The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 09, 1914, Image 8

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira I. Bnre, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail in advance $1.96
Ono Yoar by Carrlor In wltance -f 1.60
Entered nt North Watte, Nebraska, Pout
offlca as Second Clasa Matter.
. ..
Three Cases in Police CftBit.
Hairy Kay lor was arrested Friday
ovonitiK by Officer Jonas on chnrgb -of
dlBord rlv conduct and win lodged In
the city mil. A Gretk by the name of
GetW' llrown was arreitpd with him.
but Lil'T releas d, lii lor assulted thf
Greek mil both men word coveretl with
blood when arrested Iiaylnr nppenred
Satu l.ij morning before Ju'lit" Mil
tonlerKji and ilrew n fine of $10 and
cot ts and .vas released.
An col ired woman refusing to give
her n'-nr- was arrested Friday evening
by Chief Frarier for disorderly conduet,
bur w aa released upon bonds to appear
8a unlay morning before the police
coui t She drew o fino of ?T and costs
and was releaaed.
Jiu" Waggner drew n fun- of $10 and
cot, Saturday morning l fire Justice
MiJtonherger in the jmlirc court for
runnini' and iibusinp a horse Complaint--
were made bv fifteen or more
residents of this city, Unt Waggner
man.iaini'd that he was innocent of
nbusing the horse Ifa was unable to
pay his line and was committed to juil
until uih fine is paid.
To School Teachers and Parents.
Do you realize the benefit of providing
innocent healthful amusement for the
children. Call or write and let us tell
you about our Children's merry go-round
and oth-jr apparatus we make for cho61
playgrounds. Wickbloin Mfg . Co. 103
Knot Third Strept. Kewnnee. Iltfnols.
Local and Personal
tldwurd Thompson left SfltfutlaV
afternoon for Chappell where lie will
visit his br ither, flilmer Thompson.
Hartley Christianson, of Chappell,
underwent .m operat on at the P. & S.
hoipitil Friday. He is loooveiing.
Md J. R JldcWilliamsh.i" rerovai o
su.h'-iiMitly from her injuries in the i
cent railroad accident that she was able
tt ifturn to her hotm
Vis V7. II. Diener and children loft
Fn lay fur Stipl'ton u Bp.nd
Siviril d.ii visiting Jn. Dienor'e
mother .tnd other ipbitnos.ird fjefonds.
Hi GlauJo Selby, who ifc studying
rncdui io(in Chicago, will not return
hnri fcrhiunm r vacation. Ho is
m rvir.j; e Interne in (,ne of the l.irge
li'i.,)ita!i. in Chicago und he will ap nd
tl. -Mcimor there,
"Sirs K M,. ftWf i b and (jrond dsun-
tu i Mi - Maude, hit jeatorday' far
Opd, ii, Utih, whee tl,av will visit lei-
atU"H. Mrs Oweni will remain idl
summer with heV son. Col. Owens, fv-
ijierly ot UiN cit. Mi, Maude
wi'l remuio lor a isit ol". abut ten
Mi . irii tli. n 1, ( i of tho B mi
n i intot at iNfuxv. II, dud nt the In mo
o' i 'i i n FUdiy, ,i' d . ,hiy -..i
(.. - t.I dobllitj I. ili-n ult of I i , o
I. rb 'huso c.v i i r h -r fkj uh '' l.i
fui . i,' ! w i" litld Su' i .iKernti' it
ft o'i ci l' 'i-orn thrrl.'u i, Rev ) L
J' id ti ' 'hivoi'v ' ii i "ing.
1 . Pi r'a ta" dMi at 'd thw Cn
ti o nduy ai'hi 4 Ii . r i iliursdu I -i
nt '! tod n' th I.', i pjrk, " it
1 ii s of i hi ii i n v i i hi 1 n 'i i
' , v Ii i ii v i i with i '
' 1, id ,1 hi ri'i iiy !( n ,
i 'i 'l ii ' " inn, I i ,
I . ii i i 1 ) ' 'i 'Mikoi,!) t"( .
