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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1914)
iimnww'wvvw " I'JP1 g"1 THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. wi.wii.'uwjjj'wii'Mm NOTES e, ME&DOWBROOK Glvo tho chicks grit. Keep the cow comfortable. Keep some sheep for mutton. Look out for tho water supply . MAKE POULTRY HOUSE FROM PIANO BOX INTERESTING NOTES ABOUT THE HORSES -A FARM Pym&amr JM. ) Sfe. 4 3i-S--3 Whitewash tho honhouso. Glvo the pigs a variety of feed. Tho toad is tho fanner's friend. Cleanliness is essential In dairying. Heavy pruning conduece to wood growth. Rnise chickens with the simplest ra tions possible. Properly managed, a flock of sheep is alwuys profitable. Successful chick feeding Is based on carefulness in details. If many Bheep aro kept, It Is best to divide them into small flocks. Hay should not bo put in tho barn when damp with dew or water. Pasture that lasts all summer is about as uucertuin as taxes aro suro. Hare good Judgment Is required In working a maro that is suckling a colt. Don't cut moro hay than you can get In in a day If you are in a rainy dis trict. Tho health of the horse depends to a great extent upon tho cleanliness of his skin. Watch for lice and leg scale on the poultry and find time to kill them and whitewash tho coop. A fair hatch of strong, healthy chicks is to be preferred to a greater number of weak ones. ' Tho ewes should bo judged very much as n dairy cow good milkers grow their lambs most rapidly. Silage Is the best and cheapest form in which a succulent feed can bo pro vided for winter or summer use. Soft shelled eggs Indicate a lack of .lime In reach of the liens. Provide ground oyster shell or old broken mor tar. Eggs from hens that have made a fair showing In laying last winter will bo more fertile than those that did heavy laying. A gradual change In feeding brought about beforo tho pig is weaned will mako tho weaning period much les3 trying on the pigs. After the chicks aro two weeks old they can be gradually weaned to cracked wheat and finely ground oats with the hulls removed. Dutcli cheese Is an Ideal food for young turkeys, and how they do thrive on it; but chicks should never bo fed exclusively on the scalded curd. Leg weakness Is a common com plaint with young chicks nnd if al lowed to continue unchecked will causo great onslaught with tho chicks. It does a llatfooted horse lots of good to havo his shoes taken off and bo given a run of two or three weeks In tho pasture after the season's work is well along. Cut the oats hay as soon as you enn see a general tinge of yellow over all tho field, for tho grain is then doughy and the stalk and tho blades nre filled with bap. Can't expect tho hired man to be In terested very much In some one else's work. Tho man interested must be thero with both feet and busy brain to wntch for the small leaks. Some poultrymen feed cracked corn to both old and young low la for the reason that It Ii harder to find and gives the birds moro exorcise In eat ing it than the whole kernels. Hero is an old neighbor's remedy to remove wurts from a cow's udder: "Take onqunl parts of pine tar, sweet oil and llnseod oil Heat and mix well. When cool apply to warts onro a day after milking." - Tho careless man sometimes leaves the door of tho corncrlb open nt night but his carolessness Is enforced on his mind very strongly when ho llnds that a horse or cow la foundered from eating too much grain during the night. Tho cow raised on tho same farm where sho was born will always do better than anywhere else. Here sho feels contented at home, If sho has gcod treatment and contentment has a good deal to do with the thrift and profits of the dairy cow Growing chicks need, an nil-round dlot, Provltfo plenty of light In tho base ment stables. Sprinkling tho hogs with kerosene controls lice and fleas. ' Mako yourself a present of a really good cultivator this season. Dust tho setting hens nnd keep them freo from lice at all times. No way to freshen eggs after they got stale. Soil thorn when fresh. Grass is the world's greatest asset and we have oceans of It this year. A lot of hogs In a hog lot promlso a lot of money In tho lusldo pocket. While the ewe Is yielding milk for her lamb she Is also growing a fleece. The best lima beans aro mostly grown for family use and not for mar Early turkeys are what pay, andt these can only be nnd from early lata eggs. The poultry Industry has greatly in creased tho cultivation of the sun flower. v Ordinarily any hog, young or old, may be relied upon to cat moro than it can digest. If tho hired man Is worthy of his hire, it Is n good plan to tell him co onco in a while. Cut out blighted brunches of pear trees several inches below point where tho blight occurs. A big wheat crop this year Is no reason for falluro to prepare carefully for that of next year. I)olster springs on tho fruit wagon will prevent crushing of fruits when hauling a load to market. Properly trained in colthood a horse will follow his owner and obey his voice as faithfully