Stttto Historical Sucljlty 4 TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 30, 1914 No. 46 ife Jprm J4'4'4V (J$P r City and County News. Miss Marie Von Goetz and her gueat Uave today for points in Colorado. Miss Belie Leypoldt of Hershey, wa3 visiting friends in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reynolds and son returned this morning from their trip to Florida. Cashier Earl Brownfield. of the Her shey bank was a business visitor to the county seat yesterday. Mrs. G. W. Stegemann and daughter left Saturday evening for Denver to visit for n few days with relatives ard friends. Mrs. James Turpie, nee Ada Kocken and two children, of Columbus, Ohio, will arrive today for a risit with relat ives and iriundi. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold a social this afternoon at the North Platte candy kitchen from 8 o'clock until 10. Mrs. Wm. Hubbard and son Lawrence left Sunday evening for New Meadows, Ida., to spend several weeks yisiting relatives and friends. Mrs. L. P. Owens is expected to ar rive today from it visit of several woeks to Julesburg and Sterling where she Visited relatives and friends. Visitors to this city from Hershey announce thnt the new electric light plant rocently installed in that village will be in operation next week. Dr. D. T. Quigluy returned home Sat usday night from Philadelphia where he attended the meeting of the nationaj society. He reports a nice trip and a fine time. L, P. Jensen, of the new firm of Jen sen & Harcoart, will arrive from Oma ha this week to remain permanently. He will bring his family here In month or so. Mrs. Drew, of Omaha, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Yon Goetz, returned home yes terday. Mr. Drew came up Saturday night and spent Sunday. And Still Another Loss by Windstorm. The big J. T. Lister barn shifted off its foundation. Just ask Mr. Lister how quickly and satisfactorily Bratt & Goodman settled this loss. Always insure with them and be safe. The stork visited the P. J. Norton home Sunday morning and depositodji girl. The mother and daughter are doing" nicely and Jim is considera bly "puffed up" ovor his two girls and one boy. Fifty Gothenburg people were in town last evening t6r several hours. They tfhme in twelve autos and the ob ject of the trip was to arouse enthus iasmjn tht big celebration nt the Ilnrg next Saturday. Kofth Neville arrived Sunday from Florida and is telling the boys some of his experience in tarpon fishing ofT the coast of Florida. Mrs. Neville and children stopped over in Virginia to visit relatives. Claude Weingand and Tom Orton were in Maxwell Saturday and bought the sweet clover on .seventy-five acres of the Arthur Plumur land. They have now about two thousand acres of sweet clover that thej wili cut this season. The Hershey Giants defeated the Union Pacific shop team Saturday atternoon by the score of 1-1 to 1. Mc Cain and McConnell was battery for Hershey and Hartman and P. Hag- gerty and T. Haggerty for the team. Fred W. Itincker, who came from Keystone last night, soys huve made arrangements for a big wild west celebration at that place next Sat urday. A special invitation is extended to North Platte people to be present. The men of the Lutheran brotherhood held a smoker la3t evening at the home of C. 0. Weingand in honor of Max Hensolt who left last evening for Denver where he has been transferred to the office of claim adjuster of the American Express company. The even ing was delightfully spent with various diversions and refreshments were served. Mr. Honsolt left on a late train and the company accompanied him to the train and bade him good bye. Senator V. V. Hoagland, of this city, mailed to Lincoln last night his nom ination as a republican candidate for lieutenant-trovernor. This 'action fol lowed the urgent request of republicans oi wostern iNobra9ka ns well as many in tho eastern part of the state. Mr. Hoagland had been prominently men tioned as n candidute tor governor, but declined, as success in such a candidacy would mean the abnndodmont of his Jaw. practice for at least two years. If (-nominated and elected lieutenant-gov ernor it means his nbsence from his business only during the session of the legislature. i.