It. . Semi-Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SOBSOMPTION KATES. One Year by Mail in advanco $1.25 Ono Year by Carrier in advanco $1.G0 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post ofllco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1914. City and County News. A son wns born Wednesday to Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Grady residing south of the city. Miss Myrtle Beeler is confined to her homo this weok with a severe ense of poison ivy poisoning. Mrs. II. L. Bartholomew went to Hastings the early part of the week to ncccpt a position in a printing office. T. J . Haldock left the first of the week for Gilpin, Ky. called their by the sorfous illness of his father; W. H. Baldock. Mrs. W. H. LeDioyt and family left Wednesday morning for Portland, Ore., whero they will spend several weeks visiting. My wife, Merle, having loft mo I will not bo responsible for any dobts con tracted by her. Harry L. Bartholomew. Del Bonner, who is spending his sum mer vacation here, left yesterday for Lincoln where ho wili appear in u pro gram tomorrow. Mrs. EdwinaSchatznnd grand-daughter Eileen Keliher, arrived this week from Cheyenne to visit for two weeks with relatives and friends. Mrs. It. Bruce Stuart and daughter, who have boon visiting at tho W. J. Stuart homo, leava Monday for their home in San Francisco. Marcelle and Edwina Keliher, who havo been with their father in Chicago for several months, nrrived yesterday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreJTodenhoff and family returned this week from a vielt of several days wjth relatives and friends at Fort Madison, la. John Tucker of tho postoffico force moved his family, this week into his new house on cast Fourthstreet. Tho house was completed only this week. Miss Laura McEvoy returnod home Tuesday evening from Hot Srings, S. D., where she spent three',weeks taking treatment. Her condition is much im proved. Earl Hamilton has purchased a year ling short horn bull of W. W. Birge that judges pronounce an exceptionally fine animal. Mr. Birge is raising fine Shorthorns on his farm at O'Fnlion. F. A. Cascnden of Omaha, national bank examiner, arrived in tho city Wed nesday morning and spent the day on his semi-annual examination of tho First National bank here, Attorney W. V. Hoagland and Coun ty Treasurer Durbin wero visitors to Wallace Wednesday, driving over in Mr. Hoaglnnd's car. Mr. Hoagland went over to try a' low suit and Mr. Durbin accompanied him to look after business. For Salo Blacksmith's forgo blowor Rood as now, cheap. J. II. VunCIeavc. Attorney Robert Baatty of Brady Is circulating a petition to havo his name placed on the primary ballot for county judge. Ho has a numbor of signers already. Tho other candidates for this office aro Goo. E. French andj P. H. Sullivan, both of this city. C. W. Edwards and family expect to leavo Saturday for Pleasant Hill, Mo., where they will make a viBlt with rela tives and friends. From there they will visit different points in Kansas, They will make the entire trip by automobile and expect to bo gone for several weoks. Dunn and Lorlmar were winnors of tho piano that wns given away by tho McDonald clothing house Tuesday evening. They had a plurality of 159750 votes over any other contestant, their total being 210,655. Tho other contestants that were highest wore Sturges bungalow GG.905, Washington school 15,245 and Knights of Columbus 12,700. The boys moved the piano Wednesday morning into their bunga low on East Sixth street. All parties are hereby notified that lariating stock in the Btreets so that they can run across the road is con trary to tho city ordinances and that they must discontinue so doing. It is dangerous both for tho stock nnd for the traffic, liy order of John Frazier, 4G-C Chfof of Police. Mr. andMra, II. E. Frederickson, of Omaha, stopped in the city Wednesday morning and visited hore a short time. They wero enrouto from Omaha to their ranch in central Wyoming and they nro making the trip in a large Chalmers car. Mr. Fredorickson is Western Consul for the Lincoln High way association and has always been known as one of the leading boosters of the state for good roads. He did parhaps moro than any other man to wards getting tho Lincoln Highway routed through Nebraska and he made out tho proposed route himself. Orrick D. Bunting Dies of Cancer. Orrick D. Bunting, for several years a resident of this city, died Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at tho home of his son, Ernest E. Bunting at 920 Walnut street. Mr. Bunting was fifty nino years, one month and thirteen days old at the timo of his death which