The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 31, 1914, Image 3

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Elegant Blouses in Voile and Organdy
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ClllUll OVU11UD 1UI HID ';L4t3tt V
ownership of somo of tho lands tho poon tills. Ho has worked for tho big
sugar companies for years. During that time ho received tho least possible
pay tho companies could give him and his follow workers. Ho did not receive
this pay In money, but in orders on tho company's storo for tho slmplo food'
he ate and tho cloth to make the clothes that partly cover his body. For six
months of tho year ho worked hard and for tho other six months ho was
forced to sit back and starve while he waited for another crop of tho sugar
cane so that ho could get busy in tho fields. Ills condition was tho condition
of tho peons generally.
"Zapatlsm Is an Idea tho peons think worth fighting for. They will not
to content until they can get somo of tho land for their own. If Carranza
does as ho promises and I am certain ho will do so the poasants will get
land for their own. If ho does not carry out tho needed reforms and do It
promptly ho will bo forced to fight Zapata and tho Zapatlsts.
"These men havo been fighting for years. They fought Diaz, they fought
iladero and thoy fought Huerta."
"Where do members of congress
who come to Washington without their
families spend their time at night?"
This question was discussed In
tho house tho other day by Alfalfa
Bill Murray of Oklahoma In connec
tion with the mileago provision of
tho conference report on tho legisla
tive bill. Alfalfa Bill Insisted that It
was tho duty of nil members to bring
their families t6 Washington with
them, and he Insisted that that was
why it was desirable to make a liber
al allowanco for mileage.
Tho Oklahoma statesman declared
that in tht absence of a man's family
time was likely to hang heavily on
his hands and he would do more
roaming around at night than was
good for hira. Alfalfa Bill wanted
all members to havo their families
with thorn constantly throughout the
sessions in order that they might not
.grow lonesome.
"Abraham Lincoln. Daniel Web
ster, James A. Garfield, William J. Bryan and others all took this allowance
when thoy wero In tho house, and who would dare accuso any of them of
fcelng grafters," said Mr. Murray. The house rocked with applause as Alfalfa
33111 concluded with this statement, "I believe in voting for mileage and tak
ing it."
BiiKpWwi "' "' -A
mend sex hyglono in tho schools, but recommended that "institutions prepar
ing teachers givo attention to Euch subjects as would qualify for Instruction
in tho particular field of sex hygleno."
Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, former
ly Alice Roosevelt, made a Uttlo
"break" at a smart dinner party In
London the other night which ha3
been tho talk of the drawlug rooms
there over since.
Sir Edwnrd Carson, tho "un
crowned king of Ulstor." Is ono of
tho lions of thj season. Ho has boin
much annoyed for some time by per
sistent statements that ho will shortly
marry n nleco of Moreton Frowen, tho
well-known writer on political econ
omy. This matter has never been
mentioned in tho presence of Sir Ed
ward, but Mrs. Longworth cheerfully
.and In a loud voice asked him at tho
dinner: "When's tho wedding going
to bo?"
"There Is not going to bo any
wedding," replied Sir Edward curtly
and coldly.
ltoswell Eldrldgo of Now York,
who Is over thero to buy horses and
,.. AnlHn la linvttirr VTinnv nmllfllnp1
experiences in being ropcatedly mistaken for Lord Lonsdale, to whom ha
bears a great rciemblanco.
Emlllnno Zapata Is the lender of
tlio constitutionalist forces In Routhi
em Mexico. In describing this' man,'
Francisco Urquldl, ti constitutionalist
ngent, the other day said:
VZapata Is a peon of Morelo3. Ho
comes from a state lu which the land
Is held in fco simple by less than two
dozen landlords. Ho worked out In
tho fields with follow peons. Ho la
an uneducated man, becauso ho hnd
no opportunity to pot learning. Ho
can read and write, but ho learned to
do thoso after ho was twonty-ono
years old. Ho Is now thlrty-olght
years old and Is a wiry, sllm-bullt man
slightly under six feet in height Ho
Is a half-breed, but tho Indian blood
docs not show as strong In him as
it does in many of his followers. Ho
Is light-complexloned, energetic, and
Is a droamer In that ho sees things as
thoy might bo and Is not contented
with them as they arc
Dr. David Starr Jordan of Cali
fornia, ono of tho most prominent of
present-day educators, was unani
mously elected president of the Na
tional Education association at tho
St. Paul convention. No other candi
date was mentioned.
