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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1914)
V, i WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE'S Clearance Sale of Summer Goods Continues till August 2nd. In addition to the lots mentioned we are putting new ones out every day. The prides we have put on all kinds of broken lots of summer goods is moving them fast. Come now while selection is good. k .' Embroideries STYLISH EMBROIDERIES One lot corset cover embroideries, medium grade of work, regular 25c quality, per yard t IQ One lot high grade Swiss embroid ery bands, 25 and 50c qual- "f fl ities, per yard I ul One lot 45 inch voile llouncings 75c quality, per yard 0- One lot 45 inch Swiss flouncings, beautiful new patterns, cheap at 75c, per yard 0- One lot 18 inch crepe flouncings, this width- can be -used 'for mauy purposes, 50c grade, per OQn yard . .f. ". 03 b One lot 45 inch crepe flouncings, fine quality and cheap at the reg ular price of $1.00 per yard CO n Dollar and a half quality 45 inch crept flouncings, per yard (M 1Q I Wash Dresses One' lot both dark and light colored neatly made percale dresses, reg ular $1.25 quality " (lOp One lot dresses, some lawn, some1 gingham and percale, extra val ues at $1.50 regular, sale M 10 price . . . p 1 1 1 J One lot of gingham and lawn dress es, $2.00 value (M CQ One ' lot high grade dresses in a great variety of styles and cloths, $3.50 values On OQ IblfaU Muslin' Underwear Children's muslin drawers, made of good muslin, per pair 7p Children's white skirts, fairly good muslin, sale price IQp Misses' drawers made of good mus lin, cut full sized, 35 and 40c ()0f values &d u Ladies' drawers, good plain IQp hemstitched garments I w.u Ladies' drawers, finer grades, nicer styles, 5dc quality 00 p Ladies' gowns, made of good muslin, nicely trimmed, slip over AQn styles, 75c quality Hub Ladies' gowns, finer quality, better trimmings, $1.00 quality IQn Ladies' gowns made of fine nain sook, nicely trimmed, (?) 1 QQ $2.00 quality ' t liOJ Ladies' combinations, nicely trim med, good quality, garments we have sold at $1.25, sale 70 price J I u u Ladies' combinations, made of fine quality materials, nicely trim med, $1.75 and $2.00 M 1Q grades v 1 1 1 3 Ladies' combinations, extra fine materials,-.$2.50 grade $1 AQ White Dresses Every white dress we have in stock goes in this sale at one-fourth off of the regular price. Shirt Waists All kinds, all prices, all styles at 25 48 79 98c $1.48 $1.98 Ladies' Knit Underwear One lot Ladies' Union Suits, hifth grade $3.00 suits M PQ One lot ladies' union suits, $1.50 quall.ty 98c One lot ladies' union suits, $1.00 qua".ty 69c Ladies' vests, good value at regu lar price, 15c, sale price Qn T.nfHrs' lrnit nnnto limlivnlln lrnnn lace trimmed, 25c quality IQp Piece Goods One lot dolar silks, asorted PQn styles, per yard UUu One lot Crepes, Voiles and 17 Ratines, 25c cloths lib One lot silk stripe Voiles and crepes, some fancy, some plain, QQft 50c cloths 00b One lot fine white goods, 35 QQn and 50c cloths &0C Ltnvn Dress Pnttcrns37c ami Up One lot table linens, our reg- 0Q ular $1.00 quality 00 b Boys Wash Suits One lot boys' suits, all colors and made In different styles, just the kind for hot weather wear, QQ $1.25 and $l;50 values '30 b One lot boys' suits, finer grade, nice styles, $1.75 and $2.00 M 9Q regular, sale price $ I iUU Ladies' Wash Skirts made of coton crash, $1.25 0p . values 40 b Onel ot white Pique skirts, made from nice quality material, pearl button trimmed, $2.00 qual- 00 ity Oilb .i One lot white Linen, skirts M Q $2.50 quality , v . . , 01140 One lot fine white Serge skirts that sold up to $10.00, your. , choice $2.48 Men's Furnishings One lot Men's Silver brand negligee shirts, $1.00 quality 7Qp One lot Ide brand negligee 01 10 shirts, $1.50 quality $ 1 1 1 J Men's 3resh Union Suits iSc Men's extra , quality union suits $2.50 and $3.00 grades (M 7Q Ono lot Men's $1.50 union suits J)Sc Men's shirts or drawers 19c Men's high grade mesh underwear, shirts or drawers 9Q Men's works shirts . . 