An Odd Breach of Promise Case By EUNICE BLAKE George Trover had n way exclusive ly hla own of doing tilings It unj ono attempted to Injure him he would not put up un open light- He would think out u plnn to circumvent his op ponent or undernilno him In other woids, put him Into u position to "hang himself" by his own acts If lie de sired to confer u favor on any one ho would go about It In a way at first to cause the person he favored to think that ho was about to do him an Injury So one could tell (roin what he said what he meant. lie was contliiuiilly confessing to limits that he did not possess "It you only knew me," he would say, 'you would liud me a very menu man " Wh -n It was announced that (Jeorge Trover was engaged to Hstelle Ganett hei inut Intimate friend said he had won her by telling her I ha I there was something on his conscience lor which he was repentant anil whli h was an unbeatable burden to him In tin1 way he won her sympathy Then he coulessed that his eiline was in loving her Instead ot one He was la duty bound to love The result was a be trothal Not long after the engagement I's telle met George on the street walk Ing with a young woman plainly but neatly dressed The girl was talking with great earnestness and looking up Into George's face In a way Kstelle did not like When George caught the eye of his (lancec looking at him Intently nnd severely he starled Then ho forced a smile, bowed and passed on Ustello went home and wrote him a note breaking their engagement. This wa not the proper thing for her to do She should have llrst called for an a planatlon. She waited several days for a reply to her note communicating her decision, but heaid not n word Hy this time she had come to under stand that her lover was n bit peculiar and wondered what ho was going to do. Surely ho would not fall to take some notice of the breaking of the en gagement. And yet, considering thai start ho gave when ho had met her. Indicating guilt, might he not he so ashamed as to let the matter go by de fault? Another consideration en me Into her head that, having found a new love, he might desire to be ofl with the old one. Hut In this case would he not be likely to notify her that he accepted Ills dismissal? rinally George's reply came. And what was It? A note from an attorney announcing that on behalf of George C. Trover, Ksq., ho had begun proceedings against her for breach of promise. listello read the note with amaze ment. Her first thought was that on no account could there ever again be between them nny such thing as love nnd that she would never again notice n man who had treated her in so ex traordlnnry a fashion. It took some time for her to see her true position She had accepted George, Ids presents, much of Ids time, and to please her lit) had changed his occupation. She had broken the engagement on seeing her Ounce wnlklng on the street with an other girl. She hnd no evidence that this girl had supplanted her It began to nppear to her that she had acted hastily An uncle of hers wns an at torney, and she went Immediately to his olllce. There she told him the story and asked his advice. "You aro placing me In an impious ant position," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "George came to mo nnd asked mo to bring this suit. 1 declined to hnvo anything to do with It, nnd he put his case In other linuds. 1 don't see now how I can tnko yours." "Hut you ean ndvlse me, uncle, can't you V" "Certainly." "Well, what do you think of u man who will bring a suit of brench of promise agnlnst n womnh?" "Men and women both come under the law." "Can ho force mo to marry him?" "No He Is not trying to do that lie Is merely claiming payment for n broken heart." "Hroken heart! I don't believe he has a heart. Can he get damages?" "That depends upon the Jury. I fnn cy from what you have told me he can prove his case. The Judge will prob ably Instruct the Jury to llnd for the plaintiff, nnd they will award a dam ago of 1 cent." "What! Insult mo by considering my lovo worth no more than that!" "No. It would mean that George Is In the right, you, or course, being In the wroug Hut they wouldn't like to punish a woman for sending a man nwny even If there were no legal rea son for her action They might give him damages for his presents to you." "Ho can hnve them all back What .hall 1 do?" "Ix;t me telephone Georgo to come hero and settle the matter out of court" She assented to this, and George ap pea red. "George." said