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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1914)
V tmrJ Feeding and Literary Genius. II Gii!KIi ii ,i n tb . ,i vli , tlv Hou t! it lulki lum Is nn nl.l t "-M ccsfu nuthoivliip soinp yen's g when culled upnii to Htiswor flio ques tion, "Wlmt Jji the first ntp townrd Hternry production?" Mt. WpIN re plied, "It Is Imperative if you wWi to write wiyi nny power or froslmesH nt nil that j on should utterly , rain your dilution " Victor Hugo uppenrs to lwve done Ids bent to bring on IihUrci lion. ICdmond Loekroy states in his anomolrs that It wng Hugo's Invariable custom when sorvod with crayflsh t devour tho head, claws and tall and to swallow the skin and pips whenever be ate nn orange. - Connection between feeding and lit erary Renins is commented on by Rob ert Sliernrd in ills "Modern Paris." Tlieoplillo Gnutlor, himself enormous, maintained that n man of genius should bo fat and for proof pointed to "that more unrrol than man," Balznc; to Alexandre Dumas, "always fat and Jolly;" to the "hippopotamus in breech es," Rossini, and tho plump and well fed appearance of Victor nugo nnd Saluto-Ileuve. Old Scottish Sanctuary. The old sanctuary of tho abbey nnd palace of rpplyrood house, to quote the full description, was an Interesting in stitution. The debtor wns freo from arrest during tho week. Qu entering tho sanctuary ho enrolled himself In a formal manner nnd obtained a room that is, if ho could pay for It. There was n public house within tho bound aries and It was not uncommon to seo tho debtor In tho inn playing dominoes and his creditor standing looking In at tho window with wistful eyes. Tho debtor was safe, and ho know it, nnd tho fnco of the creditor told the same tale. Sunday being n dies non, tho debtor could leave his sanctuary and visit his family, but ho had to bo care ful to got back to Elolyrood on Sunday night Sometimes a debtor had the temerity to leave on n week dny, but no did so at his peril. London Specta tor. Sunrise In Africa. Rev. Dr. YV. S. Rninsford recently described nn African sunrise, as he noted it, in tho "blue black African night back of Mount Kilmangnro." lie explnined bow tho first blood red shnft of daylight shot over tho peak nnd stained the clouds back of tho moun tain. "Impossible as It may seem," he said, "that red stain dripped down and not up nnd spread toward tho horizon. It spread right nnd left until the moun tain, still ns blue black as the night stood out in n dreadful silhouette. Then came the steaming mists of the morning, and at first red and then pink npd then silvery and then sullen they covered, the mountain after the dawn, and It was as though It had never been. Nowhere but In Africa. No where else." New York World. Winter'a Short Days. If I wero to paint tho short days of winter 1 should paint two towering icebergs approaching each other llko promontories for morning nnd evening, with envernous recesses nnd a solitary traveler wrapping his cloak about him and bent forward against tho driving storm just entering tho narrow pass. I would paint tho light of a taper nt midday seen through a cottage win dow, baif burled in snow and frost. In the foreground should appear the harvest nnd far in tho background through tho pass should bo seen the sowers In tho fields "nnd other evi dences of spring. On tho right nnd left of tho nppronching icebergs tho Leavens should bo shaded off from the light of midday to midnight with Its Stars, tho sun being low in the sky. Henry David Thoreau. Electromagnets. An electromagnet consists, essential ly, of n core of soft iron surrounded by mnny turns of Insulated copper wire through which a powerful electric cur ' rent Is mado to flow. When tho cur rent stnrts flowing the iron Instantly becomes a magnet, nnd when the cur rent Is shut off tho iron Just ns instant ly loses its magnetism. An electromag net can bo mado much moro powerful than a permanent magnet of steel, and It Is also much moro useful, because Its magnetism may bo turned on and off at will. It is indispensablo In making telegraph Instruments, nnd in