a3 a dog. Cows producing only a moderate flow of milk need very little, If any, grain when pasture Is abundant When visiting tho pasture call tho colts by name and give them some grain, a lump of sugar or an apple. A gentle mother makes gentle chicks When tho mother hen Is wild and flighty, It Is hard to tamo her young. Ltttlo chicks must be kept away from older ones and away from tho flock of old fowls If tliey nre expectod to do well. For young pigs and milking cows silage has no equal. It Is the Ideal substitute for pasturo and a perfect conditioner. V Poultry houses should afford good ventilation for Hie fowls even if it gets rather chilly Inside at times. Chickens don't need hot-houses. Cement floors frequently cause rheu matism unless they nre overlaid with plank, or a plentiful supply of bedding is at all times In place. Watch tho road makers, and Insist upon substantial culverts and upon bridges etrong enough to carry the heaviest engine In the neighborhood. Dag a number of bunches of grapes. They will be very nice after tho ex posed bunches are gone. Hngglng keeps the Insects off nnd prevents do cay. Mako tho nests big enough so tho hens can got in nnd out without break ing tho eggs. Mnke tho entrance to the nests from the back to make thern dark. Sandy loam with a ''clay subsoil makes excellent orchard land, whllo hillsides, If properly treated, can bo turned from barren wastes Into profit able fruit crops Oats hay should not be stored or stacked so long as thero Is any damp ness In It, as It is naturally a moist forago and will heat and spoil very readily If stored too soon. Sometimes tho wing feathers of lit tlo chicks grow so fast that they be come too heavy for tho chick to carry and In that case they should be clipped off close to the wing with a pair of shears. . It Is a common mistake to sou! too heavily In planting potatoes. One or two good thrifty stalks aro enough to the hill. Moro will mako them all weal: and spindling and give you fet-er po tatoes, nnd they will be smaller, too A drive now and then around thf pasturo and field will tell yon about the need of llxlng tho fences. Keep tho fonccs lu repair and by so doing you will save trouble from stock get ting Into lleldB and doing damage, not onlv to the crn. but often the stock may bo lujurod by over-feedlnjr A Fine Type If a maro with n suckling colt shows signs of sore- feet on hard roads or sta ble floors, have her shod lightly, Take a look at tho colt's feet occa sionally. Keep them clean and if they show signs of cracking pack .with damp clay. Never allow your horse to becomo whip-shy. That kind of a horse Is nearly as useless as a gun-shy dog. Tho bad habit of pawing lu tho stn bio is generally caused by irregular feeding. A horso does not like to wait for his meals any moro than a man does. Don't bo alarmed If your horse evinces a dcslro to eat dirt, but change IiIb feed and glvo him what nature craves. Cut out tho corn for a few days and feed qats and sonio Another Fine LITTLE CHICK IS BEST INSECTICIDE Youngsters Devour Many Injuri ous Insects Cheaper to Feed Birds Than to Raise Bugs. (By HEI.UN WATTS-M'VEY.) Ono of the best Insecticides Is tho little chick not tho size with strong legs and claws Coop tin old hen close to the garden ferico and let the chicks havo the run of tho garden. Mako friends with tho birds. It Is cheaper to feed blids than to ralso bugs and worms. -Syringe tho carnations occasionally with coal oil emulsion, following this with a dash of cold water upon all sides of tho plant, to rid It of green lice. A brass garden syringe 1b a good In vestment if you uso it properly nnd often enough to mnke It pay. It won't uso Itself. To keep the ants off tho poony buds e.ust well with powdered tobacco and place tobacco stems over tho soil about the roots. Ants In tho garden may bo trnpped by placing fresh meat bones or bacon Jlnds where they collect; when cov ered with nuts dip Into boiling water, dry and repeat Layers of lime or wood ashes around oeds of plants will keep tho slugs nnd snails out of the bed. Whore they aro bad hand pick at night by the light of a lantern. Dalmatian Insect powder Is a fine remedy for black files and green lice on plants. Give a light application after a shower or when tho plant is wot with (low once a week on all sides. For barkllco on either ornamental shrubs or trees urn! op fruit tieen, mako a rather strong solution of Hal soda and apply with a brush (a white wash brush will do) Ubo tho solution plentifully all over tho bark. A layer of lime applied to tho sur face when tho ground Is dry and the weathor clear will sometimes drlvo tuts from their villages A watering of hot cayonno pepper tea, as hot us tho hand will bear, will rid plants of ants and many other petts If applied to their roots. The best Icscctlcldo Is tho healthy, thrifty growing of tho plant. of Clydesdale. roots to vnry tho monotony. Do not pamper the stallion too much. " Ho can bo worked lightly every day to advantage. A five-mile walk does a stallion no good. Glvo him a brisk