Some Breaches of Promise By mTqUAD Copyright, 10U, by Associated Ml entry l'ross, Illram Spoonor wns the li.jnicllc3t baby over born In the state of Ohio. When niram waB ten years old ho was tho homeliest boy In any two states In this Union. At twenty-ouo ho hail tho faco of a baboon. Ono day, after looking at lilm a long time, his father said to hhn: "Illram, what In thunder Is going to become of you nuyhow?" "I'm thinking It over," was the reply. After thinking things over for awhile and having a very serious talk with a fruit tree agent Illram announced ono Monday morning that ho had mapped out a career for himself, and half nil hour later ho drove away from tho farm with a hired horse and buggy. Within a radius of ten miles were twenty-thrco widows. Fifteen had been mado such on ono and tho samo day by tho fnlllng of a highway bridge. Not ono of tho women was poor, while somo had bank accounts. All had seen Illram Spooner several times over. Illram had prepared a Jlst, and ho began his calls according to card system. As ho dtove up to a houso ho wriggled out of his buggy and wrig gled along to the door, and when It was opened to him and he was Invited lu ho began: "Widow Blank, 1 am trying to do something to mako a living, Did you know that you can grow two crops of tho Oklahoma cucumber?" "No. I novcr heard of It." "I sent and got some of the seeds. Iloro they nro. I shall chargo you but llttlo moro than for tho ordinary seeds, and you can havo two crops In placo of one." "Well, I will buy them to help you nlong." "That Is kind of you. I need money, but thcro nro times when I fairly long for n word of sympathy." "I know you must, and for years I havo wanted to tell you how very, very sorry I was mid nm. Thoro 13 no ono In tho world I pity as I do you. IE you havo nnythlng olso to soil bring It here." Illram had tears In his eyes as ho left tho house, but beforo climbing Into his buggy ho took out his mem orandum book nnd mado somo entries under tho proper date. It took over thirty days for him to get around to tho last widow, but ho finished his business In good shapo. Ilnlf n dozen times his father had de manded: "Seo here, boy, what kind of n gamo are you up to with tho widows?" "I'm picking out tho best of tho lot to proposo to," W08 always tho reply. Soon as tho last widow had bought somo Oklahoma cucumber Heeds to help Illram Spoonor along with his lnudablo ambitions and to ralso a doublo crop of cucumber pickles tho first ono call ed on received a noto from Illram. It stated that his heart had been deep ly touched by her kind words and, be ing sure in his own mind that It was a caso of lovo at first sight with both of them, ho hod decided to accept her generous offer and hoped that It would bo no sncrlfleo on her part. At what dato should tho wedding tako placo? Was tho botrothal to bo announced nt onco or later on? What minister did sho prefer? How many nnd what guests should bo Invited? Tho widow read tho noto over tho first tlmo with wonder. Tho second tlmo sho was amazed, and tho third sho gasped out: "Why, what can tho crazy donkey mean?" Tho widow sat down nnd wrote n noto repudiating everything, even to tho Oklahoma cucumber seeds. These seeds had been fed to tho chickens Just beforo tho note was written. Illram camo back with a written statement thnt sho had deceived him and crushed his young and crippled heart Sho had led him to believe that sho loved him, and In return ho had (rlt'itn lim .ill l.l ..W...H n . ..V ..V. III! HIS IIUUCUUIIW. J.0 ue thrown down now would bo a blow that ho could never get over. No mon ey could over heal his feelings, but she must requite him to an extent as a moral lesson to her not (o fool with tho hearts of the male sex. Tho negotiations consumed two weeks, nnd the widow paid over to Illram ?300 rather than go into court. Ills llttlo gamo was worked on every siuglo ono of tho widows. From somo ho got as much as $500 and from oth ers only u Blnglo hundred. Not until tho very last did Hiram's father understand what ho had been up to, and then ho Indignantly ex claimed: "I ortcr to turn you outdoors or set tho law