THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA. v7 1 ' rjr KT'Ri 'j. tt Tit""- " , 1' ' 's ijti'y- Sfc '"'. ' :j? s. . '..; f it?' ' , " '"'it t"igf3"Y. -,?. iW !-' - - L4" ' . . "V Jbfcr r WESTERN CANADA'S - PROSPECTS FOR 1914 Excellent Spring for Work and Wheat Seeding About Finished. Tho writer has Just returned from an extensive trip through tho Prov inces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, In WeBtcru Canada. Tho crop conditions nro tho. very best, and no ono locality sooma to have an advan tage over another In this respect. Tho uniformity In growth Is remarkable, and In all partB of the thrco provinces Bprlng wheat at the tlmo of writing, May 10th, ls well abovo tho ground from two to thrco Inches. Consider able fall plowing was dono last year, and this, with tho summer fallow, 18 already Beeded, so that practically wheat seeding Is over by this date. Everywhere tho farmers are busy and tho wholo country presents ono" great scono of activity tlirco-horse, four horso and flvo-horso teams aro busy preparing land for barley, oats and flax. On some of tho larger farms batteries of steam and gasoline qut Hb are at work, but In a great many districts whoro those havo boon oper ated In tho past they aro being dis placed by horses, owing no doubt par tially 'to tho difficulty of securing ex perienced men to opernto them. Any way, there Is being put Into agricul ture In Western Canada, greater ef fort with more promise than for some years past. Tho soil Ib In tho best possible condition: moisture has been BUfllcIent, there havo been no winds to dry out tho soil, and if the farmers havo had to lay up for a day or so now and again, it was merely that tho ground might havo tho advantago of the rain and an occasional snow, which promlso so much for the grow ing crop. With some warm weather tho grain will como along in a man ner that will equal tho best years Western Canada has ever had. It must not bo thought from this that tho farmers aro full bent on so curing a grain crop alone. Ip nearly every district there Is more and more tho indication and inclination to go Into mixed farming. Herds of cattle now dot the plains that up to the present had been fully given up to grain growing, hogs and sheep are In evidence. Now buildings aro to be seen on a great many places, these being pig houses and cow stables, al though protection of cattle Is not regu larly required, excepting for calves and such cowss It may bo necessary to house from time to time. Tho. growing of alfalfa and other fodder grasses is an Industry that Is being rapidly developed. . During this spring a, splendid class of now settlers have gone In, many of them from tho eastern states. These havo seen what "success the western and central Btates man haB achieved In Westorn Canada, and are now go ing in In hundreds. The movement .from Montana, Oregon and Washing ton to. Cnnada continues without any abatement as to numbers and value ot effects, whllo tho central and eastern r w a mm. jm & M mJt JMr kKt JB Reliable evidence is abundant that women i V it are constantly being restored tohealth by "Lydia Ef Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The many testimonial letters that we are continually pub lishing in the newspapers hundreds of them are all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering tha.t has come to these women solely through the 'use of Lydia.E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. . Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations ; you may depend upon it that any testimonial we publish, is honest and true if you have any doubt of this write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and learn, for yourself. ' Read this one from Mrs. Waters: Oamden, KJ. "I was sick for two years with nervous spells, and my kidneys wero affected. I had a doctor all the time and used a galvanic battery, but nothing did mo any good. I was not able to go to bed, but spent my time on a couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his health, and my husband heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and got me some. In two months I got rcliof and now I am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend your medicine to every one nnd so does my husband." Mrs. Tixlih Wat-bus, 1135 Knight Bt., Camden, N.J. And thisone from Mrs. Haddock: Utioa, Oki.a. "Iwas weak and nervous, not ablo to do my"work and scarcely ablo tfc bo on my feet. Thad backache, headache, palpi tation of the heart, trouble with my bowels, and inflammation. Sinco taking tho Tydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound I am better than I have been for twenty years. I think it is a wonderful medi cine and I havo recommended it to others." Mrs. Maky Ann Had dock, Utica, Oiclahoma. Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others why should it fail in your case? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been tho standard remedy for fe male Ills. No ono sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she docs not try this fa mous medicine mado from roots and herbs, it has restored so many sufforlnprwoinontohonlth. HHKBWrlto to LYDIA E. PI NX II AM MEDICINE CO. F (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for udvico. Your letter will be opened, read and answered 3y a woman and held in strict confidence. states aro still sending an excellent class of formers with means sufllcicut to begin farming on a scale that will pay from tho start. Those who contemplate visiting tho Panama Exposition next year will find that one of tho most Interesting trips they can make will bo via tho Cana dlau West. There will be threo linen ot railway they can use tho Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Paclflu, all of which will havo through to coast lines completed. Thus will bo given a view of prairie, wood land and mountain scenery unexcelled In America. Advertisement Their Uae. Tourist (looking at tho famous cas cade) Whntoyor becomes of nil thoso sheets of water? Facetious Guide They go Into tho bed of tho river. Milken the laundrcs hnppy that's Red Cross Hall Blue. Makes beautiful, clear white clothes. All good grocers. Adv. There 1b nothing so uncertain as a sure thing. In Bohemia last year 353,543 acres of sugar beets wero grown. A Cheery Disposition is something entirely foreign to tho person with poof digestion, liver troubles or con stipated bowels but, there is no need to remain in such a con dition, for HBSTETTER'S STOMAGH BITTERS has been found very beneficial in helping sickly folks back to health and happiness. Get a bottle today. RESIDENT MANAGER WANTED To handle specialties for Ford Ctrs. Good margin of profit for the right man. Owner of Ford car preferred. Write today for full information, to AMERICAN DISTRIBUTING CO., Jackson, Mich., 112 E. Washington St. DAISY FLY KILLER tff,- "rJffiV la Mas. Kent, clean, or. nanienui.conrenlont. cheap. Lasts all iitioit, Made of metal, can'ttplllortlp oierj will not soil 01 Injur anything, (luaranteed eCTcctlr. All dealer's ore tent eipress paid for 11,00. HAROLD SOUEBS, 160 DtCalb At., IresMrs. H. T. wm&n Mm PROPAGATE CURRANTS T ft ' The Engllah Gooseberry Borer Is a Thing to Look Out For Spraying In the Best Preventive. Thcro nra many ways to propagate tho gooseberry and currant, says Rural Now Yorker. If now varlctlos aro wanted seeds aro used, which nro washed from the ripo fruit and plant ed In the fall, or stratified until ground ia fit for planting in spring. If one deslroB to propagate a certain variety it may be done by separation, layering or cuttings. Many times theso fruits will send up suckers, which if separ ated from tho plant with bo mo roots attached, make good plants. Layer ing Is a very easy moans of propagat ing. Cuttings aro also easy to start, and though a largo percentage may fail If carelessly handled, it will bo tho quickest way to increaso the plants, Tho drawing shows a onc-year-old shoot of gooseberry nt A. This lo the proper age to use for cuttings and layering, although tho two-year-old shoot at 13 may bo layered, but would not be .apt to glvo as good a plant as Propagating the Gooseberry. , tho one-year shoot A. Tho three-year-old shoot at C Is not deslrablo for either fruiting or propagation, and should be removed to glvo tho youngor wood a better chance. D shows a one-year-old shoot bent down nnd covered with earth. The tip is loft uncovered, and usually a cut Is mado on tho un der sido at tho bend, as shown at F. This hastens root formation. Tho cut should not bo mndo too deep. A small forked Btick, as Bhown nt O, is handy to hold In place tho shoots that aro too stiff to bo hold down by the soU placed, over It. Tho layers, should bo laid down In the full or spring, and left In placo till tho following fall, when they may bo removed to permanent quarters. Cuttings should bo taken from the one-year shoots such as A. Wood for cuttings should bo cut, with knife or shears, aa broken ends seldom heal as well. Tho cuttings Bhould havo from eight to twelve eyes or buds, and aro best taken in the tall, tied in bundles and burled with butts up till spring. Tho cuttings should bo entirely cov ered, and in a well-drained place. The object In Inverting tho cuttings is to give' tho butts a chance to calous with out starting growth In tho tops. In tho spring tho cuttings must bo dug up as soon as tho ground will permit, and aro then ready to plant In rows about two or threo Inches apart in tho row. Only two or three of tho upper buds are exposed. The cuttings should be given clean culture. The plants ' " rn . CHIEF ERRORS IN STRAWBERRY PLANTING Methods of Planting Strawberries. Thero are several methods of plant ing strawberries i.i general use, which may bo modllied to Buit tho