was duo to a largo malignant cancer which covered nearly his entire (ace. Orrick D. Bunting was born in Illinois May 17, 1855. He spent his boyhood there and came to Nebraska in on eariy day with his parents. For a number of yenrs ho farmed in Boone county, Nebraska, coming here with his family about eight years ago. Since coming to this city he lins lived a re tired life owing to his ill health nnd he has made his home here continously. A littlo over a year ago a cancer started on his face nnd it grew to such proportions that it covered nearly his entire face, lie has suffered very much and death was a relief from the intense pain ho constantly suffered. He leaves to mourn his death a wife, Mrs. Susan Bunting, and six chiidrn. The children are Mrs. Ed Wunderlich of David City, Walter S. Bunting, Arthur II. Buntingand Ernest E. Hunt ing, all of this city. Mrs. Vera Hall of Grant, Nb., and Mr3. Fern Lucas of Ogden, Utah. Tho body was shipped from here Wednesday to David City whero the funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the home of the daughter, Mrs. Ed Wunderlich. All the children were home to attend the funeral. For Trade For North Platte or west Nebraska property, two Washington, D. C. su burban properties; three lots each with friut, shado and good buildings, on trol ley lines, very near R. R. Sta. espec ially adapted for tea room on Wash, to Balto-Boulevard. No competition. For further information see or write Mrs. Fred Kujcr. 47-3 Local and Personal Gus Dienor nnd son of Jack Morrow FlatB were visiting in the city Wednes day. W. II. C. Woodhurst returned the early part of the week from a business trip to Denver. Mrs. J. E. Fillion hos returned from a protracted visit in Hastings nnd other towns east. Wanted Girl for general housework. Apply 421 We3t 4th streot or pho 10 J 18 DWitt Foster of Flatts.Neb., arrived In the city Wednesday for a visit with friends. Perry J. Waldron of Flattswas in'the city Wodncsdny visiting friends and transacting business. Miss Frances McFarland left Wednes day morning for Goring to spend n few days visiting friends. W. M. Wray is able to bo up this Week nfter being bedfast for several weeks with a sovero ailment. City Engineer O. J. MeNamara left Tuesday morning for Sutherland to spend the day looking after some engineering work. Tho case of Wm. Maloney vs Bell Burner was set for hoaring in tho county court Tuesday but was continued until July 15th by agreemont. Political Announcements For Stale Senator. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for State Senator. 25th district, Dawson, Lincoln and Keith counties, pubjoct to tho will of the Republican voters at tho primary election, August 18, 1914. D. M, DOUTIIETT, Overton, Nobraskn. For Rcpresntalivc. I respoctfully announce mysolf as a candidato for tho republican nomination lor representative trom the legislative district composed of Lincoln county, subject to the decision of tho voters at tho August primary. Scott Reynolds. County Treasurer. I horeby announce myself as a candi dato for tho republican nomination for county tronsurer, subject to tho decision of republicans at the August primary. ALBERT JN. IJURUIN. For County Commissioner. I heroby announco mvself as a candi date for tile republican nomination for county commissioner from tho Second .district, subject to the decision of tho voters oi tho primary election. E. II. Springer, Bmdy, Nebr. County Commissioner I hoieby announce myself a candidate for the democratic nomination for tho county commissioner for the second district, subject to the decision of tho voters at tho primary election, and most respectfully solicit your support. J. D. Kelliheu, Maxwell Precinct. For County Superintendent. I hereby declare myself a candidate for tho office of County Supterinten dent of Lincoln county, subject to the will of the democratic voters In tho primaries August 18th. William E. Toole, $ MOVE IT ANYWHERE The New Perfection is light two people can carry it easily. It is cool it concentrates all the heat on the dinner. It is clean no ashes or coal to handle. roasts, toasts, broils, bakes. It cooks better than a coal stove, because its heat is controlled. In 1,2, 3, and 4 burner sizes. Look for the 1914 model 4 burner cabinet range with fireless cooking oven. At hardware, department and general stores. Standard Oil Company The will of the late George W. Rob erts of the Maxwell vicinity was filed Monday afternoon in the county court for probate. The wili leaves all the property to Mrs. Ella R. Roberts wife of the deceased, during her life and nfter her death it is to be divided sharo and share alike among the chil dren. The