The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 05, 1914, Image 10

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It is no longer necessary to pay old time
inflated ground floor prices for new and
up-to-date footwear.
In my upstairs shop you can be fitted
perfectly in tan calf, mahogany calf, gun
metal, vici kid, velour and box calf. All
new lasts and patterns. My price is not
$S.OO and $4.00 but
J all were arrranged for. There are one
I hundred eight to be installed yet on the
north aide and a nurrlbor In the Taylor's
addition. An order for two hundred
meters was sent in this week to the
Ifcorshey company.
I The plumberB committee then ap
peared before the council in regard to
their ordinance and suggo3ted some
J changes. It was voted that the ordin
ance committee should meet with a
committee from the plumbers and dia
cuss the changes suggested. It was
al&6 voted to rescind the action taken
some time ago in regard to the plum
bora operating without a license until
the ordinance is passed and that they
should take out licenses under the old
ordinance that is now in force. The
bills were the.n allowed and tho council
Harry s
'' x,.
v A .
.V""' ,
2nd Floor Wfaltenath Building.
Gothenburg Will Celebrate.
Prepare now to attend the most stu
pendous celebration ever attempted in
this section. Mammoth Prizo Parade,
Firemen's Tournament, Free Ball
games, contests and amusements. Cele
brate in Gothenburg on the Fourth of
Huffman Wins VanDerhoof Medal.
The compotative drills of the high
school cadets were held last week at
Gothenburg and Harry Huffman won
the VanDerhoff medal three consecutive
times which entitles him to bold it.
The offioors for tho coming year were
also elected while at Gothenburg and
they aro as follows: Major, Harry
Huffman; Company A, captain, Merrill
Cros3; first lieutonant, Calvin Miller;
first sergeant, Sherwood Woodhurst,
third sergeant, William Calhoun; musi
cian, Clarence McCabe; Company B,
captain, Austin Gregg; first lieutenant,
Konneth Weinberger; fir3t sergeant,
Clarence Jones; third sergeant, Harry
Tillion. Mancel Overman was elected
quartermaster sergeant and Rex And
erson assistant; Glen Ritner was
elected chief musician. The corporals
were elected us follows: Claude Peters,
George Thompson, Joline Antonides,
Harry Pizer and Loren Hastings. The
oommandent will be selected later and
also ft musician for Company 13.
Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher,
One Yearly Mail in ndvuico ..,$. 25
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofilco as Socotid Class Matter.
' FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 19w7
Local and Personal
Stampfcr Schmalzried is expected
homo soon from Lincoln whore he has
bsen attending the state university,
Two furnished rooms for light-housekeeping.
Inquire at 804 Wost Third
Reuben Scott, of St. Louis, 1b ex
pected to arrive' in the city to make an
idenfinlto visit with his brothor, M. E.
Scott and family of this city.
Charles, tho oldest son of Mr, and
Mrs, P, II. Lonorgnn is roported to bo
very ill M his home on East Sirth
streot with lung fever.
MIbb Florence Iddings returned homo
Monday morning from Bryn Mnwr
whero she has been attending school and
will spend tho summer vacation at home.
Licence to wed was issued Tuesday by
Judge Grant to George M. Robertson
of Lincoln, and Miss Margurito Mitchell
of Stutnpfor, frcbr,, and Isaac Curtis,
and Miss Ethol McKaln, both of this
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke left the
first of the wool: for College Springs,
Ark., called thero by the serious Illness
of their daughter, Grace who is attend
ing school thore. Miss Burko was
taken ill last week with typhoid malatia
and her condition is qulto serious,
Mrs. Clara Stuart, of Grand Island,
ia expected to arrive this evening for
' & visit of a few days with her mother,
Mrs. E. M. Owens, before she leaves
' for Ogden, Utah. Mrs. Stuart was
formerly a residont of this city, but
moved to Grand Island somo time ago.
Tha graduating exercises of the
class of 1014 of tho Kearney military
academy wore held Friday morning,
opening at the armory at 9:30. Bishop
Geo, A. Bceker presided and after a
short introductory service presented
Dean J. J. Bowkor of this city as
speaker fur the occassion. Dean Bow
ker gave & yory nlco address on the
subject "Christian Education." Twelve
young men composed tho graduating
class this year.
