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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1914)
THE SEMI-WEEKLV TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. i' 8 v( v gRn&i$gpJHHHR9Kili I HBb ' ".- f al BLrH t- " '" aTiH' Tiff" $ II J full au&SRii ri x?R o nl amm&imemxMmitm s:mi?&M?0JFfflVM(ZGmJrJJ3Y waw? 'statu tftfvwg roori&i7(mft . . .. -. .t.r. N THE early spring, wncn cold .winds nro Btlll swooping ' over tho rlco Holds In Japan, thoro Is an aspect of HfoloBs- ness and desolation about thomf le To tho Kuropcan oyoa accua- toinoil to dry-cultivated soil, or green grass moadows with feed ing cattle In them, tho sight of so much tnud and water In tho landscape appears depressing, and thero Is a great absence of human habitations and people as well; but tho character of tho crops under cultivation makes it necessary that tho peasants should bo housed In RottlemontB or vlllagos away from tho largo wot areas given up to tho growing of rlco and olhor crops. Thoso' rlco areas nro divided up Into fields or plotB of all shapes and sizes by small grass-grown ildgos a few Inchos in height, and avoraglng nbout a foot In breadth, thus enclosing tho soft mud In which tho rlco Is planted. Tho prepara tion of tlieso Holds In extremely arduous work, involving much hoeing und careful construction of tlieso mud dams, and it includes a wholo sys tem of terracing, whereby the water nocosaary for irrigation is led gradually down from field to Held, for all high-class rlco requires flooding. Tho little streams aud rivulets which provide tho water for theso terraced hills and wldo valleys tire very often shaded by bamboo plants, and tlieso streams food tho ditches cut for water cluinnelH; narrow tracks or footpaths aro also mado through tho rlco fields. Hut if tlieso fields look desolato at springtime, thero is no lack of II To In thorn when tho planting season begins In Juno, for then thoy nro filled with mon and women busily engaged In transplanting tho young rlco plants; and, fortunatoly for this Industry, Japan possesses a largo supply of cheap labor Tho soeds of tho rlco aro llrst thickly sown In tho flinnll wet fields, or nursery beds, In tho early nprlng (April), and when tho young plants havo attained tho height of four Inches or thereabouts, they aro very carefully transplanted to tho larger fields, nt wldor intervals, In rows, and, as may bo imagined, this 1h an oxcoodlngly laborious kind of woik, When ono looks at tho Innumerable lit tle plants In tho nursorlos, with their vivid green uhoota and delicate-looking roota, tho removing of thorn by hand to tho larger fields nnd planting singly sooms an nlmoBt Impossible task, and with Kuropcan labor It might bo bo; but tho peasantry of Japan havo been accustamod to this tedious method of agriculture through many centuries nnd, from habit, it is taken as a mutter of courso, aud the men and women, standing kneodeop In tho mud and water nnd stooping over their toll flotno work, spnro no pains In tho planting out of tho young rlco in tho soft mud. Tho vnluo of tho liarvopt Is probably In their minds as the reward for all this labor. Tho eastern agricultural luboror must bo seen to bo fully realized, Japauoso backs nro mipplo! but tho sight of so much stooping and bending Is enough to innko a European feel tho pains of lumbago In Ills back from tho more contempla tlon or It. When the rlco Is growing up then tho (lohla iihow a very brilliant groen, and thoy nro kept undor n fow Inches of' water nil tho tlmo tho young crops nro growing, which Is only drained away Just before tho harvesting of tho rlco. Tho rico plant blooms curly In September, and tho crops are reaped In October, and hung up to dry on Bhort poles. Tho threshing Is dono with Halls or heckles, a kind of comb. Various methods of fertilization nro used by tho Japnnoso farmer, Konio of thorn most unsavory to tho Kuropean nose; In fact, tho "smells" that emanato from the ground In tho agricultural districts in Japan often destroy ono'B senso of appreciation of tholr line cultivation uhou inspecting it closely, nnd tho Japanese people must either