The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 04, 1914, Image 8

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    Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail In advaaco $1.23
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.00
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
office as Second Cla93 Matter.
Proceedings of
. the County Board
Political Announcements
July 20, 1914
Hoard of county commlsloners mot
pursuant to adjournment.
board nnd county clerk.
Win, Dymond, cash for road district
I allowed on mild district, $200.
.Sam Young, nHaesnlhg Kem precinct,
allowed on Ronernl fund, J21-
Continued checking books of county
trensurer tind stood ndjourned until to
morrow. C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
For Stale Senator.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the nomination for State Senator,
L'5th district. Dawson, Lincoln and
Keith counties, subject to the will of
"'"ltn.r ..un.-u ...:- l. i ..
l'resont f ull i li' .1 a to i7 V (""""'J
eiucuun, iiuusuo, isjii.
Overton, Nebraska.
Lincoln county la so large in area
that a candidate for political pre
ferment finds It Imposalblo to visit
every section nnd meet every voter.
In view of this, a brief Introduction of
the aspirants who havo announced
thomsolvcs in theso columns will bo
given in this and succeeding issues.
D. M. Douthctt, who soeks the re
publican nomination for stato sena
tor, was born in Butlor county, Pa., In
1858. In 1887 ho came to Overton,
Dawson county, Neb., and engaged In
farming nnd stock growing. In 1D00
lie was appointed postmaster at Over
ton by President McKinley and served
four years. Ho then engaged In tho
banking business at Overton for five
years, and lator opened a real es
tate and insurance olllce, In which bus
lnoss ho Is now engaged. He has al
ways boon a republican and has been
actlvo In that party. Ho served as n
member of .tho stato central commlt
tco and was also chairman of tho Daw
son county central committee In his
homo town and county ho is hold In
high regard as n man of excellent bus
iness ability and of strict integrity;
In fnct Mr. Douthett Is regarded ns
one of the foromost citizens of Daw
son county.
Tho candidate for tho republican
nomination for loglslatlvo representa
tive from this county Is Scott Rey
nolds, an enterprising farmer and
stock grower, who resides soven miles
southeast of North Platto. Mr. Rey
nolds came to Lincoln county from tho
east part of tllo stato twelve or fif
teen years ngo and leased tho Van
Drocklln ranch In AVell precinct. Lat
er ho purchased tho farm upon which
ho now resides, and has proven a very
succo8sful farmer and stock grower.
Mr Roynolds In a clean-cut man of
oxcollont bualnoas ability, liberal ed
ucation, and a man of the strictest in
tegrity. Tho legislature of Nebraska
needs men of such calibre as Mr. Rey
nolds It needs moro hard-headed
fanners and fewer lawyers and politi
cal soldiers of fortune
1 ii 1 1.
A. J. Salisbury, who asks for tho re
publican nomination for shorlff Is so
well known that ho needs little In
troduction. For three years ho .has
fitted tho ofllcc of sheriff, and during
tho writer's thirty-three yearn' resl
donco in Lincoln county ho has
not known a shcrilt who lui3 more
acceptably filled tho oflicc than Una
Mr. Salisbury. Wo bollovo that tho
voters of tho county recognlzo Mr.
Salisbury's worth as an olllclal, and
that ho will rccolvo tho united sup
port of republicans and tho support
or many democrats both at tho pri
mary und at tho election In Novcnibor
July 21, 1911.
Hoaid mot same nH yostordny. Pres
ent full board nnd county clork.
Finished checking books of county
treasurer. Hoard spent balance of
day In Cottonwood precinct viewing
roads and brldKos and stood ndjourned
until tomorrow.
C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
July 22, 1914.
Hoard met snmo as yesterday. Pres
ent full board nnd county clerk.
Tho following clnlmfl wore allowed:
A. I). Ho.iglnnd, auto hire and dyna
miting, on general fund, $09.90.
V. 'V. HorinlnghuUHen, services nnd
mllongc, $11.
V', K. Iienuchamp, cash for road dis
trict 28, allowed on commissioner (list.
