The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 21, 1914, Image 5

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cetss &
01. 0. H. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dcnlisl.
Office over Hie McDonald
State Bank.
3IISSK9 OANTT AM) COX LEAN Pope l'lim Demi
imi iui .vi'i iruiilvaMM.1vi' 1'ope ,IMus X died yesterday morn-
Ing, following n sudden attack of se-
Indlcntloiis of the primary election voro nincas, in tho eightieth year of
which was held Tuesday tend to show ,,, ... , ,. ,.i. ,... i,i
Mlaa Allnnn Hnnft nml Ml Tllnnnl.o ll8 l,f an& Ul tWOlftll yoar of Ills
Cox leading respectively on tho re- pontificate. "While anticipated bc-
publlcan and democratic tickets. The cause of ailments Incident to advanced
full count has not yet been made, but uge nevertheless his death came as a
tho unolllclal count that has been as- .... , .,.., ,., ,., c...
certalned thus far shows them far In 8hock- Qr,ef ovcr the war in Europe
the lead.
Is said to have hastened tho end.s
CITY AND COUNTY NFWSl For county Judge, Geo. E. French
W1 nu u" l l ANrVVO la fftr ,n th0 ,cn(1( wUh LegU(J BaBk,ng. Thero wn bc ncqulom High Mass
'and William Boatty running close for for tho Pope at tho Catholic church
The Misses McVIcker returned to I BCcond. Tho vote was comparatively tomorrow morning at nine o'clock.
town this week and rq-opened their light all over the county. Parties
hat shop on east Sixth. , bringing : In the returns failed to give i,,Cpcnsc In Price of Menls
t t, . r,' . i 1 .. the unolllclal count and for this ren- , , , . A ..,
J. D. McDonald and several others 6on tho runnlng of the othor cnmlIJ Beginning Monday, August 24th,
will make an auto trip to McCook dates cannot bo estimated. 1914, the price of all regular meals
Sunday In Mh McDonald s car. CoMnty Clerk Yost will start today will be thirty cents. This Is made
Paul Mettin left Tuesday for Chey
enne where lie will spend several days
taking In the Frontier Days celebration.
, v, , , .... were written names of men who had
Mrs. Jack Palmer and son left the nr ain.i for nm nmi Mm la n num.
first of the week for a few days' visit tlon as to the validity of such noml-
wun relatives anu menus in vexing- j nati0n. County Attorney Glbbs has
on the canvass of the ballots and It neceas(iry by the constantly advancing
will bo some time before the olllclal
count will bo made. A, number of nr'cc of foodstuffs,
democratic ballots were cast on which 1 THE VIENNA
Mr. and Mrs. Free B. Hartinaii and
family, of Washington, D. C, aro visit
ing In tho city for soveral days with
Mr. Hartman's father and other rel
atives. , ,
New Dress Goods for school wear at
Wilcox Department Store.
I. N. Wells, of the east part of tho
county, transacted business In town
Wednesday. He was feeling rather
discouraged over the outlook for a
corn crop.
Henry Kahler returned Sunday
eveningf rom a two weeks' vacation
spont with his parents at Milburn,
Nebraska. He also visited friends in
For Rent A five room .furnished
house. Inquire 315 E. Eloventh. f7t4
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dents will leave
Soptember first for a month's visit at
their old homd In Northampton coun
ty, Pa. They anticipate a very pleas
ant visit with old friends.
The Tllllkum Girls, the young ladies
of tho Episcopal church, will hold
an exchange tomorrow afternoon In
the window of the North Platte hard
ware company's store.
Any one wanting rugs or carpets
cleaned by tho 'Littlo Giant Cleaner"
phone Red 1G2 for information. Prices
reasonable. 50t4
taken the matter up with the attor
ney general to ascerain whether or no
candidates can be nominated in that
manner. According to tho returns
thus far it would show that Joe Lar
son had been nominated on the dem
ocratic ticket for county clerk and J
Howell and Ztlorchend
Returns from Tuesday's primary,
while Incomplete, Insure the nomina
tion of R. B. Howell, of Omaha, as the
R. White for treasurer, two offices for republican nominee for governor and
which the democrats had no candidates the rc-nomlnatlon of Governor More-
In tho field. hcad Howell leads Kemp by 5,000
Court Hoiie Lety Defeated. votes, while Morehead leads Metcalf
Tho proposition to levy $100,000 in by 12,000.
four annual levies for tho purposo
of erecting a new court house, was , FOR TltADE
defeated at the Tuesday primary by G d t , A1 comlltion. 0wnor
several hundred votes, tho exact ro- .,, . , , .
suit not yet being obtainable. The wlH tako ronl estnte or Good mort-
propositlon carried in North Platte by gage. See O. II. THOELECKE.