havo less keen noseB than ours or olso do not mind tho odors, for thoy nppcnr in no way to affect them as thoy do our iiolvcfl. If a Kuropcan tnkes n walk In tho rlco fields, or "paddy fields," as ho calls them, during the hot months ho is sure to get soveroly bitten by mosquitoes, and for Europeans living near tho rlco areas tlieso pests are a groat trial during the summer. Some Europeans havo Btated that Japan pro- fe wnmohmtQ ' Mce WH$&?2JWaRI6 CHZAP duceB two crops of rlco yearly, but this is ah er roneous ideu, speuklng genorally. Tho winter pre vents tho growing of more than ono crop yearly, but thoro Is a part or Japan that does produce two crops, viz., tho Tosa prov ince, in ono of tho south ern Islands, but this is owing to tho dlffcrenco of cllmnto thoro, caused by tho Kuroshlo, or "black current." which, flowing northward from tho direc tion of Formosn and tho Phllipplno Islands, wnrmu tho southern and southeastern coasts of Japan, very much tho same way us tho Gulf stream warms the coasts of western Europe; and partly on account of hor position geographically, with her long stretch of country from north to south, and the iniluenco of winds and oconn currents, Japan has n largo variety of temperature through out tho whole empire. Hlco is very largely grown In tho southern Is lands ns well as In the southorn part of the main island, whoro one bops very extensive rlco floldB, but not tn tho north. There is a kind of dry rlco grown, but this is not of good quality. Tho rlco grown in Japan is reckoned among tho boBt In tho world, nnd sho takes third placo among tho rlco-producing countries, nnd exports very largo quantities. Sho Imports rlco as well, and this may sound slrango In n rice-growing country; but tho quality of hor homo-grown rice bolng so vory flno, sho exports all bIio can and Imports cheaper rlco for her home consumption from Korea and China and India that is of In ferior quality to hor own; but mixed with Jnpan cso rlco It Is used freoly among the poorer Classen, Although It 1b the staplo food, other kinds of grain nro used as well millet, barley and wheat are cultivated, und havo been grown for food dining past centuries In the country. Crops of theso uro grown during tho time when tho rlco Holds lio fallow Two kinds of potatoes nro grown as woll for consumption Hitherto tho lice consumers in Jnpan have boon mostly tho peoplo living In tho towns, tho poasantry looking upon It ns somowhat of a lux ury. Hut tho clntsoB of coiiBiimors havo been widening out nnd tho standard of living Is grow ing higher in Jnpan, nnd moro rlco Is bolng con sumed in tho country than formorly, and this. In addition to tho fact that tho population is rapidly Increasing, moans that tho question of tho production of tho food supplies In tho coun tiy In tho futuro Is ono that has to bo seriously considered, nnd for thoso reasons tho .Tapancso government has consldoied tho question of tho increasing demnnd for food supply ver;1 enre 1 fully Mnny years ago tho Institutes for agricultural experiments wore established, and thoso aro do ing tholr work woll. Much has boon carried out for tho rearrangement of tho farm Holds, In tho partitions, nnd In tho lrrlgntlon systems of fur rowH nnd canals; works of this kind carried out In sufllclont extent will onlnrgo tho farm areas vory considerably and lessen thp necessity for opening up any new laud for cultivation. H 1b by following theso methods that Japan Ib propp ing herself to meet tho Increasing demnnd for food. Fullurc of crop aud consequent ramlno havo to bo mot by larffovltuports, but necessarily cause groat distress among tho peoplo Tlmos and eohbous nro scrupulously regarded by tho poasantry for nil their agricultural opera tions Tho torrlblo storms in tho typhoon season nro very much dreaded eaily in September When "V Mir RAILWAY COMMISSION TO MAN DAMUSTV1. P. ROAD. STATE BUILDINGS HEED REPJUB Structures At Kearney Industrial School Arc Said to be In Danger ous pontlltlon. the rlco Is in flower they are very devastating in character when thoy como, and tho rice crop is sure to be injured by them at thlB period. Tho