2, $100.
Omnba Structural Stool Works, one
21 foot steol bridge, allowed on bridge
fund, $191. r,8.
Checked books of county Judge for
six months ending June 30, 1914 and
And n total of $1284.02 fees earned.
Wheroupon the board stood ndjourn
ed until tomorow.
C. W. YOST, County Clork.
For Reprcsntative. '
I respectfully announco myself as a
candidate for the republican nomination
for representative from the legislative
district composed of Lincoln county,
subject to the decision of tho voters at
tho August primary.
Scott Reynolds.
Tor Sheriff
I hereby announce my candidacy for
tho republican nomination for tho of-
flco of sheriff, subject to the action of
tho voters at the primary election on
August 18th. A. J. SALISBURY.
I hereby announco my candidacy
for tho republican nomination for
county survoyor at tho primary elec
tion August 18th. Support given me
wilt bo appreciated.
Notice to Hunter.1'.
Anyone caught hunting or trespass
ing on land owned or leased by the un
dersigned will be prosecuted to the full
extent of tho law.
I'or County Clerk
I respectfully announco myself as a
candldato for the republican nomina
tion for county clork at tho' primary
olectlon on tho ISth day of August,
1914. C. W. YOST.
July 23, 1914.
Hoard of county commissioners mot
same ns yesterday. Present full board
and county clork.
Tho board Inspected ronds west of
Suthorlnnd nnd north of North Platte
nnd stood adjourned until tomorrow.
C. W. YOST, County Clork.
County Treasurer.
I hereby announco myself ns n candi
date for the republican nomination for
county treasurer, subject to the decision
of the voters at the August primary.
July 24, 1914.
Hoard of county commissioners mot
pursuant to adjournment. Present
llermlughnusoii, Springer and county
Checked books of clork of tho dis
trict court for six niontlm ending Juno
30, 1911, and find a total $1229.70 fees
earned, and approved tho same
Tho board spent tho balance of tho
day vowing roada south of North
Platto and stood adjourned until to
morrow. C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
County J ml (;o
I hereby announco that my name
will bo presented at tho primaries to
bo held August 18, 1914, for nomination
for the olllco of County Judge, under
tho non-partisan judiciary law, and
havo filed the petition required there
under. If nominated nnd elected I am
prepared to glvo up tho practice of law
and devoto my time to tho office, carry-
ing out tho spirit as well nD tho letter
of tho law. GED. E. FRENCH
For Count Superintendent.
Look at This!
Anyone in need of Pianos Organs,
Bicycles, Clocks Wntcljes, Sewing Ma
chines, Guns, Jlovohors, Shells of nil
kinds, (Jus Stoics, Oil Stoics, Ranges,
Ilierj thing in Furniture, Come to
Echellbery,--600 Locust
Yc vunt Poultry, Uuiter, Eggs, Pota
toes, I'.tc, in exchange for furniture.
Tor Rent
6 room houso, modern except heat,
202 South Dewey street. 5 room
house, Graccland addition,
tf J. C. HOLLMAN, Agent.
There nro no democratic contenders
for tho offices of county treasuror and
county clerk, which can bo taken ns a
compliment to Treasuror Durblu and
Cldrk' Yost. Thoso two Important po
sitions havo been so ably filled, that
tho people by common consont want
tho present Incumbents ro-olocted. No
two mon in tho county aro moro wide
ly known than Messrs. Durhtn and
YoBt, and overyono who knows them
has n good word to say for them.
July 25, 1911.
liontd mot pursuant to adjournment.
Present full board and county clork.
Checked tho books of the county
eltuk for six months endng Juno 30,
191 1, nnd find a total fees earned of
$lb70.1C. KxponseH for deputy $D0O.0O
and extra clork hire $202.50, leaving
a lialanco on hand of $1107.95 and tho
books are horoby approved.
Tho following clnlms wero allowed,
Peter Hurke, hauling sravel for Tar
Kot Canyon bridge, on bridge fund,
Louis Heflor, cash for road district 10,
on said district, $50.
