintli thoy scored twice. However
the Giants came through with ono in
he ninth tying the score. In the tenth
inning the locals scored two, but the
Glnnts were unablo to connect with
Vnnco with enough effect to score.
Batteries, Vance and Pass, Bcchon
and McConncll.
The score HUE
Independents ..10001010227 G 9
Glnnts 21001000105 1110
Tho game between Ogalnlla and Co
zad was errorless until the eighth
and only one was mado during tho en
tire game. The score was 4 to 2, and
thoro was no scoring until the sixth
Inning when Ogalalla succeeded In
pushing ono across. Several times men
got on but neither side had an easy
Job. Todenhoft, the Cozad pitcher, was
not In ills usual form, but he held
tho others down In good shape. In the
eighth inning Ogalalla camo across
with another, hut in tho second half
Cozad tied tho score with three singles
and a stolen base. In the ninth, how
ever. Ogalalla scored two on a fluke,
winning the game. Batteries Toden
hoft and Taylor, Marlett and Har
rington. Tho score: RHE
Ogalalla 0 000010124 10 0
Cozad 0 000000202 91
1 J I for fXp "MOTTlTll? lk
A Ncn Serial Story.
In this issue of Tho Tribune will bo
found the first installment of a new
serial story, "The Ambition ol Mark
Truitt," by Henry Russell Miller, auth
or of "The Man Higher Up." "His Rise
to Power." and other equally strong
novels. "Tho Ambition of Mark Truitt"
deals with modern social, political
and commercial conditions, and is n
strong story that will interest all
readers of fiction.
Declined Without Thanks.
Wo nre In receipt of a communlca
tion signed "Democrat" which rather
severely criticises Messrs. Whtto and
Larson because they did ndt have the
courage to become candidates before
tho prlmnry. However, as the writer
failed to havo tho courago to attach
his tiamoi to tho communication, ho
cannot criticise othors on tho same
count. Tho Tribune never publishes
anonymous communications, no mat
ter what subject they treat.
Nobody to Rlamo Rut Oursehes
Tho' court houso levy was defeated
by 209 votes, which bears out tho pre
diction mndo in tlicso columns be
fore olectiou that if n full vote was
had In Nortli Platto tho lovy would
carry. But there wus not a full vote
in North Platto by 400, and wo can
thoreforo fault ourselves that the
proposition was defeated. II Is Just
another IiiBtanco of what happens
when North Platto people decllno to
Interest tliemselves in matters which
would benefit tho city and indirectly
ovory citizen, It Is about time wo are
getting on our toes."
(Jirl Wanted
For general housework. Small fam
ily good wages. Mrs. E. R. Goodman,
421 west Fousth street. G2-3
Larson and White File Acceptance
Joseph Larson and J. R. White
filed with tho county clork yesterday
their accoptanco ot tho democratic
nomination for county clerk and coun
ty treasurer respectively. Tho
names of these men woro not printed
on tho ballotB, but by suggestion of
Nortli Platto democrats word was
passed among tho "faithful" to write
In tho names with tho result that Mr.
Larson received 140 votes and Mr.
Wlilto eighty-four. Prior to the pri
mary an attempt was mado to havo
Mr. White consent to become a candi
date but he declined, and following his
declination it wna decided to "draft"
him. That ho has filed his acceptance
will bo n surpriso to many, as thoy pre
sumed hl3 original declaration would
bo final. Mr. Larson, thee andtdato
for county clerk, is chief clerk In the
ofllco of Division Foreman McQrnw,
of tho Union Pacific.
So far as wo know, thoro is only one
position In this world that cannot at
times at least bo filled to tho satis
faction of all and that Is base ball
umpire Tho mnn who can umpire a
game without players and fans calling
him forcoful but inelegant namos, Is
yet unborn. Somo times wo think tho
man who will accept that position in
an nmotour gnmo Is troubled with In
termittent brain fever.
For Rent Flvo room flat ovor Yel
low Front Shoo Store. Inqulro of
T. C. Patterson.
That row of cotton wood trees Fred
I ayno , has planted along tho road
leading to tho south rlvor bridge is
making a wonderfully rapid and
hoalthy growth duo largely to the
excollent caro thoy recolvo in tho way
of cultivation and water. Othor con
tiguous land owners on both tho roads
leading to tho bridge could follow Mr.
Pnyno's oxnmplo with profit.
