The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 16, 1914, Image 9

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The Thrill
of Health
and vigor can only be
experienced when the
digestion is normal, the
liver active and the
bowels regular. Any
disturbance of these
functions suggests an
immedhte trial of
It is for Poor Appetite, Indi
gestion, Cramps, Diarrhoea,.
Biliousness and Malaria.
1 Cuttr' Dlaellcg PIIU. Low-
priced, fresh, reliable: preferred bj
weilem stockmen, because they
protect vrhire ether vaccine, tell.
write for Ixwxlft and tentlmonlsK
10'deie pkge. Blackleg Pills $1.00
80-doie pkqe. Dlaokleg Pills 4.00
The .upcrlorltr of Cutter product! is due to oier 19
yrara of specialising in vaeelnet and lerumt only.
Insist en Cutter's. If unobtainable, order direct.
The Cutter Laboratory. Derkelsy. Cal.. er Cblcaio. Ill
If you frel 'ocr of sorts' 'raw ion"oot the blues'
11'irr.a from aiumr, bladder, kirtou msiusca,
CllllOKIO WKlKNKSn, ULriCKS, BKIX ir.urcioNs, riLKK,
write for FREE cloth holxd medical hook om
theee dleasea and uonderful cures effected by
Hie remedy for touhown aliment. Abeolutely FREE
ro 'follow np' circulars. No obligations. t)a. LlCikro
Old Acquaintance.
A resourceful girl, having danced
a pink party frock to ribbons, took
what was left of it and made a won
derful lamp shndo. The next evening
she waa entertaining a caller in tho
soft light and she said to him quite
casually: "How do you like iny new
lamp shade?"
William regarded It for a moment
critically, then he said: "The last
time I saw that shade I danced with
Selfish Constituency.
"Are you going to send your con
gressman back to Washington?"
"No," replied Farmer Corntossel.
"We've found out that he's such good
company that we've decided to keep
him home."
Its Sort.
"Did you have a fine nuto trip?"
"I must say. It was mostly line."
Ualtimore American.
Some men are born rich, some ac
quire riches, and the rest of us thrust
riches upon thorn.
Red Cross Hall Blue, much better, goes
farther than liquid blue. Get ftom any
grocer. Adv.
The less hair a woman has on her
head the more she has on her dresser.
"' -rr n.irne
Tho nnnnrfitnltv of seeuriner free'
homesteads of 160 acres each, and
tho low priced lands of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, will
soon have passed.
fnarla nffnrc n Vprtv walcamo
to the Settler, to the man with a 5
family looking tor a nomo; to mo gj
farmer's son, to tho renter, to all who rf
wish to live under better conditions, g
Canada's grain yield In 1913 is f
the talk of tho world. Luxuriant p
Grasses give cheap fodder for largo g
herds; cost of raising and fattening g
for market is a trifle. f
The sum roalizod for Beef, Butter,
Milk and Cheese will pay fifty perj
cent on the investment. jfsj
Write for literature and partic- s&Z
ulars as to reduced railway ,-g33i
rates to bupenntenaent
.of Immigration, Ottawa,
Canada, or to
Boo Bulldlnu
Omaha, Neb.
Canadian Government Aet.
nits. Kent, clean, or.
namental. coDTentent.
cheap. Lasts all
season. Uail) of
rueul, can't eplll or tip
orer, will not soil or
Injure any thing.
Guaranteed effective.
All dealers rsent
esprees paid for 11.00.
HAROLD 80MEBB, 100 DtCalb Ave., Brooklyn, M. T.
Nebraska Directory
Live Stock Commission Merchants
X6 l-tfflO Kxcluingtt Ilullrtlnp", Bouth OiuullH
All Muck consltni'd to ua la sold by mewburs of the
Urm, mid all ouiplojcea hare boon anloctnl and
ImUitdforiuoTtorEnnlchtberdo. rlu-vkewe-ehl p sm
California Ostrich Plume Co.
1200 N. Street, Lincoln, nnd 200 Neville Block,
lUth and Hnrney Streets. Omaha. AUplumca
mailo ovov, cleaned, Uycclantl curtail.
