The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 14, 1914, Image 3

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There Are Times When It Is Impos
sible for Farmer to Haul Hlo
Products to Market.
Tho people who groan under the
high cost of living nnd wonder why
necessaries of Hfo like potatoes nnd
cabbages and turnips and apples
should bo rotting on tho farms when
they would bring high prices in tho
cities do not realize tho condition of
tho country roads. When roads aro
bnd farmers experience difficulty In
getting their produco to market. When
roads aro very bad thero aro states
of tho weather in which tho hauling
of heavy wagon loads from farms to
railway stations becomes impossible.
Tho farmer would like to sell what
ho grows. The city dweller would like
to buy It. Doth havo an Interest in tho
building and maintenance of good
roads, providing at all seasons of tho
year available highways botween the
cities and the farms.
Sometimes roads that would be In
fair condition for teaming are cut up
by reckless automoblllsts. Tho wanton
destruction of highways by auto
scorchers should not bo permitted.
Automobile owners as a class havo
ilono much to lmprovo some of the
Yonds, but on the wholo western roads
are a disgrace There must bo aroused
public sentiment In favor of good
roads. Thero will bo when it Is real
ized that good country roads are n
benefit to all classes of the community.
Farmers Profits Are Greatly Decreased
In Various Ways by Neglected
How much do you suppose it costs
you a year to repair- your wagons
and harness on account of bad roads?
How much does It cost you a year for
shoes and clothing that are ruined by
your children wading through tho mud
to school? How much does It cost
you a year for medicine to euro your
children's colds contracted in wading
through the mud to school and church?
How much of n damage a year to
you Is tho mud that prevents your
children from attending school; or
damage to them, rather In the loss
of an education? How much damage
to you aro our bad roads In preventing
your going to market? You aro per
fectly willing to Bpend money in the
buying of reapers and mowers and
other farm machinery. You are will
ing to purchase carriages and har
ness. At tho price potatoes are to
day, one load would bo the average
' farmer's tax for ten years for good
roads At tho end of that time the
!. && f"' V'Mm-!r V
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Striking a Rut In a Bad Road.
roads would be good, and you could
voto to rescind tho law If you wanted
to nnd you would havo your good
roads and no tax for thirty or forty
years, tho balance of your life.
Price le Stickler.
Tho farmer believes in good roads,
but ho doesn't "feel that ho has the
Auto Makes Dlffe.ence.
The road qiwwition looks different t
a man after ho hus bought an auto.
Bring Both Together.
Good roads bring tho producer and
consumer in personal contact.
Good Road Benefits.
Good roads mean good schools; good
tchools good citizenship.
Squab Broilers.
Squab broilers must not weigh over
three-quarters of a pound each; goner
ally a half pound is most acceptable.
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Plowing a Three-Cornered Field Wastes a Great Deal of Time In Turning
Corners and Makes an Awkward Job.
Too, much Importance cannot be
placed upon tho mnliitennuco of till
age. In Its relation to tho profitable
production of small fruits. In the
case of tho newly set strawberry bod,
this work should begin us soon as the
plants are set.
A tool that is almost Indispensable
Is a horse weedcr. This work is start
ed with this tool ns soon us the plnnts
are all in, and wo use it more or less
during the growing senson. One of
tho chler values or this tool is that
the teeth work the ground up closo
to the plnnts, thus doing away with
much of tho weeding and hand hoeing
that is necessary where dependence
is placed upon the ordinary horse cul
tivator. Of course we use a cultiva
tor occasionally to maintain the re
quired thickness of the dust blnhket
for the weeder is but a surface work
ing tool, and when wo commence lay
ing the new plants the use of tho
weeder must bo discontinued until
such time as the rows are filled out
and the plants well rooted. Then tho
Weeder may again be used until culti
vation Is discontinued In tho late sum
mer or early fall.
The maintenance of tillage Is impor
tant from four points of view: Mrst,
moisture conservation. Moisture s ns
Important to the plant growth as 1b
plant food. The presence of an abun
dance of plant food in ii soil will avail
nothing If thero Is no soil moisture
present by means of which this food
may be taken up by tho roots of the
plants and carried to its various parts.
