The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 24, 1914, Image 7

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1 1 . UL-;4iiBttaIIEfijll 7
Don't worry about baby
burning himself when you
have a
Ney ycrgei ton
Oil Cook-stove
The heat is all at the burn
ers. This means a safe and
economical stove, and a
cool kitchen
No waste, no soot or ashes.
1 , 2, 3, and 4 burner styles,
and new stove with fireless
cooking oven.
All hardware and general
Perfection Oil Gives Best Results
Standard Oil Company
The Westinghouse Electric Fan
Tho house (lint is nitilpiicil with
Wi'stinhoiiso Klectric Funs is used
much more (luring tin summer sea
son than the house that is not. The
room or porch that would otherwise
he abandoned for the jnrd or park be
comes, through the agenrj of the
Westinghouse Fan, a comfortable
place to spend the cu'iilng, reading,
swinging or nlajing bridge.
The Westinghouse Clectrle Fan Is so
The Westinghouse Residence Fan
is so light a child can carrj it. Its
brccc can therefore be enjojed first
in one room and then in another, be
ginning with the dining room in the
morning and ending in the bedroom
at night,
North Platte Electric Co,
C. R. Mom:y, Manager.
How Grigsby Was
Influenced to Win
the Game
Love of Gosilp.
One of tho chief characteristics of
the htimnu race is Inqulsltlruncss not
bo much about thlugs ami places nnil
Ideas as about each other. Every
proper person Is a born gossip, ami
tli'.' iccoinpllshed scandal uiougor Is
nlwnys welcome, provided, of course,
his scandal Is about others. You can
test this at any time by considering
I who are the neonlo you IlUe best to
It was toward the end of August, meet and who aro iiIwujh surrounded
nnd our team of the Hoynton Athletic by the greatest number of Idle acnualn-
club had done splendid work at win-, tnnces. Invariably you must be forced
nlng baseball games, placing us In an tho conclusion they aie those who
excellent position to be one of the' l,,ne mni,u " liislness of iicqtilrlug'ln-
teams to play for the championship at f,uu "l,"ut 10t,len,l mul retullhiB
,., , ' .. . ' .. , their knowledge In various dressings
the end of tho season, but tl.o Hnrkcr. , Thls ,ovc of B0Mlp , furUlcr rcvea,
vllle club bad just ns good a record, the klml of bool.s wcU clnm tho
and wo must beat It or bo thrown widest appreciation You will find
out of tho line of competition. I that these books are not poetry, Uranm,
We knew what everybody knew tbot ( science or philosophy. They are nov-
under ordinary circumstances wo could els. memoirs, diaries, Intimate histories,
win from the Harkervlllo club. Hut . iccollectlons, letters-all of them es-
our twlrler, Jim Grigsby, though the , wntlal gossip (and sometimes scandal)
best In our part of tho country, was ' appearing by their power to nttract tho
unreliable. There were times when gossiping sense which exists In nil of
he would make tosses which only a us.-T lVs London Weekly
marvelous batsman could hit, whllo at
Let Us Give You a Pointer
The onlj one real I) benefitted bj a
lire insurance pollcj Is he man who
takes it out. He is protectedhe gets
all the benellt If an accident should
result in the burning of his proper-
(j. And he reall pnjs little for this
protection. (ho jour serious alien
Hon to the proposition of insuring
jour home and jour personal belong
iugs. ( onsult with me about a pol
If J.
other times his pitching was decidedly
Tho Koran.
In tho London Kvorymnn Is n re-
Hob Twining, our captain, undo a view of the Koran and Its author, Mo
study of Grigsby to find out why ho hammed It Is a one man's book and
could not twirl as well at one time ns. that man not nu Imaginative one, but
another and discovered that he needed essentially a man of action and lack
a stimulus. He also discovered Hint lK In Invention. The Koran Is u Juni
the excitement of tho gnmo could not bled mass of precepts, doctrines.