the uncle, "who was that girl Estello met you walking with?" "A young woman 1 wns Hiking to the otllco of n friend of mine to whom I hnd applied In her behnlf for n tlon." "Nothing between you?" "Certainly not" "Then you two had hotter make up " And they did. When Georgo tolls tho story to guests bis wife pays she forgnvo him becauso ho didn't know nny better. A SNIFF OF CHLOROFORM By M. QUAD Copyright 19H, by Associated Lit ernry Press. The Kincardine bank was or.o of the oldest and Miougest hanking Instltu tlotis In New England, though .situated and doing business Irr a town of 'J.000 Inhabitants It made loans to bun drcd3 of farmers, and It did business with mnny shipbuilders and shlpown era along the New England coast Many nnd mnny n time, as nsslstant cashier, I hnvo seen $1,000,000 stack ed In our vault and have tossed pack nges of S.10,000 about as If they had no more value than so much old paper. I say wo did a large business, but yet our building was a humble one and our methods as primltlvo as might be found In a country stole. Wo had a brick vault with Iron doors, but tho laziest sort of crncksman would have dug his way Into It In nn hour with n crowbar. Outside of tlio vault wns an old fashioned bolt headed safe, which locked with a key only, it hnd a strong, mnsslvc look, hut the lock could hnve been picked In n qunrtcr of nn hour, nnd two ounces of powder poured Into the keyholo and exploded would have torn the door off. It will surprise you when I say that sums of money as Inrge ns $75,000 were often left In that old safe over night My uncle. James Gordon Kincardine, who died a few yours ngo, wns to blame for our wny of doing business Ho wns n set tnnn lie tinted innova tions. I wns twenty-three yenrs old when a place was given me as assistant cnshler. I had been In tho bank al most two years when tho rooms over head wero vacated nnd rented to a traveling doctor for n month On the 12th or a certain October, when he hnd been our tennnt for two months, he enme Into tho bnnk at the noon hour, a time 1 was nlwnys alone, to get change for u bill. Therenftcr. until the climax came, ho dropped In nlmost every noon. Ho never attempt ed to come behind the counter, though the door sometimes stood open, but on several occnslons I went out to him. Ills culls ufter tho llrst three weeks were for the purpose of manipulating a swelling on my Jaw, nnd 1 nlwnys passed outside tho counter and snt down on u chair On tho 8th of No vember, which wns cold and dlsmnl, we hnd in the Kincardine bank exact ly $328,2.r.O In currency. On the next day there was to bo a big withdrawal to pay the hands at u mill, and some $30,000 wns to go to certain Boston banks by express. I hadn't been left nlone for over live minutes when Or Jordan came in to attend me. As he worked at my Jaw he gradually turned my head to the left, so that I no longer saw him or the door Ho nsked me to repent a btory I had told him a few days ago, and I was doing so when tho door opened. I did not stop my talk, and 1 could not turn my head The man who enmo In did not speak, but he must have passed the doctor a sponge saturated with chloroform 1 got the odor ot the stuff at once nnd wns wondering whnt It was when my neck was gripped by tho doctor's left hand, ami with the right he thrust the sponge Into my face. I think I tried to rise up and light the Bpouge away, but am not clear about It. I do distinctly remember, however, of hear lug the doctor say: "Now. then, lock the doors, and I'll soon hnvo the money In the bags!" It was nn hour Inter when I henrd faraway voices nnd a f tor a struggle opened my eyes and found the bank full of people. Up to that time no one had discovered anything wrong, except with me. They had found me lying on the tloor nnd supposed I wns In n (It though all detected the presence ot chloroform. My (Irst woids wero to ask them to look for the money. Of tho $323,250 not a shilling remained. Safe and vnult hnd been plundered to the last penny! When nstonlshment passed away 1 wns churged with hnv Ing robbed tho bnnk. It wiis not a fair thing for un undo to do, but Junius Gordon Kincardine, to his everlasting shame, wns for having me locked up at once It wns a long hour before wo got the tangle straightened out. and that hour lost my undo every dollar he had In the world. The robbers had a start of an hour and a half, ami the only cute thing they did was to make a half circle around tho town nnd mislead pursuit for n dny. My uncle had