The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 31, 1914, Image 8

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    Serai- Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year by Mail in advance $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.00
Knterod at North Platte. Nebraska, Post
ofilco as Second Class Matter.
Illlchcock I'mors Deep Well Project.
Word was rucolved this morning
from Senator Hitchcock announcing
that ho would lend nil his (support to
tho nmendment to the sundry civil ap
propriation bill, which is now in con
ference in tho United StatcB congress,
for the appropriation of $100,000 to
tho geological survey to carry on bor
ing wolls and making other experi
ments in tho great plains area to And
if thoro Js artesian water.
This matter was taken up spmo time
ago and passed the senate, but tho
house turned It down and it went into
conforonce. Tho 1)111 was introduced
by Senntor Norrls. If It should pass
it will mean a great deal to tho semi
arid section east of tho mountains ns
tosts will bo nmdu to find if there is
artesian water In paying quantities for
irrigation or deep water that can bo
pumped profitably. In all probability
It -will pass and the experiments will
bo made. Should artCBlun wator, gas
t oroil bo found it would benefit tho on
' tire country nnd for this reason tho
federal government should (ako the
mattor In liand. While on the othor
linnd, if tho project should provo a
failure it would benoflt many n.4 it
would stive Individuals and small com
panies ho expense of making those
tosjfl In a futile attempt to find if such
conditions exist.
War Now On.
Actual hostilities botwoon .Austria
unfl Servla liavo begun and today's pa
pers nnnounco that two battlqs aro in
progress near Holgrade. A half mil
lion Austro-llungarlan soldiers nro re
ported on Servian soil. Riissia is
mobilizing iU) forces and Gernmny hns
sont n note to Itussin demanding an ex
planation of its Intentions with re
gard to such moblllzntlon, th6 appar
ent objoct being to support Servla, in
wfiich ovont a clash between Russia
and Germany will occur. Stock mar
ket, ovorywhoro In Europe hnvo vir
tually ceased operations and tho load
ing banking institutions have taken
mpasuros to preserve their stocks of
gold. All Europe is on high tension,
nirtr tho complications there nro re
floated in tho markets of the United
States, cotton slumping four dollars
a bale yestorday and stocks on tho New
York market going down from llvq to.
seventeen points.
ller.slicy Replies
Tho North Platto Trlbuno attributes
tho failure of tho Hershey Giants In
showing up for n game yesterday on
tholr grounds with tho Independents
to "cold feet" Let's soo, tho Giants
played tho Independents at North
Platto July ,8th and wero defeated by
only ono score. Slnco then tho In
dependents havo been giving nil sorts
of promises for a return gamo bore but
failed to sot any date. Now they want
another gamo down there. "Wouldn't
that Jar you and because the Giants
fail to enrich tho pockots of that
bunch by playing overy gnmo down
there, they've got "cold feet." The In
dopondonts havo been guaranteed $20
for a gamo horo.t ho samo as they gavo
our boys down thoro, so why don't tlioy
como hpro? Tliat's fair but where
tloos that leave tho cold feet or brain
fover Wouldn't It tickle you to see
our farmer boyo boat that Balnrled
lninch? Horshoy Times.
For County Sunejor
I hereby nnnounco my candidacy
lor tho republican nomination for
county survoyor at tho primary elec
tion August 18th. Support given me
will bo appreciated.
Mrs. O. W. SIzciuoro nnd daughter
Tluth and Mrs. Henry Welch and
ilnughtor Sarah have returned homo
from a visit with Mrs. R. B. Miller,
whoro they enjoyed tho fruit and tho
Card of Thanks
Wo express our sincere thanks to
friends nnd neighbors for tho kindness
shown ub during tho sickness and at
tho funeral of our dear little girl, to
tho Platto Valley choir for tho excel
lent music furnished and to those who
so kindly contributed ilowers.
Severe Attack of Colic Cured
E. E. Cross, who trnvels in Virgin
la and othor southern Btatos, was
taken suddonly and sovorely IU with
colic. At tho first Btoro ho came to
tho merchant recommended Cham
borlaln's Colic, Cholera and Dlnr
'rhooa Romedy. Two doses of it cured
him. No ono should loavo homo on
a Journoy without a bottle of this
preparation. For snlo by all dealers.
M l l mill IHMIIimiMIHMI
Iraim in iii n hi hiii i n iiniHBi
If you want a Lawyer and Business Adviser who will make the
Attorney Qeneral'a Office a potent factor In the administration of
Nebraska affair and In an orderly, buolneas-IIke and lawful man
ner protect the people and property and conserve the resources and
venues of the State-yOTE pQR SARS
For the first tlmo in several years
thr rupply of houses for rent in trwt.
