t . Or i! jl ?! Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year by Mail in advance $1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllce ai Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JULY 21; 1914. Independents Lose to OkiiIiiIIii. Tho Ognlalla aggregation defeated tho Independents at Ogalnlla Tuesday afternoon by tho score of 3 to 1, tho samo score as the first game Tho gamo was lost on errors, Ogalalla not having an earned run, P. Sandall brought across tho ono run for North Platto. Ho went to first on a alnglo and was advanced to second by a sacrifice by Duncan. A. Sandall then came up 'and lined out a good clean lilt, scoring P. Sandall. Throo different times tho North Platto boys had a chance to "tlo tho scoro when they had a man on second and ono on bird, but they were not hitting and tho men wore left on tho bases. Three orrors by Plorco, two by Pass, ono by Rlnckcr and ono by McCluro lot In tho scores for Ogal alla. A chaugo in the lineup was made and the team was strengthened somowlmt by tho change, but somo othor changes will bo made In tho near future. Harold Langford waB put In at short-stop and HalUgan was put In tho field. Langford played a good gamo and with a little moro cx porlonco will mako a good man. McCluro pitched an excellent gamo nllowlng throo hits and striking .out Bovon mon. marlott allowed live hits and struck out ton men. North Platto totaled sovon orors and Ogal alla only throe. Bailey, a pitcher of Grant, was umpire. llesl Diarrhoea Remedy If vou havo over used Chambor Iain's Colic, Cholera and Lfiarrhooa Remedy you know that it Is n suc C0B8., Sam P. Ouln, Whatley, Ala., writes. "I had measles and got caught out in tlio rain, and It settled in my Btomach and bowels. I had nn awful time, and had It not boon for Chamber lnin's Colic, Cholroa and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not possibly havo liv ed but a fow hours longer, but thanks to this remedy, I m now well and strong." Por sale by all dealers,. Only Tlireo Rig Clrcux'S. Thoro aro only three of the circuses of tho first class traveling on tho road today. That Is, there aro only throo circuses carrying three rings In which tho performance Is given. These clr cuses aro the Itanium & Ralley, Tho Rlngllng and tho Yankoo Robinson ' circus. All of tlu'Ho shows have three rlngs.two elevated otag03 and tho usual hlppodrono track where tho races aro run. Tho Robinson circus gives Its Wild West performance In tho hippodrome track. Tho other two shows do not carry tho Wild West ' annex, but give a spoctular perform ance in addition to tho circus. Tho Sioux Palls Argus-Leadoi speaking of tho Robinson circus, states that the performance is on a par with olthor tho Darnum or Rlng llng circus nnd status emphatically that tho present Yankee Roblnoon clr oub will oxcoll tho Burnum show with In a fow years. lliiclmunii Ranch For Sale 480 noroa 1& miles west of Suther land. 120 acres under ditch, 05 acres in alfalfa, 20 acres In boots, 80 ncres dry farming nbovo ditch, 5 acres or chard and grove, 280 acres pasture, all well foncod, good six room house, largo barn, corn crib, granary, chick en houso, hog shed and pasturo, sheep shod, corrals and two good wells, and windmills, Ono of tho best located foedlng ranchos In Llucoln county. Prlco $35 por aero. Would take cat tlo In trade. Terms, one-half cash, balance G por cont. Apply J. N. Bu-, cp chnnnn, 1530 Dotrolt St., Denvor, or D. M. Foyor, Sutherland, Nob., who will ahow tho farm. - Also 1G0 acres 2 miles northwest of Sutherland, 102 acres Irrigated, balauco pasture. Prlco $9,000. 