530 majority, but this was insufficient Gl-4
to overcomo the majorities against ,
the proposition in the outside pro- M D g, fl , reported quite
clncts. Of the precincts from which , ... .... ' ,.
returns have been received, only one In aml hcr condition is considered ser-
outslde precinct HInman gave a ma- ious.
Jority in favor of tho levy. A mini- For Rent 3 room house in the 300
ber of tho 'precincts voted practical- b,ock ou east Thlrd street xt to
lv cnllil nt-niiiut Min low. '
. ... . 4 1 4 A 1 'j nMlrtM 7Ylf1ffrrt 1 1 1 1 n n
The following shows the way In L,,v; luumicijf. ruuU
which some of the precincts voted oil 140. Gl-2
the proposition: Brady, 30 for and 3G Tho..1mnd Btand ln tho court house
against; Cottonwood, 14 for and 19 , , , , , , . ,
against; Dickens, 2 for and 32 against; 'ard is undergoing a fresh coat of
Jeffrey, 3 for and 21 against; Gaslin, 1 paint. Tho work of painting was bo
for and 17 against; Hall 12 for and 15 gun thism ornlng.
against; Maxwell 19 for and 45 FoUow the crowd to tho aucti0n at
against; Rosedale, 4 for and 7 against; ,, ,r , . , ,. ,
Nichols, 2S for and 48 against; Payne. McKay's Saturday afternoon and ev-
Miss Comfort Conwafr of tho Tramn' " lor "ml "Jy nBimsi,; usgoou, i iorkana "b.
Department slore left Wednesday for 10 against; Nowell, 0 for and 9 against. Miss Zolma Ray, of this city, was
St. Louis, Chicago and other points , , n , married yesterday ln Kearney to Ray
onBtaW&?t0rlnnfo?P?hJ urvoSs Tho North Platte Military band, Earl Humpl.roy, of Iowa. They arrived
dPmrtmpnf nf th atorl g slamP director, will present the fol- in tho city this morning and will visit
i, " , oi uioBiore. jlhg proer8m nt Court Houao Park hpre for a fcw da untu t, decide
For Sale Corner lot on east Ninth Sunday evening. August 23. on location Mrs Humnhrev wm
street. Mrs. M. Busch. . 59t5 March 'On tho Front Lino" Ros- location, airs, iitunpnrej was
t .. t. . . , un mo iront uno uos forraerly employed In the Owl Cafe.
Invitations wero sent out Wedncs-i euitranz. , , , ,
day for tho wedding of Miss Genevieve Overture "Orpheus" Offenbach. ' Word was received hero this morn-
Ottenstein to Mr. Thomas Peck, which Aid dqBallet 'tfas des Amphores" ing by Dave Sheedy announcing that
will occur Wednesday evening, Sep- namanaue. ' there was a severe cyclone last night
tember 2nd. The wedding will take Vase Hesitation "Tho Futurist" . ,, . ,.. M1MM. ,.
isurcn. . - ---
Intermezzo "First Heart Throbs" were killed and injured. The message
Eilonberg. stated that Mrs. Dunn Lavy, wife of
Medley "Rcmlck's Hits No. 14" Mf shno.iu'a Lmihw na nr.m, tho
.MarchSTho RenreS0ntntlvo"-T4ar-k dc- Particulars of tho accident
von ciintcn lkagii:
A baseball totirnnmont Is being ar
ranged In which tho teams from the
different churches will participate.
Tho tournament i3 planned for next
week and the men ln charge aro now
working out a schedule of games. It
will be an elimination contest and as
fast as one team Is defeated It will
bo dropped out of tho contest. Six
teams will probably participate and
they will be as follows: Episcopal,
Lutheran. Christian, Methodist, Bap
tist and Catholic.
The games will bo played ln tho
evening, called at six o'clock. Rules
will 'be formulated under which each
team , must enter and play and all
teams will be required to obscrvo
these rules. Tho tournament is to
decide the supremacy of v tho church
teams and the members of tho dif
ferent teams will be obliged to quali
fy as being eligible. Horton Munger
is nt tlio'hcad of tho committee on ar
rangements and the managers arq'
asked to get their Information from
place at the homo of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ottenstein.