Is greater thnn the .demand. One real
estato dealer said yesterday there
veru forty-five vacant houses, a n in
ir larger than ho had .ver Dciorc
'.nown. This burplus. ban resulted In
i "x. lit reduction of rent, houses that
had 1 m renting for $"20 dronp'r,:
to $18, nnd those which commanded
the lntter flguro declining to $15.
Remember tho Shoe Sale at Wilcox's
this week.
A mixed quartette from this city as
sisted by Mrs. Elizabeth Uonner
Cramer, reader and plnnlst, nnd Ralph
Alden, violinist, will give a progrnm
tills evening at tho opora house In
Ilershoy. Quito a number from this
city aro planning to attend and several
cars will drive over. Tho quartette
is composed of Miss Esther Antonldes,
soprano, Elizabeth Hinmnn, contralto,
E. II. Kendall, tenor, and A. V. Wort
mnn, baritone;
For Snlo Five room houso at 013
East Third Btreet.
North Pintle Delegatus are Prominent.
The dclgntes to the democratic and
republican stato conventions have re
turned home, and all express tllcm
selvcs ns well satisfied with the re
sult of tho deliberations of the two re
spective gatherings. Our friend Tom
Henley made an address before the
democratic convention which com
manded tho uttentlon of the dclogutcs
nnd gnlncd for him tho point for
which he contonded. At the republi
can convention tho Lincoln count
delegates woro much in evidence in
boosting Senator Hongland for lieu
tenant governor, and it is said their
work will show good rosults. The
candidacy of Senator 'Hoagland is be
ing well received in tho cast part of
tho state. '
Card of Thanks
Wo desire to thank tho neighbors
and frionds for the many kindnesses
during tho illness nnd death of our
belovod father. Also tho Knights of
Columbus, tho D. of L. E., tho Car Men
and tho friends for the many beauti
ful lloral offerings.
Nebraska wheat farmers have lost
nn average of $170, each, a year by
the slump in tho price of wheat since
tho republican parly went out of pow
er. All the Nebraska wheat farmers
put together have lost $10,030,000 a
year. Recent hot dobatcs In the house
or representatives led to an Investiga
tion of wheat prices. Tho results of
tills Investigation aro now given out
for the first tlmo. Tho figures
given are right up to Julyl. They
rovenl a general slump of fifteen cents
a bushel in wheat prices slnco repub
lican times.
Thoro nro 04,322 wheat reporting
farmors in Nobraska, whoso estimat
ed wheat production this year was
73,200,000 bushels. Tho figures show
tho nverugo wheat farmer throughout
tho country hns lout $95.00 a year
through tho decrease in tho price of
his wheat from what it was under re
publican times. The loss to tho far
mers of tho wholo United States is
$139,660,000 a year. Tho total esti
mated wheat production of tho coun
try for this yenr Is 930,000,000 bus
hols, from reports from 1,458,G07
wheat farmors. '
Rest Diarrhoea Remedy
If you havo evor used Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy you know that It is a suc
cess., Sam F. Guln, Whatley, Ala.,
writes. "I had measles and got caught
out In tho rain, and it settled In my
stomach and bowels. I had an nwful
time, and had it not been for Chambcr
lnin'B Colic, Cholron and Dlnrrhoon
Romedy I could not possibly havo liv
ed but a few hours longer, but thanks
to this remedy, I m now woll and
strong." For sale by all dealers,.
Wo limo lireo second band Fords,
two practically nci, at the right
It is the purity of our ice cream
that makes it not only delicious
but nourishing. Wo invite you to
inspect our ico cream plant nnd
see the sanitary conditions under
which it is made. Everything
which enters into its composition
ii absolutely pure ami every
utensil is as clean as you would
like it to bo. Try our ice cream
once and you will order it again.
We supply ice cream for parties,
banquets and clubs. Let ns give
you an estimate.
Stone Drug Co.
JlTlir'Crysta! Salt", you have a re
- fined table salt that is surpussed by
none and equaled by few for purity
and 'quality. Possessing many rare
'.virtues" not to be found in any other
brand, of .table salt.