Everybody's Jewelers
I Tim best by CTry tret. Hell nnd repair frcrr
klndof Jvwelry tiuodi tnrouRh price lUt or call
T, I,. COM IIS & (').. Tlio Hilly jovrolurB
1B0 DoukIhr St., timulin
i- Optomotrlst
'MBao Douczlati St.. Omnhn
TEvovythhta Optical
UlTICr, DuilCtii" 330, llKtf., ISellevuo 88
Every Street In City Offers Unlimited
Possibilities to the Artist and
Camera Man.
Berlin. Every street In Rothcnbcrg
offers unlimited possibilities to tho
artist nnd tho camera man. Noblo
churches rich in Gothic work, sternly
simple in character, beautiful in
craftsmnnshlp, richly endowed with
wood cnrvlng; massy walle,, still bat
tlomented; towers of all shapes nnd
sizes, some round and tall, others
squat and fat, with evil-looking silts
In their walls from whence many an
arrow lias sped on its death-dealing
mission; others, again, fantastically
peaked, soaring high Into tho sky and
seeming to touch tho rolling masses
of cloud that go Hying by; Renais
sance buildings of tho greatest beauty,
seamed and stained with the inex
orable hand of time, many gabled and
with row upon row of quaint dormera
The Kllngen Thor (Tower).
peeping from a steep roof ot glowing
prismatic color. Autumn Is tlio tirao
for pictureaquo figures. Then Is heard
the clacking of tho flail in many an
old barn; primitive bullock wagons
laden with the treasures of mother
earth slowly como through tho forti
fied barbicans of the town gates; and
figures bearing scytho or reaping
hook pass on to the fields and woods.
Stay a while and peep inside one of
the great old barns, whoso hugo beams
and timbers arc dimly revealed in tho
deep, dark recesses. A cloud of fine
dust fills the air, and a flood of sun
shine pouring in from the open door
turns this into a quivering, golden,
transparent screen, through which the
picturesquely clad figures aro seen
flinging their flails In rhythmic time,
the grain meanwhile dancing a merry
measure on the rough oaken floor.
Wisely enough, tho Inhabitants of
Rothenberg built their railway sta
tion far enough away, where It could
not spoil the beauty of the ancient
town. The visitor may feel a little
disappointed at first, bb, on leaving
tho station, ho traverses a common
place buildings; but onco through the
Roder gate and a street is entered
whoso houses and towers would sat
isfy the rampant imagination of tho
most extravagant scenic artist. A
great joy and content fills the travel
er's heart, for surely now he Is back
in the middle ages. On either slda of
th,e wide, spacious, street are great,
gabled houses lavishly painted In vari
ous colors, and with many humorous
inscriptions and verses upon tliom.
Listen to this abovo a Rothcnburg
Figaro's houso:
Mnny r. man must Iopo Ills hair
Wliom't plrnsetli not tho koiiio to Hparo;
Vet never a man that I liavo shorn
nut wt'H't hath pleased him, I'll ho Hworn.
For hair nnd larcl I out and trim
For eiich n best tt Hiiltuth him,
And every man I lather down,
Whether lio's nine or but a clown.
Bailed Out by Complainant.
Little Ferry, N. Y. Mayor Frank
Henna, chaiged-with assaulting Chris
tian Ullman, a political opponent, sur
rendered to the police and was balled
out by tho complainant.
Hesltsto Over Tempting Offer.
Boston. A genuine one-dollar bill
marked down to 90 cents remained in
a store window for 21 hours beforo It
was purchased. Hundreds hesttutod
to accept tlio bargain offer.
12,000 Contemplating Suicide.
Chicago. Coroner Hoffman In his
biennial report estimates that 12,000
persons in Chicago at tho present tlina
uro contemplating suicide.
F V fee
rp ? Wi
m& i iiMUfifriHii ? B
f BrLm, injm. xvmgm f ,
Watching for
the Lord
Deaa of Moody DUle iostitule
TKXT "Wiitclt therefore: for ye know
not what hour yfour Lord doth como."
Matt. 24:ii
1. That for
which wo are to
wutch Is the re
turn of our Lord
nnd Savior Jesus
Christ to -this
earth. Wo seem
shut up to this
thought both by
tho context of tho
passago and the
parallel places In
tho other Caspols.
It 1b, In nddltion,
tho simplest teach
ing of the Now
TcBtnmcnt Scrip
tures generally
witness the words
in I Thess. 1:9, 10, "yo turned to God
from idols to servo tho living and true
God; and to wait for his son from
II. Tho difficulty of watching Is
Illustrated in tho drowsiness of tho
dlBcInles In GetliBemnne "What, could
ye not watch with mo one hour?"
