The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 04, 1914, Image 3

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kh cgjtS.. TJjKS
Gasoline Englno Sprayer.
Parnmount of all tho insects caua
3ng loss to tho horticulturists and
nurserymen Is a small scalo Insect no
largor, when mature, than tho head of
a. common pin. This Insect la tho San
Joso scalo (pronounced San Ho-zay),
Aspldlotus pornlcloaua. No Insect
yeat haa received more attention and
Jiaa had more written concerning it.
Nearly every experiment station in
tho land has published ono or more
"bulletins aa to ita life history and
lavages, and remedies for its control.
Newspapers, Journals and maga
zines have issued volumes calling tho
attention of fruit growers to tho ef
fects of this scalo peat and oncour
aging legislation for its control.
Those who have heeded this admoni
tion of the entomologista and fol
lowed their recommendations have
(satisfied themselves that In splto of
tho enormous damage done by this
scale, there aro methods which, If
properly pursued, will reduce Injury
to tho minimum. Tho careless, un
heeding grower who has scale-Infested
stock and has dono nothing by way of
controlling tho peBt suffers heavy
losses and eventually is compelled to
.go out of business (bo ho horticul
turist or nurseryman) or is advised
to start anew.
Perhaps tho worst feature of an at
tack of San Jose scale is tho difficulty
of recognizing tho insect, due to its
size and color; it Is about 1-1G of an
Inch iir. diameter when mature, and
Jn color it resembles tho bark of tree
or plant infested. If there is a very
liad infestation an ashy-gray appear
ance Is noticeable; again one may de
termine tho presence of scalo by
crushing many of them, when an oily
appearance is noticed.
If a female scalo be carefully
turned over with a knife or a pin,
there will bo found underneath a flat,
yellowish insect, looking very much
like a small piece of rich butter. It
Las no logs, no wings, no eyes, no
antennae (feelers), nor a distinct
Adult Malo San Jose Scale.
Jiead, but it does have a long, thread
llko sucking proboscis, with which It
iores through tho bark of trees into
tho young, growing wood and draws
out the sap.
Early in tho spring the adult fe
malo begins to give birth to living
young, continuing to do so for about
six weeks after which she dlos. Tho
young scalo has legs, antennae and
oyes, It moves about over tho twigs
for some hours, then settles down and
begins to push its mouth parts slow
ly Into tho bark to tho sap beneath.
Good Roads Help In Every Way Being
the Cost of
Dad roads aro an extravagance that
sio farming community can afford. Just
what they cost in unnecessary ex
pense it takes but a moment to deter
mine. A team und driver la reasonably
worth $3 a day, and by tho usj of
theso it Is posalblo to deliver to Mar
ket, from your homo, 100 buahels of
corn. Hauling over good roads, tho
cost of dollvory Is threo cents per
bushel. But, if in consoquenco of bad
r oasis but SO bushels can be delivered,
A scalo-llko covering now 'begins to
be formed, coming from all partB of
the body and looking at first like
waxy filaments or threads, which later
fuse together, making, with tho cast
skins, an entiro covering over tho In
sect. All young San Joso scalo look
alike in size, color and shape until
tho first molt, nbout twelve days' after
birth, but from then on thoro la a
very great difforonco. Tho male
scalo, which is smaller, la now elon
gate, whllo tho femalo scalo Is circu
lar, or nearly so, both sexes 'losing
legs and nntonnao, and tho femalo her
eyes. In from 24 to 20 days from
birth tho male comes from under tho
Adult Female San Jose Scale.
scalo in tho form of a mlnuto and
extremely delicate two-winged, fly
like Insect.
It takes the female about thirty
days to develop fully. From thirty
threo to forty days from birth ''f
gives birth to a new generation.
Each femalo Is supposed to produce
200 male and 200 female young; this
being so, and counting four genera
tions in a senson, there will bo pro
duced, according to Dr. L. O. Howard.