51-0 FOYER & BUCHANAN. Notlco For tho accommodation of patients In and out of tho city, I havo open ed u hospital for tho treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases, This hospital will bo known as tho "Nurso Brown Momorlal." JOHN S. TWINEM, M. D. Manager Mrs. Margaret Hall, Supt. Mrs. Storllng, Graduato Nurso. 1008 West Fourth Street. North Platto, Nebr. IKSURANCi: Aguliiht loss by lire, hull, lightning, tornado nnd windstorm, (Jet the best. Rralt & Goodman write It. Attornoy and Mrs. Albert Muldoon leu yoatoruay morning in tiiolr enr for Saratoga, Wyo., whero thoy will spond throo weoks on an outing nnd fishing trip, Old Wheat Flour WE HAYi: SK(TRi:i SlT.'U'll.NT STOCK Ol' OLD WHKAT TO HUN US UNTIL SKI'TFJIRFR, AND YOU CAN AVOID Till'. USUAL TROUIILK WITH YOUH-RRLAR .MAKING 11Y RUYIXG OUR CP.LF. HRATL'R PURITAN AND 01UOLI. FLOUR 3IAHK FROM OLD WHEAT, AND EVERY SACK .GUARANTEED. RUSH MERCANTILE CO. Local and Personal For SaleTwo good outbuildings. Apply to C03 West Sixth stree. 53-2 Miss Nona Peters of Overton visited In tho city ovor Sunday with Miss Cora h'ouser. J. P. Clabaugh of this city -sold his rosidonco proporty rocontly to Moses McParland. C. P. Strauss of tho McDonald state bank spent Sunday visiting hla par ents in Lexington. Mrs. W. II. Wintorcr of Keystono was visiting friends in the city for a few days this wcok. W. II. C. Woodhurst left Tuosday aftornoon for Horshey to look uftc somo busings natu-rs. Miss Jennie Mltcholl, of Lexington, arrived Sunday and is the guest of her aunt Mrs. M. V. Mltcholl. il.'i per cent discount on nil Cliisollne rniigcs. ,-!j.:i )i:iiimii:itJtY k forrks. T. Roberts of Mnxwoll wiib a vis itor to tho county seat Wednesday calling on friends and transacting bus iness. Cmintv SUrvovor R. L. Cochran spent sovoral days this week In tho Sutherland vicinity looking aftor some county work. Tho Lady Maccabees will hold nn Ice cream social at the I. O. O. P. hall Saturday afternoon, July 25. Every body Invited. Arthur Tramp Is roportcd on the sick list this wcok. Ho has been 111 for somo tlmo and was obliged to go to bed Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Motcalfe re turned this week to their homo In Ov oi ton af tor a visit in tho city with Earl Wlnslow nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Stogoman and daughter Ella loft yostorday morning for Iowa, wlioro thoy woro called by tho death of a relative, Por Rent 5 room house, bath room, collar and pantry. C08 East Fifth street. John Bcnkosky. Apply C0C East Fifth street. 63-2pd Tho MIbscb Bocck of Grand Island arrived in tho city Wednesday evening for a visit of soveral days at tho home of E. T. Tramp and fnnflly. Mrs. E-. C. Grnnnoll rotumed Tues day from a visit of soveral weeks with her parents and othor relatives and friends at Big Springs. MIsb Maymo Plzor Is expected to arrlvo today from Grand Island whore sho visited for Bovornl days with relatives and friends. Earl Sousor of Overton was In tho city a fow days last wook visiting rel atives nnd looking after somo mutters of business. Mr. Sousor Is in tho hurd waro business at Overton. Sanford Hartman left tho first of tho week for Sioux City whero ho will spend soveral days visiting nnd look ing aftor somo business affairs. John Bratt of tho Bratt & Goodman firm loft Tuesday evening for TSlbort county, Colo., to look after somo lnnd intorosta. IIo expects to return homo today P. A. Bernor of Omaha, time-lock oxpoit was in tho city Wednesday and called at the banks to overhaul their timo-loeks and make any necessary ropalrs Dean J. J, Bowkor, of tho Episcopal church, left tho first of the wcok for Omaha wharo ho Spent sovoral flays on church business. IIo expects to return homo today. $1. J. Forbes moved his family Mon thly from his realdcnco on West Gth Btrcot to bin new bungalow