?T fnimfw fr 3E? r lis F ? I OP. 0. II. CHHSSUU, S e a i Grnduale Dcnlist. 2 ' iPct ovor tho McDonald o State Park, p 6 Si Ciiy and County Notvs Irn Simpson returned Saturday from Starling,. Colo. , whore ho went last woCk to accept a position in a gan o. Mrs. Gatty is reportod tecowring nicely from her recont operation at the North Platte general hospital. "Yoit should Bibble" lot' "Schatz Worry." A spn was born Saturday to Mr. aril Mrs. Arthur Harlwig of Paxton at tho North Platte general hospital. The North Platte Independents will play here next Sunday with the Willow Island aggregation and a week from Sunday they will play a return game at Willow Island. See the new Tango Nap Cords at' Wilcox Mapt. Store. itist Gladys Bird and Mabel Burke returned Saturday from -Qmaha where they spent a few days attending the Lutheran League convention. MUsea Nell Hartraan and Sylvia Watts left yesterday morning for " Kearney wl'ere tbey will talte the eight weeks' Bummer normal course. ." "I should Bibble," Schat'a Sale started Monday. Hiss Hazel Misshalf ratiifcrred Sunday from Lincoln whtri, h baa been teaching in the city ecboola for the past year, and will spend tha stjffirncr vacations. lb her patents. A new showing of Neaksveur nod Deads at Wilcox Department Store. Win.' Fisher, 'a holler-maker, sus tained a painful injury Sunday when a large piece of steel flew UXo . hia eye It pierced the ball and cutqvfitv gh, and ther injury will )a 'Mm' vtj fqr somo time. John Burke "returamT Sunday Eureka SoHnrs Ark . t tiire tin frtim Ii. in" called laat wewa on ac-ountot ma in- i ness of bis daughter Jita Graft, who is quite sick with tophoid Mblto. ' IW .TSSSS to attend her daughter. , , All mrrahrn of the p. of h. E. and, tho B. of L. F. aritt 13. ore urgently requeitert to atfpcd a joint meeftno; to be held at the Pirt Natienal bank hall Wedtiadav afternoon at two o'clock. ' Bnsiness ot the jjreatest itnporlahca to to both ordera will be conskkred, nd syateti officers will be present. . LetScluU2ibUpu a reftigerator at fra . Mr, and MVa. Henry Lehr and two daughters:. f WeMIet. arrived in the ) city SaturcUy evehiiiK to visit ; friends, nero. ino ojcer h;jk i.err wui npa 1914i fot tne erection of a buiWing-aq-the Junior NornrJ and ihe yonnger o , j0imng tha York faed st6re on LyeWkt came Up to receive tnical treitnunt, etrept in this city. Plans end apeefflca at U e C.r n iiomo'itl huspUa . Mr -tions tor same can be seen at mv Office Lehr r -tm n. d honv y-snjay, but jn Nortj, fatto. The right is reserved Mjn. Lt-hf will ruraln for spw-al toreiect s.nvor allbids. days ' cJUNi: WEDDiri03 X ffi w6ti&m K "mmm tmK 1 l plQS greatty to M .of ;wkt $&& ft'X ktions M$ ramy, of oar fcttC8bdae ka&$ a & &m prices and &uw$$&m -. ,r '' ?i& - '.. -..'