3,210,080,400 malo and femalo acales
from one progenitor in a yenr. Thus
It is easy to under stand why a slight
Infestation, if untreated, soon becomes
bad. If the scale are allowed to in
crease unmolested they will kill a
young bearing peach tree In about
three years, and an apple tree In
about four or flvo years. Consequent
ly, when San Joso scale aro first dis
covered in an orchard lmmediato
preparations should bo mndo for ap
plying a remedy, the most satisfac
tory of which is the boiled lime-sulphur
Clean Feed for Horses.
Don't feed dirty grain to youf
horses. The dust, weed seeds and oth
er foreign matter In tho grain Is in
Jurloua. Uso a slevo to menauro the grain,
and give It a few shakes to allow the
dirt and aeeda to fall out before feed
ing. Somo pour water over the grain
in tho slevo, or dip the slevo of grain
In a bucket or tub of water a few
times. This Is a good plan as It re
moves all dust and smut. Tho feed
boxes are kept cleaner by treating tho
grain in thiB way before feeding.
Low Vitality of Hogs.
Coarseness In hogs indlcatea low vi
tality, sluggishness and slow feeding;
Able to Haul Over Roads Reduces
the cost is doubled and tho difference
Is what the Impassable roads coat you.
Continue this calculation, applying
it to the hauling of all of your crops
and It quickly becomes apparent that
it amounta to n vory burdensome tax.
Good roads holp in every way, they
promote sociability by making friends
and relatives ncceEIble, and by moans
of them it la easier to reach tho
schools and churches, and to generally
do and enjoy thoso thlngB which make
life really worth living. C. M. 9.
Lucky Congressman Receives $12,500 Back Salary
ABH1NGTON. Thoro probably has never boon a man who looked upon
$12,500 with quite tho samo emotions aa thoso which llllod tho breast of
Michael J. Gill of St, Louis when ho saw
Jh if fk ucFFrn
and $3,500 In the bank. Thoy cleaned him out boform ho got through with
his case.
When a person contests a soat in the houao ho has to bring chnrgoa and
sustain thorn before an election commltteo. Ho has to g-t witnesses and go
over and over again all tho ragtag and bobtnll testlmoit?, stand up undor
cross-examinations that had their origin in Gehenna, and pay for tho stenog
rapher at tho samo time. Stenographers collect by tho word.
One of Gill's witnesses made n statement which resulted In a cross
examination which coat Gill Just $200. It wbb tho plainest refutation of that
old Ho "talk la cheap" that you could find in a day'a Jo'Hrnoy. Talk "wasn't
cheap to Gill, who would sit thoro and seo his $3,500 rnnnlng out llko tho
sand in an hour glass. Ho had tho thing down so lino thfct ho know tho vory
word which drained tho last cent from hla bank account and mado him
mortgago his home.
When that tragic word wbb spoken, Gill went out and got a Job. The Job
wan in a glass works in or near Alexandria. Also hla son, Joo, wont out and
hooked a Job playing a violin in a cheap theater. Joo la a natural musician,
yet tho beBt ho could do was to snatch a dollar or two new and then.
That's why many of tho men In the houso voted fnr GUI. Thoy know
about tho glass works, tho mortgaged homo and tho boy playing at 60 cents
a throw In moving picture theaters. That's why that $1S,GOO looked llko tho
pot of gold at tho end of tho rainbow to tho older Gill.
How a Western Senator "Ruined" Mis Silk Hat
A WESTERN senator, who Is scnlng his first term In congress, camo to
Washington well-informed upon matters of politics and of general inter
est, but rather green when it came to questions of conventional attire. Ho
visited a tailor and ordered a now out
fit of clothes, which Included a full
dross eult and a dinner coat, both of
them articles of apparel which up to
that time had never graced his figure.
Tho tailor fixed him up with a proper
outfit, advised him as to tho cut of
tho vests and coats and told him that
with tho full dross suit ho must wear
a silk hat
In the senator's homo town a high
silk hat worn on tho main street
would have cscitcd widespread com
ment and probably would have served aa tho target for tho town marksmen.
But renllzlng that ho must adapt himself to tho now conditions and must
uphold his dignity as a senator, he proudly added tho hat to his wardrobe.
At the next White House reception tho senator appeared In full regalia.