which was recently coniplotcd at 910 Weot Fifth street. Will Friend, Porry Cnrson, Henry Wostenfoldt find Chns. Echolborry nt touded tho ball gamo at Ogalalla Tues day aftornoon botwoon tho North Platto and Ogalalla teams. Charles Hondy, Mr. and Mrs. West fall and Mrs. Geo. N. Glbba left Wed nesday for York, whore thoy will mako a visit of aoveral daya with rela tives and friends. Mrs. Glbbs will visit her paronta, Dr. nnd Mrs. J. B. McKlnloy, Mia. Carrie Baylor and daughter of Cuba, IH., arrived In tho city thla wcok for a visit with Mrs. Baylor's brothe.rs, M. E. and Ucuuon Scott, M. E. Scott wont to Omaha Wednesday to meet them at that placo tind accompany them here. Passenger tralna Nos. 19 and 13 wero very Into Wednesday morning on account of a frolght train being wrecked east of hero and tying up tho trafllc for sovoral hours. No. 13 was ovor four hours lato and No. 19 ovor two houra. Tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Row ley, residing on a ranch west of tho city, was brought to this city this week to recelvo treatment for injurlea bus talnod when ho waa kicked in tho fnco by u horao. Ilia Injuries woro not of a serious nature, but thoy wero never theless painful. Tho county commissioners left yos torday morning for Sutherland and vicinity to look over somo county road mattora. A now road survey la being made this week from Sutherland to tho county lino west and somo con troversy nroso over tho aurvoy and the commissioners went out to settle It. Mrs. Wnltor Kockon ontortaincd tho Club Novlta at her homo Wednesday and a pleasant afternoon was report ed. A largo number of tho members woro presont and tho aftornoon was spent with kenslngton and other so cial diversions,. At tho closo of the afternoon nlco refreshments wero sorved. Miss Esther Linberg of Sidney ar rived in tho city this wook for a visit of a fow days with Miss Marjorie Den. Lost Tuosday ovening between the Baptist church and oxperlment sta tion gontlemnn's gray Bweater. Re turn to this office. , Justice of tho Peace P. II. Sullivan filed his petition recently with tho county clerk asking that his name be placed ont ho primary ballot as candidate for county Judge. He had many moro than the required number of signers under tho now law requir ing tho candidates for this ofllce filing for olllcc by petition ns non-partisan. William L. Chausseo of Sutherland filed nn affidavit for replevin Wednes day in tho county court agaln&t John McNcol of that village. He alleges that ho is the owner nnd entitled to Immediato possession of certain des cribed property which Is now held by tho defendant. The proporty described is n gas engine, a washer, a mangel, shafting, tubs, etc. Charles Boguo returned Wednesday from Donver and othor points In Colo rado whero he spent two weeks on a trip. He attended the Elks' conven tion at Denver and also visited othor points. IIo loft yesterday morning for Omaha to lopk after some Union Pa cific buslnoss. Ho Is on the grievance committee for the engine men. P. L. Mooney, Ralph Alden, Ray C. Langford, Y. A. Illnman and Dr W. P. Crook all took their cars and droe a picnic party out to Hall's grove Tuesday evening. They took along plenty of lunch and spent the even ing on tho river bank. The early part of the evening was spent In wad ing and JiiBt before dark a nice sup per was served. Whllo tho rain broke up tho party rather early, a pleasant time was enjoyed by all present Attorneys Muldoon and Halllgan ar gued a caso Wednesday morning be foro Judgo Grimes in tho district court in chambera rolatlve to an In junction suit which was started in tho district couit of Keith county nt the last term. Tho suit is Keith county va. John McConaughy and Is to onjoln tho defendant and certain othor farmers of Keith county from taking down fences along certain public highways. The suit is a tqsf case and whllo It does not seem of any great magnitude it is a case of some importance. ." per cent dNcouut on all Gasoline ranges. .