Tho resolutions committee en
dorsed woman's suffrage, equal pay
for equal work without regard to sex,
simplified spoiling, social centers,
larger playgrounds, increased salaries
for teachers, pensions for teachers
and the settlement of international
differences by arbitration. President
Wilson's "watchful waiting" policy
was approved.
Physical Inspection of children
for health purposes secured endorse
ment A plan for a national univer
sity was favored and it was recom
mended that congress approprlato an
nually $500,000 for use In Improving
educational conditions.
The association did not recom
Jm!&f& fegmscrcsa,
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Kee? after tho weeds.
Bo gcntlo with tho horso.
A lousy hen i3 unprofitable.
Pigs must bo watched for Uco.
Every pig raiser should havo a patch
of rnpo.
Don't let tho woods got a start. Oct
tho start of tho weeds.
Young pigs never havo thumps
when running In pasture.
For quick results In improving tho
soil sweet clover is superior to most
other crops.
If tho cream Is still wnrm after
separating, don't put tho lid on tho
can down tight.
Do not condemn a breed simply be
causo a few fowls do not como up to J
your expectations.
To brood over things that cannot bo
helped is worso than a sotting hen
trying to hatch stones.
Tho physical condition of tho soil
if oftGn Just as important as tho sup
ply of availablo plantfood.
Take off tho harness, collar and nil,
when the horso comes In to feed.
Ho will rest hotter without It.
Pigs llko variety, and make much
moro satisfactory and profltablo
growth when this fact Is kept In mind.
Never very suddenly chango tho
young calf from whole to skim-milk.
Taper It off gradually for at least a
If tho sow eats her young, she will
stop It Immediately If sho is fed salt
pork. A small'qunntlty Is usually suf
ficient. It takes timo to build up a profitable
poultry DU3lness. It Is necessary to
work hard now to havo a fine flock
next eeason.
Hogs should always havo a yard of
their own away from tho other stock,
for it is always found that returns
are better in tho end.
Sweet clover is adapted to a wido
rango of soils, and whllo it does best
on good soils it will mako a satisfac
tory growth on vory poor soils.
When watering do It thoroughly.
Don't spread a Uttlo water ovor a
great surface. lie sure to break tho
crust which forms after wateilng.
Coarse, mascullno looking pullets
never mako the best layers. Select
thoso whoBo heads havo a distinctly
femlnlno appearance and expression.
Don't let your tools Ho out In tho
weather to rot and rust. Rust and
tho effectB of tho weather will do moro
damago to tools than proper usage
will do.
The farmer who-planted tested seed
is likely to bo the man of whom his
noighbors will say this fall: "He's al
ways a lucky fellow. Look at tho crop
he's got."
For vigorous plant growth the
ground muBt bo well filled with hu
mus; this Is. supplied by stable ma
nure or thick grass and clover sod
plowed under.
Tho timo when grasshoppers can bo
most successfully destroyed Is In tho
ogg, or as young larvao. which Is best
dono by plowing and harrowing tho
llelds early in tho fall.
There was never nny butter that
was finer than that mado by tho old
time farmer's wife. If farm butter
making Is In dangor of becoming a
lost art it Is high time that steps wero
taken to prevent It.
Tho usefulness and value of a horso
depend upon his early training. Ho
should bo handled and taught when a
colt. This will develop his Intelligence
from the start and very much Increase
his subsequent usefulness.
To socuro the best returns 'from
sheep raising It la not necessary to
keep them exclusive of nil other llvo
stock, but a small flock, Just what can
conveniently bo accommodated along
with other fnim animals nnd given
tho best of care.
Hens demand somo mineral matter
to form tho shell of their oggs. Do
not forgot tho oyster shell and tho
hard, sharp grit. Those will furnish
matorlul for tho formation of tho
egg's shell nnd at tho same timo will
keop tho luwls In a healthy condition.