on you." "But you wou't. It has long pained mo to seo you working nwny on this stony old farm nnd not coming out 525 n year ahead of tho game." "And I've had a useless son to sup port!" growled tho father. "But useless no longer. I hereby of fer you $1,500 for tho old farm, nud you can bo my hired man at $30 a month nud board for tho next ton years." Dut even tho homeliest man in tho country may not hold his luck. An old maid whom niram had bowed to and smiled at as ho drovo around tho coun try brought a breach of promise suit against him and took nwny from him ovcry cent ho had oxtorted from the widows. "The durncd bump!" exclaimed tho father. "Didn't ho know thnt ovcry rulo over mado Is bound to work both ways sometimes and throw n fuller over tho fonco!" A BIT OF WAX By WILLARD DLAKEMAN I lnul gone out to India to serve as nn nccountnnt In n banking house; but, becoming homesick, I decided to return to America. A few days before I sail ed the head of tho Arm called mo into his prlvnto ofllcc nnd told mo thnt a client of the house desired that I carry for him to Boston a valuablo sapphire. Ho would pay mo handsomely for its delivery in that city. I needed tho money and accepted tho commission. I called for it tho day I sailed, wearing a coat with a pocket In tho lining, In which tho Bnpphlro was sowed by an Indlnn woman who was called in for the purpose, though sho did not seo tho contents of tho pocket or know that thcro was a pock et there. My route was by Aden, tho Suez en nnl, tho Mediterranean and over tho Atlantic to New York, quite n long Journey nnd nil In the same vessel. I mado tho acquaintance of nu Ameri can lady, Mrs. Gillette, whoso maid was a young Indian woman. Tho lady told me that shortly before she sailed the woman Susan she was called, be cause her Indian name was hard to pronounce henring that sho wns in tending to sail for America, came and begged her to tako her with her as her tun Id, with no compensation except paying for her passage. Tho lady, who was subject, to seasickness and wished somo ono to wait on her, con sented. Mrs. Gillette wns 111 In rough weather, but well on a smooth sen. Susan took very good enro of her. Slnco I had told no ono that I car ried u valuable gem nnd no ono ex cept myself and the mnn through whom It camo to mo knew where It was I felt very little fenr of losing it. I simply wore tho coat in which It was sewed by day and used It for a pillow by night, so that It was always either en my bnck or under my hend. But one thing occurred during the voyage to cause mo to suspect the possibility of any one being on my track. Ono day when about to enter my state room I noticed something white not as big as a pea on the lloor directly un der tho loci:. 1 have no Idea what in duced mo to pick It up, but I did so nnd, crushing it between my thumb and forefinger, found It to bo wnx. Could any one have been taking an Impression of tho lock on my state room door? I dismissed tho sugges tion at onco as farfetched. Wo had left Gibraltar and were Hearing the Azoies when ono morning I awoke with a hoad swimming sen sation. I smellcd u peculiar odor in the room. 1 put up my hnnd to grasp my coat, for I felt that my head was with out support, and was horrified to And tho coat was not there. I arose nnd looked about the room for It ns best 1 could, but it was not In tho room. 1 tried tho door and found It locked. The key I had concealed under my mattress. It was whero 1 had placed it. The remembrance of the bit of wnx I had found camo back to me ns the only clew to this robber'. If an Im pression had been mado for n key the key must hnve been made aboard the ship. It could not havo been filed without the Ming being heard. Doubt less It had been made In tho ship's workshop. I went below nnd asked tho man In charge of tho metal work ing shop if ho had been cnlled to make a key. IIo said that he had not, but, after some thought, said that ono of the stewards had been in tho shop Ollng something IIo remembered the steward, and wo found him. I reported the matter to tho captain, who called tho steward beforo him and obtained a confession