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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1914)
K r'd.l M-r- s ft Lofty Ideals JsL Should apply to the ring as well as to the bnde-to-be, , , r. We know that every engagement and wedding ring we sell goes to the "BEST WOMAN ON EARTH." It 'is with just pride we offer yon the highest quality in these artioles. The same, quality is being adhered to as we have' -'sold for the past fifteen years and which has established the reputation we offer you as a guarantee of quality on all goods we sell. DIXON, The Jeweler. S DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, S 9 2 Graduate Dentist. 2 Office over the McDonald 2 State Bank. iti8tceaiii9Miaeic Town and County News. Miss Olga Sandall is visiting for a few days with friends in Lexington. Arthur Bollard returned this morning from Omaha where he went to consult a physician in legard to throat trouble. The Baptist ladies auxilary will hold their monthly business meeting in the church basement Friday afternoon of this week. For Rent Six roomhousf, one of the Peale houses on East Fonrth street. See Major ti. Walker. tf Mrs. George Abern, who has been visiting in the dity tor the past week with her sister, Mrs. S. R. Demberry, left this morning fo' home in David City. Neb. Mrs. M. E. Crosby returned home Saturday from a visit of some time at Lincoln and Davenport, Neb. At Lin coln she attended the P. E. 0. convent, ion and at Davenport she spent some time visiting relatives and friends. Yesterday's Kearney Daily Hub said The Christian church Bible school is in a contest with North Platte uul has made the following progress for the month ofJunn: Seventh, 124 present; fonrteenths, KiS present: twentyfirst. 198 present; twenty-eighth. 221 present. FOR RENT. ICO acres of good bottom hay land near Sutherland. Cash or on shares. Houses and unfurnished rooms. Bratt & Goodman. A son was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Soderstrom, residing on west Eleventh street. Weather Forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Generally fair tonight and Wednesday, not much change in tem perature. Highest temperature yes terday 80, a year ago 89; lowest, last night GO, a year ago 56., j. , " . K There is no let up to the July Sale Specials in millinery at the Wilcox Department Store. Now that means just what it expresses, that the prices durjng July will exceptionally low. The men's brotherhood of the Lutheran church will be entertained next Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen, residing in the country west of the city. The men will leave about six o'clock in the even", ing in automobiles and they will be en tertained out there with a ball game, boxing and wrestling matches and other diversions. They will gather Monday evening at the Tramp store and all will go out in a bunch. Two men giving their names as Wil liam Buck and James McLailan were' arrested in the yards Monday by Officers Combs and Weidman for tres pessing and were taken before Justice Sullivan where they drew tines of $1 and costs each and were placed in the county jail to lay out their tines, C. C. Ilupfer gave a picnic this week at Hulls Grove in honor of Max Hensolt who left last evening for Denver. Twenty people were present and n nice time waq enjoyed A fine picnic dinner whuh was c.iuked on the ground was served iind all present pronounced it the best the had ever had the pleasure of enjoying and all diu it ample justice. The afternoon was spent with racing and various other, diversion and Mrs. Hupfer was awarded the grand prize foJ racing. Local Yeoman Team Wins Second Prize. The drill team of the local home stead of American Yeomen won second place last week nt the drill .contest which was held at the opening of the Yeomen temple in Dea Moines, la., Their score was little over 9C50 per cent on the drill and the scorers did not all agree, so an average was taken. The scores were 96 80, 96.75 and 95,90.. The drill team from Oklahoma City won first place with n score of 98. They returned home Sunday evening and brought their $350 prize with them. The following telegram was received Saturday morning from W. J. Tiley. "Won iocond place over entire con test, 96 points awarded us. On account of cheering two numbers of the drill, the team failed to hear a command and lost us three points. Otherwise old Dr. Kerr would have pulled down 100 percent. After the contest, the drill team were marched to the Suery hotel, the finest hotel in Iown, ond were served with a sumptuout banquet " Fourteen teams entered for the prizes offered and all drilled very good. Ten prizes were given. The North Platte team is to be commended for the showing they made and it is a big ad vertisement for this city. Dr. T. J. Kerr is captain of the local team and their victory is due to the hard drilling he put them through. But for one or two slight