For Ront 5 room modern cottage
at 1203 west Second St. Phono red
114. Gl-2
Visitors ovor in tho south part of
tho county report tho corn badly fired
and if Is estimated that It will niako
from eight to ton bushols per ncro
this year. In moat parts of the" coun
ty, howovor, tho crops are much bet
ter. Ono day an aniotour ball ployor will
Jump sovon feet In tho air nnd catch
with ono hand a ball going so fast
that it loaves a streak of sparks, while
tho next day ho can't catch a pop-up
with a buttorlly not. Why?
Miss Vivlnn Knox returned tho lat
ter part of last week from a threo
weoks vacation trip to Denver nnd
other Colorado points.
Before tho largest crowd that has
yet been out to a ball game this year
North Platto went down to defeat tho
last day of the tournament at the
hands of tho Cozad aggregation by the
score ot 2 to 1 and Ogalalla defeated
Ilershoy by tho same score. Both
games were fast and were tho best
gnmes or tho tournnment. Tho Oga-lalla-Hcrshoy
game was played In
ono hour and thirty minutes nnd the
other in an hour and forty-five min
utes. In tho first game Ogalalla scored
ono In tho first nnd Hershey ono If
the secon,d. Thero was no more scor
ing then until tho eighth and It look
ed as though nn extra inning ganio
would bo required. In the eighth
Burke lined out a two baggor, Beal
sacrificed, putting him on third and
Marlett sacrificed, scoring Burke.
Both teams then tightened, but the
ganio was lost as tho Giants were un
ablo to tlo up tho score. Bcchon nl-
lowcd seven hits and struck out seven
men and Marlett allowed two lilts
and struck out flvo. Each side mndo
only ono error.
The Cozad-North. Platte game wad
a fight from tho start, and no scores
woro recorded until tho fifth Inning"
when Cozad bunched five hits and
ran across two scores. In the second
Inning, however, Pierce, running for
Pass, worked a squeeze play In from
third, but tho catcher interfered with
tho batsman nnd tho umpire made
him go back to his baso on tho ground
that it was a dead hall. Tho locals
lost somo of their ginger nftcr that,
but thoy played good ball and Jones
tightened up nnd did not give tho
hoys from tho onst a look In. North
l'lntto scored ono. In tho ninth when
with two out Twoomy lined out a two
baggor. Sandnll then pinchccl hit
for Halllgan and lined out nnothor,
scoring Twoomoy, but Jones ground
ed out, ending the gnmo witli the
score 2 to 1. Artloy allowed four hits
and struck out flvo nnd Jones allowed
sovon hits and struck out soven. Each
team mado four errors.
Tho results of tho tournnment left
Cozad and Ognlalla with honors oven
for first and second place and North
Platto and Ilershoy with equal chanc
es for third and fourth plnce.
Close of Union Sen Ices.
Tho last of the summer union out
door services was held Sunday even
ing at the school house park and the
largest crowd that has yet attended
was present. The services were ex
ceptionally interesting and the meet
ings promlso to bo much more popu
lar another year than they have been
this year. Rev. J. L. Barton of tho
Baptist church preached the sermon
Sunday evening and he gave a very
practical talk upon living the chris
tian life. Special music for the oc
casion by a male quartet, composed of
Messrs. Bruce Brown, James Shaffer,
Dr. Harry Mitchell and A. T. Yost.
Following tho services the band
concert was given on tho court house
lawn and it was very good and a
large number attended. The boys are
improving in playing all of the while
and a marked difference can be no
ticed with the addition of tho now bass
For Quick Sale
My residence property and all house
hold furniture. .GEO. G. McKAY,
801 west Fifth St.
Elks Annual Picnic
, The second annual picnic of the B.
P. O. Elks will be hold at the Liston
lako, thirty-fivo miles south of town,
on Sunday, September fith. All those
who expect to go are requested to
hand their names to Steward Smith
not later than August 28th. It is
necessary that the number going be
learned In advance in order that the
proper ' supplies for the dinner and
supper be secured In ample time.
An Invitation will bo extended the
McCook commercial club to bo pres
ent, and it is expected that a largo
number of the membors of that or
ganization will nccept.
It is probable that at least 100 Elks
will go on tho trip, which will be
made in autos.
Division of Money.
In tho division of money put up as
prizes for the hall tournnment and the
gate receipts for Sunday's game, tho
Ogallala team received $229. Cozad
$152, North Platto ?15S and Ilershoy
$102.70. Tho purses of $1G0, $100, $75
and $50 were awarded to tho teams in
tho order named and In addition each
rocolvod a sharo of tho gato receipts
of Sunday's .games.