-:j.:i I)i:rryri:rry & roitiws. The caso of Maurice J. O'Conucll vs Thomas J. Long for the collection of a reward ottered the first of tho year by tho defendent was tried Tuesday In tho county court and the Judge do- cldcd In favor of the pluintlft. From tho cvldenco it seems that Mr. Long offered a reward of twenty-flvo dol lars for tho arrest and conviction ot any person wlio iurnisneu intoxlca ting liquor to hjs son, Ed Long. The son wa3 "spiked" at the saloons, but he got liquqor through other parties O.'Connell caused the arrest and con victed olio Will Hunt of the crime and alleged that when ho applied for tho roward the defendant refused to pay It pay R. A case was filed In tho county court .Tuosday afternoon by Walter Fulk and John A. Fulk against Mnblo W, Turplo, Frank Turplo and Neal Tur- plo. Tho caso Is for the collection of $750 damnges with interest nnd costs which tho plaintiffs allege to be due them for injury to a wheat crop thoy had sowed. They claim that a tract of land wa3 leased by the defendants in tho yeni' 1012 for a term of tlireo years and that they had a sub-lease and that In tho tsrtr of 1913, they, with tho ndvisomont of the defendants, sowed seventy-five aeros of fall wheat which they wero to ralso on shares That early In the year 1014 tho de fendants leased tho ground to other parties and that tho other parties disced up tho wheat and left them with no crop. GHIIAT BARGAINS IX CITY LOTS Also nice homes, impnned farms mid farm land. Small pnjmcnt down. BRATT k GOODJIAIN. Kotlco Owing to tho popularity and great demand for Homeopathic treatment, and requiring nsalstanco, 1 wish to announco to my friends, old and now, that I havo Induced my classmate, Dr. S. J. Richardson of Pcmborvlllo, Ohio, to locnto In North Platto in an inde pendent practico, and he will also look after my work during any tem porary absenco of myself from tho city. Respectfully yours, tf DR. J. S. TWINEM. a safi: ixvi:st.mi:nt Our 7 per cent and S per cent senii annual Interest ilrst mortgage loans ranging In sums of fciloU.OO and up wards. ..Nothing better nor safer for jour Idle money. See BRATT & GOOIWAX. ORDEK OP IIEAKING. Tlio State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss. In tho County Court In'tho matter of tho estate ot Jacob Meyer, licensed. To the creditors, helr. legatees and others in terested In the estate of Jacob Mcer, Take notice, that Karl Urodbeck has filed in tho county court, n report of his doings ns ad mlntstrator of said estate, and It Is ordeied that tho samo stand for hearing the 11th day of Aug. A, D. 1914 before the Court at the hour of 9 ociock, a. m.. at wmen tlmo any person In terested may apptar nnd accept to and contest tho same. Notice of this proceeding and the hearing thereof Is ordered ah en to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho North Platto Tribune, a semi-weekly news paper printed In s id county for three consecutive weeks prior to said date of hearing. Duted July 10th. 1014. jil-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. Ily virtue of an order of salo Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said couit wherein Robert T. Durnett Is plaintiff and Samuel A, Thomas, et. al are defendants, tmd to me directed 1 will on the 22nd day of Aue, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east frontdoor of the court house In North Platte. Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to tho blithest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, the follossing described property to-svlf. Southwest Quarter (SWU1 Section Fou (41, In Township TweUe (I2, Ranuo Thirty. Four 131), west of the 0th P.M.Lincoln county, Dated North Platte. Neb., July 20, 1914. J21.6 A. J. SALISUURY. Sheriff. Political Announcements t.i For Stale Senator. I hereby announce myielf a candidate for the nomination. for (.State Senator. 25th district, D a waon, , Lincoln and Koith counties, pubjacl to the will of the Republican yoterajjit tho primary election, August 18, l'JH. D. W. DOUTIIETT, Overtoil, Nebraska. For Rcjresnlalive. 1 resnactfullv announce myself ns a candidate for tho republican nomination for representavcaMfm the legislative district compos&d,oi Lincoln county," subject to the 'decision of the voters nt tho August primary Scott Reynolds. 'V V .For Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for tho republican nomination for tho of flco or sheriff, subject 'to tho action of tho voters nt tho primary election on" August 18th. A. J. SALISBURY'. For County Clerk I' respectfully announce myself aa a candldato for tho republican nomina tion for county clerk 'at tho primary oloctton on tho 18th May of August, 1914. ' C. W. YOST. i County Treasurer. I hereby announco myjelf ns a candi date for the republican Wiomination for county treasurer, subjeciJto tho decision of the voters at the August primary. Al-UERfN. Duiuhn. 3. ' For County Commissioner. I heieby announco myself as a candi date for the republican nomination for county commissioner from tho Second district, subject to the decision of the voters of the primary election. E. H. Springek. Brady, Nebr. I respctfully announce that I am a candldato for tho republican nomina tion for county commissioner from tin Second district and will appreciate the support of the votors at tho primary election August 18th G. A SCHRECONGOST, Vell Precinct I hereby announco myself a can dldato for nomination for Count commissioner of Lincoln conntv from tho Third district on tho domocratlc ticket subject to tho pri maries on August 18th. D. D. WHITE I hereby announco myself as a can dldato for the republican nomination for county commissioner from tho Third district, subject to tho deciaion of the votera at tho primary election. D. M. LEYPOLDT. I heteby announce myself n candidate for the democratic nomination for the county commissioner for the second district, subject to the deciaion of the voters at the primary election, and most respectfully solicit ycur support. J'. D. KELUHER, Maxwell Precinct. I hereby announce that I have filed for tho republican nomination for county commissioner from tho Sec ond District, and respectfully solicit your support at tho primary election August 18th. D. WIACOMBER. j. For County SnperenJenL I hereby declare myself a candidate for the oilico of County Supterintcn- dentTjf Lincoln county, subject to tho win ot tlio democratic voters in the primarien August 18th. WILLIAM E. TOOLE, I hereby unuouncc myself as candi date for nomination for county super Intondont of Lincoln county on the dem ocratic ticket, subjoct to the August primaries. Blancheox. Having been requested by my frlonds throughout tho county to file for county superintendent of Lincoln county, I have flleil my application to havo my name placed vupon the prl mary ballot on tho democratic ticket, and will apprcclato tho support ot tho votera at tho prlniaryolectlon. MILDRED A. OLSON. County Snncjor I hereby announco my candidacy for the nomination for County Sur voyor, (second term), subject to tho wish of tho democratic electors at tho primaries August 18th. It. L. COCHRAN. County Judge I hereby announco that my name will