11. I.,. Cochran, surveying road" 371,
Win. Smith, tlnginnn and use of tenm
on same, $10.
Hay Smith, chnlnman on same, $1.00.
Walter Smith, chnlnman on snmo, $4.
Woroupon tho board adjourned until
July 27, 1914.
C. W. YOST, County Clerk.
Sco, E. Pronch nuko for tho noml
on for county judgo. Por over a
(lunrtor -of a century Mr, Promih has
boon a resident of North Platte, a
leading attorney of tho county, and a
citizen who has proved himself worthy
tho excellent reputation ho enjoys.
Tho county Judgeship is now a non
partisan ofllco, and though Mr. French
Is n republican, voters of all parties
aro at liberty to cast their ballots for
his nomination, Tho ofllco of county
Judgo ia an important ono, especially
tho probntc dlvlnlon, and should bo
filled by one who has a good knowl
edge of tho law, backed by good
It is the purity of dur ice cream
that makes it not only delicious
but nourishing. We invite you to
inspect our ice cream plant and
see the sanitary conditions under
which it is made. Everything
which enters into its composition
is absolutely pure and everv
utensil is as clean as you would
like it to be. Try our ico cream
once and you will order it again.
We supply ice crenm for parties,
banquets and clubs. Let us give
you an estimate.
Stone Drug Co.
Xotlcc of Special Election in Lincoln
County, Xcbrnskn.
Notice is hereby given that a spe
cial election will bo hold in and for
the County of Lincoln, In tho State of
Nebraska, on tho 18th day of August,
19'14, at which tho following proposi
tion will be submitted to the voters
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt:
Shall tho Board of County Commis
sioners In Lincoln County, in the state
of Nebraska, lovy a special annual tax
of five mills per annum on the dollar
valuation on all tho taxable property
in said County of Lincoln for a term
of four consecutive years, beginning
in the year 1914, for tho purpose of
raising tho sum of one hundred
thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars
to bo used In the erection of a new
court house In the City of North
Platte, In the County of Lincoln, In the
Stato of Nebraska.
The ballots to bo used at such spe
cial election shall have printed there
FOR: A levy by the Board of Coun
ty Commissioners of Lincoln County,
Stato of Nebraska, of a special an
nual tax of five mills on the dollar
valuation on all of tho taxable prop
erty in said County of Lincoln, for
four consecutive years, beginning with
tho year 1911, for the purpose of rais
ing the sum of Ono hundred thousand
($100,000.00) Dollars to be used in
tho erection and construction of a new
court houso In the City of North
Platte in said County of Lincoln, in
the State of Nebraska.
AGAINST: A levy by tho Board of
County Commissioners of Lincoln
County, Stato of Nebraska, of a spe
cial annual tax of live mills on tho dol
lar valuation on all of the taxable
property in said County of Lincoln,
for four consecutive years, beginning
with tho year 1914, for tho purpose of
raising tho sum of One hundred
thousand ($100,000) Dollars to bo used
in tho erection and construction of a
new court house in tho City of North
Platte, in and for said county of Lin
coln, in tho State of Nebraska.
Those voting In favor of said prop
osition shall mark their ballot with
an "X" after tho paragraph beginning
with the word "For", and those vot
ing against said proposition shall
mark their ballot with an "X" after
the paragraph beginning with tho
word "Against."
Said election will be open from S
o'clock A. M. and continue to be open
until 6 o'clock P. M.6n said date, and
the poling places in;tho vrlous pre
cincts of said County will be at the
regular polling places- whereat the
primary election in and for said
County of Lincoln will bo hold on said
By order of tho Board of County
Commissioners of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, made on this 6th day of July,
County Clerk.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.'
Special Attention to Obstetrics
and Children's Diseases.
Phones, office 183, residence 283
Office In McDonald Bank Building.
North Platte, Nebraska.
The North Side
Feed Barn
Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa,
Hay, Good Seed Potatoes.
Goods promptly deliverod.
Our terms are cash.
Plenty of Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona
ble. Buchanan & Patterson.
