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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1914)
Jl Si Semi-Annual Statement of the . COUX'JT TltEASUJtEH of Lincoln County, Nebraska From Jan. 1st, 101 1 to July 1st, 1011. ALIJJ2KT Dl'JtMX, County Treasurer. COLLECTIONS r Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1914 $107,903.55 To 1900 and prior tax colected 9.78 To 1911 iax collected 108.03 To 1912 tax collected 808.19 To 1913 tax collected 139,379.19 School land principal 3,224.00 School land interest 4,020.43 School land rental ,..-. 2,371.11 Miscellaneous county general 4,921.29 Miscellaneous county bridge 144.75 Miscellaneous Keith & Lincoln county irriga tion 956.00 Redemptions G.526.83 Deposit interest 2,021.02 Fines - 10.00 Fees 258.75 Jo. sale of JBirdwood Bridge Bonds 15,193.41 To state apportionment 8,794.52 To automobile licenses 542.00 To inheritance tax . 219.09 To Road Refunds 517.80 $359,130.34 M f DISBURSEMENTS COUNTY FUNDS County general 22,877.97 Coyote warants 683.00 Commissioners' District No. 1 475.05 Commissioners' District No. 2 1,148.38 Commissioners' District No. 3 875.98 District roads 12,420.05 County bridge 0,114.55 Redemptions 6,914.17 Jury warrants 551.20 Salaries 1,999.92 Special county road . "..... 15.00 Refunds 74.98 STATE FUNDS State general State 25,937.02 university 5,317.53 State special building , 3,280.84 State normal ,.'.,; , 3,718.26 State bridge '. t ..'... . 1,050.62 State school principal ..'...".. '.... 2,0.35.44 State school interest '. .-. . f .vr? ....'. 8,295.99 State school rental -. .,' 5.1G5.50 SCHOOL FUNDS N General ;..,...'. 62,028.98 Bond : 3,067.61 Building 750.00 Special ; , 10.91 High 326.75 ' Judgment : waEKs vMiiK& y ::? A'27 BRlD'GB'DISTRlCTS -. Eureka . Hershey Bostwick IRRIGATION DISTRICTS 60.20 G00.00 240.00 Platte Valley 23,300.00 Suburban Interest and bonds 3,109.00 Suburban general 1,300.00 Keith & Lincwln county interest and bonds 2,049.00 Keith & Lincoln county general 2,120.00 Birdwood general , .1,050.00 Birdwood interest and bonds 732.00 CITY OF NORTH PLATTE General . . . , 2,452.48 Light 1,473.86 Fire department r 2,449.70 Sewer maintenance ; 571.79 bower bonus and interest . 981.00 Water bond and interest '. 1,460.12 Park Library ', Sewer laterals .VILLAGE FUNDS AllU 'UUj-.1, Sutherland Maxwell . Brady Hershey '' Wallace s 242.09 795.74 1,792.64 700.00 750.00 S00.00 72o;oo 300.00 Balance on hand 133.699.S5 $359,130.34 BALANCES State general (overdraft) State university State bridge .-.;.. State special university building . . . State interest State normal school State school land principal State school land interest State school land rental '. County general County commissioners No. 1 , County commissioners No. 2 County commissioners No. 3 County bridges County court houso bond County jail bond and interest County South Platte bridge bonds County funding bonds County North Platte bridge bonds County soldiers' relief County outstanding indebtedness County advertising ; District roads , . . . . Suburban irrigation bonds and interest . '. . Suburban irrigation general Keith & Lincoln county irrigation general Keith & Lincoln county irrigation interest Birdwood irrigation general Birdwood Irrigation interest 37.27 112.24 22.46 100.14 62.04 113.39 3,224.00 0,000.00 479.77 6,022.S7 1,553.70 515.70 245.07 1,180.24 29.68 27.3Q 1.30 5,273.04 700.98 S17.99 4.51 1,068.50 6,294.00 S61.42 797.31 1,433.52 668.60 169.20 474.05 Eureka bridge bonds 2,133.19 Hershey bridge bonds .'.'. ...... . 6,0G0.9G Bostwick bridge bonds 1,658.67 Birdwood bridge bonds 1.866.26 Birdwood bridge construction .M 15,193.41 District school v.V? . 36,075.20 District school bonds : 10,482.30 District school building '. 1,262.57 District school special 78.48 District school judgment (overdraft) 47.76 District school high 6.967.60 North North North North North North Platte Platte Platte Platte Platte Platte general lights water" and fire department sewer maintenance sewer bonds and interest. seweer- laterals North Platte water bonds and interest . . North Platte city park North Platte library 27 .10 .26 .00 .07 395.47 .06 .00" .05 Platte Valley irrigation 2.994.13 Wallace 18.85 Sutherland 141.75 Brady t - 3G.53 Hershey 22.09 Maxwell 92.36 Condemnation ; 123.81 Estray 14.38 Miscellaneous Fees 2,307.63 Fines and licenses 29.50 Special county road 3,413.21 Special county bridge 209.45 Tax sale and redeemption 803.22 Deposit interest .'