bo presented at tho primaries to bo hold August IS, 1914, for nomination for tfto olllco of County Judgo, under tho non-pnrtlsan Judiciary law, and havo filed tho petition required thore- undor. If nominated and elected I am prepared to glvo up tho practico of law and dovote my time to tho olllce, carry ing out tho spirit as well aa tho letter of t'v '"V. GED. E. FRENCH. Dop't allow your dairy cows or horses to n,r,l from flies or mosquitos uurinc ' it summer months. Use Dr. Iless a Fly Chasor. For sale at at the Rexall and Nyal drug stores, tf is The Market Season. i After the Inmost the season of marketing life grain mid produce. The mnrkft season makes' the sen Ice of u bank liupcrnthc. The Pliitte Vnllcy Stntc Hnnk it III sene jou during the -linn est sea son will assist j on in marketing jour, nionej requirements or mhlsc ou In iiinklng temporary or long time In U'stiilents. Vou me linited to make use of the tnrlcil nnd excellent sen Ice this bank places nt jour disposal. f Platte Valley NORTH PLATTE, III I 4 Per Cent Interest SsSKWCT :UMllim -ft X &$ 7 II T- -. m'n , "I-VL ,"t JTUt-5I 3 Rings. 1000 People 2 Trains o Cars. 2 T'l-"!'"' ''""" ?-.,., uiij capt, buck's 20-PERFORAUNG SEA GREATEST RIDING SHOW EVER EIUI8ITED Q) INCkUOtNQ ALBERT DAVENPORT, Chimplon Direback Rider of the World. FRED and BESSIE C0STELL0, World Chimrlon Jockey Kldcrj. MARIE DAVENPORT. ANO MIIfc.MIN.NIE SWEENEY, AcMltwIedced Cham pion Lady Principal Equestriennes. RALPJ-IJOWSCn, Ervrjand't Famous jw! &vfeggggnapnaapgq 1 1 1 iwsmiiiiiuiii r fTfhiinTii nn i min ! mi i fitsifTnl '. ) f I. Jfii i It l4yvv A it J 300-REAL CIRCUS ARTISTS-300 50-Rfe'AL FUNNY CLOWNS-60 10-ROYAL TOKIO JAPANESE-10 "CLACK DIAMOND," THE BALL-ROOM HORSE Ross Ashcrall's High-School Corses FAMOUS WIZARETTE WIRE FAMILY r(wl (j Q "largest Deast thai LARGEST ELEPHANT 3 ON EARTH. LARQER THAN JUMBO. "Alice," The Famous Bear Girl THE PARADE TELLS THE STORY v " wJveoIiTfiTHm5??; EXHIBITED UmSmr& YANKEE tfJB&&Z'MtL. .&SS&a ROBINSON. TuoTo feslsSij rlisilsS THE Kg o o 6 t- rr; -7 brute ss3lo o o o o 0 ' , ''1, THAT ..-0.iJ 1 m.tAr-S THE EARTH. 10 KEEPERS TO SMS''SS SnX 10 KEEPERS TO GUARD HIM. ,CZjQ.irfef5l( X' GUARD HIM. t. at - " "- sii s J Yankee Robinson. Texas Dill Kongo, The Lsrireet Clephans on risrth, The World's Oreatest tisrebsck Riders, Including Albert Davenport, I'red and Ueole Costello, Msrle Dasenrort, Mile. Sweeney, Ralnh llowser. Ross Aslicratt's Illnh-School llrrses. Cspt. Duck's Sea Lions. Pauton's Zouaves, together with JOO Circus Artists, Cowboys, Cowgirls. Cossaclts. Indians, Mexicans Dull riichters, and the Oreatest Bunch of Ducking Droncos ever Exhibited, gj Two Shows -Circus andoWHd Wast Fop One Admission WILL POSITIVE!. EXHIBIT RUIN OK SHINt NORTH PLATTE Wednesday, July 29 Stability, Efficiency and Service Ilnvo heon tlio Factor's in tho growth of tlio f ,., s I ' TV ' i' 1- . TWT . $& rirsc in aaonai panic, v - of - v s XORT1I PL,ATTB, XBBRA.STCA. , Vv . .s K CAIJTAJv AXD SURPLUS: ' OneHundred and Fity'Thousand Dollars. mn i X State Bank, - - NEBRASKA M on time Deposits. -jy CANVAS EVER CONSTRUCTED Herds of Elephants. 300 Circus Artists. .xicnsc3. oeais tor iu,uw reopie LIONS-20 "YNSi"r.!e.,M" TEXAS BILL'S WILD WEST INCLUOINO OKLAHOMA DAN, Champion Cusklnir Rronco Rider of the World. MOUNTAIN NELL Champion PllliShot of the vsorld. ORIGINAL DEADU00D STAGE COACH. One Hundred People In a Thrllllnir Spectacle "THE HANGING OF TnE nORSE THIEr." A Real. Genuine Western Story. Slout Indians. Cossacks. Mexican Bull fighters. AND THI Crratest Dunch of Bucking Broncos ever exhibited. WalksLarger than Jumbo Finest Horses Ever Exhibited 101 STARTLING NEW FEATURES FOR 191 : 1 Tk 1 ftUjg if J i n 4 A X. l Ol