The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 04, 1914, Image 2

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Tlie little zcbrn that was born recently In Lincoln park, Chicago, hero photographed with Its mothor, has be
iv mo ono of tlio liveliest and most popular of the animals In the zoo.
Harbor No Breeding Place for the
Little Pest.
Ralp Water Barrels Are Abundant In
Bringing Forth Hordeo of Them
Yellow Fever Mosquito Is Most
Dreaded of Its Species.
Washington. Tho probabilities aro
that tho most dreaded of mosquitoes,
tho yellow fever mosquito, orlginnlly
bred In water In hole3 In trees, but It
has so perfectly adapted Itself to tho
human family that It has becomo a
'ruo domestic insect and la practical
ly dependent for its oxlstcnco upon
the conditions that surround human
habitations, says L. 0. Howard. This
adaptation la undoubtedly of very an
cient development. Tho yellow fovor
mosquito Is essentially a town mosqui
to, and the larvao aro found practi
cally exclusively In artificial recepta
cles In and about houses.
It can bo said that Its larvao are
never found In BWamps, In pools, or
oven In temporary puddles, even when
theso aro In closo proximity to houses.
In the tropics the largo earthen Jars
in which drinking water Is kept aro
tho most frequent and unfailing habi
tat of the larvao. Ilatn water barrels
The rain barrel Is a most excellent
breeding placo for mosquitoes. If you
must have one, keep It well covered
with netting or screen, which admits
air but keeps out the mosquitoes.
nro abundant breeding places. Itatn
water tanks, so universally behind the
iiousoa In Southern cities, nro the
tourco of most abundant supplies of
im;a iiiuaquuoeu. i no mrvao aro aiBiv
fllllnfl In nnirptni rHnti i.nnlnlMlm'
rain water, In tin eaiiB, In cesa poolB.
In horso troughs, In water-closet
tanks, In tho drain traps of stationary
wash stands, In urns in cemotcrlcs, In
pools accumulating under the water
tnnka, Jn water pans In tho chicken
ardB an J In tho water recuptaclos of
Tho observations of scientists Indl
cato that tho yollow-fover inosqu'tc
brouls almost always In cloar wntol
(.nd seldom In foul water. TIiobo b
icrvers always found It In artificial ,-e
ceptaclos, except a fov tinios In tree
hales near houses, anil In ono caso In n
street gutter. In tho last caso It it
probablo that thlB larvao ctuno lntc
tho gutter by tho omptylng of sont
household vessel. Discarded bottle?
and tins about houses nro favorite
breeding places,
Tho larvae, when suspended frcn
tho surface of tho water to take In
air, hang almost perpondtculwy
Thoy uro vory easily alarmed am1
then go quickly to tho bottom, whore
thoy remain a considerable tlmo with
out rising to tho surface. Whet
water Is poured from a receptacle- In
habited by theso larvno thoy quicklj
heek tho bottom una tholr presonci
may not bo suspected, although tho
cssp1 is In constant uso. Thoy clInT
ro closely to tho bottom that unlosf
tho jars are rinsed and tipped up so
as to empty them completely, wlilcr
Is not usually doue, nearly all of tin
larvao will remain In tho dnrs. Or
account of this habit they nro not
onslly disposed of by pouring out the
contents of a barrol.
Tho larvno occur most froquontly In
clear water In rain-water barrels or
In drinking water recoptnclos In
houses, tho wnter In such recoptnclon
contains moro or less animal matter
- ,y
as well as vcgotablo refuse, and such
probably Is generally tho food of the
larvae. Tho larvao feed at tho bottom
whero they mouth over tho organic
sediment even when tho water la very
dcop. ,
A knowledge of tho cgg-Iaylng
habits of the mosquito will mnlto peo
ple moro careful about leaving recep
tacles containing water uncovered and
unprotected. Normally It appears to
be tho custom to lay eggs on tho Hides
of any placo contnlnlng water just
abovo tho surface of tho wnter, so thnt
a slight elevation of tho water will
submorgo them. Thoy havo been
found upon a leaf floating upon tho
water. Tho eggs aro small and black
In color. Ab has been stated, thoy aro
ordinarily laid abovo tho margin of
tho water and hero thoy may remain
dry for long periods, hatching when
reached by the water. Thoy dovolop
bettor after having been dry for somo
time. In fact, It scorns that thoy will
preserve their vitality for six months
or oven longer. Freezing does not do
stroy tho fertility of tho eggs. Tho
duration of tho egg state, when tho
eggs aro laid upon tho water, Is about
two days. When, deposited abovo tho
water they hatch promptly whon submerged.
