''iTrWWPZP m,im0tNM -ta'Tff '. -' sWif W71 ,,.", wj v'wr"n t . 'jy f "'" ' y fc " "j i ' J. V .amtr- s-wk;vpi f.-ta.-n.- jrjLa..si. istH.trf j i A 1. II I W WATCHES. W rjvy? In the Purchase of a Watch OU We would suggest thal.you buy as rood a case us you think you can af ford, bul that you got, a movement thai is absolutely ucputufe UJwl that yOtt can rely iitjoit at all, tSftt& '': ' If you will give us your idea m to the atyL- of timepiece you prefer, and the price ou desire to pay, wc will be glad to offer you the watch that vtQ, be fievc will! be besi adapted to your, need. - - , .' r Railroad Notes j CLINTON, WELER and OPTICIAN. Vo Wont your Repair Work b i'it , Dispatcher Brant of tho local offico is enjoying his annual vocation. Terminal Supt. Dclaney, of Hague, came tlowo Saturday night anil visited friends over Sunday. A special train of delegates to tho convention of women's club nt Chicago pnssed east yesterday morning. Master Mechanic W. T. Beery, of Grand Islnn'd spout, a short time in the city Inst week looking after company business. Freight traffic is rather slow, but fortunatlv the California fruit is begin ning tj run and this will perceptibly in crease cast bound business. Supt. W. It. Cfthill, of Omaha, was In the city Friday in his special cor looking 'after company business hare- He returned to Omaha in tha after noon. A holder for conductor's, hat check 3 h John LeMaster's latest invention. It ti mighty handy and convenient anu is meeting with a'ready sale to passenger .sobdtictors. John hopes to sell Kt least tan tnotttand. , Two thousand extra car men were put W work Friday on the Darlington lines wast of the Missouri rivor. All available ears will b? repaired in read! ness for the grain shipment. Tha rail road company is evidently expecting a bumper crop as well as soma of 'tha of the rest of us. Local and SVvaonal. Mr. Thurs ! Mrs. .! Ka sy 1 1 M". Fnni f r n Vl-ot f r.s ,n.v ,1 . (r.n-.t for' . t buogJ iMi block iv ; i thi . m Califot- i.tefuctoi v Iocs' Hart- .fnrrin vnl i -i u gin th construction o. his lot-i in tho 1100 M". Fourth Street, Xnd- rst hn let !j the el- '-tii'.i f a stoi i 1 low on in-. "iTifr lof, i on W". r i ir 'i Sir 'i'i. Mis:-' MflM 'J,i'''ins 1 i v wt"k i',r i vi'U w.th ! .! nia, ar i if c v!itkna ' she muv ! .' ! to pet ..i i in that .u-ite. Miss i.illi in McLrai .1, i, Moulcjer, Col., spuat tin- wo., i-nd '.tth b : sister, Mr.-,. H. M. Grimes vvhil- -en route east. Miis MeCiocU-n will mturn and spend tho month of August with hor sister. Judge uiimes and J. J. Halligan will uniti in, Hip n,ction tit a two fu-niiy apartmcnl. houat on thou- premises on WoRt Seond . Th new !nur-v will be locatou botv'on their n--p ctivr- roii-denctts. "Oh 'ui Jum; Brido help you. Tho North PlfJU; El' ' i hud tke a rive ypiir i' mont of th" Mutual H .. ' has bij-i-n udivd of ''- I, uSHOctati .n. One ol' tl' !r" tho bBfuuMitliHS beoii ! .. ( years l-i Harry, the tl1 " m-n. nnij thf other front, room to fv N'"th iNatt Electi '1 Siipjv V , tiT ii 'imlltv period It ppoti-i' ilf' i.' -t loi tho o(! ' In-.'mint ii" i . !l .m b secun .1. Mrs. II. A. .)ov, of Staph1! it, wa-; ' !.nui:ht to tho P. f: S hoMpitiil Saiu-- h vHI leave day to receive me licnl tn-nlnjent for '. vy-4 wilh ' leumatiim. '""nworlh, Rotifrt (iutii.t and Stamjf'r Schroal- ar.ed returned Friday from liincoln v dvs bo-1 when- they hud been nUcai, tho unga'liw or tnle universe... on Wc.