'r, ' ifj. O. li", Ut pH ,
'ii j Dioneri t i'i it will l'e.,
ii ruh for Pi.r i ', hia I cb im nn
wo i, ft to hitt I- uis futher heii
i i ii iut eighti i n .ai8 bo- Mi
1' t ) '-ut ri ct n" l.tuMrnt
a i hi . sii te na- Ik tii 1 opt in trust
ii(Iif mncrt the d. !i fhisfAthi It
Ui i to sevtt.ii tl,ouihnd dollnr
r I Jus been ftc "i I'lating for ai
i e nf fori 11 U .itrv and du -i-
t U-nnm Ki ii ht Chnrle ! jnk-
e i li ud J'iidi,r nlleriioon b ion.
. ui tit ami v,!. (; i iciefi in lav r
i i
! ''ii MIT. 1!,. f.i-e willmobabh
in" tnslrift ciiirt tor ettl' m',u
n ' tiid foi iho otnllishni( nt of
I) u
r line rnl i i t i.f the larls
t u cjj .r c A Uulty
i. f sum , ,. rnadt nt tho
.mo id 1 ii i c. unly v li re
HiihKoiih n Mil -ind thoro i-
u i ' iron i'i
Vi SOT 1 ,
i tl.o linq .'
I ' li C llfun it.
li ocunty bus
Mnt v i
i n it in lh
ll 111 I !'
'I Ml i
1 1 .
f i
i in vi V
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1. J. D'-NIU f. Co Erju ir.d hvi
1 S 1
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111. I
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I'M. l''JU"., l.'.1,lO i I
I il ni
Proceedings of
the County Board
Junc 1, 1914.
Board met nursunnt to adjournment.
fPrc&ent White, Herminghauson,
Springiir and county clerk.
Tho County commissioners, county
clerk, treasurer, sherifT and surveyor
attended tho funeral of Ex-Commissioner
Gen. W, Roberts at Maxwell, and
the board stood adjourned until tomor
row. , C. W, Yost, County Clerk.
June 2. 1914.
Hoard mot pursuant to adjournment,
Present White, Hermlnghauen. Sprin
gornnd county clerk.
Tho following claims were allowed on
general fund to wit:
A. J Salisbury, board of prison
ers. 1st, quarter 104 90
A J Salisbury salary for May. 125 00
Uov Wilson, salary for Mny. . 7 00
Cleo It Chappell. salaay for May 143 33
JoaW Wilson, salary for May.. 75 0
C W Yost, salary for May. .".... 187 60
C W Yost, office expenses for
May 14 33
F A Ramuseen, printing 42 07
Uessie Salisbury, work on asses
sor schedule 45 00
A B Hnagland, services.'. ...... 00 20
Anna Anderson, case of county
jwor 50 00
C W Brown, mds for county
poor. 14 06
D H Evans, attorney's fees ,
Htato va. King. Appointed
by Judge Dist Court 60 00
!' D Vestenfold, Mdse county
poor , 6 40
Eshloman & Son, Mdse for
county poor 7 CO
RP'Stuart, repairs at courtjhouw 80 26
R F Stuart, putting in fire pro
tection for court house . . . 155 00
D B White, snrvices and mileage 29 50
F Henninghnusen, services and
instance 37 60
E II Spnngor, services and
mileage . 42 90
Allowed on bridge fund:
Greeley Bundy, bridgo work 21 00
John Eves, bridge work 7 00
lj C Cocll. bridge work 1 00
J H VanCleave, blacksmith wo-k 11 20
Claim 6f Henry Linnemoyor for road
ork district 21 allowed us follows:
$50.60 on commissionerdiBlrict 1: $50.-
00 nn commissioner district 2, nnd $100
uli oad dlatrirt 21,
F .1 Bremer, road work on district 15,
allowed 49. 00 on commissioners district
1 awl 49 00 on cnmmtssiouosB districts.
