The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 09, 1914, Image 1

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No. !40
alf -if
IfeMn witet
Alleged Burglar Caught al Kearney.
Sheriff" A, J. Salisbury returned Sun
day ovoninc from Kearney where ho
went Sunfluy morning- to brine homo
a man suspected of the burglary of
the hardware store and cleaning estab
lishment here Thursday night The
man refuses to fjivoliis name, but the
videnco against him is quite strong
He va taken in on suspicion by the
lluffalo county sheriff Saturday nl,ht
Ho had been seen around there for
souio time and it waB discovered that
ho had sold two apparently new revol
vers. When taken ho had the other
three and they are of tho same make as
the onos stolen from here lait week.
Complaint was filed yesterday in the
county courLby Shoriff Salisbury and
the hearing will probably be hold
some time today.
Arrested for Horse Stealing.
Earl Inmnn was arrested yesterday
upon a wairant issued from the county
court on the charge ot stealing a
htfrso. Michael Gleoson died complaint
against him and in it he alleges that on
June lth In man stole a buckskin horse
of him of tho value of $50.
Another warrant is out for Inman
charging him with tho thft of a gun.
It was issued yesterday in Justice M. J.
O'Conneil's court. Inman was brought
in yesterday and lodged in jail and his
hearing will probably be helcl today.
For the accommodation of patients in
and out of the city, I have opened a
hospital for the treatment of medical?
surgical and confinement cases. This
hospital wHI be known as the "Nurse
Brown Memorial"
Johh S. Twinem. M. D.
Manager Mrs. Margaret Hall.
Supt. Mra. Sterling. Graduate Nur3e.
1008 West Fourth Street,
North Platto Nebr.
Houses atxl rown3 furnished and unfur
nished, awl a quarter section of good bottoni
hay land fenced, Pratt Goodman.
The Bpworth League of the Methodist
church held a business and social meet
ing Fridav eveniug at tho home of Miss
Sarah Kelly end elected officers. A nice
evening was enjoyed with games and
contests and light refresnraeots were
served. Dr. V. Lncas, vFho has been
president of tho organization for the
past two years, tendered his resignation
and'Mws Florence Antouide was slee
ked in h(s piece. Tie doctor has tieer. r
5was extended to him aocorfteanwd by llm u, -. a
tlin Ohaiit.iuoutt sa u It WPS Mb ded wnuea u mm s "3
City. and County, News.
The Royal Neighbors retrular mea
Ing at the K. P. hall Friday evening.
HWriMlllH !! ! Ill II !.-J WlHH lH fclMIIIKIW rfW--
Tlie Club Nevita will meet tomorrow
afternoon with Mrs. Chas. Lierk, Jr.,
408 West Eighth 3 treat.
Attorneys J. J. Halligan and J. G
Beeler left yesterday morninc for Osral-
alla to attend the district court session.
Mr. and Mr. M. M. Dalv. ot Oih-
kosh, arrived in the city Saturlay for
a-short visit with irienus.
The Womans home irdassonen s iJierv
of the Methodist church will me t Thur
day afternoon with Mrs. Mo Lai 1 o
soutli ijjlm street.
All members of the ladles' 'uil nTT
of tho 13. of L E. are ivqjstod to
meet this aftornobn at 2:80 ut thf K. if
P. hull to look atter bouk special r'
business. . 1
Ralph Shirley of Lincoln arrived in
the citv lnsteveninir for a visit ot 1 fow
days with Paul Gantt.
Judge II. M. Grimes and Court Re
porter P., J. Barron left yesterday
morning for Ogaialla to hold a term of
district court. '
Generally fair tonicrht and Wrlii!-
flQtf T,n Imnni'f'inf rtianM. !, t.irirm.rt !
V.V.J ..V ....(JUL .111 V WIIRIlgUIII 17l.llM-l-
ture. ' .Highest temperature yestrdny
88, a yoar ago 66p lowest last night
4S, a year,ago 48.
Mrs. Sam Richards and daughter Miss
Elizabeth of Omaha arrivod in the citj
yestorday for a visit with friends.