-it i Mr. and Mr?. Georp;p Mc'iinley f cgalalltt arrlvt-d in this ity ;' -terda.y i for a ibprt vk-it hc:f. Mr. ivliiinify i n prcimirifiit ranchman of thai ichiity. W'il Morris, Ira Russell in'l Abnor Wt'ssberg ti'tnrned Friday owning ."rnir. I,inoln whfrv they have b?"n at U'nding the sfhto univor.iity and they will opfind th ir sumiTier vaeation here. The littlo daughter ut Mr. arid Mrs. It. nrv Lehr of the WellAect vidnity Two are Hurt When Eugiae Leaie RaiU Floyd Breternitz sustained brokbn u'H andsiveral bruises about tha lga tm, I iiM.iv Satunliiv nleht when awitch eiu'iro No. 1269 left tha rails in. thai east er,1 of the yard. He waa caught under the runm ?, board of tha englna wnen it v, cnt into tn0 ditch and Wat iiuld foi twenty minutea bisfora tb othornun ( oi'Id dig hitn out. ' ' Nanane anotiior uwitchman. was thrown iPH-i 'ii'- running board. 0& struck n tj.s i'w:" which badly braised and cinti :rs wco I'riveh into hi 'Jaft oheek. The engine w.is returning from the stock yard awiteh on a aid-.' track aAd, a khortvay l clow tho stock yarda tha raiU Horeau t.rd tin: onioe ran on, the ties. Farllier along the rails turned over nnd fn t-npiiic run on the ties lor v 'iuite ii way-! on tho flange of t e lail before it went oyer in the flitch, ihiee rnon were riding on th running b.mrd, but the third got off without any injuries Thi'n;ine uoj.i. deei) into the soft i diit on the north side tf tho tracks and Warm Weather A I! i ii.JlJcl.I 5!o mlii Hi I n"i Illiiin i, l iih-i) i , Just now this Women's Specialty Store is considering your wants for the suniincr months and we are now well prepared to supply your wants in all kinds of summer wearable. . Dainty Cool Dreeseg in whil,e and colors, in all (h new up-to-date styles front . $2.50 to $10. Cool Summer Waists,, in the vety newest effects from i, ' -J. . ( -v ". -, .. &8e'Up. Wwhkirto iri Linen' and k.pffinpe iargfeTBeieetion troth fj ? 08c up .Hevt' Middies, new Crepe and Lawn J&8cup. driMft$alDtM&t in .ite. m ctaot's, all .sizes 9W Up . UndlerBiuSlihB that are cool and comfortable And perfect fitting, - they' Jost 'no more. I ft ': Kwaelias, in i aHfiU mi iiim i,ii ii. I t .. I IhV Lcidiferf OuLtfittinsJ Store S.-hatz wiil ' .vai t j-f.rau'o upon jencioay nionurigi air. tirnn-uinj waa yn ui" nuiui kk, fit the Brown Menorial hospital by Dr.' the end of the running boaid plowed a Twinem. j deep bole under the engine or Jlr. ,, ., , ,,1It ii Hreternita would andoubtably have Mrs. K.C.P-yl.Pt-of t nis city was able b(en sflri0nsly hurt. H- was to leava thoP.&l. h'jspjttil n day after , j d d th(J e fa wUh his k.g. having twen cot.i.ned there for se era, J t .unningbonrd. vv-eKs with a .lege uluk tli ,w ' After he was oug out he was tftiwn Wvo oon for a visit with hat, daughter hi9 homewheI(e t waa Al9(MVcr(. t alloway Nebr. 1 1-. ., wus not faUiy i,urt. HJ did not loerf consciounesa but sufforea con--idiMiible pain. Hi8 rlphi leg was broken and b.ith legs were seriously bruited and he will be laid off for some time, Tha trucks were all torn up and the wr.'eki-Hr crew spent, all day' Sun day gathering up the wreck. Miss Ki.