following aie named bene ficiaries in the will: Caroline Roberts, of Edgmont. S. D., George W. Jr., Paul H., Rodney M. and Millard E. all of Maxwell. Mrs. Roberts and William H. Plummer are named in the will as guardians of the minor children. Mr. Roberts died one month ago at hjs home in Maxwell. He was formerly a commissioner of Lincoln county. Now is the Time to Buy Real Estate. If there ever wns an opportune time to buy estate, it is NOW. Values aro low. You should see some of the bargains I have on my list. With the crops in sight and that are sure, values are bound to go up this fall. Buy now and reap the benefits. See Temple. NOURISHING ICE CREAM It is the purity of our ice cream that makes it not only delicious but nourishing. We invite you to inspect our ice cream plant and see the sanitary conditions under which it is made. Everything which enters into its composition is absolutely pure and every utonsll 1b as clean as you would like it to bo. Try our ice cream once and you will order It again. We supply ice cream for parties, banquets and clubs. Let us give you an estimate. Stone Drug Co. Notice to Property Owners. Notice is heroby given that the city council of the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, will sit as a board of equalization beginning at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., of the 21st day oi JUiy, lui.i, at the lecture room of the library building in tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraskn, for tho purposo of levying on the real estato lying and being within Sewer District "W, taxes for the purpose of paying the costs of tho construction of a lateral sower in said Sewer District "D" and that the said taxes will-bo levied upon each parcel of real estate according to the extent of the benefits to such property by reason of the con struction of said lateral sewer, and if tho said council shall find such benefits to bo equal and uniform such levy of taxes will bo according to the front foot of the lots of real estate within said Sewer District "D" or according to such other rule as the, city council sitting us such Board of Equalization may adopt for the distribution or ad justment of such costs. i All persons interested will file their objections, If any they havo, to the assessing of taxes against their prop erty on or boforo the 21st day of July, 1914. ut 8 o'clock, p. m., with tho city clerk. By order of the mayor and city coun cil made the 26th day of June, 1914, J30-2 C. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. Perfection Oil Gives Best Results (nebraska) "Omaha offsauiltfie fl Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Notice to Property Owners. Notice is hereby given that the city council ot the city ot worth riatte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, will sit as u Board of Equalization beginning at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m. of the 21st day of July, 1914, at the lecture room of the library building in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebras ka, for the purpose of levying on the real estate lying and being within the extension to Sewer District "J" taxes for the purpose of paying the costs of the construction of an extension to a lateral sewer in said Sewer District "J" and that tho said taxes will be levied upun each parcel of j-eal estate according to the extent of benefits to such property by reaeon of the con struction of said extension to said lat-. sewer, and if the said council shall find such benefits to bo equal and uni from such levy of taxes will be accord ing to tho front foot of the lots of real estate within said, extension to Sewer District "J" or according to such dther 'rule as the city council! sitting as such Board of Equalization .may adopt for the distribution or adjustment ot such costs. All persons interested will file their objections, if any they have, to the assessing of taxes against their prop erty on or before the 21st day of July, 1914, at 8 o'clock, p. m. with the city clerk. By order of the mayor and city coun cil made the 26th day of June, 1914. J30-2 O. F. TEMPLE, City Clerk. In the District Court of Lincoln County Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Esther Harris, deceased. Order to show cause. Now on this 15th day of June, 1914, this cause camo on for hearing upon the petition under oath of Minta Stewart, administratrix of the estate of said Esther Harris, deceased, praying for li cense to sell the following described real estate of said Esther Harris, namely, one-half interest in lot six (6), block eighty (80) original town of North Platte, subject to a mortgage