Continuous cultivation secures tho
dust blanket which checks the upward
(low of water holding in the soil and
plant life. Hy this means a newly set
strawberry plantation may be carried
through the severest drought.
As a secondary result of this dust
blanket protection, ideal conditions are
maintained In th.e soil for tho proper
working of tho soil Hfo and that loose
condition of soil maintained so neces-
Not Only Chickens, But Ducks
Produce Odd Feathers Hints
on Breeding and Feeding.
It Ij odd tho strange markings wo
get when crossing most of tho varie
ties of fowls known. Crossing the male
of one breed with tho lions of another
has, In every Instance I have known,
produce a differently marked chick
from that of the chicks produced by
crossing tho hens of the llrst breed
With tho males of the second. For in
stance, crossing a Harred rock male
with a hen of a certain game breed,
you get all barred chicks, but cross
the rooster of tills game breed to
Harred Rock hens, nnd you get all
black. Sometimes in crossing one of
our other common breeds with that
of another will produco penciled fowls
if the rooster of llrst breed is mated
with second, and spotted rooster of
second breed is mated with hens of
tho lrst. Not only this, but tho shape
of tho first may be bulky, whilo that
of the second Is long and gangly.
Ducks, too, show strange markings
when crossed, sometimes tho cross
looking exactly a3 home of our oddly
mu.'kcd ducks that, as far as wo know,
do not enter at all Into the past breed
ing of either cross. Once, in mating
a black top-knot rooster with n
white hen, brred of each then un
known to mo, I produced a white fowl
showing but one black spot, the top
knot eliminated. I used these chicks
male and femule, and Interbred them.
Result, always a white chick with a
black spot somewhere on Its coat ,
uever twice in same place.
Some people like lo lino breed, but
scarcely know how to begin. Lino ,
breeding proper Is simply starting
with, say, a finely Marked lien of tho
standard breed required, and n male
of same requirement, neither In any
wuy related, both picked from vigor
ous flocks. In second year, the pullets
of this mating aro bred hack to their
elre, and tho best marked and nenrest
to the standard cockerel, back to tho
mother. This should be kept, up until
tho fourtli year, each year breeding
back tho last-year stock selected as
your breeders to this llrst pair should
they live bo long, and usually they
will If cared for nright. After tho
fourth year you havo now two distinct
lines from which you can select your
breeders at will, keeping of course
sary to the freest and fullest root de
velopment. Uy tho snmo means soil aeration Is
also preserved. Thorough work in the
maintenance of tillage also prevents
weed growth. Weeds in a strawberry
crop are In every boiisc robbers. They
rob tho plants of food, moisture, air
ami sunshine. It Is possible, too, that
the question of kinds of weeds acts
ns poison to strawberry plants. Weeds
should bo kept out of a strawberry
bed becauso of tho appearanco of
shlftlessncss their presence thero im
parts, If for no other.
Maintenance of tillage, too, pre
serves that necessary Ideal condition
of soli which causes tho now plants
to root quickly and easily. This Is no
small consideration.
In tho case of strawberries wc aim
to keep about two inches of tho sur
face soil loose, except near the crown.
Hero wo do not stir the soil more than
an Inch deep. In bush-fruit culturo
we cultivate three or four Inches deep,
Cultivation should begin In bush
fruits as soon as the ground can bo
worked up mellow and continued un
til tho berry harvest Is over, tho mid
dle or latter part of August.
A red-raspberry plantation has been
carried through a drought, when no
rain of any oonsequenco fell uftcr
Juno 1 until berry harvest was over,
and, a fair crop secured of fruit and
a fairly good growth of new canes,
too. Without this cultivation the crop
would have been n failuro and tho
growth of new canes inslgnillcnntly
The frequency of cultivation neces
sary to preserve Ideal conditions de
pends upon the nature of the soil arid
frequency of showers. Soils of n clay
nature requlro more and deeper culti
vation than tho lighter sand soils. A
crust should not bo allowed to form
at any tlmo during the growing sea
son, no matter how frequently tho soil
has to be stirred to prevent this.
the breeders well marked so that you
may mate as far out as it Is possible
to In the relationship. This Is for small
yardsr Should tho farmer start line
breeding, with plenty of room at his
command for separato pens and yards,
he can start In with from live to ten'
hens and males as a beginning. From
the breeding stock hatched in this
graded Hock ho should make a special
ty of breeding stock of both sexes for
Protelna, which Is a product of soy
beans, Is now taking tho place of meat
in many western poultry ynrds. Soy
beans are rich in protein. People
often aBk what aro tho meat foods
used in the poultry business? How
must I feed them, nnd how often?