B M Koonch St Son, on plow for
road district 15, allowed on satu districts
10 00
J II repair? and black
smith work allowed for 15 ."0
on rood district 40, and fi 25
en district 11
Chan f!nekl. riVmrjnT rrtail nn
district 7 ... .,:: . 3
AV M Dvmond.Mih fordiatriet4 CO
Tho coatttv treasurer is her, by auth
orized to refund to Clnra Hayahp on a
valuation ,nf 100, en. aecoant of error in
Tim being the day for hearing of
petition and remonntr-ince on nvid 375,
the board if rer hearing both aid" of
the quostinn conclude, t poitpme
final action until they eat) view jaid
pionosed rud.
Tihc.heaiingoi nad23"is htreby set
for June 22. 1914.
Whereupon the board stood ediourned
until tomorrow. C. W. Yost,
County Oik.
Jure 3, 1914.
Board met put -ma .t to adji.urnnieiit,
Pic-ient, Hei Miiif.hauen, ''ui ,-ri-r a-id
(i )unty oUrk
Iho bnrd up "it part of i v
.i l-i.ig
l'i Jtlo,
orJa nor h end we it or N u In
,1 St i
iuinod until Jun
Of the
the cily
1 ite Clftiie Hoborti, wab in
1 ij t 'nk visitiMo- fisnd
Xn Um Ji" Tourt rf the
tUcs wuliin und I .e tho ))i
Nebraskn, IlaHtinyB Uivfuum.
Jd the i fnor of Albeit )
fi Isutl-i a. Knnkrupt, in C
linikmWiv i
Unit, 1
MlCt )t
se 6!
Li wutiii.okjo to uu order of
sale t'i
the Umttd 'a os Court, m the matter
(f A . 'A, lJuhe, bankrupt, enrv red at
HastincH, Nebiuskc, April 18th, 1914,
Hon. Gu . NtirlerK, Refj;rea in Baok
ruiite, I'l'injr,
IT tS OUDEli.El'ihat the follonHng
limds, tt nements ni a"pii' tenancies,
'hd-euulo belonging. . Mnu Specihciilly
dtjscrilied fvs fojloijiyflj Ail of Section
1'wonty-flvo (), dttof ectiot Thirty
hvo (35. t I SouttMUMrtQuartor (8CJ)
of Section Twen.ywWj; (2Cf, ll ia
iowuship i'ltttcn (15)- North, Kan Re
lru.-ty ( Woitof thuth P. M . in
Linco.n inuntv. Nobntakn, be utrored
foraoln ani1 hold to th Inchtst bidder
or hidden it pi bliq Auttion, .aid slllo
to tnko fi ico ut tbe-fioi.L d i r of th
ciiurt ho lii- i' N' vth Pia'to, in Ljn
; euimtv, Ttlr.ol i, on tl
i ih
duv of
lurn. 191 1, i.t iho hifti
A Mvol nd dj.. Ten
i) u-d 1 a ., ism.
.-u i'
i ruscej 1 1
M. A I
tiun. I i fitintfs,,
a ttnii fy lor
tin E:ato.
i, i
n u n
lluri-y L Sv. a iM. in
v. Jul i V.M nnj V 11
'i I 1 ! t1 t. I II tU
i li j i i r ii i mii
it I 'i i I mi i .
t 11 ' . n.l-
i i li i i i
t I
i. ir, hiiwi
to Win
. t npiiu!f ri ) t,f th
' i i,i il th) W ifv hall
i " ! i I i'i'.- '! I)
.v ii 1 i I in uh
i ' i , ,0, 1'.