'William Vroman. of Vroman. Nob..
r.t. ..:!. i il. ..-.!... .,..ui Tir.i
ndsday. , '
Mrs. A; J. Frazier returned Wednes
day from Omaha where she spent a
few days visiting friends.
Victor Halligan is expectedto arrive
home tomorrow from Lincoln where he
has b,een attending the university.
Miss Albina Hahler left Tuesday
evening for Sidney where sho will make
an extended visit with' relatives and
Mrs. John Keliher, of St. Louis, ar
rived in the city this week for a visit
of several days with Miss Hannah
Keliher and other relatives and friends.
Joss Vernon, who has been attending
high school this past year, has accepted
a position for the summer in the ex
press office.
Miss Mnblo Duke is homo from Col
umbus, where she has been teaching
school and will spend the summer visit
ing her parents in this city.
H. G. Knowlos, pastor of the Chris
tian church, left yesterday morning for
North Bend whoie ho gave a lecture
Just evening muter tho auspices of the
Christian church at that place.
Miss Nina VanDoran, who has been
quite ill with an nttuck of appendicitis,
Is reported convalescing nicely. Dr.
Wurtele expects to got through with
out an operation which he states is not
pecessary at tho present time.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jung, of
Palmer, Nebr., arrived in tho city
Wednesday afternoon to attend the
wedding on Miss Tilllo Huxoll to Oscar
Sandall. Mrs. Jung is a sister to the
Hearing on the claims agajnst the
estate of tho lato Hattie Farrington
was held Wednesday morning In the
county court. E. R. Goodman a9 exec
utor appeared for tho estate. The
largest claim was that of Mrs. Pulver
for the amount of $800 for nursing and
A. J. Murrish, state agent for the
Columbia insurance company, arrived
In the city Wednesday on business at
the Bratt & Goodman ofilce. . Ho and
Mr. Goodman left Wednesday after-
noon tonne nauc vaiioy precinct on
hall and fire insurance business.
Library Board is
Appointed by Mayor
The Catholic Girls' club was delight
fully ontertnlned Tuesday evening at
the home of Mlqs Bessie Smith. Miss
Smith was assisted by Misses Alice
Sullivan; Josephine O'Hare, andLoretta
Murphy and Mrs. Wm. R. Maloney.
The evening was spent with cards and
the first prize was won by Miss Blanche
Fonda. Miss Pearlo Howlund won
second prizo.
At the meeting of the city council
Tuosday evening tho appointments of
tho three members of the library board
were announced by Mayorv, Evans, to
take places of those whoso' terms haQ
expired. Tho appointments wore as
follows: Mrs. Mary Axtell, Mrs. James
Roddy and E. S. Davis. The three re
tiring members were A. E. Cary, John
Bratt and W.T. Wilcox. Tho report
of the library for the year was eub
mitted and both it and the appoint
ments were confirmed unanimously by
the council.
The sidewalk extension work as re
commended by Postmaster E. S. Davis
was talted up by tho council and dis
cussed and It was left with the street
and sidewalk committee. With this ex
tension there will be much better de
livery aervicu given in tho outlying dis
tricts' and it will also menn two new
mail curriers for North Platte.
Some communications wcro received
from diffeient companies in regard to
tho motor and dynamo for the pumping
station to supply electric current for
the city lights and they were turned
over to tho committee on lights. The
report of tho city treasurer was also
submitted and approved.
Attornoy Leslie Baskins appeared be
fore the council with u complaint in
regard to the putting in walks on tho
north sido ond the the council voted to
order in all walks on the north side of
Sovnth street beginning at the new
round house and east to Locust street.
Another pieco of walk on block 10 on
Tenth street was ordered in.