.. i:?s- - tjRTO?wrwMn tlclitr PicUe9-dkSlttfa Itcn's Cracars Rictwrfieu Caimoal Goods Fre&h Berries and Vegetates Van Cemp's BtOced Bens r v J 5 i tr WS-JI""""" I V 't , 3 ' ' Oi ROOMS 'l.m a, I.O.O.F. BUILDING, M,jrA j A'n-s; PPRASKA. Charles Llaton, of Wallace vicinity, wns u business visitor yesterday. Chns Baker, of Maxwell, arrived in the city yesterdny morning to attend Junior Normel this summer. John Polos left yestorday morning for Sidney nnd other points west to spend a few days looking after business. Moire Silks in all the now colors at Wilcox Dopt. Store. Professor Toole, of the Brady school, was a businoPB visitor in the city yes terday nnd spent some hero vlMtlng friends. Mrs. tJ Milder left last evening for herhome in Omaha after a visit in this city for two weeks with her slater Mrs. II. G. Fleishman. Wilson O. Tod'l. a student in Minnes anta univarailv. m vlnltinn in ifce rltv I with Charles Dixon. They were for merly in school together. Mrs. C. W. Xst who bat ban very ill lor aocr"' tm- it rfpotti'd getting ahflgmVeh. ih able to sit pp but is st'll Vviy .i i' . Fuinitute at, your own price it Schatz's sale. Jim Clinton and Miner Hinam return A home Sunday night from Hastings - h a new Saxon car which Mr. CHntor vir chased. Tbey drove up Sunday and "& a very good trip, making the i . i -e trip in thejear with no mishaps. Harry P. Hansen Qled Saturday with County Treasurer Dur bin as a candidate for county oommwsioner from coramia-t sinner's district No. 2 H w ill opnos County Cotniaisbioner E. II. Springer at the primary election. Liconse to wed was issued Saturday afternoc t from the office of the county judge to Fred.C. Grave.i. 31. and Miss Florence AKarbrr mbie, 26, buth of the Brady Island vicinity. Mr. Graves .is a voting farmer of tho Urady vicinity and Btfew Abercrorabie has been teaching school in 'this county for the past year. ft vou want motecfon aiwm tct in fo- I saxiace policy agaiasl loss by fire, Bgktai&g, wntaaev cycione, wwworra wm sail wrinen by Bralt & Godmaa. They are aoted fer pck settfemenfs and a square deal Trylhera. A. H. Grover, reprasenting the Rad i io-Axitlve products Company of Den- ' 'rr,VPa '" W'0 yoiBulr njvrn- ! for tbe cure of rheumatism ana its kindred diseases. He is stopping at ' S" htoStfSSSk on d S hew in " the action of thlr product, - . . lWBiy iWUMSStonrnr I hby announce mycelf a candldata 'for the democratic nomin4tWin for the bounty eommisslonei fope second district, subject to ttrtf ckcislon of 'the ( voteraat ttve primary election, and mist .reapectiuUy oliclt your support. , J. D. KSLUHEa, - ' ' Maxwell Precinct. f "J." "' i ' gealed bid? will btf roeeivpd at hiy 0fljCo until lOo'elock a. m. June Iff, 37.3 ,John Bratt. MP 'liii Welch's Gra?e JiriQtj Domull'e Potato Chlpt Let Us Draw Up n Policy to cover any possible firp lots to your pioperty holdinjts.; The cost is very little indeed when the importance of the pro teption afforded is considered. The pre miums ore so little, and the protection in case of fire so great, that it isa mat ter of wonder why any wise people own intr property showip allow it to remain uninsured. If this is your reproach seo in" about a policy now templ: That's what they all nay about tho prices at Schatz's Overstocked Sale, have you been in yet? If not you are cheating yourseK, for we arc certainly putting out the goods regardless oS prices. Drop in any day this week and will show you. We still have plenty of everything at practically your own price. We