II :4 tS1 Only Room for Three More in Dixon's South Bend Watch Club $3.00 Down -T $1.00 per ?eek "SoulMRexid" -iJ ' - "Watch. Designs Bridge model of latest dealer. Plntes Genuine nickel not brass nickel plated ns In many makeB insuring an even expansion and contraction In chances of temperatuee. JewU Selected ruby and sapphire jewels throughout are harder and not so easy to chip or break as the garnet jewels generally used. Escapement Double Roller thl overcomes all danger of over banking which would stop the watch. Steel Escape Whel Harder than the brass commonly used. Lever Set Protects yau against accidental rrfovlng of the hand . N Regulator A patent micrometer nutnnd screw; no danger of back lash. Balance Wheel- Compensating automatically aJjusts Itself to changes in temperature, etc. Hair Spring ifrcguet the very best made Adjustments Temperature Isochronlsm and three positions. Vcrv closely rated under each one of these adjnstments, Finish-Very highly and beautifully finished throughout, Gold lettering. At the Lowest Cash Price When I have secured three more members, my South Bend Watch Club will be closed And after this eltih is completed I cannot sell you a watch on tho Club terms at the regular cash price. It is the Cluh Plan nf buying which enables me to grye you sucn a low price. It costs me no more to sell 25 watches on this Club Plan than it would to sell one watch and I give you the benefit of the saving. It certainly is the ide 1 wav of buvine a cood watch. The first to ansWer this ad will have the I best chance of getting ! in the Club And to insure your getting a membership you had better call at the store immcdiatelv or phone your reservation. Wear the Watch Si&JillliiiVv An i2 i ' j:vj $Lsr 2 -Am Ip94 w ) o'm XV 8 VT J 4 :m) 7r ? -) F -71 ,WhileYouPay I otrtHBend 49 '".. You have the privilege of selecting your case from u large assortment of artistically engraved cases of different designs, or you can have plainer Roman finish if you desire. The case i3 guaranteed for 20 years and we give you a certificate stating how much gold there ia in the back of the case. The case is built especially forthe movement, thus insuring greater accurancy. WHAT WE WILL DO TOR YOU We agree to adjust the watch to j our. person and guarantee its keeping accurate time as long as i is not nbuseck in any way. The manufacturers stand back of us making this guarantee. If the Watch does not give you accurate service, we will give you a new WRtch in exchange. tmwvtftwmmzszi Club will Ibis' SJsfit- M be closed Saturday Night, 9 O'Clock DIXONThe Jeweler A South Bend Watch Keeps perfect ,Timeln Solid Ice f OR. 0. H. CRESSLER. ' e a Graduate Dentist, t f OlPce over the McDonald .J State Bank. t Local and Personal Mrs. J. E. Snyder, who Ins been the guest of; fiiends in town, returned yes terday to her home in Fredport, 111. Mrs. - George Kanouff, of Grand Island is visiting this week at the home of MrsAndy Scharman of this city. The Fpwbrth League will hold an ex change Saturday in the Schatz window for thebenefit of those who do not wish.tocook and bake during Chautau qua. Former lorth Platte boys now living in th west are "apparently doing well. Recently John Ottenstein of Salt Lake became the father of twin girls, and last week twin girls also came to the home of AsaSearle of Wallowa, Ore. Furniture at your own price a Schatz's sale. At a meeting of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce Wednesday evening A. V. Wortman was elected seefetary of that organization, succeed ing M. E. Crosby, who resigned. Mr. Wortman will assume his duties next Monday, but for the present at least will tontinue to do jnoreor le68 local reporting for The Tribune! Mrs. F. D. Westedfeld entertained yesterday afternoon at a post-nuptial showf r in honor of Mrs. Oscar Sandall, nee Miss Tiilie Huxoli, at hor home on East Eiehth street. Over fifty ladies were present and a deligntful afternoon was enjoyed with various social diver sions. At the close of the afternoon a nice luncheon was served. Mrs. San dall was a recipient of many nice gifts. If you have not already procured one of Temple's hail insmance policies do not delay longer. Phone the office. Miss Marie McCabo arrived home Wednesday evening from Notre Dame college and she will spend tho summer vacation here. For the first time the tennis championship of Notre Dame college will be brought