Nono of tho deuco-spot statesmen from tho offoto East had anything on him
when it came to comentlonal attlro. His coat was right, ho had tho proper
kind of vest and his ready-made white tlo looked aa good as anyone's. Hut
on his way homo he walked Instead of taking a cab it bogan to rain nnd
before ho reached hla house his fine silk hat was a bedraggled and aorry
looking affair. Tho next day ho stopped to tell tho tailor hla troubles.
"Well. I ruined that fine allk hat last night," ho said. "I went to tho
White Houso reception nnd on my way homo tho hat was entirely spoiled."
"What happened to it?" asked the tailor.
"It got wet," said the senator, "thoroughly drenched. It looka llko tho
dickens and the fur la nil rubbed tho wrong way."
"Woll, call up tho hatter and have him send after it and iron it out, and
it will be all right," said the tailor.
"Why, can it bo fixed up? It can? I thought If it got wot it was gone
for good. Sure, I'll have it fixed, for I want to got ready for tho next recop
Hon." And tho western atresman went away happy.
Senator Kern of Indiana Loses His Pay Check
SENATOR KEUN of Indiana the other day called at the offico of tho senate
disbursing clerk, thern to cash his monthly pay-check. Ho reached into
his right-hand, lower vest pocket, and tho check was not thoro.
f$ 5&JiVE LOST
Iudlanapolla, costing $C0, because I
lost my safety vault koy out of this pockot," continued tho sorrowful Kern.
"Then I lost $240 In bills nnd change out of it. Now my pay check almost
$700 1b gone, too.
"It'll teach mo a lqason, though. I'll buy a purao and havo a pocket for
it mado in my underwear."
Tho clerk broke in hero to assure tho disconsolate senator that payment
on tho check could be stopped and a now vouchor Issued. Kern thanked
him; tho vouchor was '.Bsucd and tho money pushed across tho countor. Tho
senator pocketed it and wandered away.
"Holy Moaea!" said tho disbursing clerk to his aBalatant. "Did you soo
"Sec what?" ,
"Whoro Senator Kern put all that money." '
"Whero'd ho put it?"
"In hla right-hand, lower veat pockot," replied tho dlaburalng clerk
Wilson Dodges Sleuths to Go on Shopping Trip
SHORTLY nfter ton o'clock tho other morning a distinguished looking per
son with a caro'ree expression camo out of tho Whlto Houao and stood
for a moment on the portico at tho main ontranco. Ho was attired in a
linon suit and carried n small bundle
of papers undor his arm. Soon ho
swung Into a briak wnlk toward tho
east front gato, nodding pleasantly to
thoao whom ho met on tho way.
nny turned to watch him na ho
strode along, probably bolng im
pressed with tho air of freedom which
ho aeomed to breathe and hla utter
It waa. of course, tho president of
tho United States. Hut where wero
tho secret servlco guarda?
Suddenly thoro waa sound of a commotion in tho vicinity of tho oxecutlvo
offices. Two hualty men of tho secrot servlco ranks wero then accn mailing
acrona tho lawn. Tho president quickened his paco, appeared to bo about to
run, and then gnve up the raco. An tho men, out of breath, caught up witb
"aim, ho said: "I camo very nonr getting away that time."
Tho prosidont waa on: on a llttlo personally conducted shopping expedi
tion Ho stopped at hla bank, Inquired about his balanco, Just na many nn
other Amoricnn cltlm might do, and thon looked over somo summer clothing
'ii a drvtut'tan store v
that amount chalkod up to his credit
In the offico of tho sergoant-at-arma of
tho house. GUI, bo It known, is tho
man who Journoyeu hero from St.
Louis, and after months of dcaperato
work aucceedod In ptying L. C. Dyer
from his seat in tho house.
Tho monoy la tht salary duo him
as a congressman from tho beginning
of this congress. Iyer received tho
samo amount In mnnthly payments,
and the govern ment loses by It.
Gill was a plumber, and nil ho
had when ho camo hero was a houao
f 4 ( I
"Look in your other pockets," oug
Bested tho clerk.
"No uso," groaned Mr. Kern. "I
am deed fool onough to carry all my
valuables in that pocket. Up to this
time it has coat mo $300 to carry my
money and keys there, and now it haa
cost mo $1,000."
