The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 14, 1914, Image 4

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Djd you ever stop to consider the fact
that the fitting and adjusting of eye
glasses is an exact science?
Correct work" requires painstaking
effort and a scientific knowledge of the
eye, attained only through years of study
and pratical experience. Our examining
optician, is fully capable of Suiting the
most difficult cases. We guarantee
absolute satisfaction in every instance or
money refunded.
S OR. 0. It. CRE5SLER. Z
S Graduate Dentist. S
Office over the McDonald
Z ' State Bank.
Town and County News
The Presbyterian ladles will hold
nn exchango noxt Saturday nt tho
Schatz store.
Tho Mothodlst Aid society will
meet with Mrs. Boatman Thursday
All trimmed and untrlmmed Pana
mas at greatly reduced prices from
July 15th to August 2nd, at tho Wil
cox Department store.
P. J. Norton, foreman of tho Union
Pacific shops, loft Sunday ovening
on tho Elks' special for Denver to at
tend tho convention this week.
Miss Floronco Banks of Lexington
arrived in tho city Sunday for
a visit of a fow days with MrB. W. A.
Tannor, Mrs. Harry Mooro and other
friends. ' - - '
"Mrs. B. P. Parkor of llawlins, Wyo.,
arrived In the city yesterday morning,
called hero by tho serious Illness and
death of hor sister, Mrs. Clarence
W. A. Tannor of Lexington spent
Sunday visiting In tho city with his
wlfo and hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
T. Redmond. Ho returned to Lexing
ton yesterday morning.
Tho Royal Neighbors will hold a
lawn social noxt Saturday evening
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Abel,
cornor of Fourth and Locust streets.
Tho public is cordially Invited.
Arthur Donnegan of this city left
Saturday ovonlng for Donvor whoro
he will bo joined by his slater, Miss
Mabel, and thoy will go from there
to tho coast whoro thoy will spond a
month on a vacation trip.
W. R. Cahlll, superintendent for tho
Union Pacific company nrrlvod in tho
city Sundy aftornoou to look after
business at this terminal. Ho left
yesterday morning with his special car
attached to No. 93 up tho branch on a
tour of inspection.
' A special train of thirteen coaches
passed through this city Sunday even
ing carrying Elks to tho convention
at Donver. Thero wore three cars
of Elks from Pltsburgh, and ono car
from Columbus. Yostorday morning
another special of six cars passed
Tho Harcourt & Jonson storo Is
completing their ro-arrangemont of
fixtures and thoy havo added a great
many now Hxture3. Tholr store Is
now very up to dato and Is nicely nr
rnged. A now circular show case
was received this wook and Is now In
stalled In tho front of tho store. It
Is u solid oak caao and Is a groat ad
dition to tho fixtures. Tho shipping
weight cf It was seventeen hundred
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Ilnvo boon tho i?iotois
in tho fjroivtJi of tho
First National Bank,
One'Hundred and Fifty .Thousand Dollars.
Mrs. T. V. Austin left Sunday even
ing for Sabotha, Kansas, where she
will make an extended visit with Mr.
Austin's relatives.
T. H. Williams of Omaha, repre
senting tho Mutual life Insurance com
pany arrived In tho city yesterday
morning for a visit at the office of
Bratt & Goodman.
Miss Margaret Fredericks of tho
Tramp dry goods department Is en
Joying hor annual vacation. Miss
Tllllo Neubort is taking her placo
during her absence.
Peter Peterson returned Sunday
from Dalton, Nob., where ho visited a
brother for a weok. He alsojooked
around In Alliance and Goring.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mamm of Hy
annls arrived In tho city Sunday for
a visit with Dr. Marie Ames. Thoy
wore en route to Lincoln to make a
visit nd stopped off hero for a short
visit. Thoy left for Lincoln yesterday
Miss Elslo M. Johnsbn of this city
has nccoptcd a position In tho McCook
city schools for tho coming year. De
partmental work Is to bo Introduced
thoro in tho grammar grades, but as
yet no assignment has been received
by Miss Johnson.
A caso entitled tho state of Ne
braska vs. C. B. Schleicher was filed
yesterday morning In tho county
court. Col. Wm. Beatty of Brady Is
tho complaining witness and ho charg
es Schleicher with trespassing on tho
stock ynrds grounds and damaging
property to tho extent of $10.
Rov. Geo. L. Freoborn of McCook
arrlvod In tho clly last weok and spent
Sunday horo visiting Dean and Mrs.
J. J. Bowkor. Ho preached tho sor
moi at tho Episcopal church Sunday
Morning. Ho left yesterday morning
for Lexington and points In tho east
ern part of tho state.
George E. French filed his petition
yesterday with tho required number
of slgnors, asking that his name bo
placed on tho primary ballot as a can
didate for county Judge. Tho other
men In tho Hold for this olllco are at
torneys Losllo Basklns of this city
and Robert Beatty of Brady Island
.and Justice P. H. Sullivan.