recent years it has become hardly less Indis pensablo as a kind of giant derrick hand for picking up tons of steel and Iron nnd depositing them wherever they aro wanted. New York Journal Reason to Worry. "You look scared." "I guess you'd bo if you were ns Biek as I am." "Pshaw! You're not Beriously sick." "I didn't think I was, either, but I can seo that the doctor is beginning to worry over my case." "He's worrying, all right; ho told me that bo didn't expect you'd pay him unless he brought suit" nouston Post Knew a Whole Lot. A youthful and blushing brldo re duced the aged grandmother of the man of her choice to a stato of collapse last week, says tho Sydney Bulletin. When asked if she could cook, sho re plied with simple modesty, "Not very well, but I know that you bako insido tho stove and boll on tho outside." Above Ancestry. It is fortunate to bo of noblo ances try. It is more so to bo such that peo ple do not enre to bo Informed whether you are noble or ignoble. La Bruyere. Never suffer the prejudice of the eye to determine the heart Zimmerman. How a Curate's Daughter Became a Marchioness By EDIT?! V. ROSS One day when the Mnrqnls.of Bally shnunon was hunting, hot and thirsty, be enme to a well from which a girl was drawing water. Dismounting, ho went townrd her and asked her for a drink. She told him that she would bo happy to give him one, but there was no cup at hand. Tho marquis said that he would drink from tho bucket At this the girl mado a grimace, look ing from tho marquis to tho bucket, as much as to say, "It's no Qt thing for a gentleman to dtlnk from." Then, making a cup of her two hands, she dipped them in the bucket, filled them with tho cool water and offered the marquis a drink from the improvised cup. Though tho girl was but a coun try lassie, her hands .were beautifully shaped, and while the marquis was drinking ho looked up Into her two liquid eyes nnd drank of tho soul be hind them as well ns of the water with in her hands. Not a great deal of wa ter can bo hold In such a cup, certainly not enough to quench tho thirst of n hot and tired huntsman. So tho mar quis drank a number of times from tho Improvised receptacle, and every time he looked Into tho girl's eyes till at last he drew drafts of love. When ho was ashamed to drink any moro ho left a kiss in tho cup, with drew, mounted his horse nnd rode away. The girl stood looking after him till he reached the crest of a rise In the ground, when ho turned, threw her n kiss from tho tips of his fingers, then descended tho opposite sldo of the declivity nnd was lost to sight Somehow after this tho marquis could not refrain from thinking of the lass, and the lass was constantly dreaming of tho marquis. But It was a long while before they met again There was war between landlord and tenant In those times, nnd all Ireland was In commotion A landlord riding on a lonely road was shot; another re ceiving nn unknown visitor was found a short time afterward stabbed to tho heart. At tho height of tho trouble tho Marquis of Ballyshannon was rid Ing to his homo one evening nfter dark when he saw n figure step from the side of tho rond lnto the middle of it in front of him. On account of the troublous times ho went armed, and, drawing a pistol from his bolster, ho cocked It and aimed at tho figure in the road. "Don't shoot," came a woman's voice, spoken in a low tone. "I'm "here to warn you." "Who are you?" asked tho marquis. "I'm tho girl that mado tho cup of her two hands for you to drink from. Don't go any farther by the road. Cross tho field nnd go into your place by the rear gate." "Why should I do that?" "Two men nro wnltlng for you to kill you." The marquis made no reply to this for a few minutes. Co was thinking. Presently ho said: "I am armed. Why should I be turn ed from entering my own grounds nt tho front?" "Becnuse you'll' seo no enemy. They're concealed." Tho girl by this time was standing very near tho marquis. Bending down, ho kissed her, then turned his horse to the field, as sho had advised, nnd, crossing It, rode safely in through his rear gate. As ho was doing so ho