The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 03, 1914, Image 1

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State Ulstcriool gcftUiy
No. 47
patte M-18Elell
Local and Personal
Engineer E. E. Moody laves today
for a visit with friends in Laramie.
Everett Moon has sold the Gothen
burg Independent to Rev. A. F. How
ell, who took possession July 1st.
Train No. 1G will stop at Maxwell
and Brady tomorrow to accommndate
passengers desiring to go to Gothen
burg. Mis. J. S. Simms was able to leave
the North Platte General hospital yest
terday and return to her'-iiome.
Mrs. Lloyd left the city yesterday
for Ogalalla where she expects to visit
for several days with relatives and
Mrs. L. V. Walker entertained a
score of ladies yesterday afternoon at
500 in favor of her sister, jsir. Donald
Goodwell. i
Mrs. Frank McEvoy and son will
leave the first of next week for Den
ver to spend soma time visiting rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. W. H. McDonald 'entertained
at cards Wednesday afternbon compli
mentary to her daughter Janet. A
dozen young ladies were present.
Christian Science Service Sunday 11:
00 a. m. Subject "God." Sunday school
12 m. Wednesday Evqijlng meeting 8
o'clock, Building & Loan building, Room
for Hastings where she will attend the
graduation of her ( daughter, Miss
Grace, who graduates'" Inis year from
Hastings college.
The Mothers' Club willmeet Monday
afternoon at the school 6f,musi:. The
feature of the afternoon will be a
program of reading and.Jnuslc by the
Gothenburg expects at least 5,000
visitors at its celebration tomorrow.
If other towns send delagations pro
portionate to North Platto the visitors
will be greater than thatnumber.
A civil suit entitled Eyman brothers
vs. R. L. Dolson was filedyesterdayin
in the county court. The 'suit fs for the
collection of ($23.44 alleged to be due
the plaintiffs from the defendant for
i .'
Ogier left yet'e'fday morning
Miss Mildred Barber, of Omaha, will
arrive in the city tomorrow and will be
guestoc the home of Dr. and Mrs. O
Cressler. Miss Barber will sing at tho
Mothers' Club Monday afternoon
The Episcopal guild will hold n mus
icale at tho Field's rosidence on the
evening of July oth. Besides the
usual program, refreshments consiating
of ice cream and cako will be sorved,
all for the sum of 25 cents.
The ladies' bible class of the Presby
terian chuch will meet this afternoon
with Mrs. Lena Salisbury ut her homo
G07 West Fifth street for a business
meeting. All members are urged to be
present as there is business of import
ance to come before the meeting.
Fire broke out last night nt 11 o'clock
In the kitchen of the Union Pacific
hotel, but little damage was done. The
department was called and had it under
control before it spread around the
room. It started presumably from
some fat in the oven of one of the
ranges and there was more smoke than
M. D. French, consulting engineer for
the North Platto electric company, left
the first of the week for points in Ohio
and for New York City on business for
the company. He left very unexpected
ly upon a call by wire to meet Mr.
Todd. He is to look after tho purchase
of some more new machinery for the
plant here and he expects to be gone
about two weeks. He will also inspect
some of the machinery that was ordered
some time ago to test it out and super
intend the loading for shipment here.
''Some of the machinery will be shipped
here in the course of a s'uort time.
At tho annual school meeting in tho
O'Fallons district, Monday, it was
voted to expend $11,000 or such part of
that sum as should be necessary in the
erection of a new school building. Hol
low tile and stucco or some material of
a permanent nature will likely be used
in making the building, which is to be
one story with four rooms and a base
ment of dimensions sulllcient for gen
eral use. -The now building is to be
modcrn and one of the best to bo found
in any rural district in Vt estern Ne
braska. Sutherland Free Lance.
Solicit Funds for
Local Ball Team
A committee appointed to canvass
the city for subscriptions for the sup
port of baseball has boon quite busy
and Manager Robinson reports that
they have already raised about $270
and that they have not been over but
one-half of the city. The boys havo
been playing some good ball, but Man
ager Robinson hopes to strengthen the
team by the addition of some new
players so that they can playoftenor.
Hugh McClure, who pitched for the
independent team last year when they
won from Kearney and Columbus, has
been added to the pitching force and he
will repoit here today and bo in tho
game at Gothenburg tomorrow. He is
sure some pitcher and will bo a good
addition to the team. He was instruct
or in manual training at Cedar Rapids,
la. last year and ho has been trying out
this season with tho Kearney state
league team.