detectives almost by the dozen, nnd tho majority of them tried much harder to comic t mo than to overhaul the robbers I was (pies Honed and cross questioned until bored to death, and for it change they would threaten me. Some thought I had bul led the money somewhere, as If one could go at high noon and do such a Job. and the sleuth of all sleuths was sure that I had stood in with the two men and was to get my share of the proceeds Tor yenis and years I was a Biispect ed person, and few men dared to own my friendship liven when men no longer dared suspect thej talked of me In connection with the robbery nnd ns sorted tlmt I wns next door to a fool that I did not suspect and checkmate It. I have given you a true and lion est account of the whole circumstance, and, no matter what your version may bo, I feel the better for having writ ten It out I conteud that my uncle's foolish and reckless system was all to blame, nnd In this I know that nil bankers nnd their employees will ngree with me nnd absolve mu from all blame. Sound In a Fog. It has often been noticed that on ! wet nnd foggy days sounds aro heard nt n grentor distance thnn on clcnr. flno dnys. It wns Tyndnll who ex plained tho reason for this. Ho no ticed that the distance nt which the Bounds of foghorns, whistles nnd shots could bo Nin id varied from dny to day from two to twelve miles. The cause of this difference Is found In the de gree of homogeneity of tho nlr. On a foggy or snowy dny the air may be perfectly homogeneous; this permits bound to travel a great distance. In clear weather the nlr mny bo composed of vertical layers of differing consist ency, and the sound waves nre re fleeted from tho surfaces of the layers. Probably they are also refructed In passing through tho fceveral layers Currents of warm ascending air form In one place and currents of cold de scending air form In others. Thus the atmosphere may be very transparent optically and very opaque acoustically New York World. Speaking From Experience. "Blanche, dear," said tho watchful nunt to her niece, "don't you tblnk that Fred spends too much money upon you?" "Ho you think so, aunty?" "Indeed, I do, Blnnche. I've been no ticing, nnd I think he's really extrava gant. You ought to check him nnd tell him to save his money. You -will need a good deal when you begin house keeping, and It Is far better for him to put In the haul; the money ho Is now spending on motor trips and luncheons nnd tickets to this thing and that than to be squandering It. Think over the matter a minute or two, dear, and you will bee It us I do." "Oh, I'vo thought about It nlreadj, dear aunty. I'd take your advice If I were absolutely certain that wo shall bo married, but I've been engaged bo. fore, nunty, nnd I don't intend to nd vlse a young iiian ngnin to economize for somo other girl's benefit!" London Telegraph. A Smoke Puzzle. "Ono day on approaching our fac tory," writes nn American engineer In Cuba, "I noticed n great cloud of binoke, oily and black,, 1 oiling out of the chimneys and blotting out the sur rounding landscape. I went to the holler room and gave tho firemen a good dressing down for nllowlng so much smoke to escape, telling them It was tin owing money away and that If they could not lire better I would havo to discharge them "I thought no more of It till the next morning, when, on entering the englno loom. I found the chief mechanic Jubi lant over some Joke. He told mo that the chief fireman, a negro, had come to him with tears fn his eyes nnd hud said: '.Mr. V. sajs that we must not let the smoke go out the chimney; if we do he w 11! dNiharge u Now. If the smoke cniiiiot go out ot the chlninev where eiin v.e put It?'"- I'oww NOURISHING ICE CREAM It is the purity of our ice cream that makes it not only delicious but nourishing. We invite you to inspect our ice cruam plant nnd see the sanitary conditions under which it is made. Ever thing which enters into its composition is absolutely pure and every utensil is as clean as you would like it to be. Try our ice creum once and you will order it again. Wo supply ice cream for parties, bnnquots and clubs. Let us give you an estimate. Stone Drug Co. Drs. Quigley & Simms Physicians and Surgeons. First National Hank Building. Notlco Of Special Election. Notice is hereby given tlmt on the ;i0th. day of June, 1011, a special elec tion will bo held in the City of North I'latte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, e. which tho following