heard n shriek. Turning, ho rode back to the rond. It was too dark for him to seo anything distinctly, but ns ho left tho field he heard a moan which seemed to come from the road on which he had entered. Then be caught sight of a dork substance lying In tho road. It was a woman. "Who Is It?" ho asked. "Kathleen." no did not know the name, but ho recognized the girl who had made the cup for him nnd had only n few min utes before saved bis life by warning him. He did not doubt that she had paid the penalty for doing so. Taklug her up In his arms, he car ried her leading his horse by the bri dle back across the field, through tho gate and Into his home. There he laid her on n lounge and sent one of his servants for n doctor. Tho girl had been hit by a bludgeon and stunned. When sho was able to give an account f what had happened, sho said that the two men who were lying In wait for the marquis came on tho ground a few minutes after ho had left the road, and, finding Kathleen and assuming that she had warned him, one of them struck her. But the other had Inter fered and saved her from what would have been n fatal blow. Hearing n horse's hoofbents andnotkudwlng who was approaching, they had mado off Just as the marquis returned. Kathleen was the daughter of a farmer. A servant maid had heard tho two men, her brothers, planning to kill tho marquis and had told her mistress. Kathleen had thus taken steps to pre vent tho murder. Kathleen was not able to leavo tho placo whero sho was cared for for somo time, and, when sho did, the marqul3 took her in his carrlago and was closeted with tho farmer, her fa ther. And this la tho story of how n slm pio country girl became tho Mnrchlon ess of Ballyshannon. Sho was much beloved by the people In her neighbor hood, for sho spent much of her time among tho poor ministering to their wants. Lutheran Brotherhood Celebrates Fiftvfio me nber- uf Uuluthernn b.uthethood diuve out to the home' of Grge Sc'iuimann, rending eight miles west of tho city, Tuesday even ing and spent the evening with a jolly c.lbrtion. Ten automobiles were re-' quiisd to carry the men out and they met at the E. T. Tramp store and started out about 6:30. After arriving nt the farm nn excit ing baseball game between Weingnnd'l Weary Willies and Shilling's Snookums waa enjoyed resulting in n score of 5 to 8 in favor of the Weary Willies. Following the ball game 'three Uoxing mntchos were indulged in nnd they were all fast ones. They wore between Kodino nnd Peterson, II Tramp and L. Johnson, and the big one was between Hogn nnd Hnspel, who nro both ex-sailors and gavo a fast exhibition. A nice suppor, consisting of chicken sandwiches, ice cream, cake and lemon ade, was served by the hostess nfter this and the brotherhood then hold their regular meeting. Rev. Powell of Osh kosh gave a nice talk and this was fol lowed by a talk by Rov. Hnrmnn, who. gave nn account of his trip to Atchison, Knns. A building committee was ap pointed to raise the funds for the new church building and this project will be rushed as much as possible. Tho com mute in as follows: Dr. O. H. Cresiler, chairman, C. 0. Weingand, J. E. Seb astinn, . T. Tramp, Charles Sandall, Charles Lierk nnd Frank Bretzer. For Sale. Five Pure Bred Short Horn Bulls from ns good families as are in the Herd Books. Bred right and priced right. tf W. W. Birge. Notice. For the accommodation of patients in and out of the city, I have opened a hospital for the treatment of medical, surgical and confinement cases. This hospital will be known as the "Nurse Brown Memorial" John S. Twinem, M. D. Manager Mrs. Margaret Hall, Supt. Mrs. Sterling, Graduate Nurse. 