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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1914)
IflittriMl f , 4 ! V I mi fe Jjtorttt jglwiiti "f TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JUNE 12, 1914. No. 41 ILJP. y m. r if " ( Attention, Mothers! Our Big Change of Ownership Sale is still in progress and we are giving you the BEST GOODS MADE at a reduction that will sur prise you. Fverything in Boy's Clothing AT ' COST AND LESS. The famous Steel Fibre ' Snits, made by ShcahanCohn & Co., of New I York. ( I Any Boys' Knee Pant Suit in the house, including those with two pair of trousers, as follows: Weingand's $8.50 Boys'. Suits now going at $5.75 i Wemgand s $7.50 Boys Suits now going at $4.75 Weingand's $6.00 Boy's Suits now going at $3.75 Wpinnnnn'c StS flft Rnvc .9niic nnur rrnintr "v"'faH""" yV.VV 4VJ WUIIJ MUM feVUJfi . at $3.25 Wemgand s $4.00 Boys Suits now goiug at $2.75 We are also selling Boys' Hats, Shoe, Waists, Wash Suits and Neck Ties at a Big Reduction. HARCOURT & JENSON, Successors to C. 0. Wcingand. Furniture at your Schntz's sale. own price at Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Leininger re turned this week from an automobile trip of sovor'al weeks through tho eastern part of the ptate. The Yeomen social which was to have been held last evening on A. J. Salisbury s lawn Has been postponed until tomorrow evening on' account of the inclement weather. Let Schatz sell you a refrigerator at ost. Mrs. I. A. Gilbert and brother, P. W. Rosencrantz who is visiting here from Wyoming, left yesterday., for Cozad where they will spend1 a short time Visiting rolatives and friends. Word was received here this morn ing that Postmaster . S. Davis of this city has been elected second vice president of the state postmaster's or ganization at Lincoln. It was voted up on to make Lincoln a permanent meet ing place. Milan tagel shapes $3.7o values $1, One day only Saturday. June 13. The Hat Shop. Mr. Elliott, deputy state superinten dent of public instruction, spent Tues day in town visiting the junior normali ana was introduced to a number or our people by Prof. Oscar Nealc Mr. Elliott is a candidate for the republican! nomination Tor state superintendent and is,bighly "endorsed for that positidn by many of the leading educators of the state. Would-Be Hail Insurer See how Bratt & Goodman settled the J. W. Clemens hail loss. Promptness and satisfac tion is their motto. Are you insured against loss by hail? "M. J. Forbes returned this morning from n business trip to Omaha and Lincoln. The Women's Missionary Society of tho Methcdlst church will hold an ex change Saturday, June 27th. Mrs. Roy Eisenberger left yesterday morning for her homo in Lodgcpole after visiting in the city n few days with Mrs. H. J. Handley. 25 Trimmed Hats, values from $2. SO to ?5.00 will be placed on sale Saturday June 13. Don't miss the biggest millinery sale of the season. The Hat Shop Attorney Wesloy Wilcox is sojourn ing at Excelsior Springs, Mo., having left for that resort several duvs aero. Mr. Wilcox has visited the springs several times, and on each occasion has been benefitted. Mrs. C. A. Rose and daughter Amy, of Duluth, Minn., and Mrs. Thomus Poterson of St. Paul, Minn., are visit ing at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Anderson on West Gth St., for a week on their way to Pacific coast. gjj LHipmii iimium ' rO & Don't fool yourself by not attending this money saving sale. It's still on in full blast and is going to continue until we get our stock down to normal, regardless of price. We still have a complete line of any thing in the furniture line, and prices speak for themselves, just give us a chance to show you. Rcfrigrator and Oil Stove weather is certainly here and we have a complete line of both, the prices will startle you. Remember we are overstocked and need the money, meaning our loss andyour gain mower