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residonce Red 636 Office 459
Down In tho Wallaco ccetlon thcro
is opposition to tho levy for a now
court house, because they hope somo
day to sccuro a division of tho county
and will need to tax thcmsolves for
(u.court houso and other nccounry
oxponscs. Such a plan may somo tlino
materialize but It Is rutlior remote A
county of less than six townships
squnro In westorn Nebraska finds
county government burdonsomo; tho
cost of operation outwolghs tho bone
lltu received. Wallnco's only plan to
noouro n county Is to embrace a strip
of territory In Perkins and Frontlor
counties along with il "" southwest
part of thin county, and this wo oplno
will be dllllolt. By tho timo Wallaco
Huceocdn in surrounding Itself with
tho noceuBnry torrltory North Platto
will havo reached such goodly propor
tions that It will not fool tho loss of
tho southwest corner of tho county
and will Join hnnds with tho Wnllaco
ltcs In their aspirations to bocomo
tho seat of a county government.
The Case of L. L. Cautelou
Tho caso of L. L. Cantclou, Claren
don, Toxub, Is similar to that of many
others who havo nsod Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
Ho says, " after trying a doctor for
sevoral months, and using different
kinds of medicine for my wlfo who
had boon troubled with severe bowel
complaint for sovoral months, I bought
a 25c bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Aftor
using the second bottlo she was en
tirely cured." For salo by all dealers.
John P. Dolly of Rock Island, 111.,
.who has been spending a few weeks
in this part of tho country looking af
tor his land iutorests, left Sunday
evenng for Maxwell to attend to some
matters in that vicinity. Ho is con
templating locating here.
July 27, 1911,
Hoard mot puriniant to ndjournment.
ProBent, White, IIormlnijhauHen,
Sprlnor and county clork.
Tho following claims of doputy as
sessors wore allowed on the general
nort Evnrt, Jeffrey, ?42.r.0,
C. A. Kllinor. Table. $4C.
M. C. Loth, Miller, $30.
J. 1. Xystrom, Vromnn, $f7,30.
T. h. O'ltourko, Cottonwood, $9S.G0.
M. L. Smith, Uniflold, $00.
Jobho IIlKhhorKor, IMnnt, $40.50.
CL P. Smyth, Osgood, $30.
flyman Cliudnor, Pox Creole, $Gl.r,0.
TI. P. Coates, Sutherland, $11LGS.
C N. Uoath, Willow, $30.47.
Joe Sodorinnn, Tlrndy, $108.70.
ileo. I'atturnon, Hall, $76.
It. Untie, Myrtlo, $12.00.
P. .1. Plenor, North Platte No. 3,
' Juh. 11. White, NleholH, $S0.
.T. W. Conneully, Wallace, $103.15.
N. IC. lltoHboi'KOt', Somerset, $51.00.
John W. Fowler, Sellers, $30.
A. J. Howard, Woll. $S9.
Than. Lowe, Si, North Platte No. I,
ninf'joliuson, dunlin, $GG.50.
Win. Fneko, Nowoll, $00.00.
Otto P, Mosmor, Lemon, $30.00.
H. A. Wilson, North I'latto No. 2, $1)9.
Win. Lane. Whlttlor, $42.00.
C. U King, Sunshine, $B1,
U L. Hopkins, Cox, $30.
1). W. HeBuck, North Platte, No. 1,
Cluvs, Wynmn, Illunmu, $CD.
Cluis. Oman, Antelope, $7S.72.
C. 7,. Uvorly, Maxwell, $S7.
W. W, droves, ltosedulo, $4S.
Fred Orllllths, Wokens, $S2.G0.
Jonathan 1'oiiko, Harrison, $42.
A. M. Coutos, lluohnuan, $52.52.
Joo Sodorinnn, tnlclng euro of John
Ahlstroin, April, May nnd Juno, $05.
Win. S. Wood, Norvlces Stato vs. Law,
Owen O'Neill, cash for roul district
1, allowed on said district, $50.00.