thnt ho had been tipped by a lady's maid to do some filing on a key. When called upon to Identify the lady's ma,!d lie pointed out Mrs. Gillette's Indlnn girl, Susan. Before Susan got wind of tho mut ter a stewardess took her In chargo nnd another went through her effects. My coat wns found nmong them, but tho sapphire wns missing. Wo were obliged to tie a ropo around Susan, threatening to put her overboard, be foro sho broke down and told us where she hail concealed It. No blamo whatever was attached to Mrs. Gillette. Sho had not the slightest conception thnt her maid was not only a tnior, hut had entered her service knowing thnt she was about to leave for Amerlcn on tho samo steamer as I iinil believing that I carried tho sap phire. This is tho explanation of how Su san acquired this Information. She had been chambermaid In tho hotel whero the owner of tho sapphlro Btay ed and had suddenly entered tho room nnd had seen him handling It. She had watched him nnd had seen him go to tho bankers. Thoro sho lmd suc ceeded In making tho acquaintance ol tho woman who had dono tho sew ing on my coat. This was enough. A brother of hers had got from the passenger list of the steamer on which I wns to sail tho names of soveral hulli's. Susan had gone to eacli of these ladles, proposing to no with her as maid and hnd been successful with Mrs. Gillette. Susan was Kent lu Umbo to tho end of the voyage, when I went ashore. I learned nfterwnrd that sho was taken bnck to Indln, being mado to do monlal work on tho return voyage. What be came of her after reaching Indln I do not know. Tho Incident convinced mo that the nntlvus of Asia nro very shrewd. BROWN'S FIVE DOUBLES B M. QUAD Copyr!ht, Mil, by AasoclatM Lit crary Press. At tho ago of thirty nnd still unmar ried WUIInm Drown made a visit to a western state. Up to the day ho left homo he hnd never been out of the statu of Vermont. Ills adventures be gan lu Chicago. Do was sitting lu the odlcc of n hotel when a grim faced man entered and walked up to blm and began: "You infernal scoundrel, but 1 feel like killing you where you sit!" "What do you menu?" asked Mr. Brown In great astonishment. "Why, you measly apology for a man, how daro you ask that question?" shouted the stranger. "If you think you hnve got safely out of thnt affair you are mistaken. I'll have revenge on you If I havo to llvo n tiiousnnd years to do it!" It was a long time before' WUIInm Brown could get to the bottom of things. Then he discovered thnt he was supposed to bo Henry Williams, who had been hnuglng about a certain vlllngo fifty miles nwny for several months and who had become engaged to the village belle, borrowed money right nud left nud proved himself to bo n bad man In mnny directions. Tho mnn who was talking to Brown wns tho girl's father, and ho Had been look ing Chlcngo over for n week before tho Vcrmonter's arrival. Tho Urst thing, of course, wns u prompt denial. Tho next was for Brown to provo hU Identity. When Brown had established his Identity ho went his way, consoling himself with the thought that not more than ono man In the world could look near enough like him to bo n twin brother, but thrco dnys later ho found that It was n mistake. IIo was In Evnusvlllo to sec n certain person and wns talking business In tho man's of fice when ho was arrested on a war rant mtido out in the namo of Richard Roe, which charged him with hav ing passed counterfeit money on n liv ery stable man two months before. Ho lny In Jail for three days, nnd then his case camo up for examination. Brown was in n fair wny to bo convict ed when n dentist saved him. It was remembered thnt the drummer had had a tooth pulled beforo ho started on tho drive. The dentist had also found two or three others which needed fill ings. The nflnutc ho looked Into Brown's mouth ho declared that ho could not be tho man. Brown's third adventure was moro funny than serious. A day or two aft er leaving EvansvIIle, as he was rid ing In a passenger conch, n woman boarded the train nt a station and came along down tho nlslo and greet ing him with: "Well, well, Mr. Jackson, but who would havo thought of seeing you here! How's Nancy and tho children? When Is Bhe coming up to seo us nil?" "I beg your pardon," said tho travel er, "but haven't you made n mistake?" "A mistake In what?" "Madam, my namo Is not Jackson, but Brown, and I never saw you be fore!" "What! Whatl" she cried as sho turned on him. "Well, did I everl You sit hero nnd tell mo that I don't know Tom Jackson as well as 1 do my own father! Hnvo you gono crazy? Aroyou running away from Nancy?" "It Is as I told you, madam. 