west of the Mississippi river. Miss McCabe made a striking record in tennis and easily won over all tho other contes tants in the tennis tournament. The Chicago Record-Herald gaVe a lengthy account of her victory and cited the fact that the title has never before been taken it of th M''ssirpi. Charged With Cattle Stealing. Harry Cunningham and Robert Iangle were brought to this city yesterday from Kearney by Sheriff Andrews charged with the theft of two cows from Hoyt Hart of the Paxton vicinity. Two cows were stolen from Mr. Hart on Wednesday and were sold in Paxtorr for $72. Also two unknown men were seen to drive into Sutherland in a liv ery rig and buy tickets for Cronk?town, I Minn. Sheriff Salisbury was notified of the theft and of the two unknown men boarding the train and he notified the Kearney officers to search the trains. Sheriff Andrews apprehended the men on n night train into Kearney Wednesday evening and took them into custody and brought them here yesterday morning. They were lodged io the city jail and Sheriff Beal, of Ogalalla, arrived this morning and re turned with them. From the talk of 1 the two men in seems that th y will plead guilty. Henry Gcise Parole Revoked. A report on the investigation re cently held at Maxwell of the Henry Geise parole case was received yester day. The Pardon Board after review ing at length the different sides of the case, revoked the parole of Mr. Geise because of the way in which it was se cured and not from any facts brought out at the investigation, and tho board not wishing to send the defendant back to the penitentiary, gives him permit siorfto move to another county or go to Germany, he having stated at the in vestigation that ho had leased his place for five years and had no interests to hold him here. The board recom mended the above thinking it was not policy for he and his accusers to remain in the same locality, and the other parties could not be asked to leave as they have never been accused of theft and have always born a good reputa tion. Brady Vindicator, Bignell Will Celebrate An old settlers picnic and Fourth of July celebration will be held at the Stevens grove on July Fourth. Ther will be horse races, foot races, wrest ling and boxing matches, broncho rid ing and sports of all kinds with a ball game and an open air dance in the evening. Good speaking before noon and a basket dinner. Plenty of re freshments of all kinds. Everybody come, , Robert Louden has 'accepted a posi tion for the summerdrivingth express wagon. . City Conncil Meets. , Very little of interest was taken up at the council meeting Tuesday even ing. An ordinance providing for the building of sewers in lateral district K was taken up and was read three times and put on its final passage. Street Commissioner W. li. Salisbury ap peared before the board and complained that many were putting in tile drains in the ditches and they wete not getting the grado from the city engineer and that they paid Jittle attention to the grade, often causing the water to back up and leave a constant cess pool. The council advised him to make these people take out their drains and put them in under the supervision of the city engineer. The matter of building sidewalks was taken up and complaints were brought in by some property owncis that hitching-posts were placed where their walks should be and that they would not build their walks until the posts were removed on account of the horses that were tied there destroying the. walks. Commissioner Salisbury also complained that many people had trimmed their trees nnd left tho brush lying where it had fallen and thnt for this reason some of the weeds could not properly be cut. Tho council advised that all persons should removo the brush to allow for the cutting Of tho weeds. The mowers will be started soon to cut down all the weeds ulong the walks. Saxon Car on Lincoln Highway. M. J. Croker and Fred Wilkins ar rived in the city last evening in a Saxon car enroute from New York City to San Francisco by the Lincoln Highway. Tho Saxon is to he the first cor to make tho official trip across the continent via the Lincoln Highway and tha two young men are making a nice trip. A delegation of scvcrsl cars from this city met them on tho state farm road and piloted them into the city and they spent the night here. Mayor Mitchell, of New York City, was the official starter of the trip and the two young men started on their trip of 3,389 miles. The schedule culls for an average speed of twenty miles per hour and an average daily drjve of one hundred and twentj -five miles and they have run so far on schedule. The young men will pass through five hundred forty towns and they are re ceiving fine receptions in all these towns by the nuto clubs or other organiza tions. The Saxon is one of the smallest and cheapest cars made, but it is mak ing a run equal to the large, high priced cars. ' Mrs. Maude L Scott Asks Divorce. 