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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1914)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA. how wen .1 I COLONEL ROOSEVELT IN THE JUNGLE VTSUV . aww.""-" - iv-f"i!- zvk k, -miawrr'??.rim&xli Army Bakers Sound Death Knell of Famous Food. It MUM AVOID OPERATIONS u. S. Soldiers No Longer Have to Break Their Teeth on "Cast Iron" Bread Dreadmakera Carry Outfit for Troops. Vera Cruz, Mux. Modern field or ganization htiB shattered another pic turesque featuro of wnr. Hurdtack. which In every campflro story swap ping contest has figured prominently us ono of the privations which heroes must endure, Is not used. No longer enn It bo the leading stago prop In Bentlnientnl romances of tho sacrificing comrndo who gave up his last crumb to n famished brother, of the dutiful son who used his last cake to write homo to mother and wont hungry for a week in consequence, or of profano O'Urien, who made a new vocal record when ho broke an eye tooth on tbo durable nrmy ration. Krcsh bread In big, soft rolls, as palatable as can bo turned out by tho most modern bakery, takes the place of the hardtack of other campaigns. It is all baked In tho army ovens. Twenty-four hours after tho trooim landed In Mexico 0,000 pounds of bread had been baked mid was being delivered, warm, to tho different camps. Capt. K. S. Whcelor, who had charge of tho field bakery, says that It is tho most notable ndvanco which has been made In army equipment In the last ten years. Formerly an army In camp lived on hardtack for Boveral months whllo tho quartermaster department wiib either erecting brick ovens and u bake shop or negotiating with somo local baker for a bread supply. Now a real bakery la a part of tho quartermaster's depart ment of every division. Tho bakery which went into opera tion over night in Moxlco Is turning out between 0,000 and 8,000 pounds of bread a day, which feeds somo 10,000 soldlors and marines on shore duty. Tho equipment can bo tripled In slzo and Its capacity Increased to 38,000 pounds dally. Four ovens are In irso, whllo a full equipment for 12 ovchb, enough for nn entlro army division, was brought on tho transports. There Is no experimenting necessary to got tho field bakery In working or dor. To tho bakory crow condltlbns hero aro tho samo as they have boon for months In tho various army camps In tho Btatcs. It will be tho same from day to day, If tho nrmy Is on the move A bakory crew consists of a captain and G5 men, enlisted as bakers. Cap tain Whcelor, who has chargo of tho flold bakory at Vera Cruz Is an artil lery captain, dotnlled for four years In tho quartermaster's dopaHmont and assigned to tho hnkery. Each ovon Is tho nucleus of a nop-, arato unit In an nrmy field bakery. Ono or twelve enn bo sot dp, each completo In Itself. First Is a sleeping tent for tho crow working that particular ovon. Next cornea tho mixing tent. In it aro two mixing troughs, a corner for tho sneks of flour, n bako tablo on which aro scalos for weighing tho loavea and TmmmmMmfmWMmLmmm Q Colonel Hoosevelt and a companion photographed In tho wilds of South America during tho remarkable exploring expedition recently ended. nnothcr on which the pami are stacked. Next comes tho oven. On tho other sldo of tho oven Is the store tent. It Is Inclosed In an outer tent of mosquito netting nnd filled with racks of wire and steel which will hold D.000 pounds of bread In orderly rows. Tho oven was deeigued In 1911 by Capt. Luclen Holbrook nud Sergt, Pat rick Dunn. It Is of Iron nnd steel, fastened at tho corners and edges by clamps. Tents, ovens and all equip ment are collapsible and can be folded and packed Into a single escort wngon. Twelve wagons will carry tho bakory for 30,000 men, or 19,000 loaves. War has not started and tho army Is not on tho march. Tho bakery Is turning out whnt Is known a "issuo" bread. It is different from "wnr" bread. Six loaves of "Hsuu" bread are baked at ono tltno. Fotfr of tho loaves consequently do not have any crust on their sides. What Is known as "war" bread Is baked In sopnrate loaves, has crust nil over and will keep longer. Thero aro othor differences Inter esting to tho houfiewlfo or baker. "Is suo" broad has 2V4 pounds of dough to the loaf, rlbcs flvo hours, Is baked one t hour and weighs