Quite a number of games aro sched
uled for tho summer. A game has" been
requested from the Hershey Giants for
Wednesday, but as yet they have not
promised to play. Scheduled games
are Ogalalla July 12th, Maywood July
19th, Willow Island July 2Glh. Elm
Creek has asked for a game and thoy
have been offered their choice of play
ing the first Sunday in August or July
15th, a week day. Sidney has also
askad for n game but no date has been
sot. They will probably play a two
game series if they come as it wiil put
the local management to considerable
expense to get them down here.
Pat Lonergan has offered the boys a
percetnageof the receipts for two
evening to apply towards their baseball
fund if they will help tboost and sell
tickets. Nothing definite has yot been
done bfit they expect to take some
action soon.
fl- Seasonable Suggestion
Seai Brand Tea
Ths Bssi IE! for ICE 'TEA
) .'.U '',s ' v &(''"kfaM sYviMlik4-i
BREW in ue ssme manner ns though serving
hot, only make a little stronger, as fhc addition
of ice -will reduce flic strength.
When cold, add a small quantity of lemon juice
and allow a few min slices of lemen to float on top.
Add sugar to suit taste. Use cake of ice large
enough to keep it thoroughly chilled.
use three ounces, of tea for each gallon of vat;r.
As a special favor from Chase & Sanborn we are able to
give to our Tea and Coffee buyers
A Handsome Four-Cup China Tea Pot
with every purchase of two pounds of Chase & Sanborn's
Coffee or one pound of Chase & Sanborn's Tea. The tea
pots will be limited one to a family as our supply will enable
us only to do so.
This is a treat that we are not able to offer very often as
these tea pots are direct from the Chinese potteries in the
heart of the tea growing districts.
Want City to Take i Local and Personal
Over the Cemetery' Mrs. M. V. Mitchell and son Hugh
I spent Wednesday Isiting relatives in
"" """" Loxlnurton.
Forty or fifty persons reponded Tues
day evening to n call for a meeting of
tho lot owners of tho North Platto
cemetery. This was the first formal
meeting th'o association hud held since
October, 1893, which can bo taken as
evidence that little intorost ha been
taken in the association by those di
rectly interested. Secretary Fronch
stated the condition of tho association,
showing the receipts and expenditures
and an existing balance of about $1800.
Lotowners present expressed their dis
approval of tho 'condition of the cem
etery and the sexton came in for rather
severe criticism, and quite naturally ho
defended himsulf. Tho opinion of thoso
present was that tho city should take
over tho cemctry and conduct it as a
municipal property. To this end a
committee was appointed which will
confer with tho city council. Thero is
no doubt but 'that the solution of the
cemetery quostion is ownership by the
city, in which event tho money now in
the association treasury would be con
tributed as an endowment fund.
A committee consisting of Harry
Dixon, Pr. V. Lucas and Miss Annie
Kramph was appointed to take tho mat;
tcr up with the council and they will
net in conjunction with tho officers of.
the association.
J C. Den and family aro visiting
this weok with friends in Ogaialln,
driving over in their car.
J. E. Sebastian left this morning for
Hridgeport to spend a few days looking
after somo business matters.
Architect Uert M. Reynolds left this
morning Oshkosh to spend the day
loolcihg after some business matters.
"Your Hosom Friend," Dickey's
Mr. Morris, of Juniata, was operated
upon yesterday, at tho North Platto
genoral hospital. Ho Is reported re
covering nicely from the operation.
Mrs. Wirt, wifo of the trainmaster,
wns operated upon this week at the
North Platto general hospital. Her
condition is reported favorable and she
is convalescing nicely.
Clarence McCabe.'Loslie Uar, Claud
Wingand and Harry Hemphill left this
forenoon in tho former's car for Kear
ney where they will spend the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H, McDonald and
F. L. Moonuy will take a party of girls
to Gothonburg tomorrow morning
where thoy wiil camp out until Sunday
Weathor Forecast: Partly cloudy to
night and Saturday not much change
in temperature. Highest temperature
yesterday SI, a year ago 9g; lowest last
night G3, a year ago GO.
County Attorney Geo. N. Gibbs and
Sheriff A. J. Salisbury will spend to
morrow visiting in Y allace. Wqllaco
having a largo celobrationjnnd Attorney
Gibbs is scheduled to give the address
of tho day.
Notice to Eastern Star:
There will be initiation of. the O. E.
S. Thursday, July 9th. All membeii
are requested to be present. By order
of Mrs. W. W. Gumming, Worthy
Controversy Over Road No. 28.
The county commissioners sat all day
ypsterday to hear a complaint on tho
H jwatd ro3d, road No.-$9 Tho road is
Joe ited on Garfield Table and hat boen
under dispute for many years. It was
established about twenty-eight years
ago and at the time it was thought to
be on the section line. However recent
surveys have provjn that it is about
twenty rods off the line.