It lJ( I
n jmiiMTi Ao v 4
Keep tho hoe sharp.
Don't overwork tho colts.
Provldo shade for tho cow.
Tighten up tho wlro fencos.
Egg-catlng Is a bad and costly habit.
Dontroy tho weeds boforo thoy go to
The boar needs good food nnd plonty
of exerclso.
Kill tho woods today or thero will
bo moro tomorrow.
Keop a watchful oyo on tho colt.
You cannot afford to neglect It.
A Uttlo oil meal fed twlco n week
with bran will prevent indigestion in
sheep. .
A good way to food shelled corn to
fattening pigs Is to soak It In water In
tho troughs.
Cull out tho old nnd unprofitable
owes and begin to put them in n mar
ketable condition.
Separato tho cockerels from tho pul
lets, and givo tho formor somo extra
feeding; thoy can stand It.
Plant sunflowers along tho edges of
the poultry yards for shado In ouramor
and feed in fall nnd winter.
Somo tell tho sex of tho guinea fowl
by Its wattles. Thoso of tho inalo aro
doublo tho size of tho female.
Sail Is vory essential with either
tho grown Bheop or lambs, and must
bo kept beforo them constantly.
To keop tho poultry house free from
lice Is of Just as much Importnnco as
to breed chickens for eggs or broilers.
By planting threo plantings of sweet
corn this month, ten days apart, plenty
or corn will bo provided for tho tablo.
To mako tho pigs grow, sklm-mllk,
mill feed nnd clover or alfalfa pnBturo
aro what Is needed. Feed vory Uttlo
Tho largest yields aro produced
when rotted sod or animal manuro aro
used In connection with a good fer
tilizer. After tho asparagus season Is past
removo tho weeds, otlr tho soil and
givo the bed a coating of well-rotted
A swift gait In wnlklng 13 acquired
best by tho team when It Is being
broken. Early habits becomo perma
nent inclinations.
Watch for red rust in tho blackberry
and tho blnckcap patch. Dig out and
burn infested plants at onco, or tho
dlsenso will spread.
It Is a good thing to givo the hens
sklm-mllk to drink, when It can bo
had. It acts as a substitute for meat,
and helps egg production.
Every breeder of hogs should rec
ognlzo tho largo part which tho drink
ing water exercises In tho spread of
hog cholera and swlno pluguo.
It Is a good plan to shako tho treo
gently when you aro pncklng tho dirt
around tho roots. If air spaces aro
left tho trees will not do well.
So long ns there Is any pasturago
geeso require no feeding. Thoy will
como homo overy night satisfied and
happy, literally full to tholr beaks.
Ono of the chief objects of a cover
crop In an prchnrd is to assist in con
trolling the molsturo content of tlio
soil during lato summer and early fall.
Tho agitation for laws protecting
sheep from dogs Is getting brondly
scattered. From coast tp coast tho
ono drawback to sheep raising Is tho
Arsonato of load is also death to tho
booties that lnjuro asparagus and In
fact may be used to advantago for
nearly all crawling things In tho
A successful swlno breeder needs to
havo a thorough knowlodgo of tho
value of sanitation, also an intimnfo
knowledge of all tho requirements of
his animals.
It is nocesanry to slash nway at
your trees overy year. Pruno Just
enough to keep them in shapo nnd
prevent usoloss sproutn from snpplng
tho treo'B strength.
It you aro thinking of trying nlfalfa.
start with a small field, say two or
throe acres. If your experiment falls,
tho loss will not bo so groat, but al
falfa will grow In almost any cllmato
If It Is handled right.
Of course, ou will spray your troes
at least once, nnd porhaps twlco this
spring, but how about your neighbor
who sprays not at nil? How can you
I protect yourself ugalnst tho pests that
aro driven from his orchard Into
yours? (
Milk which becomes stringy, slimy
or ropy nftor standing a few hours,
is not duo to tho cow's condition, but
is caused by a largo numbor of bacto
rla which develop In tho milk and
chango tho milk sugar Into a slimy
or ropy mass.