Miss Richards will leave shortly for
Denver whero she will make an extended
Q. A. Perkins, a Bible missionary
from Omaha, arrived in the city tbij
morning for a stay of several day to
sell bibles for tho American Bible society
of which he is a representative. His
home address is the Y. M. C. A. build
in at Omaha and while in the city lie
will be situated in the Rexall store and
will have a display in one of the front
For Snle-Twin cylinder Indian motor
cycle. Inquire 915 W. 5 th at. ,
Mrsj Mucotnber, of Portland. "Ore.,
formeily Mies Dollie McLucas of this
city, is the gupst of Mrs, B. M. Rey
nolds ana Mis? Mlanknbarg. Mrs.
Macomber 13 employed as a teaehw in
th6 PortdSfld IuatftWa and came Sera to
upend J)ft 0 her vacation. Siif Ss the
daughter of Mr. and .Mm. J. f. Mc
Luoae, who were pioneer reaideote of
North Platte.
' M
to bold a moonlight picnic thi evening
in the'canvotts. The following 'officers
were e'ected: President, Florence An
tonides; first Vice-pre 'ident, Winnie
Gaasner; aeeond vice president, Mis
John Reynolds; third vice-president,
-Mr3. Ora Ullrich; fourth vice-preaidont.
Miss Mabel Sawyer; secretaiv, featah
Kelly, tteasurer.'john Reynolds.
The North Side Pirat defeated tue
Uirdwood team Sandoy at Birdwood by
a ssorc of 13 to 5 in a hit on 1 run
gome McGune he 1 J the BHretoiOod
tnen ds-a for th? nv it of the gains,
MtriKing out a ierj, number of them,
but a biitt'h ' rahr cae them several
, scores. The batsertes were McGuir
"and Cobprly for tli Pirates and the
Olrdwood? men useq neanv every man
on th tho tfam far pitcher and John
wjn for catcher
The PrftSbvtenan Ladi '-.' Aid bocieij
will meet in the church nailor Thursday
afternoon. Ths propntois of tha Xorfh
Platte sandy kitchen havelonated M ara
ohmo ice creum for this day which il
be served by the following volunteer
committee: Mesdames W. D. Joder, B
L. Robinson, living Van Dorau, KfsHe
Bnskina and Henry Keliy. All members
aro urged to attend and invite theii;'
C. IS. Swank, a sheet iron . worker,
sustained a painful injury Friday at the
round house when a hot eleol rivet flaw
up and struck him above the eye. He
sttHtaiiud several hruisea-nd burns and
Will be laid upewvertrt $ya.
New ehapVpdjrtytes in leather
and Moire a$M Wnffc Dept. Store.
Wir . StuIoW lt last evening for
Omaha toHttewd &e annual convention
state association of funeral direators. It
will hold there for several days this
8, W. Rolencranw. of Carnvauliaj
Ore., arrived in thctyfru visit qf
a f$w WW at thehoireof I. A. Gilbert.
Ho i a instt'Dctou. to the state agri
cultural tfebool of Oregon. ,
Th "Wbosodver' class of the Prep
bvterfen Sunday schoui will hold a
pwuifc upuer tbJ eyetiing on ttoe iawn
at the home of Mi ! Vvir Ktes.
Go to ScKaU'i tVffitocIwq H9 this
Mifs Agnes Hu'itoen. of Ketchikan.
Aiaika, arrived in the city week
and will viifhjre for s me time with
he r atlnt, Mrs. D Moony. ,Sho ia
smenntendpnt of the Episcopal "hospi
tal at Ketohikan and in now enroute
home from Nrw Yojk Citv and otnr
fast-) 1 points wbeie she has been
spe rtih.ig her vacation.
The h gh school plav "A Scrp of
Paper." was jrfven Saturday eveniBsr
by the local students at Gothenburg.'!
j ne piay was sucn a fiuocew oere mat.
they were asked to give it there fend'
also a number of tho pojJlem thecanta
we're known to the Gothenburg people,
Itavjng been down 10 thotffdt encawp
ment. They placed bGrft iijj au
dience and, the pUy was we$ tetm.
The best mve3lt&cnllfl ike world is a Me
Insurance policy- ia'tk Mutual Life, of Nw
York. eitJber for man or woman. Let as show
you how close dhtdefitts ccwe to payments of
lirenmim. ,
Pratt & Goodaaa, District Agents.