rakes, hay 5th Special for Saturday, Corn cultivators. stackers and swoeps at Hershey's & Locust street, opposite postoflice, pnone 10. Chas Hurst was arrested yesterday by Sheriff Salisbury on tho charge of stealing a horso from Michael Gloason. Earl Inman was arrested on the charge the first of the week and ho was ar raigned Tuesday and entered a pica of guilty to having the horse in his pos session. He stated, however, that he got the horse from Hurst and that Hurst was the guilty party. Hurst and Inman will probably both bo given a hearing today upon an amended com plaint. For Rent Three room house on East Third street, next to Parlor Milllinnry, apply 516 East Fifth. T. C Patterson returned yesterdayi irom Uoiumbus where ho attended the convention of building and loan assoc iations of Nebraska. Mr. Patterson wus honored by a re-election to the presidency, of the association, a position ha held last jear. He is looked upon as onevp( lobeBt posted building and loan association men in .the west, and the North Platte association, of which he is presideht. is regarded by all other J associations as a mocej one in its method of doing business and the economy with which its business is con ducted., l .. ,i v-r -u '.. .' . ' North Platte, June 10, 1914, r rtad&VL Jm I 1 '7 "MaiStfini lir ' 1 . CapjiriiW To"' Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I have this day received a full settlement from Bratt & Good matt for J)ajl, ajiiage to my crop of oats in sured by them, and I recommend this firm to all my friends and neighbors for their prompt ness in this adjustment. J. L Cle'mmens. We have only a few Refrigerators left and we are going to close them Jut Saturday, at Thirty Three and One-Third off the regular price, just think of such a cut in price and just when you need a Refrigerator. Special for Saturday. We will also run a special for Saturday, on Dining Room Tables, all kinds, finishes and sizes, 6, 8 and 10 feet, at 33 and 1-3 per cent off the regu lar price. s frts-efi Special attention and prices given June brides, also terms if neccessary, why hesitate. Schatz will furnish the home. Dpivt forget we are giving awaylduringfthis'iklea fylajestic, Range absolutely free. A chance with each $1.00 purchases We will save you from $5 tov $20.00 'on, any ru in our stock. Let us show you these. l ' MM. Hardware ? nyon? n Schatz 'SJ uo ,' . A.teiVv'4 .-i ' wA Furniture .-..lit y "V 'i t ''t ' , fc fiW W LOCATION On account of the large volume of my business I was forced to move into larger quarters. My pres ent location is in the new Building and Loan Build ing and now have one of the most pleasant and unique shoe stores in the state Extra Special! Ladies genuine Lawrence's white Nu Buck Boots, low or high heels, values up to 5.00- My price ,1 mmiiii Tiiiiiiiir Men! Do you want a Tan, Calf, Gun Metal, Ve ourNCnlf, Vici Kid or Box Calf. I have them in English lasts, Ili-toes. Foot-form and straight lasts, Oxfords or Shoes, But ton or Lace. My price $2.45 and $2.95 Tango De Tangerine This ultra fashionable; pump has taken the east by storm. Found only in this shop Flag Day Exercises. The Elks Lodge, will observe Flap Day in tho spacious Hlka.hallr Sunday, June 14, 1914, at 2:30 p. m. All Elks should make apecial effort to attend as this is one of the commands of our order. ThoG. A. R. and W. R. C, school faculty and attendants at sum mer school, as well oa the gonoral pub lic, aro cordially invited. A Rood program has been arranged. A lurge flag will be presented to float over tho high school building. Music orations and readings of the very best suitable for the occasion and in aflect lonato honor of Old Glory. School chil dren especially invited. u MrJm -8" v v Harry's Shoe Shop Cut-Price Harry New Location New Building and Loan Building Special for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, Values up to $1.50, 48c Come early and get yours. Wilcox