1008 West Fourth Street, North Platte Nebr. Notice Notice is hereby given that a meet of the North Platte Cemetery associa tion will beheld in the basement of the Library building, in the city of North Platte, at eight o'clock p. m., July 1st, 1914. Every person who has a lot in said cemetery is a member of the as sociation and it is desired that every one come and take such action as will be for the betterment of our cemetery. T. C. Patterson, Pres. W. H. McDonnld, Treas. Geo. E. French, Secty. F.J. DIENER & Co. Real Estate and Insurance. Come and see us for town lots in dilFeront parts of the city. Good in vestments on easy terms. Houses for sale and rent. Wo have also good bar gains in farms and ranches. Cor. Front and Dewey Sts. upstairs. The North Side Feed Barn HAS FOR SALE GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, Bran, Shorts, Baled Alfalfa, Hay, Good Seed Potatoes. Goods promptly delivered. Our terms are cash. TELEPHONE No. 29 Cattle and Hogs WANTED. Sell your Cattle and Hogs to Julius Mogensen, No. Platte. Ilgihest cash prices paid. Office open day and night in North Si( Barn. First class horse and quo livery in connection. Phone No. 29. Smokers' Articles We are not only manufacturing and Belling the best five and ten cent cigars in town, but we also carry a full line of smokers' articles, and all the leading brands of plug and smoking tobacco. Tobacco users can be supplied with everything in the tobacco line at this store. J F. SCHMALZRIED, The Maker of Good Cigars. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of wile lued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure, rendered In said court wherein Ilobcrt Y. llurnett Is plalntllTand Samu el A. Thomas It defendant, and to me directed, I will on the 13th day of June, 1014, at 2 o'clock p.m. at the cast front door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell nt public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interests and costs, the following: de scribed, property, to-wit: Southwest quarter of Section Four In Township Twelve, Kongo T'llrty-four west of tho Sixth P. M Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Nebr., May 11th, 1914. A. J. SALISUUHY, Sheriff, hgaWmV JV-31MM 1 F2StlM?n nceS 5????- IDLE For funds that you will not uso for a few Months, wo issue Tim Certificates of Doposit which boar interest at 4 percent. In this way your funds which aro temporar ily idle, can be made profitable. We will be glad to explain the plan more fully to you, if you will call. McDonald State Bank, North Platte, Nebraska. CHAS. McDONALD, Prcsldont Wft. H. McDONALD, Cashier W. E. STARR, Ass't Cashier 1 Buchanan & BARGAIN LIST Good six room cottage modern except heat, shade trees, blue grass, barn and outbuildings, full corner lot only two blocks from the court house. This is a big snap at $2,500. Good seven-room dwelling, nearly new and outbuildings, corner lot, West Tenth Street. Six blocks from new round house, only $2,300. Good six-room cottage with toilet and sink connected with sewer, electric lights, city water. West Seventh, five blocks east of the new round house; $2,250.00. These are dandy good bargains and wc can make easy terms, most of purchase money can be be paid like rent. BUSINESS IiOTS. We are offering the best bargain in business lots to be found in city, located on Locust street between the Federal building and the railroad, 132 feet fronting on Locust street, room for six store rooms. At the price it can be bought for it will make the purchaser a small fortune. Buchanan & Patterson, SOLE AGENTS. The Hot Weather is on us: Be comfortable while you iron. Make ironing pleasant work by using a Westinghouse GUARANTEED FOREVER electric Iron. We have these irons for $3.50. Think of how long they last and the comfort they bring. Order an iron today. North Platte Electric Co. C. R. RIohey, Manager. DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST Telcphono Rod 605VS Dewey St. North Da '.to, Nebraska. A. Picard CARPENTER. Job Work and ..Repair Work.. Shop Corner Sixth and Pine Street Phone Red 377. Notico Of Special Election. Notlco 1b horoby givon that on tho 30th. day of Juno, 11)11, a special olec- tiotv will bo hold in tho Uity or xsorin Platto. Lincoln County, Nebraska, lit which tho following proposition will bo submitted to tho votors of said city: "Shall tho Mayor anil Council of tho city of North Platto, in tho county of Lincoln, in tho Stato of Nebraska, is sue Twelve thousand uu-iuu ikuuu.uu; Dollars. City of North Plntto Bridgo Bonds, in denominations of Ono thou