Many civil cases have been the result
of the road for many years past.
County Surveyor Cochran was called
out there this spring to establish the
road, and he made a survey and showed
that the road was far off the line. Tho
civil suits and contentions had arisen
over the fact that the road as it stood
cut out several acres of land from some
faims while others had seyeial acres
added to them.
A petition wus presented to the
county commissioners by C. P. Howard
and others asking that ths road bo put
on the section line and between forty
and fifty witnesses were called. Tho
case lasted nearly all day and the com
missioners took tho caso under consider
ation and' later decided to have tho road
placed where it belongs.
T. F. Watts, late of this city who has
been assistant to the Union Pacific
special agent at Grand Island, has been
promoted to the position of special
agent at that point. Tho Daily Inde
depent says Mr. Watts has "shown
marked energy and ability in the dis
charge of his duties."
Tho Sunday schools classes of Misses
Lolia Scott and Jennie Lincoln of the
Presbyterian church were entertained
Wednesdny afternoon at an indoor
picnic in the basernent of the church.
The afternoon was spent with games
and contests and refreshments of ice
cream and cako wore served.
Will Enter Pleaof Guilty.
Geo. A. Brown, who was arrested
some time ago at Kearney on the chargo
of burglarizing the hardware store of
D. J. Antonides and tho C. O. D. Clean
ing establishment, has asked to bo al
lowed to appear before the district
court and enter a plea of guilty. Ho
was given preliminary hearing before
Ju&ge Grant some timo ago nnd entered
a' plea of not guilty and was bound
over to the district court on bonds of
500 which he was unable to furnish.
Since that time he had been held at
thecounty jail to await tho jury term
of district 8 urtnr.d this week ha askel
to bo allowed to chango his plea from
not guilty to guilty. Ho will probably
be taken bo fore Judge Grimes this
afternoon to enter his plea.
Receive Bronze Memorial Tablet.
The local office of the Building &
Loan As3eciation received u beautiful
bronzo memorial tablet yostorday
which they are having placed in the ves
tibule of their new building today. The
tablet is in memory of the old North
Platte Bnilding & Loan Association
which was organized in 1875 and ter
minated in 1882 and was presented by
the Nebraska State Leaguo of Loan
and Building Associations. ,-
The text of the tablet is as follows:
"This tablet wa3 erectpd in tin year
1914 by tho Nebraska State Leaguo of
Loan and Building Associations as a
Memorial to tho North Platte Building
and Loan Association, The Paront As
sociation ot Nebraska, Organized in
1875 and Terminated in 1882."
Bargains in Close in Property.
8-room house, modern in every respect. Full basement, steam
heat and electric lights. House practically new, Walks in, also
curbing. Nice lawn. Located on Eighth street, just one block
from business section, Full size lot. One of the nicest homes on
the North Side. Price $3,600. Terms to suit.
6-room house, modern throughout. Including steam heat and
basement. House just painted, inside and out. Also newly
papered. Already tq move into. Price 2,800. Terms to suit.
The above properties are the R. N. Lamb properties and they ,
are certainly as nice properties as there are in Nojtli Platte.
, C. F. TEMPLE, Sole Agent.
Rooms 1 and 2 I. 0.0. F. Bldg.
Blalock9s Feed Store
Phone 268.
109 W. Sixth St.
Tho electric,lightingp!ant at Ilerahoy
was put in commission this week and is
add to bo vory satisfactory. Naturally
our enterprising littlo neighbor on tho
wost is feeling happy over its achiove-mtnt.
Fred J. Warren came up from Omaha
this morning and will spend a couplo of
days with friends. He will bo ora.tor
at tho Socialist picnic at tho Dillon
Grove tomorrow.
Mrs. J. W. Rossncrans and daughter
Miss Dorthy of Cozad arrivod in the
city last evening for a visit with tho
foimers daughter, Mrs. I. A. Gilbert.
Mr. Rosencrans is expected to arrive
evening iu awcuu uiu iduiui,
Miss Florenco Stack left this morning
for Sidney where she will spend sevora
days yisiting friends.
Perfection Oil for Incubators
is the best. It burns
clean and evenly no
chance of smoke or
soot. It makes steady
burning certain. It's
the incubator oil with
out a risk. It's clean
tank wagon oil, not
barrel oil.
Dealers everyvs here.
Standard Oil Company
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Ilnvo hooti tho JFnotora
In tho growth of tho
First National Bank,
One'Hundred and FiftyaThousand Dollars.
mB,0, Omaha
That Little Touch of Extra Quality
In Bottles 5 Cent
Manufactured by the Star Bottling Works.