The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 29, 1914, Image 10

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Semi-Weekly Tribune
fra L. JUre, Editor and Publisher.
Ons Year by Mail in advance .$1.25
One Year by Carrier a.ivance $1.00
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska,
oDlco as Second Class Matter.
Friday, May 29, 1914.
Local and Personal
Head Sclmtz's page ad in this Ibbus.
Peter Olson of Lexington was visiting
friends in the city a few days the first
of tho week.
The seventh jrado of tho Washing
ton school enjoyed a picnic Wednesday
in Doolittle's grove.
Mrs. Myler of Omaha Is visiting in
the city tills week with hor sister, Mrs.
H. G. Fleishman. t
City Attorney James T. Keofe will
go to Wailaco tomorrow to deliver the
Memorial Day address.
Lot Schatz sell you a rofrigorator at
Mlos Ruth Jacobson, of Lexington,
was visiting in tho city at tho Warring
ton homo the first ot the week.
Mra. J. J. Banta is reported recovering-nicely
from her operation of a short
timo ago at the P. & S. hospital.
Judge J. S. Honglandwill go to North
Dend tomorrow whoro ho is scheduled
to give the Memorial Day address
F. J. Tetro returned Monday to his
homo in Gothenburg after visiting
ovor Sunday at tho J. B. Elliott homo.
"Youshould Blbble" let "Schatz
Worry." -(i, 37.2
Miss Gortrudo Nichols, of Ldjcihgton
was vWiting for a fbw days With Miss
Hilda Anderson of tills city tho first of
O.J. Wood, a switchman in tho
local yards, was sent to Grand Island
Tuesday evening to tho Union Vaclfic
hospital for treatment.
Furnituro nt
Schntz's aiilo.
your own price at
Paul Nolan, Harold Lmigford and Joy
Smith, members of Company Q, left
Wednesday morning for Gothenburg
to visit tho cadets in their quarters.
The soven-yenr-old son of Mr, and
Mrs. Beattle of S,tnploton, undonvont
nu uiiuruiion at ine r. & B j,osp ,
Tuesday. He is gotting along nicely.
Misses Ethel and Carrie Frye and
Miss Vnunita Hayes returned home
Tuosday evening from Denver where
they spent a few days visiting friends.
t M,2S ',nma Smith. principal of tho
North Side school, loaves tomorrow for
Farley, la., whore she will spond tho
summer vacation with relatives.
Miss Vada Tannehtll left Wednesday
morning for Indianapolis whoro she
will mnko nn oxtended visit. Sho ex
pects to spond tho summer vlsitinir
oastcm points. ,
. W Ti rWnlkor has returned tq, his
homo in this city from Omaha whoro he
was confined to a hospital to receive
medical treatment. Ho also visited in
Grand Island while away.
W, S. Bailey, of Brady, who has
ueon inning truatmont at tho P. & s.
hospital, la very much improved and
will soon bo able to return to his homo.
He is Buaoring from a severe attack of
Hon t overlook Schatz's oalo
License to wed was Issued Monduy
ffom tho office of the couuty judio to
fcMnB"iXt'!!d Mi83 0"ian
7i ? W7, rho, room ,8 farmer
of that vicinity and the brido has been
teaching there.
Bruco Stuart, of Oakland. Cu is
In town for u vlst with his wife
and daughter and with his parents. Mr.
Stuart Is superintendent of agencies
fo tho Monogram Oil Co., and having
buainoss in Denver, took advantage 0?
hia nearness to his old homo to come
If waatiug your milk or oilier stock prop,
erly cared for iu a large uslure of good feet.
plenty of living water, reasonable charges
IcIcjloaaChas. A. Moore, Red 438,
John Ritner and his gang are work
ing this woelc on the concrete abut
ments for the bridge at Devil's Elbow
in tho Box Elder vicinity. The old
piera woohsd out-nnd. they nro being
replaced with now concrete piers with
wings to prevent tho washing. The
old wooden bridge will lie put i.ack on
but it is tho intontlon of the board to
put in n steel bridge later.
Tho Blue Ibdgo of tho local Masdnlc
order mot Tuesduy evening and put on
Woik in tho third degree. They ex
pected to entertain n number of the
members of the order from tho Sutton,
butforsomoronson tho Sutton poopln
did not arWvo. Several visitors from
over the aUto wore in attendance.