Wanted Good girl for general
housework. Block's.
Wnril ivn rrlnnlvnrl Woflnocnnv hv
J. W. Smallwood of this citv announc- rlS.
. ... .
ing the death of his father, Barnby
Smallwood at Whitby, Yorkshire, Eng
land. Ho died July 30th, but word was
received only this week owing to the
length of time It takes for the mail to
Dr. J. S. Richardson, late of Ohio,
who recently moved here, has rent
ed tho house of Geo. E. French at 204
west First street and he and his family
aro now moving in. As soon as ho gets
settled he will seek a location for an
office and open up a practice here.
His family consists of a wife and one
Wanted Girl for goneral
work. Inquire of Mrs. E. N. Ogier,
21S south Dewey.
The advance sale of seats for the
Sheehan opera company at the Keith
next Monday evening is heavy and a
big audience will greet this splendid
company. The program to bo ren
dered is a popular one selections
from three of the best operas. This
company has appeared in North Platto
before and gave excellent satisfaction.
Entertain for Brldc-tn-Ile.
causing her death were not given.
I John Boyle, of tho Birdwood section.
11111 ior isriuc-in-ue. . , .., ..,,, , 1, .... .
Mrs. N. McCabe entertained the Wrt" " uuai"u&H Vlt" '" "lu lu'
Mothers' club Wednesday afternoon at day transacting business at the court
her homo on west .EJfth street in honor house. Ho announces that the crops
of Miss Genevieve Ottenstein. ono of In hla country are in fine shape and
tho daughters bf the club, who is to .. ... .. , . 4.
be married soon. Fourteen guests tImt they aro expectlne a big liar
wore Invited and a good representa- vest. Tho corn, ho says, is fired in
tlon of tho club members was pres- riomo localities, but Is not In bad con
ent. The house was beautifully decor- dlllon. Ho stated that they have had
aled, the color scheme being yellow. . . . , , .,
and white. A very nleasant after-lenty of water for irrigation pur-
noon was enjoyed, and at its close a Poses except for tho few days that the
two-course luncheon was served. Miss state engineer ordered nil the gates
Ottenstein was presented Avlth the club ninco.i
house-' fork, which is the custom of the organ-, rirn .. rB . . .. Tnn,,onn
ization wnen ono or tneelr daughters' """"'" .......... -...v...,
marries. ,of Wellfleet, loft yesterday morning
! with thnlr fnmlllpa In tholr rara fnr
Suiiiiiiarj of the War Situation
There is good reason to bellvo that
a serious engagement, in which the
German advance is opposed by troops
01 ueigium and France, has been go
ing on since Monday, south of Brus
sels. No definite news of tho progress
of this encounter, however, has been
An olllclal communication from the
Russian general staff at St Peters
burg says tho Rubsian mobilization is
now completed and that eleven mem
bers of the Russian imperial family
are at the front.
It Is rumored porslstontly at Tho
Hague that the German crown prince
Frederkk William, has been seriously
wounded at tha front and that Emperor
William has hastened to tho sido of
his son, who Is said to bo at Aix La
Dispatches from London, dolajtfd
by the British censors, nnounco offi
cially the landing of the British expe
ditionary forces bn the Frertch coast.
'Field Marshal Sir John French, the
British commander in chief, was giv
en .a rousing reception in Paris. The
British army In France Is believed to
number between 100,000 and 120,000
The Servian preniler Is authority
for the1 statement that Austrian forces
have suffered a serious defeat on tho
Servian line. He telegraphs London
that fifteen thousand Austrlans have
beon "annihilated" near Sabec, whence
they-fled in disorder. The Servians
captured fourteen Austrian guns.
Two German cruisers, evidently ser
iously disabled In an encounter with
the enemy, have been brought Into
Hong Kong. Tho censorship main
tained at this British port ln China
prevents the sending of the vessels'
names, or any details of tho cnggei
ment which preceded their capture.
Siiro llrownjrcniorlal Hospital
1008 West Fourth St., city.
This hospital has a good location
for quietude and rest, excellent facil
ities for comfort and convenience,
thorough equipment for tho treatment
of Medical Surgical and Confinement
cases For Information address,
Head Nurse.
The First National Bank
Member Federal Reserve Bank System.
OncHundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
vnif iiuxir
. , ,. . . Cheyenne, Denver and other points
A nice cottnge 60!) enst Second . . , . , .,
street, modern except licnt.