Water Commissioner Hershoy Welsh
appoared bofore the council with a
complaint on tho condition of the
wator mains and showed that they
were in a deplorable condition. Ho re
ported that it was practically impossible
to repair them with tho prosont facili
ties and asked that tho council allow
him to order a trench pump so that he
could tap the mains and pump the
water out while ropairing them. The
council instructed him to got different
prices from companies and subjnit,
them to that body before buying. Tho
pump will help greatly In taking care
of the water while repairing tho mains
and will cost between $150 and $200,
He also made a report on the motors
and stated that out of tho seven hun
dred twenty-five to bo put in the main
part of tho city there were five hundred
savonty-five already installed and that
of th other one hundred fifty, nearly
Miss Augusta Kosbau has accepted a
pofiton in the Gem Candy Kitchen ,
Mfs. M. J. Neary itf recovering
slowly from a threatened attack of
Mrs. J. H. Williams of A!bia,Iowa, is
a guest this week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs". C. Paulson.
1' Mrs. May Mathor and Mrs. Lizzie
Mather aro visiting this week at the
home of their nephew Robert Dickey.
MnU.F.Stitler of Pittsburg, Pa. and
Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Davisof Cozad Nebr.
spent Decoration Day with J. S. Davis
and family.
Sheriff and Mrs. Gus Sis vers, of
Grand Island, arrived in the city Wed
nesday morning to attend tho funeral
of Mrs. W. S. Dolson.
Farm and garden seeds in bulk, alf-
'ttlfo, cane, millet, kafflr corn, rape
seed, chick food, oyster shells, etc., at
Hershey's Hardware 5th & Locust Sts.
"Phono 15.
A. quarantine sign for diptheriawas
placed Monday on the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Chajrles Beeder on East Sixth
streot. Two little boys aro down with
the disease.
W.H.C. Woodhurst returued Satur
day from a business trip of several days
dnration in Holdredge and other towns
in thntpart of the state. Ho reports the
crop prospects over the Stato the best
they have beenforyears.
Di Oilfield infield.
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE Ii. HEUriELD, PhyBiclan.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
niONE 642.
A- Picard
Job Work and
..Repair Work..
Shop Corner Sixth and PineStreet
Phone Red 377.
Physician ond Surgeon,
Office over McDonnld Bank.
Phones OfflCG 130
f hones Residence 115
tfa b V
v Serial No. 06649
OHiartment of the Interior.
U, S. Land Qlllco at North Platte, Nebr.
May. B. 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Oda Roberts, of
North Platte, Nebr., who. on April 5. 1913, made
Homestead Entry No. 06649. for WW 8W! of Sec.
23, two. IS, N. re. 30, wet of the Cth Principal
Meridian, pas filed notice of intention to make
commutalon proof, to establish claim to the
laid above described, before the register and
receiver, at North Platte, Nebr., on the 7th
day of July, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses; Scott Reynolds,
Altrod Markee, Prank Dowhower and Clinton M.
York, all of North Platte. Nebr.
mU-0 J. E. Evan. Register.
Good Country Butter
We will pay 20c for good
Country Butter in Bulk
Not Printed
I Rush Mercantile Co.
Get Your
XWsCanadian Home K
mini &-rr : i
ww it k
uanaaian Ymm
ON'T waste your time and money on worn-out land that
la high-priced simply becauso it was once worth its
present price! The richest virgin soil is waiting for you ",
in Manitoba and the Alberta-Saskatchewan district.
You can buy it for practically the samo price per aero
that tho mere manuring per acre of soil in many parts
of tha II. S. cost3l Fertile Canadian West o' -- i --(only soil
cf uOTlrous productivity, but it nlco offcre ', -'Ud t limsxtt,
chur his of allcrced3, splendid, pibhc sc!m t lonnlly coed
marUetB.dneliotelsnnd tnuisDO-tatlonf utilities t i.m juncKBcllcd
Wo htivo n truly sp.e'idld proposition to make to ajy e-uncst farmer or to
menijbowlslitofarm and v bo aro sinec-o In their deslni to .(.' in thlscountrj.
Wo actually aro in u posltica to cntblo aa to oun 30 acret fir every aero that
you now own or farm and every acre hero wilt produja lUiuble what worn ou'
acta produces anywhere. On top of that, wo civo you
?fl Yoave. In P"v fnr If Youiraln tho land for from Sll to T0 per ucrc. 1:
im itars 10 ray jor u lrrBatIon districts tho ptIce u jromr.-ato jss
You pay merely ono twentieth down. Tha balance Is split up Into l'J equnl pay
monts. The farm will more than meet the payments and your family's living eit
penses. Canadian Pacific farms pay for themselves over ami ocr iiRalu b:for
tho Htno tho last pajment falls duo. We can refer you to ores of tamers wli
paid, for thslr farms vith tho proceeds of just ono cropl
You Are Loaned $2099.00 to Pay for Farm Improvements!