I y
.a i
1 1 it
u ,'
i"i i
in mil i
-1 tiUi
' i i
I f 'i ii ii i ii
Bluer i
ii O-tiiV.
u ii
ii ti
'"K ' ' ft. 1 fllu1jl,t.
nt' n i !. tr i'i, in
unit, e I' ni, ull
h . i' l,
1 ' ' i i is u
l li i I
mil. I. li U i .
i il . utat. mi i Mr- Hm 1 u
.ml th! iK i'i . ni r II km i
I I IS ll
I ' l'i III
ill ii , ,'i fcm
' jhlrlSklfo,
i mi aunic li -
I ivat li s ni ii . 1 1 i jwil 1 r. ,1 i , i
r,' iiiii o" h,
irtnu f in i ih ii in lur (I i i
I 'i i lilll 1 llil -l.l I ' l
I ... I i i,
Local and Personal
Frank Wissler of Arnold Neb., arrived
in this city Saturday for a short visit!
Mrs. Ellis has recovered sufficiently .
that she was able to return to her homo
In this city after havinjr been confined ,
to the North Platte general hospital for
some weeks to receive medical treat
ment. Architect BertM. Reynolds returned
Friday evening from Qsnkosh whore
ho went to be present nt the letting of
the contract for the new school build
ing. Mrs. Reynolds plans wore accepted
by the board, but tho date for the lot
ting of the contract wna postponed
until June 10th. A now two-story
building will be built this summer at
tho cost of about $14,000. i
The members of the men's brother
hood of the Lutheran church will be
entertained thU evening at the home of
George Scharmnnn, who residua in the
county west of the citv. Tho mei' will
assomble nt'the Tramp '.tore find 1-a.e
about six o'clock by automobile f' r
Mr. Scharman's place wh"ro (K-, will
hv supper. After supper they will
enjoy a ball game between two chosen
tonm3 from their membership and will
spond the evening having a jolly time,
returning home in the night.
A night blooming cereug belonging!
to Juugo J. S. lioaglonu nioatnea in
dny.ovening of last week and a number
of tho neighbors were invited in to see
It bloom. It started to open oarly in
the evening and bloomed until 12
o'clock. The bloom was very large and
very pretty, being nearly all the color
of tho rainbow. It is also very delicate
and the stamens and petala are merely
small tondrils. Another bud is ap
pearing on the plant which is a rare oc
curence as it blooms verv rarely.
Tclephono Itcd 4 S05M Drxay St.
North Pin 'U. Nebrpskn.
Nyl Drag Store
Phone 8
Iknytn's Odin
Phon t( 1
North Platte Nebraska.
Km. Phone Rod 409.
Plenty ol fforisy to Lor...
an Farms and Ranches.
Rates mid Terms Rasor.a
Buchanan -& Fatterson.
Oliver I'. -flrauRb, 'thorwisGM i
P. Stolvea, nnd Sar.ih rraught4pl ti
dant dpfendant, swill teke notlfl "n,.it
nation be buoii bejun in the dint t
court of fdncolfc counry, Nebr4ka, !,
Herman Kuter, tlk ol jov land pnn .
of whirh eald action aro quiet i '
conlltm in ibeplaiiitilf airairJst the n -
fftfiidvua tula la tfco lolhv.ln;; dfeao
ej lands ultvHJto in Lincoln county,
br.isha-. to-witl"Tb Nouhwest qui-t.i
ef Seottj Zr Township 10, Ranpt W,
Wtit of the 0th P. M Tj hve es . ,
liilu'd ln'plnnitiff tilk by .idvei.e i
si-Baioti by rtuofl Of tho op-n, c ant .na
0U8, notorious end adverse possoisnii it
said do-, -nbed lanq . b the plaintiff vi
more than touyp.ns losi p.ibt.
You and eaoh of y-u .ld mike i s
Wortosaid potitioi; on or before he
2Uth day of Juno, 101 1 or docu-o v in'
be taku) ai,ai 41 uaun said pti n
By K. II. Evns, his Atunrno. . fi.l
Alex tiitauntry. will tuke notKe, nrt
on tlw 29th dny of April 1914, P II
Solivau, u justice of tbi'lV-ioe, of North
Platte Preeint Nn 1, Line do County,
rebrabkn, muejl un Urtlor ot Attach
taent foe tho sum of 1 78 in an action
pending birfow l.i.n. whirein Petwr
tliilantia is ulumUft -nd A'cx Uitsantry.'
f-dfondint, thut v,nperly 'insititiij'o
money, in the hn'ds t r tSo Union
Pacific Rftiirofcd O aiDJity, a C rp rfct
loOj, Iihs been iiched r sru! 01 -cr.
