The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 10, 1914, Image 4

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'V'ffltVfrTTOWl U' 1,'J ' ' m. limb u j' j TPtffl ffiiyflffi:
iWMH.wm iwnmmj iiil
V i
In our Department of Leather
You will find the Genuine Seal, Walrus
and Morocco leathers. All the styles in
Hand Dags, Card Cases, Bill Books, Com
hination Card and Bill Books. Yon will
find here a host df little articles almost in
dispensiblc for those who travel, among
them being folding slippers in leather case,
drinking cups, writing solios, traveling
clocks, sewing cases, picture frames, collar
hags, tpjlct cases, etc.
ill he pleased to show )ou.
liHipil Hiilliwi I' l.iilUi ij,..ninii)ini,TWMiull"")'l"" nni). iJ I' .H)"lai,unliiiMr
.h'Jc.-...J yy VA ,v, f-
S DR. 0.
Office over the McDonald 2
a State Bank.
Town and County News.
For Rent Three rooms for light
housekeeping. Inqulr o at COS W.
Fotirth. 49-2p
Dr. Mario Ames loft Tuesday even
ing for Potter to spend n few days
visiting her husband nnd looking af
ter some professional business.
Georgo Andorson of tho Tryon vi
cinity arlved In tho city Wednesday
morning for a visit with friends and
to look after some business mat
tors. Jacob Wilson, of Roavllle, 111., ar
rived In tho city Wednesday for a vis
It of a few days with C. 0. Welngand.
lie and Mr, Welngand wore boys to
gether. Tho llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs. I.
W. VanDornn fell Tuesday and broko
Ms shoulder Ho was given medical"
attention at onco and Is reported get
llns Uoi:g nicely.
Don't allow your dairy cows or
horses to Buffer from flics or inosquitos
during tho hot summer months. Uso
Dr. Hess's Fly Chasor. For sole ut
at the Rexall and Nyal drug stores, tf
Mrs. Frank Bacon, a formor resi
dent of North Platto who now divides
nor tlmo- between Gothenburg and
cities of tho oaat, has been spending
tills week as tho guest of Mrs. II. S.
Henry Waltomath and son Will ro
turned Tuesday from Sioux City, Ia
whore they wont to witness tho auto
mobile races on tho fourth. They say
tho ruccs wcro such as to well repay
thorn for tho trip.
Wanted Competent girl for general
housework. Mrs. Clarence Toliefsen,
Sutherland, Nebr.
.Vlbses Jiesle and Hazel tJm'm rr.
turiinl 'Him today fror.t'l
li.iifT-, I:.. whore they sua.1 u woulc
Vhltlnq rK lives and frltiicta The;
went t t city to spoil tho fourth
and remained for a visit of a few
Roy Ames returned Tuesday even
ing from Wallaco whero ho spent a
fow days vlBltlng friends. IIo went
over to spend tho fourth and remain
ed for a, visit. Ho was caught In a
heavy rain storm and was obliged to
remain thoro.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hormlnghausen
loft Tuesday evening for Hutchin
son, Kansas, called Micro by tho doath
of t. sister to Mrs. Hormlngliausen.
Thoy received a telegram Tuesday
afternoon announcing tho doath of
Mrs. Hormlnghauson's sister.
Tho Saxon car which passed thru
hero a couple of weeks ago arrived at
San Francisco Tuesday, having driv
en the ontlro length of tho Lincoln
highway. On tho trip tho car avor
nged nineteen miles per hour and
inado twenty-soven miles per gallon
of oil.
M. S. Reblinuson, II. J. Robhausou,
E. P. Reblinuson, Hnrry Sawyer and
Henry Schott roturned Monday oven
ing from Maywood whero thoy spent
sovoral days on a llahlng trip. Thoy
expected to return homo Sunday ovon
ing but woro caught In a heavy rain
storm and woro unable to get here.
Thoy report about four Inchos of rain
in tho Maywood vicinity. Thoy also
stated that tho fishing Is very good
in tho Maywood lako. Thoy had a
fine bunch of croppies.
Theodore Todenhoff, William Haw
loy and James Hart lenve Sunday for
Llston's lako on a fishing trip.