-tb'mo Jorgonren of the VVtll t'leet vi, injiy wrrivod m tho niLy tiiin ."oek for a vi--.it of several days w'th .fiend.-. J. C. Dcn, Henry Kebh'tuso, H. D. P.trae niid two v throw othsf laft Sttinla moinii.2 for Ender's laktfon . fifihiug trip They will re.urn Thura- ri-ty. For Rfrit Five room house .modern except hosr. ,'.A. Kockpn,-8ll K. Third. The North Piatto ind'peridetit teani I defeated the Sutherland tetim Sunday 1 afternoon bv the one-sided scoie 8 to 1. M . whlih : Th Rnme wa-i wen by the loct.lx in tho 1 ',); ' k1""" . first three innir :n ;;i they ipado nil tin ' eil'Jjn.-, . t.., ()Ut one th-;ii. On account ol hy tl)-- tl,,. vshid the i, one wai notns fast as it t roaw xt v , ,;) j otherwise luivo been, but it wms .1 I'or five i ..im..!.! ftifhmit :mu cli.--nuto6 liild both j-ieei were we'll sati-fled with tin result. i .'on.- held the Sutherland ruen down to t,vo Lit and struck out a number of fi.ti. Th htii teries wrs Jones nnd 1 l'is. Pterson and lohnort, iiiiiiiire i foihi'Hii. ' ..J.J. . -. Local and Persona! tict that new rug at Schatz's sal. Allen Lawheodleft Friday for Kear- -Tu he will spend seVB'aJ oaya relatives. ' - ' !- ' ne, ,.t) Pchaiwiann deft iViday I (lard to spond ft week vbll- U ,-ei, 1 and frtands. i le ra'torned J'ridar' eveni . - i ' t np of several days tarough !;,n ;.r,a tyrant counties. Street Commissioner W. B. Salis bury is busy this week cleaning out all tha gutters and setting things readv for -the' summer. Everything will be throughly cleaned so as to . eradicate every possible, place . fqr .the breeding Of vermin. Mrs. ClaraJHunter of this city leftlast Wflek for Schuyler tospend several day. visiting friends. County Treasurer Albert N. Durbln was a business visitor to Sutherland Sat urday to look after ,sotne ofllcial busin nesa. ' " .; l el' Xout8 Prottyman returntid Saturday from Burlington, la., where, be went some weeks auo to make his home. Hio ItarriUir ia nrvftA kJma . mm1 Ua r.-r...j .. trr,w.CV 4, ;w.4 . wey , M.a K.-.a fc. wni maxe tneur homeinthiiieii-.v aioii o -v"- o a, Mi. Prettvman locates, a hnimo. Ho bad intended forming In Tomu th; . ... .. t ...-. ji . . -. ,. " . r.e v ii,h i oiruies consiaang.oi. yar, cut arunr stuvmsr there . short ir, t,oncartIpa-wd fjaed vest j time' hei decided that Nebraska was t j ;;t Vilcox Pep. Store. '" 't good enough for him and he will so.-k lV of f doty at I piojnifn? n 'i .MarvTiKhe hfla . sv.W. I Jirsre, offico for several oa a o i account uf tho illness of her grsnd fuher Mr. Welch,.. . ". ' r ijidso.) Ailesn and , Sdith Gantt .rftr .urned faojoft Friday from Omaha vhere they spent a few dftys visiting frfendl av4 shopping, ' ' ' O. W. Sisemore;' for many 'years operating a barber shop in tjiei cjtp l.yibeen selected a ,iftn(tor fot the new" QWldtng ana tonns DUiiaing. Deputy Sheriff Roy Wilton was- a visitor to Sutherland. Saturday to visit relatives and friends and to look after Erft$'Srw(rieIl and. bis new bride,. ofthffftbjiani vicinity, stopped irf the 0fr -mrnxSt for a -shortf visit with Wewt,. -lEbey . were enroute on their seliurjf from their honeymoon, trip of several week In tilts eas ;WH,il,tor overuuKf i l"t racmc, ornvea irom tee west . - - T ' "'"I Kit wife -wtiJi i-a-tf immmmffi fi m msjfiiik ' i3 ".'"V ' ' ' . 'i--'fK"t1'3. S i'i?ffl(2,-:!'-"' "v" ' ' m .TwTffswisEiaa :V- ,?