After tho work of tho order a nice
luncheon was served.
Tho North Piatto high school toam
went down to defeat at the hands of
tho Cozod bunch Wednesday ntGothon
burg by a score of 8 to 7. Tho came
was fast uhd hard fought and the
North Piatto boys played u good game.
There was considerable discussion oyer
thedeclsiona of tho umpire who favored
Coaad on ovory turn and when M.
Cross questioned oni of his decisions
he assaulted Cross and was later as
, rested on the chargo of assault. The
score was a tie ijp to the ninth inning
when Cozad succeeded in pushing over
tho winning scoro.
Keal Estate and Insurance.
Como and see ui for town lots in
different parts of tha city, Good in
V8t?et9 ft'1 Vy terms. Houses for
sale and rent. We have also good bar
gains In farms and ranches.
Cor, Front and Dewey Sts. upstairs,
Graduation Program Class of 1914
Following is tho graduation program
to bo given Friday evening, May 29th,
1914 at the Keith theatre.
Piano solo Minuet (Pnderwski)
Esther Hogsett '14
Invocation Rev. J. C. Christie
Address Paul Ottenptoin '14
Class President
Address Marie LoDioyt '14
Class Prophecy
(selected by class)
Trombono Duet "I Would That My
Lovo" , (Mendelssohn)
Arthur Tramp, Wilson Tout
Address Elaine Bundy '14
(Solected by tho Faculty)
Address Marlon Cross '14
Baritone Solo. ... (a) Boat Song (Ware)
' . . . . (b) Gypsy Trail (Galloway)
Art V. Wortman
Address Rolfe Halligan '06
Alumni Address
Presentation of Diplomas.. A. F. Streitz
Secretary of the Board of Education.
Clarinet Duet W. 1 Starr
Otto Westenfeld '14
Benediction Rev, q B. Harman
New Chief is Buisy
A number of improvements have re
cently been made in tne central office
of tho local telephone company which
will add greatly to thojelHciency of the
service. Improvements have been made
lotnko caro of the rapid growth of the
number of tolephonoa and also for the
benefit of thr fire department. Tho
office was enlarged some months ago
with tho idea that it was sufficiently
largo to handle the growth for the next
throo years, but it has ont grown tho
plant In Ica3 that a year
In the fire department there has been
some littlo trouble and discussion in re
gard to tho truck's leaving the garage
when a fire is reported. A spscla tele
phone will bo put in at tho homo of tho
Mro Chief, Cy Russell and some other
special wires where the firemen can got
in connection with tho offico nnd locate
the fire. TllO nW cMnf nvnanta tn l.n.r,.
an efficient and woll regulated depart
ment in tho course of a short time, nnd
many changes uro being mndo to this
Lutherans HoldMecting.
The Lutheran? held their nnnual con
gregational meeting on Wednesday
evening. All reports Bhowod this to be
tho bnnnor vetir fnr thin nUnrM, vu.
actual money paid by all tho organiza
tions lor Dunayoience for canceling the
mortgago and current expenses amoun
ted to $6,975. The receint from nil
sources wore' nhnv sr. Ron tmo .
inin-L" .1...7 r". ."" ,a
suiuu auove insc yenrs. Atfu t mum.
bers received 29 and children baptized
31. total number added to the church
roll during year GO. A' spirit of har
mony soems to prevail throughout tho
church and with a larger vision than
over before of her future great things
are to bo looked in the next few yeurs
in particular. Tho following church
officers wero elected: Mr. Albert Has
nel. oldor; Dr. 0. H. Crossler and H.
T. Tramp, deacons.
1 . T
Close Year's Work.
Tho literary department of the
Twnntieth Contllrv rfiili hlnanrl i,n !,,.!
their year's 'work Tuesday evening at
vim iiumu ui mrs. il . v. rnvne. A
peasant ovcnlng was onjoyed nnd a
nice program given. Following is the
pmgam; mograwilcal nUetch of Gene
Stanton Porter, Mrs. W. W. Cum
mincrs: book rovlow. "KYaMrina " ta
J. W. Payne; book reviow "The Girl
of tho Llmberlost." Mm r. v u.