Mrs. L. Hastings and children havo
returned from a visit of several weeks
at p olnts In Pennsylvania.
Mrs. James Flynn roturned this
week from Keystono whero Bho spent
sovcral days visiting friends.
Wanted Girl for general housework
Mrs. John Bratt, 312 Wost 4th St. tf
Miss Isabcllc Walker returned homo
this week from Koystono whero she
Bpent several days visiting friends.
M. J. O'Connell roturned Tuesday
ovoning from nn outing of a week In
tho country north of tho city.
Tho ladles of tho Methodist church
will hold a sale of pies and cakes
this afternoon at tho Howo & Mnloney
Xcal Turple, residing south of the
city ona r nnch Is reported quite 111
with asovero case of stomach trou
ble. Miss Freda Hammer, returned home
this week from Sidney" whero she vis
ited for sovcral days with her sister
Mrs. Ahorns.
Sonator W. V. Iloaglnnd spent Wed
nesday visiting In Hongland, whero
ho went to look after somo business
matters and to attend to somo legal
INVEST NO W-Your idlo money will
double? See Clabaugh, real estate, in
vestments. Room 4, Ford garage.
Miss Mildred Barber arrived In tho
city tho first of tho week for a visit
of sovernl days with Mrs. 0. H. Cress
ler. J. C. Den returned Tuesday even
ing from Guernsey, Wyo whoro ho
spent soveral days on a shooting
A suit wns filed Wednesday in tho
county court by C. W. Wtlklns against
Charlos Phillips and F. W. Herber
for tho collection of money alleged
to be due him for board and lodg
ing. F. P. Rebhausen of Dodgo, Neb., ar
rived In tho city last week and Is vis
iting hero for several days with his
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hollman nro ex
pected to arrlvo home In a fow dnys
from Tipton, Iowa, whoro thoy have
boon making an extended visit with
relnttvcs and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McGrow havo
boen onjoylng a visit this week from
tholr daughtor, Mrs. C. II. Simpson,
of University Placo, Neb.
Georgo Poll, of Iowa City, la., was
visiting friends in the city yesterday.
Ho was caled to this part of tho state
by tho death of his father at Blg
ncll. Charles Thomas and Abncr nnd
Sam Mooro of tho Dickons vicinity
woro visiting in tho city tho first of
tho week with friends and transact
ing business.
Mrs. It. B. Boatman entertained at
a komilngton Tuesday afternoon in
honor of Mrs. F. T, Redmond and Mrs.
. A. 1 minor who nro to lcuvo soon
tor t'allfornla. Tho afternoon wa3
delightfully spent with various di
versions and nice refreshments woro
Minor Hinmun, J. II. McDonald, B.
H. Kvnns, James T. Kcefo and Loron
Sturgos roturned Tuesday from
Sioux City, whoro thoy spent the 4th
taking In tho big automobile races.
Thoy mado the trip In Mr. McDon
ald's "six."
Wanted Lnily wants position, host
of references. Phono C13. 19-p
0. P. Fast, an extonslvo farmer of
the Sutherland vicinity, was In the
city Wednesday looking nftor some
mattors of business. Ho reports
crops In fine condition In the Suther
land vicinity and stated that nearly
all of tho farmers had harvosted tholr
fall grain. Ho stated that ho has 70
acres of wheat and 30 acres of ryo
that are exceptionally good. Ho ex
pects the wheat to throsh out about
13 burials to the aero.
(.'hint Put L'p (Jood Scrap
Tho North Platto Indcjendents lo- j
fcatcd tho Hershoy Giants Wednesday
by thea coro of G to 5 In tho fastest
and most exciting game of tho soa
Bon. The gamo started out in good
style nnd up until the, first half of
the soventh inning. It was very close
nnd was real baseball. Korth Platte
scored one In tho third nnd ono In
tho sixth nnd It looked as though the
Fame was to bo a shut out for the
Hershoy boys. In tho seventh inning
tho balooii went up when Bockor hit
a single to loft. The next man up
whiffed nd tho next ono filed out
nnd then there woro three hits in
succession, which coupled with two
wild throws gave tho visitors four
scorcB. -
In the last half of the Inning tho vis
itors experieced the stuuo aerial
lllght and tho IocnlH camo over fpr
the same amount, loavlng the score
G to 4. The gnmo then settled down
ngaln to a real game and thero wore
no more scores mado until tho ninth
when tho visitors pushed ono ovor
and got a man on third. However,
there were two out nnd tho next
man fouled out to Bullard, leaving
tho score G to 5.