Oeo. MyorH, cash for road district 23,
llreeloy llnndy, bridge work, on
bridge fund, $22,
Whereupon tho hoard adjourns until
C. W. YOST, County Clork.
July 2S, 1914.
Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment.
Present, Ilormlnglmution, Springer and
county clork.
Checked tho hooks of tho sheriff for
six months ending Juno 30, 19,14, nnd
find same corect nnd approve tho same.
Hoard ndjournu to August 3, 1914.
C. W. YOllT, County Clork.
I hereby doclaro myself a candidate
for tho office of County Supterintn
dent of Lincoln county, subj'ect to the
will of the democratic voters in tho
primaries August 18th.
William E. Toole,
I her.eby anuounco myself as candi
date for nomination for county super
intendent of Lipcoln county on the dem
ocratic ticket, subj'ect to tha August
primaries. Blanche Cox.
Having been renucsted by my
friends throughout tho county to file
for county superintendent of Lincoln
county, I havo filed my application to
havo my name placed upon tho pri
mary ballot on the democratic ticket,
and will npprcciato tho support of the
voters nt tho primary election.
I liorcby announce myself a candl
dato for tho republican nomination
for county superintendent, subject to
tho notion of tho voters at tho pri
mary olectlon on August 18th.
Di Infield edfield.
Physicians and Surgconn.
JOE IJ. HEDFIELD, Phyniqlan.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
Cattle and Hogs
Sell your Cattle and Hors to
Julius Mogensen, No. Platte.
Hgihest cash prices paid. Office
open day and night in North, Si
Barn. First class horse and a"o"
livery in connection.
Phone No. 29.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as n candi
date for the republican nomination for
county commissioner from the Second
district, subject to tho decision of tho
voters of the primnry olection.
E. H. SrniNGER, Brady, Nebr.
I respctfully announco that I am a
candldato for tho republican nomina
tion for county commissioner from tho
Second district and will appreciate the
support of the votors at tho primary
oiecuon August ISth
Well Precinct.
I hereby announce myself a can
dldato for nomination for County
commissioner of Lincoln county
from tho Third district on tho
democratic ticket subject to tho pri
maries on August ISth.
D. B. WItlTE.
. I horoby announco myself as n can
dldato for tho republican nomination
for county commissioner from Mm
Third district, subject to tho decision
of tho voters at tho primary oloctlon..
1 hoieby announce myself a candidate
for the democratic nomination for the
county commisiioner for tho second
district, subject to the decision of tho
voter at tho primary election, nnd most
respectfully lolicltyour unport.
J . D. Kl'lliiilh,
Maxwell Precinct.
I horoby announco that I havo filed
for tho republican nomination for
county commissioner from tho Sec
ond District, and rospectfully solicit
your support at tho primary election
August 18th.
Sen Ice by Publication
Esther Killen, Plaintiff, -
William P. Killen, Defendant.
William P. Killen, defendant, will
take notice that on tho 13th day of
July, 1914, Esther Killen, plaintiff
horoln, filed her petition In tho Dis
trict Court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, against said dofendant, tho object
and prayer of which aro to secure the
payment of a contract entered into be
tween Esther Killen and William P.
Killen on the 25th day of May 190G
for the sum of $3,500 now duo and pay
ablo, with interest from this date, and
to securo tho payment of $1,550.70 as
evidenced by a contract entered into
on tho J8th day of October, 190G, be
tween Esther Killen, William P. Kil
len, F. B. Killon and B. L. Killen, the
last two signing Bald contract as sur
eties, which contract Is now duo and
payablo with interest. That on the
25th day of July, 1914, plaintiff at
tached tho following described realtj
and personalty, towit: Defendant's un-
uiviucd ono-uair interest in s. or
N. W. 4 and N. Vj of S. W. 4, Section
7. T. 10, R. 33, nnd S. E. 14 Section 34,
T. 10, R. 34, subject to a S3.000 mort
gago, and defendant's one-third inter
est in 100 acres of wheat and 40 ncres
of spoltz on the last abovo mentioned
You aro required to answor said pe
tition on or hoforo tho 14th day of
Soptembor. 1914.