proposition will bo submitted to the voters of said city; "Shall the Muyoi and Council ot the i ity of North I'latte, in the county of Lincoln, in the State of Nebraska, is sue Twelve thousand 00 100 (f 12000.00) Dolhus, City of Noith I'latte Bridge Bonds, in denominations of One thou sand 00-100 ($1000.00) Dollars each, bearing interest at tho rate of fie per tent per annum, payable semian nually, iuteiest and principal payablo at the office of the State Tieasurer of the State of Xobiaska." Said bonds to henr date of July 1, 101 1, and tho intorcst on said bond's to be payablo tho 1st day of January, UU."), nnd on tho 1st dny of July, 1015, and oa the 1st day of Janunry nnd on the 1st day of July of eneh nnd ovory year thereafter, until nil of the inter est on said bonds shnll hnve been paid. Said bonds to bo numbered consecu tively fioin one to twelve inclusive and the interest thereon to ho ovidonc ed by coupons thereto nttachod. Bond number ono to bocoino duo nnd payable on tho 1st day of July, 1925. llond number two to become duo and payable on tho 1st dny of July, 1020. lWiiid number three to become duo and paynble on the 1st dnv of July, 1027. Pond number four to bocoino duo nnd pnynble on the 1st dny of July, 102S. A HOT IRON AND A COOL KITCHEN That's what you want for ironing that's what the newieFjea i jto. hhi nil ' " I i "TT"Trn gives you. The heat is all in the burner none in the room. The New Perfection is cheaper than coal and cooks better. Broils, bakes, roasts, toasts. In 1,2, 3, and 4 burner sizes. Ask to see the 1914 model 4 burner, cabinet range with Tireless cooking oven. Perfection Standard Oil Company Bond number fho to becomo duo and paynble on tho 1st day of July,1929. Bond number bix to becomo due and pnnblo on the 1st dny of July, 1930. llond number seven to becomo duo and payablo on the 1st day of July, 10:11. Bonds number eight to be come due nnd pavable on the 1st dav of July, 1932. Bonds number nine nnd ten to be come due nnd pavable on the 1st day of July, 1933. Bonds uumbciB eleven nnd twelve to becomo duo nnd payablo oa the 1st day of July, 1934. Shall the Mayor and Council of the City of North I'latte, in the Coun ty ot Lincoln, Stnte of Nebraska, levy a tax in tho year 191-1 and in each and ecry year thereafter, sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds, and sufficient to pav fivo per cent of the principal thereof ns provided by law; I nnd in tho year 1921 and each and ovory year thereafter sufficant to pay tho ! piincipnl of snid bonds ns they bo-j ecine due, until sufficient tax has bcon Ie led to pny nil of tho prircipnl of said bonds; nnd such tax both for in-1 terest and principal, to bo levied upon all of tho taxable proporty in said Citv of Noith I'latte. Said bonds to be used for the pur pose of constructing a wagon bridge across the North I'latte Itivor, com mencing nt a point on the South nnd West bnnk of the North Platte River, Two hundred (200ft) foot North of the center lino of n continuation of 1th Street in tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska; and run ning thenco at a right angle neioss said North Platte River, Twenty nine hundred ('.'000ft) feet to n point on tho North nnd Knst bnnk of said North Platto River Eight hundred (SOOl't) feet Noith of the South lino of sec tion thirty-six (30) in Township fourteen (11) Noith, of lango thirty (.'10) West of the (Uh. p. in. said bridge to bo approximately twonty-nino hun dred (2000ft) feet in length, nnd of sufficient width for two teams to pass each other at any point on said bridge, and to bo constructed of concrote and steel, nnd to comply with the plans nnd specifications pioparod and furn ished by Tho Slnto Kngineor of the Stnte ot' Nebrnskn, said bonds ropro scuting approximately twelvo-fiftioths (12 30) of the entire costs of tho con struction of snid brid-'o as horeinbo- foro set forth, tho entiro costs of which is to bo approximately fifty thousand 00 100 ($."0,000.00) Dollars, ono half (1-2) of such entire cost is to bo bomo by tho Stnte of Nebinska Aid, as pro vided for in Article 3, Chapter 2S sec tions 123 to 131 inclusive, ot tlio ice vised Stntuto3 of Nebrnskn, for tho year 1913; and thirtcon-fiftioths (13-50) of tho entire cost is to bo borno by PJntto Precinct, Lincoln County No brnska. Should tho Stnto of Nebraska fail to grant snid Aid nnd should Platte Precinct, in Lincoln County, Nobrnska fail to issuo bonds in tho sum of Thir teen thousand 00-100 ($13,000.00) Dol