'Suit was filed Tuesday in tho district clerk's office by Mrs. Maude E. Scott against Glenn Scott asking for a decrco of uivorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty and non-support. Sho also filed an application for temporory alimony and that application was taken up in the district court and thu temponuy alimony granted to the extent of ?20 n month. In her complaint Mrs. Scott states thnt that they were married nt Beaver City, Neb., June 1G, 1908. Application for divorce wss filed just six years from that date. She states that they have two children, Randolph, aged 5 and Glenn aged 2. She nsks the custody of the children, alleging that Mr. Scott is unfit for tho custody of them and stat ing that she can care for them with tho aid of her parents. She also nsks reasonoblo alimony and other relief as may bs deemed equitable. Mr. Scott filed an objection Wednes day alleging that tho charges made against him are false. That he works for the Union Pacific Compa- y on a night job and that the day the com plaint was filed he turned over to the plaintiff $10 out of a cheque for ?G9, re serving only $5 for his personnl expenses for the month and using the rest to pay bills. Attorneys Beeler & Crosby appear for the plaintiff and Muldoon & Gibbs for the defendant. Four Divorces Granted. Four divorces were granted in ,the district court at the equity term. Thoy were granted to Nettie L. Laughlin from James Laughlin, Marie II. Dcckdr from Milo Decker, Addio E. Smith from George G. Smith and Florcnco L. Tillotson from Henry E. Tillotson. All of them were on the grounds of tremo cruelty nnd non-support. Tho district court session closed tcrday morning, only n threo day siod being held. Several other minor equity cases were heard and a number were left ovor until later. The next term of court, aside from the chamber sessions, will beheld in December nnd the jury will be called for that term. There are already several crim inal cases and other jury cases to be heard at that time. ex-yes- BCS- The Chamber of Csmmerco has ap pointed a committee to provide enter tainment for the McCook commercial club, which will come to this city, by autos next Tuesday evening. The visit ors will have a band, which will give n concert on the streets at eight o'clock, and following this a smoker will bo given the McCook boosters at the Elks' horfie. A pilot will be sentlo May wood to escort the cars to the city, and a number of cars will meet the purty five or six miles east of town and act ns an escort. Go to Schatz's overstocked sale thi s wee'k. Ir. D. T. Quigley left yesterday , for PhHdelphia to attend a meeting of the surgeons of the country. While there Via liftll nlort ia tfllfan infrf follnwoTlin ft of the American College of Surgery, an' Honor semom conierreu upon surgeons in jLhis part of tho county. He has Jnlso been asked to speak in one of the Phil adelphia churches Sunday. ""Christian Science Service Sunday 11:00 a. m. Subject "Is Tho Universe, Inclnding Man, Evolved by 'Atomic Forte." Sunday School 12 m. B. & L. bui'ding, room 25. "You should Bibble" let "Schatz Worry." Miss Aileen Gantt gave a dancing parky at her home Wednesday evening complimentary to Mis3 Edith Patterson. Mrs. J. B. Redfield left yesterday for Kansas to attend the marriage ceremony of a sister. Railroad Officials Arrive. G. G. Holcomb. A. II. Scribnor and W. N. Beatty, nil of Omaha, resresent ing tho Union Pacific company, arrived in the city yesterday to procure data for their appearance before tho county commissioners today. TljOdounty board will sit ns a board of Equalization and thoy will hear the complaints ol these men in regard to the petition thoy filed asking that all land owner be cited to appear and- show cause why the tax assessments should not be raised. According to the ruling of tho supreme court the writ of mandamus for which tha company npplied must bo tnken from the district court and ap plication for same may be mado nt any time. Mr. Boatty announced some time ago that thy intend fighting this to a finish and after being downed by the supreme court and remanded to the district court they will un doubtedly take up the matter there. Lost Ladies Elgin watch with on graved hunting cas'e.' Return to this office and receive reward. 