This waa the first gamo the Hersh
oy Giants havo lost and It sure enough
raised tho opinion of tho local .man
for their baseball ability. All the
men hit strong nnd they do some
good fielding. There wore only two
errors In tho gnmo and thoy were both
by the visitors.
North Platto secured 10 hits off
Bcchan nnd the visitors secured nine
off McClure. McCluro hit two men
nnd sruck out nine and Bechan
walked two men and struck out ten.
Tho locals mado one double play,
fly to Halllgan to Rlncker, and Dun
can got one two baso hit. The bat
teries woro McCluro and Pnss, Be
chnn nnd McConnell; umpires Keefe
and Mnhaffey.
Railroad Notes
Xotlce to Prospective Tenants.
..I am about to begin tho construc
tion of a two-story brick building on
Locust Stroct, 44x80 which will be
modern in all particulars,. Tho sec
ond lloor will be fitted for office rooms
or a rooming house, and tho first floor
will bo mado Into ono or two rooms
to suit t nnnt. Thoso desiring to lenso
either first or second iloor rooms or
tho wholo building will please call
and see me.
Rojnl Neighbors Visit Sltmtcll.
Fifteen, members of the local camp
of Royal Neighbors went to Maxwell
Wednesday evening to visit tho camp
thoro. They wero met at the depot
by members of the Maxwell enrnp
and wero escorted to the hall where
a pleasant ovoning was enjoyed. The
regular meeting was held first, after
which a large table was spread nnd
nlco refreshments wero served the
visiting members. Each visitor was,.
presented with a frtn by J. w. Fetter,
tho druggist at Maxwell, after which
thoy voted the Maxwell people royal
entertainers and-left for their .homes,
An Invitation was also oxtended to
tho Maxwell camp to attend the lawn
social which will be held by the local
catnp on July 18th on the lawn of
Albert Abel.
Railroad Army Reduced
Tho Wall Street Journal has taken
a poll of tho railroads In the United
States and finds that thirty-four roads
had a total of 1,023,330 employes on
May 1st, 1D14, as compared with 1,
142,803 on May 1st, 1913, a decrdnso
of 119,557 during tho twefVe months
This rcllccts tho condition of business
In tho United States, for railroads are
tho first to fool a depression in trade
as well as tho first to respond to in
creasing business.
Base ball bonoflt at the Pat Fri
day and Saturday evening.
Wanted Competent girl for gener
al housework. Inquire G20 West 4th,
Mrs. Geo. B. Dent. 49-2
Richard Stegeman has returned
from a visit to Denver whero ho spent
his vacation visiting friends.
Stato Uankv Examiner A. D. Towza
lln is In town ninklng tho annual ex
nilnatlon of tho business of the Mu
tual Building nnd Loan association
as required by law.
.lines T. Kcefo, Leonard Redmond
nnd Ralph Allison of this city will
leave Monday for Denver whero they
will tako In tho national convention
of tho B. P. O. Elks.
Mrs. Murdook and son Lester re
turned Wednosday to tholr home in
thlH city after a visit of somo time in
points In tho eastern part of the state.
Mrs. II. O. Cressler entertained
last ovoning at her homo In favor of
Miss Mildred Barber of Omaha who U
vlBltlng hero for a fow weoks. About
.forty young peoplo woro present and
a pleasant evening wns enjoyed at
GOO, aftor which nlco rotreshments
woro served.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tlloy returned
Tuosday ovoning from DesMolnes, la.,
whoro thoy attended tho dedication
sorvlces of tho now Yeomen temple.
They accompanied tho drill team
there and remained for a visit of sov
eral days with friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Tlloy formerly lived at Dos Molnos.
Frod Tolms of this city Is reported
recovering nicely from a severe case
of blood poisoning caused by a dog
blto somo weeks ago. He let the
wound go for some tlmo and It be
came Infected and blood polaoning
sot In. ,
A case was mod Int he county
court tho first of tho week entitled
the Stato vs. W. N. Wolback et at., for
destroying a public highway bridge.