A pleasant time was enjeyed Cnday
aftrnoon whn Jrs. C. E. Tolle entr
tained the Et-A-Virp elttb at be home.
The afternoon was epert with ganvs
aijd contest and at the closn aalntj
TefrWhmenJs were served. Mtsdame?
Byle and Sawyer were wifrriers of tha
prizes Mr. LanhaJii of Sfcromsbunsr,
and Bfrs Boylajf Kftftmey, who i
Vlaitifff in town Were guests of the
cJUb, The next meeting v-jll bJ, M at
the home of Mfi Timmerman n Jurie
' The work on the new B. & L bultd
itMj was finished up Saturday nrid'the
men Spent jpstrclay tnapectitjff the!
work before itW)l m torned ovd?.
Contractor. Robert Iddoll, of Kearney,
did the y,ofit. The remaindei of tfi
week will be speqt with cleaning tfp the
windows and the wood work and the
tenants will probably move in the J-t
part of this week or "the first of ijext.
Atf the iaiwns wim retited. but th
North Platte .j5J;etothCo., have ro
leased their twrtvi nnoTthsy not !l beoft
token vet All tho feoma -n tha first
aod second floors htve becu.tak"t
We fan sum tfvm mmfan- ltd
jvMfer "2)f fVy F, G'SirA&vEEij mi
1 - - -V )UKTrrfW fiiTF ill -" . . - - 1 Hip - - MaAJbJV 3TSHK
- w Wl Wb - JU -X I -BL mm
mi fcLtr JhLrJIiifmk -J J Slip
Fh ifH-' ml TmsmJ ---Jv '.imMi,::
V -imte tit'i'&ritx' rfgfW AmWmWlmWmmWmgmKmm u .mBwiBWBMWMga
pal-l stil! pufs 'this
W-.-x--v jffSayrjr-aTnfeT'!. : ft.Sil. t 'ii.
xrm wii fhwmt "9ftnr nr
mmMt HZtm 1w Vmfr MMkiMMMMl mt VJ trtaMa Y '( ' - - T " " " m n4.uY -i. - -hb
-sf "wr r -vi.
Hoosier rtm tomorro
ead About
these conveniences
that have made the
necessary to over
,006 Women
t " Mrs. Chriiu i. Trederlck'a famous
A "Ho. (.ktepti- Jrood Guide" on
tho upper left dour ,visw rs every wo
man's eterually perpltsiuj problem
"What shall vs haw (or dinner?" Von
turn the dial tf' the me t j " want 11 d n
ennplote OUtHi e of a peifei tly lala"ied
meal ii botore t ou an exc!u;i' Ho i-ier
(cature that 1b ail invaluable help.
(0 Tho Cook-book hoi 'e on the rald-
die uppt r dour hul ' j 5 ur cook
book securely vvhuii not m u V.'hcn
you are cooki ig, eiruply optii up tho
book to the pioper page bulllnd t)i(s
l.oUlor, It U t8 A. level ittt youi te,
ahvi.i tleau, never in tjfo Way.
T2re are 40 special conveni
ences in tbe NEW HOOSIER
17 are entirely NEW.
(3 rh,i H0,,er Metal Flour Bin holds
n Wty pounds. It is loiv and easy to
ill. TI12 slidiliR rIpss Trout enables ou
to Ucan the eutiia biu tasi'.y. The- in
side Is entirely ot metal, with no comers
to hold ilovu. Fust flour ia is ulv.ajs
out first.
(A The New Shaker Flour Sifter is
V tho most wonderful of all tho New
Hoosier, inventions. It is tho only flour
.lifter over made on a khohoivcnblnet that
ilakeflour through instead of gilnding
it through, It xaniot wmr out nud cnti
fjot kbIi$ through tiuy grit" or Coroign
suksuttac that might bo !u tho flout.
Tw)nty of these features are
ymx uMkmKmpo
moriitxis wmcji isme iaiK
St M "tWtf. Come in and
frail out aljout- the others.
You may choose between the cele
brated "White Beauty?' whose p
ture is shown here, and one, of wm
other Hdosiers, finished insiiiin 6lt?t
The terras of the Hoosier PjIeui arc theses
. $1 puts the cabinet you choosfc"
in your home.
$1 weekly quickly pr.ys for it.