1 may look llko Tom Jackson, but I never saw nor heard of him or you before." Brown's last adventure was tho most serious ono of nil. Ho had spent a day and a night nt Lnfnyctto when ho was arrested on a chargo of attempted rob bery and felonious assault. It was claimed that ho was one of n trio who hnd assaulted a merchant In his storo In a village bIx or eight miles distant Tho threo mcu hnd entered tho storo In tho evening when tho merchant hap pened to bo nlono and bad knocked him down ns tho first step toward get ting the cash. Ho had proved a tough nut, however, and hnd driven the gang off In n battered condition. William Brown exactly fitted tho description of ono of tho trio. Of courso ho vigorous ly denied tho chargo nnd raised a strong doubt, but when ho was placed In lino with twelve other men tho mer chant wnlked straight up to him and snld: "You nro tho man who entered tho storo first nnd asked mo to change a twenty dollar bill for you." "You nro making n serious mistake," replied Browu. "I can prove that I was In Torre Ilauto tho night you wero assaulted." no secured a luwyer and sent for witnesses nt Terro Haute. When tho trial camo on Brown had ten witnesses from Terro Unuto and was lucky enough to find two men who had nt n certain hour been his com panions nil tho wny to Lafayette. Such was tho weight of evidence In bis favor that ho was acquitted by tho Jury. A month Inter Drown reached homo. Tho right man was caught, and when tho merchant was called upon to Iden tify him ho did so as promptly ns on the other occasion and ndded: "What's your namo this time, Brown or Black? Your lawyer was a sharp ono to drum up nil those witnesses, but I think woil land you this time." Ho was not talking to Brown, but to Drown's double, tho fifth ono turning up lnsldo of a month, but ho wouldn't admit bis mlstako even when Drown wroto to him from Vermont To this day ho bclloves thnt tbo mnn be first picked out and who was acquitted wob tho man who got ten years In prison when rearrested. YOUR SUNDAY ROAST is best done on Oil Cook-stove Its steady even heat preserves the rich natural flavor of the meat. You can get just the right heat always. The New Perfection is ready to cook in a minute. No fires to kindle no ashes, no soot. 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner styles and a new stove with fireless cooking oven. Ask to see it at all hardware and department stores. Perfection Oil Gives Best Results Standard (NEnriAOHA) 'Omaiia, L Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L . C . D RIO S T , Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. in sail w Bought and highest market prices pnid PHONES Residence Red 636 Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. Cream Separators at Horshey' corner of 5th and Locust streets. Smokers' Articles We are not only manufacturing and sailing the beit firo and ten cnt cigars in town, but we also carry a full line of smokers articles, and all the leading brands of plug and smoking tobacco. Tobacco users can bo supplied with everything in the tobacco line at this tore. J F. SCHMALZRIED. The Maker of Good Cigars. Notice Of Special Election, Notico is horeby given that on tho 30th. day of Juno, 1014, a special elec tion will bo hold in tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, at which tho following proposition will be Hoc a OilGompany submitted to tho voters of said city: "Shall tho Mayor and Council of the citj- of North Platto, in the county of Lincoln, in the State of Nebraska, is sue Twelve thousand 00-100 ($12000.00) Dollnrs, City of North Tlatte Bridge Bonds, iu denominations of Ouo