drive. Is your horso a crlbber? Then glvo him awuy. Tho best horso we over owned was a Morgan maro whose mother died when tho colt was three weeks old. She was raised by hand on cow's milk, molasses and corn meal until sho wns old enough to,tako he,' place at the trough. When your neighbor sells n colt for $150, and you can only got $7G for ours, although it is tho same age, and Just as big, you will probably wish your stud fee had been a little larger. Clydesdale. SOME ESSENTIALS IN SETTifcSG HENS Fowl Should Be of Quiet Demean or and Steadfast Purpose Squawky Kind Undesirable. (By A. C SMITH. Mlniiesotu i:xplmcnt Station.) It Is quite essential to chooba a heu of quiet domcanor and steadfan pur pose to accomplish what sho hhs un dertakon. Ono of the wild, nolny, flighty kind should not be considered for a moment, for such a one Is almost worso than none at all. Visit the houso at twilight, lift tho hens that are on the nest showing an inclination to hit by tho feathers of tho back. Ono that flies from the nest and squawks is not the kind you want It Is possible, though, that sho may tamo down a littlo In two or tjcue days, so give hpr nnothor trlnl Tho hen that, r.fcor -being lifted a little above tho nest. Is quick to re sumo her plnco and scolds you a littlo for disturbing her. oven perhnps picks you In resentment. Is tho one you want for tho renl business of sitting. Ho movo her to tho box prepared for her .and shut her In until next morning, when she should bo allowed to como ofT or bo taken off for food and drink. Sho will prolmbly return to the nest herself, nnd In caso she does not, put her back and try her for another 21 hours. If on tho third trial sho does not return to her nost of hor own nc coid. discard her and try another Applo-Corer Weeder. An npplo coror will provo morn nni. I Isfactory for a smnll garden whore n goou deal or hand weeding Is done than the regulnr werder The coror cuts right down In tho earth nnd lifts tho root of tho weed out, Just as It does tho core of an np plo. Ten Minutes Well Spent. Ten minutes work at night when the hoj-fcos como from the fields washing their fncod, shoulders and legs wll' keep the anlmnls in prlmo condition. Interest In Milk Machine. Intcrost in the flying muchlne J, boon put into tho shndo by tho Int. est In tho milking machine. Plano-Dox Poultry House. A usoful poultry houso Is mado by romoylng tho backs nnd tops of two piano boxes of tho same stzo and placing them buck to back, leaving a suf ficient Bpaco betweon to allow for a door, tho ppposlto end being boarded up. A roof and floor is easily put In, nnd window space knocked out on tho south Bldo. The uldeit and roor may bo papered on tho outsldo. MANAGING THE TURKEY! health of poultry flock ALL HAVE STREAK OF WILDNESS IN THEIR NATURES. Birds Will Not Do Well If There Is Too Much Management In Rais ing Free Range Is One of Most Important Factors. The turkoy is tho ouly ono of our domestic fowls that originated In America. While tho chicken has been bred up from tho wild Junglo cocks and hens of Southern Asln, tho white men found tho turkey bore whon thoy camo. And the turkoy has changed very littlo in tho throe or four cen turies alnco tho flrst Caucasian ennio to America. Turkeys all hnvo a streak of wild ness In their natures. A turkoy hen will always do bettor when she Is al lowed to steal bur nest. If left undis turbed sho will bring oft much hot ter hntches than If Interfered with by well-meaning poultry keepors, says n Kentucky writer In Farm Progress. Theso wild birds resent Interference and many times 1 havo known thorn to desert thlor nests whon molested. I always lot them nlono until after tho brood has been brought ot In their wild stato thoy aro a,blo to roar their young very well, as they run In woods and along streams whore tho underbrush nnd weeds do not Inter fere with them. In tie I da nnd nround farm houses It Is bo3t to keop them up for a week or ten days after hatch ing. The joung turks aro not able to stand being dragged through wot grass and weeds wet with dew. I Anyone who undetstnndB turkoy na ture can mako tome prollt from tho bleeding of theso birds if thero la room for thorn to havo considerable range. As a blid for yards nnd coops the tur key is distinctly out of place. I have novcr known nnyono to ralso thorn successfully IP confinement, and doubt If such a thing Is posslblo Aklh to Wild Turkey. Tho bronzo turkey Ib vory closely akin to tho wild turkeyB still found In small flocks In various parts of tho country. When Columbus returned to Spnln aftor his first voyago to America ho took with him a few of theso beautiful birds. Later voyagors took a great many of them to Spain, and from thero they wore taken to England. Tho Old World ban boon raising theso domesticated birds longor than wo havo, but four centuries of confine ment and breeding havo failed to hi cod all tho wlldnesa out of their nature3. Tho bronzo turkoy, direct descend ant of tho wild turkeys of tropical und sub-tropical Amorlca, Is tho larg est of theso birds now grown. Tho