Dated July 25, 1914.
By Rhea & Hanlen.
J2S-4w Attorneys for Plaintiff.
For Sale Fivo room houso
East Third street.
at G13
State of Nebraska, Lincoln County.
Notice of Hearing on Petition for
Letters of Administration with Will
To all persons interested in the es
tate of C. A,. Carpenter, late of Lou
isa county, Stato of Iowa, deceased.
You are hereby notified that on the
11th day of July, 1914, P. R. Halllgan
filed his petition in the County
Court of said county for his ap
pointment as administrator, with
win annexed, of the estate of C. A.
Carpenter, deceased, late of Louisa
county, state of Iowa, and that the
same will bo heard at the county
of 10 o'clock a. m. It is further or
Platte, in Lincoln county, on the
4th day of August, 1914, at tho hour
given all parties interested in the
dered that notice of said hearing be
glen all parties interested in the
said estate by the publication of this
notice for three successive weeks in
tho North Platte Semi-Weekly Tri
bune, a newspaper printed and pub
lished and of general circulation in
said county..
Dated this 11th day of July, 1914,.
JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Statement of the Condition
of North Platte. Nebraska,; on the 30th
(lav of June, HU-1.
Certillcate NO. 32.
First mortgage loans 1588 200 00
Stock loans 4 i;00 00
Kent estate olllce 27 734 04
Furniture nnd fixtures 5S2 75
Cash...,' 10 240 15
Delinquent Interest, iuemlumn and
tines 93 00
Expenses ami taxes paid' 1 37366
Other assets ..' 152 32
Total 1633 865 92
Capital stock paid ur ...'. $593 691 41
Reserve fund 11 85U 00
Undivided proilts..., ( 28 46 71
Advance Interest 7 SO
Total ...'..... J633 865 P2
Balance on hand Jul- 1, 1013 $12 487 01
Dues , 210 474 12
Interest, nrcmlums and tines 39 927 go
Loans repafd 67-S52 79
Membsrshln and Tranfer Fees 462 75
Real Estatn 60ld.. , 2 369 05
Taxes and Insurance 104 07
Nyal DruicStroo
Phono 8
Bowena Uarn
Phono 101
County Sunejor
I hereby announco my candidacy
for tho nomination for County Sur
voyor, (second term), subject to tho
wish of the democratic electors at
tho primaries August ISth,
North Platte Nebraska.
H.i. Phono Rod 400.
Serial No. 042
cvAInited States Land Olllce
North I'latto. Nebraska. July 25. 1914.
Notice It hereby given that Ainutl Sukraw
of Staiiloton. Neb., who on July Id, 1908,
made homestead entry No. 012 for
EM. NE BWW, EH NWV4. and it 1.
Section 18. Township 15 N. Ransro 28.
W. of 6th Principal Merldan. has (lied notice
of intention to make final five year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before tho register and receiver at North Platto
Nebraska, on tho 23rd day of September.
Claimant names as wltnessses: Harry Mor
row and Charlie Appleirarth of Wlllard. Neb.,
W. II. Lonsnre. of Maxwell. Neb.. Garfield
Uutherless. of North Platte. Nebr.
J28- j. e. Evans. Resistor.
Notice is hereby given that at a
special election hold in and for the
City of North Platto, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, on the 20th day of June,
1914, for tho purpose of voting
twolvo thousand dollars ($12,000)
of tho City of North Platto bridge
bonds, the returns on fllo nnd as
canvassed by tho mayor and city
council in and for said city, show the
number of votes cast wero six hun
dred lorty-four, (044) and out' of
said total vote thero wero cast five
hundred ninety-eight (59S) votes in
favor of issuing of said bonds, and
forty-six (4G) wore cast against Is
suing of said bonds.
In witness whereof wo havo here
unto set our hands and. nlllxod tho
olllclal seal of said city this 11th
day of July, 1914.