of 5800.00 in favor of the Mutual Building & Loan Association of North l'latto, Nebraska, or a sufficient sum thereof to bring the sum of $1900.00. for the payment of debts allowed against said estate and allowances and costs of ad ministration, for tho reason that there is not a sufficient amount of personal property in the possession of said Minta Stewart, administratrix, belonging to said estate to pay said debts, ullowance and costs. It is, therefore, ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at chambers in the city of Nortl' Plotto in said county on the 29th day of July, 1914, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not bo grunted to Minta Stewart, administra trix, to sell so much of the above des cribed real estate of said decedent as shall be doomed necessary to pay said dobts and expenses. It is further or dered that a copy of this order be served upon all persons interested in said estate by causing tho same to be published ohce each week for four suc cessive weeks in tho Somi-Weekly Tri bune, n newspaper printed nnd pub lished in said Lincoln county. H. M. Grimes, Judge of District Court. I Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . DR'OST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Office Thono 410 Res. Blk 552 Bertha E. Mangon, M D. Physician and Surgeon1" Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty NORTH PLATTE, NEB. New McCabe Blbg Nyal Drug Storo Phone 8 Bowen's Barn Phono 101 C- W. CRONEN GRADUATE VETERINARIAN North Platte Nebraska. Res. Phono Red 400. Cattle and Hogs WANTED. Sell your Cattle and Hogs to' Julius Mogensen, No. Platte. Hgihest cash prices paid. Office open day and night in North SirV. Barn. First class horse and a"o livery in connection. Phone No. 29. The North Side Feed Barn HAS FOR SALE GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa, Hay, Good Seed Potatoes. Goods promptly delivered. Our terms aro cash. TELEPHONE No. 29 Notice to Property Owners Notice is hereby given that the city council of the city of North Platte, Lincoln county. Neb., will sit as a Board of Equalization beginning at the hour or o clock', p. m., or tne 2lst day of Julylfl914, at the lecture room of the library building in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for me purpose ui levying on me real eatate' lying and being within Sower District "C" taxes foi u purposo of paying the costs of the co struction of a lateral sewer in said Sewer District "C" and that the said taxes will be levied upon each parcel of real estate according to tho extent of benefits to such property by reason of the con struction of said lateral sewer, and if the said council shall and such benefits to bo equal and uniform such levy of taxes will be according to the front foot of the lots of renl estate within said SowerDistrict "C" or according to such other rulo as the city council sitting as such Board of Equaliiation may adopt for tho distribution or adjustment of such corts. All persons Interested will file their objections, if any they have, to the assessing of taxes against their prop erty on orbeforo the 21st day of July, 1914, ut 8 o'clock, p, m., with tho city clork. By prdor of the mayor and city coun cil made the 26th day of July. 1914. J30-2 C. F. TEMPLE, Citj Clerk. Di tydfield Infield. Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Surgeon. JOE 11. REDFIELD. Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE C42. K9mna t W 1 tm Dr. J. S. Twinem, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special AUcntion to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Phones, office 183, residence 283 Office in McDonald Bank Building. North Platte, Nebraska. Drs. Quigley & Simms Physicians and Surgeons. Building and Loan Building. Geo. B. Dent, Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention given to Surgery and .Obstetrics. Office: Building and Loan Building. p,.nn ) Office 130 Phones j Residence n- FARM LOAN Plentyof Honey to Loan on Farms and Ranches. Rates and Terms Rasona le. Buchanan & Patterson. Public Sale Notice is hereby given that I, Corda V. O'Brien, administratrix of the es tate of Dennis J. O'Brien, deceased, will, by virtue of a license granted me out of the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, in an action pending therein, offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on July 1st, 1914, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., at the east front door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln connty, Nebraska, the following described real estate situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska. to-'wit: The The east .half (ei) of section thirty (30), township thirteen (13). north of range thirty .