thou sand 00-100 ($1000.00) Dollars each, bearing intoicst at tho rato of fivo per cent por milium, payable seml-nn-nunlly, intorest and principal payable nt tho offico of tho Stnto Treasurer of tho Stnto of Nebraska." Said bonds to bear dato of July 1, 1014, nnd tho interest on said bonds to bo payable tho 1st day of January, 1915, and on tho 1st day of July, 1915, and on tho 1st day of January and on tho 1st day of July of each and every year thereafter, until all of tho inter est on said bonds shall have been paid. Said bonds to bo numbered consecu tively from ono to twelve inclusive and tho interest thereon to bo evidenc ed by coupons thoreto attached. Bond number ono to become duo and pnynblo on tho 1st day o July, 1925. Bond numbor two to becomo duo and pnynblo on tho 1st day of July, 1920. Bond numbor threo to becomo duo and payable on tho 1st day of July, 107. Bond numbor four to become duo and payablo on tho 1st day of July, 1928. Bond number five to becomo duo nnd pnynblo on tho 1st day of July,1929. Bond numbor six to becomo duo and pnynblo on tho 1st day of July, 1030. Bond number seven to becomo duo nnd payable on tho 1st day of July, 1931. Bond) number eight to bo como duo nnd payablo on tho 1st dnv of July, 1932. Bonds number nine nnd ton to be come duo and pnynblo on the 1st day of July, 1933. Bonds numbers eleven and twolvo to becomo duo and payablo on tho 1st day of July, 1934. Shnll tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platto, in tho Coun ty of Lincoln, Stato of Nobraskn, levy a tax in the year 1914 and in each and ovcry year thereafter, sufficient to pay tho intorest on said bonds, and sufficient to pay fivo por cent of tho principal thereof as providod by law; and in tho year 1924 and each and every year thoreaftor sufficent to pay tho principal of said bonds as thoy bo como duo, until sufficiont tax has boon loviod to pay all of tho principal of said bonds; and such tax both for in terest and principal, to be levied upon all of the taxable property in said tit j of North Platti. faid bonds to be used for the pur pose of constructing n wagon bridge across the North Platto Rlvor, com mencing at a point on tho South and "West bank of tho North Platto River, Two hundred (200ft) foot North of tho contor lino of a continuation of 4th Street in tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska; and run ning thence nt n right anglo across said North Platte River, Twonty-uiuo hundred (2000ft) feet to u point on tho North and East bank of said North Platto River Eight hundred (SOOft) feet North of tho South Hue of sec tion thirty-six (30) in Township fourteen (14) North, of rnugo thirty (30) West of the Gth. p. in. said brldgo to bo approximately twenty-nino hun dred (2000ft) feet in length, and of sufficient width for two teams to pass each other at any point on said bridge, and to bo constructed of concrete and steel, and to comply with tho plans and specifications prepared and furn ished by Tho Stato Engincor of tho Stato of Nebraska, said bonds repre senting approximately twelve-fiftieths (12-50) of the entire costs of tho con struction of said bridgo ns hereinbe fore set forth, tho entire costs of which is to bo approximately fifty thousand 00-100 ($50,000.00) Dollars, one half (1-2) of such entire cost is to bo borne by tho Stato of Nebraska Aid, as pro vided for in Article 5, Chapter 23 sec tions 123 to 131 inclusive, of the Re vised Statutes of Nobraska, for tho year 1913; and thirtcon-fiftioths (13-50) of tho ontiro cost is to bo borno by Platto Precinct, Lincoln Comity Ne braska. Should tho Stato of Nebraska fail to grant said Aid and should Platto Precinct, in Lincoln County, Nebraska fail to issuo bonds in tho s'um of Thir teen thousand 00-100 ($13,000.00) Dol lnrs, in aid of tho construction of said bridgo, then the bonds of said City of North Platte herein submitted, shall not bo issued. Said bridgo to be constructed upon n lino two hundred (200 ft.) feet north of tho center lino of a continuation of 4th street in said City of North Platto Lincoln county, Nebraska, and connect with tho public 1.1 'hu-ay on the