wide, cultivated val leys and the terraced hill sides of Japan are a stand ing testimony to tho pa tience and Industry of tho inhabitants throughout tho country, and- the enre and culture that havo been bo stowed upon them for long years aro plainly apparent even to n casual observer. A quotation from a Jap nneso translation will show tho spirit In which agricul tural pursuItB have beon carried on from old times in the country, and tho importance attached to them: "To select a con venient season in which to employ men for public work. Is the rule ot good ancient law. Winter Is a ume oi .... r " lng the season between spring and autumn in which they nro employed on their farms . It is not expedient to take men rrom their work, or lnterroro with them In their efforts to suppl food."-Extract from translation of the Laws of Shotoku Talshl. in "Dal Nikon (A. D. D72-G22).' Quelled Klondike Bullies On my return to Dawaon In tho evening I sti oiled into tho "M. & N." saloon, where from tho rather disturbed atmosphero of tho placo I noticed something was amiss. One man was just picking himself up from tho ground, while most or the attention was concentrated upon a drunken miner sitting on a billiard table. On inquiring what tho trouble wub, I was Informed that tho miner had "buffalood" the saloon in other words, ho defied tho crowd or any of tho bartondors (tho man whom I had observed picking himself up wns ono of the latter) to put him outside. No ono accepted the Invitation, till tho door opened and a trooper of tho R. N. W. M. police in his red cont strolled In. Another trooper quietly fol lowed Neither in any way appeared to notlco anything was particularly wrong Tho first troop er Btrollod up to the table and, looking steadily at tho drunken miner, quietly ordered him to put on his cont nnd get out. Tho minor started to swoar und bluster; but at tho ropcatod order, this time in rather Bharpor tones, ho put his coat on nnd walked out like a lamb Tho two troop ers followed. They did not oven trouble to ar rest him. tho occurrence being no unusual one. This llttlo incident mndo mo realize what an .influence this small body of mon had gained In that wild stretch of country. During tho great rush tho hoops of this corps ono of tho finest that over ruled tho king's dominions did their work In tho Icy north on tholr wage of $1 a day, when the lowest wagn for ordinary skilled labor wbb seldom undor $20, During that mad rush Into Klondike not n elnglo murder wns committed In Hrltlsh territory. From "A Wandorer's Trail," by A. Loton ltldger. FI3H RETORTS. ltedd It la snld that more than 300 species of flsh aro possessed of voices that arc audible to human "cars. Groeno Perhaps; but jou havo to do moro than drop them a line to got nn answer. Lincoln. District Judge Stewart granted the stale railway commission a writ of mandamus coinpolllrfg the Missouri Pacific railroad to place a telephone in Its station at Panama. Tho attorney for tho road gave notlco that an appeal will bo taken to the supremo court. Tho case Is a test case to determine tho constitution ality of the law passed by. tho legisla ture in 1900. Ynlo Holland of Omaha represented tho railroad, and Deputy Attorney General Ajrcs appeared for slate. The rnllroad contends that the leg islature exctedejl lis pollco powers in rasslng a law foiclng on the railroads of tho state the oxpenso of installing telephones In their stations. It was also argued that such legislation con stitutes nn interference with tho in terstate commerce act. Another ob jection raised was that anyway the law was not pioperly passed, as it was signed by the presiding ofllcer of the sennte. Says Buildings Are In Bad Shape. Lincoln. "Eveiy building nt tho Kearney Industrial school for boys Is defective, and I consider tho main building dangerous," said Henry denies, of the state board of control recently on his return from a visit to the state Institution at Grand Is lan, Hastings, Kearney and Milford. "Tho state will havc to spend a lot of money for tho repair of buildings," he continued. "Tho soldiers' "home nt Gland Ibland Is cracked, and lo set