accidents the locals would have scored with Oklahoma city. The men from here wer given a fine reception at Des Moines and they re port a fine time. They were in the moying pictures that were taken and Mr. Tiley has promised to bring the pictures here to be shown for the ben efit of North Platte people. Mr. and Mrs. Tiley remained in Des Moines for a visit of several days with old friends and acquaintances. In addition to the $350 prizes they may get $100 for com ing so far, to help pay traveling expenses. Play Ground Hours. At a recent meeting of the Public Playground Committee thehours during which Director Sjnith will be on duty were fixed at from" 1 to 8 p. m. Th playgrounds wilf 6e open from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. It Is not expected that any of the apparatus will be used after 9 p. m. As it Is sometimes quite Inconven ient for the small children living north of the track to get to the playground Mr.. Smith will spend Tuesday and Fri day mornings of each week from 9 a. m. toll a. m. nt the grounds of the Lincoln School directing some organized play there, One of the stringent rules of the playground Is that no smoking is allowed thereon and it is especially re quested that visitors to the playground bear this rule in mind and abide by tt. Annie C. Kramph. Chairman. Building Notes. Howard McMichael has been awarded the contract for building the big dtdry barn at the state sub-station. The state will put in the concrete foundation and Mr. McMichael will do the remainder of the work. The barn complete will cost fully ten thousand dollars. Homer Rector, one of Uncje Sam's mail carriers, has begun the erection of a modern cottage on West Eighth street. B. J. Brown, who receutly moyed to this city, has begun the construction of a residence in Taylor's addition, Work has started on a new school house of the bungalow type at1 Bignell. It replaces the log school house that has been in use for over thirty years. Farley Faints Again. The old gentleman giving his name as Farley, who fell on the streets hert two weeks ago, has been heard from agaiu. Rev. Father McDaid was in Elm Creek last week and found him there under the same circumstances. He pulled off the fainting stunt and, again claiming that he was a Catholic he called for a priest. Father McDaid, upon hearing of the circumstance, went over with Father Sullivan to visit the map and as soon as Father McDaid arrived the old gentleman was well and made a rapid exit. The old gentlemen i3 a very unas suming looking fellow and would be the last to suspect of such antics from his looks, but he i3 evidently a professional. He was given the best of care hero and and was also given some money to take him on his way. Our store closes Friday"; July 3rd, un til fall season. Lowest prices on trim med goods at that date. ' J5-2 The Hat Shop. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Our Building and Loan money boxes are full. If wanting some come and see. Bratt & Gcodman. In ; I Invest small Amounts at 4 per cent Interest. Suppose you have $100 you will not need for six months. How can you invest it safely, have it earn 4 per cent interest and then he able to get, the prin ciple the day you need it? Bring your money to the Platte Valley State Bank. We will issue one of our Certificates of Deposit for any amount you have to de posit, pay you 4 per cent in terest, pay you the principle any day after 12 months. North Platte Defeats Kearney. The Kearney independent ball team was defcatedSunday by the North Platte team on the local diamond by n score of twenty-three to six. ' The gnmo was slow, devoid of sensational features, but prominent for the errors, the greater number of which were taxed up to the visitors. The at tendance was fairly large, and while the crowd was not enthnsiastic it ap plauded all the good plays made. The visitors proved that as ball players they are inferior to the local talent. Mandate on Gandy Case. The supreme court issued a mandate Saturday ordering the state railway commission to carry out its order to the Union Pacific to put in n new depot at Gandy, Neb. Some tim ago the railway commission issued an order re quiring the railroad to build the depot. The railroad appoaled the case to the supreme court and the supreme court soon affirmed the order of the railway commission that the depot be builtfi .Now the supreme court issues its formal mandate ordering the com mission to carry out the order. Now is the Time to Buy Real Estate. If there ever was an opportune time to buy real estate, it is NOW. Values are low. You should see some of the bargains I have on my 1st. With the crops in sight and that are sure, values are bound to go up this fall. Buy now and re,ap the benefits. See Temple. "JiJck" Johnson the colored pugi list stills holds the heavy weight cham pionship of the world. In a hard fought battle in Paris Saturday night he easily defeated Frank Moran of Pittsburg on points in a twenty-round contest. Moran was game and stubborn,- but Johnson's supcrir skill and effective upper cuts sent the Pittsburg boy wab bling, but there was not a single knock down or anything thot looked like n finishing blow. For this engagement Johnson was guaranteed $30,000 with $5,000 additional for training expenses. BELTING Lawyer Endless Thresher Belts and Belting for all kinds of machinery. HOSE Rubber Hose of any desired length. LAWN FENCE AND GATES Celebrated Cyclone Ornamental Fence and Gates. Flower Beds nnd Lawn Boarders, handsome designs. Jos. llershey, Cor. 5th & Locust. 