north and cast banl -aid North Platto river, intended lo 'jo tho Lincoln Mem orial Highway. t Tho ballots to bo used at said elec tion shall havo printed theroou: TOR: issuing twelve thousand ($12, 000.00) dollars in "The City of North Platto Bridgo Bonds," iu denomina tions of ono thousand ($1,000.00) dol lars each, bearing intorest at tho rato of fivo per cent, intorest and principal payablo at tho offico of tho Stato Treas urer of tho State of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear dato of July 1, 1914, and tho interest on said bonds to bo payablo on the 1st day of January, 1915, and on the 1st day of July, 1915, and on tho 1st day of January and on tho 1st day of July of each and ovcry year there after, until all of tho interest on said bonds shall have been paid and to levy a tax in tho year 1914, nnd jn each and every year thereafter sufficient to pay tho intorest on said bonds and suffi cient to pay fivo per cent of tho prin cipal thereof as provided by law; and in the year 1024 and each and every year thoreeaftcr sufficient to pnv tho principal of snid bonds as thoy become due, until sufficient tax has boon levied to pay all of tho principal of said; bonds; such tax both for interest and pnncipnl to bo levied upon all of tho taxable property of said City of North Platte. 1VGST :issuin twelve thousand ($12,000.00) dollars in "Tho Citv of Nort Platte Bridgo Bonds," in denom inations of ono thousand ($1,000.00) dollars each, bearing interest at the rato of fivo por cent, intorest and prin cipal pnynblo at the offico of tho Stato Treasurer of tho State of Nebraska. Said bonds to bear dato of July 1, 1014, and tho interest on said bonds to bo payable on tho 1st day of January, 1015, and on the 1st day of July, 1915, nnd tho 1st day of January and' on tho 1st day of July of each and every vcar thereafter, until nil of tho intorest on said bonds shnll havo been paid; and to levy a tax in tho year 1914, and in each nnd every year thereafter suf ficient to pay tho intorest on said bonds and sufficiont to pay fivo per cont of tho principal thereof as providod by law; and in tho year 1924 nnd each and every year thereafter sufficient to pav tho principal of said bonds ns they be como due, until sufficiont tax hns been loviod to pay nil of tho principal of said bonds; such tax both for interest nnd principal to be loviod upon all of tho-taxablo propeity of said Citv of North Platte. Thoso voting in fnvor of said proposi tion shall mark their ballot with an "X" after the paragraph beginning with tho word "FOR" and those vot ing ngninst said proposition shnll mark their ballot with an "X" after the paragraph beginning with tho word "AGAINST." Notico of said election shall be given by tho publication of a notice in tho North Platto Telegraph and in tho North Plntto Tribune, tho former being n weekly nnwsnnnnr nn.1 !. lntn n Bonn-weekly nowspaper, both published in tho City of North Plntto, Lincolu county, Nebraska, and of general cir culation in snid county of Lincoln, each of snid nowspapers having been desig nated ns official papers in said city, said publication shnll bo published for at least four weeks prior to said elec tion, and tho City Clork is hereby in structod to cause a publication of'such notico to bo made. Said election will bo open at 9 o'clock in tho morning and will con tinuo to bo opon until 7 o'clock in tho nfternoon of said day of election and tho polling places of said election will bo nt tho entranco to tho old Lloyd opora houso on tho corner of Pino and Sixth street in tho First ward of said City; and at tho County Commission ers' room in tho County Court House in tho Second ward of said City; and at tho old IIoso Houso situate on Vino atrcot between Front and Sixth streots in tho Third ward of said City; and at tho Hoso House in tho Fourth ward of snld City; said election will bo con ducted in manner and form as provided by tho ordinanco of said City and the Stntutes of tho State of Nebraska. By order of tho City Council of the City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1914. C. F. TEMPLE, m28-j25-5w City Clork. V r A