(Matt. 2G:40). The spirit was willing
but tho flesh waa weak. A condition
of thingB qulto as likely in the region
of spiritual truth, if ono may Judgo
by the frequent appeals to Christians
to nwako out of sleep, see Ephes.
5:1-1; Rom. 13:11, 12; I Cor. 15:34;
1 Thess. 5:G. There aro fow of us
who aro not awaro of this from actual
experience, alas! As in tho physical
so in tho spiritual sense, tho longer
we have to watch the more difficult
a task It becomes.
III. Tho danger of not watching 13
seen in our Lord's warning to tlio
church at Sardis "If therefore thou
shalt not watch, I will come to then
as a thief" (Rev. 3:3.) "The thief
cometh not but- for to steal, and to
kill, nnd to destroy" (John 10:19).
This last flguro Is partly Interpreted
by another In which Christ says:
"But and If that evil servant shall say
In his Ueart, my Lord delayeth his
coming; and shall begin to smito his
fellow servants, and to eat and drink
with the drunken; tho Iord of that
servant shall come In a day when hd
looketh not for him, and in nn hour
that he is not nwaro of, and shall cut
him nsunder, and appoint him his por
tion with tho hypocrites: there shall
bo weeping and gnashing of teeth"
(Matt. 21:48-51).
IV. Tho accompaniments of watch
ing arej
(1) Prayer (Mark 13:33) To pray
aright is to watch, but surely ho Is
not watching' who is not praying?
Hence "men ought nlways to pray"
(Luke 18:1. Not that wo must ever
be In the external attltudo of prayer,
as when the Pharlseos loved to pray
standing at tho corners of the streets,
but that our Inward habit should bo
one of dally communion with God, for
ho heareth us ulwayB.
(2) Service "loins girded about"
(Luko 12:35). See I Kings 1S:46,
Prov. 31:17, 19. It is tho slothful
servant who Is not watching. The
busy servant may not have tho partic
ular thought of Ills Lord's return mo
mentarily present to hla mind, but it
is nevertheless tho underlying motive
of his nctlvlty.
(3) Testimony "your lights burn
Ing" (Luke 12:35). He who Is watch
ing for his Lord's returnjs speaking
of it, witnessing for him. "Yo ahlne
as lights In tho world; holding forth
the word of life" (Phil. 2:15, 1C) that
others may see the way of life.
V. The rewards of watching aro.
(1) Escape from danger "Watch ye
therefore . . . that ye may bo ac
counted worthy to escape all these
things that shall come to pass" (Luko
21:30). Compare the context and the
parallel uassages with II Thess. 1:5-9
(2) Bestowal of divine honor.
"Blessed aro those servants, whom the
Lord when he cometh shull find watch
ing: verily I say unto you, that he
shall gird himself, and make them to
sit down to meat, and will come forth
and serve them" (Luko 12:37). It Is,
of course, Impossible to upprehend the
mennlng of this promised felicity
(Isaiah 64:4); we simply know that
our Lord's language Implies an exal
tatlon beyond our highest thought
(3) Increaso of powor und opportu
nity. "Who then Is a faithful and
wise servant, whom his Lord hath
made ruler over his household, to give
thorn meat In duo season? Blessed la
that servant, whom his Lord when
ho cometh shall find so doing,"
All hall, tho Coining Son of Ood,
He's ComliiK back again,
He's Coming In tlio Clouds of henvon,
Jle'h Comlnjf back unuln to relirii!
Slnnern vhono BlriH nre washed away,
Nor left a rIiirIo tulii,
do, hull, tho Adunl of your Ixird,
He'ti Coming hack to relgnl
J,t every kindred, every tribe,
Kreo of Creation's pain,
Aloud Acclaim His Welcome back,
Uo'h Coming back to reign!