, Each grain is a perfect crystal of
purest, suit.
fj impure food product De Luxe.
tflMnsjSt on "Royal Crystal"
at your grocers
lNL"AMDy Crystal Salt .6 v
Francis Arrandcs, a Mexican In
tho employ of tho Union Pacific, near
Oconto, has been taken to Grand
Island by Sheriff Wilson, charged
with grand larceny. Arrandes.' it Is
alleged, feigned Illness and while his
comrados wero absent went tllrough
tho camp and gathered up everything
in the way of money nnd valuables in
sight. He was lator arrested at
Kearney, taken before Justice Wat
kins at Oconto, and bound over to tho
September term of district court.
Arthur Cambell, 14-year-old son of
Will Campbell, living six miles. 'horth
west of Sargent, lost a leg in a runa
way on hl3 father's farm Tuosday.
Look at This!
Anyone in need of Pianos, Organs,
Hlcjclcs, Clocks, WutrheN, Sen lug Ma
chines, Guns, lttMoher.s, Shells of nil
kinds, (Siis Stores, Oil Stores, Mangos,
F.ierj thing In Furniture, Come to
Echellbery,--600 Locust
We vunt Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Pota
toes, Etc., in exchange fur furniture.
Service by Publication
Estbor Klllen, Plaintiff,
William P. Klllen. Defendant.
William P. Klllen, defendant, will
take notlco that on tho 13th day of
July. 1914, Esther Klllen, plaintiff
herein, filed her potltlon in tho Dis
trict Court of Lincoln county, Nebras
ka, against said defendant, the object
and prayer of which aro to securo the
payment of a contract entered into be
tween Esther Klllen and William P.
Klllen on tho 25th day of May 190G
for tho sum of $3,500 now duo and pay
able, with intorest from this date, and
to securo the payment of $1,550.70 ns
evidenced by a contruct entered into
on tho 18th duy of October, 1906, be
tween Esther Killon, William 'PKil
len. V. a, Killon and B. L. Klllen, the
last two signing said contract as sur
eties, which contract Is now duo and
payablo with Interost. That on tho
25th day of July, 1914, plaintiff nt
tttched tho following described rcaltj
and personalty, towlt: Dofondnnt's un
divided ono-half Interest in S. Ms of
N. W. Y and N. Vi of S. W. Vt, Section
7. T. 10. R. 33, nnd S E. V Section 34,
T. 10, It. 34, BUbJect' to a $3,000 mort
gage, and defendant's ono-thlrd inter
est in 100 acres of wheat and 40 ucres
of speltz on tho Inst above mentioned
You aro required to answor said pe
tition on or before tho 14th day of
September, 1914.
Dated July 26, 1914.
By Rhea & Hanlen,
J28-4w Attorneys for Plalutiff.
Utah ,
Dty. fydfield 2 (edfield.
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE B. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Qeo. B. Dent,
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Surgery
and Obstetrics.
Office: Building and Loan Building.
Phrrn., ' Office 130
Phones f Resident 15
Drs. Quigley & Simms
Physicians and
Building and Loan Building.
Office Phone 410 Res. Blk 552
Bertha E. Mangron, M D.
Physician and Surgeon
Dtiii ofWom.n and Children Specialty
New McCabe Blbg.
Nyal Drug Stroo
Phone 8
Ilowens ISarn
Phone 101
North Platto Nebraska.
R. Phon. Red 400.
r Serial No. 012
PFPABTtlBNT or TUB interior.
Unltl States Land Ollice
North I'Uttc. Nebraska. July 25. 1914,
tfotlceti'Miareby given that Ainuel Sukraw
ot Stapleton, Neb., who on July 13, 1903,
made .homestead entry No. 042 for
EM, NEk SWW, E. NWV. and it 1.
Section 18. Township 15 N. Kansra 28,
W. of Gth Principal Merldan. has filed notice
of Intention to make final five year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before the register and receiver at North Platte
Nebraska, tin the 23rd day of September.
Culmant names as wltnessses: Harry Mor
royv and Charlie Appleirarth of Willanl, Neb.,
V, I). Lontrpre. of Maxwell, Neb., Garfield
Gutherlest. of North Platte. Nebr.
I j23-fi J, E. Evans. Register.
For Kent
G room houso, modern except heat,
j 202 South Dewoy street. G room
house, Graccland addition.
J. C. HOLLMAN, Agent.
1 Notice of Special Election In Lincoln
County, Nebraskn.