(30), west of Sixth P. M. Terms cash in hand. Said sale to remain open for ono hour. Dated nt North riatte, June 9, 1914. Corda V. O'Brien. Administratrix, J9-3 E. H. Evans, Attorney. NOTICE By virtue of an execution Issued by Geo. E. Prosscr. clerk of the District Court of Lincoln county.Nebrnska, upon judgment rendered in said court in favor of John W. Smith against M. J. Graham, X have levied upon the following real estate us the property of said 11. J. Graham, to-wit: All bf Section Fivo (5), Township Sixteen (16), Range Twenty-nine 29, weBtof the 6th P. M. Lincoln county. Nebraska, and I will on the 6th day of July, 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day at tho east front door of the court house of said county: In North Platte, Neb., sell' said real estate, subject to mortgage of Two Thousand Dollars $2,000.00 at public -uctlon for cash, to satisfy said execution, the amount due thereon In the aggregate, being the sum of $635.00 and $28,76 cost nd accruing cost. Norrth Platte, May 29, 1914. A. J. SALISBURY. J2-5 Sheriff of Lincoln County Neb Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of. an order of sale issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Robert F. Burnett Is plaintiff and Samuel A, Thomas, et. al., are defendants, and to me directed I will on tho 18th day of July, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the east front door of the court house In North Platte. Lincoln county, Ne braska, selj at public auction to the highest bidder foficash, to satisfy said decree, interest and costn. the following described property to-wlt! Southwest Quarter (SW!4) Section Four (4), In Township Twelve (12), Range Thirty Four (34) west of the 6th P.M.Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb.. June 15, 1914. J1G-6 A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff. Notice of Sale of Land Upon Execution. Notice Is hereby irivcn that by virtue of an exe cution issued by George E. Prosser, Clerk of the District Court ef Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a judgment rendered in the District Court of Buf falo county, Nebraska, which had been herefore filed In tho District Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, Jn favor of John W. Smith against M, J. Graham, full name, Marlon J. Graham, I have levied upon tho following described real estate as the property" of said Marion J. Graham, to-wit: All of Section 5, In Township 16, North of Range 29, West of the 6th P. M Lincoln county, Ne braska, and I will on the 13th day of July, 1914, at 2 o'clock, P, M central time of said day at the east front door of the court house In the city of North Platte, In said Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell said real estate subject too mortgage of $2,000 and accrued interest thereon, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion upon which there is due the sum of $635 with 7 percent interest from November 6th, 1913, nnd $28.75 costs together with accrual costs. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska. Juno 5. 1914. A. J. SALISBURY, J9-5 Sheriff of Lincoln County, Nebraske. SHERIFF'S SALfc By virtue of an order of sa'o issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein L. C. Severns. Is plalntilf, and Chris Rasmusscn and E. P. Rasmussen are de fendants, and to mo directed, I will on the 6th day of July 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at tho east front door of the court house In North Plutte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, tho following described property to-wit: AH of Section Nine (9), Township Ten (10), Range Twenty-Eight (28), except Ono and One-half Acres In the North west Quarter of tho Southeast Quarter, west of thofith Principal Merldan, Lincoln county. Neb Dated North Platte. Neb., May 29th, 1914. J2-C A. J. SALianuiiY. Sheriff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial No. 0155C Department of tho Interior ' United States Land Ollice North Platte, Nebraska. June. 4, 1914. rsoticc Ufeereby given that Willard P. Fletcher, of I)lckcvr Neb., who on January 21, 1910, made iMmestead entry No. 04556 for SV4 aniUJJV Section 12. Township 11, N. Range 32. W. of6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of IntentlonJta, make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described before the legtster and receiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on thofith day of August, 1914, Claimant names as witnesses: Philip Hell, C A. Anderson, Wendell McCrum and J. II, Fitch all of Dickens, Nebr. i-6 J. E. Evans. Register.