Raid cause wag cuuti mod to tin -UH
Hi.y uf Juno 1914, t,tn oVIoak a at.
Petr JBalanos, PlnintifT
J, nth P'sttr. Nebr. May 18th. 191
l'hiliip Ko il jii, will mki iiotuo, t.iat
.,n l)i. ''ll'i i v ,il" Anril i i J I W
Sul'iMiii n Jiidtice of pe.iv., 1 1' North
t PlatU" Pweilfct Jo,l, Lincoln Coirty,
N'ubraakai iiaued an OrJor of Attach
inont for rha t-nn of $18 64 in an anion
ponding bofoio him. v.lurein P ;r
i' i.l ,ic i'j plntnt ff nJ Phillip u'otiion,
lofi-ndant, that ii"oAt'rty o, i ist ; of
iiiouoy, n t'i'ih ud8 oi tl.i. V' i l'i iftc
Unil- Vi I t'nnnj iy, a i up nil 1-is '
l- ii tiliuoUod ii'ider stid otder. '
Saul i iso .1 cnitmud i t J3th f
i' iv oi ,lo u, in, i t "i i ' i ' .i n.
) 1
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jv b
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I't ' 'CJ',
HI il!l i - : M I ' , 4 1
i iirifomkt
i '.i i i in ii. i , ol lu Bala
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i ivi 1 1. i li" rt i itajBKK
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I Cvi J'Ik, l I -i ill, rLfc-
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i ii .ni
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Dty. tedfield fydlield.
Physicians nnd Surgeon.
JOB B. HEDFIHLD, I'liyitoten.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
T,tfj7t.CTw nimmTmm.mi,mAMnrv9mi
Drs, Quigley & Simms
Physicians and
First National Bank Building.
0E0. B. DENT,
Physicist and Surgftsr.,
Olttri over Jlr.Donali! ttiink.
T . Office inn
-- - --;m
Roaidence 116
r- )
Office Phone 410 tie. Blk 562
Bertha E. Mangon M D.
Physician and Suygeon
Deteanet of Womn anilChlWrfl n EUUy
Wew McCabe B'bjr.
M7m. ! t "i
Serial No. OIU6
Department of tho InUnlo
United Stutm Ijind OBtee
North Platte. Nvliraakn. June, 4, 1911.
Notice Is hereby civsn tlmt Willard P. Ftatehi
of Dlckeun, Neb . who on Jainuir tL 1910,
made homeilo-tl miry.
04JS6 for
SH end NWM Section 12. Township 11, N. Itntlse
Si, w. at utn I'Mncipal Aieiidun, UMOl
intsotwn to mike
Anal three year proof, to
.wUtiilM&.elaiTn to
the land above flpgertbed'
hefoTU ttle register and receiver nt Nra Platte,
Nelirstkft, on the 6th day fit Atumst, WiAt
CIwTmant names fl witneMee- Phlttn ISM,
C A. Anderson, Wendell SleCruni and J. H. Fftett-
ajl of Diokena, Ne br.
J. K E ANi. IUfoter.
Notice of Sale of Laad Upon Execution.
Proner, Clerk of tho
Dntrlct;Court e.f Lincoln coanty, Ncbreeka,
a juafroumt rendered In the ns'rlct Coui t of Buf
falo toiinty, NcbmsKa. wh'ch hud bron herafor
113 In Ute District Court of l. toln county. No
Urnhla, in favor of John W. bmitb nw"iin M J.
Graham, full nutne, Marlon 3. Gruhiim. I have
levied open the iilowlndi'crilj,il rul tjteiu
t io nroptrty of tald Mjt
n-.i- i U1ifir. o-mv.