89c Carpets and Rugs All of our Carpets and Rugs will go at this sale at a discount of pne flfth off. Shoes MEN'S OXFORDS One lot men's Walk-Over oxfords; this lot is made up of only a few pairs of $4.00 grade, your QO- choico UOb One lot Walk-Over oxfords, $3.50 and $4.00 grade, made on good stylish lasts, both tan and 01 00 black ipiiUO ROYS' OXFORDS One lot consisting of tan and pat ent leathers, per pair QOp INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS One lot size 2 to 5, regular 7Q $1.00 and $1.25 quality I Ub One lot child's oxfords, sizes 5 to 8 $1.25 and $1.50 grade QOp Ono lot play shoes, size 5 to ii, $1.50 and $1.75 shoes .M OQ MISSES' OXFORDS One lot white canvas oxfords AQ size 1110 to 2 ..; 40C One lot patent leather oxfords, sev eral styles, size liy to 2 Q0p One lot misses' oxfords, sizes 8V11 to 2, all at one price 70 o Indies' Oxfords and Rumps Ono lot small sizes and narrow, $3, $3.50 and $4.00 goods, per QOp One. lot oxfords and pumps, badly broken as to sizes, $3.50 (M 70 and $4.00 quality $ 1 1 1 J All of our fine oxfords and pumps from $3.00 to $4.00 grades, all new goods, up to date and all sizes, priced at ONE- FOURTH OFF C 11 1 In '.'". i.iiiLiiiijn 1 l 11 1 ii.h .mill iiuimii 1 liul'l, u J "'.'" I.")1.""'" L' ft. A"'A"U. p . .ix..v.:i.i4..:..:...:..i. .".. ',wi,yiM..t,i,i.i".rf j.-.i.g!Kt,vHi;,, ru..-.i ft. -si aamaJA".1.'. 'l.JT-K-.--jj-i;yrrgT-irrn..iii ,;:i.,.;l. ... .1 11111 m ., mm.i.i.m;' 0 fe s j, .. .. & .A.t. r v- j..i. .'asilitfe'i tf 11 1. 1 'l h V I) liH ,'IBHi mkJ I rgK j&&euEsi tssKrea a&a KimM isj. mz&smtixxw&Kmmm: x . jsmimwsit&tts&mmmxx w&t32M &Miie&mmx$am!SKfr$l kmisssstsissmsms WsKaSSSBsSmasmmLaK &iaatrirtRfe3K3Brifi Pi MM m m B Cm (BfI?!" II la rA ? Ma All "HEW F-lXltlJ'Vli 11 SI i MB m W'TTjiiayT Vwjfl v ;P j-41 fTlHT) .111, irlNlltACtmibNll, IT. k Ik r ft 'HE young housekeeper wno wants to please j t ft L ni 1 1 1 1 , IS W nim snouia seiecc i - i . tf wp ymT i-l jjrf mf- -mi TIT -Iff M hi & & DLly HylX a 3 k 4 t . . .' 1 . -11 1 .1.1. A. - r tor its amsne aesicns wiu masc your xaoie inc c f 2: m most attractive. " ?! . .. S.t m This, famous ware has a solid silver disc if overlaid !at tKe wearing points and it is then plated i m wiiu a tiijiic-pug iiuib w Community Silver is guaranteed for 50 years 4& I in ordinary family use. m I DIXON, The Jeweler . 1 , 'AV-. ... .-i ji . J i -- ' - -- r " ' 'II' Wm;il"V.'''i j fifv. wgig3BasiwwBaHiBia;-" SKrsi Saw' '..' . CTMSWPPi lEMmWmWmWmmMmMmWMmsBBm!&Gmm Picture "After-Blow" Geo. L.enz- Rq- Hainl Concert rrdjfrnin At 9 p. mr Sunday, July 2Gtli, direct ly after the union church services the North Platto Military band will present tho following program, under tho direction of Earl Stamp: March "Bunker Hill" Pryor. Overture "Raymond" A. Thomas. Waltz "Dad'ner Mad'ln" Kemzak Popular number (by requaest) "Too Much Mustard" Macklin Tono L. Cobb. Two Step "Hungarian Rng"- berg. Operatic Medley "Broadway view Lampe. STATE ENGINEER PRICE TIglTS NORTH PLATTE State Engineer D. D. Price of Lin coln and AVsiitant Engineer Mason, arrived in the city Wednesray en route to Scotts Bluffs where they are to prosecute a case against an irriga tion, company for turning water into their Milches Vftien orders were given forbidding the tise of the water. While here he conferred with Attorney W. V, Hoagland of tills cjty in regard to some matters pertaining to tho use of tho water from tho Pathfinder dam. Mr,. Hoagland took up with him the question Involving the right of the government to hplil 'all of the surplus water at the preoariUUhio 1n their dam while the people along the river need It for irrigation purposes. It is esti mated thatHhey have 1,083,000 ncre teet of water stored- there and that they can not possibly use more than 300,000 aero feet th!sTyear. Mr. Hoag land maintains that the government is subject to the la'3 of the state and that the