(iu xriuuiie is piuuseu wim ouuuiui Hoagland's action, and will have more to say of his candidacy in the near futuro. shop down they Life Insurance if you,are looking for sound and profi table life insurance in the Mutual Life of New York, Bratt & Goodman will write it. They can show you how near dividends pay premiums. ffi Seasonable Suggestion CHA & SANBORN'S Seal irasid Tea The Bast TES for ICE TEA se TTF-. .' A ai It 1 Mi D' XHWUIOt - , --,;. w? jmmm&w V 3P rOTx., . j jffiii r jv i'?-iB ntr . f'A.airo'v BREW in he came nannc: zr, uouk serving liot, only nuikc a li'.tb sirongsr, as flic addition of ice will redtico fr.o st:crth. When cold, add n smaii quantity of lemon juice and allow a few hin six ; cf timon to float on top. Add sugar to suit tctc. Use cake of ice .large enough to keep it morcugHiy ch'l'ed. FOR LAftGE QUAHT5TIES use three ounces of tea for each gallon of vfcter. Asa special favor from Chase & Sanborn wo nro able to give to our Tea and Coffee buyers A Handsome Four-Cup China Tea Pot with even purchase of two pounds of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee or one pound of Chase & Sanborn'b Tea. The tea pots will be limited one to a family as our supply will enable us only to do so. This is a treat that we arc not able to offer very often as these tea pots are direct from the Chinese potteries in the heart of the tea growing districts LIERK-SANDALL CO., SOLE AGENTS. Senator Hoagland for Lieutenant-Governor Land Case is Settled out of Court. The case of the Benton cattle com pany vs Fred Piorson, J . V. Baugh man, W. S. Coker and Simon Bromi, which was recently taken boforo the federal court, has been settled out, of court. The case involves nearly 25,000 acres of land in the Sutherland vicinity and has been under dispute as to who had tho rightful leasee of it. The Benton cattle company had it last year and their lease run out this year and they leased it again from the Union Pacific company, who claimed the land belonged to them because tho buyef, Mr. Baughman, had faiied to make payment on it. Suit was filed in the district court to compel the Benton company to remove their stock from the premises and they in turn filed suit in the federal court to enjoin the Sutherland men from pushing their action to the district court. The judgo was sick and the case did not come to trial and was later settled out of court. Two Boys on Long Hike. Mike Singer and William Bumf, tw.9 yrung men who ure walking across tho continent, arrived in tho city last even ing and spent the night here. The boys started from Newark, N. J. April 13th and they have been walking contin uously every day since then. They walk rain or shine and they have been averaging nbaut thirty miles per day. They left here this morning about 9 o'clock and they expect to travel to Sutherland and spend the night there. After they leave Sutherland they will stop at Ognialla, Julesburg and Sidney and they will stop at Sidney to spend the Fourth of July. They expert to reach San Francisao, which is their des tination, about October 2oth. HAIL INSURANCE Did you take out a hail policy with Dratt & Goodman? Do this today and be safe. The cost is small Time or cash. Yeomen Picnic. The local order of the Brotherhood of American Yeomen aro to have a pic nic on July 4th, for the stay-at-home people of North Platte. Everybody is invited to bring their dinner to the pic nic which is to be held on the large lawn at G20 East 4th street where din ner will be served promptly at noon. After dinner a ball game will be played on tho local diamond near the picnic grounds. Anyone wishing to take part in the picnic are cordially invited to biing their lunch and enjoy a good time. Special initiatory services wore hold by tho Elks last evening and J. G. Beeler, "Jack" McGraw, Horton Munger, E. II. Springer of Brady and Mr. Thomas, a merchant at Dickons, were taken into the lodge. Sevoral othor out-of-town cadidates wdre ex pected but did not arrive. A Dutch lunch was served following the ceremonies. OUR LOOM END SALE Closes Friday , July 3. Extra Special Bargains AH This Week This sale has been a wonderful success: each item offered lias been