bo relied upon to inako Grigsby do threats. Injunctions, dlvlno commands
first class work This nuzzled the eni-
Twining must hit on some expedient
nt once. Ills sister, .Tnquellne, wns
one of those girls who seem to bo
narrative, lytic and epic poetry. It's
heaven and bell aro too material for
modern thought "Obviously," says
Hverymnn, "the Koran Is meant not
to be read with the eye, but to bo re
able to draw men as n magnet will l'lu'd. wl",n the repetitions are not
draw metal, and Twining told her Hint ! "early so pronounced It reflects a so
he wished her to concentrate her flirt-
Iiir for the couple of weeks that re
mained before the deciding game on
Jack ns she was commonlv cnlled
was at tho time receiving tho atten-
clal order, a system of Ideas as re
mote from Home, and more especially
from Greece, as our own aro from the
North American Indian. Hut neither
time nor evolution can utteily quench
the (lamo of Mohammed's personality.
tlons of one George Kllot, whom Twin-, which carried his followers to reckless
lug seriously objected to. Jnck wor-! excesses, to the sovereignty of em
shlped her brother nnd wouldn't ninrry P'res. which created an art peculiar
without his approval. Sho proposed ' to Islam and founded ago long trndl-
to do what she could to Influence ' tlons."
Gilgsby to win tho coming game, pro-
vlded Twining would concur In her , One of tho Sights of Paris,
choice nnd back her up with their, Tho Paris depaitment stores are
parents, who were of the same opinion worse Jumbles oven than the English
as the brother. Twining finally re- department stores. When there Is n
luctnntly agreed to her proposition, special sale under way tho bargain
provided the game was won, nnd she counters are rigged up on tho side
took Grigsby In training. walks. There, In the open nlr, buyer
"Jack." said Twining a week after and seller will chafTer and bicker and
this agreement, "let up on Grigsby. wrangle and quarrel nnd kiss and mnke
You are absorbing so much of bis time "P ngnln-for all tho world to see. One
that I can't get him out for practice." of the free sights of Paris is a frugal
"I thought you relied on me to make I'renchmnn with bis face extensively
him win." hailed over pawing like a SUye tenter
"So! do." I through a heap of marked down lln-
"Verv well. Never mind his losing ' "Ql Picking out things for the female
practice, no's laid practice enough, members of his household to wear, now
He needs n motive. If tho team needs testing some material with bis tongue,
n pitcher for practice get some one In 110W holding a personal article up in
his place. Let Mr. Grigsby alone till the sunlight to examine tho fabrlc
the game conies off" ' while his wire stumls humbly, dumbly
Twining grumbled, but thought It y. waiting for him to complete his so
best not to Interfere with Ills sister's lections -Irving S Cobb In Saturday
plans. lie did not and could not know Evening Post.
what means sho wns taking to mnko '
Grigsby win tho game. He only knew A Bird In tho Hand, Etc.
flint she would if she could and did Tl'o- minister had just pronounced
no more scolding when the twlrler cut the words which mndo them one. Of
practice to go galnvanting with Jack. , e the next tiling of importance
Of course Hob nnd Ills bister were was the fee.
the onlv two In the becret, which wns 'Hie bridegroom looked at his bride,
of too delicate a nature to bo spread then nt tho minister. Fumbling In
brondenst, and tho captain wns nt his 's Pocket, ho produced a two dollar
wits.' end to keep his team up to its u'"-
work without Its pitcher, especially j "Hero is a two dollar bill I will give
since his absence from practice was a you now," ho said, "or 1 will wait un
discouraging feature. By the time tho til tho end of six months nnd pay you
game came off Twining was tired out what I think it Is worth, even if it Is
with the situation, having forced his hundred dollars. You can tnko your
Innm in U,im In mnllt Inn ilioi!t. IttJ Choice."
Tho minister studied n moment,
glanced nt the brldo nnd hnstlly re
plied: "I'll take tho 52 now." Indianapolis
Jack would give her brother no In
formation ns to what was passing be
tween her nnd Grigsby. Twining ask
ed her if she wished a seat on the
stand where the pitcher could see her ,
plainlv. nnd she said she wished for Gho8t plant of Oregon,
two scats, not conspicuous. He didn't Tll Gll0bt Plant wna known nml
understand this, but gave her n place "uch praised by tho Indiana of Oregon
a few rows back from the front. I ' t,inLs Pnst nnd ,9 sometimes known
The weather was favorable, and. , "s tho Indian pipe plant. It Is said the
since theio was a good deal of Inter-, Indians believed that it had great rem
est In the game, a large audience wns ll"l qualities nnd made from It n lo
in attendance. No one except those , tlon wblcn they considered curative
mentioned know anything about the for senses of tho eye. t s a tall.
linivnln Hint hnil m.iil.v TivIiiIiil Waxliko plant JIDOUt eight Inches high.