Ah I soon with nil tho ransomed throng,
Ileholdlng Him once Main,
We'll et the rolling cloud, nnd shout
lie's Coming back to rtlgnl
"Ono Bumrnor I chanced to bo back
In thft ridges of Tennessee," said
United StnteB Senator Blair Leo of
Maryland, as ho leaned back in his
chair, "nnd a couple of mountaineers
got Into nn argument. High words
led to blows, and ono of the men was
killed. One of tho party volunteered
to ride on ahead to the dead man's
cabin nml break tho news to the
"She wns Beatcd nt a table eating
nppledumpllngs when tho mnn rode
up. He broko tho news ns gently as
possible. The woman listened quietly
with a dumpling poised In the air hnlf
way to her mouth. When tho man had
finished, sho stuffed the dumpling into
her mouth and said:
" 'Yon-all Jest wait till I finish this
hyer dumplln' an' then you-all'U hear
some hollprlnV "
Troop II, Cth U. S. Cavalry, Camp
McCoy, Sparta, Wis. "I was troubled
with pborinsls for nearly two years.
Portions of my arms und limbs wore
nffected mostly with It. It appeared
In scaly form, breaking out In very
smnll dots and gradually grew lnrgcr
nnd white scales formed when nbout
tho slzu of an ordinary match-head.
The looks of It was horrible, which
made It very unpleasant for mo. it
Itched a little at times.
"I tried several treatments which
cured mo for a month, but It always
broko out again. Ono day a friend
saw tho advertisement of Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment in tho paper and
I sent for a samplo. They helped me,
so I purchased two more boxes of
"Cutlcura Ointment nnd somo Cutlcura
Soap nnd they completely cured me,
It took three months for Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment to complete my
cure." (Signed) "Walter Mahony, Oct.
22, 1912.
Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment sold
throughout tho world. Sample of each
free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, BoBton." Adv.
Dodging the Issue.
"Why won't Miss Wombat dance
with you? Sho seems to avoid you.
Is sho angry with you?"
"No; but I'm trying to get a chance
to propose and it looks as if sho
knows It." Louisville Courier-Journal.
A Coming Man.
Griggs Then you don't look upon
Sharpe as a coming man?
Briggs No; but 1 would If I was In
charge of tho penitentiary. Boston
Alfalfa oeed t&U). Parma for anln on crop pay
ments. J Mulhall, rJooClly, la. Adr
Women workers in Chile recelvo an
average of 38 cents a day.
ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays
Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief
of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It
regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and
natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over
30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under
his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " aro but Experiments that trifle with
and endanger the health of Infant and Children Experience against Experiment.
ISli iina I
wir i dj H 51Fffl Q if
ir ijfflltKisUlfil'
AYfcgelaWe PrcparallonforAs
slmllalingilieroodanilRcdula (InrJ llic Siomacte ard Howls of
Promotes Digc3tionhecrfu!
ncss and ResLContalns nciUitr
Opium.Morphlnc norMiueral
Not Narcotic.
filmAll Sttd
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipj
t ion , Sour Slowacli.Ularrhota
Worms .Coiwulsions.fcvcmh
ness and Loss or Sleep.
TacSiwile Signature of
The Centauh COMPAtrTa
,Giiaranlecd under the rooda
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
Good Reason Why Confederate Com
mander Was Willing to See His
Prisoners Escape.
When, nt Gaines Mill In 1SC2, tho
5th Texas captured two whole regi
ments of Union soldiers, tho Tcxans
wore all very proud of their achieve
ment. Ono of them has described nn
amusing scene In connection with tho
When the Union Officers gave up
their swords to Col. Upton, they wcro
so prompt In tho duty that ho wns
compelled to lay down the frying pan
which ho carried In tho place of n
sword and hold the wcapona presented
!n his arms.
Just then he noticed n commotion nt
the far end of tho captured regiments.
That was near the timber, nnd a Bqund
of the prisoners wcro making nn ef
fort to pass by "Big John" Fgrrlo of
Company B, who Btood thoro unaided,
ondeavorlng to Intorcept them.
Springing upon a log, the armful of
swords dangling about In overy direc
tion, Upton shouted:
"John Ferris, what nro you trying to
do now?"
"I am trying to keep these fellows
from escaping," yelled Big John.
"Let them go, you fool!" shouted
bnck Upton. "We'd rather fight thau
feed them!" N
His Coffin Finished, He Dies.
After seeing that his coflln wns
made, J, Welch, father of Mrs. Nelson,
died from tho ravages of cancer. Ho
cumo from Oakland last fall to live
witli his daughter. Threo months ago
he requested that his coflln bo made,
so tt might bo finished beforo his
Ills son-ln-lnw and daughter wero
nblo to' postpone tho unplensant task,
but Nelson yielded to entreaties of his
fother-ln-law ten days ngo, and unwil
lingly begnn tho work to fileaso tho
nged sufferer, finishing It before death
came. Fall River Mills (Cal.) Dis
patch to' tho Now; York World.