two pounds when cooled. "Wai" bread weighs two pounds when cooled, Is raised for elghl liours, has more sugar and no lard In tho dough, Is baked for 1 hours and will koop for a considerable length of time. At G p. m. tho bakers start mixing their dough. He'foro noon tho store tents nrc stocked with fresh bread At daylight tho next day tho regimental comnilBHnry wagons aro loaded with tho supply to bo taken to tho camp It 1b very different from tho days of hardtack, which It Ib sulci by veterans, was an hard as tho boxes In which It wnti shipped. FAMOUS TRIO MEET AGAIN Earl Grey, John Hays Hammond and Major Burnham Greet Each Other In San FrancUco. San Francisco. Thero was a brief reunion here one day recently of threo men who hnve become famous through out tho world. They were the Urltlsh statesman, Earl Grey, John Hays Ham mond, noted mining engineer, and Mnj. Fred It. Durnham, famous scout and soldier of fortune. The three parted company last In Rhodesia In 189G. Then Earl Grev was tho administrator of Hhodesla. Hammond was consulting engineer for PiQ- mBBmiSmmm I wxm cog? Washington Explorer Finds Strange Cave Men SHINGTON Caves hewn in tho solid rocks of sugarloar mountains, sometimes to the depth of 150 feet, large enough to hold from 1.C00 to .'ino people. Men who think nothing of running 10 and 50 miles a day without taking a drink of wnter. People who" never set nvos on fruits or vegetables. Towns of G.000 to 6,000 Inhabi tants, In which there Is not a building, the people living In holes In tho earth A land of no shadows between 8 n m nnd 5 p. in A nation In which women aro never seen. Theso are some of the wonders described by Frank Edward Johnson, tho explorer and lecturer and contrib uting editor of the National Geographic Magazine, who nrrlvcd in Washington after nn absence of almost two years, spent among the troglodyto tribes of southern Tunisia. Mr Johnson gave out his first Interview since his return to tho t'nited States, after reporting to the National Geographic society In Washington While In Tunisia Mr. Johnson conducted extensive researches among tho burled Roman cities, and truced tho old Roman highways, which havo been hidden for centuries by the shifting sands of tho Sahara. He succeeded In following for 300 miles the route of the road that was built from Carthage to Leptls Magna and to Alexandria nenrly two thousand years ago "On the trip just concluded " said Mr. Johnson, "I came Into a more Inti mate contact with the innermost lives of tho peoples of the extreme southern Tunisia than ever before, and I had an unequaled opportunity to study them nt closer range thnn any foreigner has ever enjoyed There aro probably more than ono hundred thousand of these people In a section hitherto sup posed to be almost unlnhabltuble. They are pursuing an exceedingly primi tive life. "All tho troglodyte strongholds are difficult of approach. Their warriors could see tho enemy approaching for rnnny miles, unless they camo by night, and then tho zigzag path that led up to tho great walls, worn smooth by centurleB of hard use, with a surface like polished marble, was too danger ous, for a stumble meant sudden death on the rocks hundreds of feet below. It is difficult even for the mountain goats born and bred there." By Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Cleveland, Ohio "My loft side pained me so for several years that I expected to nave to undergo nn opera tion, but the first bottle I took of Lydia E. Pinkhmn's Vegetable Com pound relieved meof the pains in my side and I continued its use until I became regular and free from pains. I had asked several doc- TV nmSWs-- I ' ' X Women in Political Murder Members of Fair Sex Seldom Figure as Assassins In World of Politics Mme. Calllaux's Crime. London. In tho history of politics thero Is no parallel to the Paris trag edy which has rosulted In tho denth of M, Calmotto, who wnB shot by tho wlfo of M. Calllaux, the mlnlator of finance, who sought to nvengo her husband's honor, snya London 'fit lilts. Women, happily, flguro Httlo In po litical murders, although about throe years ago an attempt was mndo by a ., . stirred slnco tho Ilrcton heroine, Carlotto Corday, stabbed that mon ster of tho revolution, Mnrat, in his bath. Hut tho modorn history of RiiBslan revolutionaries provides somo