. 6,764.54 367.49 26.91 70.26 206.23 926.00 Special side walk Coroners Special survey . . . Weeds Jury 133.784.8S Less overdraft 85.03 $133,699.85 I, Albert N. Durbin, Treasurer of Lincoln County, Ne braska, do swear that to the best of my knowledge and be lief, the above is a true statement of all the funds of the Treasurer's office of Lincoln county, Nebraska. ALBERT N. DURBIN, County Treasurer. t J ' STATE OF NEBRASKA County of Lincoln ss. Subscribed, and sworn to before me this 21st day of July, 1914. C. W. YOST, County Clerk. We do hereby certify that the above statement of Al bert N. Durbin, County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Ne braska, is a complete and accurate summary of all his col lections and disbursements as treasurer of said county, from the first day of January, 1914 to the first day of July, 1914. We further certify that each collection has been cor rectly enteredand the vouchers and other items of credit were in proper form and correctly entered and vouchers were received by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the footings were verified by us and found to be correct, and the above statement of balances agrees in every particular with said accounts in' said Coun ty treasurer's general ledger. F.'W. HERMINGHAtTSEN,-- D. B. WHITE. E. H. SPRINGER, County Commissioners. Lincoln County hab-'np bonded indebtedness. ItlcCIuro Lciuck For Wisconsin Hugh McClurc, who has been pitch ing for tho North Platte Independents this month, left Wednesday afternoon for Wisconsin where he 1b employed next year as Instructor of manual training In a high school. McGlure's work has been much appreciated by local fans and ho may rest assured that ho will bo always welcomed In North Platto. Pitcher Bailey of Grant has been secured to take McCluro's place on tho pitching staff. Mr. Bailey Is some spit-ball artist and has also had a succssful career on the mound. Some other changes havo been Hindu In the lineup for the game Sunday with Willow Island. Halligan has beon put back to third and Pierce has beon put on first. Tho boys have beon showing up flno In practise and a fast game is anticipated for Sunday. Some other changes iu the lineup can also bo expected In the near future as some new materlnl has recently been unearthed. Cured of Indigestion. Mrs. Sadie P. Clawson, Indiana, Pa., was bothorod with indigestion. "My stomach pained mo night and day," sho writes. "I would foel bloated ami havo headache and belching nftdV eating. I nlso suf fered from constipation. My daugh ter had used Chamberlain's Tablets and they did her so much good that sho gave mo a few doses of them and insisted upon my trying them. Thoy holpcd mo as nothing elso has done." For Bale by all dealers.. Local and Personal . W. H. Blalock of tho Blalock feed store was offered a position with the Union Pacific company this week. Mr. Blalock was with the company for a number of years and resigned early last spring to go into business for himself,. William II,. Plummer, Mrs.. Ella R. Roberts and Paul Roberts of the Max well vicinity wero visiting in tho city yesterday on business in connection with tho estato matters of tho late Geo. W. Roberts. Thoy were named In tho will ns executors of tho estate and they wore appointed yesterday by the court. Tho Orton-Welngand-Kanauff com pany purchased a large harvesting outllt this week ami nro moving It out to their fields to harvest sweet clover. Tho outfit consists of n 15-30 gas trac tion englno and flvo reapers,. Tho men havo over two thousand acres of sweet clover to harvest and they will run tho flvo reapers together with tho engine. Tho reapers consist of three Dueling binders nnd two of tho old style McCormick reapers. Mutual Building & Loan Association Assets May 1st. 1914, SG13.998.75 To supply the demand for approved loans this association will issue a limited amount of its paid up stock. This stock pays six per cent interest. Interest paid semi-annually. No belter or safer investment can be found for idle money. For SnloMy household goods.,Call at residence mornings, or phono J. F. Claubaugh, 204 W. 2nd St. G3-4 Wanted Girl to work for board and room. Phono black 197. 