Lain; book reviow, "The Harvester,"
Mrs. E. H. Flowers. The committees
to have charge of the next year's
work was appointed by tho now loader,
Mra. C McLain, nnd tho annual picnic
was postponed until August.
l.ulheran Clnirrd
There will be 110 service of worship
next Sqnday nt tho Lutheran church ex
cept Sunday school at 12 o'clock. The
pastor lenvea tonight for Atchison,
ICun., nt which placo ho will deliver
tho address on Sunduv evening to tho
Student Societies of Midland College,
nttond tho meeting of tho trustees of
that iiistifntinn nf wliinli hn la n.. .,.!
, ,u vtli-( ,(u
on Juno 4, mnko the opening nddress
ot tho stato Luther league convention
at South Omaha.
The Hail Season is Here ,
Let Bratt & Goodman protect your crca.
They represent Lest old line companies, lowest
rales and make quick settlement. You bow
this reliable firm.
, T,h? womtow of tlu-IL. 0. T. M. wore
dollghtfully ; entertained Wednesday
uyuuiiik 111 ine noma ot Airs. UyuusseJI
in honor of Mrs. Harry Scott, n mem
ber who is soon to move away. The
evening was pleasantly spent with
various diversions and nice refresh
ments werosorved. Mrs Scott wns pre
sented with u beautiful siivor spoon.
Mrs. Scott is to move to Sterling,
Colo., soon whore sho will mnko her
Mrs. C. W. Yost is reported to bo
quite 111 at her home in tho Fourth
ward. Sho was taken ill Saturday and
has been confined td her bed since.
Garfield Items.
L. H. Joy and wife wero Stupleton
visitors lust week.
L. 11. Claudson and family visited
nt the homo of Walter Claudson last
Thursday. ,
Mark and Jake Smith were Staploton
visitors last Wednesday.
Charlie ClomWn nnri nnti T.nflw .!
Jack Dlllion autoed to Maxwell Friday.
Pete Henry, of Stop Table, was on
vii u auuiu msi, ounuay.
x'ack Dillion expects to leavo tho
firotofnext week for Des. Moines.
A good rain foil Wfldnosday evening
and another Friday voning,
M. L. Smith and Ed Fox and family,
were North Platte visitors Saturday.
Alta Hoy and brother Vilia were
Arnold visitors Saturday.
L. n. Joy and wifo spont Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Klump.
Clark Andrew nnd family spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Phlnea Alexander.
Local and Personal.
Father Hines, of Ogalala,was visit
ing friends and transacting business
tho city Tuesday. t
I fAbner Wcssburg arrived in the city
Tuesday fromJLincoln calledhefo, by
the death of his brothon
Mies Ella Williams, of Sidney, is n
guest this week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Carroll.
Mi38 Hilda Andorson returned Tues
day evening from Columbus whore she
visited fiends for a short time.
J. B. McDonald nnd Davo Day spent
Wednesday tacking up signs in the
country for the McDonald store.
Wanted Competent girl for general
housework. Mrs. Geo. T. Field, 502
WeBt Fifth street.. tf
Engineer Paul G. Meyers was a busi
ness visitor to Sutherland Wednesday
to look after some engineering work.
Henry Sullivan was ablo to bo out
this week aftor having. "been laid up
for several days with rheumatism in
his feet.
Miss Florence Iddings, who has been
attending Bryn Mawr college for girls,
is expected home this week to spond
her summer vacation.
Drs, T. J. Kerr and Fred J. Wurtelo
were professional visitors to Brady
Tuosday evening where they performed
an operation on Mrs. Story.
County Surveyor Cochran is spendin g
this week in tne Sutherland vicinity
looking after engineering matters for
the county.
Miss Jane Cushing, who has been
teaching schopl in the vicinity of Sidney
is expected to arrive next week to
spend the summer vacation with hor
sister, Mrs. Dorr Tnrkington.
Mrs. Martha West, of Fremont, ar
rived in tho city tho first of the week
for n visit of sovernl days at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carroll.
Somo of the firemen woreTnid offthe
first of the wook on account of the
slack business. They were put back
on tho extra list for an indefinite per
iod .
Clarence Day loft tho firstof "The
woek for Cody, Wyo., whore he ex
nects tn sni'iiil thn aummnr Ua Ima
accepted a position in the Cody. 'lintel
tor this summor. jjn!2
Mra. Nola Duke of the Degree of
Honor rocoived a cheque on May 25 for
$1,000 as insurance for the death of
the late Mrs W. O. House. The
monoy came within a week after Mrs.
House's death.
MIm Ailnnn fjnntf nnrl ATJoo TTMifV.