Seen room cottngo (521 enst Sec
ond street. Tlicso houses nro In good
condition, close In and rents arc rea
A Checking account is indeed a business
necessity; and he who tries to get along
without one is at great disadvantage.
It is not required that a person should have
a large bulk of business in order to open an
Professional men, farmers, and even many
women, are running checking accounts. If
you have njever done business in this way
and are not, familiar with the plan, come to
us and we will &et you started.
McDonald State Bank,
Oldest Bank in Lincoln County
North Platte, Nebraska.
CHAS. NcDONALD, President
west to spend two weeks on an outing
and fishing trip. They left at five
o'clock yesterday morning and expect
ed to bo ln Cheyenno in the evening to
attend Frontier Days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Smith, who
have beon spending tho summer here,
will leavo next week for their home in
Negaunce, Mich., where Mr. Smith is
employed as playgrounds instructor
In tho high schools. Mr. Smith has
had charge of tho playgrounds here
tills summer and his work has been
much appreciated. The work has
been started and it Is .hoped that in
the future it will bo carried on perma
nently. Jay Smith will accompany
Mr. and Mrs. Smith homo and will at
tend school in Negauneo this year.
A light shower fell Wednesday night,
which temporarily cooled tho atmos
It enriches tho blood, strengthens
the nerves, helps your whole system.
A remedy you should tako every month
nyway whether you aro sick or not.
It's Hollister s Rocky Mountain Tea,
take it regularly, 'twill make and keep
you Well. 35c. Tea or taldests. Schll
lor & Co.
County Commissioner D. II. White
returned yesterday morning to his
home in the Hershey vicinity, after
spending a few days in the city at
tending the commissioners' meeting
and looking after other business.
r m
A Matter of Judgment
Deacon Jones' goat was king of Jonesville until the railroad
came. He had butted everything into immediate flight, ffomthe
yellow dog to the tax collector. The day the first express came
tearing in at thirty miles an hour, the goat met the engine "half
way.' As the deacon stood thoughtfully amid a "shower of goat
remnants',' a friend said: "Well, deacon, whut do you think of your
goat now?' "Oh" said the deacon, "I admire his courage but
damn his judgment."
The man who rensons that all lumber is alike because it
LOOKS alike, has several more thinks coming. There is n diff
erence in lumber a big difference, as you can readily see by com
paring our fine grades with others. We refuse to accept any
thing from the manufacturers that is below our high standard of
quality, and when it comes to lumber, shingles, plaster, cement,
etc., there's not another yard in these parts can give you the
values that we can. '
Show your good judgment anyway, by seeing us before buy
ing. G. F. Iddings Company,
North Platte, Nebraska.
WH. H. McDONALD, Cashier
W. L STARR, Ass't Cashier
Tho Enjoyment of Home
Is not complete to the one who
smokes unless he Is m user of our clears
Our hand mad cigars are made of the
best tooacco, under sanitary conditions,
and are a local product that warrants
theirjuse. If you are not smoking our
cigars, try them.
Quick Work
On the night of July 19, 1870, an or
derly awoke General Von Moltke, chief
of tho German imperial war staff and
told him Napoleon III had declared
war on Germany. Von Moltke directed
the orderly to open the second drawer
on the left hand side of his desk for
conipleto instructions to mobilize the
German armies. Then he went to
sleep again. When he arose troops
had been on the march for two hours,
in accordance with the orders ln that
Tho German ambashador at St, Pe
tersburg at 7:30 o'clock on Saturday
evening, August 1, 1914, handed to the
Russian minister of foreign affairs a
declaration of war. When tho council
of ministers in Paris the same day
was informed that Germany had de
clared war against Russia, It met Pres
ident Polncare hurriedly at the Elysee
palace. It was announced at once that
the mobilization of the French arnfy
would begin at midnight and would
bo completed at 1:59 Sunday night,
August 2.
Xoticc of Sale of Land Upon Iac'cuIIoh
Notice 13 herby given that by vir
tue of an execution Issued by Geo. E.