water, being in the bed of the river, belongsfto the people nlong the river and that the goverment has no right or power to hold mora than is necessary for their use. Mr. Price and Mr. Hoagland will take up the matter and investigate it and if necessary will take steps to compel tho government to let the wat er loose a little at a time and allow Hie people offDawson county and oth ers along tha river to use It,. It la also claimed by Mr. Price that tho government has been holding more water than iaey are entitled to hold. That it takesHhree weeks for the wat er to cun from the Pathfinder dam tp Dawson coumly and that the govern ment releasetl- the first of tho year only tho anvtmnt of water that was needed insteljjfi of the regular How of tho river, thereby keoing more water than they wore entitled to keep. That later in the season when the water was iow nero mey wouiu turn loose only tho regulr flow, although the ditches In this part needed more than that amount and were rightfully entitled to it on account of the shortage that had been released when the water was high. Steps will bo taken to try and compel the government to let this wat er loose. Mr. Price also satedt hat the Trl- stato canal wus shut down Tuesday of this week for six days to allow for repairs and that for these six days tho water would be turned looso In all other ditches. As soon as the repairs are made, however, it will be shut down again and this opportunity should be taken-advantage of as 6don as possible. Rig Sforo Changes Hands The transfer was inndo yesterday by which a new corporation, to bo known as tho North Platte Hardware and Furniture Co., took ovor the furniture and hardware business of tho A. A. Schatz company. This business change has been hanging flro for some time, but the change was consumated only yesterday,. The Incorporators of tho new firm are J. Q. Wilcox, Andrew T. Yost, By ers, Fink and Everett Fink. Mr. WI1 Cox has been In tho merchandise busi ness in this city for a number of years and needs no Introduction to North I'latte people,. Ho Is president and general manager of the Wilcox De partment store,. Mr. Yost was em ployed for eleven years in tho grocery department of E. T. Tramp & Son and is well known us a good business man. The Fink brothers wprc employed for fourteen years in tho Wilcox depart ment store and thoy aro well known to many. They recently returned from Oklahoma where they were engaged In business enterprises. It Is tho Inten tion of tho new firm to conduct n com plete hardware and furniture business and tho men aro nil men of good mor al and business integrity and men in whom tho public can placo confidence. Thoy took charge of tho store yester day and will operate it from now on. NOTICE Having sold our hardware and fur nlturo business and all book accounts to tho North Platte Hardware and Furniture Co., wo wish to notify all persons owing us money on open ac count or furniture leases' that tho same Is to be paid to North Platto Hardware and Furniture Co. A, A. SCHATZ, By A. A. Schatz, Pres., Sec. & Trcas. N Vienna Cafe Special Sunday Dinner. County Treasurer A. N. Durbln was a business visitor in the south part of th county this week and he March "Uannewelhe" Nowowieskl. I reports that tho crops are looking : ' " fine after tho rain Tuesday evening. Willis, the little son of Mr, and Mrs. Good rains are reported al 1 over tho I H. L, Baker. Is reported quite 111 with county anil tho farmers aro all re I typhoid fever. sumlng that historical smile. July 26,1914. Sliced Tomatoes Cream of Tomato Fried Lake Trout, Parsley Halter Fried Spring Clilckn a la .Maryland Roast- 1'rliuc Ribs of Href an Jus Roast Peanut Hani, Raisin Sauce Cucunilicr and Onion Salad .Mashed Potatoes Fancy Green Pas Corn on Cob Hot Cora Hread Wheat Bread Plncapplec Soufllc Vanilla Ice Cream Iced Watermelon Tea Coffee Milk Iced Tea Local aijd Personal For Rent Five room house at 013 East Third street. C. H, Loinlnger was a business vis