tine and must have attention. Tho older bulldirgs owned by the stato tiave not been repaired when they should have been. The result Is that a considerable sum must now be bpent." Hospital Liable for Negligence. Lincoln. A hospital Incorporated nnd conducted for prlvato gain Isj lia ble In damages to patients for tho negligence of nurses and other em ployes Is the opinion of the supreme court In an opinion handed down in a case brought by Fannie Wetzel, ad ministratrix of tlio estate of Alva J. Wetzel, deceased, against the Omaha Maternity nnd General ho3pltil. The action was brought to recover $20,000 for alleged negllgenco which resulted in tho death of Mr. Wetzel, who was a patient at tho hospital suf fering from typhoid fever. In the ab sence of an attendant he Jumped from the window of his room on the third ttory of the hospital and was killed. The caso was tried In the Douglas county dlstilot court and damages awarded In the sum of $5,500. The court affirms tho judgment of the low er court, but Judge Sedgwick dissents. Tho judgment of the Douglas coun ty district court is affirmed In a case against the Omaha General hospital wherein Tillie Broz, administratrix .secured a verdict for $7,000 against tho hoBpltal for the alleged death of her hu3band, Adolph F. Broz, a far mer, who lived In Sallno county and was a patient at tho hospital. It Is alleged that Uroz, though Buf fering from a mental disorder, was lett unattended and while alone took poison, from which he died. Complains of Charge. J. W. Shorthlll, secretary of tho Nebraska Farmers' Co-operative Grain and Llvo Stock association of Hampton, has 'Hied a complaint with the state railway commission against tho South Omnha Stock Yards asso ciation, claiming that tho stook yards company makes yarding charge of 8 cents on hogs when but C cents is charged by Kansas City and St Joseph. Arrests Alleged Fire Bug. Lincoln. Flro Commissioner RIdg ell has rcoetved a letter from H. F. Uoquartte, ona of his deputies, stat ing that ho had arrested William Carson, nccused or setting lire to tho hotel at Sutton, and that ho hod con- fenced to the act nnd also to setting" flro to a livery barn In Hastings some time ago. Ho has beeu bound over to the district court. New Depot Ordered. Lincoln. The Stato Hallway com mlsfcion has Issued an order to com pel tho Burlington railway to build a now depot at David City, as tho ro 8iilt of a complaint mado by tho busi ness men ofthnt city some tlmo ago. Tho company Is given ten days to notify the commission of acceptanco of tho order. IT CERTAINLY DOES. Bacon -I see a youth was arrested at Calcutta and flned $100 for having cllmbod up a water plpo 120 foot long, in order to hold converse with his sweetheart, Egbert That scorns a good deal to pay for a wuter-8)out. Acccepts jPopulIst Nomination, Lincoln Governor Morehcnd is noi a condldato for tho populist nomina tion for governor, tho same as la G. W. Borgo, ns well as helng in tho democratic raco. A petition placing Mr. Morehcad in tho populist race Hied and tho governor filed an accept anco under It. The potllhui was from Wahoo and It contains twent -eight names, hcadod by Oscar Hanson. A petition for ronomlnntlon as re publican candidate for congress from the Fourth district hns been filed fOT Charles II. Sloan. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. Henry Watt of Guldo Rock, who re cently Buffered his third stroko oi paralysis, is fatally ill. The Fromont branch or tho Atlantic Canning company i installing $3,000 worth of new machinery. Nick Sur, pioneer or Cuming, conn ty, has returned rrom a two months' visit to his old homo in Oldenburg, Germany. The wheat yield near Ohlowa Is averaging twonty-flvo bushels to tha acre and tho corn crop la In good con dition. Tho Harvard Community club li planning for a fall festival. Commit-' tees havo been appointed to arrange a program. C. C. Sodman has just closed a thirty-five-year term as members of tho school board in district No. G2, in Nemaha county. A divorce was granted Zoo Wnllia of Beatrice who was given tho enwto dy of thrco minor children and $50 a month