The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 05, 1914, Image 4

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Local and Personal
We Lead others follow. Corn Belt 'Pot
Roasts IS cents per pound. Why pay more?
Phone 26.
At Doolittle's Bakery. Jells Roll and Marsh
mellow Roil FIVE CFNTS each. Try one of
these. Doolittle Bakery.
Dr. Fred J. Wurtelo was a profes
sional visitor to Brady yesterday.
Tha ladies of the Episcopnl puild will
hold an exchange nt Howe & Mnloneys
Dr. L. C. Drost loft Wednesday
evening for Kearney to spend a short
time on professional businoss.
Bishop Beecher, of Kearney, was In
the city last week to officiate at the fun
eral of the Fcrgoson baby.
Mrs. 'Marion Miller and daughter MIeb
Aetna spent the first of the week with
friends and relatives in Hershey.
Mn. M. D. French is reported re
ported recovering nicely from her re-'
. cent operation at the P. & S. hospital,
Vincent Fitzpatrick and Adam Christ
left Wednesday evening for Omaha to
spend a few days. They may decide
to locate there,
0. F. Temple left the first of the
Week for McPherson county to adjust
some Insurance losses and to look after
other butlnoia.
'" P. L. Mooney, of the First. National
'.bank; left. Wednesday moriiing -for
Omaha to spend a short time on a busi
ness trip.
Call on "Your Bosom Friend."
lit. Raney of the Wallace vicinity,
was a visitor in the city yesterday
transacting business at the cpurt
houso. ,
Architect BertM. Reynolds, left Ihis
morning for Oshkosh to bo present ' at
the letting of tho contract for the
Oshkosh school building.
Jay Smith loft this week for Bridge
port where he has taken a summer out
ng job as cook for n hay camp, Ha
has been attending school.
Misses Mabel Burke and Gladys Bird
left yesterday morning for Omaha to
Hpend a few days attending tho Luth
eran league convention.
Let Schatz sell you n refrigerator at
C03t. , .
Mrs. J. A. Jones and family will
leave this summer for Virginia and
other points where? they will tfpspdjjA
month or more.. ," .yjT
For RentRooms for light house
keeping tor young ladies attending
normal school, $1.25 pur -week, Com
mercial hotel, 21G East Fifth St: 08-2
Mw Fred . Elljott and children, of
Omaha, are the guests of Mrs. Elliott's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Soml. Goozce,
and will remain for several weeks.
- Mrs. II. F. Shadle, of Boone, Iowa is
visiting this week with her sister, Mrs,
Y. H. uooth of this city, sno is er
route 10 uoiorauo springs ana wenver
where she will make an extended visit.
Furniture at your own price at
Schatz's sale.
' Mr. and Mr. E. J. Spauldlrig, ' of
Gothenburg, arrived In tho city yes
terday morning and spent a few houm
visiting friends hero. They left in the
Hfternoon for Sutherland to visit' their
pon, Earls Spaulding, cashier of the
Sutherland atuto bank.
Miss Pearl Koontz returned yester
day from a weeks' visit in Maxw ell.
Dan Coleman, residing in the Fourth
ward, is reported quite ill thm week.
A twelve pound boy was born Mon
day to Mr. and Mrs. Eddy of this city.
Riley Warren is spending the summer
vacation visiting friends in different
points in northern Kansas.
Mrs. W. W. Hogg is expected home
today from Denver where she has been
visiting friends for several days.
The case of Emma Knight vs. Char
les Lunkwitz for ejectment Ib Bet for
hearing today in the county court.
Henry Iddings, the small son of Mrs.
EfllcC. Iddings, was operated upon this
morning by Drs. Foote and Twinem.
The Misses Ona West and Genevieve
Wood, of Wallace, are the guests of
Miss Vivian Knox for the week-end.
Mrs. James. Roddy returned last
evening from Grand Island where she
has been visiting friends for a few
days. ... t
Mrs. George Rogers leaves today for
Corning, Iowo, where she expects to
moke an extended visit- with ' relatiyes
and friends.
W. J. Crisp, of Tryon, county treas
urer of McPherson county, was a busi
ness visitor in thief cUy 'yesterday
afternoon. ' t
,D. J. JCeene, of Omaha, arrived in
town yesterday to spend a few days
looking over land with the view of in
vesting. Weather Observer Shilling reports'
that thirty-seven one hundredths of aa
inch of rain fell yesterday afternoon in
thirty-five minutes.
Mrs, J, H. Williams and Mrs. Christ
Paulson arrived home Wednesday
from Sutherland whore they spent a
few days visiting frionds,
Tho little boy of Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Barber of this city waB operated upon
Wednesday at the P. & S, hospital. He
is reported getting along nicely.
VShag" Miller and Austin Gregg,
'two members of the high school, left
tin's week .for Kearney nebr whero they
will spend the "summer on)a farm.
Enginjr.fll. N. Getty was operated
upon Wednesday at the North f. Platte
General Hospital. The operation"was
successful and'heirf reported convalesc
Ing nicely.
