The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 19, 1914, Image 1
8iato IIlsUf'Gil SooUty r- Wuhfa Wvtbnm cv . r raw 4,M,4"l''V TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 19, 1914. No. 43 fe MQVth nr V City and County News Miss Helen Gleason left the first of the week for Calloway to spend a few weeks visiting frionds. Mrs. L. F. Owens and children are spending a few weeks visiting relatives and friends in Julesburg. Hoagland & Hoagland moved their offices this woek into the new Building & Loan building from the rooms over the Gem candy kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sandall arrived home Monday evening from their wed ding tripof two weeks on the western coast. Jack Palmer and Henry Walker of Lena, Nobr., arrived in the city Wed nesday for a short visit with friends. Charles Maupin, a local brakeman, left Wednesday for a trip to Missouri tor a few weeks on business and pleas ure. Edgar Schiller and family left Wed no sday for Mechhng, S. D., to spend two weeks on un outing and pleusuro trip. License to wed was issued Tuesday from the office of the county Judge to U. W. Williams and Mrs. Bessie Smith both of Greoly, Colo. 'The groom is a newspaper man at Greely. Mrs. J. H. Posey returned last even ing from a vacation trip of a few days up the branch. Miss Esther Robinson left Tuesday for her home in Rawlins, Wyo., after visising for several days In the city with Miss Alice Fitzpatrick. Mrs. W. C. Eldor and son Coulter left Tuesday for Melrose, Nebr., for a visit of a week with Mrs. Eklor's sister, Mrs J. N. Baker. Miss Nina VanDoran is reported con valescing nicely from an attack of ap pendicitis. Sha is now able to bo( around some but is still quite' weak. A girt was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simon rosiding at 700 East Sixth street. The family of Mr. Frater, the drug gist at Rincker's, nrrived Wednesday from Texas, and will occupy the Mrs. Church house during her absenco. For Sale Bed room furniture, lino leum and polished top Malleable steel range. J. B. Jeter, 510 W. 5th St. Mrs. -J. II. Donncgan returned this week from Denver, where she went to visit her daughter, Miss Ethel. She reportsihor daughter's condition much improved and states that she Is conval escing nicely. Miss Hansen, of Schuyler, arrived in the city Monday for a visit of two weeks at the LeDoyt homo. Mrs. Gideon Wlnkleman and Miss Tyronno Wlnkloman left this week for Sidney where they will spend somo time visiting friends. If you have not already procured ono of Temple's hail insurance policies do not delay longer. Phone the office. Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Stuart roturned the early part'of the week for u brief visit in tho east part of the state, Mr. Stuart transacting business in Omnha and Mrs. Stuart visiting friends at Columbus. Licenia to wed was issued Tuostlaj evening to Harry Shinn, 22, and Miss Anna Anderson, 22, both of this city. Mrs. G. M. Smith roturned Wednes day from Grand Island, Where she had been vlsltingher daughter for several weeks. The latter is suffering from an injury sustained to ono of hor knees a number of yoars ngo, arid her present condition may call for an Operation, Mrs. C. It. DeMott returned "Wodnts day morning to her home in Scotts Bluffs aftnr spending several days in, tho city at the VanDoran home. She rnmo hero to attend eti neice, Miss Nina VanDoran who has been quite ill with an attack of appendicitis. iagaiasayMa&3sa&saas M. JL JLWC4.JL JL w JL JLVCAi Final Cut at The Overstocked Sale. ag?33B2aWIHmM I nMIIII ft IKOESB JL Kg Starting Saturday morning and lasting 10 days we are going lo puL our entire Furniture Stock on sale at positively cost and in some instances less than cost; below we will quote a few prices. Now we mean business and our stock must be reduced in the next 10 days regardless of prices. Rockers $40 Rockers at 630 $35 Rockers at 25 $30 Rockers at , 20 $20 RooLsrs at 12 $10 Rockers at 5.00 $6 Rockers at 3.00 $5 Rockers at 2.50 JL! ; jigll i jrjB " Vi Vi IB : I I VI Diners. $5 diners at $3.50 $4 diners at 3.00 $3 diners at 2.25 $2.50 diners at 1.50 $2 diners at 1.35 $1.50 diners at 1.00 B r- """T;.'""'"'! M mWsI"'.."!! I&Gs8t&SeV-iZ3.. v? 3SS3SSS fl iSSSSS-x maM j,7 ,n n-" nv i' in ..mtw i w Dressers $35 Dressers at $27 $30 Dressers- at 20 ' $20 Dressers at 12 $15 Dressers at 10 $12 Dressers at 7.50 Ranges' $75 Ranges at $65 $70 Ranges at 60 $65 Ranges at 55 $60 Ranges at 50 $-10 Ranges at 30 liP SI" i m U SI fftWS ' ! wRHifflttii iQS fcfwBKS3aW81ilr"'v''' '-'1 Kitchen Cabinets $35 Cabinets at $28 $30 Cabinots at 22 $25 Cabinets at 20 $18 Cabinets at 13.50, $12 Cabinets at 8.50 ' i'1te" -z r ir d 1 1I &: 'if y;- r ."C7?syS 1 II -i " "ill ly. : Coffrlihr- Refrigerators $45 Refrigerators at $35 $40 Refrigerators at 30 $30 Refrigerators at 20 $20 Refrigerators at L2 Hi Dining Tables $30 Tables at 20.00 $25 Tables at 16.00 $20 Tables at 12.00 $15 Tables at 10.00 Rugs $50 Rugs at $30 $40 Rugs at 28 $30 Rugs at 20 $20 Rugs at 15 $18 Rugs at 12 $15 Rugs at 10 Bed Springs $ 0.00 Springs at $6. 8.00 Springs at 5.00 5.00 Springs at 3.00 3.00 Springs at 2.00 Library Tables $30 Tables at $20 $20 Tables at 12 $15 Tables at 10 $12 Tables at 7.50 m . 1 ai 1 p,t7 Beds. $35 Heds at $25 30 Beds at 20 20 Beds al 15 18 Beds at 12 15 Beds at 10 12 Beds at 8.00 8.00 Beds at 5.00 5.00 Beds at 3.00 Space will not permit a complete line of prices, but come in Saturday or any day next week and will show you that we are are selling anything in the Furniture Line . at Cost and Less. Too much Stock and we must have the money. Don't forget we are giving away Free a Majestic Range, a chance wiih each $1.00 purchase. The Big Store on the Corner will save you money the next 10 days. Hardware Furniture Mattresses. $18 Mattresses at $12 15 Mattresses at 10 12 Mattresses at 7.50 10 Mattresses at 6.00 6.00 Mattresses at 3,50 3.50 Mattresses at 2.50 iimii'imsmmm