(. Union Sonde V. i r - .- - . . . . -. t - . - j--. ! auo yesterday nad hit car tran8irri - . ttj;XEe braiitilJ trtiin. -fiucien 3tebbion of this ctty I Mreti Iflng a petition eakinff'thfci bja liaine eaAdidatp-fep congress from the- gitb otaincs. . -. -,-,. James rAtaoap" who apen'.sevorftl days visititojf reliatlyea and friends here, returned S4inro.v to bis home in.Oma bn. Mr. Nelson fdroaerly lived ere. This ig AJt te b; he'nje or vcant lot You mk to ses.tJie ti'wgaii-.s Bratt a UfcD im. rx v, ". V 1 , P r- x SpeciorS 300.00 Piano, slightly used f' Price this week, $175.00. The aW-rtwy bwrebtJltwa stpp''i gjhiL y for a short -tlnw Sitotaajrj, DiMroute ia .Stsroleton . -the Stctoii'., btarn Just received another shipment of High Grade Pitmo3 at prices to ait any pocket and terms to suit. Come in and lot our factory man show you. TZ i (nu a it i 1 fernoonU o - v . ,- - , -, j iie;Je.J42 dtfrirfg Sbat "lames OitoB, A0it ein,bef tftik Cltiifpn Jewelry company, . le.ft Sitor 8a.y ovcnlmr for Ilnstlrtga to. visit Wendw o or Sunday and to look after lUsitnesn matters. iil!,Bariiet Dixop .rsturnad", Friday .fifem a visit of two woefcs with Miss t 'mt:' - . t ' (Ban Watts at Corning, Iowa BOot Mies Wfttt,BiBo attendea too co cement texercises of Browneli Hall Qaiaba. license to wed was granted Frjdijr wrenlng from the office of thg eouat fudge to tiBtner iistes, 4, or xryon. d Mrs. Mrie P. Wripht, 44, of this ojty. They were married by Judge Grant and will make their borne on the groom's farm in the Tryon vicinity. Xt a recent maetin of tho North Watte band it waa decitkd to accept taw oirer to go to Ootheuburg for tne JVwrth of July ctl.'bratfon and the full Wind will go. There will be no celabra- tien bere and uothenourg mauo tne best oil'er to the band that they havo received this year, , 'MIm Ella M. "Watson, of Lincoln, eorresponding secretary of the Topeka branch of the Woman's Foreign Mis sionary society, spake Sunday morning at the Methodist church to a good sized audience. She gave a irood talk on missions also took up a oHering. Sho re turned home Sunday afternoon. The Perabyterisn, church was well AIM Sunduy evening for the musical program which wus render d bv the ohn'r under ' th direction of Miss 'Esther Antoaidea. Tha musie wts 1 good and was much enjoyed by all at- tqnuing. A vocal oiony anas Aiuonitioa .with a violin oblii at j by Ralph Alden was especially good and nlso n selection ibv a mixed quartette composed of Miss ' Antonidos, Mrs. Kerr, Mr. Rhodos and ' Dr. Mitchell. Miss Hogsett played n very pretty offeratory and recessional. ii - ' Fpr A Few (fely I 'JR-,' ; -,'. ' . ' . ' i." - - , i " , , S B A lJaCrrti-efwaf Jv I "lamw.t ' Mae mSi" MH r aflea eak eaaVaBF aV.sa&Jr eftV wbb HmA VkV AJL aau ap i t n m 1 . .,y,Qp - : IS M i I J a "' ' IT A I Mi Radio-Active Pads emit the poSWul; live rays W RADIUM. By means o'f tne iMirseope we aempstrat0rv you that eash Radio-Active Pis (Spnains ftaclio"" activity ..-, : : ;"" . "" " - ; . --., , - - Radio-Active Pads are pcommended for the relief of Rheuma tism, Lumbago, Kidney Troubles, Nervous- ness, Improper Blood conditions and Skin Diseases. I lie 0 Radio-Active Products tuOo i t i i 1 1 ' ' 'ill ok: ; rrrj-f?rw-n-!ti?WTOS',v'c3?p'rT?n7rK!trTiR iH)-liW l'ftL'i'ftH"'"iW''1 ' i'"