sand 00-100 ($1000.00) Dollars each, bearing interest at tho rate of five por cont por annum, pnyaulo somi-an-nunlly, interest nnd principal payablo at tho offlco of tho Stato Treasurer of tho Stato of Nebraska." Said bonds to boar daVo of July 1, 1914, nnd tho interest on said bonds to bo paynblo tho 1st day of January, 1015, and on tho 1st day of July, 1915, Patterson's and on tho 1st day of January and on tho 1st day of July of each nnd every year thereafter, until all of tho inter est on snid bonds shall havo been paid. Said bonds to bo numbered consecu tively from ono to twclvo inclusivo nnd tho interest thoreon to bo ovldonc ed by coupons thereto attached. Bond nutnbor ono to boconio duo nnd paynblo on tho 1st day of July, 1925. Bond numbor two to bocomo duo nnd pnyablo on tho 1st day of July, 1920. Bond numbor thrco to bocomo duo and pnyablo on tho 1st dny of July, 1927. Bond number four to becomo duo nnd paynblo on tho 1st day of July, 1928. Bond number flvo to becomo duo nnd pnyablo on tho 1st dny of July,1929. Bond numbor fix to becomo duo and paynblo on tho 1st dny of July, 1930. Bond numbor sovon to bocomo duo nnd pnyablo on tho 1st day of July, 1931. Bonds numbor eight to bo come duo and pnyablo on tho 1st day of July, J03U. Bonus number nine nnd ton to bo como duo nnd payable on tho 1st day of July, 1933. Bonds numbors elevon and twclvo to becomo duo nnd payable on tho 1st day of July, 1934. Shall tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Plntto, in tho Coun ty of Lincoln, Stnto of Nebraska, levy n tax in tho year 1914 and in each and every year thereafter, sufficient to pny tho interest on said bonds, and sufficient to pny flvo por cpnt of tho principal tlioreof ns provided by law; and in tho year 1921 nnd each nnd every year thoronftor uufficent to pay tho principal of said bonds ns thoy bo como duo, until sufficient tnx has boon loviod to pay all of-tho principal of said bonds; nnd such tnx both for in torost nnd principal, to bo loviod upon nil of tho taxnblo property in said City of North Platto. i I i - i r ii t t In i' ft o tii in hi- i I i i l t l I Jlli i. Iii i I, lililiii 'it (I Jiiilllt Oil tit' f 1 1 i 'l Wot l'tiik oi the rth Platte I;..i Two hundred (200ft feet Vni-fi. (,i tli tenter line J 'on' Street in th it Lincoln Count , eli i ning thetico nt a J nM North Platte Ri ii Itli t Intte, run iMll-i tini 'I t Oti .ortlt )Ul't i i pro asluji Jiiitj I lidge I hundred (2900ft) i ot tu tho North and Knot luinK . i Plnttltirf Light lain. In . fwt'xorth of the'i in tion thirty-nix (,i) i fourteen (14) North, ot i,h (30) West of tho flth. i. n : to bo approximately tnmtv m m- huu ilred (2000ft) feet in kiigtu, rnd of sufficient width for two teams to pirn each other nt nny point on said foridge, and to be constructed of concrete and steel, and to comply with tho plans and specifications propnrod and furu Mied by Tho Stnto Engineer of the Stato of Nebinskn, said bonds rcpre Renting approximately twelve-fiftieths 02-50) of the entiro costs of tho eon struclion of said bridgo as horelnbo fure sot forth, tho entire rosts of which is to bo approximately fifty thousand 00-100 ($50,000.00) Dollars, ono half (12) of such entire cost is to bo borno by tho Stnto of Ncbrnslcn Aid, ns pro vided for in Artielo C, Chapter 2S sec tions 123 to 131 inclusive, of tho Re vised Statutes of Nebraska, for tho year 1913; mid thirteon-fiftioths (13-50) of tho entiro cost is to bo borno by Plntto Precinct, Lincoln County Ne braska. Should tho Stato of Nebraska fall to grant said Aid and should Platto Precinct, in Lincoln Couuty, Nobraskn fail to issue bonds in the sum of Thir teen thousand 00-100 ($13,000.00) Dol lars, in aid of tho construction of said bridgo, thon the bonds of snid City of North Plntto heroin submitted, shall not bo issued. Said bridgo to bo constructed upon a lino two hundrod (200 ft.) feot north of tho centor lino of n continuation of 4th street in snid City of North Platto Lincoln county, Nebraska, and connect, with the public highway on tho north and cast bank of said North Platte river, intended to bo tho Lincoln Mem