"Wo can stop payment on this
ch6ck " began tho clerk, but tho
senator did not hear him.
"I had to make a apeclal trip to
1 The Deity of f
I l Christ
Suf!nlrrdtnt f Mra
Moody llible inttitute, Cliicago
Tl'XT- I ami tho Puttier are ono. Jotui
jo :o.
I. Prophecies ro
tating to Christ
which wero ut
tered hundreds of
years boforo hq
was born. (Ps.
1G:9-11; 22;l, 8,
IS; 08:18; Isaiah
7:14; 9:1-0; 40:.
0-11, 53 ) Theso,
prophecies foro
toll whern Christ
should bo born,
tho family of
which ho Bhoultf
bo born, tho way
i n w h 1 o h ho
should bo ro
celvod (a way entirely dlfforont from
what would bo oxpectcd), hla death
and tho proclso manner of it, hla burial
with all tho accompanying clrcuim
Btnncos, hla resurrection, nsconalon,
and final victory.
II. Tho New Tostamont ascrlbeB to
Christ dlvino titles which tho Old,
Testamont applies to God (Hob. 1:8).
"Hut of tho Son ho salth, 'Thy throno.
O God, la forever nnd over.' " In John
20:28, Thomas anawerod and said un
to him, "My Lord and my God," and
Jesus did not robuko him.
III. In Hob. 1:3, 10, tho creation of
tho world la oucrlbod to ChrlBt. In
Acta 20:28 wo havo tho oxproa8lon,
"Tho church of God which ho hatli
purchased with his own blood."
IV. Jesus distinctly claims to bo
equal with God, and to bo entitled to
tho samo honor nnd adoration. Ho also
assumes divlno nuthorlty and power.
"I and tho Father aro ono" (John
10:30). "Hu that hath soon mo hath
soon tho Father" (John 14:9).
V. John 10:33 shows that Jesua
Christ was put to death by tho Uni
tarlaiiB of hla day. "Tho Jews an
swered him, for a good work wo atono
theo not, but for blasphomy; and be
cause that thou, bolng a man, rankest
thyself God."
VI. Tho position which many tako
that Jobus la almply a good man, but
not divine, la untenable. Elihor ho
wan what ho claimed to bo, or clso ho
waa tho greatest impostor tho world
haa over aeen. That ho waa not an
Impostor la domonatratod by two
things. First, hla resurrection from
tho dead, which ia tho beat attoatod
fact in hlatory. Secondly, that ho waa
not an impostor la shown by tho ln
lluenco which hla llfo und toachlngs
Imvo had upon tho world, transforming
tho Uvea of millions, mnklng bad men
good, and good men bettor, converting
drunkards and murderers and liber
tines Into saints, and leading multi
tudes out of idolatry and sin into tho
light and liberty of tho gospol.
VII. There aro somo who claim that
Josus was thoroughly alncoro in all
that ho said, but that ho was mlatnkeu
and almply Imagined himaolf to bo the
Son of God. They refer to what thoy
call tho contradictions in hla testi
mony, as for instance in his tcstl
ho anya, "I and my Father aro ono,"
and in another place, "Tho Father Is
greator than I." Thoy any that ho
cannot bo ono with God nnd at tho
samo tlmo Inferior to God. .A young
man onco raised this objection in tho
Inquiry room and tho preacher nald
to him In reply, "Suppose thnt you had
boon on enrth whon Jesus waa horo
and had hoard him make theao contra
dictory statements; and had asked
him, saying, 'Master, I do not quito
undoratand you. A llttlo whllo ago
you said, "He that hath aeon mo hnth
aeon tho Fnther," and now you say,
"My Father Ib greater than I."' And
supposo ho had anld In reply, 'My
child, what If, for tho purposo of your
redemption from sin, I voluntarily
laid aoldo my eternal glory and auf
fpred myself to bo born of a woman,
thua limiting my being to tho condi
tions of your nXturo thnt I might, In
thnt naturo, offer to God such a Bac
rlflco for aln ua would ennblo him to
proclaim forgiveness of nlns to tho
whole world? I nm indeed ono with
tho Father; but for purposos of atono-
merit I havo voluntarily aaaumed an In
ferior position, that 1 might thus tako
your plnco and dlo, which I could not
havo dono unless I nnd taken a sub
ordinate plnco, yea, and your vory
naturo. Thua I somotlmos apeak of
my otornal relntlon to God, and aomo
times of my relation to him as tho
mosaongor of tho covenant aont forth
to redeem."