oqunlly romurknblo stories of heroines of tho pcoplo who havo taken upon themselves tho task of killing those whom thoy considered tho enomlos of progress and liberty. Tho most recent enso was' that of Kinnlda Konopllnnnlkova, a Russian school mlBtrosB, who on August 13, 1906, shot dend Major Genernl Mln, commandor of tho famous regiment of tho Somonoff guards, at I'otorhof rail way station. Sho was arrested on tho spot and ultimately condemned to death by hanging, this boing tho first death sentence passed on a woman slnco tho execution of Sophlo Porov sltaya, who was practically tho chief organizer of tho nihilist conspiracy which resulted in Cznr Alexander II being blown to pieces on his way to tho military riding school In St. Pe tersburg on Mnrch 1, 1SSI. This female nssnssln wns only twen- ty-soven years of ago at tho tlmo of her execution, but oven sho was six years older than Mario Splrldonovn. who. fired with the wrongB of tho Rus sian peasant, shot tho brutnl Governor Dujenoevsky Horrible tortures wore Inflicted upon her In order to force her to confoss the nnmes -of her ac complices nnd ultimately sho was tried by court-martial bohlnd closed doors and sent to Slborln a physical wreck John Hays Hammond. Cecil Rhodes and the Goldfleld Consol tdatod Mines of South America, Major liuriilmm was a scout for Lord Rob erts and ho had Just killed tho noted Matabelo outlaw, M'Llmo, frustrating a piojected massacro of tho British settlors. Major nurnhnm, hearing thnt Earl Grey was In San Francisco, camo to tho city from Three Forks to meet him. lie brought a little gold nugget that ho has carried as a. talisman through all his adventures in differ ent parts of tho world, and tho treas ured letter Lord Roberts wrote to him when ho was invalided homo. Tho roport by Ilurnhnin to Earl Grey, tho administrator, of the killing of M'Llmo Is a noteworthy page In Brit ish history. Tho threo talked nffectlonatoly of tho stirring South African, times for half an hour. Capital Folk Scramble for Rent-Free Houses THERE'S a scramble on among several hundred Washlngtonlans for rent free houses during the bummer months In the city's most exclusive resi dential districts. Few peoplo outside tho capital realize that thero are In this city ifcores of beautiful and costly homes which aro turned over to care takers, sometimes without rent, and with coal, gas and electric light bills paid On some occasions, even, care takers aro paid a nominal sum to llvo In the houses. Now Is tho season when theso caretnkers are the busiest Those who hae had these positions In the past aro the most activo and thoy besiege almost dally tho various real estate offices In tho city. For this business is one of tho hardest for real estnto men to look after In the first place they must be nblo to judge chnracter "on tho jump" and be able to pick men and women who would bo capable and honest. Then after selecting the names of applicants tho ngents havo to Investigate their standing and trust worthiness. In the selection of the tenants widows almost always havo first choice. A good widow with children Is always regarded as tho best care taker While the occupation of caretaker grew up originally when Washing toninns left tho c,ity for the summer It has extended to another branch now that of furnished houses for salo or rent. For Instance, If a public official who has lived hero seveial years suddenly becomes a "lame duck" and moves "back to tho farm" his Washington homo Is for sale Often It Is difficult to sell tho place immediately or even to rent it. As a result n caretaker is selected. This party Is ghon possession of tho house, but is required to keep It in tip-top condition and to show it to prospective buyers. tors if thero was anything 1 could take to help me and they said thero was nothing that they knew of. I nm thankful for such a good medicine and will always give it the highest praise." Mrs. C. II. Gmr-TITH, 7305 Madison Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Hanover, Pa. "I suffered from fe male trouble and the paitu were so bad nt times that I could not sit down. The doctor advised a severe operation but my husbnnd got me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time. Now 1 feel like a new person and can do a hard day's work and not mind it. What joy and happiness it is to be well onco more. 1 am always ready and willing to speak a good word for the Comround. " Mrs. Ada Wilt, 19G Stock St., Hanover, Pa. If lucre aro any complications you do not understand vrrlto to Lydia K. rinkhnm Mrdicino Co. (confidential) Lynn,3Inss. Your letters ill lie opened, read and answered by a woman and. held In strict confidence. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable act surely ana gently on the liver. Cure Biliousness, Headache, M Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty; SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature raMga - p mmMi TADTCDQ AV7TTVAD rmiTTI f jgffiJ)H?mJr Biivcrv aZmr BriLLj, fy Sg3 MAN CALLS THIS FISHING Mme. Calllaux. woman of Lob Augelos, Cnl., to shoot u congressman who sho considered had Insulted hor husband, who was HI, by making disparaging lemarks nbout him In public. Fortunately, the wound Inflicted proved but a slight ono and tho woman oscnped with a ehort term of Imprisonment. Franco, perhaps, haB not beou so $2,000 Wallet Returned. Now York A wallet containing $2,000. lost by n Colorado minor, wns returned Intact to its owner aftor dancers In a' Coney Island "tango pal ace" had klckod It around for an hour Take Fifty Needles From Girl's Body. Iloston. Dr. Harry II. Germain re moved B0 needles from tho body of Miss Marlon lilbbs, twenty, who de clared sho bw allowed them to produce suffering. Her mental condition Is being Investigated. Nevada Ranch Owner Drains a Ditch and Catches Mountain Trout With His Hands. San Francisco. W. II. Davenport of tho Western Pacific railway says: "I was back In Novnda recently, and a friend of mlno who owns what ho calls 'Just a Httlo ranch' of 9,000 acres asked mo If I would llko to fish for mountain trout. I said I would; it's my favorite sport. " 'Como on." said ho, and ho took mo to a stream acioss which ho has built a dam for tho purposo of Irrigating his alfalfa. "Instead of producing fish poles he suddenly turned on tho water and let It run full force through tho Irrigating ditches for Just a half minute. Then ho turned it off. nnd, beckoning to mo, led me to the Irrigating ditch. "Hy this time tho water which he had let In had run out Into tho fields, nnd on the bottom of tho ditch wore nbout p hundred mountain trout left high and dry and flapping about at a groat rato. "My friend gathered about twenty Into a basket apd threw tho rest back allvo Into the stream. Wo had tho ones ho caught for supper, and they wore delicious." Uncle Sam Needs Rifle Ranges for Civilians WITH the probability that citizen soldiery may be called to national serv ice, tho national board for promotion of rlflo practise of tho war depart ment has issued a statement explaining tho need of rifle ranges for prnctise, which has been mado possible by tho present cohgress In providing for tho freo distribution of rifles and ammu nition to civilian rifle clubs and school cadets "Again wo are faced with the pos sibility of sending untrained youths from their homes to the battlefield," tho statement says. "Recruits can be taught to march, drill, and tako care of themselves in tho field In a com paratively short period, but such Is not tho enso with tho care and effec tive uso of the service arm. A long step In iho right direction was taken by tho present congress when it enncted a law, through a paragraph in the army appropriation bill, authority for the war department to Issuo rllles nnd ammu nition freo to certain Chilians "It is a fundamental principle of national defense thnt citizens should bo trained In the use of the service arm. Rlflo Instruction Is tho keynote of national defenso of Switzerland. If we wero to train rfiur citizens In tho same pioportlon as that small republic, we would havo about 3,000,000 trained civilian expert rlllemon "A seilous handicap to the proper development of this movement Is tho lack of rillo ranges With the growth of cities nnd tho Increasing value of land generally rlflo ranges have been swept nway. Therefore, unless tho Issuo of rltles and ammunition is followed by tho construction of ranges whore civilians can practise such Issuo will not accomplish the results de sired by tho government" 1 VOvl SJa IMlSSEO fypp PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A tntlct tireparatloa of nurlt. Help' tocradltaleilandruir. For Restoring Color and ( Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair, 60c and SI W at lruirctsts. Unlnfluentlal Quantity. ' Do ou approve of taking tho word. 