Mr. Wolbach Is a grader In tho Hersh
oy vicinity and tho complaint wiu
filed against him and four of his men
Hearing on tho caso will pronbl
bo held today or tomorrow.
Tho Union Pacific will handle three
Elks' speclnls tho early part of next
week between Omaha and Denver, ono
of which will bo the Nebraska train
on which a ccoro or more of North
PJatto Elk3 will tako passnge,
W. A, Whitney, former superintend
ent oft ho Wyoming division and of
lato suporlntendont for the Southern
Pacific, haa latoly taken n similar po
sition with tho Oregon Short Line,
with headquarters at Pocalella, Ida
ho. Floyd Bretornltz, tho Switchman
who was Injured about a month ago
when n switch onglne left the track,
Is roported getting along nicely. Dr.
Kerr removed the cast from his leg
that was broken the first of tho week
nnd he will bo able to get around In
a short time unless other complica
tions set in.
Tho Union Pacific is boasting of
(ho fact that it is the only one of tho
large railroad faystems of tho United
States fully protected with block sig-,
nals. It points to the fact that of its
7.G73 mll03 more than 10 perc ent is
protected with tho automatic signals,
and the balanco with signals that are
recognized and authorized by the in
terstate commorco commission.
j For Rent A nicely furnished Bulte
I of rooms. Mrs. Lucas. 49-2
Mr and Mrs. S. D. Kllpatrlck of Be
atrice arrived in tho city Tuesday
evening, spending tho night here.
They w ro enrouteto western points
In nn automobile for nn outing.
Clarence McKay loft Wednesday
morning fort Sutherland to spend the
day looking after matters of business.
Shortstop Plcrco left yesterday for
Ogalalla whero ho Joined tho Ognlnl
la team to play with them against the
Grant aggregation.
Rental List.
Now flvo room house with bath,
good basement. Situate GIG South
Chestnut street. Rent $1G.
Six room house with bath and
lights. Good condition and nlco lo
cation. 308 South Chestnut street..
Rent $18.
Six room house on East Ninth st.
Good condition. Ront $1G. Has a
good large barn on premises. Rent
with barn $18.
Two four room houses on West
Ninth street, close to the new round
houso. Rent $10.
Fivo room house on East Sixth st.,
close in. Just been overhauled and
fixed up, inside and outside. Water In
house. Rent $12.
Inquire of C. F. TEMPLE,
Room 1, I. O. O. F. Building
City Council in Regular Session
The cly council met Tuesday even
ing In regular session for he purpose
of allowing bills and tranLacting oth
er routine business. An ordinance
extending sewer district "K" up 3rd
and 4th streets was introduced and
read and put on its final passage. A
committee from tho residents of 9th
sreet appeal ed before the council and
asked permission to put their curb
ing on tho old surv.ey instead of
changing It and the matter was refer
red to tho street committee. Also the
residents of 7th and 8th streets, ap
peared with a complaint that the sew
ors were backing up water in their
cellars, owing to tho Union Pacific
overflow, and a committee was ap
pointed from tho council to confer
with engineers of the Union Pacific
and find out what can bo done.
After this the reports of the city
clork and tho cly treasurer were read
and approved and the bills allowed
after which the body adjourned.
H. G. KnnwloH. nnstor nf tho f!hrls-
'llan church, gave an address Tuesday
ovoning at the meeting of the local
suffrage society. A nice crowd at
tended tho meeting, which was held
in tho high school auditorium, and a
musical prelude was given. Mr,
Knowles spoke largely upon tho pow
er of tho ballot and tho necessity of
it for tho homemakors.. He advan
ced arguments both for and against
tho suffrage to women nnd showed
that the arguments against it wero
rather weak nnd that they wero more
than over-balanced by thoso in favor
of it.
Rev. Father Cavanaugh of Gothen
burg stopped Int he city between
trains yesterday morning. Ho was en
route to Ogalalla whero ho preached
the funerl sermon yesterday over Nat
Beckius who died at that place this
week. Mr. Bocklus was woll known
to many in this city.