ONE of tho handsomest of tho many
beautiful lingerie blouses which
havo added so much to tho beauty of
apparel this summer, is very clearly
pictured horo. It Is mado of flno or
gandy and depends for Its effective
ness upon tho fineness of tho fabric
and tho faultlessncss of tho work as
well as upon a flno cholco of laco and
ombroldory used In decorating.
Tho upper part of tho blouso Is cut
In kimono fashion from n piece of
tho organdy tucked In squares, in
tucks an eighth of an Inch wldo. A
panel Is sot in at tho back and front
of tho plain organdy. Cluny lace
edging or somo othor equally good
laco, Is used In setting In these panels
Tho lower part of tho blouso back
and front Is of tho plain fabric.
Tho sleeves aro finished with a
band of tho plain organdy to which a
not frill Is attached by a lino lino of
Whenever tho plain orgnndy Is
used n daUity design in hand embroid
A Bit of Finery
NOT all tho dresses mado for Uttlo
girls aro long walsted. Thoso de
signed for dress-up occasions, tho
lato afternoon promenade, or the Uttlo
lady's appcarnnco at tho 'dinner ta
ble, aro often mado of foulard or oth
er light weight silk, nnd along tho Hues
pictured hero Thoy aro not qulto so
faultlessly adapted to tho childish llg
uro as the longer walsted models, but
thoy afford variety and look well on
tho too slendor bodies of fast-growing
At this stngo ("tho awkward ago" It
Is pitilessly called) tho mother Is put
to hor wits' end to clothe her Uttlo
maid attractively. It Is ruinous to
allow tho child to becomo conscious
that sho Is not as graceful as sho will
bo later on. Lot her olthor bo uncon
scious of hor clothes or mado to feel
that sho looks particularly woll In any
ono of hor new drosses, and this will
help hor immensely In carrying her
self well.
This slmplo Uttlo dress of ring-dot
foulard Is In mauve color with a whlto
dot. Tho wldo taffota collar Is In
plain mauvo and Is finished at tho
front vylth a Uttlo cravat bow of tho
foulard Thero Is no attempt nt dec
oration In this model Tho threo half-
ery adorns It. Tho collar Is finished
with small embroidered scallops and
tho flower design, appearing on tho
waist olsowhore, in repeated here. Tho
collar is wired with tho HucBt of wlro
to support It at tho back.
A waist cut on somewhat similar
linos and mudo of figured vollo is
shown in tho second picture In thla.
model nil scams are Joined with a pip
ing of cord covered with tho matorial.
Thero 1b n vost of plain whlto not and
a collar of not and lace. Poarl but
tons fnston tho vest and small bows
of satin, matching tho flower in tho
voile, add a pretty color no to and a
smnrt finish. S
Both thoso models aro finished at
tho waist lino with a narrow belt
which seta under the eklrt. Thero is
very little work on tho blouse of voile
but the daintiness of tho fabric, show
Ing lavender flowers on a whlto ground
and tho fineness of tho plain net lu
vest nnd collar, produco an effect of
oleganco almost equal to that in thq
elaborate blouso of organdy.
for the Small Lady
Inch hnnd-ruu tucks aboro the hum
aro put thoro for tho purpose of
lengthening tho skirt when necessary.
Tho skirt Is longor than it appears
in tho plcturo, measuring about a
third longer than tho waist, when
length of waist Ib monsurod from tho
shoulder, and tho skirt from waist
lino to hem. Tho skirt is laid in small
box-plaits at tho top and bottom and
sot on to tho waist with a narrow,
plnlted frill, Btnndlng up.
Tho wldo, black velvet bolt Is a
now Item In stylo for Uttlo glrlB. It
drops below tho waist lino at tho loft
sldo nnd Is finished with a flat' bow
without ends.
A Uttlo dross In averngo good qual
ity In foulard will stand consider
able wear, and In staplo colors will
bear caroful washing. Considering tho
ploasuro which Uttlo girls manago to
get out of silk for wear upon their
slmplo "state occasions," tho averngo
mother Is inclined to lndulgo thorn in
thin bit of finery. But Uttlo misses,
uddlng six or moro Inches to their
height in a yoar, require planning by
the mother, lost thoy grow out ot
their most treasured clothes long be
foro thoy have worn thorn out.