Pole Vehicles Run
Miles an Hour.
Sir Ernest Shackleton's Lieutenant
Explains Equipment for Antarctic
Invasion to Herbert Corey
Can Do Cooking on Side.
London, England. "Wo will get off
to a flying start with our motor
sledges," said Sir Ernest Shackleton
at tho offlccB of tbo Imperial Transmit-
arctic expedition. "Wo do not know
what tho surfaco may bo on tho Wed
doll sea Bldo. nut If it Is as decently
smooth as that on tho Hoss sea side
from which all previous parties havo
attacked tho soutii polo I can assuro
you offhand 400 miles straight away
with them."
Knowing nothing about polar work
or motor sledges I had perhaps Miown '
n doubt of his mechanical contrap
tions, says Herbort Corey In Chicago
"Talk to Lce.V said Shackloton.
"Ho la tho man In charge of tho motor
end of tho expedition, and knows moro
about them than I do. HI! Lees."
Cnpt. Ordo Lees, H. N opened tho
door of tho outer oillco, whero ho had
been nt work over his drawings and
corrospondonco, nnd 1 wont out to look!
ovor his plans. To our right ns wo
snt "on tho tablo was a hugo model of
tho Antarctic, so far as It Is kuown,
and drawn to scale. Dotted black lines
nctoss tlu whltn surfaco showed the
routes of formor expeditions. A brave
littlo union jack told whero Captain
Scott hnd
"There are to to five motor sledges,"
said Lees. "Ono will have a DD-horso-power
Anzanl motor and another n 40
'. orso power rrotor of tho samo
make. Each Is equipped with a dual
drive system. When thoro Is no head
wind thoy will uso nlr propellors. Just
as aro placed upon aeroplanes.
"In Boven days' hard driving In Nor
way theso propellors provod thorough
ly ofllciont. Thoy nro especially valu
able during low tompcraturos, when
tho snow becomes loose as dry snnd,
because of thu lutonso cold. When a
hoad wind or other condition prevents
tho uso of theso propellers n positive
drive will bo usod. This Is a toothed
drum altachod to tho rear of tho
sledge, although no weight rests upon
It A systom of spring compensations
allows for Inequalities of the surfaco
"Theso sledges with a 30-horso pow
er eiiRlnu havo towed n sletlgo weigh
lag 400 pounds, with two inou up, In
addition to their own load of six men
and supplies, at fifteen to twonty miles
an hour, nut on bad surfaco tho en
gine powor proved Insufficient, There
fore tho larger motors nro now bolng
"Two othor motor tractors, equipped
with positive drive only, havo been
made read). Those will kick along
Hartford City (Ind.) Man Who Was
Fined Intimates It Was Fleeting
and Not Worth It
Hartrord City, Ind. A kiss, given
In tho dark, and consequently of un
certain aim, Is worth only ?15 In U1I3
city, according to C. H. Cronlngor,
Justice of tho peace, who lined Wil
liam Gauso that amount for greotlng
with a kiss Mrs. Florenco Foreman, a
t ticket seller with a carnival com
Gauso choso a moment when tho
electric lights all over tho city wero
out of commission. Tho woman had
GauBo arrested for assault and bat
tery. Ho stood trial and made sev
eral Btrong points to prove his Inno
cence It was pointed out that the kiss was
neco3sarlly very lleetlng no the lights
wore out only a moment; that In hiB
Imrry It was probable that ho failed to
reach tho particular spot aimed for,
and that In tho darkness tho woman
had no menns of Identifying tho ldBsor
unless tho klsseo had provlously sam
pled his kisses.
Gauso denied tho woman's ttory In
every particular, but tho woman said
thcro was no doubt that she had beon
kissed by somo one. JuBtlco Cronln
ger found him guilty and lined
him $1G.
through tho snow, towing one or two
sledges nt low speads. They aro
geared to about eight miles an hour.
All havo varlablo gear and friction
drive. A fifth sledgo will bo used, but
it is as yet a secret.
"Tho air propellers aro very largo, In
csdor to get tho power required, rathor
than tho high Bpe"d of an aeroplane.