Tho total paid admissions nt all
games were about 2,100, and probably
500 others saw tho games by making
a sneak In around tho fences. The paid
ndmlsslons nt Sunday's ganio were
.Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Clinton returned
Saturday from Oakland, Cal., whero
thoy had been visiting their daughter.
Mrs. Arthur McNamara, Mr. McNa
mnra and tho two children. In going
to Oakland, Mr. Clinton went via Los
S,ngoles and visited hlo brother B. C.
Clinton, who has lately bought a fruit
fnnn near Portorflold. Mr. and Mrs.
McNamara and two children are In ex
cellent health.
For Sale Comer lot on east Ninth
street, Mrs. M. Busch. G2-3
Dr. and Mrs. Carson, of Grand 'Is
land, who had been visiting Mrs. Cnr
son's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. M.
Smith for several days, returned
homo today.
How to Curo n Sprain.
A sprain may bo cured In about one
third tho tlmo required by tho usual
treatment by applying Chnmberlnin's
Liniment nnd observing tho directions
with ench bottle. For sale by all dealers.
A great battlo is now in progress
between tho German and allied forces,
tho front of bnttlo extending for 250
miles with approximately 2,500,000
soldiers and ofllcers in line. News of
the battlo is very meagre, but at some
points along tho line tho Germans re
port successes, while at other points
tho French and English claim victor
ies. Tho close censorship on war news
prohibits full accounts of tho engage
ments, nnd the numbers of causalities
arte not given by either of tho contend
ing forces. Tho number of killed nnd
wounded, or taken prisoners, will
probably never be given accurate
ly. Tho Japaneso emperor has issued
an imperial rescript declaring war on
Germany, and the Jnpanese minister
at Berlin has been handed his pass
ports. A carload of California pears was
distributed among our local merchants
last week by T. M, Collagen, the local
Chas Rlnckor, who had been nt
Keystono for a couplo of month's work
ing In his father's branch store, has
returned home.
Tho counters in tho Knufman-Wern-
ert storo havo been re-nranged in such
mnnnor as to increaso tho display
space about ono- third,
Mrs. Oberst, who was called hero by
tho death of her sister, the lato Mrs.
French, roturned to her homo In
Omnlm Saturday morning.
Not a Vacation Prosprr"
"My boy." wild the professor, "If you
keep on as you Have started nnd study
hard you may be president of tho Unit
ed States somo day,"
"Yes," replied the young mnn gloom
ily; "and then I'll have to start in and
study a wholo lot harder." Washing
ton Star. -
Highly Esteemed.
"Do you think thnt most peoplo now
adays worship money?"
"No; 1 won't go as far ns that,"
answered the homo grown philosopher,
"but 1 will say that the love of money
is seldom plntonic." Washington Uer-aid.
Electric Range to be reduced in price
$1 a day until sold. This range oper
ates on the fireless cooker principle,
thus being extremely economical in
current consumption. This is a rare
opportunity. Keep your eye on it.
Some Fan Bargains, Too.
North Platte Electric Co.
C. R. MOREY Manager.
g-Wrf ,J..i ujf. -y- y---.- -irM ' At4 ,-f
";. aa'reyreTCTBS
J . Ci&tYciiiir.
iiSaian Home
rrotn the,
r Canadian Pacific
V M &-
Th &S&&
Honxm --fiKiim,,
S i. j
ON'T waste your time and money on worn-out land that
is high-priced simply because It was once worth Its
present price! The richest virgin soil Is waiting for you
ej3J u jwuimuua anu mo .moena-sasKatcnewan district
'stSML You can buv ll fr practically the same price per acre
jNAEttHj) tnat tne mere manuring per acre of soil in many parts
oi ma u. a. cosisi t'ttuia Canadian west offers you not only soil .
cf wondrous productivity, but It also offers you a splendid climate!
cnurcnes ot all creeds, splendid public schools, exceptionally good
markets. finnhntplft nn1 trantnnrtatlnn f.rlll,l.atkatarBi.n.nAii,
We havo a truly solemlid nroDoittlon to makn in anv nnmc fnrmfn
nien who wish to farm nnd who ara sincere In tholr desire to uUU In ths country.