Word was received horo Friday
from Frank Welngand of Omaha tell
ing of his having an accident and
breaking his right ankle. Ho was
out on n picnic excursion Sunday and
was picking wild flowers. In some
way ho slipped and broko ono of tho
bones In his nuklo which will lay him
up for sonio time. Ho wa3 formerly
of this city and Is now a member of
tho I. 0. 0. F. hero.
Tho garnishment case of Calvin L
Watklns vs. 0. W. Phillips et al was
brought boforo .fudgo Grant yester
day morning on a petition of Inter
vention filed by I J. Brooks In whlcli
Mr. Brooks claimed that ho Is half
owner In partnership with Mr. Phil
lies and that money held by Dr. L.
C. Drostwho is tho garnishee In tho
case, Is part his and that It Is not to
bo used to sottlo tho porsonul uccounts
of tho dofondant. Ho also paid all the
debts of the partnership and holds the
property for his Hen. .
- i
Willi llic KoWiison Circus
A Kip l'ropoHllIon to Feed (ho Army
With tho Yankee RoblnHon circus
and Texas Hill WiltLvVest there are
two thousand five hundred meals to
get every day. This enormous task Is
under tho charge of ('apt. W. A. Hund
ley, who has had twenty-flvo years'
oxperlenco with tho shows of greater
character. Ho has breakfast f6r this
army ready at soven In tho morning,
has lunch ready at noon, and at five
In tho cvciipg has dinner ready for
the tired, hungry people of the circus
and Wild West. This establishment
Is then packed away and loaded on tho
cars and at soven o'clock the next
morning, over one hundred miles
away, the captain Is again serving
breakfast to the big army. This show
will exhibit In Xorth Platte, July 29.
Two Guardian Cases In County Court.
Mrs. Jessie DIkeman filed two oasc3
in the county court Saturday In an at
tempt to havo tho guardianship of hor
two minor children given to her In
stead of to Benjamin A. Dlkeraan,
brother to tho father of tho children.
In her petitions she states that her
husband died several years ago and
that ho left to each of the two minor
children, Luclllo L. and Chauncey E.
DIkeman, property to tho amount of
two-ninths of his estate. That he also
appointed in his will Benjamin A.
DIkeman as guardian of the children
until they reach majority.
Tho will made provision for tho care
and education of the children from tho
estate, but Mrs. DIkeman prays for
tho guardiansh'lp of tho two children
on tho grounds that she Is their right
ful guardian and that they make their
homo with her. She also asks that
provision bo mado whereby she can
have an allowanco from their estates
to assist in caring for them and edu
cating them.
We desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to tho friends and neighbors
for their kind assistance rendered
during the illness nnd nt tho funeral
of our brother, tho late Joseph
Lnndgraf, and to the Knights of Co
lumbus nnd others for the beautiful
floral tributes.
Wm. Landgraf,
Mrs. J. C. Hupfer.,
J. Guy Swopo entertained a number
of clergymen and their wives Sunday
ovening at supper at tho Palace cafe.
Thoso entertnlned were Dean Ware
of Alliance, Rov. Geo. L. Freeborn qf
McCook, Bishop Thomas of Wyoming,
Dean and Mrs. J. J. Bowker, Deacon
ess Stowart, Deaconess Edith Willis
nnd Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swope. -
Tho local team will entertain tho
Elm Creek ball team on the local dla
mond tomorrow nfternoon. The Elm
Creekers are said to be very swift
company, about as fast as any of the
state leaguo teams. McCormlck will
be in tho box for tho North' Plattes.
General Manager Wara passed
through yesterday on routo home from
a trip in tho west. He was too busy
to spend the day in town, but-hopes
to be able to como hero for a day In
the near future.
Henry Rebhnusen, Charloy Hupfer
and son Chnrloy, Arthur Plumer, Dick
Baker and I. L. Bare and son (Leslie
aro making preparations to leave Sat
urday ovening for Ft. Steele, Wyo.,
where they will spend a week fishing
for trout.
Bishop Beechor and family of Hast
ings left Sunday morning for Ognlalla
whero they will visit for a short timo'.
They spent a week visiting friends in
this city.
- - Civ J"i!asS
. 'jzr.-- - - fei t I03L
Now Bring on Your Hot Weather
insure a pleasant, refreshing breeze on the hottest day.
enable yon to work better and rest better.
A WESTINGHOUSE FAN will last many years and
no attention exqept an oiling once a year. The 12-inch
fan operates for one-half cent an
for less than one-fourth cent .
North Platte Electric Company,
C. R. MOREY, Manager,
That Little Touch of Extra Quality
In Bottles 5 Cent
Manufactured by the Star Bottling Works.