Patterson, of the high school faculty,
chaporoned a party of tho high school
Students to Onthnnhnrtr WnHnnorlntr tn
visit tho cadnt3 in their camp.
Mrs. P. J. Wurtelo left yesterday
forEvanston, Wyo., to attend the
Memorial Day Services. Her father
was buried there. She will spend, a
month at points in western Wyoming.
C. J. Burke & Son, of Kearney, wno
aro building tho sewer laterals in the
south part of tho city, expect to com
plete lateral D this week, LateralsC
J will be stnrted as soon as thev rian
got around.
MlRS flfnnvinvn flHnnotnin Inft (.
first of tho week for Omaha for a short
visit witn inenus. Her mother wi
ioin her soon and they will go to Notro
)amo, Indiana to attend tho erndiin-
tion of Miss Louiso Ottenstcin.
Mrs. Alexander, residing in tha
country near here, was brought to the
city Wednesday to have a operation
performed on her oyo. A small rup
ture in tho tisso of tho eyeball necessi
tated tho operation which is n' delicate"
Tho board of directors of tho cham-
oar 01 commorce was to have held a
meeting Wednesday for the purposb of
organizing nnd appointing a secretary
and a treasurer, but tho meeting1 was
postponed on account of the absenco of
several members.
Evcrv careful man aril wnmnn nrmnMpe for
old age and if wise take out a policy in the
Mutual Lite ot New York. Iit HiviilemU
heln nav nremiums. Oral! & ftnmlman Flic.
trict Agents, will show you how it is done:
Millfiire Biillnrrl. Art-hup Rullnwl n?
Misses Elsa Ackorman and Virginia
Bullard went to (irnnrl Talnml T. mo-
day whoro they attended the
music fostlyal given Tuesday evening
by the Grand Island collego clioius and
tho Minneapolis Symphony orchestra.
A rmrtv nf North PlnJto t.n ...
wnrii viaftlnn In thi W.illni. .:n7ti..
this week report tho wheat looking ilie
best thoy hnve ever seen for this time
of tho vear. Tho farmers in that vicin
ity have a good stand of wheat and it
is is now between eight inches and a
foot in height. Let tho bumpor crops
uump an iney win.
Word was received here this woek
from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis,
former residents of this citv now Inci
ted at Madison, la., announcing that'
Mrs. uavis was confined In a hospital
with injuries received in nn automobile
accident. A car In which Mr. and Mrs.
Davis ware riillni' wna ntrnhtr n, train
and Mrs. Davis was seriously, injured,
but it is thought that sho will recover.
Mr. Davis escaped withbut few injuries.
The car wns completely demolished.
The followingjStoreswill
be closed alii day May 30,
The Club Nevita was entertained
Wednesday afternoon by Mesdames
Yost and Huxoll. Tho tim. was very
pleasantly spent by the goodly number
present in kensington and contests. In
the contests Mrs. Chas. Lierk and Mrs.
Snyder won the prizes Mesdames H.
A. Brooks and J. W. Tucker were
guest members. At the close
or tho afternoon refreshments
wero served. Mrs. Batie, n former
member now living at Staploton, at
tended, sho being in the city visiting
relatives. Tho ladies wore glad to have
Mrs. Batio with them once more afttr
severe 1 months' absence and plans are
being made to spend the da. at Ur
home in Stnpleton in the near future,
the trip tobemndein automobiles. X
Tho dray team belonging to Albert
Able ran away Tuesday afternoon on
Last Front street and came near caus
ing a bad accident. At the corner of
I rontand Dewnv striata ti.n,r ctHAt n
ricr of Mr. T-fova hiiMnnb;t.. ..
damage was done. The shaft on the
iignter rig wan splintered up but neither
wniii vvub nurt. k
E. B. PerrigO, of Omaha, one of the
promoters of tho North Platte electric
Utrllt COmnnnv. in fhu .'.. .. ....
terdav tn nnonrl n ahnrt- timn !,.... li
ing after some business in connection
vmn tne piant.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 'Miller. Mrs."
i' red Kruser and Miss Anna McLain
motored to Gothenburg Wednesday to
visit at tho cadet encampment.
Christian Science servics Sunday 11
a. m. Sunday school 12 m. K. P. hall
Dewey street.
Mutual Building & Loan Association.
Assets May 1st. 1914, S613.998.75.