Weather.forecast:' Unsettled tonight
and Saturday, not much change fn
temperature. Highest temperatUro
yesterday 90, .a year, ago 81, lowest last
night 55, a year ago &). ....- )
Tho North Fl&(to band received on
dfte)fBek from Gothouburg risk
ing them to play thoro for the Fourth
of July celebration! As there will be
no celebration here this year the band
will probably accept the oflfer.
A telephone message was received
this morning from Hershey stating
thatia heavy hail Btorm struck there
last evening and did considerable
damage to oats and wheat. Most ' of
tho farmers In that vicinity, however,
carry hail Insurance.
Annual Report of Library
The annual raportof the North
Platte public library for the year end
ing May 31, 1914 was submitted to the
city council at their meeting Tuesday
evening. This report shows a proper
0U8 year and that the peoplu have- been
taking advantage of the opportunities
afforded by the public library.
There are now 3040 volumos in the
library and of this number 1682, were
loaned by the Y. M. C. A. after its
close. The number of borrowers on' the
list is 1849 and the average monthly
circulation Is 1200. Tho visitors record
for the last two months averaged 425
per month, which is a fair average'' for
the year.
The expenses for the year were yery
light on account of the expenditure for
books being cut down with the loan of
the Y. M. C. A. books. The income of
the library is barely enough, to meet
expenses and the same amount that was
levied last year was asked for this year.
With more funds the library cou(d. do
much more extensive work, but not in
crease was asked. ,
The financial report shows a total, ex
penditure of $1423.13 and a balance' of
$402.13 on hand as against $514. Oh at
the beginning of the year, The total
receipts for the year were $1825.37.'
The monthly report for May showed
a decrease in circulation, for the entire
month. Only 900 books were loaned of
which G01 were adult books and 299
were children's books. About fifty new
volumes were added during the month
and since the closing of school the cir
culation is picking up.
Stability, Efficiency and Service
Ilpyp beon tho lotors
iiiXho growth of tho
First National Bank, ,
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars.
The Hot Weather is on us: Be comfortable while
you iron. Make ironing pleasant work by using a
Westinghouse GUARANTEED FOREVER electric
' Iron. We have these irons for $3.50. Think of ,
how long they last and' the comfort they bring.
, Order an iron today.
North Platte Electric Co.
C. R. Morey, Manager.
He Could Not Understand It
Most people think Jones is a '.'crank." We thirikjie is' properly particular.
He is particularly particular about his collars arid' yeV hf). is honest and fair.
He came in Monday and said "What now stunt have you got jbrf your collar
work? My tie slips through this last lot as if they were greased and the
fit and finish is simply great.", Then we showed, him Hliis nev machine
. i.
the Prosperity Collar Moulder which we have recently inl jailed. '
Bar Association at Sidney.
Attorneys W. V. Hoagland, J. .
Halllgan, Rolfe Halligan, M. .
Crosby and Judge H. M Grimes
returned yesterday morning from
Sidney where they attended the
meeting of the Western Nebraska Bar
Association which held Tuesday and
Wednesday. Tney report a profitable
meeting and a fine time. Most of
towns in the thirteenth and seventeenth
judical districts were represented t
the meeting and nearly all the Lexing
ton bar attended.
Judge H. 51. Grimes was president
of the assocation and Rolfe Halligan
of this city was treasurer last year.
A number of fine addresses were
given and nmorig the speakers were J.
J. Halligan, Judge Grimes and M. E.
Crosby of this city. Also Hon.. C. A;.
urray.of Denver, and old class mate
ot Judge unmes , gave anicouaresq.
The, Sidney commercial club took this
visKmgVttorneya for ah auto ridfes
around town andjthe county and outtjr
tno lanes. wecinesuay evening wbj
festivities were wound up with a ban
quet at the pacific hqtel with,. Judge
Grimes as toastmaster. . - . '
Officers for the coming year werp
oiected and J. J. Halligan was sleeted
one of the vice-presidents and Rolfe
Halligan was re-elected' treasurer. A
resolution was also passed endorsing h
constitutional amendment providing
for, a court of appeals for this state. I
: i
I fill I '"H ' " s ''
HIP Pfipffl ,h '
ij BBJW r, '
' .
It Moulds the Collar Under Steam Pressure.
No Gas, No Friction, No Sharp Edges. : r
Step in and see it or phone us to tall for a bundle so you can be as pleased ' '
as Jones. Do it now!
Dickey's Sanitary Laundry,
' "Your Bosom Friend" " .
108 West 6th St.
Phone 77, Easy to Remember.
Political Announcement
County Commissioner , .
.. I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the, democratic nomination for the
county commissioner for n the second
districtsubject to the decision of the
voters at the primary election, and most
respectfully soljcityour support,
J, D.'Kelluier,
Maywel) P.recinct.
"Crops in our precinct are in fine
shape," said L. P. Jepsen, of Fox
Creek, who was in town Wednesday.