Wo lime three second hand Fords,
two practically new, at the right
Miss Grace Anderson returned this
week to hor homo in Suthorland af
ter a visit of a few days with friends
In thla city.
had supposed that Jack wished the
extra seat for a girl friend, nnd when
he saw Kllot sitting beside her ho won
dered. Hut Jnck knew the game sho
was plnjlng nnd her brother did not
There was tho usunl cheering when
the tennis went on to the field, nnd
the rooting for ench team was well
and Incessantly kept up by the lend
ers. Grigsby looked about for Jack,
and when ho saw her sitting by Eliot
ho knit his brows. What was going on
in his mind was unknown to any ouo
but himself and possibly Jack. Twin
ing was watching him nnd believed
that whatever It was It would bo a big
hit or a big miss.
It turned out to be n big hit. Grigs
by covered himself with glory. Ills
curves were mnrvelous. From tho
start our fellows led, and nt tho end
of the game, when wo had beaten our
opponents badly, wo carried Grigsby
oft tho field on our shoulders. Then
the Held that had been so lively was
When Hob Twining nnd bis sister
wore alone nt homo ho took her in his
arms, kissed hor and told hor that sho
might marry Eliot with his full con
heut and thnt ho would throw all his
Influence with tho old folks for tho
same cause.
"Hut how did you manngo It with
Grigsby?" ho asked.
"I promised to mnrry him If he won
the game."
Jack kept her promise, throw Eliot
over and astonished the world.
"You can never tell." her brother re-
nnd its bloom resembles a waxen cup.
Portland Oregonlan.
Tho Possum Trail.
At ono of tho famous Georgln 'pos
sum dinners ono of tho guests turned
to tho waiter with tho remark: "Rns
tus, that 'possum must havo gone to
my head. It aches liko fury."
"Is dut so, sub?" responded Hnstus.
"Funny how 'possum nlwaya tneks for
n bollah." National Monthly.
HI Infinite Variety.
The average man has within his sys
tem the material for 13 pounds of can
dles, a pound of nails, 800 pencils,
bindings for 10 small books, fiOO knlfo
handles, 28 violin strings, 20 teaspoon
fuls of salt and a pound of sugar. De
troit Free Press.
A Sure Clue.
"Doctor, Is your patient suro you
can euro him by your new method?"
"How did you know my patient was
not a woman?"
"I heard that you wcro going to try
tho silence cure." Unltlmoro Ameri
can An Appropriate Sign.
Mrs. Smith-1 see the contractor has
put tho sign "Sold" on tho new house
next door. Mr. Smith Yes, nnd tho
sign "Stung" should bo put on tho
buyer. Kanons City Journal.
Empty hours, empty hands, empty
companions, empty words nnd empty
mnikcd, "whore n girl is gol.ig to land hearts draw evil spirits as a vacuum
till she has lauded." ' draws nlr.-William Arnot.
Spend Your Vacation in Colorado
sihT Summer.
You will find there a climate unexcelled, scenic attrac
tions on every hand which are within easy access of the
tourist centers of this state.
ESTES PARK and CHEROKEE PARK deserve particu
lar mention as mountain resorts. Each is reached via the
Union Pacific and a pleasant automobile trip.
Standard Road of the West
is the only double tracked and electric block safety signal
protected railroad to Colorado. Three splendidly equipped
electric lighted trains operate to Denver daily.
For further information relative to reduced summer
tourist rates, sleeping car reservations, etc., apply to
F. E. Bullard, Agent.
' tt "rmffl ""irinrimrrniTiwwrn
Bt ,
jnr IiT'Crystal Salt" you have a re;(
fined tabic salt that is surpassed by
none and equaled by few for purity
and, quality. Possessing many rare
.virtues not to be found in any other
brand of table salt.
IT Each grain is a perfect crystal of
purest salt.
CJl AT pure food product De Luxe.
T(In8ist on "Royal Crystal'
ui your giHJuio
Inland'Crystal Saw.
Creamery is How Open
The Creamery is now open for business,
and we respectfully solicil your patronage.
We have been in the creamery business for
years and we are competent and anxious to
treat you fair and square. Come and try us
and help boost an industry that is needed in
you town and community. Don't forget the
place, 822 Locust street. North Side.
North Platte Creamery