1 O Sllnnlv tnp rfomnrwl (nr onn..J
Joans this association will issue a
Hmitcd amount of its paid up stock.
This stock nnvx !? mr cont ;nn.n.t
Interest paid semi-annually. No better
or safer investment can be found for
die money.
mi mm
" ." "CaS: III! lIKJiiiiiiiHfa I1H1
it ,1
Water fa
Cold V. u envith
out putting Ice in
it. .
Dont Get Roped in by Catalog Houses
It isn't a pleasant sensation to send your good money away
for a car of Lumber, and then find the stuff not as good as you ex
pected to get.
Yet scores and scores of farmers are gettiuy ,oped in" that
way every day.
The bait of "cheap prices" seems to wrap there business judg
ment, and away goes their money to buy-stuff sight unseen.
You sober commhn sense should tell you that the cost of doing
business with million of expensive catalogs, and thousands of clerks
.make it impossible for catalog houses to sell you as good lumber
for the same money as your local dealer can, and that they resort
to lowering the grade in order to make the price appear cheaper
When you can buy your Lumber and Building Material here as
cheap a-! away from home, why should'tyou be loyal to your home
community and its interests, which are also yours? Think it over
and, remember, we can meet or beat any catalog house price on
the, same grades.
North Platte, Nebraska.
w a . i
Dr. G. H. Mathews has moved his
office from the north side barn to the
Palace hvory on Front street in charge
of Georgo Wickhan. Calls answered
dayornignt, phone Bk 482 or -Barn
No. 25. '29-8
Bob ami Cat
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Roaldonco Red C36 Offico 45D
Cream SariamtnrA nr TTaralinu'
corner of 5th and Locust streets.
Thisjnan Darling, who is he?
m In the next few days you are going to hear a good deal about Nels-Darling. We are
going to tell you right now who he is. - b
He lectures here at our Chautauqua, on the fourth day.
:IIe is the business man's lecturer wlm fnll-c nn lnflr ctnrn i,f., i...: i
"r,; i x i .. .:. w """" oivu.-j, "linA uusiuuss), qener
w "" towns, jjeuer commtmmes. - i -
INGMBOTJT11 dWn and tdki5 inPlainevery-day terms and KNOWS WHAT HE IS TALK-
? can tel1 a business man how to straighten out many of the kinks in his business
and tell a commercial club or any organization of business men how to put their town on
the map and make it stick there. x , ..
He is a specialist on city and community development. It"s his business. He, talks
it the year around and is consulted by business men everywhere he goes. v -
His knowledge of these things has made him valuable as a Chautauqua Tbe
cause a Chautauqua has a bigger job than just to furnish a town a few days of amusement.
Darling has been over two big Redpnth Chatauqua circuits, making towns as larce
as Cedar Rapids Iowa, Kansas City, Cheyenne, Wy.o7 and many, many cities as large
as there through his Lyceum season, and what does he do? Get business men to-gether Ibr
an hour s talk on city and community problems. Darling has no set lecture. He analyzes
conditions m every place Reports his findings and draws expert conclusions. Many a city
has paid Darling a $250 lee for an hour's observation and analysis. - Y
- t He lectured at the Chautaqua at Longmont,' Colo., last summer and a few days later
received an invitation to address the Colorado State Lumbermen's Assoccialion, at a hand
somo lee. His Lyceum booking prevented his going back. At Mount Pleasant, Texas, he
was heard by the secretary of the commercial club of a near by city and 'offered a $900 fee
to make an addfess the next day in this near-by town, but his Chautauqua plans prevented
The Colorado Hardware Dealers Association held their annual meeting last March in
.ZT' 1 "dleatone, in a speech to the convention, advised the dealers inter
ested m belter merchandising and better citizenship to get Darling to lecture in their town
DARLING IS GOING TO BE HERE THIS SUMMER. He will make one address at
ZSZSIl IIe is a b -3y - Ev man a-d f.
The small city and town has a big fight on to hold ground against the rapid growth' of
ho larger cities. Darling is showing hundreds of smaller citie? and towns how to hok ..
incir crouncl m
It is one of the big purpose numbers of the Chautauqua
Get everybody out to hear Darling-FOURTH DAY.
thnt i1! nU hT sonle!hi,I1S everr ,nan wU lc home with him-a buricli of nq ideas
that need be applied right here to make this city and community what it ought to be,
Fourth Day-
V t.