Cr Wff H
A Cloer Thief or a Maniac
A stranger was either working the
city Saturday in a very clever manner
or Is a maniac lot looso upon the un
suspecting public Ho callr-d at sev
eral houses on South Locust street
Saturday afternoon and evening In
quiring for n rooming house at 318
b'outh Locust. He was Informed that
thpro was no such place, and different
people who have compared notes have
discovered that ho Inquired tho same
thing at about a half dozen different
About 10:30 in tho evening he In
quired nt the home of S. R. Derryber
ry Just aftor Mr. Dorryberry and his
son had arrived homo on their blcy
clos. Ho came boldly up and did not
notice that nnyono was sitting on the
porch, but evidently had his eyes fixed
on tho bicycles. When he noticed the
people on tho porch he stopped nnd
asked his usunl question. He also
stopped nt tho home of Harry Samel
son and asked the same question and
later In tho evening when Mr. Samel
son went out he discovered that his
bicycle was missing. Tho man was
ovldently sizing up different places
to see what could be found.
Machinery to be Shipped July 18th
M. B. French, who has been in New
York for two weeks on business con
nected with machinery for the elec
tric and gas plant, arrived home Sun
day. Ho says tho first shipment of
machinery will be made from New
York this week, and other shipments
will follow soon thereafter. Plans
for the building are now being drawn
in Omaha, this part of tho work be
ing delayed until tho machinery was
constructed, as tho building will be
made so as to best accommodate the
machinery. The foundations for the
tanks, engines, boilers and dynamos
will be built soon so that this ma:
chinery can be unloaded from tho cars
to tho foundations, thus avoiding the
double handling. It Is probable that
soon after tho first of August con
struction work will begin, and for sev
eral months the North Platte Electric
Co. will be the busiest people In the
A. T. & T. Office to Julesburg
The offices of the American Tele
phono and Telegraph company are be
ing movedt his week from the station
north of the city to Julcsburg, Colo.
This change is being made on account
of their office's being connected with
tho local oiflce and the one north of
the city being abandoned. Fred Sees
by, who had charge of the offlco'liere
will have charge at Julesburg. He
and D. W. Besack, Jr., left yesterday
morning for Julesburg to move the
Shop Team Wins In 11 Innings
The Union Pacific shop team de
feated the Sutherland aggregation,
Sundny afternoon at Sutherland in a
fast fourteen-innlng game by the score
of 8 to 7. The shop men are playing
good ball and the game Sunday was
evidence that they are putting up a
good scrap. The score stood a tie for
several Innings and the locals finally
succeeded In pushing over one to the
good. The batteries were Johnson
and Cockel, P. Haggerty and T. Hag
gorty. About thirty from here went
over to see the game.
Lot Sales Good
Two lots on W. 3rd street to Jos.
Morsch and G. W. Klenk; 1 lots in
Cody 2nd Addition to Ralph Ford and
ono lot to F. H. Fite In the Cody 2nd
Addition, is the record for the last
-the 8-inch residence fan
The Enjoyment of Home
Is. not complete to the one who
smokes unless he is a user of our cigars
Our hand made cigars are made of the
best tobacco, under sanitary conditions,
nnd are a local product that warrants
their use. If you are not smoking our
cigars, try them.
A Matter of Judgment
Deacon Jones' goat was king of Jonesville until the railroad
came. He had butted everything into immediate flight, from the
yellow dog to the tax collector. The day the first express came
tearing in at thirty miles an hour, the goat met the engine "half
way.'' As the deacon stood thoughtfully amid a "shower of goat
remnants" a friend said: "Well, deacon, what do you think of your
goat now? "Oh" said the deacon, "I admire his courage but
damn his judgment."
The man who reasons that all lumber is alike because it
LOOKS alike, has several more thinks coming. There is a diff
erence jn lumber a big difference, as you can readily see by com
paring our fine grades with others. We refuse to accept any
thing from the manufacturers that is below our high standard of
quality, and when it comes to lumber, shingles, plaster, cement, '
etc., there's not another yard in these parts can give you the
values that we can .
Show your good judgment anyway, by seeing us before buy
ing. C. F. Iddings Company,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Local and Personal
Tho temperature Friday was 93,
Saturday 100, and Sunday 98. Not
withstanding this high temperature
nnd lack of rain, corn is standing up
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lierk, Sr., and
daughter Hazel left Sunday for Cleve
land. Ohio, where thoy will visit Mr.
Lierk's brother. They will also visit
Niagara Falls and In New York city.
They will be absent several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Redmond and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tanner leave to
morrow for Los Angeles. They will
go via Denver and will spond several
days in that city attending the B. P. 0.
Elks festivities
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Paterson went to
Denver Sunday night whoro they will
spend a week or so viewing tho pro
ceedings and participating in the en
tertainments provided for visitors and
delegates to the grand lodge 13. P. O.