planter. Tho method in common use, is tho matted row systsm. In tho spring, when land Is In good condition to work, harrow, smooth and mark out rows four feet apart and ns long as possible. Then set tho plants at 18 or 20 Inch Intervals In the rows, cultivate often enough to Ueop weeds out and tho soil loose until September, whAii. If Mm nlants ar vigorous grow AND GOOSEBERRIES should bo removed to the permanent quarters tho following fall. It It Is hot convenient to take the cuttings In the fall, thoy may bo taken in tho spring and planted In tho rows the same as tho tronchod cuttings wore Tho age ot tho parent plant will make Uttlo or no dlttoronco to tho cuttings, provided thoae aro strong ono-year-old shoots. Groat cmphusla should bo given to tho fact that cut tings should bo taken from tho host plants. If tho plant is w;eak, If poor In Its habit of growth or subject to disease more than tho others, It should bo discarded so far as propaga tion goes. SPRAYING POTATOES TO AVOID BLIGHTS Increased Yield Is Sufficient to Pay for Operation Grower Is Winner Either Way. Tho results of 20 years' work with potatoes at tho Vermont station shows that spraying with bordeaux mixture even In years llko 1910, when no blight occurs, increases the yield of tho plants to which it Is applied. This increased yield Is always sufllclent to pay for tho cost of spraying opera tions. Spraying is to ho regarded as an insurance that pays for itself. If tho blights aro prevalent, the po tatoes, if thoroughly sprayed, aro in surod against los3 therefrom; it the season is a dry ono and no disease oc curs, still the crop will bo enough larger to pay for all tho cost of spraying. Tho careful potato sprayer wins .either way, no matter what tho weather or disease conditions. Buttermilk for Calves. Experiments have shown that calves fed on buttermilk make as good gains and aro loss subject to scours than thoso fed on skim milk. The condition of tho buttermilk should bo tho aamo at all times, Just tho same as skim milk. It should not be too old, lumpy or bitter. Buttermilk has prnctlcally tho same composition as skim milk, and should bo fed In tho samo quanti ties and manner. It should not, how ever, be fed to tho calf before it is at least three weeks old, and tho chango from sweet milk to buttermilk should be Very gradual, taking at least threo weeks. - Returns Plant Food. Only a comparative small proportion of the mtllfced Is actually utilized by tho cow. Practically all of Its plant food may bo returned to tho soil if it is properly conserved. Herein rests a very important factor in the operation of the dairy. Mulch for Racpberrles. "A mulch of manure on tho raspberry patch Is good for next season's crop, but It should not be so heavy near the plants as to furnish a harbor for Held mice, beueath which thoy can dig down and cat tho roots. ers, tho runners should be about six Inches apart. tany people fall to get strawberry plants to grow after being sot. Prob ably tho chlof mistakes aro shown to tho right and tho left In this drawing. Th plant at tho right Is sot too deep ly; that at tho left too high or shallow. Tho correct method Is nhown In tho center Tho crown of tho plant should be-level with the surface of the ground to glvo tho plant proper chance for development Law Condoned Negligence. In Kclsoy vs. Robuczlnl, in tlto su premo court of crroni of Connecticut, It appeared that dofendant, after no tice that a division who fence between his lot nnd n lo( whoro plaintiff pas tured his cattle wns broken, took no stops to repair it nnd tho following day plaintiff's heifers passed through tho broken fenco und reached n lot lying south of both of such lots and thcro cropped grass which had boon poisoned In tho mixing of a spray for potato vines, in consequenco ot which part of them died. Defendant did not know that tho potatoes had been sprayed, or that any poUon had boon Bplllcd on tho grass nnd could not havo anticipated that somo person might havo scattered poison Ubout the grass thoro: it was held, assuming de fendant's nogMlgonce, thnt it was not tho proximate cause of injury. Her Only Chance. "I understand thnt Miss Antique Is engaged." "Hypnotism?" The girl who accepts her first suitor misses a whole lot of valuable experi enced BHUBTOW ALC01I6L-3 PER CENT AVegclable Preparation for As simitnting IhcFooilaiulRcgtila ling lit? Stomachs and Bowls of Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful' nessandRcst.Conlains neither Opium.Morpfiinc nor Mineral Not Narcotic: Vyjo, trota DrSAHvamttm AMtlltSitts JniiiSttJ hwtrmi'iU ' fiitmimaUStitn htm Sr ill Ctirfmlfitf IHntrjnrH ft,x'tr AnrrfcclRemedv forConsllwi lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms (Convulsions ,Fe vensh ncss and Loss or Sleep Facsimile Signature of The CfbNTAim Company, NEW YORK. msssmmsmSi 'Guaranteed under lho Foodant Exact Copy of Wrapper. For