43-2 Dr. T. J . Kerr and Dr. II. C. Brock arc having their suite of offices com bined. The rooms formerly occupied by Drs. Quigley & Sitnns have been added to a suite and they are all under going general repair and redecorating. Mrs. George W. Sewer and daugh ter Mrs. -R. C. Orr of Norwalt, O , nr-. rived last night nnd is the guest of her sister Mrs. Geo. Prosser nnd brother C J. Bowen. Mrs. Fred Warren and children, of Omaha, have been spending thia week with friends in town. They will return to Omaha Monday . For Rent Nicely furnished front room. Inquire nt 520 VV. 0th, street. For County Commissioner. Thereby announce myself ns a' enndi; dato for tho republican nomination for county commissioner from tho Second district, subject to tho docision of tho voters of the primary election. E. II. SriUNGEit, Brady, Nebr. ---4-4i--t i-c-i t4 r.Fn r riFWT & "'"I "I'll Physician and Surrjeon, z Officet 1st floor B. & L. BIcjg Phones 130 Residence 115 t '4-;-IMiMtJfift-lJi The Chautauqua program yestorday was very good both In tho afternoon nnd in the evening. In tho afternoon tho Browne-Enlow company gnvo a pleasing preludo ond this was followed by n good lecture by StownrtJ. Long. In the evening the Browne-Enlow com pany again gne tho preludo and tho great Laurnnt gave his evening of magic and proved himselfTnn excellent entertainer. His tricks in magic wero exceptional and were better for boinp original. He is on of tho cloverost magicians on th circuit. Tho Browne Enlow company is composed of artist and Mr. Tack pleased the audience very much with his flute selections. Miss Enlow on the violin nnd Mr Ilrowno on tho piano also proved themselves artists. Sherwood Woodhurst is suffering from a wound in his foot as the result of stepping on a rusty nail. Ho has been employed on the rip-track in tho local shops. W. W, Burr, of Washington, D. C, was visiting friends in the city this week. Ho wus formerly connoctod with tho state experimental sub-station here. Dr. Larson, of Los Angeles, was. In the city this week visiting Jerry Bowen. Il was returning to his homo from Omaha where he visited relatives. Korean Justice. Tho Ivoiunu Judge dispenses Jtistlco In tho open, and by ctlquetto only thoi Judge can sit. Cuiy onu olso must stad, excepting- the prlsouor nnd UIs fiiends, who aio forced to remuln hi a humble kneeling position with bowed heads. Until quite recently these trlnlB wcie always very one sided nnd shock ingly unjust, states tho Wide World Magazine. When u innn was brought to n Judgo It was taken for gruuted he was guilty, nud If ho did not confers ho was tortured and made to do so Witnesses, too, wero openly bribed. In fact, giving evidence for or against nn nrcusod person meant a living to n poition of tho community, nnd these witnesses naturally favored thoso who paid best. Punishments varied. If tho prisons were too full nnd tho con demned could not pay n fluo they were often given a chnnoe to escnpo or dis appeared by somo means. Though theso things nro of tho past, Korean Judges, like thoso of China, possess a poor Idea of tho senso of justlco. Corn cultivators, mower rake, hey stackers nnd swaepa nt Hershey'a, .Gth & Locust street, opposite posloffice, phone 15. He Could Not Understand It Most,people think Jones is a "crank." We think he is properly particular. He is particularly particular about his collars and yet he is honest and fair, lie came in Monday and said "What new stunt have you got on your collar work? My tie slips through this last ot as if they were greased, and the fit and finish is simply great.' Then we showed him this new machine the Prosperity Collar Moulder which we have recently installed. if . ft '"'X ,fpt It Moulds the Collar Under Steam Pressure. No Gas, No Friction, No Sharp Edges. - Step in and see it or phone us to call for a bundle so you can be as pleased as Jones. Do it now! Dickey's Sanitary Laundry, "Your Bosom Friend" A 108 West 6th St. Phone 77, Easy to Remember. ' . xi I