David W. Macomber living north
west of town has filed for the repub
lican nomination for county commls-.
sloner fromt he second district and
announces that he will make a strong
fight. Ho has been a resident of the
county for thirty-six years, coming
here with his parents when but a
small boy.
Garfield Items
Everybody is harvesting.
Ed Fox made a trip to Stapleton
Miss Barnes of Calaway is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Ray GUI.
Abe Auble mado a trip to Arnold
Mrs. Charley Beckwith of Callaway
who had been visiting relatives for a
week, returned home Friday.
Miss Nellie j Comically of North
Platte, who lid been visiting Lena
Sensol for tho past three weeks re
turned to North Platte Tuesday.
Jim Henry had the misfortune to
lose a horse tho other day.
A surprise party was given by Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Gill last Thursday even
ing on Miss Brnes.
Verna Slver left Saturday for Twin
Falls, Idaho,
John Lelmkhuler lost a fine colt
last week.
Mrs. C. C. Slver returned home Sat
urday after spending tho Fourth of
July with her sister, Mrs. Lucas, of
Myron Auble returned home last
Statement of the Condition
of North Platte Nebraska, on the 30th
ilav of Jnne, 114.
Certificate No, 82.
First mortgage loans
Stock loans
Real eitate oiflce
Furniture nnd fixtures
1 588 2 1 00
4 i IM On
27 731 (4
5M2 75
10 .40 15
9-3 00
1 373 06
152 32
J 633 ff5 V2
J503 551 41
11 50 00
Sh 4.'C 71
7 M
Delinquent intere-"t, preulum and
lines .... . ..
Exrenses anil taxes paid .
Other assets ..
Capital stoik paid up . .,...
Reserve fund
Undivided protltn
Adnnce Interest
683 bid W
t. lircriPift
Ilalance on hand July 1. 1914
lnteret premium-, and
Loans repaid ...
MemLtirahlpaml Tranfer Fees.
Real Estate sold
TauMiiKl Insurance
IS 487 01
10 461 12
57 852 79
402 75
2 fnt n
Total . ... . 3:3 078 19
Loans $17S 500 00
Expense 2 on C3
htnrk redeemed lai 171 iw
Cash on hand in vio is
Real Estjte 27 922 29
Furniture t-2 75
Taxes and Insurance 21529
Total . 323 678 I
State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
I, .'atnuul Goozeo, secretary of tho alioxe
named Association, do solemnly swear that
tho fort-Koine statement of tho coudllioji of
said Association Is true and correct to the
best of my Unowlcdjro and belief.
Samuel Goozek. Secretary.
Subserllied and sworn to before- me this 11 th
day of July, 1(04
1'itANK Hi'Ciianan, Notary Public.
V" " l VoMJrrT7 Ti rr '
I L.
Political Announcements
For State Senator.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the nomination for State Senator.
J 9Kth dlflfirtf rintiTrnM T .1 n J
-w. uiwibk, innouti, unburn iuiu
Keith counties, subject to the will of
the Republican voters at the primary
election, August 18, 191-1.
D. M. Douthett, '
Overton, Nebraska.
For Represntaiive.
1 respectfully announce myself as a
candidate for the republican nomination
for representative from the legislative
district composed of Lincoln county,
subject to the decision of the voters at
tho August primary.
Scott Reynolds.
County Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the republican nomination for
county treasurer, subject to the decision
of the voters at the August primary.
Albert N. Durbin.
For County Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the republican nomination for
county commissioner from tho Second
district, subject to the decision of tho
voters of the primary election.
E. H. Springer, Brady, Nebr.
I heieby announce myself a candidate
for tho democratic nomination for the
county commissioner for the second
district, subject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election, and most
respectfully solicit your aupport.
J 'J. D. Kelliher,
I Maxwell Precinct.
I I hereby announce that I havo filed
I for tho republican nomination for
county commissioner from the Sec
ond uisinci, ami respecuuny solicit
your support at-the primary election
August 18th.
For County Superintendent.
I 1 nereov declare m. 51-1 1 a candidate
for the office of Countj Supterinten-
' dent of Lincoln county, subiect to the
will of the democratic voters in the
primaries August lth.
William H. Toole,
I herebv nnuounee mvself hr enndJ.
1 date for nomination for county Buper--1
intendent of Lincoln county on the dem
ocratic ticket, subjoct to the August
primaries. Blanche Cox.
Having been requested by my
friends throughout tho county to file
for county superintendent of Lincoln
county. I have tiled my application to
have my name placed upon the pri
mary ballot on the democratic ticket,
and will appreciate tho support of tho
voters at the primary election,
Count j Sun ej or
I horeby announce my candidacy
for the nomination for County Sur
veyor, (second term), subject to tho
wish of tho democratic electors at
tV pr'na-'ei August l?tli
V '1