E. H. EVANS, iMayor.
Attest: C. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Total ,.323 67S19
Loans ? 178 500 00
Expenses 2 015 63
Stock redeemed 104 172 OS
Cash oil hand 10 210 15
Real Estate 27 922 29
Furniture 5s2 75
Taxes and Insurance 215 29
Total 5323 078 19
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
I, Samuel Gooee, secretary of tho above
named Association, doMilcmuly swear that
the forcgolnir statement of tho condition of
said Association Is true and correct to tho
best of my kuowledjru and belief.
., , Samdki.Goozki". Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to hofgrti 1110 this 11 th
day of July, l'.ill.
Thank Buchanan. Notary Public.
W. 11. Bl.Al.OCIC. j
Victor VonGoetz Directors.
I 1.. Bahk, I
By virtue of an order of Bnlo issued from tbe
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein L. C. Soverns, is plaintiff, and
Chris Rassmussen and E. P. Rassmussen are de
fendants, and to me directed, I will on the 15th day
of Aur. 1914, nt 2 o'clock, p. m at the east front
door of the court homo In North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decrte, interest and costs, the following
described property to-wit: All of Section Nine
(9). Township Ten (10). Range Twenty-Elght
(28), with tho exception of Ono and One-half (1M)
Acres in tho Northwest Quarter of tho Southeast
Quarter, west of tho 6th Principal Meridan,
Lincoln county, Neb.
Dated North Platte. Noli., July 13th, 1914.
il-'-B A. J. Salisdury. Sheriff.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, 86.
In the County Court.
In'the matter of tho estate of Jacob Meyer,
' To the creditors, helra, legatees and othcra In
terested In the estate of Jacob Mejer.
Take-notice, that Karl llroll'eck has filed In
the county court, a repot t or 1. a doincs us ad
ministrator of said estate, and It is ordered that
the bume stand for hesring the llih day of Aug.
A. D. 1914 before the Court at the hour of 9
o'clock, a. m., at which time any person in
terested may appear and accept to and contest
tho same.
Notice of this proceeding and the hearing
thereof Is ordered given to all persons Interested
In said matter by publishing n copy of this order
in the North Platte Tribune, a Bcml-weekly news
paper printed In s Id county for three consecutive
weeks prior to said date of hearing.
Dated July 10th. 1914.
J31-S JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, upon
a decree of foreclosure rendered In saiil court
wherein Robert F, Burnett Is plaintiff and
Samuel A. Thomas, et. al., are defendants, and
to me directed I will on the 22nd day of Aug, 1914,
at 2 o'clock p. m., at the cast frontdoor of the
court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at publio auction to tho highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest
and costs, tho following described property
to-wlt: Southwest Quarter (SW"- Section Four
(4), In Township Twelve (12), Range Thirty
Four (34), west of the 6th P. M, Lincoln county,
Dated North Platte. Neb.. July 20, 1914.
J21-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Serial No. 0-lMli
Department of the Interior
United States Land Olllce
North Platte. Nebraska. June. 4. 1914.
Notice 1b hereby given that Willard P. Fletcher,
of Dickens, Neb., who on January 21, 1910.
mado homestead entry No. 04556 for
SM nnd NWK Section 12. Township 11, N. Range
32. W. of 0th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of J
intention to mane final three year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before tho register and receiver at North Platte,
Nebraska, on tho 6th day of August, 1914,
Claimant names ns witnesses: Philip Hell,
C. A. Anderson. Wendell McCrum and J, II. Fitch
all of Dickens, Nebr.
ju6 J. E. Evans. Register.
Christ Pappas, will take notice that
on the 19th, day of Juno, 1914, P. H.
Sullivan, Justice of th Peace, of North
Platte Precinct No. 1, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, issued an order of attachment
for the lum of ?22.50 in an action pend
inc before-him, wherein Nick Chiros ii
planintilT and Christ Pappas is defend
ant, that property eonshtlntr of mony
in the hands of the Union Pacific Rail
Road Company, a corporation, has
been attached amdar said order.
Said cause was continued to August
10th, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m
Nick Chiros.
North Plattt, Nebr. July lit, 1914.