On good Burfacs tho aero-motor
sledgos have dono 22 miles an hour
with threo mon up, upon a ton per
cent up grado.
"If wo do 76 miles to 100 miles a day
wo will bo qulto satisfied with tho
sledges," said Lees. "You seo, wo will
hnvo continually to bo scouting ahead,
looking for a safo route."
When necessary theso sledges will
bo abandoned, and tho man-hauled
Pll Sm
Sir Ernest Shackleton.
sledges resorted to. of course, nut
not until necessary For tho oxplorors
will feel thoy aro abandoning tho com
forts of homo when thoy say good-by
to tho motorB.
"Did the boss tell you of tho hot cup
board and tho steam cooking plant?"
asked Lees, with a Binllo In his blue
eyes. "It's a Yankoo trick that ought
to tlcklo you folks In tho States You
always lika clover things."
Tho uerotractors aro air cooled In
ordor to keop tho carburotor fiom
freezing, a ' ot cupboard has been
built around the hoart of tho englue.
This cupboard has boon made so largo
that when tho camp Is mado at night
tho porsplrntlon-Hoaked underclothing
of tho oxplorors may ho placed In It
and thoroughly dried out. No one but
u polar worker can Imaglno tho com
fort of this plan.
Children Learn to Swim.
In Loudon as many as 33,000 chil
dren have been taught to swim dur
ing thu summer mouths.
Without our hope, without our feurs,
Without tho homo that plighted lovo
Without the smllo from partial boauty
Oh, that wcie man I a world without
a sun. Campbell.
All food authorities claim for nuts
a high food value. They aro rich In
protein and fat but
It must be remem
bered that thov are
also a vory concen-'
trated food, which 1
If too freely used
i ) win cause uiges-
J j tlvo disturbances.
used wiui iruit,
bread, crackers aud vegetables, which
aro largely cellulobo, they aro most
easily digested. A formal luncheon
or dinner Is Incomplete without salt
ed almonds and a lunch basket Is not
properly furnished without a handful of
nuts ot somo kind to add variety as
well aa food value.
A few blanched almonds added to
potato salad glvo it a most festive
Brazilian Salad. This makes a moat
refreshing dinner salad. Itemovo the
skin and seeda from white grapes and
cut in halves lengthwise. Add an
equnl quantity of shredded frcBh pine
apple, apples cut in- dice, and celery
cut in small pieces, allowed to stand
In leewater to becomo firm and crisp.
Then drain and dry well on cheese
cloth. Add a. fourth of tho quantity of
Brazil nuts which havo been carefully
peelod of tho brown skin and cut In
oven slices. Mix well and add may
onnaise dressing. Servo In nests of
lettuce leaves.
Benares Salad. Uso fresh grated
cocoanut one cunful. two cunfuls of
diced applo, a teaspoonful of grated
onion, one chopped red pepper and ono
of green, mixed well with French
dressing and eervo in apple cUps. If
fresh poppers and cocoanut are not ob
tainable use tho dry cocoanut well
wnshod In milk to removo tho sugar
and soften It; for green, chopped pars
ley may bo substituted for tho pepper
and canned red pepper may bo used
for tho fresh, although It Is not nearly
as pretty.
A nut omelet is so well liked that
ft Is well to etoro it for uso. Put a
handful of blanched almonds In tho
pan with tho butter and nour tho ome
let In at once; when It Is folded the
almonds will bo well browned. Serve
with a hot maplo or caramel sauce.
This Is a delicious dessert.
We should never remember the bene
fits wo have confer'rcil, nor forget the
ftora received
Wisdom provldoi things neces-mry.
not Biiperlluous. Proverbs.
Now that green apples are in the
market many most appetizing dlshea
may be mndo for today
and ror the winter
months. If tho tender
green Duchess applo Is
used before the peeling
ggWHS uecomes tougn it may
Rt-5 ,)0 cooked with the peel
fl t ing on with a great ad-
V. ar' I dltion to the flavor. To
prepare spiced applo for
winter to uso with meats
this samo applo is especially line.
Uso tho apple sliced unpeeled and pre
paro as for any spiced fruit, giving It
a long, slow cooking.