itor In Hershey Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Richards loft yes terday for Kearney to spend tho day. on a visit,. William Caroy of Omnhu arrived In the city Wednesday for a visit of a few days with friends. Remember the Ico cream social al tho Episcopal church lawn tomorrow eienlng. Everyone linlted. James W. Elliott, of- tho Roxall drug store, was taken sick yesterday and was unablo to nssumoMUs duties at tho store. C, K. Ward of tho Lincoln Con struction Co., was visiting In tho city Wednesday transacting business and cnlllng on friends,. Miss Hazel B. Clark of Omaha ar rived in tho city tills week for a visit of several days with her sister, Mrs. C. J. McNamara. H. C. DIesem, government export working on tho irrigation research work returned to this city Wednesday from a trip west,. Rov,. C. B. Hnrnian of tho Lutheran church- conducted the devotional ex orcises at tho Junior Normul chapel Wednesday morning. W. J. Scout of tho Kenrnoy Power nnd Canal company was visiting In tho city AVedncsdny on business with Stato Engineer D. D. Price. Lost Between North Platto and Hershey on road north of river one set of auto chains in sack. Reward for return to this office,. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harris expect to Icavo Sunday for their homo in Chi cago nfter visiting horo for several weeks at the Julius Plzer homo. Christian Science Service Sunday, 11a. m. Subject "Truth"Sunday school 12 in. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Building & Loan Building, room 25. Oscar 13. Garwood Is n district at torney from Denver. Ho Is a man. He Is a patriot. IIo Is consistent. Io is working for equal suffrage. Ho 1ms lived where women have voted for years, and ho Is still nllvo nnd happy, and believes in treating womon "on tho squaro" much as ho wishes to bo treated himself. Ho will give you something to tnko4iomo with you,. You nro coming to hear him at North Platte, August 3rd. For Sale Two small outbuildings, Inquire 215 West 2nd street, Mrs. J. J. Hnlllgnn. Mr. and Mrs. John States loft .Wed nesday for Omaha to visit for some time with relntives and friends. Mr. States Is taking his annual layoff from his railroad duties. Mrs. Brodbeck, of this city, loft yes terday for tho Koystono vicinity whoro sho will visit ' for n fow days with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Culton on their claim In tho forest resorvo,. Mls3 Currlo Marti returned homo this week from Cheyenne whoro sho visited relatives and friends for sov oral weeks. She loft for that place shortly after tho closo of school. Tho young Indies of tho Episcopal church will glvo an Ico cream social Saturday ovonlng on tho church lawn,. Ico cream and cake will bo served and the public Is cordially In vited to uttend. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. McKalo lcavo this week for Yellowstone park where thoy will spend several weeks on an outing; Mr,. McKnlo la operator In tho Western Union offices and is taking hlu annual layoff. Tho public la cordially Invited to at tond the- Ice cream social which will bo given tomorrow ovonlng by the young ladles of the Episcopal church on the church lawn. Tho young ladles will serve Ico cream and cake, Miss Nina VanDoran was ablo to re turn to her homo this wool: from tho P. & S, hospital where sho had been confined for somo tlmo with a sovero attack of appendicitis,. Her condition Is reported much Improved, but sho Is still qulto weak. Miss Grace Burke returned to hor homo In this city recently from Eure ka, Ark., where sho was confined for some tlmo with typhoid malaria. Mrs. Burko returned with her. Miss Burko had a' severe sick spell and for a tlmo she was In great danger,. However, fhe has now recovered, but Is still very weak. imjms&z&zeztfmms HE'S COMING Mrs. W. II. Diener left Wednesday for Kearney to spend a fow days vis iting friends . Omar E. Garwood of Denver. WILL SPEAK ON SUFRAGE, AUGUST 3rd. In big Outdoor Meeting at North Platte. rjmm