also just received another shipment of New Pianos and are selling them at your own price and terms to suit. Now is the time to buy that Refrigrator or Oil Stove. Special for Extra Special tawlr Wedneday ot our line ;'v of Difetoers all sizes and fmiAhes. Price $9.00 to $25.00 "iif ; Donr ieol youraeU by nt attnding;ur Sl&, sivt are abtDiutoly reducing -'ir stocd rbard les of prices. Too mudi good and we need the money. Hardware Rhifdy for fiorenjar of Wyoafag. H. S. IWdgelyi, fornvwly of this city, and DUt racbntly United States district attorney of Wyoming, ha anabuncffd himself as a candidate fr the republi can nomination for governor of that state gince locating in that state a doxen years ago Mr. Rigely's rls9 In legal and political circles bss been meteoric, and be is regartled all otoar Wyoming as on or th bsadprs of the. state. Ho fs a tireless worker, a brainy fellow and tt'gOod "mixer" tho class o? men who make 4 success In iifu. 3 North Flatt Ladies Enter Contesl. To raie .funds for tha erection of a Nebraska building on tha PanauoPfl " j , J . . cific extx.sitton-grouru'.s, cWtrliutlon ,,Z":tZr' of.11.00 will be taken from tha. ttaefi, ""r nf the state. To mcuio these con Hi butiona 3,000 ladies have been appointed in the towns and precincts "i to J etate, uwithrfoneaeceivlrifl tn mosf hienL-V- o(iu uietiiiw;wi -! buv atmv, will be riven a fico tup to the typr-t, '"-t i"T '. v .. -. tiftn, and to th6s rtnpns waft 0mt prixjs wilt b awanlrd. This Hire has been adyiaed that ih conteatanta it this ,'iiu nr Mrs. P. H. Loneian Eilna duliivan, Lera Scott, Jteannatte Wbite, t Irne WUlbra and fearr irratiK. Mtke Kit iniwateettt '', t Th'North Platte steam iauwdrji ijn-r stalky a flaw Prospijirty collfj; iwawtfr in their pln&tbw wek, Tb' Wtyr is ipetated enlVely by.ateani ana w a big improvement to tho altendy1 bp-fe de plant. ttnoHWcr ivep eontrucv ted that tits snaplm of rt enttar is don exitir-ly without ffiettoj This makes tfc '""ilars wear uV8ch lortcef anl iao etv-i more tie apac, - t ''Tho DM nt f now opwated fttlijaiy by steam and is one oi the uest eqmWf" in tho state, 'lhe.v have a number of rrifteliinp. that Dermit fast wovfc audi iUiey cat. pet out laundry in one day. t Tht' cauaity on tne plant ,is arraovnn limitotl with tr new machinery SiKM. Nearfv hundred tcachew have re)j. Utured i: tha Juoiur Normal ftttd thd reechei!.' institute for this- summer. TheNdiraal inttuctois all arrived in tho city Sntur.ln- nnd Sunday nnd the regular v i.k "i on.d up yesterday moininp " lite '-I '.t school buildini. The nor it1 v it' t'onrlnu for eijrbl weeks and there ar n number of ioter estltiK features in connection with it in the way of amusement. Sje the new Roman stripe Girdles 6t Wilcox Uept. store. A larce number of people from thia city attended the game Sunday at Kearney between Karnoy and Nor folk. Manager Cummings evidently did not have liis bunch in the best of working order us the score stood IB .to 8 In favor of Kearney, Tho feature of the game was a home run by "Dutch" Mil er, a Norfork man who played here last icar. For Sale-Four second hand Ford cars thai were taken