Well, there nro meat scraps, which
may bo flesh or liver, boiled and cut
in small bits. Somo of it is horse
meat, some tho bits of meat left about
any beef shop pork, beef, mutton.
Some of it again is the refuse of chick
ens about the poultry killing Iiouscb.
Next is meat meal, dried blood, dried
fish, fresh cut bono, skim and butter
milk. Meat scraps contain highest
per cent of protein, Somo poultry
keepers feed the animal foods, unless
It may bo milk,- but thrco times a
week, giving each fowl two table
spoonfuls at a meal. Others give this
amount, or half, every day In tho
mash. Milk can safely bo fed every
nay. Some poultry keepers, going In
heavily for winter eggs, keep meat
rcrap In hoppers alwuys before the
hens I. M S.
Look After Borers.
Tho flat-headed borer needs to bo
looked after. Keep trees In healthy
condition and stimulate them to mako
vigorous growth Increasing flow of sap
thut will destroy young larvae GIvo
tieo trunks coat of alkaline wash mado
by dissolving washing aodn in water
until no moro will dissolve, then add
to soft soap until mixture is coiiblst
ency of paint; apply with whitewash
Working tho Colt.
If colts are of good slzo, and es
pecially those belonging to the draft
clabs, they may do some light work
vory soon after being broken.
Damago by Worm.
Tho currant worm Is likely to dam
age your currant and gooseberry
busliGB if you don't watch out.
"Follow-Up" System.
The follow-up" system In tho or
chard means to follow one cultivator
with another.
Indicates Marked Reasoning Powers
In His Actions Regarding
Many Things.
London. "It is surprising what tho
Eound of a knifo boing sharpened on
a stono will do," onyo a correspond
ent in Country Life. "My cat, Nimrod
(so called In tho hopo that tho mnntlo
of his biblical namesako might fall
upon him), hu3 a kan ear for that
sound and associates it with tho cut
ting up of meat, henco his attendance
is necessary at that function. Even
tho fnct that tho back door Is shut
does not stop him. Ho springs up
i , '
Nimrod Opening the Door.
and holds the handle with one paw;
with tho other ho rattles tho latch un
til ltis free and the door swings open,
and Nimrod has arrived. I was for
tunate enough to catch him in tho
act, and tho photograph shows him
at work. I cannot arguo that anlmalB
reason or that they do not. 1 can
only produco evidence of tho fact that
my cat wants to gat in, and, in tho
words of tho lato G. W. Steevens,
'Knows what to do How to do It
Does it.' "
French Landowner Brings Suit to
Keep Air Machines 600 Feet
Up Asks Damages.
Paris. Can tho air bo considered
privnto property? This Is tho ques
tion which tho tribunal of Sclno Is
called upon to answer. A landowner
named HcurtoblBc. whoso property Is
nenr tho "Due Aerodrome, Is Bulng tho
Farman Brothers, tho Horel Aeroplnno
company, nnd Robert Esnnult Pelterlo
for idnmnges for allowing aeroplanes
to coino over his property.
Since the conquest of the air, said
his counsel, Reno Knbro, tho hares and
partridges, with which tho estate was
well stocked, havo been frightened
nwny by tho roaring of motors and
aeroplanes, his fleld3 have been cut
up, and his crops damaged by tho In
expert descents of beginners.
Ho was afraid to walk In tho
grounds for fear at being crushed.
Tho blrdmcn who hung over his head
wcro a worso torturo than tho sword
of Damocles.
His client did not claim tho air up
to and including the empyrean realm,
but basing himself on nrtlcio B&2 of
tho civil code, which specifies that
man is master above and below the
surface of his land, lib asked that aero
planes should be compelled to remain
nbovo a minimum height of COO feet.