"I measure the rainfall and since
April 20th we have had five and bn?
half inches."
Mr. Runner, a prominent farmer of
the Wallace, vicinity, was a business
Visitor to this city yesterday transact,
ing business at the court house. H
also came ovcr-f or medical attention as
he has been ill for several days.
The high school senior class play wai
presented Wednesday evening at the
Keith theatre to a full house and wajs
much enjoyed by the audience. ,AllJ
the students carried their parts well
and tho play went' ofii without a hitch.
Paul OttenBtein as Prosper Courament
and Miss "Louise Welbo'rn as 8uzanns
do Rushville, who carried the leading
parts, were exceptionally worthy of
mention. Their parts were difficult
and they carried them off in. a commend
able manner, Tyronne Winkleman as
Madamselle Zenoble Brezo carried her
part well and Edward' Thompson as
Professor Breze, Arthur Barraclough
as Anatole, Nannine Iddings as Matilda
and Gladys Hall as Baroness do la
Glaciere wera also good. Jack Hits
band as Baron de la Glaciere showed
considerable talent and was well suited
to his part.
A. B. Hoagland finished auditing the
county books Wednesday nfternoon for
tho delinquent taxes prir to the year 1900.
He found the amount due the county
for delinquent taxes prior to that year
is $180,929.61. The taxes for the
years amounted to only $43,247.89 and
tho interest amounted to $93,931.72.
This amount alone would build u now
court house and leave enough of a bal
ance to pay the county's share of the
Lincoln Highway bridge.
A. B. Yates, of Sutherland, who was
in town Wednesday, soys wheat in the
section south of that town is in good
condition, generally speaking, though
rain is needed, In some fields where
tho work was improperly done the
wheat is beginning to "fire," The
acreage of fall wheat south of here and
Sutherland Is very large.
Next Sunday will be observed as
memorial Sunday by the A. O. U. Vf.
lodge and all members arc requested
meet at the K. P. hall at one o'clock
in the aftornoop und proceed to tho
cemetery whore the graves of departed
members will be strewn with (lowers.
Mrs. Isaac Dilllon and Mrs. Donald
Goodwill and children arrived WednW-
day evening from Minden. La., where
Mrs. Dlilion has been visiting since
last fall. Mrs. Goodwill and children
will spend the summer hero.
Contractors Howard McMichael,
Robert Isdell and Win. Greene left this
morning for Oshkosh to bo present at
the letting of the contract of the new
school buiding which will be built there
this summer.
The Wednesday morning Omaha Bee
contained ah interesting article dated
at North Platte giving an account of
the baseball game here Sunday
between this city and Stapleton. We
do not know exactly who sent in the
communication, but we suspect it,, wob'
notsentin from this city. Whoever 8ent
it in got the facts mixed up consider-
ably for some renson or another.
William Baldock, of iho Baldock &
Son grocery store, has returned to work
in the dispatcher's office after a vaca
tion of Beveral months. He returned
yestorday from Cheyenne where he was
sent tojget the locations of the side
tracksland to get a survey on the yards
for; tho use of the office.
Principal G. P. McGrew, of the high
school, left Wednesday evening for his
home io-Auburn whero he will visit for
some time. Ho will enter the state
university next fall and finish up his
courses for his degrees.
Miss Ada- Graham and Miss May
Woods, who have been teaching at
Gibbon, stopped in tho city tho first of
the week for a visit with friends. They
were enroute to tho eastern part of the
statefor a visit.
County Superintendent Cleo R. Chap
pell returned Wednesday from Kear
ney where she visited several days.
She went down to spend Decoration
Day and remained over for sceral
For funds that you will not use for a few
Months, we issue Time Certificates of Deposit
which hear interest at 4 percent.
In this way your funds which are temporar
ily idle, can be made profitable. '
We will be glad to explain the plan more
fully to you-, if you will call.
McDonald State Bank,
Noi ' h Platte, Nebraska.
CHAS. McDONALD, President
WH. H. McDONALD, Cashier W. E. STARR, Ass't Cashier
Garfield Items. '
Mr. and Mrs. Cryus Fox and Jake
Miller were North Platte vlsitbrs last
Mrs. R. Mahan of Callaway is visiting
with relatives a few days.
Mrs. Andy Baehus and sister Laura
Brummet visited their parents Mr. and
Mrs. John Brummet a couple of days
last week.
Abnor Dillon gave a free dance and
supper at tho Hall last Friday night.
A larger crowd attended and every one
had a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Sensil spent Decoration
Day in Arnold.
Miss Beryl Siver and Alice Chamber
lain of North Platte were visiting rela
tives a few days last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L H. Joy and baby
spent Decoration Day in Gandy.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith and family
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
A dance will be given at the Hall Sat
urday night Juno 0. Al' invited
ens smm.
We're showing all the New Straws, High Crowns,
Low Crowns in Sennets, Milans and Panamas
$1.50 to $5.00
H. Scoonover & Co.
Your Clothes Friend.
'f '
. )