Department Store. The Chautauqua board held a meeting Wednesday morning to arrange the final details for the Clmutnuqua which convents next week. The tent has already arrived and will bo set up soon. me inuumuqua win us noiu on ino oiu McCabe block on First streot between Locust and Dewey streets, now on tho Burlington right-of-way, The Chau tauqua will open Tuesday evening with u free entertainment. A children's play festival will be held on that even ing and all are invited to attend. On Wednesday afternoon tho paid Chautauqua will begin and a good pro gram is arranged. Tho Chautauqua board is still working on selling tickets ns they havo not yet sold quite the re quire u numuuroi season uckois. TWO DOZEN TRIMMED HATS ON SALE SATURDAY FOR $1.00 AT WILCOX DEPT. STORE. The Olub Nevita was entertained by Mrs. Chas. Lierk, Jr., nt her homo on West Eighth street Wednesdoy nftor noon. Miss Joder, of Alliance and Mrs. Lesllo Baskins of this city wero guests. In the two contests Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Tucker won prizes and Mrs. Samuelson and Mrs. Kockentro ceived tho consolations. Rofresements wore served at the close of the after noon. Mrs. Snyder will ontertuin the ladies in two woeks. It is rhe PURITY of our ice Cream that makes it not only delicious but nourish ing, try it and Feel satisfted. i Stone Drug Co, L 0. T. M. NOTICE. Every member is requested to at tend the meeting Saturday afternoon and to also meet at the hall Snnday af ternoon at 2:30 and proceed to the com otery to decorate the graves of depart ed sisters. City and County News. Miss White, instructor in the Wyom ing university, is tho truest of Mrs. vRay Cummings while enrouto east. Ono dollar sale, one day onlv Satur day, June 13. The Hat Shop. Mr. arid Mrs. Phil Batch, of Laramie, are the guests of Mr. arid Mrs. E. E. Moody. Thay are enrouto on a Europeon trip. Clark Bowman, of flnliimhiiH. OViln who has spent tho last month visiting his undo, M. F' Hoslor and wife' left this morning tor home. Mrs. M.V. Mitchell is having a large addition bullton her house on East Third street. An upstairs is being built on and a hot air heating plant is being installed. Contractor Clyde MoMichnol is doing the work. Miss Arta Kocken, a toachor of Sheridan, Wyo., arrived Monday for a visit with her parents. She will go to Laramie Sunday whoro she will be em ployed as Instructor in a summer normal. hJViiflbUl ilUftlDMU 1UI.UIVCU WUIU yesterday that tho McCook commercial nlnh mill vUlf Mat1fr-tr Tim. 09,1 n n .Mi IMV HIIUVIVJ UUIIU UA VIII U booster trip through this section of the country, They will como in autos one huundred Btrong and will be accompanied by a band. Values from 2.50 up to $5.00. Our sale Saturday, June 13. Ono dollar. The Hat Shop. The baseball game between th Lutheran and tho Episcopal brother hoods, which was to havo been played yesterday afternoon, was postponod on account of the rain. It will probably be played some afternoon next week at tr.e closo or the bnautauqua program. New Potatoes 60 cents per peck. Fresh Garden Truck of all kinds. Hood River Tlrawberrics. T. J. BALDOCK & SON, Basement of the Hub. Phone 90 Fifty or more ladies wero enter tained nt 500 Wednesaay afternoon by Mrs. W. V. BIrgeandMrs. L. W. Walkor at the home of tbo former. Roses and other garden flowers wore lavishly used for decorations; tho card playing proved highly entertaining and tho refreshments very enjoyable, these contributing to a pleasant afternoon. The function was complimentary to Mrs. Donald Goodwill. Arthur, the four-year-old son of Mr and Mrs. A. B. Hoagland, was quite severely burned yesterday nfternoon when some Roman candles exploded in bon fire, throwing the burning brands over his body. He and his father were burning some old rubbish that had ac cumulated In the garage and in the rubbish wero a number of Roman candles that had been Jof tojr,jtlilr.t of July. v ,