in exchango for new cars' Prices right. Come nnd see thsm. Ilendy-Ogier Oarage. The A. 0. U W. nnd tho D. of H. held joint memorial fcerviefs Sunday aftornoon. At the cumeteryi services were held over the graves of tho mem bers last to pass on. these beintr Mrs. W. J. House and J. tt. McWilllams. An address was delivered by Deputy Grnnd Master Simmons, of Sewnrd. Read Schatz'e ad in thia issue. Rev C.B. Harman returned Saturday evening from a trip of a week to Atch ison, Kans. to n church convention nod to Omaha w irhi attended the Lutheran T "i ' , ' Vf ntion. Wednesday tV- ly, t iflLtt , nmcooiu wr on utwss. rs. W. W. Birge and Mrs. L. W. WtilkerwtU entertain rffcaOtiO paety t thofravr t the houta ot the -former, in . favur of Wra. Dmaid Gomiwill, ot Minder, La. Mrs; j3aml. Gooc) will entrt ain a number of ladies at a kenslmgton Fn- day afternojn, compllrnentary d..oghui. Mil. Jfreqi Elliott ui to In r l On, a Thirty-tw. ladies were anter. amwJ Ritttrdiy af to moon bv M.-Jm. s Hare ati5 Mungar at the home t H! otmer, wHh 500 as the enteii 'inirg fes.ure. The BfEalr,Wt,oniplimntr'iy t Mrs. It, B. Sloart,,of Sn Fyanci i o 1. . 8tllr fa id Miss Murray assUti?''. .Ihn Indian card club was deliehtfu 1 ntartafrtd Friday afternoon, by Mi,M , n , ian jrwennwr. n)ia amah nan-man t. .L Uiuu.. - M I - Kf.tl ri ..4 w u tos tern. A pleasant afternoon was reported aixi ct its close light ro irnipajaiWP rr. mwmiihw t . w:. i fjn, wta Asioiaran in ir Mnrtti rm mv nu Mrs, AB Hoagland :d Mra. Joseph H iy, . .- ,t.il..lli.i iU.. . Large Clan is Confirmed Sunday Th seating capacity of St Patr ic'.ts ! churcft was taxed to tne utmost on Mia d. y af tcrfloorTwhen ike sacrameot of roantevfttioowfts artroinslfcwd to a rials oi siXtothttf;'by the Rt- - Jajc DiTy Bbhoe ot lia Koaruuy . Dioewu,. i iitj, Tiirji;o uifian miur-syr jnt th tion of the merrtbero of th eloBs.cn th' v vtwl ni'tt n b.ttt, .iwgjtji ct4,f.r."W tiifiBtmti ueewnfte, m wmen tney naa ceif-fuHy irtstrUftrdbV thir teftchw, ." 3tiB lieasio ami Harft-1 Stoitii. Fl tittiiW'DiHJCgan ami Lorua Morpli an 1 paator P.ev. JPtik fi&jQald. W.s ohv-iied irt- the Hi 'tow on tbj l vn'uof n rgn-ui tiuhihHi, receci", r .. I. ' : tru nanjR ;ne re pemin it ref paipr.ei s nk 'i in tnl,city. e rjncuaBU nia i autiresijojr mifniv comimme'uuiir met 1 il pnstor oci tne prolwlmicv f tlw el is actinff as snonsers fur ilia v.i a Mttsrrs Frank i. Uoran'atd J'huHarrud, promiiHnt members of th Knights or Columbus vbile Mr. U. McCabe and Mr J L. Murphy. tv.o ol tiia nrwfrt f ntliful church work er, spjiiio ed the girts ihe ill hop wot agitfd In the sr vices bv Rev. 'i'tley of 1,'Xlogtoii, Re Mines "f () !,Mi RfV. Sui'ivtui vi i-i.ii umt. una uev, M Dvid of North PUtte. P'or th's impressive ooc t . i the sane tunry wu Dacutilied with eut flowers. 