The Low Cash Price fixed by
r; ., the factory prevails stnctiy. 4
No intemt. No extra fees.
This salmis tinder direct Bwpftr
viion of the Hoosier Company. '
Your money back if you ai?e not
delighted with your iloosiar.
Only those women who grasp this opportunity
tomorrow can be sure of getting 00 of tliQS
cabinets on this liberal Hoosier Plan, you remiss,
of course that these terms could not be pffeigstl
except on a very limited number of onbincts
After this sale , ,
1. Tho "Hoosior Plan" terms will be yltibdrawu.
2. Our regular furniture term. will then pravnll.
entfud ic not ur by tfs number of i'(W.',! who enroll
' in this Hooker PI in. all the women who vctd
ffoesicrs thou'd t tenorwe, our allotment iponl-l
- be, taken beon" night and the sale would cfost. Hut
has happened in min,y similar sales thiongLcut . '
ahtnlry, Chi the oil- hand, if noma dslJV, . n
sale may last all & ' This too has haply in I
Which now is best fo , a to d lay and take the
Chances of misstigthii opportunity or to cs?e "devn
'tomorrow and find out about this cabi.u o yon can
decide Icfoie it is too Ich '
;, It Gaanot take yoa ten miauiis U
dWe once for all, whether i cy ,
intend to pwrd. now or later
MpJti you are deciding, remember,
wh4the:' or not yati will save miles
of unmacssat y i epa yot: now tke.
But vinleaiyrju at once 0irfe, j on m;iy dcul too late
to own thwgKe.tKt u all Ho sies tablncw tif this liberal
Hoosier Plan. 70J,O0O voneu faruatly.lmve tlooslew.
Tbouwrndsre btiyvng this m w Ifoosl. r u- rv wtcli, Yoa
should nnttontt faifgetssv your oppoitiuiliy ind sen tUi
cablnt tomorrow.
A Big, Extra-Roomy Diawer in
tho base is made entirely ot trn tal
for tho proper storage ot nil kitchen
linen, towels, tfifeh oloths, tJitc. Tho
dri. .e i upisalcsa, dustles3, and easy
to 1 cin clean.
(fe A new feature in tho Baw Cup.
v bosiid is a nsirow rlitlf conveni
ently located for tho storage u canued
article. Mort women will fin 1 thb n
gruat con enieuee as an "emijrgo -v
shelf." It will ve many trips to the
.llur or j'.int'j .
TOMORROW YOU may cvamins
ai! the nov f satisres. You hen:
v.b cbl'ga'in. But yen should
;onc ca ! $ so you can t'JuJ.y then
a'.idi'jlu'i;. . Our stod. ;( YA'(e
Hpv'S pr.t,rt.ns is limiu Yqu
G$ty h Km bb to get em1 on the
tfCO'iri PLkN if you dcly.
oom r ' SiE this retrrkalo
?r ... A.
it ivvaici iuiumsun
Kn iHi Hk H JOE! wu m i mm - Wlik.
mm im I liJ mi w
Tlie Only Place in toUtn whetfi Ifoosfers are Sold
Tri . ,ther"Ciuh xt,a yeuteiday
jtfuvrriocn &s the euestt of Mn -Chas,
iiogui, nd ft vbty niwhg progrtfpi I
vi aa rejwvrs1-
Mrtil Clarn ttmrtrett;MJ lost vi
ina; to her hojae ra Grftud lahiad ftr
vie u of vri Ay with rthwvM,pa
friend-pf. - ,
IiMltia!ilWIP, of Brly. ar
i d It, tja ity Jteiifcerday and en rolled
f ttw Jtwio? NrrDial course
t Scbau'5alttdv.
,toneyW.'V. 0Mn.k-tf:
t iy tor Ogblnlfft W QHMp th$ dwtri t
terra. T-? ,
orgeYoupg of iRVWItrt was
leu yiiitor to thfc cpttnty eipiral
j trday.
fej!iis in &m of S300 km ts&W
taortgaafs wfi t?alie. We attcnl t? ctht
tbn f ialeresl Brail & Gooa'x:i.
PjbJie Sli!