I Notice is hereby given that a spc
I clal election will bo held in and for
I the County of Lincoln, in the State of
Nebraska, on tho 18th day of August,
1 1914, at which the following proposi
tion will bo submitted to tho voters
' of Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wit:
Shall tho Board of County Commls-
sioners In Lincoln County, In tho state
of Nobraska, levy n special annual tax
I of five mills per annum on tho dollar
, valuation on all the taxable property
j In said County of Lincoln for n term
of four consecutive years, beginning
In the year 1914, for tho purpose of
1 raising tho sum of ono hundred
thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars
to bo used in tho orectlon of a new
I eourt house in the City of North
Platte, in the County of Lincoln, in tho
Stato of Nobraska.
The ballots to be used at such spev
cial election shall have printed there
on: FOR: A lew hv the Hnnrrl of f!nnn-
I ty Commissioners of Lincoln County,
I State of Nebraska, of a special an
nual tax of flvo mills on tho dollar
.'uluntlon on all of the taxable prop
erty in said County of Lincoln, for
four consecutivo years, beginning with
tho year 1914, for the purpose of rais
ing tho sum of Ono hundred thousand
($100,000.00) Dollars to bo used in
tho erection and construction of a now
court house in the City of North
Platte In said County of Lincoln, in
tho State of Nebraska.
AGAINST: A levy by tho Eoard of
County Commissioners of Lincoln
County, Stato of Nebraska, of a spe
cial annual tax of five mills on the dol
lar valuation on all of the taxable
property in said County of Lincoln,
for four consecutivo years, beginning
with tho year 1914, for tho purpose of
raising tho sum of Ono hundred
thousand ($100,000) Dollars to be used
in tho orectlon and construction of a
new court house in tho City of North
Platte, in and for said county of Lin
coln, in tho State of Nebraska.
Those voting In favor of said prop
osition shall mark their ballot with
an "X" after the paragraph beginning
with the word "For", and those vot
ing against said proposition shall
nmrk their ballot with an "X" after
the paragraph beginning with the
word "Against."
Said election will be open from S
o'clock A. M. and continue to be open
until G o'clock P. M. on said date, and
the poling places in tho vrlous pre
cincts of said County will bo at the
regular polling ' plaqes whereat the
primary election in and for said
County of Lincoln will bo hold on said
By order of the Board of County
Commissioners of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, made on this Gth day of July,
County Clerk.
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County.
Notice of Hearing on Petition for
Letters of Administration with Will
To all persons interested in the es
tate of C. A Carpenter, late of Lou
isa county, Stato of Iowa, deceased.
You aro hereby notified that on the
11th day of July, 1914, P. R. Halligan
filed his petition in the County
Court of said county for his ap
pointment as administrator, with
will annexed, of tho estate of C. A.
Carpenter, deceased, late of Louisa
county, state of Iowa, and that the
same will be heard at tho county
of 10 o'clock a. m. It is further or
Platte, in Lincoln county, on the
4th day of August, 1914, at the hour
given all parties interested in the
dored that notico of said hearing be
glen all parties Interested in the
said estato by the publication of this
notlco for threo successive weeks in
tho North Platte Semi-Weekly Trl
buno, a newspaper printed and pub
lished and of general circulation in
said county..
Dated this 11th day of July, 1914,.
JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Notlco is hereby given that at a
special election hold In and for tho
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, on the 30th day of June,
1914, for the purposo of voting
twolvo thousand dollars ($12,000)
of tho City of North Platto bridge
bonds, tho returns on file and as
canvassed by tho mayor and city
council in and for said city, show the
number of votes casi were six hun
dred forty-four, (G44) and out of
said total voto thoro wero cast flvo
hundred ninety-eight (598) votes in
favor of issuing of said bonds, and
forty-six (46) wore cast against is
suing of said bonds'.
In witness whereof we have here
unto sot our hands and affixed tho
official seal of said city this 11th
day of July, 1914.
E. H. EVANS, Mayor.
Attest: C. F. Temple, City Clerk.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In the County Court.
In'the matter of the estate of Jacob Meyer,
To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in
terested In the estate of Jacob Meyer.
Take notice, that Karl Drodbeck has filed in
the county court, a report of his doings as ad.
ministrator of said estate, ard is ordered that
the same stand for hearing the 11 th day of Aug.
A. D. 1914 before the court at the hour of 9
o'clock, a. m., at which time any person In
terested may appear and accept to and contest
the same.
Notice of this proceeding and the hearing
thereof Is ordered given to all persons interested
In said matter by publishing a copy of this order
In the North I'latto Tribune, a semi-weekly news
paper printed in s Id county for three consecutUe
weeks prior to said data of hearing.