Green apples cooked with onions
and n littlo fat. with a very littlo water
and sugar, with a dash of Halt, make
a delicious accompaniment to pork
Cream of Fish Soup. Put tho head,
bones and any left-ovor Ush In tho ket
tle with a slice of onion, carrot, a bay
lent und cold water to cover. Cook
slowly ono hour, strain thn liquor and
for each quart add two tablespoonfuls
each of flour and butter cooked to
gether, lioll tlvo minutes, season, add
a cupful of cream, moro Bcasonlngs
and a handful of paisley finely
Pineapple Salad. Cut in strips threo
Bllcos of plnenpplo and ono canned "red
pepper, put on ice until serving time,
thon nrrango on lettuce nnd servo with
boiled dressing, mado rich with
whipped eroam
Figaro Sauce. Cook two slices of
onion and carrot, half a slice of lean
bacon or ham. half a stalk of celery,
a branch of paisley, all cut lino; add a
bit of bay loaf, and cook In threo tublo
spoonfuls of butter until slightly
brown, thon add a cupful of tomato
pureo; stir and dimmer, and strain
whon j educed one-half. When cold
fold in a half cupful of mayonualso
What Is the Reason?
A man can walk a block with au
othor woman ami discuss 4.C7S sub
jects In n delightful manner. And ho
could walk nluo miles with his wlfo
and not bo ublo to think of a darn
thing to bay.
A Serious Matter.
"Tho doctor lookod grnvo when ho
came out."
"Yes. Tho pntlent ho went to seo
owos him for hlB services during a
provlouB illness."
Have moro thin thou ahowest,
Speak ksH than thou lenoueet,
Lend less than thou owcat
Illdo more than thou Boent
I.oarn more thnn Miou trowest
Set less than thou throw est.
King Lear.
linked fish aro easy to prepare and
nro especially delicious so cooked,
and with the addi
tion of n slufllng
and a good vego-
sbtnYHwJvi) tnDlc make a very
y$wNfflt vXr Substantial dinner.
which will requlro
little attention,
onco it is in tho
oven Any of the
have course bones
lnrgcr fish ,hlch
arc suitable for
baking. Clean tho
fish and let stand in saltod water for
an hour, rinse and stuff, tie In shnpo
with a string,, sprinkle well with Bnlt
and flour and place on the rack In a
baking pan. Place a little water In
the bottom of tho pan and lay strips
of bacon over the fish to keep It well
basted while roaetlng. Servo gar
nished with parsley.
A nice change from the above meth
od Is to stuff tho fish nnd Instead o
the water use a can of tomatoes or a
few fresh ones sliced over the fish.
Servo in tho baking dish.
Stuffing for Fish. Drown a table
spoonful of butter, add an equal
amount of chopped onion, add a half
cupful of chopped salt pork, ecason
well with salt, pepper and sulllclent
bread crumbs with two well-beaten
eggs to thicken. Fill the fish with this
mixture and If thero Is any left over
muke Into small balls and put around
tho fish whilo baking.
Kentucky fried chicken Is cooked
with lard for fat, until brown, on the
top of the stove then set In tho oven
to cook until tender. This Insure3 that
delicate brown all over which is so
much desired.
Roast Duck With Orange Sauce.
Mince the livers of the ducks with a
littlo bacon, add some chopped gresn
onlon.i. mushrooms nnd parsley, salt
and pppor. Stuff the ducks with this,
lay ou slices of bacon, wrap In paper
and l.ake. Serve with this sauce
poured over the gravy in tho pan to
which fp added tho Juice of an ornngo,
a littlo of the rind and onion juice, all
boiling hot.
Thouffi cooks are often men of preg
nant wit,
Through nlceness of their subject, few
fun writ. IJr. King.
Thy tjlend has n frknd, nnd thy
filend's jilcnd n filend Bo discreet.
New potutoes are nice served this
way: Scrape, wubIi and cook until
tender In boiling salted
water; when tender add
a lump of butter, a dash
ot red pepper and a cup
ful of cream into which
has been stirred a table
spoonful of flour. Let
cook until smooth and
servo hot.
"" Crown Roast of Lamb.