orial Highway. Tho ballots to bo used at said elec tion shall Imvo printed thoreon: FOR: issuing twclvo thousand ($12, 000.00) dollars in "Tho City of North Plntto Bridgo Bonds," in denomina tions of ono thousand ($1,000.00) dol lars each, bearing interest at tho rato of five por cent, interest nnd principal pnyablo at tho offlco of tho State Treas urer of tho Stato of Nebraska. Said bonds to benr dato of July 1, 1914, and tho interest on said bonds to bo payable on tho 1st day of January, 1915, and on tho 1st day of July, 1915, aud on tho 1st day of January and on the 1st day of July of each and every year there after, until nil of tho interest on said bonds shall have been pnld and to levy n tax in tho year 1914, and in oach and evory yenr thereafter sufficient to pay tho interest on said bonds and suffi cient to pay flvo por cont of tho prin cipal tlioreof ns provided by law; and in tho year 1924 and onch and overy year thoreenftor sufficient to pny tho principal of said bonds ns they bedomo duo, until sufficient tnx hns boon loviod to pay nil of tho principal of said; bonds; such tax both for intorcst and principal to bo loviod upon all of tho tnxablo property of said City of North Platte. AGAINST stalling twclvo thousand ($12,000.00) dollars in "Tho City of Nort Plntto Biidgo Bonds," in denom inations of one thousnnd ($1,000.00) dollars each, bearing interest at tho rato of flvo per cont, interest and prin cipal pnyablo at tho offlco of tho Stato Treasurer of tho Stnto of Nebrnskn. Said bonds to bear dato of July 1, 1911, nnd tho interest' on sold bonds to bo paynblo on tho 1st day of January, 1915. and on the 1st day of July, 1915, nnd tho 1st dny of January and on tho 1st dny of July of each and overy yonr thereafter, until all of tho interest on snid bonds shall havo been paid; and to levy a tax in tho yonr 1914, nnd in ench and every year thereafter suf ficient to pay tho interest on said bonds and sufficient to pay flvo per cont of tho principal thereof as provided by law; and in the year 1921 and each and every yenr thereafter sufficient to pay tho principal of said bonds as thoy be como due, until sufficient "tax has been loviod to pay nil of tho piincipnl of said bonds; such tax both for interest and principal to bo loviod upon nil of tlio tnxnble property of snid City of North Platte. Those votinc in favor of snid proposi tion shnll mark their ballot with an "X" aftor tho paragraph beginning with tho word "FOR" nnd thoso vot ing ngainst said proposition shall mark thoir ballot with an "X" after tho paragraph beginning with the word "AGAINST." Notico of snid election shall bo glvon by tho publication of a notico in tho North Platto Telegraph and in tho North Platto Tribuno, tho formor being a weokly nowBpnpor and tho later n semi-weekly newspaper, both published in tho City of North Plntte, Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, and of gonoral cir culation in snid county of Lincoln, ench of said newspapers having boon desig nated as official papers in said city, said publication shall bo published for at least four wcoks prior to said elec tion, and tho City Clerk is horoby in structed to ennso a publication of such notico to bo mndo. Said olectlon will bo opon at 9 o'clock In tho morning nnd will con tlnuo to bo open until 7 o'clock in tho afternoon of said day of oloctton and tho polling places of said oloction will bo nt tho ontranco to tho old Lloyd oporn houso on the comor of Pino nnd Sixth strcot in tho First ward of said City; and nt tho County Commission- room in tlio uoumy uouri iiouso in tho Second ward of snid City; and nt tho old IIoso Iiouso sltunto on Vino stroot botwoon Front nnd Sixth streotB in tho Third wnrd of snid City; and nt tho IIoso Iiouso in tho Fourth wnrd of snid City; snid oloction will bo con ducted in mnnnor and form as provided by tho ordlnnnco of said City and tho Statutes of tho State of Nobraska. By order of tho City Council of the City of North Plntto, Lincoln County, Nobrnskn. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1914. O. F. TEMPLE, m28-j25-5w City Clerk. t i , 1 1 i , .