AH of Sftntkm 6, in Townuhig 1 North of Hamte
1 . Vlt oaf the CtU V. JU, Liicoln county. Jfe
1 r.u.i r, and I will on the 13th d&y ol July, 19M, nt
. o'cWeJv l Mj. itrfd tin-oof wW(!ny ftttho
-t frbntdooror ,the court us In th,-city of
North PlACHw in taid L'ncoln (.oimt, kVeliraika,
si'li wiwl rdat MbatoBubjrvt to n'nrlertg.-uieflf S2.000
mil ttcaturdJMrB hereun. utimWie Miction to
h hitfhust Watler "cupensh tovtity tul.1 oxreu.
in ui upon yrhtcht)iee la daa'boatom of .1185 with
in Lnt
$ TcoatB tBt
i,m nniw fnm rtovemiier v, iviv, aaa
coats t'cet er'withiocr eleot.
tnlatNono Wattff, NALrenicn, 3u?e 1914,
1 .
-''nointy, NtbrecU.
L IMjBfifflPVf'MHi o3
UstentoMo! i
WANT to tell you
sealatiye men of
Art Chautauqua Boosters.
It takes the united effort of aU th
men of a community to'ptit on a b;:
Chautauqua like this.
And, whatever the merits
KbB i
ol tne -unautauqu-i uscu may -.
be, ttuportanir among these is w J 3
iigtS;tUij(eTeiy uuuy iu wviu.-
ing together in a spirited, en
thusiastic way.
We want to make a tuccew ,
of this Cliautaujsjua. i .
, For two prime reasons:
Orm is it Is v wortlr it. Tbc pro
grams are worth, any man's money.
The other is, It would be a sad re
flection on ui in general if wc sbou'.f5
fail to put this thing over in a b:4 way.
Other towiis are watching to cce
what we do. If wc a-e known 16 bz
alert and capable of doing big tilings
always, more favorable attention; Will
be turned toward us.
If we fall down on a thing ol such
general interest and splendid, Worth,
it will hurt and hurt much.
So, , everybatiy , lt'i gt
this Chautauqua an4 push it
wewworth. "'r
We needsto teep np the habit of
boosting wortli-wjiiie things and we
aed these things fp tho vactoe that
:, in themt t
You can well afford to be a Chau
tauqua Booster, for the commuaity.'s
sake, and your own.
the ctiAUTAUouA co;r;roiN
nchanan &
JS&il3!iJSijfili S iSsiSffliKtBhJ till
Good six room cottage modern except heat, shade trees,
blue grass, barn and outbuildings, full corner lot only two
blocks from the court house. '1 his is a big snap at $2,500.
Good seven-room dwelling, nearly new and outbuildings,
corner lot, West Tenth Street. Six blocks from new round
house, only 2,300.
Good six-room cottage w;th toilet and sink connected
with sewer, electric lighls, city wator. West Seventh, five
blocks east of the ne round house; $2,250.00.
. i ' i
These are dandy good bargains and we can make easy
terms, most of purchase money can be be paid like rent.
We are offering the best bargain in business lots to be
found in city, located on Locust street between the Federal
building and the railroad, .132 feet fronting on Locust Street,
room for six store rooms. At the price it can be bought for
it will make the purchaser a small fortune.
Buchanan & Patterson,
The Hot Weather is on us: Be comfortable while
)Ou iron. Make ironing pleasant work by using a
Westinghousc GUARANTEED FOREVER electric
Iron. Wo have these irons for $3.50. Think of
how long they last and the comfort'' they bring.
Order an iron today.
North , Platte Electric O
C. R. Morey, Manager.
. . i
why thr repre-
this comua-anit'-
for all
" "V 7. ' , . , ff&iX'lJSS&AW'fZyjhJ4!VX2&mZrl. B
,. mMitv?
Mr'. "tT..rfr
2 w yTW k W
,T. ? M . BMMGSEaffiW
f MSax
i ' a Y&&wammMa&BBmBS
f1 ' Site WeMmv Mm
i l rip til r SMHrafilVV v i?5SpKK)' . H
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