' -This is a dish especial
ly nlco prepared with spring lamb. Trim
tho bones from the saddle, using two
pieces put toother in tho form of a
crown; tlo with shing and skewvr
firmly. On ciu-h trimmed bono wrs.p
a piece of salt pork to keep the bonos
from charring, basto frequently aid
serve with masked potatoes in the cen
ter, with green peas around tho meat
as garnish,
Anchovy Canqpea. Make sm-ill cir
cular pieces of toast and spread each
with butter and anchovy paste Sprin
kle with lemon jjlce and garnish with
two strips of pimento put at right
angles Arrange with a garnish of
hard-cooked egj; and lemon quarteiH
Cheese Custare!, Putter breud one
Inch thick; remove crust, cut In cubis,
put in buttered b.iking dish with lay
ers of choeso alternating with the
bread, using n cupful ot cheese wi'h
ono beaten egg, on and a half cupfuls
of milk, half a toaapoonful of salt, and
a fow sprinklings c.4 popper Pour over
bread and cheobo and bako until firm
Red Peppers and Mushrooms. Cut
off tho small ends of tho peppers and
take out tho soedc. Mix two cupfula
of soft whlto bread rumbs with half
a cupful of thick sweet cream, and a
cupful of chopped mushrooms; season
with snlt; stuff tho poppers lightly
nnd bako, basting witb butter as they
cook Servo plain or w Ith a sauce.
Nutmeg melons cut In cubes
sprinkled with powdero,! sugar, lemon
Julco and nutmeg inabe a delicious
dessert whon well chllUd and served
In cocktail glasbes.
They Who Write May Read.
Women and men now wrl.'tng mushy
lottors to tho husbands nmr wives of
oti.or women and men can gl an Idea
of just how they will look Ir, typo at
somo futuro date by perusing- tho cur
rent divorce reports in the papsrs. Hut
no warning will stop tho predatined
author of a "human document."
To Soften Paint Brushes.
Vinegar heatod to the boiling point
will soften paint brushes that havo be
come dry and hard.
u r 'ntca v
Suffered Everything Until Re
stored to Health by Lydia.
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
, ble Compound.
Florence, So. Dakota. "I used to bo
very sick every month with bearing
down pains and
backache, and had
headache a good
deal of the time and
very littlo appetite.
Tho pains wero so
bad that I used to
sit right down on the
floor nnd cry, be
cause it hurt mo so
nnd I could not do
any work at those
times. An old wo
man advised mo to try Lydin E. Pink-
ham'B Vegetable Compound nnd I got a
bottle. I felt better tho next month so
I took three more bottles of it and got
well so I could work all tho time. I
hope every woman who suffers like I Aid
will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound."-' Mrs. P. W. Lanseng,
Route No. 1, Florence, South Dakota.
Why will women continue to suffer day
in and day out or drag out a sickly, half
hearted existence, rnissingthree-fourths
of the joy of living, when they can find
health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
For thirty years it has been tho stand
ard remedy for femalo ills, and ha3 re
stored tho health of thousands of women
who havo been troubled with such ail
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumora, irregularities, etc.
If you want special ndvico write to
Xydla E. Plukliam Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
bo opened, read and answered by a
woman and bold in strict confidence.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surely and
gently on tne
liver. Cure
ache, Dizzi
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
Hara to Stand.
Skids It's not every one that can
stand prosperity.
Skittles Particularly, if it's somo
ono else's. Judge.
Reverse Method.
"What did his wife do?"
"She nailed him on tho spot, nnd
then she hammered him."
Natural History.
"You can't hear a tree's bark."
"You can't, but a dogwood." Haiti
moro American.
Ten smiles for a nickel. Always buy Red
Cross Ball Blue; have beautiful clem- white
clothes. Adv.
Being minus the price of a haircut
isn't tho only thing that makes a
Granulated Eyelids,
iiyes intlamt'd by expo-
KiirA tii nn. nncf nn1 Uinri
tp-r. quicklyralieved by Murine
ILL W && EycRcmedy.NoSmarting,
J just Eyo Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye
Druggists or Murine C) c Remedy Co. , Chicago
How to M Your Hogs
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Send in the coupon below together with this
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HUini dva) Don,t ,walt untU yur h8S are
dying! Wnteatoncel
Remember wo hae treated cr one million hoiK v
Guarantee Swine Veterinary Co.
tStock Yards). Sioux City, Iowa
Without obligating me. please inform me.
how I may get my hogs vaccinated rec-ond the
serum furnished free.
Uclow is a description of my hogs.
pigs weighing under 25 lbs.
. Pigs w eighing 25 to 50 lbs.
.shoats weighing 50 to 75 lbs.
shoats weighing 75 to 100 lbs.
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Post Office
Shipping Station.
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