lars, ia aid of the construction of snid bridge, then the bonds of said City of North I'latte herein submitted, shall not be issued. Snid bridgo to bo constructed upon n lino two hundred (200 ft.) feet north of tho center lino of n continuation of of July of each nnd everv year there after, until all of the interest on snid bonds shnll hno been paid and to levy n tax in the yenr 1911, nnd in each and eery yenr thereafter sufficient to pnv the interest on said bonds nnd suffi cient to pay five per cent of tho prin cipnl thereof as provided by law; and In the year 1921 and eneh nnd every yenr thereonfter sufficient to pay tho principal of said bonds as they becomo due, until sufficient tnx has been levied Al Oil Gives Best Results (NEDRASKA) Omaha to puy nil ol the pnmipnl of said; bonds; such tnx both for iuteiest nnd principal to be levied upon all of tho taxable property of snid City of North riatte. s,u Ith street in said City of North Platte Lincoln county, Nebraska, and connect with the public highway on tho north and east bank of said North Platte river, intended to be the Lincoln Mem orial Highway. Tho ballots to bo used at said elec tion shall have printed thoreon: FOR: issuing twolve thousand ($12, 000.00) dollars in 'The City of Noith Platte Bridge Bonds," in denomina tions of ono thousand ($1,000.00) dot-1 lnrs each, beating iuteiest at the rate' of five per cent, iuteiest nnd principal' payable at the office of the State Tieas I urer of the Stnte of Nebinska. Said ' bonds to henr date of Julv 1, 1911, nnd tho iuteiest on snid bonds to bo payable on the 1st day of Januaiy, 1915, and on the 1st day of July, 1015, and on tho 1st day of January and on the 1st dny AGAINST Mssuing twelve thousand ($12,000.00) dolhus in "The City of Xoit Platte Bridgo Bonds," in denom inations of ono thousand ($1,000.00) dollais each, beaiing iuteiest nt the into of five per cent, interest and prm cipal payablo at tho office of tho State Treasurer of tho State of Nebraska. Said bonds to henr (Into of July 1, 1914. nnd the iuteiest on said bonds to bo payablo on tho 1st day of Janunrv, 1015, nnd on the 1st day of July, 1915, niul the 1st dny of Jnnuiiry and" on the 1st dny of July of eneh nnd eveiy year thereafter, until nil of tho interest on nid bonds shnlj hnve been paid; and to levy n tnx in tho yenr 1911, and in eneh nnd every yenr thereafter suf ficient to pny tho interest on snid bonds and sufficient to pny fivo por cont of the principal thereof as provided by law; and in the yenr 1921 nnd each anil every yenr thereafter sufficient to pny the principal of said bonds ns thoy be como due, until sufficient tnx hns'been levied to pny all of the principnl of said bonds; such tnx both for interest nnd principnl to bo levied upon nil of the tnxnblo property of said Citv of Noith Plntte. Those voting in favor of said proposi tion shall mnrk their ballot with an "X" nfter the paragraph beginning with tho word "FOR" nnd those vot ing ngninst said proposition shnll mark their ballot with an "X" after tho paragraph beginning with the word "AOA1NST." Notice of snid election shnll bo given by the publication of u notice in tho North Plntte Telegraph and in tho North Platto Tribune, tho former boing a weekly newspaper and the Inter a semi-weekly newspaper, both published in the City of Noith I'latte, Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, nnd of genernl cir dilution in snid county of Lincoln, eneh of snid nowspnpers hnvi'" been desig nated as official papers i said city, sold publication shnll bo published for ot least four weeks prior to snid elec tion, nnd tho City Clerk is hereby in structed to cause a publication of such notice to be ninde. Said election will bo open nt 9 o'clock in tho morning nnd will con tinue to be open until 7 o'clock in tho nfteriioon of snid dny of election nnd the polling plnces of said election will be at tho entrance to tho old Lloyd opern houso on tho corner of I'lno nnd Sixth stieet in the First wnrd of snid City; nnd nt the County Commission eis' loom in the County Court House in the Second wnrd of said City; and nt the old Hose House situate 'on Vino street between Front nnd Sixth streets in the Third wnrd of said Citv; and nt the Hose House in the Fourth wnrd of said City; snid election will bo con ducted in ninnnor nnd form as provided by the ordlnnnco of sr.ld City nnd the Statutes of tho State of Nebrnskn. I i Bv Older of the Citv ( oiim ii of the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated this 23rd dnv of Mav, 1914. ' C. F. TRMPLE, in2S-j25-5w City Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. Oliver P. Braugh, otherwise Oliver P. Stokes, and Sarah Braugh, non-resident defendants, will take notice that action has been begun in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, by Herman Koester, the object and prayer of which said action are o quiet and confirm in the plaintiff against the de fendants title in the following describ ed lands situate in Lincoln county, Ne braska, to-wit: The Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 10, Range 30, wen of theGth P. M. To have estab lished in plaintiff title by adverse pos session by reason of the open, continu ous, notorious and adverse possession of said dexcribed lands by the plaintiff for more than ton years last past. You and each of you will make ans wer to said petition on or before the zuin auy oi dune, mi l, or decree will ne tanen against you as in saiu petition prayed, HERMAN KOESTER. Plaintiff. By E. H. Evans, his Attorney. ml9-4 NOTICE. Phillip Ronton, will take notice, that on the 29th day of April, 1914, P. H. Sullivan, a Justice of Peace, of North Platte Precint No 1, Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued an Order of Attach ment for the sum of $18.54 in an action pending before him. wherein Peter Galanes it plaintiff and Phillip Ronton, defendant, that property consisting of money, in the hands of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Corporation, has bean attached under said order. Said cause wai continued to the 29th day ot June, 1914, at ten o'clock a m. Peter Oalanos, Plaintiff. North Platte, Nebr. May 18th 1914. Notice of Sale of Land Upon Execution. Notice is hereby giv en tlmt by virtue of nn exe cution issued by George 13. Prosser. Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon n uidgmcnt rendered in the District Court of Buf falo county. Nebraska, which hail been herefore filed in the District Court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, in favor of John W.Smith against M. J. Graham, full name, Marlon J Graham, I have levied upon tho following described real estate as the property of said Marion J Graham, to-v, it All of Section C. in Township 10, North of Kange 29. West of the bth 1 M . Lincoln county. Ne braska, nnd I will on the 13th day of July, 1911 at 2 o'clock. P. M , emtral time of said day nt the east front dooi of the court house in tho city of North Platte, in said Lincoln county. Nebiaska. sell said real estate subject ton mortgage of $2,000 nnd accrued interest thereon, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion llnnn will, h Ihnw. Ia .l..n .1... .. -r ,itr .. i. -.-.. "' v. .o ...v .lie BUIII Ul J.UOO VV1W1 7 Percent interest from November bth, 1913, nnd $28.75 costs trgether with nccruol costs. Dntednt North Platte, Nebiaska. June 5. 1911. A J. SAL1SI1UIIV, I9"5 Sherllf of Lincoln County, NeLraske. ' , SHKWU-SSALI,. lly virtuo of an order of snlo issued from the district court of Lincoln county. Nebrnskn, upon n decreo of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein L. C Several, is plalntllf, and Lnrls Ilnsmussen nnd 13 P. Itasmusson are de fendants, and to mo direeted, 1 will on the Mb day of July 1014, nt 2 o'clock, p m , at the eaBt front door of tho court houso in North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ff.Wni.. Int.iPii.t nn.l nr.u... .1... f..1l . . "v.v, .i.,..i-ab unit LUDk., ill,. JOIIUVVinK dewlbeil property to-vvlf All of Section Nine w, .uvviiBiiiii it-ii ui, intuitu i weniy.j;iifit (21), except Ono nnd Cine-half Acres In the North west Quarter of the Southenst (Junrter, west of thoCth Principnl Meridan, Lincoln county. Neb Dated North Platte, Neb., May 29th, 1911 J2-5 A. J.Sai.isiiuiiy, Sheriff. notici: roic publication Serial No OlJfii Department of the Interior United Stati s Ijind Olllce North Plntte, Nebrnskn, June, 1 l'ju Notlco Is hereby given tlmt WilUnl P I'letche-i of Dickens. Neb , who nn Jnnuari 21 pjln made homestead entry No OIViil for SVS nnd NW'J Section 12. Township U, N Itange J2. W. of bth Principal Mi rldlan. has filed notice of intention to make llnal three year proof to establish claim to tho laud iiImivo described before, the register nnd receiver nt North Platte. Nebraska, on the Bth duy of August, 1911, Claimant names as witnesses Philip Hull c1iA;A!"JlT,"ni,NY,,",tllMt',""n''nJJ H 1'tch all uf Dickens, Nebr. J6 J. H. KVANS, Iteguter m T T