alimony. Judge G. T. Graves of Pender la holding an adjourned term of the dis trict court at West Point for equity purposes only. Tho fall restlval at Fromont will bo held in October. A tractor and farn machinery demonstration will be given In August. A. W. Hawkins of Norfolk has fllod for the repuWllcan nomination for county clerk, F. J. Dover is also a can didate for the nomination. Charles Gerrlsh of Beatrice has Hied a suit asking for a divorce from his wlfo on the ground that she has cruelly refused to live wjth him. Mr. nnd Mrs Paul Schlssler, sr., of Hastings, will leave this month for a visit to their old home at Baden, Ger many. They will return In October. Ross Foster throshed a ten aero Held of rail wheat and got 440 bush els. Ho lives on tho O. B. Foster farm, three miles northwest of Ans ley. i E. E. Burr and L. W. Ely of Guide, Rock are erecting a cement and biick building, fifty by ono hundred feet, on land formerly occupied by two frame buildings. , When Marshal Caton of Grafton at tempted to arrest a. tramp tho man re sisted and was shot through tho leg, by tho officer. The marshal was bruised severely. Olin M. Mayfleld is suing the city of Norfolk for $10,000 for injuries al leged to havo been sustained becauso, of a pile of bricks -left in a street by city employes. ' Wheat in the vicinity or Fall Held Is ranging from fifteen to thirty-two bushels an acre. Corn is in good condition nnd tho second crop of al falfa Is doing woll. j John M. Ward of Goneya has filed for tho republican nomination for float representative for the Forty-" third district, comprising Clay, Fill more and York counties. I Frank A. Brown of Sioux City, for merly of Omaha, Jias brought, suit for divorce against Ella H. Brown of Norfolk. He alleges cruelty and asks for tho custody of a minor child. i The southeast corner of Wobstor county and the southwestern part of Nfuckolls countyare badly in need of rain. Corn is not damaged as yet, buti t Is In no shape to stand a contlnuedr drouth. Mrs. Bohart, tho wife of Rev. C. W, Bohart, nn early pioneer or Hoosierl valley, is critically ill at her home In Anselmo. She is suffering from can :er of the stomach and thero is said' to be no hope for recovery. J. W. Kenna, jr., or Auburn suj talned a broken foot when a wagon load or sand passed over it. Ho was standing near the wagon when tho horses became frightened and ran) away. A. L. Roberts who Hied for tho dem ocratic nomination for school super intendent of Nemaha county nnd by petition became a- republican candi date also, has withdrawn from tho -race. ' Action to foreclose a $25,000 trust mortgage on the People's State bank building or Beatrice has been brought on behair of the bondholders by tho union State bank against John Pen ner, et nl, The Nemaha county commission ers hnvo voted to macadamize tho road east of Auburn for a consldern ble distance. The old Wooden brldgo over tho Nemaha will be replaced by a concrete structure. S. R, McFarland has filed for the office of state senator from Madison, Stanton and Colfax counties. C. H. Sibley of Tilden has filed for the dem ocratic nomination for representative of tho Twenty-fourth district. Charles Dworak was drowned near Schuyler while bathing in the Platto river with three companions. Two of the men woro caught in the eddy where two currents camo together. Tho body has not been recovered, Peto Albraredc, Eighteenth and Burt streets, a Mexican laborer work ing on a sewer ditch at Thlrty-Hrst street and Lincoln boulevard, Omaha, was burled alive. He died boforo follow workmen could removo the dirt. T. E. Conley of Beatrice has Hied for the republican nomination of rep resentative rrom Gage, Jefferson and. Thayer counties. A Bmall tornado passing through tho section of the country eight mllM jjast of Beatrice caused consldorabla damage to crops and farm buildings. Mlsso Besale, May and Nina Hull, Fremont girls, have started a ranch on their claims near Newoll, S. D. They were former school toachora nnd utocked tholr ranch with tbs monoy earned by teaching. They aro the daughters or tho Into A. C. Hull, a well known Fremont man. i ,-1