For Trade
For North Plnttu or west Nebraska
Croperty, two Washington, D. C. su
urban properties; three lots each with
f riut, shade and good buildings, on trol
ley lines, very near R R. Sta espec
ially adapted for tea room on Wash, to
Balto-Boulevard. No competition. For
further information see or write Mrs.
Fred Ku.ier. 47-3
Cured of Indigestion.
Mrs. Sadie P. Clawaon, Indiana,
Pa., wan bothered with indigestion.
"My stomach pained mo night nnd
day," she writes. "I would feel
bloated and have headache and
belching afttjr eating. I also suf
fered from constipation. My dnugh
tor had used Chamberlain's Tablets
and they did her so much good that
she gave me a few do&es of them
nnd insisted upon my trying them
They helped mo ns nothing else has
done." For salo by all dealors.
Mutual Building St Loan Association'
Assets May 1st. 1914, S013.098.75
To supply the demand for approved
loans this association will issue a
limited amount of its paid up stock.
This stock pays six per cent interest.
Interest paid semi-annually. No better
or safer investment can be found for
idle money.
Notice of Sale of Land Upon Execution.
Notice It herely given that b lrtue of an exe
cution (ssuixl by Gt'ors" K. Iroer, Clerk of tho
pistriot Court i f Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
h jurignunt rendered in tho D'ltrlct Court of lluf
fulo county. Nebmskn, wh cli had Uein hereforo
Uel In the District Court of Lincoln county. Ne, in faor of John W. Smith naalnut M.J.
Grnhnrn, full name, Marlon J. Graham, 1 hae
lex led upon the following lecrill rwil tstataim
tl e prop rty of snld Mai Ion J Graham, to-witt
All of Section 6, In Township IB, North of Itanrfo
28, West of the 6th I1 M Lincoln county. Ne
braska, and 1 w ill on the 13th daj of July, ll'M, at
3 o clock, l M , central tin i of snlil dny at tho
east front door of the court house in Uiecityof
North Plattt, in snld Lincoln county, Nebraska,
tell said real estate subject toa mortgage of M.OuO
nnd Bccrued Inteiett theioon, at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash In satisfy said iseo
tlon upon which there Is due the sum of 3S with
7 percent Interest from Noembir 6th, 1913, and
$48.76 costs tiwtther with accrued costs.
Dated at North l'latte, Nebraska. June K. 1914
!-" - r .,f . . , :;,b . 'e
We're Riding It Hard, Too
If there is any one thing we pride ourselves on particularly it is
It's a hobby we ride hard because we believe the best is none
too good for our customers.
We're never satisfied to rest on our laurels, but always trying
to do batter and better by you than before, until our suptemacy is
In this busy 20th century, High Quality, linked with Right Price
and Honest Dealing, are the attributes that always bring' success,
and these are the very things that we offer you come
here for your Lumber and building Material.
Can't we figure on that next bill of yours.
C. F. Iddings Company,
North Platte, Nebraska.
For funds that you will not use for a few
Months, we issue Time Certificates of Deposit
which bear interest at 4 percent.
In this way your funds which are temporar
ily idle, can be made profitable.
We will be glad to explain the plan more
fully to you, if you will call.
McDonald State Bank,
North Platte, Nebraska.
CHAS. McDONALD, President
WH. K. McDONALD, Cashier W. E. STARR, Ass't Cashier
Now Bring on Your Hot Weather
insure a pleasant, refreshing breeze on the hottest day.
enable you to work better and rest better.
A WESTINGHOUSE FAN will last many years and
no attention except an oiling once a year. The 12-inch
fan operates for one-half cent an hour the 8-inch residence fan
for less than one-fourth cent.
North Platte ElectricfCompany,
M0REY, Manager,
C. R.
Uncle Sam Wants
His Shirt
perfectly laundred nnd yui as one of
his loyul nephews naturally havo tho
same debire. It's easy enough, just
send them heie where we have exporta
to handle everv detail of the work.
GoitiR away over the Gloriou3 Fourth?
Send your linen here to have it done
right and on time.
The Enjoyment of Home
Is not complete to the one who
smokea unless he is a user of ourcigara
Our hand made cigurs are made of the
best tobacco, under sanitary conditions,
and are a local product that warrant
their use. If you are not smoking our
cigars, try their.
' V