'Phone 115. The Hat Shop closes July 3rd to August loth. Investigate our prices. BEST CANNING CHERRIES From Sutherland Fruit Farm. Per . Crat Black and Red Raspberries. T. J. s o Xt. . rW'-' A " l The Best in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Basement The Hub. Phone 90 Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE. - - NEBRASKA 4 Per Cent Interest on tlino Deposits. 4 Local and Personal Mrs. Charles Haner returned Friday from Oshkosh where she spent two weeks visiting friends and relatives. W. W. Burr of the state oxpermontal farm rotnrned Sunday from s trip of a few days to Donveron goverment work. Mrs. E. F. Seeberger was hostess at a Kensington Friday afternoon, n dozen or more ladies onjoyingher hospitality. The W. R. C. social will be held at the home of Mrs. J. A. McMichael on South Pine street Wednesday, July lit. J. E. Sebastian returned Sunday af ternoon frcm a trip of several days to Chappell, Big Springs nnd Lodgopolc on business and pleasure. We are requested to nnnounco that a Mr. McMasters, n senior in the state university, will speak on university ronoval at the picnic to be held in the Stevens's grove nt Bignell July -1th. Mr. McMasters will ipeak against removal. An eastern paper states that the vote now being taken by the 75,000 engineers and firemen on tlio roads west; of Chicago on the proposition of withdrawing from service unless the companies accede to their demands, is almost unanimous in favor of with drawing. As the ballot is secret, it is difficult to guess how this eastern paper gets information. It is safa to predict that a. strike of such magnitudo will not occur; the government and the public generally will insist upon media tion, nnd the men and the companies will be fair enough to asquicsco, On'6 cn readilv nee the business pros tration that would follow the tying up of all roads west of Chicago, even though the tie-up continuod for a week or ten days. General Manager Charles Waro and party passed through the city Sunday evoning on No. 5 in two special cars enroute to Green River. They stopped here for n short time to look after busi ness nt this terminal. ATTEND THE BIG SOCIALIST PICNIC AT DILLON'S GROVE July 4th', is the Day. Fred J. Warren will be the Orator of the Day. Mrs; Axtell will speak on Woman's Suffrage. OU taste the superior quality in every loaf of bread every biscuit every cake or piece of pastry made from Tho Guaranteed 5?fi&MlN vwfe ' SUB OCCIDENT Ji Will you try ;i sack at our rislc and let your family be the judge? If the decision is not in favor of Occident your money will hj refunded for the Occi dent flour you've bought. Occident Flour always costs a trifle more than ordinary brands. Made better it must bo j-. for more. But the slight difference in the first cost of the flour in lost sight of in the immense difference in the hiking results. Ask your grocer to explain the Money-back Plan upon which Occident Flour is sold. Scud lor our little booklet "ntcr Dalcfns" for North East Wert South. Russell-Miller Milling Company, Minneapolis, U.S.A. Costs More Worth It Sold by Lierk-Sandall Co. Now Bring on Your Hot Weather WESTINGHOUSK ELECTRIC FANSiu the office and home insure a pleasant, refreshing breeze on the hottest day. They enable you to work better nnd rest better. A WliSTINGHOUSE FAN will Inst many years nnd needs no attention except mi oiling once n year. The 12-inch office fan operates for one-half cent an hour the 8-inch residence-fnl for less than one-foiirtli cent North' Platte Electric Company, C. R. MOREY, Manager. fQ Uncle Sam Wants His Shirt perfectly laui.dred and oii us oittof his loyal nephews naturally liavu tho same desire. It's easy enough, just Bend them here where we have exports to handle oven detail of the work. Going away over.the G'orious Fourth? Send your linen here to haye it dona right and on time. NORTH PLATTE LAUNDRY The Enjoyment of Home Is not complete to tho ono who BmokeB unleaa he is a user of our cigars Our hand made cigars are made of the best tobacco, under sanitary conditions, and are a local product that warrants their use. If you are not smoking our cigars, try them. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. I II Everybody Welcome Bring Your Lunch. Z kvjuiuutaifenui