'obey' out of tho marriage ceremony?" ' No," replied Miss Cayenne. "Let it remain. Nobody is going to keep bringing up a marriage ceremony and. quoting from it as if it were a party platform. " Shot Self to Avoid Golnn to School. Danvlllo, 111. Dalo Dolanoy, twelve, shot hlmsolf In tho log with a revolver to keep from going to school. "Movies" Make Church People Gasp. Chlcngo Members of the Joyce Methodist church gasped when "movies" showing murders and other acts of vlolonco with no connecting link wero exhlbltud. Aldermnn Pretzel later explained tho pictures wore tho "cutouts" mndo by tho cotiBors, but ho had forgotten to nunounco to tho audi ence what tho films wore. Varied Lot of Plants Grown by the Government IN CONNKCTION with its investigations, the Smithsonian Institution under took borne years ago tho collecting of a series of cactuses. Not only herbarium specimens, but many onmples of living plants were secured The problem of tho caro of theso living plants while under observation was soHed through tho co-operation of tho department of agriculture, which assigned special greenhouso No 7, at Fourteenth and H streets northwest, for housing them Today a vorltablo deport nourishes In it, filled with all kinds of strange dosort plants, espe cially cactuses froni North and South America, of which thero aro perhaps In tho neighborhood of flvo thousand specimens Tho collection hns much to attract the ordinary visitor No such collec tion in F.uropo has so many uniquo and rare species Kach pot contains n label which gives the key nuinbor to record books giving tho history of each plant. Tho collection contains about twcnty-flvo species of tho night-blooming cereus, sovernl plants of tho so-called bishop's cap, and somo striking specimens of Tuik's bend enctus. Tho photographer of the National musoum makes photographs of the flowering plants whon any speclnl features nro to bo noted, thousands of those cuttings being distributed by tho department to tho various botanical Institutions throughout the world. The collection Is directly under the charge of E, M. Byrnes, superintend ent of gardens and grounds. important to Mothers Kxamino carefully every bottlo ot CASTORlA.asafoandsuro remedy for Infants and children, and seo that it Tlnn va 4 ?i n Signature ot uSzYA&&. In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A girl may work hard to obtain ai husband, but that doesn't necessarily indicate that she will take In wash ing and scrubbing in order to support him. SHAKE INTO YOUR SIIOKS Allen's Foul-Base, tuo Antlspptlopowdor for Tired, Tender, swollen, nervous feet. (Jlvrs rest and comfort. MiikesdanclnnadollKht. Soldovcrj-wliore, 26c. Don't uccrpt ov luhndfulr rr FIIKM sim ple, address Allen H. Olaisied, Lo Buy, K. Y, Adr. Contrary Discipline. "Whew, that was a roast you got this morning from the boss!" "Yes, what I call a raw deal." Don't bo inMert. Ask for Red Crosi" Rail lHnc. Males beautiful white clothes. At all good Kroccis Adv. I It's easii-r to induce a man to nc- cept a favor than tako a Joko & fin The Source of Uric Acid r.atintf tou much Uncommon linblt Hint does u luluf httiin. Meut, especially, forms urlu no Id n ml the cunstnnt tlltoi lug uf acld liulen blood weakens tho Ulltie s. uriouuld causes rheumatic mul ncrsoug trouble, weakens tbo eyeb, forms gravel nnd leads to dropsy ami UrlKht's dimise. Kidney weakness ghes tally warnings, however, such as backache nnd urinary disorders nud caa bo slopped by piompt treatment. I'fo Doan's Kidney l'llls, tho best rec ommended and moH widely used kidney remedy. A INrbruskh Cose. "For flvo yurs my hmlih was all run liwwn and I ilmppi d an to a in, ri shod ' saa Mrs Martha ""ds, of 7u3 T nt rt M . Aurora, Nib I was awfully wak and had ti riltilo pains throughout my bod Mornings I ftlt all tlrnl out nnd m nukles nnd f t smiled My bind dir wis Inflamed and I was laid up In brd for fcurn a w teles Four or ne boxes of Donn s Kld- n.y Tills iur,d ni" and for llvo tais I haven t had ono sign of tho old trouble." Cat Doan's at Any Store, COc a Doz DOAN'S8,1? FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. sJlags? T'"" v