Hero Is land ni'apted to crnin crowlnjr, to poultry raisins, dalrj tnjr, mixed
farralnz and to cattle, bos ami sheep railing. You decide for yourself what kind
of tannine you wish to follow. 'Ihe Canadian Pacific helps you select the land
best adapted to your purposes. And then. If you so deiire It, wo arrange to have
1 Your Farm Made Ready .by Experts efaVsmanleeidV. "ft LM
a an expert on the raso and select lie farm that will txactly suit you IU ono that
mrseir us tin you udouc ine 4uu uw uw
Write for Handsomely Illustratedlioolcc
you can farm to most advantage to yourself
bushel crop in UauaOfl-tUls yoarl
iH Address
Hi vy
205 Woodmen of tlio World IUdg., Omaha, Neb.
you and an accidental fire causing great
damage, will be a protection that costs
you little but means very much. Every
houseuolder and property owner should
protect himself against possible acci
dents by having a Fjre Insuranse Policy
in one of our Companies, securing him
against loss in case of accidental fire.
The Policy costs little, but covers great
Drs. Quigley & Simms
Physicians and
First National Bank Building.
Dr. J. S. Twinem,
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention to Obstetrics
and Children's Diseases.
Phones, office 183, residence
Office in McDonald Bank Building.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Telephone Red 4 &0SM Dowey St.
North Pla He. Nobraska.
Serial No. 0776
United States Land Olllco
North Platte. Nebraska. April 27, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Henry W. Greeley,
of .North Platte. Nob., who on Nov. 6. 190b,
made homestead entry No. 0776 . for
SH Section 6, Township 15 N. Range 29,
W. of 6th Principal Meridan. has filed notice
of intention to make final five year proof, to
establish claim to the land above described
before tho resistor and receiver at North Platte
Nebraska, on the 25th day of June.
Claimant names as wltnessses: CarlMcGrew,
Frank Ebtle, William Remolds, and Joesph
Ellsworth, all of North .Platte Nebr.
m5-R J. E.r -VNS. Register.
Nyal Drug Store
Phone 8
Bowen's Barn
Phono 101
North Platte Nebraska.
Re. Phone Red 400.
Plenty ol Money to Loan
on Farms and Ranches.
Rates and Terms Rasona-
Buchanan & Patterson.
By virtue of an order of tale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein L. C. Severns. Is plaintiff, and
Chris Rasmusscn and E. P. Rasmussen are de
fendants, and to me directed, I will on the 6th day
of July 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at the east front
door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree. Interest and costs, the following
described proporty to-wit: All of Section Nine
(9). Township Ten (101, Range Twenty-Eight
(28), except One and. One-half Acres in the North
west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, west of
the 6th Principal Meridan, Lincoln county. Neb.
Dated North Platte. Neb , May 29th, 1914.
J2-5 A. J. Salisbury. Sherift.
By virtue of an execution Issued by Goo. E
Prosscr. clerk of tho District Court of Lincoln
county.Ncbraska, upon judgment rendered In said
court In favor of John W. Smith against M. J.
Graham, I have lovled upon the following real
estate as the property of said M. J. Graham,
to-wit: All of Section Five (6), Township Sixteen
(16), Range Twenty-nine 29, west of the 6th P.
M. Lincoln county, Nebraska, and I will on the
6th day of July. 1914, at 2 o'clock, p. m .of said
day at the east front door of the court house of
said county: in North Platte, Neb . Belli said real
estate, subject to mortgage of Two Thousand
Dollars JJ.OOO.OO at public auction for cash, to
satisfy said execution, the amount due thereon In
the aggregate, being the sum of $635.00 and 528,75
cost nd accruing cost.
Norrth Platte, May 29, 1914.
J2-S Sheriff of Lincoln County Neb
Otllce Phone 410 Res. Blk 552
Bertha E. "Mangon, M, D.
PHysician and Surgeon
Dsseassa of Womnd Children aflpscUIty
New McCabe Blbg.