Notieio us her y ciiotn
1. Cojcdd
V. 08rJn, adm'i,'tetrix cf thd M-
ytte of D-ntiia J. O'ljnen. dcsn$d; I
mi,'' tf a li b.o gt iou rio
OUt Of thif difctj-K- I'M f 'i hfijltt
c3tH?ty, Kfem1s, in an action pcDdmt
there'll. oifr at BuRlic ?ale. to th&
hifcdst bidder- tor c hh, on Au'y Tt,
J9I-J, t the J5t T2 o c? t, j. ra.,
at the ewt trOpt door ?f thi1 iourt
hotise h M?n PJetUv incr1n criintj ,
rtal 5tato ' nt m- in Lutedn
cnmty h r l - ' Tho
The east ball tviy 01 8eop thirl
thirtwn (13). trortb
YtoraenWilllkldFh: Day Drill
The lucal fromestwid of Americttn Yo
men will hold a flag dgy dtiil Jn 16th
at tho Lloyd opera houa. An ehfbor
otM-o urourram of tnasiml tiuitthem and
eerdo ia belnp prepared nd thfe er
tOTtir.mi'Ut will bt one of iuterost t
Natri t'Jatte petopli?. 'fljg program wi'i
oosHt of toeiwt M quartert riuk
ana (iiuM-uira mu' ic teniae tm nnwu
Th dull wprk pat on by th
firV tiiam uti4?r thtvcnwctio" of Mrs.
f. J. liluy and they are ntepRiing f
g day dflU'Whkb wHlbe aocompaol
Kith mdie.1 Potloyvlnar thi the facv
w$ll pl 5m the drilllNwWch iby wi.i
U at i Wo!p durias h nRriow1
coaveatiort on jane -whana 27tli. A.
competitive drill of the clffTeo-tnt men,
tr r ' f th team Ml iollow this and i'
WiU b in tin' r.aturof rlhng mncrti
Mii Esther Uobirson, of Rawlhw, f The Htk son of Kov. and Mm J. L.
Wyo.. U vhntinK in the city ti a few Barton is ported mitt aick th.H
daya tnia week at the Fltepatriek borne. vfpk.
ii in iiuiiwyiwiwM h w himiiiii jl in i ip , mi i HMyy piiin iwin wii mmmimnmnmm
mmiin imMwmwmi i i mi ifr
(30 1. township
iranjfe thirty' (30), west
rd H
Bred ii"i
: at 1
ot Sixth
Terms cah iu hand. Snitr adlo to
remain open for one hour.
Dated at Norh Phtte, Jonn 9, 19U
ion i v v isnoi. Aitfiinisfr 'nv
- ; r :i I , i . " ,r
tato who go thiough the ax
uajtin btHt. v noipinai 8vrakatan.
ftp wU bp ebrie and thi will li ood
w hela defray the exoenaea o tl'u dnl!
ftfljir? on tlyelr trip to &c!llon.
Mttnsl IkiWing & Loin Arotiacfen.
Afieto Meylst, 19l4bl3,99i.75
" TonppIy ths deiaani fur approved
loans tli$ auocktioo will iysue a
biUd araennt f it paid up rtucU.
Tluntock payi bx per coat intcrctt
Mterett paid iemi-aBo!lv . No be
or ?afer lnvrsfmentcaa be foaad
lMe r'f ' y
Sistywcy ad SotId '
l1(iftivi& J?ocr tJo Fotr
in tho 'growth at &''
First National
' ! i" mi iiiwi'wwS'in
CA Pi TA A 'V UmV7$Jt
OneHurtdrod and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Ijlwiey to ban on resi 1 ' t'
MtojSJaWiAleftyeserd. jh
wliereitHifey will vlnit' for i v
1 -t.
the Norfii Side
Feed Pani ?f oi
Bran, SUorta, Bato4
Iley, God Seed .
;, ij Our t. 1 t.i
fc 'TJ3WBPH0.VI -
l WW" rtBWW" jil1" '" - - -
Cattle urA iiogs
elyoiNr -i 1 ' I! ,. t..
JllIlVlS !o- osn, 'ho. riatte.
HfiHii-t i'i i nit i 14 ' Ohiop
(it M (llV Ml(J ! 'he 1 ) lh Sll'C
h tu ( ir i ( 1 , li j-. Mil aH)
lvet ill (uuufci-vitJ.
Phone Vi 29.