Dated July 18th. 1914.
J21-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, upon
a decree of foreclosure rendered In said couit
wherein Robert V. Uurnett is plaintiff and
Samuel A. Thomas, et. nl., are defendants, and
tome directed I will on the 22nd day of Aug, 1914,
at 2 o'clock p. m at the east frontdoor of the
court houAi In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, tell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and costs, the following described property
to-wit' Southwest Quarter (SW'4) Section Four
(4), In Township Twelve (12), Range Thirty
Four 84), west of the 6th P.M. Lincoln county,
Dated North Platte, Neb.. July 20, 1914.
J21-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention to Obstetrics
and Children's Diseases.
Phones, office 183, residence 283
Office in McDonald Bank Building.
Worth Platte, Nebraska.
The North Side
Feed Barn has for sale
Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa,
Hay, Good Seed Potatoes.
Goods promptly delivered.
Our terms are cash.
Plenty of Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona
ble. Buchanan & Patterson.
n i
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red G36 Office 459
Cattle and Hogs
Sell your Cattle and Hogs to
Julius Mogensen, No. Platte.
Hgihest cosh prices paid. Office
open day and night in North Sir
Barn. First class horse and a"or
livery in connection.
Phone No. 29.
Statement of the Condition
or THE
of North PlattQ. Nebraska,; on the 30th
day of June. 10U.
Certificate No. 3i.
First mortgage loans $5g8 200 00
Stock loans 4 boo 00
Real estate ollice 27 734 04
Furniture anil fixtures 582 75
Cash 10 240 15
Delinquent Interest, premiums ancl
tines.. 95300
Expense? anil taxes paid 1 373 6C
Other ussets 162 32
Total 633 S65 92
Capital stock palil up $593 531 41
Reserve fund ,... 11 850 00
Undivided profits 28 426 71
Advance Interest 7 SO
Total $633E0o2
Ralance on hand July 1.1913 12 487 01
Dues ,210 474 12
Interest, premiums and tines 39 927 80
Loans repaid,, 57 852 79
Membsrshlp nntl Tranfer Fees 462 75
Real Estate sold 2 369 05
Taxes and Insurance 10467
Total 1323 578 19
Loans J178 600 00
Expenses , 2 015 63
Stock redeemed 104 172 OS
Cash on hand...., v 10 210 15
Real Estate 27 922 29
Furniture 582 75
Taxes and Insurance- 215 29
Total $323 678 19
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
I, Samuel Goozco, secrotary of the above
named Association, do solemnly swear that
the foregoing statement of the condition ot
said Association Is truo and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Samuel Goozee, Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 11th
day of July, 1914.
Krakk Hcchasan, Notary Public.
W. H. Blalock, j
Victor VonGoetz Directors.
1. 1.. I1A"E. I
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tbe
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein "L.C. Severns. is plaintiff, and
Chris Rassmussen and E. P. Rassmussen are de
fendants, and to me directed, I will on the 15th day
of Aug. 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m at tho east front
door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln
county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree, interest and costs, the following
described property1 to-wit: All of Section Nine
(9). Township Ten (10). Range Twenty-Elght
(28). witl) the exception of One and One-half (1H)
Acres in thcflorthwest Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter, west M the 6th Principal Merldan.
Lincoln county. Neb.
Dated North Platte. Neb., July 13th. 1914.
JW-6 A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Serial No. 04556
Department of the Interior
United States Land Office
North Platte, Nebraska. June. 4, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Wlllard P. Fletcher,
of Dickens, Neb., who on January 21, 1910.
made homestead entry No. 01556 for
SH and NWK Section 12. Township 11, N. Range
32, W. of 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to make final three year proof, to
establish claim to tho land above described
before the register and receiver at North Platte,
Nebraska, on the 5th day of August, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Philip Hell,
C. A. Anderson, Wendell McCrum and J. H. Fitch
all of Dickens, Nebr.
jO-6 J. E. Evans. Register.
Christ Pappas, will take notice that
on tho 19th, day of June, 1914, P. H.
Sullivan, Justice of the Peace, of North
Platte Precinct No. 1, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, issued an order of attachment
for tho sum of $22.50 in nn action pend
ing before him, wherein Kick Chiros it
planintiff and Christ Pappas is defend
ant, that property sonsistinp of money
in the hands of the Union Pacific Rail
Road Company, a corporation, has
been attached under said order.
Said cause was continued to August."
luth, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m
Nick Chiros.
North Platte, Nebr. July 1st, 1914.