1 h special music rurmsitea iiunng I benediction by tl'c choir was 'xcol'ent An pppoelaJiy tn-aimttn sipMino solo "O Soltttoria,'' wa rondcrc'd by Mus Si die Trovillo with Violin Obligato by Prof. E A. tiarlichs. During this, his flist oiHcial visit to Ni rth Plsitto the Hishop was given an opportunity of meeting the members of St. Patrick's Parish and was vory favorably impressed with present coit diiicnti, encouraging peoplo in their good woiks arid winning the hearts of thi childron and adults. The impres sive nervices will be ling remembered by all who witnessed tlinm Coin cultivators, mower rake, stackers and sweeps at Herahuy s, & Locust street, opposite postofllce, phono IB. Miss Fern Hamilton of Columbus ar rived In this city Thursday and stopped ovt r for a snort visit witn trionus nero She was unraute to her new home in Portland, Ore. Miss Hamilton was for merly a resident of tint city and n num ber of her friends met hor at tho train Six "Stranded Embroidery Floss in all conn at ilcox Dept. Store i . Special for Wednesday We Entire ootJnt. will put Oil Specif SnV line of Rockers all Li'.u' Price 40c to v Thj Ephcopal CJnild wi.l be enter tained Ihurodn) afttmooi.at tltpar'h house. vr-hpa d t left Siturdav fvcnirg for OgalalU and spoilt rtundty visitirK fnenda theie. Thomas Henley i m. nt 1 to Kx'am y Vvith ttlriH'I ri pk n sun li' to t;ik' i lh ball gatm. A. P. Kelley nnd n bunch jt rted for Kearney Snnda m tuing in Mr Kelly's en, bit they 'rid I'vral ac -di'nte and wore unnbli' to pt thtri Father Hmc. t'f tlgalalla. ,ih.uj n thit city Sundnv V'"1'''! '' ' "!' t in tL co;ifiimntion m .i"i m il ."rn Mn'i (IV c sterri y tor n 'in v it fii-mK wi I" !ok .ilt.'riiunf bu ir, ,mat. rs. ?Z. . . X" ' -. l 4 ' jj j ' ; ' Saatzs Co, 9 .i ,i..im ii i 1 1 m.mb nw,. .Li. , i iMm i. it n, n t twnM.w. ." . ijjm v , I J r v . b & x 'na i ' i.uT , i Hi , ' J ' ? ror Inj9 tnct you ui pc mso :ir a lew $. IU mtk . ..... t-, . a K I . ' Ill PlontitS vr 'ssuoTimi ,rrf.iucaies c ueposlt U jjj wliich bcp inl est a'. 4 poreoAt. ;3 Hi . - i ' U Ml . ' . - - II i ; J tit this vrtf $ 70i ," iam a w Mcli &xe t? ntporar- ll H1 ' IIVWIi?, csn fi?md jsroi'lnble. ' a f V w "lljl V( ' 'MatiflttiliTafeito Hif ;. - . Nor-th WmWfl. Nfibitt jVr.. t' i .; ,,"'. v ' M ! ", tHAS. MoOOMALlT, f wa4tnt , , jj j IBH. U. WcOOKALD, CasMtr W..B. Vlrjtil A a-tusrii is JJ i smsm iiwi iisasMssi imii aisisiMsBaiiai na ail in i aaissiiiaanaiHB i ajiMiaaaWiassnBsiaiasriifjiai n i ., .f .v. .sat tMBMMiMawaaTOEa wry fi ,:. . ,; I wantea! ' ' 1 iiM& f iiiiitf Riijrt w ?! ij i I I We will pay 20c for good I I Country Butter in Bulk lU Not Printed bl m-i:l ft L-J j?nmtMt-ratT-fWTrrTTfTnnmi-ztttTTvrjgCTTvr.raK rnTVlPTg?ltrr,7THninf!M'ff1V'TTrr-'iY PtS""' , 4y. & WednesJuy At rn exlw ur Jis- $26. K: 'C.C Furniture V i9w m .luo, owind Mii. John (Jrour f i nt ut d v vialui u uii'iiit, in tit, i.fl it Sut d v visitu n 1 1 li'ti 11, in th. vi i ly. They aUo viaiti'd a', Ji. Moiro v Flat". . Kiii'e i is n.M'v civcn Jtnut v r i- JfwKh i'lalte-Cfmateiv .' turn ill bob M In thi'bavitii nt Tt 'i rv bu Uln ir. i'i the city if nf 1 u N t'i ' Mo. at tiuni o ( ' K p, m . .!'! '. I l'-Ll ; .ml i WH.i. 'b'f lviTv per.ot no no i. i 1 1 meter, is a member oi ih ton hi (I it n tlf-irrd tl , i . f my -ti i i il i hi h r tit n i v ill rhix h' t 'ctn. cut of oui ""n t i, ' r, ; l'Mttrsfm, Fi ' . H Ali O.tmdd, 1 1 b. Oi C K -nch, S. - "'l"g"''gv"w"'angaMPaTiMiBiMiiigt!y,rTTTffl,