Getting Round It.
Lincoln Steffcns, In a recent address
at Cooper union in New York, said:
"Tho wlfo of a child labor million
aire onco asked hlm In somo little
" 'Georgo, suppose you'd boon born
In tho dnyB when everybody had to
llvo by the sweat of his or her brow.
What would you do then?'
" 'I'd open a otnnd,' Georgo an
swered, 'for tho salo of handker
chiefs.' "
Smile on wapli tiny. That's when you ubo
Red CroM Ball Blue. Clothes whiter than
enow. All grocers. Adv.
Seek and yo shall find this applies
' especially to trouble,
What is Castoria
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. 11. Fletcher.1
Dr. Albert W. Kahl, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I huvo used Castoria ir
my practico for the past 26 years. I regnrd it as an excellent medicine
for children."
Dr. Gustavo A. Eiscngraobcr, of St Paul, Minn., cays: "I havo usoct
your Castoria repeatedly In my practico with good results, and can recom
mond It as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children."
Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I havo used and proscribed
your Castoria In my sanitarium mil outsldo practfeo for a number of ycara
and find it to bo nn excellent remedy for children."
Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., Bays: "I havo used your Cas
toria In tho caco of ray own baby and find It pleasant to tako, and havo
obtained excellent results from ita uso."
Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., says: "I havo used your Castoria in
cases of colic in children nnd havo found it tho best medicine of Us kind
on tho market."
Dr. R. E. Esklldson, of Omaha, Neb.; caya: "I find your Castoria to bo a
standard family remedy. It is tho host thing for infanta and children I
havo over known nnd I rocommond it."
Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., cayn: "Your Castoria certainly
has merit. Is not It3 ago, Its continued uso by mothers through nil theso
years, and tho many nttempta to Jmltato it, fiufllciont recommendation?
What can a physician add? Lcavo it to tho mothers."
Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of Now York City, cays: "For several yeara I havo
recommended your Castoria and shall always coutlnuo to do do, an it una
Invariably produced beneficial results."
Dr. N. B. Slzer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., cays: "I object to what aro called;
patent medicines, ncro maker nlono knows what Ingredients aro put la
them, but I know tho formula of your Castoria and advlso Ita uso."
Boara tho
Jl Boara tho Signatnrn nf ,mam
The KM You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Because of Terrible Back
ache. Relieved by Lydia
E. Pinkhnm's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Philadelphia, Pa. "I suffered from
displacement and inflammation, and btid
sucn pains in my
sides, and tcrriblo
backncho so that I
could hardly stand.
'I took six bottles of
Ivydia E. Flnkham'a
Vogotublo Com
pounded now 1 can
do any amount of
work, sleep good, eat
Rood, and don't havo
n bit of trouble. I
recommend Lydia E.
Pinkhnm's Vcgetablo Compound to
every sufferinKwomam.' Mrs.HARRY
Fisher, 1042 Juniata Street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
Another Woman's Cnso.
Providenco, R. I. "I cannot speak
too highly of your Vegetable Compound
ns it lias dono wonders for mo and I
would not bo without it. I hud a dia
placcmcnt,benrinir down, and backncho,
until I could hardly stand nnd was thor
oughly run down when I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound. It
helped me and lam in tho best of henlth
nt present I work in a factory all day
long besides doing my housework so you
can see what it has done for me. I givo
you permission to publish my namo and I
speak of your Vegotablo Compound to
many of my friends. ' ' Adril Law
son, 126 Lippltt St, Providence, R. I.
Dnnprcr Signals to Women
arc what ono physician called backncho,
headache, nervousness, and the blues.
In many cases tlioy nro symptoms of
somo f emnlo derangement or an inflam
matory, ulcerativo condition, which mny
be overcome by taking Lydia E. Pink
ham'sVegetablo Compound. Thousnnda
of American women willingly testify to
its virtue.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You're Tired Out of Sorts
Havo No Appetite.
will put you right
in a few days.
They do,
their uuty.A
CurcCon i
etinatlon. i
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headacha
Genuine must bear Signature
mzmr iiver
fltpswm 1 pills.