Tho caso was adjourned.
Has Vision That Husband Has Broken
a Leg He Meets With
Allentown, Pa Spurgeon A. Weston,
nn Allentown nowspnper man, has
ofton related remurkablo instances of
mentnl telepathy between him and
his wife. A few evenings ngo Mrs.
Weston awoko witli r- start from n
dream that his leg nad been broken.
VVithin ten mlnutea a tnxi stopped
at the door and ho alighted, lamo. A
doctor found a fractured ankio, suf
fered when Mr. Watson missed a mov
ing trolley car.
Wife's "Damn" Shocks Husband.
Now York. In her suit for separa
tion Mrs. William H. Kendall declared
that her husband threatened to throw
her out of the house because dio cried
"damn" after sho had hurt her finger.
World to Eat Less Meat.
Nov York. Tho city health depart
ment 'has warned all persons ovor
forty to eat loss n-oat, declaring It Is
largely to blamo for tho increased
death rate In porcons over that age.
" v mvK 'And feel, your thirst slip g
il away You'll finish refreshed, m
cooled, satisfied,
P? fc Onaiad the tnli r full name .8?
QqM Ik. KIcknimel enconuse (ubultullon. f
jl W THK COCA"COI'A CF wbfnerrr
KS 2fe ATLANTA, OA. mr roo ice in
1 Tji 52 rfjjP Ariow think
Advice of Physical Director to Tired
Business Men About to Take Va
cation Worth Heeding.
Business men nbout to start on their
summer vacations aro ndviscd to read
dime novels, smoko cornsllk cigarettes
u:id act like "kids" again, by Dr. Louis
It. WellBmlller, physical director of tho
West Side Y. M. C. A. of Now York.
His prescription for tho rejuvenation
of business-worn incmbora of tho as
sociation has been posted all over tho
association's building, it rends:
"Korget your dignity, tlnow nway
your staldness, and bo a kid again
a wholesome, fun-loving, bplstorous
dime-novel-reading kid during your
vncatlon. Many of you men, when
youngsters, used to think it great fun
to tiuenk'out behind the barn, with a
cigaretto mado of cornsllk und brown
wrapping paper. It won't hurt you to
try tho same thing ugnin. You won't
be nble to smoko enough to hurt your
self, and lucre's no danger of con
tracting tho foniBllk habit.
"Dhno novels mako good summer
rending. They are next to tho Diblo
for vacation rending, but take tho 111
hie along, of course. Many great men
rend Nick Carter, Jcsbo James and
llko wrltiugB for relaxation. Most of
you men havo como to Now York nnd
liavo mado good. Help yourselves to
mnke good ugnin next winter by be
ing a boy on your vacation."
Give Young People Useful Work.
Tho boy or girl who is given somo
useful work to do at homo Is helped
to realizo and to enjoy tho responsi
bility of doing the task and doing It
well and Is thus gaining In character
building. It may be that a boy is ex
pected to keep a yard in order, go on
errands, or relievo somoono of care;
or that n girl is required to attend
to somo household tasks, to dust a
room, or keep a desk in neat condi
tion, nrrango flowers fur tho table, or
make n dainty dessert. LUtlo things,
faithfully dono, help to form habits of
neatness, duties may seem small, but
they aro Important beginnings.
i Postum Knocked Out Coffee- Alls.
There's a good dcnl of satisfaction
nnd comfort in hitting upon tho right
thing to rid ono of tho varied and
constant ailments caused by coffeo
"Ever sinco I can romombcr,"
writes an Intl. woman, "my father
has been a lover of his coffee, but tho
continued uso of It so nlfectod hla
stomach that ho could scarcely eat at
times. ,
"Mother had coffeo-headacho and
dizziness, and if I drank coffeo for
breakfast I would tusto It all day and
usually go to bed with n headucho.
"Ono day fattier brought homo a
pkg. of Postum recommended by our
grocer. Mother mado It according to
directions on tho boj; and It Just "hit
tho spot." It hnB a dark, seal-brown
color, changing to golden brown whou
cream Is added, and a snappy tasto
similar to mild, high-grade coffee, and
wo found that its continued uso speed
ily put ail end to all our coffeo ills,
"That was at least ten years ago
and Postum lias, from that day to
this, been a standing order of father's
grocery hill.