We actually are In a position to enable you to own 10 acres (or every acre that
you now own or (arm and evory acre here will produce double what a worn-out
acre produces anywhere. On top o( that, we olve you
20 Years to Pav for It y.ufaln the land for from Jll to 530 per acre. In
6W icdrs ill ray ior " irtleatloa districts the mice is from $35 to 555.
iuu yy iiic.oiy uno iwsmioin uown. insonianca is spilt up Into jy equal pay.
VI A.a T,K Iakm sill aw a.k t-U. a. . k Al. .. a 1 m - - . . . m . . r
the tlmo
paid (or their (arms with the proceeds o( just one oropl
You Are Loaned $2000.00 16 Pay for Farm Improvements!
Hero Is land adapted to unla irpwinavto poultry raisin, dalrylny, mixed
(armlnc and to cattle, hpir and sheep ralsfafi-. You decide lor younel( what kind
o( (arming you wish to follow, The Canadian Paolflo helps you select the land
best adapted to your purposes. AndteeoU jou to iatlra it, we arrange to have
Your Farm Made MfhjWWS&S. "ftiM
an expert on the case and peSfQi tto tarra Aatjwitn vtaclly mil you Me one that
bushel crop la Canada this year I
tm tail von about (h inn (Wl IVY1
tint tor Handsomely Illustrated Books.
205 Woodmen ot tho World Uldg., Omaha, Neb. I
The Origin of Algebra.
A newspaper coining into your home
If Dlonhnntiis ot Alexandria' fourth ,s such nn intllnate Prt of your daily
11 iyiUJUUIIUIH Ol AllMIIlUIIII. IHUIIU f f. t nl,mil,l ,-licn It oo ,.n
century of the Christian era. was uoi , would a frlend Flrst want
tho Inventor of algebra, then it is nut in Whlch you have explicit confidence,
known to whom the honor bolouga, To Evon with a friend you aro more
Dlophantua the honor Is generally giv- watchful in matters in which he has
en. Tho Arabians claim ttiat the In- . a self-interest. Why not more sp in
ventlou belongs to one of their conn- the case of a newspaper? The State
tryinen. Mohammed nen-Musa. who i Journal is the one state paper that
flourished nbout the middle of tho ninth i "ocs not nave somo son 01 personal
century. Certain it is that tho Ara
bians introduced algebra to Europe by
way of Italy through Leonardo, a mer
chant of Pisa, who had lived among
tho Arabs of Barbary. Leonardo's
treatise was written in 1202.
Somo Very Pretty Names.
Here arc somo names taken from a
Jury list in 1C58, tho year In which
Richard Cromwoll succeeded bis fa
ther as protector of England: Faint'
Not Hewitt, Redeemed Comptou.
Stand-Fast-on-thg-IIIgh Stinger, Bo
Courteous Cole. Search-tho-Scriptures
Moreton. Kill-Sin Pimple, Be-Falthful
Joiner. Fight-tho-Good-Flght-of.Kalth
White. Moro-FruJt Flower, Weep-Not
Billing, Repentanco Avis, and so on.
No Encouragement.
Mrs. Short Oh, dear, I do wish wo
wero rich! Just think of tho good wo
could do If wo only had Iota of moneyl
Mr. Short True, my dear, but wo can
do a great deal of good in a quiet way
now. Mrs. Short Yea, of coure. but
no one will evei hair of it.
Didn't Toko tne Bit.
Miss Anek'Utf OnilnciUtxIy) I dis
like my nam; ifs horrid. Mr. Fl'
(aht-fatlyi I Tom l- tiv lntn to
chtinci ii now
Tlilrk -Hi'iino PUf.-uici Ctrs
interest in political affairs, its owners
nnd publishers not helng oillce holders
or olllce-seekers. Why not choose such
a paper? Just to show you how dif
ferent the Journal is, it will he mailed
from now until January 1, 1915, for
only a dollar, including the Sunday
Journal. This is tho great reduction
just for a trial and tho paper will stop
when the time is up. Send In your
order today and tho paper will start
at once. Address State Journal, Lin
coln, Nebraska.
; Animals
Cows civc less milk.
horses do less work when"
tortured bv Hies. Keen
our stock free (mm these
disease breeding pests by spray
ing them with
Conkey's Fly Knocker
Give animals immediate relict and saves
ou mnmv and trouble Docs not taint
milk. Inoitcrmvc.'.ujanirruls.
Try It 15 Days
Money Back
If It Fails
to please you. Get a
can now vuart, j
Gal, $1.00, 5Gal,H00
Sold by W. H. Blalock.
f m hoi i