Prosser, Clerk of the District Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska, upon a
Judgment rendered in the District
Court of Buffalo County, Nebraska,
which had been filed in the District
Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska
in favor of John W. Smith against
M. J. Graham, full 'amo Marlon J.
Graham, I have levid upon the fol
lowing described real estate as tho
property of said Marlon J. Graham,
All of Section Five (5), In Township
Sixteen (1C) North of Range Twonty
nlno (29) west of tho 6th P. M. Lincoln
County, Nebraska, and I will on the
2Sth day of September, 1914, at 'i
o'clock p. m. central time of said day at
the east front door of tho court house,
in tho city of North Platto, In said Lin
coln County, Nebraska, sell said real
estato subject to a mortgage of $2,000
and accrued Interest thoreon, at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said execution upon
which thero Is duo tho sum of iffiUG
with 7 per cent interest from Novem
ber 6th, 1913, and $28.75 cost together
with accrued cost.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Aug
ust 20, 1914.
The Call of Duly
Is ithMijs responded to by the brno
firemen, but do jou heed the call of
duty by protecting; )our property from
fire damage In getting out an Insurance
policy? .If not your luck of action Is
blameworthy., I'oiuc mid nco 1110 11ml
hear my icry reasonable propositions
for our benefit. Don't delay 11 day in
ho Itnl 11 mutter.. Act (illicitly. I)cf
i In) s nro dangerous. 1
Close Call.
"DJoId on!" cried the proud young
fnthor as tho minister was about to
proceed. "Befoie tho bnby Is chris
tened I -want to chnngo his name."
"What is the trouble?" tho good man
nsked. "Ebenczer Is a good uniiio.''
"No matter. We'll call him Harold.
I've Just hcaid that Uncle nbenozer.
the old fool! has ninrried a woman
who Is young enough to be his daugh-fcr."-Judgo.
. w
i A Study In Rings
Custodier Aie thppi' Ih'e or six wed
ding rings all you have In Mock? Why,
you'vo got 11 whole tinyful of engage
ment rings. Jeweler Yes, sir. and it
will take that whole tray fit I of engage
ment lings to work off those five or six
wedding rlngs.-Cliicogo News,
W. M. R. Harcourt. of the Harcourt
& Jenson store, left Wednesday even
ing for Omaha to spend a fe,w days
looking after business matters. He
expects to return home today.
For Rent 2 large front rooms for
light housekeeping. 514 E 3rd St. 1
Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Leth underwent a minor operation
Wednesday at the Brown Memorial
hospital. Tho operation was perform
ed by Dr. Twinem.
Free from Flics
Cows nc l" milk.
horses do lt v o-r. vi huf
tortured hv fits.. Keen
"our Mcitl. die from these
d sci,c bricdin.i iKits by spray
ing diem ui:h
Conhcy's Fly Knocker
t .c a'v ' i-nmtd ate re if ard ia
r .-! tro' 'c Dots not unit
1 ml.. ic to s-ii-.isS
I TV" ! I" Days-
,3 !cr !:-': JLlC
if it
1 r ' '
"" wm
Sold by W. H. Blalock.
Smile That Slip.
Insan I do wish Mnrcclln would
wear tho smllo that won't como off.
Oudts Is she unhappy? Insan No, but
when 1 kissed her Inst evening I got
rouge on my lips. Judge.
Tho government AugiiBt crop esti
mates a decrease ln tho wheat crop
of 16,000,000 bushels, duo to damng to
spring wheat in the Dalwtna t(ti.
drouth. Also a total loss ou corn h '
283,000,000 btiBhols, of which Nebijak
ka suffers a loss of 21,300,000 bushjm .
Wanted Girl for general Hou
work. Apply to Mrs. E. F. Seebergery
we3i nourin Bireci.
Doing Good Qorvlco.
Bill Is that watch your father gave
you ten yearn ago still doing good sorr
Ico? Jill Yos. I pawned It again to
dny for tho twentieth timo. London
Whan Mother Is Needed.
As a general thing, a girl never
needs a mother bo much as when bIio
gets an Idea that sho has a perfect
figure Galveston News.
Little minds nro tnmed and subdued
by misfortune, hut grout minds rise
abovo It. Washington Irving.
It is the purity of our Ice cream
that makes it not only delicious
but nourishing. We invite you to
inspect our ice creum plant and
see the sanitary conditions under
which it is made,. Everything
which enters into its composition
!b absolutely pure and evor
utensil is as clean as you would
like It to be. Try our ico cream
once and you will order it again.
We Bupply ice cream for parties,
banquets and clubs. Let us give
you an eBtimnte. .
Stone Drug Co.
Olllco rhone 410 Res. Blk 552
Physician and Surgeon
Dlii of Women ndChlldrn 8pclilty
New McCabo Blbg.