imHHinppumimi DISTEMPER RnracarAandT or"expoMd," J.i Kickers. "It is said thnt an ncro ot good fish ing ground will produce mora food in a week than nn ncro ot land will pro duce In 12 months," said tho Now Yorker. "And yot," replied tho Long Island Innd operator, "men will kick when thoy find tho lots they've bought cov ered with water." Now Modern Daut'lnpr Tho leading Uxpert and Instructor In New Turk Cltr. wrltu "jienr Bin I havo nted Ai.t.n.s'a FhoT-Hasb, tho nntlscptlo powder to bo shaken into ttio shoes, frirtno past ton jrars, HTsn blcstlnsto all who aro compelled tn bo on their feet. I dunco right or leu hours dsllr, and tlnd that Allk.s'm I'CMiT-W.trj Iceops raj feet cool, tskes tho friction from tha shoe, prcrents corns and Bore, Aching fcoL I recommend it to all ray pupils." (Signed! K. FLHTOIIim UAM.AMOUK. BauipieFiiEB. AddloM AllcnH.01uisted,LoKor,N.Y. Their Share "I boo where fashionables had a horso-back tea In Washington. I won der'lf tho horses got any of It?" "Oh, I guess euch horso thero had a bit." Anybody can dye successfully with Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Adv. Madagascar has 2,.S0,000 acres of land under cultivation. Alfalfa sri-d IS.U. I'armi for sale on crop par l.-icuts. J. Uulball, Sou Cltr, to Adr. A man may marry for monoy and woman for alimony. VPIOsfPIiES BOILS CARBUNCLES H Aro "Danger Signals" tho human system's mothod of giving warn ing that the blood has bocomo impoverished and circulation poor. In this condition tho human body is almost powerless to resist the mora serious illness. Don't delay. You need v DR. PIERCE'S Golden Medieal Discovery It nets to work immediately at tho eoat of your troublo tho Stomach, It lenila a helping hand. Helpa to digest tho food. Tones up the stomach. Boon brings back normal conditions I?ood is properly assimilated and turned Into rich, red blood. Every organ ia strengthened and every tlsauo re-vitalized. Mado from roots taken from our great American forests. Try this remedy now. 8old by Medicine Dealers In limiid or tablet form or Bend 60c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, HulTalo, N. Y., for trial box. Yon can have the complete "Medical Adviser" ot 1008 psKes-cloln bouncj-f ree Uy sending Dr. iter ce Sic for wrapping and ta&uug. Are Your Kidneys Weak ? You ma ham Itldnoy trouble bad not know it. The only signs may bo occa sional twinges in the small ot the back, conslnnt lamenets, ditty spells or soma nnnoyinglrregulnrtlyofthekidaey action. But no sign of kMooy trouble caa be safely ignored. Kidney disease moves rapidly. It leads to dtopsy, gravel, Dright's disease, rheumatism. If you suspect that your kidneys are slnegish, use Doan's Kidney Pills, which have" relieved thousands. A Nebraska Case Mrs. Harriet Stump. Mct-nno and Fourth SU., FnlU Cltr, Nb.. itiyiti "For year I lufttred terribly from weak kidney and a llmo went by, I sot vorc. The pains In my bade and aide were awful. My limbs swelled and my Joints wero sore. Three boxea of Doan" Kianey Pills cured me. That hap pened five years ae;o and tho troubl has never returned." Get Do.n'a at Any 3iora. BOe a Box DOAN'SWlW FOSTER-MILBURN CO, PUFFALO, N. Y. For Infanta and Childron. The Kind You Have Always Bought Over Thirty Years TH 6tTU OMPNT. HIM YORK OITV Pink Eye, Epizootic Shipping Fever & Catarrhal Fever 'x flflSTIlBlfl Bears the m Signature i& W Use J For mdpoilUTa matter how horses at snrsao sro Infected I.l'iuld. Riven on tbo tonirnei notion the Ulood and tlUuiii eipeli tns ms from tli body. Cures Uletcmper In Vox andMieepsiul Cholera In l'oultry. Crcetrellln(rlletoekreinrl. Cures 1a Urlppe aiuonw hnman beliw, ..... .-1 m. l' ....... Mil. ml ft! a Iwiltl. f& and fla A i nf.n. Cllttnliout Keen It. Mmw to)ourlnicnt. wboyrlll petltiorjou. Free Kooklut, 'lMtempor Cauinr.nii Cures' fipeclal Agents wantod. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Dc0WaoroBT0?a GOSHEN, IHM. S. A. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nino times In ten when the liver la rinht the otomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gen Uy but firmly com pel a lazy liver do its dutv. Cures Con stipation, In digestion, Sick Headache,' nnd Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK. Genuine must bear Signature , DEFIANCE STARCH is, constantly growing in favor because it Does Not Stick to the Iron and it will not injure thofinest fabric For laundry purposes it has no equal. 16 or. package 10c. 1.3 more starch for same money. DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha, Nebraska PARKER'6 HAIR BALSAM A tolltt preparation of merit. Jlelp to rradlrale dandruff. ? If ilnnni Pnln ! Beaut y to Cray or Faded Hair, trUU. SUU fkVUUv ITUinilslVtBa RELIEVES SORE EYES 1 ACHES CHIILS PAINS I flBL to Bf01 rMtvrenc SBPSSSSSSSSSLBBSSSSST USSSST 111 K iZ. AftssBssT BIVfcK jJPjyMIV HIlsWk. W JMaV I , cZ mEbJsii K&V&i'bsW iMfiz33 t 4b