a real bargain. We are making every effort to have each customer leave our store feeling that they have gotten val ues far beyond their expectations and everyone who is a judge of merchandise cannot help but be pleased.' Take advantage of our Loom End prices this week. ' E. T. TRAMP & SON. Surprise Retiring President. The Indies of the Lutheran aid so ciety tendered n pleasant surprise party in honor of Mrs. G. S. Huffman Thursday afternoon at her home. Tho event was an appreciation of Mrs. Her man's work as president of the organi zation for the past year. Mrs. Huff man is now retiring from the dency. The ladies came in a body Huffman homo and took charge house. The afternoon was pleasantly spent with various social diversions and at its close the ladies served nice re freshments which they had brought with them. They also presentod Mrs. Huffman with a lovely lemonade sor. presi- to the of the Democratic Mass Convention. Notice is hereby given that a demo cratic county mass convention for the county of Lincoln is called to meet July 10th, 1914, at ten o'clock a. in., in the, city of North Platte for tho purposo of electing delegates to tho state conven tion, choosing a chairman and secretary of tho county committeo and the trans action of such other business ns may ccme beforo the convention. A. F. BEELint, Sec'y. The Pirates defeated the Tigers Sun day afternoon at the ball park follow ing the Kearney-North Platte game by a score of 9 to 8. The Pirate bat tery was Husband, Wooten and Coberly and the Tiger battery was Smith and Langford and Woods and Peters. Governor McDonald of Maryland and six others from that stato passed through the city Saturday night in a Bpecinl car attached to No. IB onrouto to California. While there they will select a site for tho Maryland building on the exposition grounds. FOR SALE Some snaps in houses, vacant farm lamd. See us before you buy. Dratt & Goodman, lots and Suit was filed yesterday in the county court by M. Keith Nevillo Jagainst George G. McKay for posession of cor tain ' premises named in tho suit. Plaintiff also askB for collection of 201 for rent due for the past few months. PlaintiiT states that on May 11, 1914, ho caused notten to be served on tho do fendant to vacate upon non-payment of the rental of sixty dollars per month. Ho alleges that said rentals have not been paid and that dofendant 1b still in possession of the property. Ho ask for the posession of the property and the principal of $201 and other rents accru ing while defendant is in posession of the property. Mr. McKay runs a diy goods store at 519 Dewey strett. License to wed was issued yosterday morning from tho office of the county judge to Poto II. Peterson, 22, and MIbs Ituby L Linstedo, 19, both of Gothen burg. The groom is a farmer of tho Gothenburg vicinity and tha brido has been teaching school near thero. iney I were mnrried by Judgo,Grant and thoy I will make their home on a farmjin the I Gothenburg vicinity. YOU, MR. FARMER AND TEAMSTER . f . Blalock's Feed Store HAS ALL KINDS OF GRAIN, CHOPPED CORN AND MILL STUFF. NEW UPLAND HAY JUST. IN. PRICES ARE RIGHT. Phone 268. 109 W. Sixth St. Bargains in Close in Property. 8-room house, modern in every respect. Full basement, steam heat and electric lights. House practically new, Walks in, aUo curbing. Nice lawn. Located on Eighth street, just one block from business section, Full sie lot. One of the nicest homes on the North Side. Price S3, 600. Terms 'to suit. , 6-room house, modem throughout. Including steam heat and basement. House just painted, inside and out. Also newly papered. Already to move into. Price 2,800. Terms to suit. The aboe properties are the H. . Lamb properties and they aiu certainly as nice properties u- there are in Nojth Platte. C. F. TEMPLE, Sole Agent. Rooms 1 and 2 I. O. 0. F. Uldg. Stability, Efficiency and Service Ilnvo boon tho Fnotovs " in tho frro-vth of tho First National Bank, or- XOHTJl IT A TTll, XEIJJiASKA . CAI'JTAL AIVO SUKl'LUSt One;Hundred and FiftyThousand Dollars. j llBBSSSBIBttHiasmtminmrj DRINKS THAT PLEASE That Little Touch of Extra Quality GRAPE FIZZ AND ORANGE BOUNCE In Bottles 5 Cent Manufactured by the Star Bottling Works. n