Ho listened attentively and thon
Bald, "Did Christ over mako audi an
explanation?" Ho was asked to rend
Philippine 2:5-8. Ho rend it nnd
said, "Wonderful I Wonderful! Yea,
tho Son of God made himaolf of no
reputation for mo, and took my nature,
and died on tho cross for mo!" Thon
looking up ho said. "What have I got
to do about it?"
"Accept him; nellovo on him; and
confoaa him aa your Savior."
"May I?" Opening hla Hlblo tho
preachor turned to Itomana 10:9 and
road, "if thou alialt confess with thy
mouth tho Lord Jesus, and alialt bo
llovo in thlno heart that God hath
rnlsc-d him from tho d'.id, thou shalt
bo saved "
llll v
To Control
The stomach is
tho controlling
power in all
matters pertaining
to health. This
important organ
often needs help
in its daily work
and it is then you
should try
Even when tho worm does turn it
makes llttlo nolso in tho world.
R. F. D. No. 4, Box 65, Holland,
Mich. "My child's troublo began by
getting red and soro around hor neck,
and hor faco, behind hor ears, undor
hor arms, nnd dlfforont parts of hor
body wero affected. Tho eczoma np
poarod in a rash first It was wot
and looked as if it was sweaty. It
seomed to itch and burn so that she
could not Bleep or rest It got so bad
nt last that behind her cars was one
crust or soro so that I had to cut hor
hair. Thoro was a hard crust cover
ing her neck. Sho could not have her
clothes buttoned nt all. I could hardly
chango hor clothes. It caused nn aw
ful dlflgurement for tho tlmo. Sho
would cry whon I had to wash hor.
"Wo had her treated for somo tlmo
but without success. I got ono cako
of Cuticura Soap and ono box of Cuti
cura Olntmont and I had not uaod
moro than half of what I bought whon
sho waB nil cured." (Signed) Mrs. O.
C. niomorsmn, Mnr. 21, 1914.
Cuticura Soap nnd Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Samplo of each
freo.wlth 32-p. Skin Hook. Address post
card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv.
Tho Tango In Church.
Mother, llko countless other moth
ers, had been doing much tnngoing
and hesitation of late. She had taken
dancing lessons. Sho practised tho
variouB Btops nt homo with father. Lit
tlo Frances had heard much of tho
lingo that goes with tho tango und th&
hoaltation. Sho know all of the
A fow days ngo Frances went tw
church with her mother. Frances had
not learned all of tho ceremonials of
tho church, for, after tho mother knelt
outside tho pow, Frances looked up at
hor and whUpored:
"Mother, what did you do the dn
for?" Indianapolis Nowa. J
Outspoken. '
Mrs. Smith's four aona mado tho flf.
of hor old colored sorvant a burdoa
Ono dny Undo Andy was buay in tin
garden booing corn, and for lialif aq
hour Tom, tho most miachlovouB ot tho
quartet, had amused himaolf throwing
cloda of dirt at him. ' At Inat Andy
threw down hla hoo nnd stamped in,
dlgnnntly down to tho house.
"Miss Ella," ho aald, to tho llttlo cuL
prlt's mother, "Ah Jes' haa to toll yu
dat dat boy Tawm am do meanes' child
yu got an Ah tolls you fo' yo' fac
and tolls you bohlno yo' back!"
Dyor What do you think hna beov
most influential In shaping your ca
Ityoi- Work. Judge.
."I'll. "Hi 1. 1 I IJ)LIII!IH I L ' .1 V
Business or social en
gagement just a few
minutes for lunch can't
wait for service. What
can be had quickly?
with fresh berries or fruit
and cream. They will be
served immediately, they
are nourishing and taste
mighty good, too.
Sold by Grocers