old traits of wlldness, caution and a tendency to hide when about to set, aro still characteristic of tho bird. Some of tho bronze turkoyH reach a weight of 1G pounds, which seems greater than any birds of the wild varieties Careful and selective brood ing has increased tho weight and deep ened tho colorings nnd plumngo mark ings. Dark eyes, coppery bronzo and glistening black plumage, offset and heightened by white markings nt tho feather tips, aro nomo of tho most notable characteristics of tho bronzo turkey. Tho basic color or tho plumago is blnck, and over this plays a combi nation of Iridescent greens nnd cop pery lights HINTS FOR THE DUCK RAISER Twenty Ducklings in a Flock Is Plenty ao They Aro Rather Easily In jured by Overcrowding. Do not ovorcro.d tho ducklings. Twenty In a flock in qulto enough. Their Joints aro vory tender ami easily sllppod out of place und for this rea son It Is not safe to keop too many In a yard It Is also a bad plan to allow other stock to run with them. When frightened a fat duckling is apt to fall over on Us back and If not turned ovor It will lie thero and dlo as It cannot get up from that position by Itself. Here la a good ration for feeding joung ducks: Proud soaked In milk, bran of equal quantity mixed to the right consistency with middlings. Ducks must have green food of como kind, und if they cannot havo a run on tender grass give them sprouted oats. Don't overfeed tho ducks with stuff that will swoll and clog. Keep them supplied with, plenty of water both night and day. House, Roosting and Nesting Places Must Be Kept Clean and Free From All Disease Germs, Thero can bo no success with pcul try unless tho fowls nto, healthy, and the main atouranco of health In tho fowls Is healthy surroundings and con ditions. In tho first place, tho house, tho roosting nnd nesting place, and particularly tho setting placo, must bo. kept clonn nnd free from tho elements of disease. Many peoplo now havo soparato places in which to mako tho nests for tho setting bona and movo them from tho laying nests to tho set ting neots beforo putting under thorn tho eggs for hatching. This Is u good plan nnd It Is notdllllcult whon worked out with 'reasonable skill and judg ment. In moving a hen it Is necessary to conilno her at hor new nest for a short time, n day or two perhaps, but If uho Is broody bIio will soon accept her new nest, and tho eggs may safely bo given her. Ha sure that setting limits aro new and clean. Tho mat ilal used in making them should never havo been used in a nest beforo; then a little lime sifted In tho material' makes It a nest safoi from nil tho poultry posts. Tho laying nests, too.l should bo kept frceh und clean and a! llttlo llmo occasionally sifted In thenr Is nn Important precautionary meas ure. Kach time tho house Is cleaned it should have a good troutment of ilmo sprinkled over tho floor until It shows, distinctly, and dashed or sifted into all tho wall and cornor crevices and on tho roosts. This Is scarcely equal I to whitewashing, but it is -the worlo of only a few mlnutc3, and It Is a. great help. Tho young chicles raised on tho farm aro expectod to havo much tho Knmo runa year after year. Thosa runs aro liable to becomo germ and disease Infested, and thon thero la complaint of. "bnd luck with tho young chicks." Gapes appcurti among them, and many dlo without apparent cause. Knily every spring such runs should bo treated with a liberal dressing of llmo. Lot It bo sown broadcast, or 1 otherwise ovonly spread all over tho ground until Ub whiteness can bo easily seen. Llmo b not costly, and1 when It is alr-slnkcd It does not take) much to accomplish this purpose Itj Is a practical guaranty against mnnyi of tho younff chick troubles. ELECTRICTY TO TEST EGGS Compact Device Patented to Take the. Place of Crude Contrivances Used by Many Grocers. A compact egg tester has boon pat ented to lako tho placo of the rudo contrivances used by many chicken raisers and grocerB. An electric light in a neat box, GV& by C by 3 Inches,! A New Egg Tester. shines through two bovolededged slots in tho top. Tho outsldo of tho box is covored with black felt cloth and tho Inside is lined with whlto uft hestos. Tho strong light shining: through eggs placed In tho slot makes It posslblo to judgo their qual ity even In daylight. Feed Rellahed by Chicks. Glvo tho chicks plenty of green food, pprouted oats, or tender grnss. also some flno beef scraps or Boiro law meat cut up flue. Thoy relish tho latter and It docs them much good, answering tho.uamo purpose nB in sects. Keep' the littlo onoa busy by feeding tho ground grain feeds in tho Ilttor, and feed them four or flvo tiniea dally. Demand for Feathers. Thero Is a good market for all MnC of feathors. Pick fowls dry and s rt foiuhers, tho conrso from tho flno. Thoy can oaslly bo preserved until' enough are collected to take to mar kot. Supplement Nature's Food. Naturo provides food for tho chlckH tho first 48 hours of their lives. Soma poultry keopcrs supplement this with. soino tine grit and frosh water.