52t2pd Frank McGovorn returned yesterday morning from Denver where ho went last week for visit of several days with relatives and friends and' to at tend tho Elks' convention. Mrs. Mc Govern and Misses Edna and Allco Sullivan, who accompanied him thoro, remained for a more extended visit. Setero Attack of Colic Cured E. E. Cross, who travels in Virgin la and other southern states, was taken suddenly and sovorely ill with colic. At tho first store ho came to tho merchant recommended Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Two doses of it cured him. No ono should leave homo on a Journey without a bottlo of this preparation. For sale by all dealors. Demonstrating Auto Jloncr A machlno not seen in this section of tho country before, Is bolng dem onstrated today on tho alfalfa field directly west of tho Kenwood park, In tho southwestern part of tho city. Tho machlno is called an auto mower, being a regular mowing machlno op orated by gasollno power. Weighing ubout 500 pounds and run by an eight horso powor englno, tho machlno cov ers about twonty-flvo acros per day at a cost of about sovcnty-flvo cents Tho machine being demonstrated here- carries a seven-foot mower bar, while othors carry an eight-foot. Kearney Hub. WANTED Six men ultli binders and four-horse ton 111s. (hie man -itli references to take charge of the (,'unir.. Address, D. 31. LKYl'OLDT. or Cltf II. L. PENNINGTON. American Rates Lowest in the World Here are the actual prices paid for service per telephone per year in five leading European countries having government ownership, taken from official reports and translated into Amer ican money: Austria 1 24.9G Belgium 39.05 France 28.61 Germany .- ..... 22.69 England 32,60 The average is $29.58 against an average of $30.45 charged by the Bell System in America; but remember, in Austria $1.00 will buy what requires $2.00 in the United States in payment of wages and the purchase of necessities; in Belgium the ratio of prices as compared with the United States is about $1.00 to $2.32, in France $1.00 to $1.48, in Germany $1.00 to $1.50 and in England $1.00 to $2.28. V When the efficiency of the service is consid ered and when the, jjelative cost of producing the service is computed, American telephone rates are by far the oheapest in the world. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY A Matter of Judgment Deacqn Jones' goat 'as king of Jonesville until the railroad came. He had butted everything into immediate flight, from the yellow dbg to the tax collector. The day the first express came tearing in at thirty miles an hour, the goat met the engine "half way.' As the deacon stood thoughtfully amid a "shower of goat remnants" a friend said:" "Well, deacon, what do you think of your t goat now? "Oh" said the deacon, "I admire his courage but -damn his judgment." The man who reasons that all lumber is alike because it LOOKS alike, has several more thinks coming. There is a diff erence in lumber a big difference, as you can readily see by com paring our fine grad6$ih others, yi We refuse to accept any thing from the mariufacturerlftHa'tfs below our high standard of quality, artd when it comes to lumber, shingles, plaster, cement, etc., there's not another yard in these pahs can give you the values that we can. Show your good judgment anyway, by seeing us before buy ing. CiF. Iddings Company, North Platte, Nebraska. IDLE . MONEY For funds that you will not uso for a few Months, we issue Time Certificates of Deposit which bear interest at 4 percent. In this way your funds which are temporar ily idle, can be made profitable. We will be glacT to explain the plan more fully to you, if ybu will call. McDonald State Bank, North Platte, Nebraska. CHAS. McDONALD, President WM. H. McDONALD. Cashier W. E. STARR, Ass't Cashier The Enjoyment of Horn Is not complete to the ono who smokes unless he is a user of oureigara. Our hand made cigars are made of the best tobacco, under sanitary conditions, and are a local product that warrant their'use. If you are not smoking our cigars, try them. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. m: wisi: Secure 11 life policy In the Mutunl Life Co, of Sew York. Let us tell j 011 how dividends nearly pay pre Hilling. UUATT & GOOIttlAS, District Agents-. Wanted A good soaking rain. Ad dress Ax. Farmer, Lincoln county. Lots In Taylor's and Graceland ad ditions are selling every day to people who are building homes. For terms seo HOLLMAN & SEBASTIAN, 51-4 Agents. Mrs. B. S. Hogg is reported quite ill at her homo on South Vino street VI