"When I married, my husband waa
a great coffeo drinker, although ho
admitted that it hurt him. When I
mentioned Postum ho aaid he did not
liko tho tasto o'f it. I told him I
could malco it tasto all right. Ho
famllcd and said, try It. The result
was n success, ho won't havo any
thing but Postum."
Name given by Po3tum Co., Dattlo
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wollvlllo," iu pkgs.
Postum now comes in two forms:
Regular Postum must bo well
boiled lGc nnd 2Cc packages.
Instant Poetum is a solublo pov
dor. Mado in tho cup with hot wa
terno boiling 30c and GOc tliiB.
Tho cost per cup of both kinds Is
bout tho snmo. "
"There's a Reason" for Postum,
Hold by OrocerB.
Vo tnnnufneturo tho cclebrnted Cali
fornia Keiluooil tanks. They noltlior
nlirliiK nor swell and cannot rot. Our
tanks are held In perfect shupu by at
patented appliance, not round In nny
other tank made Redwood tanks
havo liecn known to stand 6S yenrs
without decay. Cost no moro thnn
others. Send for price list and men
tion slzo of tnnk wantod.
ATLAS TANK rJ FQ. C0..2I9 W. O.VV. Dido.. Omaha
Just What Transpire When Hectlo
Macazlno Has to Make a Sem
blance of Order.
"First of all, got rid of that barrol
of old stories in which tho principals
got married at tho end of tho last
chapter. Nowadays they must marry
arly and separate, or not marry at
"Throw out tilts adventure story la
which tho man who got shot 'fell back
ward with a groan.' 'He crumpled up'
is tho only form permitted for victims
of guiiBhot wounds,"
"Hero's a wholo halo of MSS. In
which tho characters aro not ullllctod
with dipsomania, nourosls or hook
worm. How enn a healthy person bo
"Ono of our edltorB went color blind
and bought that story with n brunette
heroine in It. Our specifications al
ways call for "sunlit coronets,' or 'hair
of burnished bronze' or 'a divine little
head covered with spun gold.' Eyes
must be 'nzuro pools' or the like. Let
tho ashman read about a blnclc-liuirod
"Out goes this ynvn! It wasn't bo
bad oxcept that tho heroine, when pro
posed to, acted ( like n human being.
Our heroines have got to 'floe llko a
frightened wild thing.' "
Travel-Talk Boreo.
"Now Is tho Benson when all tho
world, just back from Europe, is bent
on boring us with travel talk.
Tho speakor was Mayor Rockwell ot
Akron. Ho resumed:
"Thero aro n number of waye to
shut these travel bores up. A good
way is the Coliseum ono.
"The bore says to you, enthusias
tically: " 'And in Rome I saw tho Coliseum
by moonlight. Uin-m-m, wasn't It
line I '
"'The Coliseum?, you answer, calm
ly. 'Which ono?'
"Of course, there's only one Coli
seum in Roma. Hut the. bore Isn't suro
ubout It, and if there aro two, he
docen't want to expose Ills ignorance
While ho hems nnd haws and stutters,
very red in tho fnee, you easily mako
your escape from him."
Important to Wlothors
Examlno carefully overy bottle ot
CASTORIA.asnfonndsuro romedy fo
Infants and children, and seo that It
Pnnrn Mm m6r
SlBnaturo-rf UloC&C
In Use For Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's CaBtoria
The Last.
"Isn't thero a mystery about the
young fellow?"
"Yes. I understand he Is a mem
ber of an English uriBtocratlc family
who disgraced Ills people."
"What did ho do?"
"Ho went to work."
Every ono from Seville, long famed
us tho homo of tho world's best olives.
Only the pick of tho crop is offered to
you under tho Libby label.
Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickles
Naturo'e finest, put up like tho home
made kind nnd ell your trouble saved.
all Libby's Pickloo nnd Con- p-"5?
dimonte nnd there U real V
economy (ml!
In their use.
Intht on
Libby 'a
M?NeilI &
Intton.U.U. iioolufn. Uliib.
cat Riemioa, JJtet routtk
6 Olives
ii -.